Notice Inviting EOI for selecting Application Service Provider(ASP) For e-Procurement. In this Tender the term e-Procurement includes e-Tendering, e-Auction, e- Reverse Auction and related modules. The term ASP stands for Application Service Provider. ITI is in the business of undertaking contracts for Setting up of IT & Communication Infrastructure and providing software services for various Government projects. Towards these business activities and to address new business opportunities in the area of e procurement, ITI invites sealed Expressions of Interest (EOI) from reputed and experienced firms in order to select System Integrator for providing e procurement and related services to its customers on a back to back condition for an initial period of 3 months. Due Date for Submission of EOI is on 13-01-2014 at 12.30 PM 1. Scope of the EOI Two Bid system 2 2(i). Technical Bid Eligibility of ASP a. Bidder should be an IT company registered under Indian Companies Act, 1956 with 3 years of experience in providing their eprocurement software and services for various Central Govt./State Govt /PSU departments in India b. Should have an average annual turnover in eprocurement business of Rs. 15 Cr in the past three financial years. (2010-11, 2011 12, 2012-13) c. Should have a positive networth for the last financial year. (To be certified by Auditor) Should be in possession of the following valid certifications. d. 1. ISO 9001 2. ISO 27001. e. The bidder should have the Intellectual Property Rights-IPR and source code of the solution being offered. f Bidder should have successfully implemented and currently running / supporting their eprocurement system on a countrywide basis in at least one Central govt / State govt /PSU organization in India. g. The e-Tendering solution proposed should be certified by STQC and comply with CVC Guidelines. This EOI is seeking partner for full outsourcing ASP model as per DITs guideline for Quality requirements of eProcurement Systems dated 31st Aug 2011. h. The system should be hosted in Servers in India. For implementation of eProcurement for Central Govt./PSU and in various states and UTs in India as per the customers requirements . The offer shall be submitted in 2 separate sealed covers. One for technical bid and the other financial bid.
a. Company Profile b. c. d. e. f. Certificate of Incorporation Audited financial statements for the last 3 years. (2010-11, 2011 12, 2012-13) Auditors certificate for networth Quality Certificates ISO 9001, ISO 27001 Supporting documents covering experience as per clause 2(i) f to be supported by PO Copies, Completion Certificates/ Auditors Certificates. List of eTendering Clients where similar work has been carried out with contact details and address to be furnished g. STQC certificate for the proposed e-tendering solution and undertaking for getting STQC certification of entire e procurement solution after its deployment and prior to usage. h. i. j. k. l. m. Declaration on letter head that the bidder is not blacklisted Copy of IT returns for last 3 years. Sales Tax Registration Certificate Service Tax Registration Certificate Copy of PAN Card (i) Undertaking on letterhead to work with ITI as per Customer Requirement including Warranty & post-warranty services. (ii) The selected ASP should bear all the costs of the project like purchase of document, EMD, BG from nationalised bank etc. If ITI is exempted from BG, then ASP will have to give EMD and BG from nationalised bank to ITI. The BG/ EMD should be as per customer terms and conditions. Undertaking on Letterhead to the effect is required Copy of IPR is to be submitted ( 2(i) e above) Undertaking on letterhead to obtain relevant Statutory licenses for operational activities, wherever applicable. To submit Power of Attorney authorizing the person signing the bid for this EOI. Undertaking on letter head for Willingness to sign MoU/Teaming Agreement with ITI. Clause by clause compliance of EOI terms with references to supporting documents As per the requirement of the Customer / project / Central Vigilance Committee(CVC) Guidelines, the selected ASP agree to modify / add required modules to their product. This should be taken up with out charging ITI and satisfy the Tender conditions / customer / project requirements / Central Vigilance Committee(CVC) Guidelines. Undertaking on Letterhead to the effect is required
n. o. p. q. r. s.
financial bid
consolidated margin offered (scope of work as per customer tender) in percentage (%) on ITI billing value (excluding taxes) to be submitted separately in sealed cover. Margin offered should be firm through out the contract. Payment to the ASP partner(successful bidder) shall be made after deducting the offered margin and the statutory taxes payable to the Govt. Penalties if any levied by the customer will be passed on to the successful bidder. Payment will be made only after receiving payment from the Customer. Under taking on letter to be submitted to indemnify ITI from any claims / penalties / statuary charges / Legal Issues / liquidated damages / legal expenses, etc.
