Roy Cresencio R. Linao JR., RN, MN
Roy Cresencio R. Linao JR., RN, MN
Roy Cresencio R. Linao JR., RN, MN
(COPAR) • People especially the most oppressed, exploited and deprived sectors are open to change, have
the capacity to change and are able to bring about the change
Approaches to Community Development • COPAR should be based on the interests of the poorest sectors of society
• Welfare approach • COPAR should lead to a SELF RELIANT community and society.
• Modernization approach
• Transformatory/Participatory approach Critical Steps:
1. Integration
• Social development approach that aims to transform the apathetic, individualistic, and voiceless 2. Social Investigation
poor into dynamic, participatory and political responsive community. 3.
• Collective, participatory, transformative, liberative, sustained and systematic process of building
people’s organization by mobilizing and enhancing the capabilities and resources of the people for Phases/COPAR process
the resolution of their issues of concerns towards effecting change in their existing oppressive and • Pre entry
exploitative conditions (1994 National Rural Conference) • Entry
• Research phase (Community Diagnosis)
Importance of COPAR: • Organizational Building
• Prepares people to eventually take over the management of a development program in the • Community action Phase
future. • Sustenance and Strengthening
• Maximizes community participation and involvement: community resources are mobilized for
health development services. Pre-entry
• Initial phase of organizing process where the community organizer (CO) looks for
Methods: communities to serve/help
• Action-Reflection-Action Sessions (ARAS)
• The simplest phase in terms of actual output, activities and strategies and time spent
• Consciousness raising through experiential learning Activities
• Consensus building • Designing a plan for community development
• Mass – Based Leadership • Designing criteria for selection of site
• Actual selection of site for community care
• Preliminary social investigation (PSI) networking with local government units (LGU’s), Non-
Criteria in Initial Site Selection: government Organizations (NGO’s) and Health resources Development Programs (HRDP)
P – Poor
D – Depressed Pre- entry phase (Community Level)
O – Oppressed • Conduct Preliminary Social Investigation or PSI
M – Marginalized • Do initial networking/consultation
E - Exploited • General secondary data
• Make long/short list of potential communities
Importance of COPAR • Conduct ocular survey of shortlisted community
• Important tool for community development and people empowerment • Interview barangay officials
• It prepares people to eventually take over the management of a development program in the • Identify project site/alternative
future • Coordinate with LGU’s for assistance
• It maximizes community participation and involvement • Develop community profile from secondary data
• Develop survey tools
Processes/Methods Used • Orient/train students/staff on baseline data
• A progressive cycle of Action Reflection Action Session (ARAS) • Pay courtesy call to community leaders
• Consciousness-Raising. • Conduct community assembly
• PARTICIPATORY AND MASS-BASED • Conduct baseline survey
• Group-centered and not leader-oriented • Identify/develop materials for information dissemination
• Conduct staff planning/strategizing for entry phase
• Implement/monitor/evaluate health projects
Entry phase
• Social preparation phase Sustenance and Strengthening Phase
– Integration • Occurs when the community organization has already been established and the community
– Sensitization members are already actively participating in community-wide undertakings
– Motivating • Set-up committees
– Mobilizing Activities
• Core group (CG) formation
• Development of criteria for selection of core group members
• Formulation and ratification of constitution and by laws
• Identification, development of secondary leaders
• Define roles/tasks/functions of CG • Set up financing scheme for community health programs
• Deliver essential basic health services • Formalize and institutionalize linkages, networks, referral systems
• Continuing social investigation • Continuing education of community leaders, CHW’s and residents (household level)
• Conduct a team building Activities • Development of medium/long term health and development plans
• Present baseline survey results to the community
Comprehensive Community Diagnosis
• Demographic variables
• Identify the data needed • Socio-economic and cultural variables
• Identify the sources of the information • Health and Illness Patterns
• Identify the research that are appropriate • Health resources
• Formulate the research tool • Political/leadership patterns
• Pre-test the tool
ic o
• Collect data Problem-Oriented Community Diagnosis
• Tabulate the data • A type of assessment that responds to a particular needs
• Analyze/Interpret the primary data
• Prioritize the problems Community Diagnosis: The process
• Recommends programs based on the problems identified
• Collecting
• Prepare for the research validation • Organizing
Organization-building phase
• Election of officers, delineation of roles, functions, tasks
• Develop management procedures and system
• Working out legal requirements for establishment of organization.
