Stitches and Samples Book

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Samplers and stitches; a handbook of the

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Cornell University

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SAMPLER I. A PERSIAN FLOWER GARDEN. In Cross Stitch upon handmade liven.

Tnths in Single Faggot Stitch. Water in Wave Stitch Filling. Arches in Chequer Stitch Filling
'Blue margin in Double Stitch Filling. {Half full size.)

B. T.


Here practise and invention may he free.
And as a squirrel skips from tree to tree,
So maids may (from their mistresse or their mother)
Learne to leave one worke, and to learne another.
For here they may make choice of which is which,
And skip from worke to worke, from stitch to stitch,
Until, in time, delightful practise shall
[With profit) make them perfect in them all.
Thus hoping that these workes may have this guide
To serve for ornament, and not for pride :
To cherish vertue, banish idlenesse.
For these ends, may this booke have good successe.'
John Taylor, '
The Needle's Excellency.
rHERE are many who would gladly recall, if they could, the past
beauties of the delicate art of et^oidery, but unfortunately the tradi-
tional receipts for the stitches and methods of work, which it used to be
the practice tohand down from mother to daughter, are fast passing
away. So seems desirable, especially in times like the present, that these

should be collected and placed on record, and in some measure be brought up

to date. To attempt this is one of the objects of this book. Also it is hoped to
add to the worker's knowledge of materials and technique, because this forms
the proper basis of embroidery design. The stitches and methods of work
brought together here have been collected for the most part from actual
embroideries. These have been classified and presented to the reader by means
of working diagrams which often show several stages of each stitch, and a
series of samplers illustrate some of the uses to which they can be applied when
learnt. In the art of embroidery, the question of design is so interwoven with
that of technique that pattern planning, if approached in the right way, grows
almost unconsciously out of the study of stitches. It will be found upon experi-
ment that many stitches can introduce new ideas for design. The worker is
urged, when thinking over a new piece of work, either simple or complex, to
take some characteristic stitches and see what can be done with them, rather
than to make a design with pencil and brush and then see what stitches can be
adapted to working it out. The former method is fairly certain to result in a
true embroidery design ; the latter sometimes looks as if it had been stitched
with difficulty, and would perhaps have been better if painted with the brush.
Although the study of old work forms the basis of the research which has made
up the book, the illustration of ancient examples does not take much space in it,
for it is hoped that the power obtained through a wide knowledge of technique
should and zoill, naturally express the changes of fashion which time brings
about. The aim is a text book, not of ancient, but of modern embroidery and
East Runton, Norfolk.
October 7, J920,
GRATEFUL acknowledgment Wdue to Messrs. Jos. Pearsall &
Co., to Mr. John Hogg, and to the Editors of the Burlington

Magazine, 'for kindpermission to use again some drawings which were

originally made for publications and articles I undertook for them ;
to Mrs. Newall, of Fisherton-de-la-Mere, for permission to repro-
duce Sampler XXII ; and to my pupils at the Royal College of Art
for the experience gained in the happy hours we have spent together
in the study of ernbroidery. I must especially thank Miss D. Bil-
Kngton, Miss B. N. Morford, Miss D. Moxon and Miss D. Taylor
for the loan of Samplers V, XIX, XI, XXIII and XXIV, worked
in their college days. The rest of the Samplers are my own, and
have been worked either by me or under my personal direction.

I. A Persian Flower Garden. Worked in coloured silks in
Canvas and Drawn Fabric stitches on hand-made linen.
Actual size 13I" x 10" . . . Frontispiece

II. The Flowering Tree. Worked mainly Composite

stitches upon coarse hand-made linen with white and

shades of brown linen threads and fine tape. Size 12"
Collection of Patterns taken from Seventeenth-

century English Samplers. Worked in linen threads

upon hand-made linen. Size 4!" x 7I" . . . 7
IV. Light Fillings for Leaves. Worked in black and white
threads on fawn-coloured hand-made linen, mainly in
Flat and Looped stitches. Size 6^" x 2f . . 16
V. The Park. Worked in Buttonhole stitch throughout in
shades of brown filoselle. ByMissD.Billington. Actual
size 12" x 9I" 23
VI. Wild Roses. Worked mainly in stitches detached from
the ground in linen threads on hand-made linen. Size
6i" X zj" 26
VII. Sampler of Line Stitches. Worked in linen threads
upon coarse hand-made linen. Size 6|" x 4I" . . 32
VIII. Sampler of Line Stitches. Worked in linen threads
upon coarse hand-made linen. Size 6|" x 4I" . . 33
IX. Knots and Chains. Worked in black and white threads
upon grey linen. Size 6|" x 3" . . . .40
X. Knots and Chains. Worked in white and brown Unen
thread upon loosely woven hand-made linen. Size
6i" X 4i" . . 41
XI. The Jungle. Worked mainly in white linen threads
upon natural coloured hand-made linen. By Miss D.
Moxon. Size 6I" X 5f" . . . .48 . .

XII. The Wayside. Worked in brown, white, and grey threads

upon hand-made linen. Size 6" x 3 J" -Si . .

XIII. The Meadow. Worked in cotton and linen threads upon

hand-made linen. Size 6 J" x 4 J" . -55 . .

XIV. The Harvest Field. Worked in various shades of brown

in linen and cotton threads on hand-made linen. Size
6rx3r 58
XV. Formal Trees and Medallion in Interlacing Stitch.
Worked in cotton and linen threads upon coarse hand-
made linen. Size 6^" x 3i" 63
"" 1

XVI. Interlaced Knots. Worked in cotton and brown
cobbler's thread and fine tape upon hand-made
Unen. Size 6i" x 4J" . . • • • 68
XVII. Formal Leaf Treatments. Worked in brown and
white Hnen threads upon hand-made linen. Size
61" X zi 77
XVIII. The Quarrel. Worked in coloured silks in Cross
stitch upon hand-made linen. Size 15 J" x laj" . 81
XIX. '
Of Gardens.' Worked in coloured silks in Cross
stitch upon coarse hand-made linen, the stitch
being taken across one thread only of the ground
fabric. By Miss B. N. Morford. Size lof" x iSJ . 91
XX. Drawn Fabric Fillings. Worked in fine thread
upon an open linen ground. Size 6 J" x 3!^" 94
XXI. Geometrical Design. Worked in Indian Drawn
Ground stitch upon an open linen ground. Size
X 4"
6|" 98
XXII. A Repeating Pattern. Worked in Drawn Fabric
stitches and Detached Overcast, in linen threads
upon linen. By Mrs. Newall. Size 9" x 6" 10
XXIII. Scenes from The Blue Bird.' Worked upon hand-

made linen in blue and white threads upon linen.

By Miss D. Taylor. Size 9" x 27" 104
XXIV. Lower Half of Sampler XXIII 105
XXV. Patterns for Black Work Fillings. Worked in black
cotton upon fine single-thread canvas. Size 6" x 2f 108
XXVI. Needle and Thread. Worked in shades of brown
upon light hand-made linen. Size 6f" x 3J" III
XXVII. Lace Stitch Fillings. Worked in white linen thread
upon hand-made linen. Size 3" x 6|" 112
XXVIII. Pattern Darning. Worked in soft cotton thread upon
hand-made linen. Size 6|" x 3J" 116
XXIX. Drawn Thread and Cut Work. Worked in linen and
cotton threads upon hand-made linen. Size 7" x 3f ii8
XXX. A Pattern taken from Old Russian Work. Worked
upon hand-made linen in linen thread. Size
7i" X 3i" 123
XXXI. Drawn Thread Squares. Worked in Knen thread
upon hand-made linen. Size 7I" x 3" 125
XXXII. Interlacing Knot Work, In fine white tape couched
with black cotton on hand-made grey linen. Size
Oj X 3j 129
XXXIII. Miscellaneous Examples. Canvas Stitches, Mediaeval
Couching, Or nue. Composite, Lace stitches, etc. 136
XXXIV. Couched Knots upon a Decorated Ground. Worked
in cotton and linen threads upon hand-made linen
Size 6f X

: : :

Head Chapter I
Piece, 28. Detail of sixteenth-century
Treatment of Flowers for Embroidered Jacket in the
Band Design
Head Piece,

Satin stitch patterns from

. i

lam ....
possession of Colonel Head-

Buttonhole stitch
30. Tailor's Buttonhole stitch 25
seventeenth-century EngUsh
Stem stitch ... 7

Fancy Button-

Knotted Buttonhole stitch .

Adaptation of Stem stitch 33. Detail showing how to work
for working fiUings . . 8 the knot 27
Line shading in Stem stitch .
9 34. Detached Buttonhole stitch 27
Whipped Stem stitch . .
9 35. Shading in Buttonhole stitch 28
Satin stitch . . .10 36. Wave
stitch 28
Collection of patterns from 37. Ladder
stitch 29
EngUsh seventeenth - cen- 38. Cretan stitch 30
tury samplers . .11 39. Cretan stitch worked in
Shading in of En-
bands Vandyke form 30
croaching Satin stitch . 12 40. Plaited Edge stitch 31
8. Long and Short stitch . .12 41. Feather stitch 31
9- Long and Short stitch (vari- 42. Double Feather stitch 32
ation) . . . .13 43. Closed Feather stitch 32
10. Shading in Brick stitch . 14 44. Chained Feather stitch 33
II. Flat stitch . . . .14 45. Vandyke stitch 33
12. Fishbone stitch . . .15 46. Loop stitch 34
13- Raised Fishbone stitch . 15 47. Ceylon stitch 34
14. Open Fishbone stitch . .16 48. Diamond stitch .
15- Leaf stitch . . .16 49. Sword Edging stitch 35
16. Basket stitch . . 17 50. Rope stitch 36
17- Double Back stitch . . 17 51. Scroll stitch 36
18. Roumanian stitch . .18 52. Pearl stitch 37
19. Chevron stitch as a Une and
as a filling .18 Head Piece, Chapter IV

21, Thorn stitch

. .

Arrow-Head stitch as a line

and as a filling .


. .19
work ....
Band in Interlacing Knot

52A Fragment of Dutch East


22, Fern stitch . . .20 Indian Embroidery of the

23. Overcast stitch . . .20 seventeenth century 38
24. Whipped Satin stitch . .21 52B Larger portion of the same

25 Dot stitch . . . .21 example 39

26, Back stitch and Whipped 53- Chain stitch 40
Backstitch . . 22 54- Detached Chain stitches 40
55- Zigzag Chain 40
Head Piece, Chapter III 56. Chequered Chain. 41
Band design from Indian 57- Twisted Chain 41
Embroidery . . .23 58. Back Stitched Chain .
27. Detail of sixteenth-century 59- Open Chain 42
Embroidered Jacket . 23 60. Singalese Chain . 42


Twisted Lattice stitch 66
6i. Leaf in Singalese Chain . 43 99.
62. Broad Chain . . -43 100. Twisted Lattice stitch
63. Heavy Chain . . -44 apted to a band 67
64. Double Chain . . -44 lOI. Whipped Run stitch . 67
65. Petal stitch . . -45 102. Pekinese stitch . 68
66. Rosette Chain . . -45 103. Threaded Back stitch . 68
67. Rosette Chain adapted to a 104. Raised Chevron stitch 69
flower . . . -46 105. Cloud Filhng 69
68. Crested Chain . . .46 106. Maltese Cross FiUing . 70
69. Braid stitch . . -47 107. Cretan Open FiUing 70
70. Cable Chain . . -47 108. Raised Honeycomb Filling 71
71. Zigzag Cable Chain 48 . . 109. Detached Overcast stitch 71
72. Underside of the two Cable 110. Sheaf stitch 72
Chains . .48
. . III. Sheaf stitch (simpler form) 73
73. Wheat-ear stitch 48 . . 112. Raised Stem stitch Band 74
74. Plaited Braid stitch 49 . . 113- Chequered Chain Band 74
75. Spht stitch .50
. . 114. Striped Woven Band .
76. Head of Christ drawn by Mr. 115- Diagonal Woven Band 75
A. H. Christie, from an 116. Chevron Stem stitch .
English mediaeval cope in 117. Step stitch 77
the cathedral of St. Ber- 118. Raised Chain Band 78
trand de Comminges . . 50 119. Portuguese Border stitch 78
120. Guilloche stitch .
Head Piece, Chapter V : De- 121. Tied Herringbone stitch
Bands 79
sign of Interlacing . 51 122. Laced Herringbone stitch 79
77. French Knots . . -52 123. Interlaced Band stitch 79
78. Four-legged Knot stitch . 52 124. Raised Lattice Band . 80
79. Bullion Knot . . -53 Head Piece, Chapter VII
80. Coral stitch . . -53
81. Portion of a Jacobean
82. Zigzag Coral stitch .

Design for Cross stitch
from eighteenth - century
English sampler . . 81

83. Double Knot stitch . .

55 125. Cross stitch . . .82
84. Double Knot stitch (varia- 126. Marking Cross stitch . . 82
tion) 56 127. Working diagram of detaUs
85. Knotted Chain . . .56 from sampler shown in the
86. Knotted Cable Chain . . 57 frontispiece . . -83
87. TreUis stitch . . .58 128. Montenegrin Cross stitch . 84
88. The working of TreUis . . 58 129. Long-armed Cross stitch . 85
89. Possible directions taken by 130. Two-sided Italian Cross stitch 85
the knots in Trellis stitch . 59 131- Variation in the working of
90. HoUie stitch . . .60 Two-sided ItaUan Cross
91. Turk's Head Knot . . 61 stitch . . . .86
92. Ball stitch . . . .62 132. Double Crossstitch . . 86
93. Antwerp Edge . . .62 133- Holbein stitch . . -87
94. Armenian Edge . . .62 134- Tent stitch . . .87
Head Piece, Chapter VI 135- Gobelin stitch . . .88
136. Upright Gobelin stitch 88
Working diagram of an .

Interlacing stitch design 137- Encroaching Gobelin stitch . 89

. 63
138. Plaited Gobelin stitch . . 89
95. Interlacing stitch . . 63 139- Florentine stitch . . 89
96. Maltese Cross in Interlacing 140. Hungarian stitch . . 90
stitch . . . .64 141. Plait stitch . . . .90
97. Maltese Cross in Interlacing 142. Eye stitch . . .
stitch, partly worked . 65 143- Algerian Eye stitch . . 91
98. Foundation for wide band in 144. Diagonal Eye stitch . . 91
Interlacing stitch . . 65 145- Chequer stitch . . .92


146. Rococo stitch 92
Head Piece, Chapter VIII
Design for Black Work
Fillings from sixteenth-cen-
tury embroidery
147. Chained Border stitch
148. Indian Drawn-Ground stitch
149. Three-sided stitch
150. Four-sided stitch and Single
Faggot stitch .
151. Four-sided stitch
152. Double Faggot stitch .

153. Squared Ground stitch

154. Diagonal Raised Band.
155. Open Trellis Filling
156. Chequer Filling .
157. Diagonal Chevron
158. Diagonal Chevron (final stage
of the working)
159. Window Pattern Filling
160. Double stitch FilUng .
161. Wave stitch Filling
162. Diagonal Drawn Filling
163. Rosette Filling .
164. Rosette FilUng as it appears
in actual work

Filling ....
165. Key Diagram of Rosette

166. Greek Cross Filling

167. Hem stitch.
168. Woven Hem
i6g. Double Hem
170. Square divided up by lines
of drawn stitching .

171. Drawn Square

172. Barred Buttonhole Wheel .

173. Eyelet stitch

Head Piece, Chapter IX :

Three designs for Pattern

174. Star Filling
175. Sheaf Filling
176. Plaid Filling
177. Square Filling
178. Ermine Filling .

179. Diamond Filling

180. Honeycomb Filling
181. Open Buttonhole Filling
182. Spaced Buttonhole Filling .

183. Fancy Buttonhole Filling

184. Knotted Buttonhole Filling .

185. Lace stitch FUling

186. Darning stitch
Darning ....
Darned Background

no. ^*°=
229. Gold Threads couched down 236. Patterns for Gold Couching . 137
with lattice pattern . 135 237. Fragment of drapery from
230. Waved gold couched . . 135 mediaeval vestment . . 137
231. Gold couched
pattern ....

232. Gold couched with under-

238. Reverse side of same .
239. Fragment from an English
mediaeval vestment show-

lay of string . .-135 ing the treatment of the

233. Mediaeval method of Couching 136 couched gold ground, drawn
234. Reverse side of Mediaeval by Mr. A. H. Christie.
method of Couching . . 136 Original in the Victoria
235. Couched Raised Band . 136 and Albert Museum . 138
SAMPLER II. THE FLOWERING TREE. Stem SAeaf stitch. Flowers in Interlacing. Leaves
in Pcrtuzm
Border. Owls in Chevron Stem. Birds' heads in Spiral Trellis. Scroll work in Double Knot
Ground of centri
panel in Single Faggot. In the Border occur Raised Stem Band, Interlacing, Trellis, Fishbone,
Faggot, and Overcast.
means by which
are the
stitches there could
be no art of embroidery. They
and memories of pleasant things
can be pictured upon fabrics. In the study of this art the first
matters to be dealt with are fabric, thread, and stitch. If close
attention is not paid to these no great progress can be made, for materials
and technique are the basis not only of good workmanship but also
of sound design. A knowledge of the wonderful technique which has
throughout past centuries gathered round this art is indispensable to the
serious worker. She must have a store of stitch knowledge from which
to choose the exact one needed, for a good design can be marred by a
wrong method of execution. A stitch should be chosen for use because
it expresses perfectly the subject to be embroidered. Perfect expression

is not attained by absolute imitation : it is a mistake in embroidery, as in

all decorative art, to be realistic. To absorb and transform the real is the
true function of art. However pleasing faithful imitation may be it is
not a high form of art. The avoidance of realism is a question of design
as well as of technique, for the two cannot but go hand in hand. Such
things as naturalistic floral designs are best avoided by the worker with
the needle. There is a place for nature and one for art, and when nature
is adapted to artistic uses it needs a certain formalism to make it suit
its artificial environment. To give an instance, flowers may be put on
the table in vases, they are also pretty if laid on the table as decoration,
but they must not be incorporated with the table linen by means of
needle and thread, that is, embroidered upon it, with any pretence that
they are real flowers. Here are wanted embroidered flowers, birds, or
other objects, possessing the character and likeness of the thing repre-
sented, but in no way trying to make believe they are real, or anything
else but embroidered. There are workers who try deliberately to make
an embroidery appear like a painting, and with this object they disguise
the stitches by making them imitate the technique of the brush. The
technique of embroidery, rather than being disguised, needs emphasising,
for rightly chosen and used it has intrinsic value. Stitches, apart
from what they express, possess qualities such as beauty of form,
ingenuity and mystery, for they are sometimes curiously wrought and in
this there is charm. As a rule not enough is made of texture in em-
broidered work. By the aid of stitches a monotonous surface can be
transformed at will into a richly varied one. The technique of the
needle is so naive and delightful that it can afford to be daring. By its
aid the embroiderer can represent nature or anything else with a com-
bination of fact and fantasy that is most captivating. In the thirteenth
century, when the vestments of priests were covered with fine needle
work, a common design for a cope was to decorate its surface with tier
upon tier of architectural arcading and to place within each arch a needle-
worked picture. Such a composition may sound odd, yet the result was
not incongruous. One reason being that the subject was not realistically
treated. The artist instead of attempting to represent actual marble
pillars, capitals and vaulting, fantastically suggested them by such devices
as intertwined branches of columbine or oak curiously worked in gold,
bearing acorns of seed pearls. The capitals at times would be repre-
sented lay gaily coloured birds within octagons. Neither were the picture-
subjects naturalistic in their treatment.
Embroidery design has much in common with that for other crafts,
as certain limitations are common to all decorative work. These instead of
forming obstacles are an aid to progress, they are sign-posts which point
out the way to success. The chief limitations of the art of embroidery
are stitch and material. But used in the right way these are so full of
suggestion for design that limitation is hardly the word by which to
describe them. When considering a new piece of work it is a good
plan to have a sampler of stitches to look at and a knowledge, if not
actual patterns, of possible fabrics for the background and of threads
with which to work. For as embroidery design depends to an unusual
degree upon stitch and method for its right expression, so stitch and
method in their turn depend for perfect workmanship upon suitable
thread and fabric. Threads vary greatly, they can be wiry, pUable, glossy
or dull, twisted, hard or soft, and a stitch may completely fail in effect
unless carried out with the right thread. The fabric chosen for the
ground should be of real aid in attaining the result. It might almost be
laid down as a maxim that the more the ground material actually helps
to work the pattern, the more pleasing the composition will be. When
the stitches are executed by the counted threads of the ground fabric,
as, say, in canvas or drawn work, it may be said that both are working
together. This interdependence of fabric and stitch is a quality that tra-
ditional peasant work often possesses and upon which rests much
of its
charm. Again ground fabric aids pattern by being exactly the right tone
and texture. The tones of unbleached linens make more
grounds than the chemically whitened kinds, and loosely woven textures,
though more difiicult to manipulate, look the best. These qualities are
well attamed mhand-woven fabrics which should be used when pro-
curable, for machine-made and hand-made work rarely weld perfectly

together. The samplers illustrated in this book exhibit a variety of
possible fabrics for different purposes.
Before starting forth upon the adventure of making a design, it is
necessary to be able to draw. Embroidering entails drawing with the
needle, a more difficult task than drawing with the pencil, so if a worker
has learnt the one, the other will be a simpler task to master. Simple
drawing and stitching can be commenced at the same time for each will
help the other, and there is no reason why simple planning of designs
should not start with them For elementary work such as many wish to do
. ,

a little drawing helped out by tracing is sufficient. It is more important

to cultivate a right instinct for decoration than to take drawing very far,
though the more knowledge the student has of both subjects the better.
If a worker does not make her own patterns the chance of a great deal of
pleasure is lost, moreover craft work loses its individuality and vitality
if only copied work is produced. A good way for a beginner to commence
the study of stitching, designing, and drawing, is to plan and work a
sampler. Usually the aim of a sampler is to be useful for after reference.
The elements of which it is composed should be arranged with sufficient
order and design to make it pleasing to look upon, to be an object worthy
to be framed and hung upon a wall. From the useful point of view it can
be a record of stitches and ways of using them. This is accomplished by
working rows of stitches in line, which, in a panel below, can be applied
to suitable objects such as birds, flower sprigs, or geometrical figures.
The sampler should also be a record of patterns and colour schemes ;

fragments of these may be a sufficient reminder. It can contain a motley

collection of useful elements gleaned from many sources. An alphabet
should have a place upon it, for sometimes verses have to be worked or
linen needs to be marked. Asampler is more individual and attractive if
it reflects the personal taste of the worker, who should be the one to

decide what is to be put upon it. It may be the sea and ships, soldiers,
guns, and aeroplanes, birds, butterflies, and flowers, animals, knots,
shields of arms, the present fashion in dress, or passing events, or per-
haps it will picture a story. (Samplers XIX, XXIII.) Let some of these
subjects be carried out in appropriate stitches, having first been arranged
upon paper with due thought for balance and seemliness.
Having worked a sampler somewhat on these lines, the beginner has
learnt something of stitching, drawing, and designing, and has probably
become interested, possibly even enthusiastic, over this creation of her
own. If at this stage such feeling has been aroused right progress is
being made. The only things that a pupil can be taught are such matters
as technical manipulation, certain principles of the arrangement of
designs, and possible elements or units with which to compose them.
And if whilst gaining an elementary knowledge of these, real interest has
been quickened, the worker is on the right road to develop inherent
capacity. In allowing a beginner to put upon her sampler what she is
attracted towards, an important principle is being developed. By working
thus she is guided by her own individuality as well as by the direction
of another mind, which is the right way to learn. It is a wise plan to
develop the emotional side first this should lead, and it is sometimes

danger of neglect. The qualities usually described as intellectual have

their part to play, for they can supply many needs. Memory
can provide
experience with
from its store much useful historical information, and
its matured knowledge can criticise, control, and
keep things sane. A
mere academic composition lacking romantic quality tends to become
a dead thing, for it is fine feeling which gives life to a design and
us when we see it. In the early stages of learning such elements as the
swastika, the lotus, or the palmette will have little meaning, though later,
after a student has attempted some planning with simple elements of her
own finding, academic tradition will take its right place in her designs.
Designs are composed of elements or units. These by variation of
pose and arrangement build up different types of pattern. For embroi-
dery designs some of the commonly chosen elements are flowers, foliage,
figures, birds and animals, geometrical forms such as knots, strap-
work, and quatrefoils. The worker should make studies of elements
both from nature and from art. Sometimes they are found upon the
designs of other craft work, such as pottery or weaving, coming from
our own or far countries. Persia and India have provided us with a
wealth of examples of embroidered flowers. Patterns are composed by
arranging elements on some fundamental plan, such as repetition, sym-
metry, radiation, and so forth. The discovery of all this kind of thing
— fundamental bases of patterns, main types of border designs, suitable

elements- does not come by inspiration but by systematic study. A set
of exercises must be undertaken which might be called experiments in
pattern planning. These may be carried out by ringing all the possible
changes on one idea, by working with fixed elements under given
conditions, and exhausting all the possibilities of each case. Having
tried a number of different plans, the most attractive and suitable to the
particular purpose may be adopted. It is of little use sitting down
before a blank sheet of paper waiting for inspiration. The wiser plan is
to get together a great deal of experience by tackling direct problems
and to look around and see how others, in past and present times, have
mastered them.
An embroidery notebook is a useful and fascinating possession. It
should be the complement of the sampler. It can contain diagrams of
the working stages of stitches, as a useful reminder, for the sampler will
show only the finished product. All kinds of odd, interesting matter
can be collected and noted in it, such as studies of flowers from nature,
from herbals and other embroideries, jottings of patterns, notes on his-
torical work and many other things for future reference.
When the student has practised the making of patterns, and how to
stitch them deftly, and has an intimate acquaintance with the many lovely
threads and fabrics which henceforth she will handle constantly in the
exercise of her craft, she will be fit to undertake almost any embroidery
problem which presents itself. For the experience gained in acquiring
this knowledge will mould her taste and help to give the embroidery
touch to her finger-tips. Taste, true feeKng, is simultaneously born in
the fingers and felt in the brain. The first consideration, when commen-

cing a piece of work, must be to what purpose is the finished product to
be put ? For this question should govern the whole conception. The
art of the needle can enter into every phase of life, and add interest to it.
In the service of the Church it can ennoble the fabric which clothes the
altar, and the vestment of the priest. This branch of art calls for the
finest materials, the greatest dignity in design, and the most skilled
craftsmanship. In Church embroidery we have the incentive of a great
tradition, for England in the Middle Ages was famous throughout
Europe for her broidered vestments. Often in Church inventories, after
the mention of a cope, as a statement of its value would come the words
fafon d'Angleterre ' or ' de opere Anglico.' Bishops, noblemen, and
kings vied with each other to procure this famous ' English work.' Pope
Innocent IV sent emissaries to England to collect vestments for his
choir ' no matter what the cost might be.'
Wearing apparel provides a fine field for the display of the art of the
needle. Elaborate dress embroidery can only be discussed by a profes-r
sional dressmaker, for the embroidery is here secondary to the art of
dress. But dainty borders, a flowered vest, or a child's frock can be
successfully attempted by the amateur. Simple dress decoration is

usually satisfactory if constructional a neat insertion joining a seam,
buttons and buttonholes patterned, or a stitched border emphasising
the fastening, neck and sleeves. Civic functions may in the future give
rise to new developments in embroidery. Why should not our mayors,
magistrates, and masters of colleges have their gowns stitched over with
symbols of office ? Opportunity for the use of bold types of design and
workmanship are afforded by banners and street hangmgs. S3rmbolical
figures, mottoes, and heraldry, executed perhaps in applied or inlaid work,
make suitable decoration for these.
To give a personal touch to her home by her own thought and handi-
work comes naturally to an Englishwoman. Here embroidery can play
its part, for having so many ways and means it can adapt itself appro-
priately to the many subjects that the house presents. Let us beware lest
the curtain or cloth be the worse for its added ornament ! Household
linen does not call for decoration of an ambitious order, nor need such
objects have a great amount of work upon them, for this would be mis-
placed energy which should be reserved for bigger undertakings. A
neat and somewhat monotonous pattern, worked perhaps in white,
is appropriate for table linen. The design may be of a geometrical
or strictly formal floral type, or simply lines of pretty stitching. Such
patterns are not too noticeable, which is a point in their favour, for
we do not want constantly to be struck by marvellous decoration upon
objects in daily use. All that is required is a pleasant consciousness that
something not absolutely necessary has been added, making the object
individual as well as useful. For such subjects as seat covers and
cushions, there is canvas work, used and known in the Middle Ages
as optis pulvinarium, or cushion style. Its technique is durable and
its patterns are decorative. For hangings, the Jacobean work was a fine
creation, but nowadays it has been cheapened by weak imitation. For
a change, designs for large surfaces such as hangings or quilts, based
on geometrical elements, knot-work or counterchanges, for example,
look well. Needlework is pleasing for wall decoration, either framed
or filling panels. But the wise worker who has begun to take interest
in stitches and design will have alert eyes to see the many opportunities
that lie before her for the cunning display of her art. She will do well
to note how in times past her ancestors left traces of the needle's art
upon all the fabrics that they touched. Aided by the knowledge with
which her searchings into the past will supply her, she will endeavour to
do her part and hand on to another generation our glorious and dignified
tradition of the fine art of needlework.
AS stitches will now be the main subject of discussion, a preliminary
/\ classification will
^"^single flat stitch,
be an orderly way of entering upon it.
best illustrated by Stem, is the foundation
from which all others develop. Stitches may be divided into
four main groups. These are Flat, Looped, Chained, and Knotted. The
most widely practised of the first group is Satin, which is composed of
a number of flat stitches laid side by side in close parallel lines. Other
typical ones are Couching, Darning, and Laid Work. The first deviation
from a straight stitch is a looped one. For this the flat stitch is pulled
out of the straight and forced into a loop by another passing across it.
Buttonhole may be taken as the typical example of this second group.
Others are Feather, Scroll, and Diamond. Acomplete loop becomes a
chain, and the many varieties of Chain compose the third group. A
chain twisted up tightly develops into a knot, and the knots, exempli-
fied by Bullion, French, and Trellis, fill the fourth and last main group.

Other less fundamental divisions are easily formed for instance, the
Canvas stitches. These are gathered from the first three main groups,
and applied to a particular kind of ground fabric, which gives them
their distinctive character and name. The Composite stitches are of
all kinds, their chief feature being that they consist of one stitch im-
posed upon another, as for example Interlacing or Pekinese. Cut Work
is another distinct kind and the Drawn Fabric stitches form a group to
STEM STITCH, figure i.—The diagram explains the working of this
stitch, known also as Crewel or Outline. During the working, the thread
must be kept to the same side of the needle, either to the left or to the
right, as suits the purpose in hand. In the diagram, a fairly broad stem
line is in process of working. If a finer line is required, the needle must
both enter and return through the material exactly upon the traced line.
To raise a stem line, run a thread along the tracing and work the stitches
over it. The piece of material picked up by the needle for each stitch may
vary in size. It is perhaps most usual to pick up only as much as is neces-
sary to hold ; another method is to work so that a regular line of Back
stitching is formed upon the under side. This is contrived by picking
up a piece of material exactly upon the traced line, just half the length of
the stitch. Stem makes a satisfactory filling stitch. When used for this
purpose the lines of the filling usually follow round the outline and further
interest may be given by adding gradation of colour. Figure 2 shows a
Stem-stitch filling worked in a special manner. By working thus a neat
pattern of diagonal bands is formed over the surface which would
under usual treatment have been
plain. Patterning a flat surface has a
refining effect, also it suggests an
all-pervading orderliness which is a
pleasing quality in design. When
this new form of Stem-stitch filling
follows a curve, instead of a straight
line as in the diagram, the effect is
better. The worker should experi-
ment with it upon such objects as
tree trunks, birds,or animals. (See
Plates XII and XIII .) In such cases
the lines of stitching usually follow
round with the outline of the form
to be filled. The execution is as
follows : Begin at the lower left-
hand corner of figure 2, and work
a single, upright line of neat Stem
stitching. Make all the stitches of
exactly the same
length, and in-
FIG. I. STEM STITCH. the needle
let it pick up a piece of material just one-third the
length of the stitch, and let the working thread lie
upon the right of the needle. At the end of a line,
fasten off the thread and begin again at the base.
Keep each succeeding line of stitching close to the
previous one, and with each new row insert the
needle a step above the point where it entered for the
row before. It is this regular step up which gives the
pretty diagonal stripes to the solid mass of stitching.

LINE SHADING, figure 3 This is another way to

work Stem stitch fillings. The method is as much

used for contrast as for gradual change in tone, and by
its means all kinds of pretty effects can be obtained.
This type of work has been carried to perfection in the
Dutch East Indian embroideries of early eighteenth-
century date. In fact, in most Eastern Chain stitch FILLING.
work, this method of filling up the forms by con-
trasted lines of different colours is adopted. Fillings formed thus add
great refinement and interest to the detail of the design; there are
few prettier methods employed for the execution of fine embroidery
than this. (See figures 52A and 52B.)
executing bold lines
in Stem, it is sometimes a good plan to whip over the finished line of
stitching. When the row is completed, the needle works the thread
gradually back to the starting-point, passing it, at regular intervals,
round the line of Stem stitching.
SATIN STITCH, figure 5.— In
the diagram. Satin is being used
upon an ivy leaf, which has been
divided up into panels so that the
stitches should not be unnecessarily
long, for when this is the case, Satin
is inclined to look loose and untidy,
and to wear badly. For another
reason it is often a good plan to
break up a surface to be worked in
flat Satin, as the change of direction
of the threads causes a pretty play of
light upon the colour. The stitches
stretch from side to side of the space
to be covered, and they are usually
laid obliquely. Atechnical difficulty
with Satin is the attainment of a neat
firm line at both sides of a filling.


This is well mastered in Chinese

embroidery, where the well-drawn
edge is especially insisted upon.
Often a narrow margin of fabric
is left visible between the many
petals of a large double flower
carried out in Satin. This is called
voiding,' and serves to emphasise

< -nk-" '

the shape.
\ '-'
ure 6. —On
the early English
geometrical patterns
executed in Satin are commonly
seen, and they are often combined
FIG. 4. WHIPPED STEM STITCH. with Cut Work, for the two kinds
of embroidery go well together.
This is a pretty treatment of Satin, for it gives a formalism to the
design which is always satisfactory in decorative work. Even-meshed
hand-woven linen makes the best material for the ground, and the
thread should match it in both tone and texture. Both should be
valuable asset
of good quality, for the intrinsic worth of fine linen is a
in the technique. Ihe
to an embroidery. There is little to learn
the forms will lose their sharp
stitching must be exact to a thread, or
outlines The thread must be just the size to fill the required space.
The chief stitch used in this type of work is Satin, besides which.
Overcast and Buttonhole wheels are frequently added, for they make a
for any line work.
contrast to the other part ; also Holbein stitch is used
of useful patterns for
Figure 6 and Plate HI each contain a collection
can be used independently
the work. Any of the elements illustrated
if need be.
Satin, is

usually effected in definite bands;

if more gradual change of tone were
required. Long and Short or Crewjel
would be employed instead.
There are three chief methods of
shading in Satin. The first, that in
which the successive bands of vary-
ing tone just touch each other at the
edges ; a second, where the bands
slightly encroach upon each other ;
and a third, when the bands are, what
istermed, voided. Of the three, the
Chinese method of voiding is the
most difficult, for the narrow lines of
exposed fabric, although built up by
many stitches, have to appear as
firmly drawn as a pen-and-ink line.
To execute Satin in encroaching
fashion, as in figure 7, each new
stitch is made to fit in between two
of the row before. The encroach-
FIG. 5.
ment is usually a bare sixteenth of
an inch.
LONG AND SHORT figure 8.—This is a variation of
Satin. Instead of working the stitches all of one length, they are worked
alternately long and short, and are so arranged that on one side of the
band of stitching a firm edge is kept, and on the other a dentated line.
The leaf in figure 8 shows a band of Long and Short upon the margin
in a dark shade, the remainder of the leaf being filled in with another
form of Satin. The advantage of commencing with a line of Long and
Short stitch for a solid filling is that an irregular line is formed on the
inner edge, into which another shade of colour can be easily blended.
Again, if Long and Short stitch is used for an edging in outline work, the
inner edge thus broken is softer and more pleasing. The method of
work is the same as for Satin. For Long and Short stitch to be properly
effective there must be a distinct difference in the length of the stitches.
This long and short treatment of a stitch can be applied to other

cAj II?

- -


varieties besides Satin. Buttonhole stitch lends itself admirably to being
worked in this way, either for the edge of a leaf or a border line.
LONG AND SHORT STITCH (Variation), figure 9.—This is an
economical method of working Long and Short stitch. With it there is
little thread wasted on the under side of the fabric. Upon the
surface the
two are almost identical, but the method of execution is different. Unless
special care is taken, there is a danger of this stitch being less firm in
line upon the outer edge than the other. Upon the right-hand form in
figure 9, the longer of the two stitches is seen in process of formation.
For the second, shorter one, the needle, instead of coming through
upon the margin as in the usual stitch, is brought through at the point

if ^ i
II vM.
stitches of equal length. The stitch is often found upon the English
seventeenth-century wool work hangings, where so many examples of
shading methods can be studied with advantage.
SHADING STITCHES.— Shading used in right ways adds charm
to embroideries, but when used wrongly it develops bad types of
work. It should not be employed to make forms stand out in semblance
of reality, for an embroidery representation of a subject must not aim
at being realistic or even pictorial. Shading should not be used for the
purpose of giving the composition an appearance of being definitely
lighted from one side or other of the subject, for this gives a somewhat
theatrical effect of light and shade. It can, however, safely be used to
add variety to colour and thus enhance its beauty, to vary tone, and to


provide a necessary contrast against a changing background and pattern.

A point to be remembered, when shading is introduced, is that gradation
of colour or tone requires as good drawing as an outline. The passage
from one tone to another is usually better when definitely marked,
rather than when blended imperceptibly, and it is necessary that the
lines formed by this definite change of tone should be firmly drawn
and of correct shape.

FLAT STITCH, figure 11. ^A simple and useful variety for working
solid fillings. For small leaves and petals of flowers it can be used as illus-
trated in the diagram. For larger forms, bands of the stitching must be
worked side by side until the required space is filled in. The successive
bands of a Flat stitch filling should be so joined that they interlock
slightly with each other, for then the junction of the bands, instead of
looking rather poor and thin, appears practically the same as the middle
portion of the stitch. This is one of the smooth, even stitches which
show fine floss silk to great advantage. The execution is explained by
the diagram. The process there seen occurs alternately on either side
bring the thread through at the apex of the leaf. Return it to the back
upon the centre vein at a point nearly half-way down its length. Next
bring the needle through on the left margin of the leaf, opposite the point
in the centre where it has just gone through. An arrow on the diagram
points to the correct spot for this.
Next insert the needle on the right
margin of the leaf, near the apex, and
bring it to the front again on the left
margin exactly opposite. Next insert
the needle lower down on the leaf on
the right margin, then pass it hori-
zontally under the leaf and bring it
to the surface on the opposite mar-
gin. The process so far described
can be seen worked on the lowest
leaf in the diagram. Next insert the
needle again on the right margin
close under the second stitch, and
then bring it to the surface exactly
opposite on the left margin. This
process of passing the needle and
thread horizontally underneath the


leaf from margin to margin, al-

ternately near the apex and then
lower down, and thus building up
two lines of slanting and crossing
stitches, is continued until the
leaf is completely covered up. It
should then have the appearance
of the top leaf of the spray.
figure 14. —
To work this, bring
the needle through on the left
side of and close to the vein, not
far below the apex, and insert it
at point Aon the diagram. Next
bring it through on the left mar-
gin opposite. Now pass the
thread to the back upon the right FIG. 13. RAISED FISHBONE STITCH.

side of the vein, a little below the

starting point, and bring it to the surface upon the left side of the
vein, opposite the point where it just entered. The thread is now
in position to commence the third stitch, which is a repetition of
the first.


LEAF STITCH, figure 15.—This diagram shows a light filling for a leaf
the base
or border line. To work the stitch bring the thread through at
of the leaf to the left of the centre. Then insert the needle on the oppo-
site margin, part way up the leaf,

and bring it through to the surface

again at the base, a little to the
right of the centre and below the
stitch, which now lies across the
leaf. Next insert the needle upon
the left-hand margin and bring it
through again below in the same
manner as previously, but upon
the left side of the centre. Con-
tinue working alternately upon
either side until the surface is
lightly covered over. To complete
the leaf, work some firm kind of
stitch round the edge.
BASKET STITCH, figure 16.—
In the diagram this stitch is

worked closely it can, however,


be more open than this and allow

the ground to show between the


interlacing threads. To begin

working, bring the thread through
at the top of the left traced line.
Insert it on the other traced line
a little lower down, and then bring
it through again on the line im-

mediately opposite. Again insert

the needle on the opposite side but
above the stitch already there, and
bring it through on the other line,
just below where the thread first
came through. Insert the needle
again on the other side, underneath
the stitch already there, and bring it
out just opposite. It will be seen that
to work Basket stitch the needle
takes a step forward and backward FIG. 15. LEAF STITCH.
alternately, and the reverse side
should exhibit a series of parallel transverse threads occurring regularly
two together, and then an interval between. The needle at work
in the diagram shows the stage when the backward stitch is taken.
Basket needs working regularly to look well, and the backward stitch






must be taken into the actual perforations made by two previous
DOUBLE BACK STITCH, figure 17.—The diagram explains the
niethod of work. First on one side and then on the other, the needle
picks up a small portion of material. This process carries the thread to
and fro from side to side, which results in a pretty plait-like effect upon
the form it covers. If correctly worked the stitches should build up a
double row of Back stitches upon the reverse side of the material. When
working upon transparent stuff, such as batiste or muslin, a neat adap-
tation of this stitch can be contrived by making what is usually the
reverse, the right or upper side. The Back stitches then make the out-

/ -X ^
by a shorter one taken across it. Sometimes the tying down part of the
stitch looks best taken straight across at right angles, but in
figure i8,
the form which has an oblique transverse stitch is illustrated. A

variation would be to make the crossing stitch pull the longer part
down, so that it takes a V-shape in-
stead of going straight across. To
work Roumanian stitch, bring the
thread through at the top left-hand
side of the space to be covered. Take
it to the back upon the opposite mar-
gin of the petal and bring the needle
through again just a little before
the centre, and above the half worked
stitch. Take it to the back, below the
stitch now laid upon the surface (see
dot in diagram). For the next stitch,
bring the thread through to the sur-
face upon the left-hand margin, im-
mediately below the point where it
first emerged. If the thread is thick
and the stitches have to be very close
together, it is often a good plan to
bring up the thread for the transverse
stitch through the centre of the
crossing stitch above. This results in FIG ROUMANIAN STITCH.

a neatly chained line down the centre

instead of a rather clumsy ill-fitting
CHEVRON STITCH, figure 19.—
The diagram represents a neat little
stitch founded on the plain needle-
work Herringbone. It is mainly used
for border lines and is quick and easy
to execute. In the lower portion of the
figure, a block of the stitching has
been drawn out in order to show how
it may also be turned to good use as an

all-over stitch for a light filling. (See

Plate XII .) A pretty addition is to twist
a thread of contrasting colour in and
out of the line of stitching The effect

FIG. 19. CHEVRON STITCH. of this can be seen in Plate IX,

where both ways of working are illus-
trated, and it is done in exactly the same way as that shown in figure 99.
To work Chevron stitch, bring the thread through on the lower of
the two traced lines at the left end. Then insert the needle about an
eighth of an inch to the right of the commencement, and bring it through
to the surface, on the traced Une, at a point exactly in the centre of the
stitch now in process of formation. Next insert the needleupon the
upper traced line farther along to the right, and bring it through to the
surface a little to the left of the point where it has just entered (see
needle in diagram) Next take the

needle to the back a little farther

along the line towards the right
[ and bring it to the front again at
the centre of the stitch now in pro-
cess of being formed. If worked
correctly the needle should have
come up at the point just where it
first entered the upper traced line.
To continue, take the stitches
alternately upon the upper and
lower lines in the manner de-
ure 20. —This may be used either
as a line stitch or as a light filling, as
shown in the diagram either for de-


tailsof the pattern or for the back-

ground. Again, it may be used as a
powdered pattern with each pair of
stitches detached from the rest. To
work Arrow-Head stitch, bring the
thread through at the top of the
traced Hne most to the left. Insert
the needle on the centre line and
bring it up on the right-hand one,
just as shown by the needle in the
diagram. Next insert the needle
on the central line at the point
where it last entered. This com-
pletes the first stitch, and to con-
tinue bring the needle through at
the correct place on the left-hand
line for forming the next. The two
stitches should slant at a right
angle towards each other and they should be equally spaced
THORN STITCH, figure 21 .—A useful variety for representing
or fern lines or thorned stems, for the continuous unbroken
hne which
occurs down the centre has a good effect. To work the spray
in the diagram, bring the thread through at the apex of the traced
hne and
take it to the back at the base. Leave this long thread, now lying upon
the surface, slack enough to lie easily along the curve. Bring the needle
to the front again a little to the left of the point where it last went
through. Next insert the needle just over the central traced hne, keeping
the laid thread to the left of it, and bring it to the surface on the same
side of the central Une opposite the point where it last came through
(see needle in diagram). pass the needle to the back at a point
on the left side of the laid thread, opposite the stitch previously worked.
This completes the first pair of stitches.
STITCH, figure 22.— simple varietyuseful forworkingfeathery


sprays, open border lines, light veinings for leaves, or scrolling back-
ground patterns. It is composed of three single stitches of about the
same length, which radiate from a common centre. The diagram explains
the working. The three single stitches of which it is composed are
worked in succession, and then the next group is commenced. The
stitches, though usually of a like size, may vary in length. For instance,
the lateral stitches may be required to be close together, in this case
the centre stitch must be proportionately shorter.
OVERCAST STITCH, figure 23.—This well-known stitch is indis-
pensable for that dainty branch of the art of needlework, fine white
embroidery. It is used for working stems, outlining leaves and other
forms which are afterwards to be filled in with a variety of fancy
stitchings. In many kinds of coloured embroidery Overcast is also
useful. For example, in fine heraldic work there is no better stitch
than this for outlining either the shields or the forms figured upon

them, also in cut and applied work, for a firm and secure edge is made
by it. For perfect technique the help of a frame is required. To
execute it, first run, or couch down, a thread of the requisite
coarseness upon the traced line, and then cover it closely over with
regular stitches in the manner
illustrated in the diagram, always
taking care to pick up as little
as possible of the material under-
neath the laid thread, otherwise
the raised line will not have
the full round appearance which
should characterise it. Another
way to work Overcast is explained
on page 71
—A light Overcasting
figure 24.
stitch frequently added as a
finish to other varieties. In the
diagram it is placed over Satin. In
the same manner Chain, Coral or
Back stitch can sometimes be over-
cast with good effect.
DOT STITCH.figure 25.—This
consists of a couple of Back stit-


ches worked one after the other

into the same hole, and then a
short interval is allowed before
working a second couple. In the
diagram, the stitch is used to
vein a leaf. Sometimes these dots
are spaced regularly over the sur-
face of a petal as a powdering.
They are not so effective if treated
as run stitches, for the Back stitch
formation makes them stand up
better. A
flowing line effect in-
stead of a staccato one can be
obtained by threading another
strand in and out of the dots, as
FIG. 25. DOT STITCH. shown in the lower part of the
BACK STITCH, figure 26.—To show to most advantage, Back stitch
should be worked with fairly coarse untwisted thread. The effect
of a completed line of it should resemble a neat row of pearls, and
this eflFect cannot be attained if too thin a thread or too long a stitch is
employed. The worked line, though built up of many minute stitches,
should have the appearance of being well and firmly drawn. The needle
brings the thread through from the
back about one-sixteenth of an inch
or less from the beginning of the
line to be worked. It then returns
to the back at the commencement
and comes through again a step be-
yond the starting-point, as can be
seen in the diagram. This stitch
is often used as a foundation for
others. A pretty cord-like effect is
obtained by threading in and out,
through each stitch in succession, a
silk of a contrasting colour. This
method of working is shown in the
lower portion of the diagram. A
fine thread should be used for the
added stitch or the under one will
be too much covered. A
piece of the ground material may,

'•r\- if necessary, be picked up as the

needle passes under each Back
stitch, if this makes the line more
firmly drawn. Variations of a
similar kind can be made by de-
vising newmethods of threading in and out. Some of these are illustrated
in figures 102, 103, and 123.





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THE of
looped stitches, a most useful group, are mainly varieties
Buttonole. In mediaeval embroidery there is no evidence
of their use. This was probably because the work was then all
done in the frame, and these are, by their nature, hand stitches.
In the famous Elizabethan dress embroidery, of which figure 28 is an
example. Buttonhole was"
much used for leaf fillings,
and surely no prettier
method of working these
could have been devised.
Figure 27 an enlarged detai 1

of a portion of the tunic,

gives some idea of how
these were executed Lines .

of stitching are taken to and

fro across the leaf and effec-
tive use is made of both
colour and shading. In the
sixteenth century all arts
reflected the prevailing
spirit of romance. The de-
signs for embroidery were
full of imagination, variety,
and pretty surprises. Look
at the fantastic mixture of
flowers, birds, butterflies
and other insects displayed
upon this coat ! Add to the
attractiveness of the design
its execution in various
brightly coloured silks,
leaves shading quitehappily
from blue through green to
salmon-pink, a golden plaited stem curving in and out binding all
together—we have in this example of English einbroidery a beautiful
and characteristic piece belonging to that interesting period.
BUTTONHOLE STITCH, figure 29.—Buttonhole makes an excellent
edging stitch and is frequently put to this use, either for making secure the


cut material in open work, or for binding other raw edges. Used as a
filling or for lines Buttonhole can be employed in a number
of different
ways. When employed for fillings each succeeding row of stitching is
worked into the heading of the previous row, no matter whether the stitch
is being treated in open or close fashion The

lines of buttonholing are sometimes taken

straight across the surface to be covered, at
other times they follow round the outline.
Frequently for solid fillings, a line of thread
is thrown across from side to side and the
stitch worked over this as well as into the
heading of the row before. This suggests
another use for buttonholing, which is to
couch down various forms of laid threads.
The couched thread may be a gold or silver
one and this with fine floss silk buttonholing
it down is most delicate and pretty. An

open flower can have the metal thread

couched spirally from near the centre to the
outside, where some solid Satin or Button-
hole stitching in silk finishes it off. Equally
satisfactory is the method of letting the
couching thread start round the outline and
continue round and round until the
form is completely filled in. There
are still other uses to which this stitch
may be applied. For instance, back-
grounds needing light decoration can
be covered with open buttonholing
which gives the effect of an all-over
honeycomb patterning. A
of the ordinary buttonhole edging
is to roll the raw edge over a fine
cord and buttonhole over this in
some fanciful way, such as three close
stitches followed by an interval, and
so on. How to work Buttonhole is
explained by the diagram, figure 29,
where it is forming a thick outline
to some berries. Here the stitch is
worked in close fashion, the open form
only differing in having each stitch
slightly separated from the one on
FIG. 30. tailor's buttonhole STITCH.
either side. Buttonhole wheels, a
useful form of this stitch, are worked like the berries in the diagram, only
the needle passes into the exact same hole in the centre each time. Plate V
illustrates the usefulness and adaptability of this stitch ; it is entirely
executed by its means.
TAILOR'S BUTTONHOLE, figure*30.—This variation on the ordi-
nary Buttonhole is useful in both plain and fancy needlework. The
difference between it and the usual form is that there is an additional
knot at the heading, which gives it a firmer and more ornamental
appearance. Tailor's Buttonhole cannot be
satisfactorily worked when the stitches are
spaced far apart, because the heading knot
needs support on either side to keep it rigid.
possible variation lies in the change of
length of the straight portion of the stitch,
for this part, by varying in some regular
sequence, can be made to form Vandykes or
chequers such as those shown in figure 31.
Worked in this way it makes a decorative bor-
der line. The stitch is perhaps most used for
working small petals or leaves. Figure 30
explains the execution. For the first part
of the working, treat it exactly like the

simpler variety ^that is, work as directed for
figure 29. When in the position illustrated
by that diagram, proceed to take hold of the thread where it is doubled,
fairly near the eye of the needle, and pass it under the point from
right to left, so that it takes the posi-
tion illustrat-ed in figure 30. Then
pull the needle through over the
threads which now lie under it, and
the stitch is complete.
STITCH, 32.—This is the
ordinary variety with the addition
of a knot at the apex. For such
a purpose as that illustrated in
the diagram, the added knot is an
improvement. Worked in coarse
thread, as an edging to a design, the
stitch suggests a knotted fringe. To
work knotted Buttonhole bring the
thread through at the left-hand end
of the traced line. Pass the working
thread once round the thumb of the
left hand which will now be holding FIG. 32. KNOTTED BUTTONHOLE STITCH.
the material near to the starting-
point, and then transfer the loop thus formed on to the needle by
passing this up through the loop in the manner illustrated in figure 33.
Then with the loop round the needle, continue to work the Buttonhole
stitch in the usual way. When the stage figured in the working
diagram is reached the thread should be lightly pulled so that both
the knot and the buttonhole loop, which are in process of formation,
are fairly tight before the needle is finally pulled through. This method of
forming a knot by first twisting the thread round the thumb should be
noted, for some find it an easy method of making other embroidery knots.
DETACHED BUTTONHOLE STITCH, figure 34.—One method of
using Buttonhole stitch for flower petals
is to work it almost entirely detached
from the ground fabric. The diagram
shows such a petal in process of execution.
Towards the right-hand end of the line
the stitches are shown separated, this
is only to explain the execution. They
should lie close together as on the left side.
To commence working the petal a founda-
tion composed of two long Satin stitches is
laid upon the material, stretching from
corner to corner of the outer edge. The
first row of stitching is worked over this two-
fold line of thread, and the succeeding rows are worked into the heading of
the row before. For stability the first and last stitches of the first row are
stitched into the ground fabric as well as over the laid threads. To execute
a petal the buttonholing must be worked continuously to and fro first from
, ,

right to left, and then left to right. After the first three rows, the number of
stitches is gradually decreased until at the base of the petal only three
stitches compose the last row. At this point, a single stitch, taken from the
last row into the ground fabric, fixes the base of the petal to the material.
The petal should not lie flatly upon the ground, it should have a convex
shape like those in the sampler, Plate VI.
Say a petal commences with fifteen
uppermost row, then each
stitches in the
fresh petal must commence with the
same number, or they will not be of like
size when finished. The
necessary de-
crease in the number of stitches in each
line must only take place at the end of a
row. The chief technical difficulty with
this method of work is to keep the stitch
neat and firm at the extremities of a line
at the point where the turn has to be
made to come back. These successive
turning stitches eventually form the
FIG. 34. DETACHED BUTTONHOLE side margins of the petal, and if, in
the working, a loose and irregular hne is
built up, the result is most One aid to this is to keep the
thread tight at the turn of each Une of stitching. For the technique to be
Perfect, much depends upon the employment of the right type of thread,
'hat, in the sampler, is a firm, fairly coarse Hnen of even texture. This
type of work is usually done with white linen thread on a ground of
white or stone-coloured linen, but it can look well in colour. The flowers
and leaves in Plate VI are all executed in Detached Buttonhole, also those
in the centre of Plate XVII.
BUTTONHOLE STITCH SHADING, figure 35.—This is a useful
shading stitch, and there are a number of ways in which it can be
adapted to this purpose. When Buttonhole is employed as a solid filling,
it is usual to work each fresh row over the heading of the previous row

as illustrated in the diagram. The shading is contrived by working each

row, or couple of rows, in a different colour or tone. The stitches can be
close together or spaced slightly apart to show an under thread like that
seen in the unfinished portion in the diagram. This underlay, which is
usually added, can be of the same colour as the surface buttonholing, or



it maybe opposed to it. The former is the most simply worked, for at the
end of a line the working thread is carried across from right to left and
it isthen in position for executing the next row of stitching. Sometimes
all the shading is expressed by the underlay, and an openly spaced
buttonholing, in a single tint, laid over it. An alternative method is to
lay a pale bright colour underneath and vary the surface stitching.
Forms can be shaded by this stitch in bands worked directly across or in
bands following round the outUne. The latter are well illustrated in
Plate V. A pretty ribbed effect is obtained by working the narrowest
possible band of close buttonholing over both the heading of the last
row and a laid thread.
WAVE STITCH, figure 36.—In the diagram the effect of this stitch has
been sacrificed to clearness of workmanship. In actual work, the loops are
packed closely side by side, and do not show any ground fabric between.
This stitch, most effective in woollen thread, is good for shading purposes,
partly because of the manner in which the successive bands encroach upon
each other. To carry out Wave stitch, commence at the apex with a band
of radiating Satin stitches. Then bring the thread through upon the right-
hand side of the form at the base of what will be the second band of stitch-

ing (see arrow) ; next, pass the thread through the Satin stitch immediately
above, in the manner shown by the needle lower down in the diagram.
During the process, the needle does not enter the ground fabric. Next,
pick up with the needle a very small piece of material, close to the starting-
point of the present band and upon the traced line marking its base.
Then proceed to pass the needle and thread as before through the second
of the row of Satin stitches above. Continue the alternate action of
first picking up material at the base of the band, then threading through
the stitch above, until the end of the row is reached. Then commence
the third band, again starting from the right side. The difference be-
tween the first and the later rows of stitch-
ing is that the thread may have to be, at the
beginning, passed through single stitches
instead of loops. The first row, however,
can be looped like the others if there is
sufficient space, but with a narrow apex,
like that in the diagram. Satin generally fits
in best. The individual stitches must be
placed closely together, and not pulled at
too great tension. The colours or tone of
thread can vary with each row or even
change in the same band if required.
LADDER STITCH, figure 37.—Though
most frequently employed for the working
out of straight or curved geometrical lines.
Ladder can be used upon leaves or other forms of varying width. In
the diagram, a broad line is being carried out. To begin working,
bring the thread through at the upper end of the left-hand traced
line. Return it to the back upon the other traced line exactly oppo-
site and bring it through again close by, above the line just worked
and on the inner side of the point where it last went through.
Now take it to the back again upon the right-hand traced line just
below the first stitch and bring it through to the surface upon the
other traced line exactly opposite. The stage just described is illus-
trated by the needle. Next, the thread has to be looped through the
completed stitch at each edge in turn. This is done first on the left-
hand side by passing the needle, in the direction from above down-
wards, underneath the stitch close to the starting-point. The needle
should be slanted outwards during the process. Next carry the thread
across to the opposite side and there again loop it through the stitch
above. This time the needle passes the thread horizontally underneath
two crossed threads in the direction from right to left. This process has
just been gone through by the last completed stitch illustrated in the
diagram in fact, by close examination of this last stitch the looping
through for either edge can be followed out. The needle in the diagram
shows how to continue.
CRETAN STITCH, figure 38.—This stitch, useful for broad lines or
fillings, easily adapts itself to
forms of varying width If the

space to be filled is of too large

an area to be covered by a
single band of the stitching,
several rows of it can be placed
side by side until the space is
covered over. To work Cretan,
as illustrated in the diagram,
bring the needle through at
the apex of the leaf. Take it
to the back upon the right-
hand margin, close to where it
first came through and bring
it to the front again at a point
a little below this and rather
nearer the centre of the leaf.
The needle then pulls the
thread through over the work- J
ing thread and the same pro- FIG. 38. CRETAN STITCH.
cess is then repeated on the
opposite side. For the remainder of
the leaf, continue taking the stitches
in similar fashion alternately on
either side, always inserting the
needle on the margin of the leaf. It
would be just as easy to let the
width of the central plait vary with
the width of the leaf instead of the
outer portion doing so. This result
can be obtained by taking up with
the needle, every time, an equal-
sized piece of material. Whether
variations in the shape occur or not,
the proportionate width of the
outer to the inner portion of Cretan
stitch can always be regulated by
the quantity of material picked up
by the needle. Figure 39 illustrates
FIG. 39. CRETAN STITCH VARIATION. Cretan worked in a slightly differ-
. .
ent form. The central plait pulls
the side portions down into a vandyke shape.
PLAITED EDGE STITCH, figure 40.—This is a useful stitch for
covering a raw edge. In the diagram, two different ways of working it
are shown, and the lower band of stitching exhibits the residts given by
both methods. The stitch can be used to cover a raw edge, selvedge, or
hem ; for binding a raw edge of loosely woven fabric it is best to work by
the first method. Begin by fixing the thread at the back at the point
where the first needle in the figure
is piercing the fabric. Then insert
the needle as illustrated and pull
through. A
single upright stitch
should now be lying on both upper
and under surface. Next, pass the
needle under this stitch in the man-
ner shown by the second needle, not
allowing it during the process to
enter the ground fabric. The alter-
native method of working the
second stage of the stitch is illus-
trated where the third needle is at
work. Here, instead of passing
under the stitch, the needle is passed
a second time through the edge of
the fabric.
FEATHER STITCH, figure 41.—
Feather is worked in many different

ways, all of which are based on the

simple foundation illustrated in the
diagram. The stitch is suitable for

carr5ring out lines or fernlike leaves,

and it would be an appropriate
method for executing any kind of
light all-over pattern upon a back-
ground. It makes also a pretty open
filling for a large leaf if worked in
lines suggestive of the veining. The
diagram illustrates the working.
The looped stitch seen in process of
formation is worked alternately on
either side. In figure 42 one of the
simple variations of Feather stitch is
illustrated. The working is similar
to the former one, but the effect
obtained is that of a zig-zagged line.
figure 43. — ^This makes a dainty
border and its effectiveness can sometimes be increased by inserting laid
threads of a contrasting colour underneath, for this stitch can be used to
couch down laid threads. Strands of bright-coloured silk are first laid or
lightly darned on the material and the Feather stitch worked to and fro
over them, preferably in some dark colour. To carry out the stitch as in
figure 43, bring the thread through at the commencement of the left-
hand traced line. Throw the working thread over to the right and insert
the needle on the other traced line a little higher up than the starting-
point, and bring it through a little below. Pull the needle
through over the working thread. The needle in the
diagram explains the second stitch, which is the same
process in reverse direction on the other side. When
picking up material with the needle, each time insert it
close to the stitch above so that the thread joins on with
no apparent break. Each fresh stitch should commence
at a point just opposite the centre of the one last worked.
border stitch composed of a central zig-zag line with a
Single Chain stitch attached at each recurring point.
To work it bring the thread through at the top of the
left-hand traced line and there work a Chain stitch in a
slanting direction, just as the needle is doing a little lower
down. Next insert the needle a little below to the right
FIG. 42. and bring it out on the right-hand traced line in correct
position for working the second
Chain stitch.
VANDYKE STITCH, figure 45.—Though often
used as a border line, this variety can be adapted
to the working of leaves and other fillings. The
diagram explains the execution. Bring the needle
through on the left traced line, then, in the centre
between the two traced lines and about half an inch
higher up, pick up a small portion of fabric. (See
diagram.) Next, the needle passes the thread to
the back upon the right-hand line, opposite the
starting-point. For the second stitch, the thread is
brought to the surface on the left line immediately
below the first stitch. The second and all succeeding
stitches are worked like the first excepting that the
needle is at the centre slipped under the crossing
of the stitch above, instead of into the fabric. If any
difficulty is experienced in keeping the proper slant
to the side stitches, the needle can enter the ground
fabric each time it passes under the previous
STITCH, figure 46.— useful light filling FIG. 43. CLOSED FEATHER
for a leaf or a broad line. To commence bring STITCH.
through the thread at the right-hand end of the
band in the centre between the two traced lines. Insert the needle
on the upper traced line a little to the left of the starting-point and
bring it through again on the lower traced line immedi^ely below.
The second stage of the working is illustrated by the needle at work. It
SAMPLER FII. Line Stitches (^for names see next page).
Names of stitches upon SAMPLER Fit.
Names of stitches upon SAMPLER Vllt.
SAMPLER FIJI. Line Stitches {for names see previous page).

should not, whilst looping through the thread, pierce the ground stuff
CEYLON STITCH, figure 47.— A
useful close filling for a formal
design. It also makes a decorative broad line. The stitch is worked by
means of a series of chained loops which,
by fastening one into the other, gradually
build up a surface resembling a piece of
plain knitting. The monotony of an ex-
tensive filling solidly worked in this stitch
is relieved by making use of two contrast-
ing colours arranged in bands across the
surface, as in the lowest leaf in the
worked example in Plate XVII. It is not
necessary to place the chain loops as
closely together as they are on this leaf.
They can be spaced apart so as to show
the connecting thread between. For many
purposes it is more effective executed in
thismore open fashion, and it takes less
time to do. To commence working, throw
a strand
of thread
across the
form. In
the dia- no. 44. chained feather stitch.
gram the
stitch has been commenced twice a
single stitch at the apex shows the start
and the first loop, and lower down a
series of the chained Unes are shown, and
where the needle is at work, the manner
in which each fresh loop joins on to the
one above it is illustrated. After throw-
ing the preliminary line of thread across
from left to right, the thread is passed
under the material back again and comes
up just below the starting-point. The
thread is then looped into the laid line of
thread as many times and as close to-
gether as may be necessary. It is easy to
see what a practical stitch this would be
for working in metal threads, for there
FIG. 45. VANDYKE STITCH. is a minimum amoimt of passing to
fro through the material.
DIAMOND STITCH, figure 48.—This attractive stitch makes a border
or an insertion, and it could be used for an open filhng for a leaf or for
any larger form simply by increasing the number of stitches a row to m
kinds of embroidery decorative
obtain the necessary width. In certain
stitchery is used to take the place of colour. On a window-blind, for
example, colour would be useless, but patterned stitchery effective. The
same would be true when working in white thread upon a dark material
or the reverse. It is in such cases as these that the above stitch and other
like kinds would be employed
to advantage. To execute
Diamond stitch bring the
thread through at the apex of
the left-hand traced line. In-
sert it on the other line exactly
opposite and bring it to the
surface immediately below.
Hold the working thread
down upon the material, to-
wards the left, with the
thumb, and pass the needle
fig. 46. i-oop sutch.
under the two threads as
shown in the diagram. When
the thread is pulled through, a knot will be seen upon the right side of the
first stitch. Repeat the process on the left side of the same stitch so as to
place a second knot upon it. When forming these first two knots, it is a
good plan to pick up ground material at the same time. Next, pass the
needle to the back immediately under the second knot and bring it to the
surface one-sixteenth of an inch below.
Now make a knot similar to the first two,
but in the centre upon the lower of the
two transverse stitches. Do not fix this
one into the ground material. (See lower
needle in diagram.) Next, the needle
passes in and out of the ground fabric
on the right-hand traced line, at the
points marked by two dots in the figure.
It is now in position to work the first knot
again. Diamond stitch occurs in Plate
XXXIV. This stitch can be worked
over a padding of laid threads, thus
turning it into a raised decorative band,
or be thrown across an open space, this
latter plan making an insertion of it. A
variation is to work the stitch in a
chequering of two colours as seen in
Plate X. To work in two colours is
FIG. 47. CEYLON STITCH. easily contrived. When the first few
knots are completed and the needle has
carried the thread to the back, then instead of bringing it to the surface
again, bring a fresh thread through, and after that, a few stitches lower
down, return by the same means to using the first one again.
SWORD-EDGING STITCH, figure 49.—This can be used as a crest-

ing, or to soften the hard edge of a leaf outline, also as the element in a
powder pattern, for dotting regularly over the surface of a leaf. To
execute a stitch, bring the thread through at the place where the point
of the needle is seen emerging. Pass it to the back at point and bring A
it to the surface at point B. slanting stitch, A
which should be left a little slack, will have
been formed upon the material. Pass the
needle and thread under this stitch in the
direction from above downwards, and then
pass the thread through to the back at point C.
In the diagram the needle is completing one
stitch and passing the thread along to the point
for commencing a fresh one.
ROPE STITCH, figure 50.—This stitch is
executed in almost identical fashion to Twisted
Chain (figure 57), but, owing to being worked
more closely together, is quite different in
ef f ec t
The only
in the ap-
, ,

and Satin
is that Rope is slightly raised on
one side. This slight difference,
however, is quite noticeable when
the stitch is worked upon spiral
lines or tendrils, and it is for pur-
poses of this kind that it is used to
best advantage. To work Rope
stitch bring the thread through
just below the traced line, then
insert the needle above the traced
line a little farther back and bring
it through again at a point close
to and just ahead of where it first
came through. The needle and
thread should now be in the posi-
tion which is shown in the diagram.
Pull the needle through over the
working thread and the first stitch
is complete. Repeat the process
for all succeeding stitches, always inserting and bringing
out the
needle very close to the last stitch, othen^-ise the twist of the thread
underneath, which raises the stitch, will peep through and spoil the
SCROLL STITCH, figure 51.— A
simple decorative line is made by
Scroll stitch. It can be worked either in single or double rows or be
employed as a filling. A
number of rows together might be used to
represent flowing water, for the undulating lines of the stitch somewhat
suggest this motion. To execute
it, bring the thread through at the

left-hand end of the traced line.