Note: 1. The bids shall be superscribed with BID FOR ASP PARTNER E PROCUREMENT. The Technical Bid and financial bids shall be placed in separate sealed envelopes only, super scribed with words Technical Bid & Financial Bid respectively. The bids shall also be superscibed with DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 13-01-2014 12:30 PM... and submitted to CHIEF MANAGER-IS, IS&IT DEPT, F-29, NSU COMPLEX, ITI LIMITED, DOORVANI NAGAR, BANGALORE 560016. 2. Technical bid will be opened at 1.00 PM on 13-01-2014. 3. Financial Bid of only technically qualified bidder will be opened later. 4. Bid should be valid for a minium period of 90 days from the date of opening of EOI response. Validity period to be mentioned in the bid. 5. Conditional offers are liable for rejection. 6. If required the agency should give a demo of their product to ITI / end customers at their own cost. 7. The software and it's IPR( Intellectual property rights) will belong to the bidder and will remain with them The bidder shall indemnify ITI against any legal proceedings with regard to software license. The vendor shall at all times indemnify ITI against all claims which may be made for infringement of any right protected by patent, registration of design or trade mark and any claims / penalties / statuary charges, liquidated damages, legal expenses etc. 8. The Bidders should give Clause-by-clause compliance of EOI with references to supporting documents, otherwise the offers are liable for rejection 9. Cost of EOI : The vendor shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his offer against this EOI, including cost of presentation. ITI will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the EOI process. 10. Amendment of EOI: At any time prior to the last date for receipt of offers, ITI, may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective vendor, modify the EOI document by an amendment. In order to provide prospective vendor reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their offers, ITI may, at their discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of offers and/or make other changes in the requirements set out in the Invitation for EOI.
Disclaimer: ITI and/or its officers, employees disclaim all liability from any loss or damage, whether foreseeable or not, suffered by any person acting on or refraining from acting because of any information including statements, information, forecasts, estimates or projections contained in this document or conduct ancillary to it whether or not the loss or damage arises in connection with any omission, negligence, default, lack of care or misrepresentation on the part of ITI and/or any of its officers, employees. 12. ITI Limited reserves the right to accept or reject in part or full any or all the EOIs without assigning any reasons therefore and without incurring any liability to the respondent. ITI Limited also reserves the right to Re-Tender without assigning any reasons therefore and without incurring any liability to the respondent. 13. Termination of the partnership for addressing new business proposals : ITI Limited is in the process of setting up e pocurement system and services in SAAS model to be hosted in ITI data center, through a separate EOI. After this model (SAAS) becomes operational and if ITI management feels that the partnership forged by the current subject EOI is not in ITIs best business interest, ITI reserves rights to terminate the contract for addressing new business proposals forged through the current subject EOI. Keeping the above in view or even otherwise, ITI reserves its rights to terminate the partnership by issuing one month notice to the selected partner without assigning reasons. 14. The contract awarded by ITI to ASP during the contract period, even if the contract is over, should be completed in all respects including AMC, contract obligation with the customer, legal formalities / legal cases if any and supported till the end of the contract period with the customer and also till the end of / completion all the issues / cases. Undertaking on letter head is to be submitted to the effect.
Any clarifications, regarding this EOI, you may contact [email protected].. The EOI may be sent in a sealed cover so as to reach the following address on or before 12.30 PM on 13-01-2014 . Chief Manager IS, Corporate Marketing, F-29, ITI Complex, Doorvani Nagar,BANGALORE 560016 Phone: 080 25660512, 25660526 Fax: 080 25667205 Emailid: [email protected] Website: