Eoippra2412 PDF
Eoippra2412 PDF
Eoippra2412 PDF
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Updated on 20'h December, 2019
As a Part of
Shortlisting of Software Development Firms
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To accomplish these tasks with true letter and spirit, it is essential to maintain the
data of the whole procurement cycles of all the procuring agencies.
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1. In order to be eligible, the firm(s) should be registered or incorporated as per
the law of the land where it originates, and submit the valid Registration or
Incorporation Certificate, Income Tax Clearance/Submission Certificate.
3. In case of Joint Venture, the lead partner shall be the Software Development
Firms, whereas other partner(s) should be Software Development firm or
Information Technology Firms or Software Implementation Firms. Any other
composition or constitution shall not be entertained; and each partner firm
shall submit the eligibility documents mentioned in Section 1.81.
4. In case of a Joint Venture, all the partner firms shall submit Joint Venture
Agreement between the JV partners duly signed by authorized signatories &
stamped with company seal of each member of JV & clearly mentioning name
of the lead firm, name of JV partners, role and responsibility of each JV
partner, share percentage of each members, and names and signatures of the
authorized signatories. A power of attorney of authorized signatories in the JV
from their respective firms with signature and seal of each member in the JV is
also required.
5. Firms are not allowed to enter into more than one joint venture for the job. The
total number of firms including the lead firm shall not exceed a maximum of
three in a joint venture.
6. The minimum share percentage of the lead firm should be at least 40% and
that of each of the other JV partners should be at least 20%.
7. If the firm or any member of the joint venture fails to submit the above
documents or does not meet any of the above mentioned eligibility criteria, the
firm or JV, as the case may be shall be considered as ineligible and will NOT
be considered for further evaluation.
A prospective applicant firm requiring any clarification on this EOI document may
seek clarification by contacting the Authority during working hours on all working
days prior to three days of the deadline for submission of the completed EOI
document at the address mentioned below:
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Engineer Muhammad Zubair
Project Manager/Director General (M&E)
Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (www.ppra.org.pk)
1st Floor, FBC Building, Sector G-5/2, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel:-+92-51-9202254; Email: [email protected]
At any time prior to the deadline for the submission of the EOI document but not
later than 3rd of January, 2020, the Authority may amend the EOI clauses, for any
reason, whether on its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by
an applicant. Any of such amendments shall be notified on the website of the
Authority, and to all those applicants who had filed/submitted an application
before such date through e-mail mentioned on the outside of the envelope
containing such application. All such applicants shall be required to acknowledge
the receipt of any amendment within three business days of such receipt, and
consequently shall be allowed to submit the revised application; otherwise, the
Authority shall assume that the information contained in the amendment has
already been taken into account by the applicant in its already filed application. All
other prospective applicants (who still haven’t filed/submitted EOI application till
the time of notification of amendment), or if their application is still on the way
(through courier service), shall make necessary changes in their applications if
In all these cases, only the amended/revised applications shall be opened on last
day of submission, and the initial applications shall be returned unopened.
Applicant firm shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission
of the EOI document. The Authority will, in no case, be responsible or liable for
these costs, or have any other liability to any Applicant, regardless of the conduct
or outcome of the EOI process. The Authority shall have no obligation to any
Applicant to reimburse any costs incurred in preparing a response to this EOI.
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The Applicant shall seal the original completed EOI in an envelope and marked
as "Expression of Interest”. The envelope shall clearly mention the title of Job,
and indicate the name and complete address (including e-mail) of the Applicant
firm. The envelope shall be addressed to:
1. The completed EOI document must be submitted to the Authority through courier
at the address specified in section 1.5.1 before 12:00 Hours, Pakistan Standard
Time (GMT +5) on 17th of January, 2020 (Friday).
2. The completed EOI documents received by the Authority after the deadline shall
be considered late and shall be summarily rejected.
3. If the deadline specified herein falls on a government holiday, the deadline shall
be extended automatically to the next working day at the same hours.