Now form a loop with the work-
ing thread by throwing it first
towards the right and then back
to the starting-point, where it
must be held secure by the left
thumb. Insert the needle on the
traced line in the centre of the
loop as shown in the diagram.
Pull the loop that now Hes under
the needle tightly round it, and
then pull the thread through to
complete the stitch. The best
results are gained by working in
stout firm thread.
PEARL STITCH, figure 52.—
When worked closely and with
fairly coarse thread this stitch
FIG. 50. ROPE STITCH. somewhat resembles a row of
pearls. Working thus is perhaps
the most effective treatment, though another way is to make a jagged
line of it by spacing the knots
farther apart. This is a useful
stitch for executing geometrical
patterns in outline, such as, for
example, interlacing knot work.
To commence, bring the thread
through at the right-hand end of
a traced line, insert the needle a
little to the left just above the
traced line and bring it through
immediately below, not picking
up much material during the
process. Pull the thread through
and a short slanting stitch will
have been laid upon the mater-
ial. Pass the needle and thread

under this slanting stitch in the

direction from above downwards and do not let it dip into the
material on its passage through. (See figure in right-hand diagram,
where for the sake of clearness the first part of the stitch is loosened.)
Draw the thread through and the first stitch will be complete. In the
left-hand figure the entire process of working one stitch and a half of
the next one can be followed. In order to obtain the correct appear-
ance the first stage of
the stitching should be
tightly pulled, and the
after threading through
left a little loose. This
effect is attained by
working in the following
manner. Leave the first
stage of the stitching
loose, as seen in the dia-
gram where the needle is
atwork, until the thread
is nearly all passed
through It, then tug the
thread so as to tighten fig. 52. pearl stitch.
up the first part of the
stitching, complete this first'part of the stitch by pulling the rest
of the thread through and work the second stage of it more loosely.
chained stitches are a comprehensive group. Beginning with
the simple looped Chain, and Split, a form of the same stitch, they
develop through various stages of complexity till one like Plaited
Braid is obtained which is, perhaps, the most intricate Chain in use.
For the execution of solid
fillings, no stitch gives a
more refined effect than
Split or Chain Practically

the whole of the silk work

upon our famous medi-
aeval English embroidery
was carried out in this. It
works either features or
drapery to perfection. It
buildsup a smooth, even
surface,and yet the lines
of stitching are just suf-
ficiently distinct to make
the modelling of features
or drapery clearly evident.
For line shading, such as
that illustrated in figure 3,
Chain answers better than
Stem. Perhaps the finest
examples of this type of
work are to be found on
the Dutch East Indian em-
broideries of seventeenth
century date. From one
of these, figure 52A has
been drawn and figure 52B
is a larger detail taken
from the same example.
The naive meandering
irresponsibility of the designs of this Oriental school, which however
are under perfect control and fulfil their purpose with such easy assur-
ance, may be seen in these examples.

U l
CHAIN STITCH, figure 53.—The diagram illustrates the working of
Chain. For each successive stitch the needle picks up a small, like-sized
piece of ground material, each time entering where it last came out and
keeping carefully to the traced line. If the stitch is worked correctly a
neat line of back stitches shoiild be
visible upon the reverse side Care .

must be taken not to pucker the

ground material and to keep the
working regular, for in its mono-
tonous, even appearance lies the
beauty of this stitch. For either
lines or fillings it is equally good
and, like any other form of chain, it
is especially adapted to the execu-
tion of curved or spiral lines.
CHES, figure 54. —^These are use-
ful. They sometimes represent
flower petals as in the diagram.
Another adaptation is to powder
single stitches at regular intervals
over a surface to form a light filling.
They can be used in the place of
isolated French knots, for they are
easier to execute and more durable
when in use.
ZIGZAG CHAIN STITCH, figure 55.—This popular stitch consists
of a line of ordinary Chain, each loop of which is worked at an angle to
the one before. The working is explained by the diagram. point to be A


FIG. 54.

noted is that the needle should, just as it enters the material for each fresh
end of the loop of the previous stitch. This makes the
stitch, pierce the
working more secure. A French knot, placed in the triangle formed
by the zigzag treatment of the chain, makes a pretty finish to the line.
Stitches such as this make satisfactory edgings to floral designs, for
the contrast of the geometrical margin to the more naturalistic form
which it encloses, is eflFective. knot carried out in Zigzag Chain can
be seen in the centre of Plate IX.
CHEQUERED CHAIN STITCH, figure 56.—This, a fanciful variety
of the ordinary Chain,
makes a decorative line
of chequered colour. It
is executed by means of
two strands of silk which
are threaded into the
needle together. Colours
should be chosen which
contrast well, though in
all other ways the two
threads should be simi-
lar. To work Chequered
Chain, commence as if
for the ordinary stitch,
but thread two strands
in the needle, say dark
blue and gold. Upon FIG. 56. CHEQUERED CHAIN.

reaching the stage when

the needle is about to be pulled through over the threads, which should
now be lying under it, release one of the threads, say the gold one, from


Stitch isworked in the same way, but this time the gold thread is left
looped under the needle and the blue one kept on top. The stitches look
best of an equal size, but it is not necessary to make them recur alter-
nately, one light, one dark. Three in succession could be light and then
one dark or any other sequence could
be followed.
TWISTED CHAIN, figure 57.—This
makes a pretty line for stems, curves,
and leaf outlines. It is not so definitely
linked as the ordinary variety, which
may be an advantage. To commence,
bring the needle through at the apex.
Then hold down the thread near its start
towards the left with the thumb, and
throw the remainder of the thread over
to the right. Next insert the needle in
the material just below the starting-point
and a little to the left of it. Bring it
through lower down in the manner
FIG. 59. OPEN CHAIN. shown by the needle in the figure. The
needle is pulled through over the worked
thread and this completes the first stitch.
pretty addition to the ordinary Chain is to work
a Back stitch down the centre in a contrasting
colour. The diagram illustrates this. Treated
thus Chain makes a decorative marginal line.
OPEN CHAIN, figure 59,— Narrow bands of
this stitch are seen sometimes upon Indian
work. In the figure it is being worked upon a
straight line, but it can easily be adapted to
leaves and other forms of varying width, for
with Open Chain it is as simple to follow a
broadening outline as a regular one. For the
working, bring the thread through on the left-
hand traced line, then pass it to the back on the
right-hand one opposite the first point, and
bring it through again on the other line a little
below. The loop is formed by pulling the
needle through over the working thread. The
loop last worked must be left to lie a little loose
upon the ground, for the needle has now, for the FIG. 60. SINGALESE CHAIN.

second stitch, to enter the material on the right-

hand traced line inside it, and this would not be practicable unless the
loop was loose. (See diagram.) Sometimes the stitches lie so close that
no ground stuff shows between the transverse threads. This variety can
be used to couch down a bunch of threads of contrasting colour. It is
quite easy to work the stitch over them.
SINGALESE CHAIN, figure 60.—This stitch, a development of Open
Chain, is found upon the traditional embroideries of Ceylon. The addi-
tion to the ordinary Open Chain consists in a coloured thread being
twisted in and out along each edge. To master the stitch, the novice
should first learn Open Chain, and then attempt
this. To work Singalese Chain, trace two lines
upon the material. These traced lines may be two
f)arallel ones or they may be the curved sides of a
eaf (figure 61). To execute the stitch, bring
through two threads of dark coloured silk. Let one
end of each thread emerge at the start of each of
the traced lines These threads should lie upon the

surface of the material, and if more convenient let

them be pinned down loosely in place upon the
traced lines a few inches below. Then for working
the chain, bring the light-coloured thread through
on the left traced line, just below the start and
inside the darker thread. Next pass the working
thread underneath the two laid threads in the direc-
tion from left to right, and then insert the needle

on the traced LESE CHAIN.

.' '"^^"-
farther along, and then pass it as before under the stitch behind it, which
this time is a Chain loop. When passing the needle under the stitch do
not pick up any ground material.
HEAVY CHAIN, figure 63.—This, a similar variety to Broad Chain, is

worked in the same backwards fashion,

but it is a heavier stitch and makes a
bold decorative line suitable for thick
stems and other purposes. To execute
Heavy Chain first work a Chain loop in
the manner described for Broad Chain.
Next pass the needle a second time
under the first run-stitch in the same
way as before, take it to the back at the
point where it last came through, and
bring it to the surface a short distance
farther along the line as with the first
stitch. There should now be two Chain
loops formed upon the material, a
larger one encircling a smaller one, and


both passing under the run-

stitch. These can be seen in
correct position at the starting
point in figure 63. The needle
in the diagram shows how to
continue. Instead of passing
the needle back, under the last
Chain loop, as it was done for
Broad Chain, the needle passes
the thread back far enough to
pass under the last two Chain
loops as it is doing in the dia-
figure 64. —This variation upon
the common Chain was used in
mediaeval German linen work.
The execution is thus ^work —
an Open Chain loop and into this another one, placing it to the left
of the first. Next insert the needle a second time into the centre of the
first Chain loop and bring it out below, but on the right side. Pull the
needle through over the working thread. For the fourth stitch, throw
the thread across to the left and insert the needle in the
centre of the
second Chain loop, to the left of the thread which is already emerging
from this point, and pull it through immediately below ; this stage is
illustrated by the needle in the diagram. The process just described is
repeated alternately upon either
side of the form to be covered,
and thus is built up the double
row of Chain.
PETAL STITCH, figure 65.—
This line stitch is useful for
scroUing stems, and it can be
used, worked in circular fashion,
to represent a small flower. To
commence, bring the needle
through a quarter of an inch be-
yond the start of the traced line.
Insert it at the beginning and
bring it to the surface an eighth
of an inch farther along. The
uppermost needle is carrjdng out
this first stage and for the second
stage, look at the second needle.


Here a Single Chain stitch is in

process of being formed ; this
should lie at a tangent to the traced
line. The third stage is shown by
the lowest needle. After taking the
short stitch which fixes down the
Chain loop, the needle is brought
through on the traced line, suffici-
ently far along to be in position for
commencing a second stitch similar
to the first. To execute this second
one the needle enters the material at
the base of the just completed Chain
loop and emerges at the point on
the traced line where the last stitch
ended. It should now be in position FIG. 66. ROSETTE CHAIN AS A LINE STITCH.

for forming the next Chain loop.

ROSETTE CHAIN, figure 66.—This, as the name implies, is a useful
stitch for working small flowers. For a neat finish to collar or cuff, to edge
a circle, or for placing upon the margins of a band design, it would be well
applied. To work it, bring the needle through at the right-hand end of
-the upper traced line. Pass the thread across to the left side and hold it
down loosely upon the material with the left thumb. Insert the needle
as shown in_^the upper part of the diagram and pull the thread through
over the loop. Next pass it under
the thread as in the lower diagram,
and then proceed to make another
stitch a little farther along the line.
(See diagram 67.)
UPON A FLOWER, figure 67.—
A fairly coarse, twisted thread
should be used for this, and if
there a certain stiffness in it,
such as is given by glazing, so
much the better, for this gives
more spring to the curves. When
repeated at short intervals round
the circumference of a circle, an
attractive, conventional represen-
tation of a daisy is produced. For
the petals to look well, each stitch
should, when complete, radiate
from a point exactly in the centre
FIG. 67. ROSETTE CHAIN. of the flower. The stitches can be
near together or far apart as suits
the subject. Rosette chain is
effectively worked in a white
thread on a ground of deeper
tone. It seems to run especially
easily along curves and is well
guited for the carrying out of
geometrical patterns built up
of curved lines. It can be seen
worked upon the samplers in
Plates IX and XXXII.
68. fanciful variation upon
Chain. The first stage of the
worldng is shown in the upper
right-hand corner of the figure.
Work first an ordinary Chain
stitch on the lower line. Then
insert the needle on the upper CRESTED CHAIN.
line in the manner illustrated.
When the thread is pulled through, a kind of Chain loop or Coral stitch
will have been formed on the upper line. Next slip the needle under
the slanting thread which joins the two Chain loops and then proceed
to work a second Chain stitch on the lower line. The different stages
of the working can all be found in the diagram as well as three com-
pleted stitches.
BRAID STITCH, figure 69. —Useful for ornamental border lines, this
stitch needs a coarse twisted thread to
show to advantage. Bring the thread
through upon the lower traced line at
the right-hand end. Throw the thread
across to the left and hold it in place
there with the thumb of the left hand.
Pass the needle under the held thread
in the direction pointing towards the
worker. Then twist it round towards
the left, passing over the held thread
until points in the opposite direc-

tion. needle should now have

the thread twisted round it. Next
insert the needle upon the upper I
traced line a little towards the left, I
and bring it through again on the
lower traced line exactly beneath. The
position should now be the one figured
in the diagram. If at this point the thread is loose upon the needle,
pull it tighter and then draw through. The drawing through may be
easier to manage if the left thumb is placed
lightly upon the stitch in process of making.
I n I CABLE STITCH, figure 70.—This is one of
the fancy stitches that many workers find attrac-
I vM'
tive. In the diagram the two dotted lines suggest
I jyc I
that some other stitch should be worked on either
n\M/ I side. Bring the thread through at the apex. With
the thumb of the left hand, hold it down loosely
upon the material below the starting-point and a
little to the right. Next pass the needle under the
I vlWl ! held thread in the direction from left to right and
pass the thread through until only a small loop
is left lying upon the material. Insert the needle
in the centre of this loop, release the held-down
thread and bring the needle through to the sur-
face a little below where it entered and outside
the loop. Take hold of the working thread with
the right hand and pull it, in order to tighten the
loop that is now upon the needle, and then pass
FIG. 70. CABLE CHAIN. the thread round, under the point of the needle,
and lay it upon the material upon the left side
(see diagram). Next place the left thumb lightly upon the stitch in pro-
cess of making and pull the thread through. The first two links of the
chain will have now been made. The first loop can be made by a twist of
the needle round the thread and it is the quicker way of the two.
ZIGZAG CABLE CHAIN, figures 71 ,

72. ^A pretty variation is to work
Cable in zigzag fashion instead of straight. The difference in working it
thus instead of in the ordinary way is that the needle does not pick up a
piece of material in a continuous straight
• line, but each stitch must be taken at an
angle to the previous one. This is explained
by figure 72, which shows the appearance
of the underside of a piece of fabric which
has a line of each way of working the stitch
upon it.

WHEAT-EAR STITCH, figure 73.—

Commence at the top of the traced line and
work two straight stitches at an angle to
each other. Then bring the needle through
upon the traced line a little lower down,
and pass it under the base of the two
single stitches (see diagram), not neces-
sarily letting it enter the material during
this process. Take it to the back at the
point upon the traced line where it last
emerged. This will form a Chain loop and
complete the first stitch. The three de-
tached stitches seen in the lower part of
the diagram suggest a pretty way to use

^^^i^S *«.


/Oft, - ..

SAMPLER XI. THE JUNGLE. Tree stem in Plaited

Braid. Circle in Sheaf. Animal fillings in Lace stitches.
through on the left side of the proposed band of stitching. Pass the
thread under itself so as to
form a loop on the surface
of the material ; then insert
the needle in the centre of
this loop, bring it through
on the outside of it, and pull
the thread through over the
working thread (see stage one).
For the next development the
needle passes the thread under
the two threads that cross on
the surface (stage two), but it
does not enter the material at
all this time. For the third
movement the needle enters
the material and comes out
again in the centre of the loops,
as illustrated in stage three.
For the fourth stitch the
needle passes the thread un-
der the crossed threads on the
surface, and again does not
enter the material ; it is simply
a repetition of stage two.
Stage five is a repetition of
stage three, and needs no fur-
ther description. It will be
seen that there are only two
different movements, and
they occur in alternation ; the
needle passes the thread in a
horizontal direction, alterna-
tely, eitherunder the crossed
threads or through the loops
and the material. Upon the
back of the material there
should be a row of horizontal
stitches equally spaced apart
and of the same size. Points
to be careful with, are, to
leave the loops sufficiently
loose to be practicable, and to
pick up just the same amount
of material each time. The
stitch should be worked with FIG. 74. PLAITED BRAID STITCH.
coarse stiff thread, and is
easily manipulated with metal thread. It is often seen in old work
executed in gold thread, which is certainly well suited to it both from a
practical and a decorative point of view. A
large proportion of the thread
is on the surface compared to what is underneath, which, from an
economical aspect, is important with
expensive material. Also it is not
wise to draw metal thread to and fro
through fabric more than can be
helped, and with this stitch there is
the minimum amount of it. In
Plate XI the stem of the tree is
worked in Plaited Braid and it occurs
in Plate XXXIII.
SPLIT STITCH, figure 75.—This
can be used either as a line stitch or
for solid fillings, it is perhaps especi-
ally well adapted to the latter pur-
pose. Split is more used as a frame
stitch than for working in the hand.
Untwisted silk is the most suitable
thread to employ, and if the work is
FIG. 75. SPLIT STITCH. fine a single tress can be divided
up into many parts. With Split stitch
fillingsthe direction of the lines of stitching is of importance, for although
each individual line does not detach itself from the surrounding ones, yet
the direction of the whole mass of lines is plainly evident. A Split stitch
filling is beautifully smooth and flat when
well worked, and by the help of this stitch
shading can be excellently carried out.
Shading in Split does not require to be
finely graduated, fairly distinct bands of
different tone look the best. The execution
is simple to describe, but a certain amount
of practice is necessary for good technique.
The needle has to pierce the working thread
at a point near to where it emerges from the
background ; this process can be seen in the
working diagram. Single lines of Split
stitch, worked in fairly coarse silk or wool,
are often employed to represent stems, and
another common use is to lay a line of Split FIG. 76. HEAD FROM MEDIEVAL
stitch beside couched lines of gold or silver EMBROIDERY.
thread. In English mediaeval embroidery this stitch was employed for
practically all the silk work. Figure 76, a head of Christ drawn from
the cope preserved at S. Bertrand de Comminges, shows the direction
taken by the lines of Split stitch in order to express the drawing of
features and hair.
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Co 05 O
THE knotted stitches form a distinct group of great interest both
historically and technically. The irregular texture that they give
to the surface of the material is useful in making a pleasant con-
trast to the smoothness of the flat stitches. Onejor other form of
Knot stitch can be used for line work, solid or open fillings, detached
elements or edgings. That the decoration of large hangings can be suc-
cessfully carried out solely by the aid of French Knots has been clearly
proved by the Chinese workers. One stitch of this group. Trellis (figure
87), claims attention, for until its recent revival it appears to have fallen
into disuse since the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when it was
commonly found upon English work. It is an ingeniously designed stitch,
extremely useful for solid fillings. By working it in different ways distinct
effects can be obtained which can be seen in Plates XII, XIII, XIV.

FRENCH KNOTS, figure 77. To be satisfactory, knots must be neat
and firm, or they will move out of place at the slightest provocation,
and be loose and irregular. They are most frequently used massed
together, as in the Centres of flowers, and they keep in position best
when packed closein this fashion. Detached knots, however, are valu-
able for decorative purposes. A row of them, separated each from the
other by just the<space occupied by one, makes a pretty finish round
the outside of a leaf , or upon the sides of border lines. The diagram
illustrates a French Knot in the making. To commence, bring the
thread through at the required place. Hold it tautly with the thimib
and finger of the left hand, about an inch and a half distant from the
place where it came through. Let the point of the needle encircle
the held thread twice (see diagram), and then, with the twists upon the
point kept fairly tight by still holding firmly on to the thread, revolve
the needle round until the point of it is close to where the thread first
came through. Now pass the needle and thread through the twists to
the back of the material. The completed knot, if well made, will re-
semble a bead laid endways up upon the material. French Klnots can be
executed in the hand or the frame ; they are most perfectly executed
with the aid of the latter, for then both hands are free for manipu-
lation. When they are made in the hand, the material has to be held,
during the process of making, between the second and third finger of
the left hand, as the thumb and first finger must be free for holding
the thread. One, two, or three twists can be placed upon the needle
according to the required size of knot.
FOUR-LEGGED KNOT STITCH, figure 78.—To work the simple
stitch illustrated here, bring the thread to the surface at the required
place, insert the needle about one-
eighth of an inch above the starting
point and bring it through again on
the right-hand side, as illustrated in
the upper left-hand figure in the
. r--" diagram. Next, throw the working
thread across to the left and hold it
down there upon the material with
the thumb. Then pass the needle
underneath the point where the
thread crosses the first stitch; do
not let it pierce the fabric below,
and pull it through as shown in the
lowest figure in the diagram. Take
the thread to the back so that the
fourth support to the knot is in
correct position. A completed knot
can be seen in the right-hand corner.
This stitch makes a neat device for
powdering a lightly filled surface.
FIG. 77. FRENCH KNOTS. For such a purpose these little
knots can either be thrown down
haphazard, the legs pointing in all
directions, or be laid in regular rows,
but in either case they should be
spaced fairly evenly apart.
BULLION KNOT, figure 79.—This
stitch is composed of a tightly coiled
spiral of thread which is fixed to the
surface by a thread passing through its
centre and entering the material at
either extremity. There is a certain
knack in the making, and until practice
discovers this, the stitch is a little
tiresome to manage. Whatever the
working thread consists of there
should be substance in it, otherwise
the knot will be thin and poor, instead
of full and round. The needle should FIG. 78. FOUR-LEGGED KNOT STITCH.
be thick and its eye not much broader
than the other part, for one of this kind slips easily through the coil ""of
twists upon it. In the diagram the Knot is being used to work both
flower petals and leaves of a small sprig. More often, massed together,
the knots are used to fill in the centres of flowers. To work the stitch,
bring the thread to the surface near the centre of the flower. Insert
the needle on the outer edge and bring it through again at the exact
point where it first came out. The needle should be pushed as far through
the stuff as possible in order that the twists, which are now to be put
upon it, should be wound round its
thicker end rather than the point. Next
wind the thread seven or eight times
around the needle close to where it
emerges from the material, and then
place the thumb lightly upon the coils
now formed. Then pull the thread
through. When it is as tight as it will
come, pass the needle and thread over,
so that they point in the opposite direc-
tion. This lays the knot in its correct
place. Now again tighten the thread as
the changed position will have made it
a little slack. Pass the thread to the
back at the point where it first went
through. The knot is now complete
and should resemble a small caterpillar
laid upon the surface. The knots may
vary in length. The needle usually


picks up about one-sixteenth of an

inch of ground stuff, and it is
necessary to put as many twists
upon it as will cover up, with
closely packed coils, that amount
of space, A handsome knot, some-
times seen on Chinese embroidery,
can be made thus : Thread in the
needle several strands of untwisted
floss silk of distinct colours. When
preparing to form the knot, pick
up with the needle only a minute
piece of material, but put ten or
twelve twists of silk upon it.
Complete the stitch in the manner
described above, and there will
CORAL STITCH. have been formed a tightly coiled-
up knot. An example of this is
illustrated in the lower corner of the diagram.
STITCH, figure 80. Coral, like most of the knotted stitches,
makes a somewhat irregular, but decorative line. It is often used for the
open fillings of large leaves, such as those frequently seen upon the
seventeenth-century English wool-work hangings. (See figure 8i .) The
stitch consists of a knot, which is tied in the thread and at the same
action of the needle attached to the material. To work it, bring the


thread through at the right-hand end of a line. Hold the thread down
upon the material along the line to be worked. Insert the needle as
shown in the diagram and pull it through. Various braiding designs
can be prettily carried out with Coral stitch. In England, in the seven-
teenth century, it was a fashionable pastime with ladies to knot up.
with the aid of a netting needle, balls of linen thread. These were
afterwards couched down by another thread on to the material, fol-
lowing out some pretty braiding pattern. These couched knotted threads
would have much the same appear-
ance as Coral stitch.
82. —
Coral looks well worked in zig-
zag fashion. Many stitches answer
well to this angular treatment. The
difference between ordinary Coral
and this, is, that here the stitch is
carried to and fro and placed alter-
nately upon the left and the right-
hand traced line. This zigzag treat-
ment makes quite a decorative band
of stitching suitable for borders and
other purposes.
ure 83 .
—This variety makes
a larger,
more important knot than Coral,
effective for all forms of decorative
line work. The needle, after bring-
ing the thread through for the start, FIG. 82. ZIGZAG CORAL STITCH.
takes a small slanting stitch passing
under the traced line (see upper
needle in diagram). Next it slips
the working thread under the short
stitch just formed, and which now
lies on the material. Then for a
second time it slips the thread
under the same stitch, working this
time after the manner of button-
holing. These last two processes
can be clearly followed where the
lower needle is at work. Figure 84
illustrates the same stitch worked
in the opposite direction. This
diagram shows in more detail the
various stages of the working. To
gain the right effect with Double
Knot stitch, it is necessary to pull
the thread tautly at each stage of
the working (see Plate II).

Knotted Chain is a bold
figure 85.
decorative stitch, useful for line work. Like most of the fancy stitches
it shows to best advantage worked with stout thread. To work it,

bring the thread through at the right-hand end of the traged line. Insert
above the
the needle about one-sixteenth of an inch farther to the left
traced line and bring it through below it. The piece of material
would thus be picked up by the needle is illustrated in the dia-
gram by two dots placed just beyond
the working needle. Draw the thread
through and a short slanting stitch will
have been formed upon the surface.
Next throw the thread over to the
left, hold it down with the thumb
and then pass the needle through the
slanting stitch just formed, from above
downwards, and draw the thread
through, leaving it a Uttle slack. Again
throw the thread round to the left and
hold it under the thumb and then pass
the needle and thread through this
slack loop (see needle in diagram).
When the thread pulled through the

first two links of the chain are made.

The dots placed upon either side of the
traced line mark the points where the
FIG. 84. DOUBLE KNOT sTixcH. uccdle should ucxt go through for
(variation.) the
tinuation of the stitch. This stitch
carries out one of the knots in Plate
IX and one in Plate X.
86. —A pretty stitch, more decorative
than the ordinary Cable (figure 70).
It is chain-like in character, and
therefore suitable for use upon curved
lines. In the diagram, the stitch is
illustrated in three stages. Bring the
needle through to the surface at the
right-hand end of the curved line.
Proceed to work a Coral stitch close
to the starting-point. This can be
seen in process where the upper
needle is at work. The Coral knot
completed, the needle then passes
the thread under the stitch just
formed, in order to get into correct
position for working the next stage.
The thread, just passed under, with
the loose end emerging, can be seen in the diagram on the worked
detail occurring on the left side. The third stage of the execution is
illustrated at the point where the lower needle is at work. There the
loop of the chain is being formed. Pull the needle through over the
working thread. For the second stitch commence by again forming the
Coral knot. An example of the use of this stitch can be seen in
Plate IX, where the interlaced knot on the left is executed in it. The
little scroll design at top and base of this sampler has its berries composed
of detached stitches of Knotted Cable Chain. This variety is more
effective for such petals than the Common Chain which is more often
used for the purpose.

TRELLIS STITCH, figures 87-89. Though nowadays an almost un-
known stitch. Trellis is unusually attractive. It seems to be of English
origin and to have been in common use in the middle of the sixteenth
century, for it is often seen upon dress embroidery of that^ period and
later upon the
earliest known
English sam-
plers. Trellis is
used for solid
fillings. To ob-
tain the correct
effect it is especi-
ally necessary to
technique, for
any irregularity
in the working
quite changes its
character. The
thread for work-
ing Trellis stitch
should be un-
twisted for the
best effect to be ....
gained. Figure 88 shows various stages in the working. First outhne
the form with either Chain or Back stitch. This is necessary because
Trellis does not enter the ground material at all, wherever it touches the
margin it is attached to this outline. Whether Chain or Back is the stitch
chosen for use depends upon what effect is required ; with the Chain Une
half of it shows after the filling is worked and this may be an advantage,
for an outline usually gives a finish to a form. In the upper part of
figure 88 a portion of Chain outline is illustrated, and where the needle
is at work the first stage in the execution can be
seen. The thread
comes up from the back through the Chain line and the needle is passed
upwards through the adjoining stitch. The second stage is shown farther
thread here being looped through itself and
along to the right ; the is

the knot thus formed must next be pulled tight. A knot just completed
and the needle passing on to the next stitch can be seen in figure 87,
where half a has been worked in Trellis. It should be noted that
the knots take a slanting direction, and in order to obtain this result it is
necessary to jpuU the thread at the correct angle, at the moment when the
knot is nearly tight. The knots are repeated in similar fashion until the
end of the line is reached, one being taken into each Chain loop. For
the second line of stitching the execution is similar to the first, but owing
to its being worked in a contrary
direction, from right to left, the

looping must also be reversed

(see lower line in figure 88).
The second and all succeeding
lines are worked into the line
above them, and it is necessary
to make the needle, each time it
enters the previous line, enter
it at exactly the right point..
This is in the space which natur-
ally occurs between one knot
and the next, for at this point
there is just room for.the needle
to pass easily through, but any
attempt to pierce the knots
themselves would be impractic-
able as well as having the result
of putting the new stitch not


quite in its right position. The stitch

with several rows worked has been
illustrated in figure 87 as a filling for
a strawberry, a subject it suits par-
ticularly well. In this diagram the
needle can be seen entering the row
above it in correct fashion. It is usual
to execute Trellis fillings in straight
lines to and fro as shown in the straw-
berry diagram, but there are other
ways of working. The stitch can be
executed entirely in one direction, say-
right to left, and then a pattern of
parallel slanting lines will be seen FIG. 88. THE WORKING OF TRELLIS STITCH.
to develop (see right-hand diagram
in figure 89). For this method of working, at the end of each row, the
thread has to be run back on the underneath of the material in order to
be in correct position for starting the fresh line. The left-hand square
in figure 89 exhibits a chevron pattern. This can be contrived by



working three or more consecutive rows of stitching in one direction
and then three in the other and so on. If the chevron requires to be
still more marked, the colour or shade of the silk can be
changed with
each variation in the direction of the stitch. Still another method of
working Trellis is illustrated in the centre of this figure. Here the
knots are worked round and round in spiral form, commencing at the
centre. The innermost circle of knots is fixed into a Single Chain stitch
and the spiral is continued until the requisite sized disc is obtained.
With this form of Trellis it is necessary occasionally to work two
knots in succession into one hole, otherwise the surface will not remain
flat. Spiral TreUis is useful for centres of flowers they may be

worked in actual position or separately on another piece of material.

In the latter case, in order to release them, cut the threads of the
material near by where the Single Chain stitch has been attached. This
frees the disc and it can then be applied to the flower centre and fixed
in place by a neat hemming round its edge to the base of the petals. The
final row of any Trellis filling is always attached to its outline by this
means. When filUng in forms
like petals it often becomes
necessary to decrease the number
of stitches towards the base ; it is
not advisable either to increase or
to decrease the knots at any point
excepting at the extremities of
lines. A new thread should be FIG. 89. THE DIRECTION OF THE KNOTTED LINES
started at the commencement of a IN TRELLIS.
row, not in the middle, for it needs
very deft fingers to manage it invisibly at any other part. To look their
best the knots should not be pulled too tightly or the silky effect may be
lost, also they should lie just nicely together, not too close nor too far apart.
The mass of stitching should lie perfectly flat and even if too many ;

stitches are put in the surface will bulge. Sometimes, however, raised
effects of various kinds are deliberately aimed at. A flower centre is
often effective worked in a half-sphere form and this is easily contrived
by means of Spiral Trellis. Semi-detached petals, which are quaint and
pretty, are also easily worked by the help of this stitch ; it is quite one
of the best for the purpose. Trellis in its different forms occurs in
Plates II, XII, XIII, XIV and XVIII.
HOLLIE STITCH, figure 90.— Though famous as a lace stitch, this
is a useful variety for fine embroidery. It lends itself to colour work
admirably, and can be used in delicate treatments of petals, centres, and
calices of flowers. It is seen in use upon the fine seventeenth- century
English samplers. In construction it is like Buttonhole stitch, but with
an extra twist added. First outline a small square with a fine, close
Chain. Then bring the working thread through on the upper right
side of the square to be worked, in the centre of a Chain loop. (See
larger arrow in diagram.) Next, carry the thread across to the opposite
side, pass it to the back, and bring it up through the centre of the Chain
loop opposite the other (see smaller arrow). Then place the left thumb
near the start, upon the working thread as it lies upon the rnaterial in
position for forming an ordinary Buttonhole stitch. With the right hand,
which now holds the needle and thread in readiness to continue, pass
the working thread once round the left thumb in direction from right
to left. Then continue as for Buttonhole stitch, by passing the needle
into the row of Chain above, and bringing it down under the laid thread
and through the loop now encircUng the thumb. (See diagram.) Draw
the thread through and the first stitch will be complete. Upon reaching
the end of a line, throw the thread again across from right to left and
continue as before, but working into the heading of the last row, instead
of into the Chain line. As workers in HoUie Point lace know, patterns
in this stitch can be built up by different arrangements of the spacing
of the stitches. Sometimes
even verses of poetry and
dates are cleverly shown up
in lettering simply by this
means. For the omission of
a stitch or stitches causes a
space to be left, which shows
up as a dark square against
the light ones filled with solid
stitches. It is thus that letters
or a pattern can be built up.
This patterning of the surface
when working HoUie stitch
is more suited for lace than
FIG. 90. HOLLIE STITCH. for embroidery. A single
knot of larger size has been
placed at the right of the working figure. This shows more clearly than
the other part how the knot loops itself into the row above, also the twist
around the neck of the loop.
TURK'S HEAD KNOT, figure 91.—When making up work, it is
useful to know how to decorate it with fringes, balls, and tassels. A
pretty ball for such a purpose is illustrated in the diagram. A completed
ball is shown in the lower portion and the way to start the making of
it, above. At first the making seems intricate, but practice soon over-

comes this. One of the secrets of success lies in using suitable thread.
This must be of a firm, stout and rather wiry nature. To begin, arrange
the thread in a kind of double loop, just as seen in the diagram. Hold
this arrangement of loops at the base between the left-hand finger and
thumb, and then pass the needle in and out of them as shown. Before
finally pulling the needle through, tighten up the loops a little whilst
they are around it, for at first they are usually too large for the com-
pleted ball. This knot in the diagram, with the needle through it,
represents the framework, or skeleton, of the future ball, and it should
take up about the same area as the ball will, when complete. It is only
by experience that the novice can learn the correct size for the start.

She must be content to make the first ball perhaps a little loosely
welded together instead of tightly knotted up like the sample ones in
Plate XXXIII After the original loops have been tightened up the needle
. ,

pulls the thread through them and then proceeds to continue threading
in and out of the partly formed ball, by following the lead started by the
dotted line in the diagram. This entails exactly following the lead of
the original thread from start to finish, passing over and under the
various loops, as it does. This threading in and out continues until
three rows of thread lie side by side as seen in the completed ball below.
Whilst this is proceeding the framework of the ball in process of making
must be coaxed between the fingers
of the left hand, into taking a
rounded sphere form rather than a
flat one, for the result aimed at is a
ball. If this is not done, there will
be an ugly gap at one side of the
completed ball, even though it may
have been correctly knotted up.
Care must be taken, during the
making, to keep the needle always
on the inside of the thread it is
following, otherwise the lines of
thread will cross each other instead
of lying side by side, and much
mar the effect. Possibly one or
two trials will be necessary before
perfection is attained, but the
finished ball is so pretty, it is worth
taking the trouble to master its
BALL STITCH, figure 92.— FIG. 91. Turk's heax) knot.
neat covering for a tassel head or for
a ball can be quickly and easily made by this stitch. It is more effective
for such a purpose than the Buttonhole so often applied to this use. In
the diagram the correct way to commence is shown, as well as the first
stitch. A loop must be formed round the apex of the ball, by tying a
loose knot in the working thread exactly like that in the diagram. The
loose end and knot are made both secure and tighter later on, when the
stitches are worked over them ; meanwhile the left thumb can be kept
upon the knot to keep it together. Now proceed to make the first
stitch upon the loop as shown in the diagram. When the thread is
pulled through, continue to work round the loop a series of similar
stitches, fairly close together, until the starting-point is again reached.
The second and succeeding rows of stitches are worked into the previous
row and care must be taken that only one comes between each stitch
of the row above. As the circumference of the circle of stitches grows
wider, the number of stitches in each row must not increase ; they must
be spaced wider apart in order to cover the greater area, and later
on, be gathered closer together again, as the lower part of the ball is
being covered. If the stitch is carried out correctly, a geometrical
pattern of diagonal lines is formed upon the ball. Stout linen thread
suits the stitch better than soft silk. A simple and practical way
to make the padding for a ball or tassel

head is take a narrow strip of soft hnen,
say, a quarter of an inch wide, and tapering
to one-eighth at one end, and, starting with
the wider end, roll it up. Work the stitch
around, but not into this stuffing ^the right —
moment to put the padding in place is when
half the cover is completed. When the
covering of the ball is completed, the needle
passes the remaining portion of the working
thread up through the centre of the ball and
out at the top where it will be found useful
for fixing the ball in place.
ANTWERP EDGE, figure 93.—The dia-
gram illustrates a simple knotted stitch useful
for working an ornamental edge. It would be
most effective carried out in stout, rather than
PIG. 92. BALL STITCH. in soft, thread. To begin, the thread must
be made firm at the left-hand end of the
line,then the needle passes it through the edge of the material in the
direction from above downwards. Next, upon the loop thus formed, a
kind of Buttonhole stitch is worked (see needle in diagram). This ties
a firm knot, and completes the stitch.



pretty knotted edge is made by
this stitch. knot is loosened, in order to show
In the diagram, the first
its formation. The next three are complete and the fifth is in process
of being worked. The needle is just about to pull the thread through
in the correct fashion for tying the knot.







A LARGE number of stitches belong to this group, and a fine

bold type of embroidery has been evolved by their aid. Designs
of a conventional nature are best suited to the technique, and
fairly large forms with simple outlines show the fillings to best
advantage. These fillings are often made up of a geometrical diapering,
and look well carried out in white and natural coloured threads, enclosed
by a darker marginal line. (See Sampler XVII.) Coloured work is some-
times successfully achieved by means of these stitches, but as a rule
variation of texture and patterned detail is the aim rather than a colour
effect. Usually two or more stitches are necessary to their formation.
One makes the foundation and
the other is frequently a surface
interlacement upon it. Many of
the stitches, both for lines and
fillings, are worked upon pre-
liminary laid bars of thread
thrown across from side to side
of the form. Upon these bars,
stitches such as Stem, Chain, FIG. 95. INTERLACING STITCH.

and Cretan, for example, are

worked, and a bold effect is gained by thus raising them slightly from
the ground. Some interesting examples of this type of work come from
Italy and Portugal.
INTERLACING STITCH, figures 95-98.—This stitch, so named
because it is built up of threads which constantly interlace one with
another, is of ancient origin. It is commonly seen on German fourteenth-
century white linen work, also carried out in silk thread in colours, upon
much Eastern work of later date. It can be used to execute geometrical
patterns or for formal floral work. Another useful adaptation is as an
insertion stitch, using either a single line of it, or several rows together.
For joining strips of embroidery, for piecing up a patchwork of squares,
or for any like use it makes a pretty contrast and finish to the rest of
the work. For the ornamentation of household linens it is easy to devise
simple border patterns, insertions, corners, or centres for working in
Interlacing stitch. It is well suited for such objects and for these, a fine
white linen thread will usually be best to work with, though sometimes
the combination of Delft blue and white is equally effective. For many
other purposes the stitch looks extremely well worked in a combination
of two colours, either contrasted or harmonised. There are two pro-
cesses in carrying out Interlacing stitch : a preliminary foundation, and
a threading in and out upon it. The final stage of the working is done
entirely upon a prepared basis
formed of the Herringbone, so well
known in plain needlework. The
first proceeding is to prepare the
foundation. Figure 95 is a working
diagram illustrating various stages.
The foundation consists of two lines
of Herringbone, the one imposed
upon the other. These differ, how-
ever, in one point from the plain
needlework form —^namely, that as
the stitches cross one another they
pass over or under in slightly dif-
ferent fashion from usual. For the
correct working of the final stage it is
imperative that the passing over and
under of these foundation threads
should be exactly like the samples in
the diagram, so after working the
first line it will be well to compare it
with the copy. Figure 98, which is
a diagram of the foundation only,
of another pattern for Interlacing
stitch, may be of help at this stage of
the working, for all are similar in
construction. It will be noticed that
when the second line of Herring-
boning is completed the threads now
interweave quite regularly, alter-
i nately over and under each other,
throughout thc band. For the final
LACING STITCH. interlaccment the thread is brought
through to the surface, at the left-
hand end of the band in the worked diagram. This thread now proceeds
to make a series of continuous loops which are worked in and out of the
upper half of the Herringbone foundation. Here again the correct overs
and unders of the crossing threads must be carefully observed. In figure
95 this threading in and out can be clearly followed. When the end of the

line is reached, the thread, in order to return and thus complete the band
of stitching, encircles the crossed lines in the centre of the band, and
then begins to make a second similar series of loops on the lower half of
the Herringbone basis. For this the thread is again twisted in and
out of the foundation threads in just the same way as before, only this
time it must also interlace correctly with the upper series of loops, which
a little further complicates the threading in and out. A
simple line of
Interlacing stitch having been worked, it will be interesting to discover
other slightly more complicated patterns
which lend themselves to it. The lower
portion of figure 96 exhibits a Maltese
cross in this stitch, and above the founda-
tion upon which the final interlacement
was worked. This or more complex
developments of the same idea make
charming elements in a composition.
The working should be mastered chiefly
by studying the diagrams. The first
process is to work the foundation. Bring
the thread through at point A
(see figure
96) and take it to the back at B Bring it
, .

through again at C, and return it to the

back at D. The thread comes through FIG. 97. MALTESE CROSS, PARTLY
again at E, and the rest of the working WORKED.
can be followed out by studying the
diagram, for practically the same process is repeated continuously until
the figure is completed by taking the thread through to the back exactly
opposite the starting-point A. It is important that the interlacing of the
threads in this preliminary framework should be correct, so at this point
the worker would be wise carefully to compare her work with the diagram.
Next the surface interlacing is threaded through. In this part of the work


the thread hardly enters the ground material. Figure 97 is a drawing of

the cross showing the final stage partly worked. The working thread
emerges from under one of the foundation threads (see arrow) and its after-
wanderings can easily be followed in the figure as it twists in and out,
filling in, as far as it has been taken, the interstices of the cross. This
final interlacement is worked in practically the same way as for the straight
band, only here each diamond shape is completely filled in before passing
on to the next, and by passing correctly from one diamond form to another,
the worker automatically fills in the diamond shape in the centre. It will
be observed that the foundation of the Maltese cross is built up of
five of theseshapes arranged in form of a cross, and upon glancing at
figures 95 and 98, these same shapes are seen, but ranged in line. The
basis of any pattern for Interlacing stitch is founded upon different
arrangements of this or a similar unit This knowledge will enable an inter-

ested worker to devise any number of fresh patterns. They are most
easily drawn out upon squared paper. A number of adaptations of this
stitch are illustrated in the samplers. Plate XVcontains a circular
design in the centre and a tree on either side. The flowers of the tree in
Plate II are in Interlacing, the foundation being pentagonal. Worked in
a simple line it occurs in Plate XXVI, and in Plate XVI the tiny central
flowers are worked in the simplest
form of all, just one unit, alter-
nately of diamond or pentagonal
form, being used for this founda-
tion. Figure 98 shows the founda-
tion threads of a broad band in
Interlacing stitch. Before either
drawing out a pattern or choosing a
working thread, it is necessary to
know that a certain proportion
must be kept between the two in
order that the final interlacement
should fill in the required spaces
neatly. If the pattern is on a large
scale, the thread must be coarse,
and vice versa. If the threads are too
open the effect is poor if they are

too close the stitch is tiresome to

%.' work, neither does it look so well.
For the final stage of the working,
FIG. 99. TWISTED LATTICB STITCH. a blunt-pointed needle should be
used, as the ordinary sharp one
is inclined to pierce threads instead of passing clearly over
or under them.
The preliminary foundation should be rather slackly worked, or it may
be drawn up and cause the background to pucker when the surface
thread is wound about it. The larger the area covered the more is this
likely to happen.
TWISTED LATTICE, figures 99, 100.—This stitch can be worked
upon Imes, fillings, or cut spaces. In the diagram, twisted lattice is being
used to form a semi-open filling upon the surface of a leaf. Sometimes a
strip of it is worked, enclosed between two lines. For this, a
single line
of Herringbone can form the foundation, though more often such a band
is based upon a doubling of the herringbone basis.
Figure 100 illustrates
both these methods. Decorative bands of this stitch used upon stems
are commonly to be seen upon old German and Swiss linen
To work the leaf as in figure 99, begin by laying across a net-work of
foundation threads. Lay first all the threads in one direction, then the
Opposite ones, and let these be darned in and out of the first set, for
when completed the threads of the lattice should regularly interlace
over and under each other. This completed, a new thread is taken and
twisted in and out: in the manner shown in the diagram. The needle
passes perpendicularly, up under one
transverse thread, then down under the
next, and so on till the end of the line is
reached. There is no need for a space filled
in with twisted lattice to have a background
of material behind it ; the stitch is used
sometimes as a filling for cut or open work
like a lace filling. When using it thus, it
may be necessary to make a closer network
of lattice threads, or the filling might not
be sufficiently durable (see Plate XXXI II). FIG. 100. A BAND OF TWISTED


This simple stitch is shown to best advantage when used as a fiUing,

though it can be used for line work. For either coarse or fine embroidery
it is equally good. Sometimes fine Indian muslin work is entirely exe-
cuted in this stitch, with lovely effect. To commence working as in figure
Id, run an even Une of thread round the margin, making the stitches
of even length, and not picking up much ground stuff. The next pro-
cess is to twist the working thread
in and out of the run line. (See
needle in diagram.) Run a second

^ line of thread round close to the

first and then twist the thread in
and out as before The thread must

always twist through in the same

direction. The first running must
not be too tightly drawn through or
the after twisting may make the
ground material pucker.
PEKINESE STITCH, figure 102.
This variety is commonly used by
Chinese workers for executing en-
tire embroideries, as an alternative
to Chain, or knots. It is thought
highly of, for an embroidery in
Pekinese fetches double the price of
one in Chain. Row upon row, in
extremely fine shaded stitching, is
employed for the fillings of flowers
and other forms. It also makes a good line or outline stitch. The central
leaf in Plate XXXIII illustrates it thus, for it there forms the outline to the
leaf. In Plate XVI the interlacing knot work is entirely carried out in it, it
also forms the marginal line in Plate XXVIII. To execute Pekinese, first
work a line of close Back stitches and then pass the thread through this
foundation, in the manner illustrated in the diagram (figure 1 02) Here for

the sake of clearness, the loops are loosely taken through, but m

each loop, especially the lower portion of it, is pulled fairly tight. Any
succeeding rows should be worked closely above the first. The suit-
ability of this stitch for working in
metal and other obstinate threads will
be at once appreciated. A
or run line may if necessary be sub-
stituted for the Back stitches.

ure 103. Some threads are trouble-
some to pass through material, and for
these it is useful to know of stitches
like this one, with which there is little

passage to and fro. To commence,

FIG. 102. PEKINESE STITCH. work a foundation of Back stitching.
The thread for this need not be the
same as that for the other part. Other stitches might replace the Back
stitch, if preferred, such as, for example, ordinary or fancy Chains, and
one like Feather looks well with some threading in and out about its
centre. In the diagram, towards the lower right-hand corner, the Back
stitch is in process of formation. Opposite, the needle can be seen
carrying out the first portion of the
threading, and higher up a loose end
of thread shows how far the second
stage of the threading has been
carried. The second stage is a repe-
tition of the first and it fills in the
vacant spaces between the already
finished portion. Used as a decora-
tive line the stitch is effective with
only one threading in and out. (See
border in Sampler XV.)
figure 104. —Chevron worked upon
a foundation appears bolder in effect
than when stitched directly on to the
ground fabric. (See figure 19.) The
foundation must be properly laid.
The thread used for it should not be
too fine, but of a soft kind that lies
flatly down. The stitches must be of
correct size and spaced at the right FIG. 103. THREADED BACK STITCH,
distance apart. The foundation can
be seen in process of execution in the upper line in figure 104. To com-
mence, bring the thread through on the centre traced fine, insert the
needle on the upper line, as in process in the diagram. Draw the thread
through and then insert the needle on the centre traced line at the





point where it first came through, and bring it to the surface a little
farther to the left. Next work a similar wedge below, reversed in position.
The needle when working is always horizontal, and by inserting it at
exactly the right points, the wedges are correctly laid. In the diagram
dots can be seen marking out the
continuation. The surface thread is
commenced at the left end of the
line. The needle winds the thread
in and out of each wedge in turn in
the manner shown by the lower
CLOUD FILLING, figure 105.—
The basis of this filling consists of
a number of isolated stitches spaced
regularly over the surface. To com-
mence these, single stitches are
eitherdarned or by some other
means placed in position. Then the
surface thread is passed in zigzag
fashion horizontally across the form FIG. 104. RAISED CHEVRON STITCH.

to be covered in and out of the pre-

liminarily laid foundation. Much of the effect depends upon the right
setting out of the foundation
stitches ; these must be regu-
larly and firmly laid down,
their distance apart depending
upon the thickness of the
working threads, and upon
what special eflFect may happen
to be required.
ING, figure 106. —
^A geo-
metrical filling is illustrated in
the diagram. It is worked upon
a foundation of interwoven
threads, spaced at different in-
tervals alternately nearer to-
gether and farther apart. When
laying down the foundation it
is necessary to interlace the
threads because the surface
stitching could not be worked
FIG. 105. CLOUD FILLING. out upon any other arrange-
ment. In the diagram a partly
worked element explains the method of execution. The working thread is
brought to the surface just underneath one of the foundation threads
(see arrow). After coming up through the ground fabric, it
proceeds to
the square to until the
wind in and out, round the corners of it is fill,
figure complete. Its progress can be followed unfinished in the lower

cross. The ground fabric is only entered at the start and finish of a
unit. The elements need not necessarily be worked as closely together
as seen here. For use upon a larger surface, leaving the alternate crosses
out would perhaps make a better
design, for the interlacing founda-
tion threads would sufficiently
decorate the empty spaces which
occur between.
ure107. —A bold and effective
a leaf is illustrated in the
filling for
diagram. This is composed of a
chequering of Cretan stitch worked
upon previously laid lines of
thread. Firm lines of thread are
regular intervals across
first laid at
the leaf and Cretan stitch, ex-
plained on page 30, worked upon
them, diagonally downwards, from
FIG. 106. MALTESE CROSS FILLING. right to left. In the diagram the
fourth row of stitching is being put
in and, where the needle is at
work, the method of passing
from one cluster to the next, be-
sides the working of the first two
stitches, can be followed. Some-
times a Bullion Knot of differ-
ent colour is added in the spaces
between. (See Plate XVII.)
FILLING, 108.—This
filling makesan excellent flower
centre for some types of work.
Its effect, gained by raised
stitching, is one of strong light
and shade. Honeycomb Filling
is worked upon a foundation of
crossing threads. In the dia-
gram, for the sake of clearness,
these are shaded. This founda-
tion consists of parallel lines
crossed by similar ones at right FIG. 107 CRETAN OPEN FILLING.

angles. After laying these down,

the next process is to overcast them. This overcasting is worked detached
from the ground fabric, commencing with the underneath ones first.
In the lower left-hand corner of the diagram the overcasting has been
started. When the foundation threads in both directions are covered
in this way, the needle proceeds to pass threads spirally round each
line in turn, commencing in the manner shown in the third upright
in the diagram. This thread only passes round the foundation thread,
it does not enter the material but at start and finish. When the line,
threading round one bar, is complete, it
is then overcast with thread in just the
same manner as the foundation threads
were treated. Next, a line of thread is
twisted round and round the same line
again but in a contrary direction. This
is illustrated upon the adjoining bar. It
is then overcast, like the previous one.
When all the upright threads are
covered, the horizontal ones are next
treated in similar fashion. The first
half show little but serve as a kind of
padding underneath the others.
figure 109.— This useful stitch can often FIG. 108. RAISED HONEYCOMB FILLING.

be used in place of the better known

Overcast, for it is perhaps the prettier form of the two. The difference
between them is that this one is
not stitched into the ground
material; instead, it is worked
upon a foundation of loosely
r r: worked Stem stitch. This gives
it a detached, freer look which

is difficult to describe, but of

pleasing effect. The Stem stitch
foundation must be worked so
that loosely upon the sur-
it lies

face and only picks up the

ground fabric at long intervals.
A single fine of this stitching can
be seen in the working diagram,
where it runs up the centre in
an S form. It is not practical to
overcast only upon a single Stem
stitch line, either two or three are
laid down A second
as a rule.
Stem stitching, shaded to distin-
guish it from the first, can be
seen on the left in the diagram.
It should be noted that it crosses


an absolutely even line of stitching results. To obtain this, the stitches
must be laid close together, and always pick up the same number of
foundation threads. One advantage of working Overcast in this manner
is that it is easily possible to pass the stitch over
or under a raised
bar or other obstacle. For instance, a tendril, for which it is a par-
ticularly suitable stitch, may need to cross over a thick stem such as
that suggested by the dotted band in the diagram. The Samplers in
Plates VI and XVII both show this stitch in use.
SHEAF STITCH, figure no.—This is a handsome border stitch.
It executes the circular band in Plate XI, and the stem in Plate II.
As with many stitches, the
thread which works it out is an
important factor in gaining the
desired effect: a firm glazed
one is a good variety to use.
There are two different ways of
working Sheaf. The one makes
a narrower band and contains a
lesser number of threads, whilst
the othermakes a broader
and more important band of
stitching. The method of
working the broader band w'"-
be described first. Figure up
explains the various process's
in the execution. First put
in some foundation stitches
These are laid across the band in
pairs at regular intervals. The
stitch is worked upon these
transverse threads which should
FIG. no. SHEAF STITCH. be of the same substance and
kind as that used for the rest of
the work. The working thread must now be brought through at point A
in the figure. It should emerge at the outer edge of the first pair of
cross threads. The first stage, that of passing it round two sets of the
foundation threads, can best be followed by studying the drawing. If
the working thread is fairly coarse, the band will be filled up when
it has been passed to and fro about seven times. The same winding-
round process is now repeated over the second and third set of trans-
verse threads. This second set of laid stitches must be made to inter^
lock with the first in the manner shown in the diagram. This second
winding to and fro of thread is carried on continuously from the last
one with the same needleful, and is taken in the opposite direction

across the band that is, from right to left. Then the third winding,
over the next set of foundation threads, will naturally work in the same
direction as the first. When this weaving to and fro of thread is com-
pleted as far as the band has to extend, the final stage of the execution
must be commenced. This is illustrated in the figurewhere the needle
is atwork. It consists of a knotted line of stitching taken across from
side to side of the band at the point where the threads interlock with
each other. This knotted line is worked upon the transverse foundation
threads. To carry it out, bring the thread through at the right side
(see arrow in diagram). Slip the needle under the foundation threads,
just beyond the first two surface threads, and then, when the thread
is almost pulled through, pass the needle under the working thread and
draw up tightly. This is in process in the diagram. The same pro-
ceeding is repeated just beyond the second pair of surface threads,
and so on until the other side is reached.
This final knotting besides being orna-
mental has the effect of fixing the surface
longitudinal threads securely in place, and
of spreading them out in regular order
across the width of the band. On looking
at the worked example, in Plate XI, where
the circular band is in Sheaf stitch, it will
be seen that the long lines of thread first
spread out to the entire width of the band,
and are next sheathed together into a
slightly narrower space. This gathering up
is contrived by working a couple of Satin
stitches with the needle midway between
two of the knotted lines and it is done whilst
passing from one completed knotted line to
begin the next. With this variety of Sheaf
stitch only half the sheaf of stitches shows
upon the surface.
SHEAF STITCH (Simpler Form), fig-

ure III. ^With the simpler Sheaf stitch
the thread encircles the foundation threads (simpler form).
once, and then passes on immediately to
the next pair of threads, and so on to the end of the band. This
completed, a second Une is worked in the same manner and as
many more as are necessary to fill in the width of the band. Then the
knotted stitch, previously described, is worked across (see figure i lo).
In figure iii an alternative form for the tying-in thread can be seen.
Instead of the two Satin stitches, a single one is placed across first, and
then a knot worked upon it for the second. After the needle has made
the knot, it passes the thread to the back on the opposite side from
which it started. Contrasting colours may be used, if wished, for the
knotted line, and the tying-in stitches. The arrow pomts to the start of
the first longitudinal thread. It commences by passing over and under
the cross threads and then over again and on to the next pair below.
RAISED STEM STITCH BAND, figure 112.—Here Stem stitch is

worked upon a previously laid foundation. The underlay consists, first,

so as
of a number of threads laid lengthwise along the band, arranged
to be more raised in the centre than at the edges. Across these at fairly
close regular intervals single stitches are laid at right angles to the
padding thread. The next proceeding is to cover the surface with close
lines of Stem stitch. This is commenced at the base and worked up-
wards, the stitch being entirely executed upon the
transverse threads. Each line of Stem stitch may, at
apex and base, emerge from the same hole in the centre
of the band. This makes the lines of stitching converge
together at these points and it gives a pleasant finish to
the band. This treatment can be seen in Plate XVII,
but not in this diagram. The needle shows the third row
of Stem stitching in process of being worked. None of
these rows is complete. They have been left unfinished
to show the underlay. The lines of stitching must be
pressed close to each other. Sometimes, as a finish, a
transverse thread is laid across at top and base and
covered with Overcast or Buttonhole stitch. (See
Plate XVII.) This method of work can be used to fill
other forms besides bands. For instance, with the
right type of design it is pretty worked solidly over a
leaf or flower. For this, the outline of the form should
not be too much
indented, also
STITCH BAND. there should be
sufficient sur-
face space to show the stitch to
figure 113. —
This figure illustrates
an ingenious stitch, contrived by
working with two needles, and
doubled, contrasted thread. If a
raised effect is wanted, a padding
of threads must be first laid down
along the band and the transverse
stitches seen in the diagram placed
on top. The latter should be about
one-sixteenth of an inch apart, for
the effect is better when they are
close. Thread two blunt-pointed
needles with threads of contrasted
colour. It is easier to work with one
thread doubled in the needle rather
than with two threaded in. To
copy the diagram, commence by bringing the darker thread through at
the apex. Pass it over the first bar and under
the second, and then let
It he upon the material towards
the right side as it is doing in the dia-
gram. Now bring the needle with the lighter thread through
to the
surface just below the first bar, and as it is pulled through, make it at the
same time pass between the two threads of the stitch just executed (see
needle in diagram). Then let this lighter thread lie on the material for a
moment, as the other one did, whilst the darker one is passed up through
it, just below the second bar, in the

same fashion. Then lay the darker

one down and pick up the needle with
lighter thread and so on ; for this pro-
cess is repeated again and again,
taking up each needle in turn, until
the end of the line is reached. Then
a second line of Chequred Chain is
started at the top and worked close
beside the first. This continues until
sufficient rows are worked to cover
the foundation. If the second row is
commenced with the light thread in-
stead of the dark one, a chequered
instead of a banded effect will be ob-
tained, audit is just as effective. Both


forms of this stitch can be seen in

Plate VI.
1 14. — If a raised effect is required for
this stitch, begin by laying down some
lines of thread along the band to pad
it Then across the padding lay a series

of threads spaced about a sixteenth of

an inch apart. Thread two needles,
one with blue and the other with
white thread, and bring both through
the material just above the uppermost
crossing thread at the left-hand end
of it. The blue thread should be the
one most to the left. Pass the blue thread underneath the first bar and
then let it lie upon the material. Pass the white thread over the first
and under the second bar, drawing it through under the blue one
now lying upon the material. Having passed under the blue thread, the
white thread now rests upon the material. Take up the needle with
blue thread, pass it over the second bar, under the third and also under
the white thread, and then let it lie on the material. The needle in the
diagram is carrying out the stage just described. This process is re-
peated, picking up each colour in turn, till the end of the band is reached.
The threads are then started again at the top in exactly the same manner
as before, always taking the white thread over the odd numbered bars,
the first, third, fifth, and so on, and the blue one over the even numbered
DIAGONAL WOVEN BAND, figure 115. —This variation needs but

little explanation if the worker has executed the previously described

Striped Band, for the working of the
two is almost alike. Commence by
first laying the padding threads and
then throw the bars across them.
Then bring the two threads through
at the apex as before and work the
first line down the bars in the same
fashion. Instead of commencing the
second row in the same manner,
change the order of the coloured
threads. In place of passing the blue
thread under the first bar, pass the
white one under, but the blue one
over it and under the second, and so
^ ^' on. For the third row revert to the
order of the first, and for the fourth
to the order of the second. These
stitches are as easily worked across a
wider surface, such as a leaf, as across
a band. In Plate XVII the leaves are
FIG. 116. CHEVBON-STEM STITCH. filled in chiefly with this kind of
CHEVRON-STEM STITCH, figure 116.—To understand this stitch,
firstglance at the completed leaf at the base of Plate XXXIII, and then at
this diagram. In the sampler the effect of the completed filling, and, to a
certain extent, the stitches, can be seen, whilst in the diagram the method
of execution is shown. To commence, lines of stout thread must be laid
horizontally across the leaf about one-eighth of an inch apart ; the exact
spacing of these lines depends upon the size of the leaf and the coarseness
of the working thread. To carry out this stitch perfectly the help of a
frame is required. When the foundation of horizontal threads is com-
pleted, bring the working thread through on the left margin of the leaf
just below one of the horizontal lines. Perhaps it is easiest to commence
in the centre as shown in the diagram. The Stem stitch is now worked
in a sloping direction upwards upon four horizontal lines in succession.
It then passes down the same four in the manner illustrated. This zig-
zag movement is continued until the other side of the leaf is reached.
=5?: o



There the needle ispassed through the material to the back (for the first
time since the start) and is brought through to the front, underneath
point, immediately below the lowest horizontal line in the
similar line of zigzag Stem stitching is now worked from right
diagram. A
to left,
close to the one above, until it arrives at the starting-point again.
whichever direction the stitch is being worked it must always keep the
thread on the same side, on the right of the needle, so that all the stitches
are alike in appearance. This process is continued until the base of the

leaf is filled in solidly with stitching. Then for completing the upper
part commence working again, close by the first starting-point, and work
gradually upwards tillall is filled closely in.
Each fresh row of stitching starts from a
margin and finishes in the opposite margin
and the needle does not pierce the ground
fabric on its journey across. The rows
should be packed closely together and are
most effective if carried out in two well-
contrasted colours, for by this means the
chevron form taken by the stitching is
shown to advantage V (See owls in Plate II.)
STEP STITCH,figure 1 17.—A decorative
band of stitching suitable for use in a formal
design is made by this variety. It is exe-
cuted upon a preliminary laid foundation of
parallel threads. To begin, work two per-
pendicular lines of Chain about half an inch
apart. Then throw lines of thread hori-
zontally across at regular intervals stretching
from one Chain fine to the other. The lines
should be about one-eighth of an inch apart.
The foundation complete, the thread is then
brought to the surface just below the upper- FIG. 117. STEP STITCH.
most horizontal Une at the left-hand side.
Now let the thread encircle this transverse line five times. This will have
brought itnear to the centre. As it passes across the surface of the bar
for the sixth time, instead of taking it round as before, carry it a little
higher up and pass it through to the back of the material about one-
eighth of an inch above the bar. Bring the thread to the surface again,
below the bar, in correct position for continuing the Overcast stitches,
five more of which will complete the row. The second row is now
worked in similar fashion to the first, eJBcepting that when reaching the
centre, the needle passes the thread round the long single stitch, in the
manner seen in the diagram, thus forming a kind of Chain loop. Except
at start and finish of a line the needle should not enter the ground fabric.
Coarse twisted thread is the most effective kind to use, and the Chain
lines at each side might be worked in a contrasting colour.
RAISED CHAIN BAND, figure iiS.^Another simple surface stitch,
worked upon a foundation of transverse threads, is represented here.
After preparing the foundation, the needle is brought through at the
top, just above the first transverse thread. There it passes the thread
once round the bar of the centre, and comes up again above it, on the
left. Next a looped stitch is executed, similar to that the needle is work-
ing in the diagram. The stitch thus com-
pleted is worked successively over each bar
in turn. Sometimes three Chain lines, instead
of the one here seen, are worked down the
band, and the one on each side of the central
one can be of different colour. band of this A
stitch worked in two colours can be seen on
the margin of the Sampler in Plate XIII.
ure 119. — This
surface stitch is of-
ten employed for
stems or marginal
lines. Aprelimin-
ary foundation of
transverse stitches
must first be laid
between the traced
Ji^eS. TWs COm-
pleted, the thread
is brought through from the back below the
lowest bar at its right-hand end. Then four
stitches are worked round this and the next bar
together, the thread, during the process, not
entering the ground material. These com-
pleted, the needle must next be brought up
in correct position for starting the second
stitch ; this is just below the second bar and FIG. 119. PORTUGUESB
left of
the last completed stitch. Two
similar stitches are now worked
over the second and third bars
together, and then the thread
must be brought up in position
to work the next two stitches.
This process is continued till the
apex of the band is reached, and
FIG. 120. GUILLOCHE STITCH. the same process is then carried
., ,.^,
through on the other side. This
IS most easily worked if the position of the fabric
is reversed. This stitch,
with a Chain fine added down the centre, can be seen on the
of the worked sampler in Plate XVII.
GUILLOCHE STITCH, figure 120.—Two colours are employed to
work border line. To carry out the margins either Chain or Stem
stitch might be used. Next, in the centre between the two rows of
stitching, work successive groups of three Satin stitches. These stitches
might be contrived by means of three close lines of darning running
from end to end of
the band. The next
proceeding is to pass
a line of thread along,
in and out of the cen-
tral groups of stitches
in the manner seen
at the right-hand end
of the diagram.
When reaching the FIG. 121. TIED UEKKINGBONE STITCH.
end of the band the
thread returns and again
passes in and out of the cen-
tral stitches, but in the oppo-
site direction. A
French or
a Bullion knot is often placed
in the centre of each circle to
complete the band.
STITCH, figure 121.—To
those who are familiar with
plain needlework Herring-
bone, and with Coral stitch,
this variety needs little ex-
pknatiOU, 'for it COUSistS of Z
Coral knot worked upon a
Herringbone line. The
foundation of Herringbone
must first be executed.
This completed, a line of
Zigzag Coral stitch is then
worked upon it in the
direction from right to left.

Each Coral knot is fastened

upon the Herringbone
basis at the point where the
threads cross. A
stitch can
be seen in process of for-
mation in the diagram FIG. 123. INTERLACED BAND STITCH.
wheretheneedleisatwork. , . , u j ,
thumb holds down
, ^i.
At the point marked by the arrow the left

working thread whilst the knot is being formed. ^ . .