• Synthesizing
• Analyzing
• Interpreting health data
e es
Steps in Conducting Community Diagnosis
• Determining the objectives
Community Action Phase
• Defining the study population
• Organization and training of community health workers (CHW’s) • Determining the data to be collected
– Development of criteria for selection of CHW • Collecting the data
– Selection and training
• Develop the instrument
• Setting up linkages/network referral system • Actual data gathering
• Community development projects • Data collation
• Initial identification and implementation of resources schemes • Data analysis/interpretation/recommendation
• Consolidate community diagnosis and PAR results • Data presentation
• Formulate community health plan • Identifying the community health nursing problems
• Link with LGU’s for financing and technical assistance
• Priority setting
f. Story telling
Categories of community nursing problems g. Picture analysis
• Health status problems h. Song analysis
• Health resources problems i. Poetry
j. Case analysis
• Health-related problems
k. Panel discussions
Criteria for Priority Setting l. Open forum
• Nature of the problem presented m. Sharing sessions
• Magnitude of the problem n. Collage making
• Modifiability of the problem o. Photo language
• Preventive potential p. Puppet shows
in a • Social concern
q. Herb hunting
r. Exposure / Field trip
s. Workshops
t. Simulation
u. Structured Learning Experience
Criteria for choosing training methods
Presentation of the Data
Chapter I - Introduction IV. Inductive and Deductive methods learning experience
Ø Background of the study V. Steps in Facilitation
Ø Purpose of the study VI. Communication
Ø Spot map a. Definition
Ø Significance of the study b. Importance of communication and training
Ø Scope and Delimitation c. Barriers to Communication
Chapter II – Methodology VII. Designing effective training programs
Ø Data Collection procedure Steps in making a training session plan:
Ø Sampling design 1. Conduct needs analysis.
Ø Research design 2. Determine training requirement.
Chapter III – Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 3. Determine objectives and standard.
– Line or curve graphs 4. Develop course content.
– Bar graphs 5. Selection of instructional methods and media.
– Area diagrams/Pie graphs 6. Perform test run.
Chapter IV – Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation 7. Conduct program plan.
Ø Bibliography 8. Evaluate program.
Ø Appendices 9. Revise program.
Basic Training of Student Trainors Outline for Trainors’ Training Program
I. Concept of Training and Learning I. Identify the vision of the community
Ø Definition of Terms II. Presentation of the National and Local Health Situation
Ø Major components of training III. Concept of health and illness
Ø Schools of thought and learning IV. Problems identification
II. Training Methodologies and Techniques V. PAR
a. Lecture VI. Community assembly
b. Evocative discussions VII. Documentation
c. Role plays
d. Games Self Awareness and Leadership Training (SALT)
• Set Objectives
Session I. Concept of man Project Management Training Program
A. Activity: Human name • Set objectives
B. Input: Concept of man Session I. Management
• Topic: Vision-Mission
• Activity: Workshop on Vision-Mission
• Topic: Leadership
• Activity: Build a tower
• Input: Define leadership, characteristics of the leader, kinds of the leader
• Evaluation: Role play Advanced Health Skills Training
• ARAS • Set objectives
Session I. Physical assessment
Basic Health Skills Training Session II. First Aid
• Session I Session III. First Aid measure
A. Set objectives Session IV. High risks mothers and infants
B. Leveling of expectation Session V. Common abnormalities
C. Activity: Games of Why
D. Input: Local/national situation
E. Processing
F. Input: Primary health care
G. Input: Concept of Health and Illness
H. Evaluation
• Session II
A. Input: Factors Affecting Health and Illness
B. Input: Anatomy and Physiology
• Session III
A. Input: Vital signs
B. Activity: Demonstrate and Return Demonstration
• Session IV
A. Input: Physical Assessment
B. Activity: Demonstrate and Return Demonstration
• Session V
A. Input: Common diseases occurring in the community
B. Activity: Return Demonstration
• Session VI
A. Input: Maternal and Child Care