An Applicant shall not be permitted to withdraw the EOI Application after the EOI
submission deadline. In case of shortlisting, the applicant shall be bound to
submit the proposals in response to the RFP; and in case of failure, the Authority
may debar the applicant (firms) for a period of not more than two (02) years for
participating in any tender by itself and the procuring agencies in its jurisdiction.
The completed EOI documents received by the due date and within the time
specified in section 1.6.2, shall be opened at 15:00 Hours on the same day, in the
presence of the applicants or their authorized representatives who so ever wish to
attend the opening event. Absence of the applicants or their authorized
representative(s), however, shall not obstruct or prevent the opening of the EOI in
any way. Applicants’ each designated representative must bring a letter from the
applicant stating that he/she is authorized to represent the applicant for the public
opening of the EOI document. Applicants or their authorized representatives who
are present at the time of opening shall sign in a register evidencing their
During the opening, an authorized representative of the Authority shall read out
the names of the applicants who have submitted the completed EOI document
and then will open the submitted EOI envelopes.
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The Authority shall shortlist the Applicant Firms based on the eligibility
parameters and evaluation criteria prescribed herein after. Anything not
mentioned in this document regarding the EOI process shall be governed by the
prevailing Public Procurement Rules and Regulations issued by the Authority.
At the first stage screening of the application shall be made in accordance with
eligibility parameters, and then evaluation of the applications shall be made in
accordance with the Evaluation Criteria.
A. Eligibility Requirements:
a) In case of Joint Venture, each member of the JV shall submit the above
eligibility documents.
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b) The total number of firms including the lead firms shall not exceed a maximum
of three in a joint venture.
c) The same firm is not allowed to enter into more than one Joint Ventures.
d) In addition, in case of Joint Venture, following documents shall be provided:
i. Joint Venture Agreement of the partner firms duly signed by authorized
signatories & stamped with company seal of each member of joint venture
& clearly mentioning name of the lead firm, name of JV partners, role and
responsibility of each member, share percentage of each members, name
of the authorized signatories. The original signature of authorized
representatives & stamp of companies should be in each page of JV
agreement. The digital signature or digital stamp shall not be accepted. (In
any case, the firms are not allowed to enter into more than one joint
venture for same job).
ii. Power of attorney of authorized signatories of JV agreement from their
respective firm with signature & stamp for each member of JV. Such
Power of attorney of authorized signatories of JV agreement shall have
been issued by executive head of organization such as Managing
Director, CEO or Chairperson, etc. The digital signature or digital stamp
shall not be accepted.
iii. The minimum share percentage of the lead firm should be at least 40%
and that of other JV partners should be at least 20%.
iv. Power of attorney to lead firm by JV partners.
If a partner firm or any member in the joint venture fails to submit the above
documents or does not meet any of the above mentioned criteria, the firm/ JV
shall be considered as in-eligible and will NOT be considered for further
Only eligible firms (i.e. after meeting eligibility criteria) shall be evaluated against
score based evaluation criteria. In case of a JV, the evaluation will be done on
cumulative basis. However, cumulative basis will not be applied for financial
capability of the firm in presenting the minimum average annual turnover. The
criteria for the evaluation of EOI documents are tabulated on the following page:
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Example B (for 03 Partner JV):
Example: Three (03) JV Partners
Partner A (with any shares): 4 projects (independently)
Partner B (with any share): 6 projects (independently)
Partner C (with any share): 4 projects (as other previous
JV with share of 40 %)
Marks Obtained = {(1 X 4)} + {(1 X 6)} + {(0.4(1 X 4)}
= 4 + 6 +1.6 = 11.6 ≡ 10
C. SPECIFIC WORK EXPERIENCE (excluding that of Part-B 40
Pass Marks=16
1. Software Development Projects of Same Nature: 20 Information
Past Experience of completed projects of software to be
developments of same nature i.e. Procurement related provided on
software. Two (02) marks shall be awarded in case of each
Form C-1 &
software development project of ≥US$ 0.2 Million or Form C-2
equivalent for the suppliers and vendor; whereas four (04)
marks shall be awarded for each software development
project of ≥US$ 0.4 Million or equivalent completed with
Governmental procuring entities or International
Organizations, up to the maximum of 20 Marks. The same
shall be acceded to if Reference Letter for successful
completion is provided.
Explanation 3:
Projects with Govt. Procuring Entity or Intl. Org ranging ≥0.2
Million US$ to ≤0.4 Million US$ shall be awarded 2 Marks.
Example A (for Single Firm):
7 projects (3 as independently with Govt. Procuring Entity, 2
with vendor as 40 % partner of previous JV and 2 with Govt.
Procuring Entity as 30% previous JV partner)
(4 X 3) + 0.4(2 X 2) + 0.3 (4 X 2)} = 12 + 1.6 + 2.4 = 16.0
Example: Three (03) JV Partners:
Partner A (with any shares): 2 projects (with vendors
Partner B (with any shares): 3 projects (1 with vendor and
2 with Govt. Procuring Entity independently)
Partner C (with any shares): 4 projects (2 with vendor as
40 % previous JV partner and 2 with Govt. Procuring Entity
as 30% previous JV partner)
Marks Obtained = {(2 X 2)} + {(2 X 1) + (4 X 2)} + {(0.4(2 X
2) + 0.3 (4 X 2)} = (4) + (10) + (4.0) = 18.0
2. Projects of Enterprise E-Procurement Solutions: 20 Information
Specific Experience of providing e-Procurement Solutions to be
(from Planning to Close out of the Contracts including provided on
Contract Management) to any Central Procurement Units of
Form C-3 &
any State or to National Procurement Regulators, including Form C-4
designing, development, installation and commissioning of
the e-procurement projects.
For each project, ten (10) marks shall be granted for
complete full scale enterprise e-procurement solution of
complete procurement cycle; whereas seven (07) marks
shall be granted for full scale enterprise e-procurement
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solution for partial procurement cycle as defined below:
Complete Procurement Cycle starts from planning and
ends at close out of contract including contract management
(as defined in the scope of work defined in section-2)
Partial Procurement Cycle starts from planning and ends
at award of the contract as defined in scope of work defined
in section-2)
Explanation 4:
The company implementing Off-the-Shelf Solution with
essential customization shall be awarded fifty (50) percent of
the marks prescribed above.
Example A (for Single Firm):
2 projects (complete procurement cycle as a 60% of
previous JV Partner) and 1 projects (partial procurement
cycle carried out independently)
Marks Obtained = 0.6(10 X 2) + (7 X 1) = 12 + 7 = 19
Example: Three (03) JV Partners:
Partner A (with any shares): 2 projects (complete
procurement cycle as a 60% of previous JV Partner)
Partner B (with any shares): 4 projects (partial
procurement cycle as 40% of previous JV Partner)
Partner C (with any shares): No such project
Marks Obtained = {0.6(10 X 2)} + {0.4 (7 X 4}) +{ 0}
= (12) + (11.2) + (0) = 23.2 ≡ 20
Pass Marks: 10
1. Minimum Qualification and Experience of the personnel of 20 Information
the firms is specified in the Annexure-I. to be
In case of higher qualification of minimum 30 credit hours, provided on
the same may be considered as substitute of two (2) years
Form-D-1 &
of experience in case of MS or M. Phil Degree, whereas the Form-D-2
Ph.D degree in the relevant field may be considered as
substitute of four (4) years’ experience.
In case, the designated professional doesn’t possess
relevant qualification, but has relevant expertise, skills and
competence due to his/her experience, the six (6) years of
experience may be considered as substitute of Bachelor’s
Degree and two (02) years as substitute of Master’s Degree;
and hence the same adjusted experience shall be deducted
for awarding marks.
Explanation for Firms/JVs (added on 22nd Nov, 2019):
Marks shall be awarded considering the JV as single entity.
Grant Total 100
Each applicant must 'pass' each and every criterion (i.e., referred at S. No. A, B,
C & D). Pass Marks for each and every criteria is 50% except S. No. C which is
40% of the allocated Full Marks. Any Applicant not complying or fulfilling with any
one of these eligibility criteria will be disqualified from further cumulative
evaluation and shortlisting.
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1.8.4 Evaluation of EOI Documents (3rd Stage)
In the 3rd stage, the applicants passed in the 2nd stage, will be further evaluated
based on the cumulative score of Evaluation Table. Applicants obtaining at least
60% marks in the EOI evaluation process shall be considered for shortlist. Only
top six (06) ranked applicants shall be qualified and allowed to participate in RFP
process, subject to any further verification for the information submitted by them.
However, if the number of eligible applicants is less than five (05), all the eligible
firms shall be allowed to participate in RFP process.
During the evaluation, the Authority may require the applicant for necessary
clarifications or substantiation of the information furnished. The Applicant shall
furnish the necessary clarifications expeditiously by post/courier/fax/e-mail or by
any other means of communication to Authority’s address.
The Authority reserves the right to reject all EOI applications. The Authority shall
upon request communicate to any applicant who submitted EOI application, the
grounds for its rejection, but is not required to justify those grounds. The Authority
is not liable for any losses to Applicants due to such rejection.
All applicants irrespective of the qualified or non-qualified and short listed or non-
shortlisted will be notified in writing the result of evaluation of qualification in due
course of time.
Applicants listed in the short-list will be considered as qualified firm and will be
invited to participate in the Request for Proposal process.
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Following is the tentative timeline for the procurement proceedings till the award
of contract. The timeline for activities at S. No. 5 to 8 are subject to change.
02. Last date for the Submission of EOI 17th Jan 2020
07. Technical Negotiations with the top ranked 27th March 2020
PPRA hereby invites the applications from reputed and experienced software
development firms/JVs; incorporated as per the laws of the lands where it
originates, and registered with concerned tax authorities and appropriate fora, for
the purpose of providing services for “Designing, Development, Installation
and Commissioning of e-Procurement (e-Pak Acquisition & Disposal)
System” and to show their interest for providing the required services as
described in this document. The selected Firm/Service Provider shall minimally
be required to:
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c) design, develop, install and commission the system, as per the defined time
d) integrate standard security protocols for data encryption, and protection of
data from cyber-attacks including hacking;
e) design/conduct Knowledge Transfer Sessions for capacity building of the
Authority; and
f) provide the post-commissioning maintenance services for the period of 3-
E-procurement shall be a web-based customized solution for an e-procurement
system titled as “e-Pak Acquisition and Disposal System” encompassing the
complete procurement life cycle from planning to close out of contracts, and
record all procurement activities and related information. All public procurement
and disposal activities shall be processed through standard entries in the “e-Paki
Acquisition & Disposal System” ensuring the principles of procurement and
implementing the Public Procurement Regulatory Frame Work; and the same
shall be an integrated system composed of minimally following sub-
1. e-VR – Electronic Vendors’ Registration:
The system shall generate Government Primary Suppliers’ database that shall
collect, validate and disseminate supplier’s data. The system shall be able to
create accounts in the system for the designated personnel of the Authority, the
Procuring Agencies and those of registered vendors (for creating and updating
their profiles), and to allow access to such information and functionalities not
available to the general public.
2. e-Procurement Agencies’ Registration:
The system shall include details about all the ministries, authorities, divisions and
their attached bodies, owned and controlled by the Government. The system shall
be able to create accounts in the system for the designated personnel of the
Authority and the Procuring Agencies (for creating and updating their profiles),
and to allow access to such information and functionalities not available to the
general public.
3. e-Procurement Planning:
The system shall be able to make procurement plans in accordance with the
inputs of the Procuring Agency for goods, works and services and disposal of
4. e-Purchasing:
The system shall be designed for different types of petty procurements, and shall
be able for preparation of requisitions and the management of the corresponding
quotations, along with acceptance of quotations after comparative evaluation and
generation of purchase orders. After the delivery of goods and services, system
shall be able to generate delivery receipt/note, which shall allow for the
submission of an invoice and it’s settling through electronic payment system.
5. e-Tendering System (including e-Publishing/Notification/ Documentation):
The system shall be able to generate procurement documentation i.e. Standard
EOIs, Standard Prequalification Documents, Standard Bidding Documents,
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Standard RFPs, along with generation of e-advertisements on standard format for
respective categories of procurement. Moreover, the system shall be able to
publish the notices on the e-procurement system so that they are available for
interested parties to view. Notifications shall be sent to users who have registered
and subscribed to be alerted when tenders for respective category of procurement
are launched as well as when particular actions are required by them as a part of
the procurement workflow.
6. Encrypted Tender Submission System (including EOI & Prequalification
The system shall be able to submit inquiries and responses in addition to
electronic submissions of bids in response to tender publication. The response
may also contain information regarding required securities and guarantees.
Tender shall be stored in e-procurement database in encrypted form and
traceable by the authorized person(s) after expiry of submission deadline.
7. e-Evaluation Matrix:
The system shall automatically generate the eligibility and evaluation matrices in
case of EOI or Prequalification of interested parties. Moreover, after the
decryption of submitted bids, whether or not the prequalification or short listing is
done, the system shall be able to evaluate the technical and financial proposal to
the extent possible by artificial intelligence; whereas, there shall be the option of
manual entries for that part(s) of technical evaluation that cannot be made
through artificial intelligence tools.
The system shall have the ability to link with PPIRS, and be linked with that
system after having sufficient data in PPIRS, as prescribed by the Authority.
8. Grievance Redressal System:
The system shall have two sub-system; one for the prospective bidders who could
not participate in the procurement proceedings due to any difficult or
discriminatory conditions as prescribed in Procurement Regulatory Frame Work,
and the second for those, who are participating or participated in the process, and
have reservations on the processes. Both the systems shall provide access to all
the registered or participant firms, as the case may be with respect to each sub-
system. The system shall provide access to the designated Chair of the
Grievance Redressal System to notify the parties to the proceedings (including
Procuring Agency Evaluation Committee or any approving authority), and has the
option for recording the proceedings by the Grievance Redressal Committee, and
conveying the decision to the grieved or affected parties.
9. e-Contract Award System:
The system shall be linked with Evaluation Matrix and Grievance Redressal
System, so as to identify the best evaluated bidder to issue notification or Letter of
Intent to award the contract to the successful bidder with or without any
negotiations, as allowed and prescribed by the Authority in its Public Procurement
Regulatory Framework.
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10. e-Contract Management System (including Framework
The system shall be able to minimally manage the following:
iii. Standard entries for tracking Critical Path Method or any equivalent
technique such as PERT, as the case may be, to track the deliverables of
the project/contract;
v. Standard entries for the results of quality tests during execution of contracts
in case of Works and IT/Software Projects;
vi. Standard entries for the issuance of Control Point Inspection Reports and
corresponding Non-Conformance Notices issued after the inspection of
selected control points or general surveillance conducted by consultant
supervisor or Client Engineers or the designated Inspector of the Authority,
and standard entries for rectification and resolution of such non-
vii. Standard entries for acceptance of the deliverables as per the technical
specifications and prescribed acceptance criteria during construction,
installation and commissioning phases of the Projects in case of works and
Software IT Projects;
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The system shall be able to record the proceedings and consequent results for
debarment of the firm as prescribed in Procurement Regulatory Framework. The
system shall also maintain the database of such debarred firms along with the
details of offences for which they were penalized and duration of such debarment.
The system shall be linked with e-Evaluation Matrix (or Matrices) for determining
the eligibility of the applicants or bidders.
15. PPIRS – Past Performance Information Retrieval System:
The system shall be able to incorporate the past performance of the
contractors/consultants, during execution of the contract, against various
performance indicators. The system shall be linked with e-Evaluation Matrix (or
Matrices) for determining the eligibility and providing input for e-evaluation.