122.—For this, a surface
LACED HERRINGBONE STITCH, figure foundation ot
thread is wound in circular fashion twice round the
Herringbone at the crossing points of the stitches. Worked in two con-
trasting colours, it makes a decorative border stitch. The thread, whilst
being wound round, must go alternately over and under the crossing
foundation stitch, in the manner shown in the diagram. To make a
more important line let the Herringbone basis cross more over itself and
wind the surface thread several times round.
INTERLACED BAND STITCH, figure 123.—A stitch of this nature
is useful for designs
of mixed floral and
geometrical type. It
would carry out for
example a diamond-
shaped trellis over a
surface, for it suits
any kind of formal
band design. The
foundation, formed of
a double line of Back
stitch, is first worked.
The of the
two lines are not
FIG. 124. RAISED LATTICE BAND. placed exactly op-
posite each other, but
alternately, as seen in the diagram. The next process is to interlace the
surface thread to and fro between the double line of Back stitching.
RAISED LATTICE BAND, figure 124.—The raised appearance of
by first laying down a padding of threads and then
this stitch is obtained
working a combination of several stitches upon it. Lay along the length
of the band about half a dozen threads, letting them lie thicker at the
centre than at the edges. A
close line of Satin stitch covers this padding.
On top of this a line of Herringbone stitch is placed. This passes to and
fro across the raised band and enters the material on each side alter-
nately. Finally the needle passes a thread in and out of the Herringbone
band in the manner shown in the diagram.
SAMPLER Xrill. THE Q UARREL. In Cross stitch in colored silks on hand-made
linen. The discs forming part of the fringe are in Spiral Trellis. {Half full size.)
embroidery was practised in England during the middle
occurs on existing vestments of that period.
for it On the
thirteenth-century English orphrey preserved at Lyons, the foliage

is entirely carried out in Tent stitch. The same stitch occurs upon
some details on the magnificent cope preserved at Pienza, Again, on an
English orphrey in the cathedral of Lerida in the north of Spain, there is
an example of the use of Chequer stitch (figure 145) upon the lining of the
mantle of one of the figures. A few centuries later canvas work was
probably the most universal form of embroidery practised in the home,
for by the middle of the seventeenth century, samplers, chiefly com-
posed of it, had reached to a high level of perfection, also there were
numerous pattern books in common use with most of their embroidery
designs prepared for canvas work. The fine pictorial subjects, worked
by this method, equal in their way to tapestry hangings, belong to this
and the previous century, and there are the dainty little handbags and
pincushions worked about this time with silks and metal threads in
GobeUn, Tent, and Cross stitch.
Canvas work owes its peculiar character to the fact that the stitches
base themselves upon the counted threads of the ground fabric. This
gives a certain pleasing formality of treatment to every portion of the
design. It is difficult in this branch of embroidery to copy a flower and
make it naturalistic, some detail is perforce omitted, for it is hardly
possible by this method of work to put it in. With some forms of needle-
work it is possible to imitate Nature almost to the extent of pretending
to be the actual object. But such deception is hardly desirable, it is not
advisable with needlework to try to imitate Nature exactly, or anything
else ; what is required is an embroidery representation of the subject,
and the more the needle and thread, with their accompanying conven-
tion of stitch, are in evidence the better.
With all canvas work it is especially important that the technique
should be perfect, for to look well the stitches must be exactly similar
in every detail. For either fine, close work or that of any size,
it is neces-

sary to work in a frame, but lighter work is easily done in the hand. In
order to make the stitches absolutely regular and like each other, the
portion which Ues upon the reverse side of the material should be regular

and alike, though not necessarily like the front. It is not possible, with
an intricate pattern, to keep absolutely to this rule, but the idea should
be kept in mind and carried out as far as possible.
CROSS STITCH, figure 125.—This, the best known of the canvas
group, is a development of Tent stitch. It can be used for either fine
or coarse work, and double
thread canvas, which is illus-
trated in the diagram, is
usually chosen for the ground.
Cross stitch can be worked in
different ways according to
the purpose for which it is in-
tended. For instance, when

a I
Vj!^ ^ftP^


FIG. 125.
\ [

used for the marking of linen,
and soforth, it is best
either so that:- the
stitching forms a neat square
at the back or so that it is identical on both sides. The latter way is the
more difficult to manipulate, but in both cases it is simply a question
of ingeniously bringing the needle through at the right point. For filling
in a solid ground, sometimes the first half of the stitch is worked en-
tirely along a line and the crossing over done upon a return journey.
This, though a quicker way, is not quite so good in effect as when
each stitch is completed before another is started. In whatever manner
the stitch is executed it is necessary always to work the final crossing


over in the same direction. The diagram shows the correct way to
work Cross stitch. A
loosened stitch at the end of the line explains
the whole process. To commence the next stitch the thread is brought
through as shown by the loose thread and the needle in the diagram. Should
single thread canvas be preferred for use, the execution is practically the
same, for the working thread usually passes over the same number of
opposing ground threads, only there is more space between them. Cross
stitch, when required on a much larger scale, can be worked over double
the ordinary number of threads Sometimes both the coarse and the fine

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stitch are used in the same piece of work. Loosely woven linen is often
used for the ground instead of canvas. In cases where the background
is not worked, linen is a necessity, and if
hand-made, adds niuch to the
beauty of the work. The stitch when executed on such material is some-
times taken across just one thread only of the fabric in each direction.
The flowers in the Frontispiece are worked thus. (See also figure 127.)
MARKING CROSS STITCH, figure 126.—For marking linen, and
other purposes, it is useful to be able to work Cross stitch so that upon
the back a neat square is built up. On the old samplers the signatures
and dates are often worked in this stitch, sometimes with the square
side uppermost and the cross
underneath. In the diagram
the way to execute the stitch
with the cross on the surface
is illustrated. To obtain the
two-sided effect required, it
is necessary to double one of
the crossing stitches. This is
seen in progress in the third
stage of the working. The
fourth illustrates the com-
mencement of the second
stitch. In the first stage the
end of the thread can be seen
left unfastened; on actual
work this must be neatly se-
cured at a point where an
after stitch will cover it, for
the aim with this form of
Cross is to be perfect on both
sides. Occasionally, when
FIG. 128. MONTENEGRIN CROSS STITCH. marking initials it is neces-
sary to recross still further
some of the already worked stitches in order to reach the point for con-
tinuation, though forethought may make this unnecessary.
MONTENEGRIN CROSS STITCH, figure 128.—This, a pretty and
quickly worked form of Cross stitch, is not as well known as it should be.
Though different on the two sides of the ground fabric, it is effective on
each, and so can be used when both sides may be exposed to view. The
stitches are long and cover the ground quickly. The diagram explains
the method of work, the lowest figure shows the appearance on the
wrong side, the middle one the effect of the completed stitch on the right
side, and the top two the way to execute it. Bring the needle to the
surface, then pass it back after crossing over four horizontal and eight
vertical threads of the ground fabric. Bring the thread to the surface
again in the centre, below, as seen in the left-hand figure, where the
needle is in process of working the next stage of the stitch which is a
short one crossing the long one. The third stage, an upright stitch, can
be seen in process to the right. This is an excellent variety for filling
a solid background.
LONG-ARMED CROSS STITCH, figure 129.—This differs from
ordinary Cross m that one of the crossing stitches is of double length.
This innovation enables it to cover the
ground more rapidly and avoids the
square appearance of the better known
stitch. It is quicker in the working than
Montenegrin and more economical, for
there is less thread at the back. The
method of work is shown in the diagram
where the uppermost figure explains the
execution. Below this three completed
stitches can be seen, and at the base, the
appearance of these three stitches on the
other side of the fabric. Long-armed
Cross is a quick and effective ground
stitch. The thickness of thread used in
the working decides whether the ground
fabric will be completely covered up or
just allowed to show through in places.
Either way is permissible, the former the
most usual. (See margin of Sampler I.)
STITCH, figures 130, 131. —This stitch,
alike on both sides, can be worked FIG. 129. LONG-ARMED CROSS STITCH.
either upon loosely woven linen or upon
canvas. The Italian workers of the sixteenth century used this stitch
a great deal and executed it upon loosely woven handmade linen.
The stitch consists of a cross with single stitches enclosing it upon the
four sides. These can be clearly seen in figure 131. A
characteristic, not
visible there, is that the various stitches which build it up are always
drawn through tightly
whilst the work is in '

progress. This draws

together the threads of
the ground fabric which
results in tiny perfora-
tions being formed be-
tween all the stitches.
FIG. 130. TWO-SIDED ITALIAN CROSS STITCH. There is Si ccrtaln rela-
tive proportion neces-
sary between the size of working thread and ground fabric which can
only be discovered by trial. If the thread is too coarse for the ground,
the perforation will be practically filled up and the effect lost, whilst if
it is too fine the stitches will not serve to cover completely the threads

of ground material. Either of these conditions mars the effect of the

stitch. It is well to use a blunt-pointed needle, some sizes larger than
necessary. The use of this prevents any spUtting of fabric threads and
serves to emphasise the perforations. Usually, with two-sided Italian
Cross, the method of working the ground and leaving the pattern in the
plain linen is adopted. Figure 130 shows the four stages of working.
The stitches usually pass over three threads of
ground fabric. There is an alternative method
is sometimes more practical.
of working which
Having completed the third stage (see figure
130), instead of putting in the final diagonal
stitch,commence a fresh one and work in this
incomplete fashion till reaching the end of the
row. Then complete the crossing of each
stitch in turn, in the manner shown by the
needle in figure 131, until the left side is
reached. This is the better way of the two to
CROSS STITCH (VARIATION). execute the stitch, for it is now exactly alike on
both sides. It is usual to work in rows from
the base upwards and a row is not really complete until the one above is
worked, for this supplies the final top stitch of the square. Carrying out
straight lines is a simple matter, but, at times, when executing a pattern,
difficulties present themselves of having to pass from one point to another
and of working isolated stitches. There should be as few of these as
possible, and a designer who understands the technique will arrange for
this, but still there must remain some few. This stitch can be worked

equally well from the upper or under side of the material so sometimes
when at the end of a line and wishing to return, the simplest plan is to
reverse the position of the material and come back working upon the
under side. Besides this, there are the alternative ways of working already
described, and if all these aids fail, the
worker must travel to the necessary
point by duplicating some of the stit-

ches that is, by passing a second time
across or up the side of a square, on front
or back, until the goal is reached.
132. — This stitch is effective and covers
the ground quickly. An ordinary Cross
stitch isworked first and then an upright
Cross is placed upon it The stitch can be

used either for outline or for solidly filled FIG. 132. DOUBLE-CROSS STITCH.
patterns or grounds, and is best applied
to bold types of work. When worked upon very coarse canvas, some-
times it is advisable to add four more stitches in order to cover the
ground more completely. These four added stitches when correctly
placed would join the four extremities of the upright cross. They should
be worked before this upright cross is placed in position, because in order
to preserve the character of the stitch this should come last. If the space
between each stitch and the next is too large, a single long stitch can be
laid regularlybetween to fill up the gaps, and the same treatment can
occur at top and base. The groups of stitches need not necessarily occur
exactly beneath each other, a half-stitch placed at the commencement of
each Ime of the alternate rows will remove the squared-up appearance
of the surface, which might for some
purposes be too marked a feature.
HOLBEIN STITCH, figure 133.—
Holbein, known also as Line stitch, is
a useful variety either for outline work
or for using in conjunction with other
canvas stitches. Combined with Cross
it is particularly good. Holbein, when
worked in a certain way has the quality,
I Ufa ^«BBBBaai

sometimes a useful one, of being alike

on both sides of the material. Figure

a I>
133 illustrates this way of working.
The needle carries the thread by means
of a regular, running stitch, all round
the pattern. This process works just
I iiia^t^aasa I
::::::.:.. .._.,aaaaaBiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai
half the necessary stitching. The pat-
tern is completed by the same running
stitch being taken round again, in the FIG. 133. HOLBBIN STITCH.

contrary direction, this time picking

up the material so as to fill up the gaps left by the first running.
In order to keep the stitching alike on both sides, forethought is some-
times necessary. If a single stitch branches off from the main pattern,
the best way is to complete it on both sides of the fabric at the
same time by means of a single Satm stitch. An example of this
occurs in the diagram. The needle at work is just at the point where
such a Satin stitch needs to be
taken. (See completed por-
tion exactly opposite.) Some-
times a group of stitches,
running off at a tangent, have
to be completed at the first
working, and then the main
part of the pattern continued
in the ordinary way. A linen
canvas, of regular mesh,
FIG. 134. TENT STITCH. forms the best ground fabric
for working upon. Patterns
executed in this stitch occur several times in Holbein's pictures, hence
its name. The alternative way of working the stitch is to treat it like
Back stitch.
TENT STITCH, figure 134.—This is the finest of the canvas stitches,
and perhaps the one in which the most beautiful work has been done.
It is composed of a single small stitch taken across a warp and a woof
thread of the ground fabric. The working diagram has been drawn in a

continue this row the needle takes the thread to the back at point i
returns it to the front at point 2, then down at 3, and so on.
UPRIGHT GOBELIN, figure 136.—This variation is effective for
some purposes. If, when working, the stitches do not entirely cover up
the ground, a thread may be previously
laid along underneath as shown in the
lower portion of the diagram.
STITCH figure 137 .
, —
Another v ar iation
is to make each fresh row of slanting
stitches slightly encroach upon the last
worked row instead of just touching it.

This variety of treatment can be applied

to many embroidery stitches and it is
excellent for shaded work. The stitch,
it should be noted, is longer than the
one, for no. 137. encroaching gobelin.
it passes
across five horizontal threads of the canvas
ground. Gobelin Stitch, as the diagram
shows, is usually worked upon single
thread canvas. Double thread can be used,
however, and another effective way of
treating it is to allow each fresh row of
stitches to encroach half-way up those of

the first row that is in practically the
same way that Florentine stitch is illus-
FIG. 138. PLAITED GOBELIN. trated in the lower portion of figure 139.
138. —This variety is a development of
the Encroaching Gobelin Stitch, for
it is the same stitch under different

treatment. It is worked backwards and

forwards and the direction of the slant
of the stitches varies with the alternate
rows This variation in the stitch direc-

tion gives an interwoven effect to the

surface, which is effective upon a back-
ground. (See Sampler XXXIII.)
139. —This stitch is suitable for the
execution of geometrical patterns, FIG. 139. FLORENTINE STITCH.

especially those which can be carried

out by means of oblique lines, for Florentine is best worked in this direc-
tion rather than horizontally. It is a good stitch for heraldic work and
also for floral designs when a strictly formal treatment is required.
working can be learned by a glance at figure 139. The upper of the two

"T _Z .11 IZ"

SAMPLER XIX. " OF GARDENS." In Cross stitch,
in coloured silks on hand-made linen. {Half full size.)
chequers well, and it can be used, like other varieties of canvas stitches,

for the fillings of large conventional flower or other forms. The most
noticeable characteristic of this stitch lies in the perforation, which
occurs in the centre. To emphasize this feature it is well to work in light
colours, for these contrast well with the hole in
the centre. To work Eye stitch, commence with
the middle portion first. This is composed of
sixteen stitches which are on their outer edges
spread out round the four sides of a square. On
their inner edges the stitches all pass through the
same hole in the centre. These stitches, during
the working, are pulled taut, to increase the size
of the central perforation. When the sixteen
stitches, are worked, a row of Back stitches is rJtitMmt-t
placed round the margin of the square.
lovely embroideries can be, and have in the past STITCH.

been, produced by the aid of this stitch, which

is a simple form of the Eye stitch just explained. The completed stitch
covers over a tiny square comprising four threads of ground fabric in
each direction, and the surface is decorated by alternate squares of this
size being either worked or left plain, which gives it a chequered effect.
The stitch looks best when worked on a loosely woven fabric of light
texture. Floss silk makes a good working thread, though any kind, not
tightly twisted, can be used. Figure 143 illustrates four Eye stitches, the
uppermost one being in process of execution. Each eyelet is composed
of sixteen stitches. They are worked, like the spokes of a wheel, round a
tiny square of the linen ground. The
needle comes up always at the same
point in the centre, works a couple of
stitches first into the corner, then a
couple in the centre of the side, having
missed one interstice of the fabric
threads, then a couple in the next
corner and so on till the square is com-

plete. Each fresh square starts from

the corner of the last one. The work-
ing thread must be pulled taut. It is
usual to work a kind of stem round the
: outline of a pattern carried out in
Algerian Eye, and sometimes small
portions of it, centres of flowers and so
FIG. 144. DIAGONAL STITCH. forth, are filled in with a closer stitch
such as Tent or Gobelin. If care is
taken, the work can be practically alike on both sides. There are some
beautiful examples worked in this stitch in the Victoria and Albert
Museum, labelled ' Algerian, XVI century.' Some of these are curtains,
and they are made of vertical bands of embroidered work joined together


by striped silk ribbons : the effect of the whole is most original and
pretty, for pattern, colour well chosen.
and materials used, are all
DIAGONAL STITCH, figure 144.—The diagram illustrates a simple
method of working a background in a diagonal chevron pattern. The
stitch is carried from the upper
left to the lower right side. The
first stitch passes diagonally
across two threads of fabric in
each direction, then across three,
then four, and gradually back to
two again. If, where the stitches
meet each other, the ground
appears at all open, a Back stitch
can be worked in zigzag direction
to hide the junctions of the rows
of stitching.
145. —^Alternating squares of like
size filled respectively with long
and with short stitches give a pleasant chequered appearance to a surface.
Decorating a ground by a small geometrical pattern, such as this for ex-
ample, instead of covering it monotonously with one stitch, is often a
pretty treatment. Sometimes it is possible to adopt such a treatment,
though at other times absolute monotony upon the ground is essential to
show up the beauty of the pattern. The working is explained by the
diagram. Each tiny square is composed of three threads of ground fabric
in each direction. The first square is filled in with five large and the next
with nine small stitches. The surface can be of one colour, for the two
tones created by the change of stitch, make sufficient variation.

ROCOCO STITCH, figure 146. This variety, though not much prac-
tised to-day, often seen
on work of the early sam-
pler period. It is an adapta-
tion of Roumanian to a canvas
ground. The stitch is suitable
for working small dainty
objects, such as hand-bags,
pincushions needlecases etc
, ,

Both ground and pattern are

always completely covered by
the stitching, and fairly light
colours should be chosen for
use white being a particularly

good background colour.

Light colours should be chosen, because in a piece of work carried out in
Rococo there results from the method of working a regular perforation of
, , ,

tiny holes over the surface. These being dark show up best against a light
ground, and they should show clearly, for it is these which give the work
its character.When choosing or designing a pattern for execution in this
stitch, necessary to adopt one which can be worked fairly straight-
it is

forwardly in slanting lines, for this is the most direct method of carry-
ing it out. Formal floral devices and geometrical patterns are well suited
to its limitations. Double thread canvas of a special kind makes the best
ground fabric. It should be pliable and have the horizontal threads stouter
than the upright ones. To work the stitch, bring the thread through,
and after passing it over four horizontal threads, take it to the back
immediately below— that is, in the square next but one. This forms the
long part of the stitch. Next a small crossing stitch ties the longer one
down at the centre. To do this the thread is brought through in the
adjoining square above to the right, and taken to the back immediately
after crossing over the already formed stitch. During this tying down
process, the thread also passes over two perpendicular threads of the
canvas. Three more stitches are worked in the same way and then the
thread is passed down to the correct point for commencing the filling of
the next square. The way in which this is done is shown in the lower
portion of the diagram, where the loosened stitches illustrate both the
passing down and the working of the first stitch. Four stitches usually
fill a square nicely, but more could be put if necessary. The thread
should be pulled fairly tightly during the working, for this draws the
threads of the fabric together and makes the perforations occurring
between the stitches more visible. To obtain the right effect, it is neces-
sary that there should be the correct proportion between the thickness
of the working thread and the size of the mesh of the canvas ground,
otherwise either the threads of the ground fabric will show, or the per-
forations will be closed up, owing to the employment of too thin or too
thick a working thread.
stitches are used chiefly in white embroidery. They gain
THESE their effect by drawing together in certain parts the threads of
the fabric which results in the other parts being open or per-
forated. By means all kinds of geometrical patterns can be
built up which have a most refining effect upon a design. They are used
either upon the background or on the ground of the pattern. Sometimes
by the help of these stitches parts of the background can be made of
different texture from the rest as in Sampler XVI. These open ground
stitches are effective when seen with the light behind as well as in the
ordinary way.
Owing to the particular technique of this group it is especially
important to choose suitable ground fabric. It should be of an even
mesh, and somewhat loosely woven. If unsuitable stuff is used, the
stitching may be correct yet ineffective in spite of much labour. The
working thread should be fine and as like as possible to the background,
for it needs to be little seen the effect aimed at is not one of stitches, but

of patterned fabric. In the diagrams explaining these stitches the draw-

ing together of the fabric threads is not illustrated, they are only intended
to show the correct stitching. Neatness is a quality of much value with
this work ; there should be no evidence upon the surface of a thread
at the back passing from one row to the next — forethought often avoids
even the necessity for this. A needle large in size and of blunt point is
the kind to use, for its size helps to emphasise the perforations, and its
bluntness avoids any splitting of the fabric threads. These stitches are
easily invented, the variations here illustrated may suggest many others
to an ingenious worker.
CHAINED BORDER STITCH, figure 147.—This can be worked
tautly so as to draw the ground fabric together or be stitched just as is
shown in the diagram. It can be worked either horizontally or obliquely
across the fabric ; both methods are illustrated. The ground fabric
should be of an even mesh as the stitch is worked by counting its threads.
The upper two of the four lines of stitching seen in the diagram are
worked first and afterwards the lower two. To work the portion
illustrated, commence by bringing the needle through at the point
marked by the arrow. Turn the material the other way round, for the
stitch is worked from left to right. Pass the working thread to the back
5; e

? S

^ .