16. Regulatory Monitoring & Evaluation System:
The system shall be able to generate the trends in the form of various types of
graphs, statistical analysis tools and generate brief reports to support the
objectives and priorities of Monitoring & Evaluation Wing of PPRA.
The EOI document shall be structured in accordance with the outlines given in the
EOI forms and must contain accurate and complete information as requested by
the Authority.
The EOI document shall have no interlineations or overwriting, except as
necessary to correct errors made by the applicant firm itself. Any such correction
must be initiated by the person authorized to sign the application and stamped
with the firm’s seal.
Note: The EOI documents should be prepared and submitted in above mentioned
sequence along with supporting documents with respective Forms.
The applicant shall provide a Letter of Submittal with completed forms as provided
in the Format Forms A-D as prescribed in this document. All necessary
information shall be presented to demonstrate the firm or joint venture’s eligibility,
capability and experience including the details of the professionals to be deployed
for the Project.
Form A-1: Letter of Submission
The applicant shall submit with the EOI a submittal letter with name and full
contact information of the authorized representative. The letter shall be signed by
an authorized person of the firm or lead firm in case of joint venture and shall be
stamped by the company's seal. The format of submittal letter is given in Form A-
1 of the EOI document. The letter shall also include the title of the project.
Form A-2: Joint Venture Information
In case of Joint Venture, the applicant shall submit duly signed by authorized
signatories & stamped with company seal of each member of joint venture &
clearly mentioning name of the lead firm, name of JV partners, role and
responsibility of each member, share percentage of each members, name of the
authorized signatories. The original signature of authorized representatives &
stamp of companies should be in each page of JV agreement. The digital
signature or digital stamp shall not be accepted. The authorized signatories of JV
agreement should hold power of attorney from the irrespective firm. Such Power
of attorney of authorized signatories of JV agreement shall have been issued by
executive head of organization such as Managing Director, CEO or Chairperson,
Form A-3: Self Declaration Statement by the Applicant(s)
The applicant shall submit a Self-Declaration mentioning that applicant(s) is not
ineligible to participate in this procurement process, that the applicant(s) does/do
not have any conflict of interest in the proposed assignment, and that the
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applicant firm has not received any punishment while doing software
development business or any other business including any kind of debarment by
any Governmental or national or international organizations and litigation history
(if any), in last seven years. The self-declaration letter shall be signed with
original signature of an authorized person of the applicant firm and shall be
stamped by the company’s seal. The format of the self-declaration letter is given
in Form A-3 of this EOI document. In case of JV, each individual firm shall submit
Self-Declaration either separately or jointly by signing each member of JV
mentioning information requested in Self-Declaration.
Form A-4: Eligibility Documents
The applicant shall complete form A-4 and submit supporting documents for the
eligibility requirements(s). The supporting documents will be in the form of
certified copies of incorporation certificate, NTN/STRN and VAT Certificates
whichever applicable, in addition to Income Tax Clearance Certificates.
Form A-5: Identification of the Firm
The background information of the applicant firm shall be presented in the
prescribed Form A-5.
Form A-6: Financial Capability of the Firm
The financial capability of the applicant firm(s) shall be presented in the
prescribed Form A-6 of this EOI document. The financial status of the applicant
firm shall be supported with audited reports of last three (03) consecutive fiscal
3.2.2 General & Specific Work Experience
The experience of the firm should be supported with evidence/proof in the form of
work completion certificates showing the project size, value of contract, time
duration and date of completion of the assignment, as appropriate. The
experience of the firm without such evidence/proof will not be considered for
Form B-1: General Work Experience of the Firm in the last ten (10) years
General experience of the applicant firm in the last ten (10) years as a Software
Development Firm, as prescribed in the Evaluation Criteria Table.
Form B-2: Details of the works stated in Form B-1
Complete Description of the projects referred in Form B-1 shall be described on
the prescribed format.
Form C-1: Past Experience of same nature of Projects
Specific experience of the applicant firm in the last ten (10) years as prescribed in
the Evaluation Criteria Table.
Form C-2: Details of the works stated in Form C-1
Complete Description of the projects referred in Form C-1 shall be described on
the prescribed format.
Form C-3: Past Experience regarding specific e-procurement Solutions
The projects regarding e-procurement solutions referring complete or partial
procurement cycle, as prescribed in the Evaluation Criteria Table.
Form C-4: Details of the works stated in Form C-3
Complete Description of the projects referred in Form C-3 shall be described on
the prescribed format.
Form D-1: Details of Key Personnel/ Professionals
The details of proposed Key Personnel/Professionals shall be presented on the
prescribed form D-1, as desired in Evaluation Criteria Table and Annexure-A.
Form D-2: Resume (Name of the Prime/Alternate Candidate)
The Resume of prime Key Personnel/Professionals, including any alternate
professionals, if needed, shall be presented on the prescribed D-2.
3.2.3 Additional Forms
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Form E: Summary Sheet: Current Contract Commitments/ Works in
Applicants and each partner to an application should provide information on their
current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a
letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching
completion, but for which substantial Completion Certificate has yet to be issued.
Form F: Litigation History
Applicant, or each of the partners of a joint venture, as the case may be, shall
provide information on any history of litigation or arbitration resulting from
contracts executed in the last seven (07) years or currently under execution. A
separate form shall be used for each partners of joint venture.
Date: ................................
Project Manager/Director General (M&E)
Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
1st Floor, G-5/2,
Dear Sir,
Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of ……………………………………
………………(hereinafter “the Applicant”), and having reviewed and fully understood all
the information provided in EOI, the undersigned hereby apply for qualification by the
Authority as a Software Development Firm for the “designing, development,
installation and commissioning of e-procurement (e-Pak Acquisition & Disposal)
1. The Authority and its authorized representative(s) are hereby authorized to verify the
statements, documents, and information submitted in connection with the submitted EOI.
This Letter will also serve as an authorization to any individual or authorized
representative of any institution referred to in the supporting information, to provide such
information deemed necessary and requested by you to verify statements and
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information provided in this EOI, or with regard to the resources, experience, and
competence of the Applicant.
2. The Authority and its authorized representative(s) are authorized to contact any of the
signatories to this letter for any further information.
3. This application has full understanding that all the decisions by the Authority related to
this EOI shall be final, binding and not subject to review. The Authority shall be under no
obligation to inform the applicant of the reasons for its decisions or actions.
4. The applicant hereby provides willingness and commitment to abide by all applicable
laws, regulations, and other requirements having the effect of law in the execution of this
project, if shortlisted and finally selected for the award of contract.
5. The applicant has full understanding that the Authority, being the Procurement
Regulatory Body, has the power to interpret any of the provisions of its Regulatory
Framework including PPRA Ordinance, 2002, PPRA Rules & Regulations, Orders,
Instructions or any form of Bidding Documents i.e. EOI or Prequalification or RFP
Document(s), including those of this Project.
6. If shortlisted by the Authority, the applicant shall not be permitted to withdraw the EOI
application submitted to the Authority, and shall be bound to submit the proposals in
response to the RFP. In case of failure, the Authority may debar the applicant firm(s) for
a period of not more than two (02) years for participating in any tender by itself and the
procuring agencies in its jurisdiction.
7. All further communication concerning this EOI proposal should be addressed to the
following person who is authorized to represent and to receive all communication on
behalf of the Applicant and its constituents.
8. The undersigned declare that the statements made and the information provided in
the duly completed EOI proposal are complete, true and correct in every detail.
If the EOI is being submitted in Joint Venture, provide the following Joint Venture
2. Partner
1. A maximum of three (3) firms can form a Joint Venture.
2. In case of a JV, the minimum share percentage of the lead firm should be at least 40%
and that of each of the other JV partners should be at least 20%. Also, the lead firm
should hold the power of attorney.
1. Joint Venture Agreement or Letter of Intent for forming JV; subject to the condition
that the Proposals shall be submitted after the legal formation of JV.
2. Power of attorney of the signatory (ies)
3. Power of attorney to lead the JV
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Date: ……………
Project Manager/Director General (M&E)
Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
1st Floor, G-5/2,
We, the undersigned (u/s),
………………………………………………………………..(name of all the applicant
Firm/JV) declare that we are legally eligible to participate in the procurement process of
services for the .......................... (Title of Software Development Firm/ Service Provider).
We also declare that we do not have any conflict of interest in the said assignment. We
hereby also declare that we have not received any punishment while doing software
development business or any other business including any kind of debarment by any
Governmental or national or international organizations.
We also declare that we have provided the litigation history, of the last seven years.
Note: (If any member of the applicant firm is not eligible to participate in procurement
process or has conflict of interest in the said assignment or has received any
punishment while doing any business in the last seven years, the same must be clearly
mentioned in this form. Any history of litigation during the last seven years shall also be
declared here along with the relevant verdict.)
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Fulfilment of Eligibility Requirements
Page 24 of 39
the authorized signatories (if
Form D
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All individuals firms and each partner of a joint venture applying through EOI are
requested to complete the information in this form. Nationality related information is also
to be provided for foreign owners or applicants who are forming part of the joint venture.
1. Name of Firm
3. Telephone
4. Fax
5. Incorporate Details:
Date of Incorporation:
Date of last renewal:
Valid up to:
6. Name and address of contact person:
Name and Designation of Contact Person:
Telephone number (Office):
Telephone number (Residence) :
Mobile no:
Nationality of Owners
Name Nationality
Page 26 of 39
Turnover of last FY ______________ FY __________ FY ___________
three consecutive
fiscal years
Amount in US$
Amount in words
1. Provide similar information for each member in case of joint venture.
2. Submit Audited Reports of last three (03) consecutive fiscal years to support the
above information.
Page 27 of 39
S. N. Name of Location Client Year of Description of
the project value of completion relevant work
Note: (1) Note: Provide above information for each member in case of a joint venture.
Page 28 of 39
Page 29 of 39
Note: (1) Note: Provide above information for each member in case of a joint venture.
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Page 31 of 39
Note: (1) Note: Provide above information for each member in case of a joint venture.
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Page 33 of 39
S. Designation Name Qualification Full Total years Projects
No. (including time/part of currently
university & time experience involved in
year of
Note: Duly signed bio-data of personnel must be attached. Professional Degrees shall
be accredited by respective professional statutory body.
Page 34 of 39
Resume (Name of the Prime/Alternate Candidate)
(There is no mandatory requirement to mention alternate candidates)
Position Candidate [tick appropriate one]
Prime Alternate
Candidate Information 1. Name of 2. Date of Birth
Professional Qualification
Address of Employer
Fax Telax
From To
Page 35 of 39
Summary Sheet: Current Contract Commitments/ Works in Progress
Applicants and each partner to an application should provide information on their
current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of
intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for
which substantial Completion Certificate has yet to be issued.
Value of Outstanding work Estimated
Name of Contract (equivalent Pak Rs. Million) Completion Date
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Litigation History
Applicant, or each of the partners of a joint venture, as the case may be, shall provide
information on any history of litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts executed in
the last seven (07) years or currently under execution. A separate form shall be used for
each partners of joint venture.
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6. Business Analytics Team 4-Years At least, there shall be
including Business Bachelor’s one (01) position for
Intelligence Analyst, Degree in Business Analyst.
Business Subject Matter Business
Max Marks: 2
Expert, Data Analyst, Management
Technical Reports Writer
7. Quality Management Group Master’s At least, there shall be
having Quality Assurance Degree in one (01) position for
Specialists Quality Quality Management.
Max Marks: 2
8. Project Management Group Master’s There shall be expertize
having experts in the fields Degree in of each field.
of: relevant fields
Max Marks: 3
i. HR Management;
background of
ii. Risk Management; Engineering or
iii. Change Management; Management
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