cq 3

(^ o



four threads farther along, and bring it to the surface on the line below
two threads nearer the starting-point. The action of the needle at work
in the diagram shows the entire execution, for it is simply a repetition
of this, on one Kne or the other, each time. When the upper half of the
band is complete, reverse the
material so as to continue working
from left to right. Though there
are four rows of stitches, these
cover only three threads of fabric.
(See diagram.)
STITCH, figure 148.—This stitch
can be used to carry out an entire
design. It is particularly effective
when seen with the light behind it,
aswould be the case, for example,
ifused upon a window blind. It
can only be executed in lines which
run diagonally upon the mesh of
the ground fabric, so in preparing FIG. 147. CHAINED BORDER STITCH.
a design for this stitch this is a
necessary point to remember. A blunt-pointed needle should be used and
a light and openly woven material makes the best working ground.
(See Plate XXI.) In the diagram the crossing diagonal lines represent each
thread of ground fabric, and two rows of the stitching are shown in pro-
gress. It is usual, though not necessary, to work the stitch thus in double
fines backing upon each other. To work Indian Drawn-ground stitch,
bring the working thread through at the perforation marked A, having
previously fixed the end of the thread in the portion of fabric immediately
above it. The needle
proceeds to pass the
thread in and out of
the material in a suc-
cession of small, round
loops, first over three
threads, then under
three, and again over
and under three, thus
reaching the starting-
point. Then in order
to reach the correct
point for forming a
FIG. 148. INDIAN DRAWN-GROUND STITCH. second, similar loop,
the needle passes over
the first three threads again and under three others more towards the
left. It is now in position for carrying out a second circular loop. The
process of passing from one loop to the next and of commencing a fresh
one is in process in the diagram, where the needle is at work. When the
upper line is complete, the best plan is to reverse the position of the
material and work a second line in the same way. The exact position of
the two lines with regard to each other is important the diagram clearly

illustrates what this should be. Having mastered the stitch the worker
will want to build up more imposing figures by its means. Developments
based upon diagonal lines are easily planned when the limitations of the
stitch are understood. Isolated elements can be introduced in a design.
(See Sampler XXI.) For very delicate work, an openly woven soft mull
muslin stitched with gossamer thread is dainty. Exquisite examples of
this can be found on fine white Indian embroidery of fairly modern date.
Close examination of some of this work revealed the fact that every fourth
thread of the ground fabric had been withdrawn in both directions, thus
saving the worker the trouble, when executing the stitch, of counting the
threads which, on such fine fabric, would have been tedious.
THREE-SIDED STITCH, figure 149.—The diagram displays a geo-
metrical band composed of
small like-sized Back stitches
which are worked tightly in
order to draw together the
threads of the ground. Thus
at the points where the stit-
ches meet, small perforations
appear in the fabric. Work-
ing with a larger needle than
the size of thread demands
helps to gain the required
eff'ect. The Back stitches are
worked in the following order.
FIG. 149. THREE-SIDED STITCH. To begin, the needle brings
, . , , ,
the thread to the surface at
the pomt shown by the arrow. Then a couple of Back stitches
are taken
horizontally m succession over the same six threads of fabric.
needle is now at the starting-point. The next couple of Back stitches
taken, in a slanting direction incKning towards the right,
over six threads
of fabric in height and three in width. At the completion
of the second
of these stitches, the needle is brought up, not at the
starting-point, but
six stitches farther towards the left on the upper
edge of the band It
is now in position for working the first couple
of horizontal Back stitches
in the upper row. Then, from the same point, two
more are worked in
a slanting direction downwards, leaning towards the
right. At the com-
pletion of these two stitches, the needle is brought
to the surface upon
the lower edge of the band, six threads farther
to the left than the
starting-point. It now proceeds
to go through the abov^ described pro-
cess over again. This stitch could be treated as an all-over
stitch by working row beneath row in succession,
omitting the uppermost
line in all but the top row.
FOUR-SIDED STITCH, figures 150, 151.-This neat fine
stitch is
illustrated in figure 151 and m the upper part of figure 150. In the
latter, in the top row, the three successive stages of a single stitch are
shown and the dotted Unes show the passage of the thread on the under-
side. The second row shows a band of the stitch partly worked, the
needle here being in the act of passing to the point for executing the
third stage of the fourth stitch. In
the lower part of the diagram, the
stitch is shown adapted to an oblique
form of working. (See description of
next variety.) In figure 151 the Four-
sided stitch is shown drawing to-
gether the threads of the ground
fabric. When treated as a drawn
stitch like this it is usual to withdraw
a thread of the warp both above and
below the stitching as there seen.

ure 150. In the lower portion of
figure 150 an adaptation of Four-
sided stitch as an all-over filling is
shown. This, known as Single Fag-
got, is worked obliquely and the
square is executed in two journeys the ,

first works the upper two sides of the

square and the second the lower two.
The needle at work in the first line, FAGGOT STITCH.
and the loosened stitch and end of
thread in the second line, together with the dotted lines showing the
under thread, sufficiently explain the method of work. The constant
drawing of the thread tightly must not be forgotten as this adds a pleasant
feature to the stitch. This is a useful variety for working backgrounds
or for pattern fillings. It can be seen in use in Plates I, II, and XVI.
The working thread should be fine and like the
fabric, for it should be almost invisible. Some-
times it is purposely of a deeper tint than the
I'TtPNli' TfiZ"i!iii(Tr'h ground in order to lower its tone.
^JTfiiTliMfera^^ DOUBLE FAGGOT STITCH, figure 152.

—This variety is a slightly more complex form
of the oblique square stitch just described. It
-I— I— I— ij „ makes an effective ground stitch and looks well
upon both upper and under side of the fabric.
Seen against the Ught the effect is that of per-
TitlxLTJxlTitlTiTi forations constantly repeating over the ground
FIG. 151. FOUR-SIDED STITCH. divided by solid bars. Double Faggot stitch
consists of a couple of stitches taken in succes-
sion over two threads of ground fabric, first horizontally and then
vertically in alternation. The stitch is worked obliquely across the
surface and the thread always pulled taut. In the diagram three lines
of it are in process of execution. The central one, almost completed,
runs from edge to edge of the square. In the other two rows, the
different actions of the two needles show, first, how to work a couple
of upright stitches and then how to pass obliquely along the under
side to be in position for working two horizontal stitches.
STITCH, figure 153.— This is in
appearance the upper stitch
in figure 150, the difference be-
tween them lies chiefly in the exe-
cution. This is worked as an all-
over filling, the other as a line
and this difference makes
a change in the method of work
necessary. It is useful for lightly
ornamenting backgrounds of em-
broideries. The stitch is worked
most easily upon the under side of
the fabric. The method of execu-
tion is shown in the upper portion

FIG. 152. DOUBLE FAGGOT STITCH. of the diagram. In the lower por-
tion is seen the effect upon the
when three rows of the stitching have been completed. Having
right side
brought the thread through at the starting-point (see arrow) the needle
carries it diagonally across the first little square, composed of four warp
and four woof threads of ground fabric, passes it through to the back at
the upper right-hand corner, and brings
it to the front four threads farther to the

left, just as the needle is doing farther

along. Next the needle passes to the
back upper right-hand corner of
at the
the same square, and comes again to the
surface immediately below, at the lower
right-hand corner, and is now in position
to repeat the process over again. The
loosened stitch in the diagram repre-
sents the one which was worked
immediately before the one in process
with the needle. This is continued to
the end of the line and then a second
row is commenced *at the left side im-
mediately beneath the first This second

row can be worked in the other direc-

tion by reversing the position of the FIG. 153. SQUARED GROUND STITCH.
material. The first row is not complete
until the row below it is worked. For the first stitch of each row, and
again when working entirely along the base, it is necessary to put in an
extra stitch in order to complete the squares, otherwise two sides of the
iinished work would not have the outside edges of the squares completed.


These are put in whilst the work goes on and they take the form of a
single Satin stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric. subsidiary ground
pattern, such as this, is worked before the superficial embroidery pattern
is carried out. A large, blunt-pointed needle should be used and the
thread must be pulled tautly. It is most perfectly worked in a frame.
The number of threads of the ground
fabric over which the stitch is worked
can vary Threeorfour are most usual

diagonal band imposed upon itself is explained by the diagram. In
Plate XXthis stitch occurs upon a berry and on the frontispiece upon
the arches. It is quite different in appearance from the last one though
worked in similar fashion, and it shows what different results may be ob-
tained by the simple means
of varying the number
of fabric threads worked
over, and the distance apart
of the lines of stitching.
With this knowledge an in-
genious worker will easily
devise many new patterns.
RON, figures 157, 158.
This variety makes a
waved diagonal line. It is
FIG. 157. DIAGONAL CHEVRON. usual to work it in bands
with Single Faggot stitch
between. can be used without any surrounding stitching, for by itself
it makes a decorativeline. For example, it might be applied to such a
purpose as the dividing up of a surface into diamond shapes by means of
crossing lines. In figure 157 two stages of the stitch are illustrated and
figure 158 shows the final stage. The first two stages are worked upon
the reverse side of the material, the third upon the right side. To work
the first, bring through the thread at the point marked by an arrow in the
diagram. Insert the needle after passing it diagonally across a square
composed of three threads and bring it out three threads below. Take
a second similar diagonal stitch towards the right and then pass the
needle horizontally underneath, bringing it through at the point where
the last stitch passed to the back. The
upper needle in the diagram illustrates
this movement. Sometimes a single line
of this stitching used (see chevron in
Sampler XXII) if so it should be worked

upon the right side, not starting on the

under side as at present. To work the

second row of stitching ^when the needle
has passed the thread to the back at point
A, bring it through again six threads to the
right, at point B in the diagram. Now
reverse the material and start the second
row in exactly the same fashion as the first.
This second row of stitchery must be at fig. 158. diagonal chevron
(final stage).
the right distance from the first (see dia-
gram). For the third stage of the working, turn over
the fabric and work
upon the right side. There should now be upon the
surface a double
row ot zigzag lines as seen in the upper part of figure c8.
i Brine the
thread through at the point marked by the arrow
and proceed to work
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up the centre, a third Une of the stitching exactly like the other two.
This line is the simplest to work of the three, for the points of the needle's
exit and entrance are all marked out by the working of the first two lines.
Pull the thread taut whilst working and especially for this third line, for
it up. The tight pulling of
this raises
the other two raised them up on the
wrong side and indented them on this
side, which throws into more emphasis
the raising of the third line. This
stitch is effective on both sides of the
figure 159.—This filling covers the
ground with a series of crossing bars.
The diagram explains the working. FIG. 159. WINDOW PATTERN FILLING.
Successive bands composed of slanting
stitches are formed by taking a kind of Back stitch alternately on each side
of the narrow band. The needle always picks up five threads of ground
material and passes to the back just one thread ahead of the last stitch.
Also, when a second row is worked, the needle again carefully leaves a
clear thread of fabric between the first and second rows. Thus at the
point where four stitches seem to meet, two clear threads of fabric always
run between (see diagram). This treatment, together with the usual
tight pull on the working thread, draws the material together in parts and
leaves little square holes like window-panes recurring at short intervals
over the surface. To commence the row there in process of execution,
bring the thread through at the point marked by an arrow. Take it to the
back at a point diagonally above to the right, passing over three horizontal
and two perpendicular threads of ground fabric. Bring it through to the
surface, five perpendicular threads farther along towards the left. The
second stitch is passed to the back near where
the first stitch commenced (see needle in dia-
gram). The needle is always in a horizontal
position when picking up ground fabric. In
the diagram it is completing the fourth stitch
and some dots point out its further progress
along the line.
— This filling is similar in the working to
Window Pattern, but what was the reverse
side there, is, with this, the right side. Con-
sequently the execution is different. The
FIG. 160. DOUBLE STITCH FILLING. it. The needle is
diagram explains working
the fourth stitch of a row. For the fifth it
picks up a similar diagonal piece of the material, but it points in an
upward instead of in a downward direction. This filling looks well
upon a pattern arranged with the surface stitches perpendicular, in
the diagram they are horizontal. It is sometimes worked with only
two threads of fabric between the lines of stitches instead of the three
seen here. In the Frontispiece the blue margin is in this stitch.
WAVE STITCH FILLING, figure i6i.—This is one of the stitches
which are effective worked in coloured threads as well as in white. In
the Frontispiece the water is worked in it in
alternate bands of blue and white The diagram .

explains the working. The effect to be aimed

at is that of an open ground, so the working
thread must be pulled taut to bring this about.
The needle in the diagram is working the third
stitch of the fourth row.
162. —This filling can be seen upon a leaf in
Plate XX. It is worked diagonally across the
fabric. To commence, bring the thread through
and then pass the needle to the back four threads
above and bring it to the front again after passing

FIG. l6l. WAVE STITCH FILLING. diagonally under a square composed of four
threads in each direction. The needle in the
diagram illustrates the working thus far. Next insert the needle at the
point where it first came through and bring it out diagonally below
after passing under a square of four threads just as before. It is now
in position to begin the first process again. When commencing a new row
it isnecessary to start one thread lower down and one thread more to the
right. It is this step lower in each new row which builds up the little
crosses seen in the worked sampler, and these give the filling its character.
ROSETTE FILLING, figures 163-165.—This fiUing covers the surface
with a pattern composed of what appear to be tiny rosettes, each
one having a raised centre. The rosettes are emphasised by a circle
of perforations which occur round their margins. Begin, as with most
of these fillings, by imagining the
ground fabric divided up into tiny
squares measuring three threads in
each direction. In the diagram, the
ground has been marked out thus with
dots. The needle never passes through
the material except at these dotted
points. The element, or rosette, the
repetition of which builds up the
pattern, is shown in figure 165, where
each straight line represents a stitch
and the point where the needle should
first come through to the surface is FIG. 162. DIAGONAL DRAWN FILLING.
marked by an arrow. When com-
mencing to work, glance at the larger diagram. In the upper left corner,
the execution of the first two stitches is seen, also the needle passing down
to the right point for working the second pair. These are similar to the
first, but reversed in direction (see key diagram). The first three stitches
of a rosette can be found in the partly carried out square near the base in
the larger diagram. They have been shaded a darker colour than the rest.
The numbers in the small working diagram show the order in which to
work the different stitches of the rosette, and they are always worked in
pairs. The last portion to be
worked is the square in the
centre, numbered 9 in the
diagram. This is raised up by
having four tightly pulled
Back stitches worked round
it. All the stitches must be
pulled taut so that they make
the necessary perforations
and show up the rosette. This
is not only done by pulling
the thread tightly, but also
by so taking the stitches that
they are worked like Back
stitches, for these by their
nature always tend to draw
together the fabric threads.
It is for this reason that
the needle constantly passes
the thread from one corner to an opposite one and then back again
(see numbers in diagram). It is not necessary to keep to this order
of working the stitches, for several slightly different ways might do
equally well ; but having found a good way it is necessary to work
each fresh rosette in similar fashion or they will not be alike when
done. The rosettes are worked in diagonal lines across a surface.
This filUng occurs upon a leaf in the corner of Plate XX, Figure
164 shows it with the threads of the ground fabric drawn up as
they would be in actual work. Figure 163 only attempts to show
the right placing of the
figure 166. —^With this filling
the four working stitches
take a cruciform shape, but
the effect when complete is
that of a number of fair-sized FIG. 165. ROSETTE
perforations repeating regu- FILLING (key
larly over the surface, and
IT APPEARS WHEN WORKED. the crosses should hardly
show. If the working thread
is rightly chosen the stitches will not be too evident.
The crosses are
worked in diagonal lines upon the surface. Each one is composed of
of a
four stitches. The needle in figure 166 is working the second
group, the first stitch having been shaded to distinguish it from the
rest. The order in which the four stitches are worked is noted upon
the isolated cross at the base. Each stitch commences in the centre
and is worked so that it takes somewhat the form of a Buttonhole stitch.
The reason for this is that there must not be any perforation in the centre
of the cross, and as the stitches are all
pulled tightly there might easily be a
space formed there as well as at the four
extremities. Each stitch is worked like
the one where the needle is. After
working the fourth, the needle, instead of
coming up again in the centre as before,
passes to the centre point of what will be
the next cross. A dotted line on the dia-
gram illustrates this, for it marks the
passage of the needle from the last cross
to the present one in process of being
FIG. 1 66. GREEK CROSS FILLING. worked. The complete effect of this
filling is not obtained until several lines of
crosses are finished, for then each perforation has four stitches pulling
it apart, which makes it much larger than when only the one is pulling

at it. When at the end of one diagonal line, it is a simple matter to

turn the material round and come up the next line, and then down the
third and so on. The filling occurs in Plate XX.
HEM STITCH, figure 167.—The neat line supplied by stitch Hem
is the usual finish to the edge of an embroidery. The simplest form of
it is illustrated in the diagram. Three warp threads of the ground fabric

have been withdrawn, and the hem has been turned in to the edge of
the drawn threads. To commence, bring the needle through at the left
side. Then pass the thread from right to left, under the first three
strands of ground fabric. Pull the thread through and insert the
needle in the hem in the manner in process in the diagram, taking care
to pick up both hem and fabric under-
neath. Pull the thread tautly through
so as to draw the three strands it has
encircled into a tight bunch. The
group of threads clustered together
can vary in number; for some purposes
an even number is more practical. It
is sometimes easier to work the Hem
stitch with the hem away from the
worker this is the case when a very

narrow hem has been formed. The

stitch is then executed from left to
right, and the rest of the working
reversed. With this simple form of Hem stitch only one side of the drawn
band is stitched. If more than two warp threads have been withdrawn,
i t may be necessary to hemstitch both edges. The same stitch can as
easily be worked on the opposite edge, and this results in a ladder-like
The fillings in Drawn
Fabric stitches, powderings and Pattern Darning ; in blue and white linen thread.
SAMPLER XXir. Lower fart of Sampler XXIII.
pattern. A chevron pattern
is as easily contrived and is worked in
much the same fashion. The hem stitching runs along one side, clus-
tering together an even number of threads, say four. Then the second
line of Hem stitch is worked on the other side, again gathering up
four threads but the four consist of two

from the first and two from the second

cluster. By thus spUtting the clustered
bunches of the upper row a chevron
effect is obtained.
WOVEN HEM STITCH, figure 168.
— ^A durable method by which to decor-
ate an open hem is illustrated in the
diagram. With the usual hemstitched
edge, where the weft threads of the
ground fabric are exposed without
covering, this portion of the material FIG. I68. WOVEN HEM STITCH.
wears out before the remainder of the
fabric, owing to having lost the support of the warp. But when given the
treatment illustrated here— that is, the exposed weft covered with a

darning to and fro of new thread it is perhaps stronger than any other
part. To carry out the pattern illustrated in the diagram, draw out the
requisite number of threads and proceed to cover them with a kind of
weaving stitch. Work with a blunt-pointed needle, and darn the thread
to and fro in weaving fashion, alternately over and under two clusters
of weft threads each composed of five strands During this process draw
. ,

the threads rather close together so that there is an open space between
the clusters. The needle in the diagram is in the act of passing from
one cluster to the next. Patterns more complex than this are easily
planned. When the difficulty occurs of
passing from one cluster to the next, the
needle deftly passes the thread invisibly
up the centre of the intervening worked
cluster. Sometimes, when a band of this
kind decorates a hem, it is necessary first
to hemstitch the edge before commencing
the weaving stitch. Two other patterns
in woven Hem stitch are illustrated on
the sampler in Plate XXIX.
DOUBLE HEM STITCH, figure 169.
—^An ornamental edge is made by this.
To execute Double Hem stitch, com-
mence by working a line of ordinary
FIG. 169. DOUBLE HEM STITCH. Hem stitch. Then draw out two or three
more warp threads beyond, leaving a
portion of fabric between the two bands of drawn work. To commence,
bring the thread through to the surface at the right-hand end of the
line to be stitched (see arrow). Next, pass the needle over these first
three threads in the direction from left to right, then back under them.

perforations. The
execution is illustrated in the diagram, where one
eyelet is completed, another is in process of being made, and dotted
lines suggest two more. There should be about twelve divisions round
each disc. To commence, bring the needle through at any point on
the circumference. Then take a couple of Back
stitches upon it, passing, for both stitches, in

and out at the same two points. The needle

will now have brought the thread through again
at the point of starting. Now take a couple
more Back stitches, this time passing in at the
centre of the circle and out on the circumference.
When working the second of these stitches, bring
the needle through, instead of at the starting-
point, a little farther along on the circumference.
This is done in order to be in position for working FIG. 173. EYELET STITCH

two more Back stitches in the same way as at the

start. All these stitches must be pulled a little tightly, and if they have
been put in at the right points, there should result a dozen small perfora-
tions round the circumference, each separated from the other by a couple
of Back stitches, and a larger one in the centre with a number of stitches
radiating from it to the marginal perforations. The second disc is joined
on to the first by using two of the latter 's perforations in its own circle.
A design for which Eyelet stitch is to make the background must be
simple in outline and composed of fairly broad masses, in order to make
contrast between the plain ground of the pattern and the decorative
background. For the same reason there should be a band of plain linen
round the margin framing up the completed work, for this doubles the
effectiveness of the enriched ground.

WHEN an embroidery composition contains a number of large

and flowers it is often necessary to treat some of these with
open, and others with solid fillings, for an occasional lighter
treatment gives contrast and relief to the heavier fillings of the
rest. Sometimes an open effect is attained by a simple veining, the leaf
having no other stitching upon it beyond perhaps a double outline in con-



trasted colours. Another way is to cover the surface with some small
repeating unit such as those in figures 174 to 178. A
third method is to
fill in the form with the lace stitches which
honeycomb the surface lightly
?y^\' Darning is another pretty treatment for surfaces of this
kind. J,^*.^^^^
This diapering of the surface can be varied to any extent it is ;

usually most effective when of an orderly, rather than when

of an irregular
type. A firm and decided outline is a necessary finish to
these fillings.
Frequently the little stars and squares of which these patterns are often

O 6.



built up are worked by the counted threads of the ground fabric. When
a particularly refined effect is wanted, the pattern should be carried
out thus in stitches all of the same length, say, over three threads of
ground fabric. In Sampler XXV
the patterns are all executed thus.
Working by the counted threads
of the ground makes the stitches
exactly alike, and it brings the fabric
in to help in the composition of the
Eattern, and this is always, in em-
roidery, a pleasing treatment in —
fact, the more fabric and stitching
can be made interdependent the
better the result. These geometrical
treatments are as useful for the
background as for the pattern.
Samplers XXVI and XXXIV illus-
trate their application to a ground.
The five open filling patterns
illustrated in figures 174-178 need
explanation. The quatrefoil
shapes in figure 174 are worked

without any previous tracing. A
star with eight points is first exe-
cuted, and then four stitches joining
them are put in at the edges. The
sheaf filling in figure 175 is of a
different type it is prettier worked

in waved rather than in straight

lines, and is formed of three upright
stitchesbound together in the centre
by two transverse ones Figure 176,

if required to be worked quickly,

can have the long lines thrown
across from side to side, but it looks
neater if built up with small stitches.
II The square pattern in figure 177
must be worked on a ground of
regular mesh, but with that of figure
178 this is not so necessary. Most
of these geometrical fillings, how-
ever, are better worked on clearly
discerned, even-meshed fabric and with fine thread. As regards colour,
black is often used, though other dark colours also look well. Some-
times two or more colours are employed in the one pattern, or they
can be worked in light colour upon a dark ground. This geometrical
open work was commonly practised in England in the sixteenth cen-
tury and was said to have been brought by Catherine of Aragon from
Spain. It was known as Black work, owing to its being executed in fine
black silk. A
number of these patterns are given in Sampler XXV. The
material there used, a fine single canvas, is
of a suitable kind to work these fillings upon.
They sometimes decorate the background as
in Sampler XXXIV, or they may fill the
pattern as in the headpiece to Chapter VIII.
DIAMOND FILLING, figure 179.—This
is a stitch used in needle-point lace, but it
is equally pretty for embroidery work. To
execute it, bring the thread through at the
upper right corner of the square and take it
to the back at the upper left corner, thus
laying a line of thread across the top. Bring
the working thread to the front again imme-
diately below where it just passed through.
Proceed to tie the working thread to the line
of thread at the top corner by a Coral Knot
similar to that which is in process of being
worked by the needle lower in the diagram.
Whilst doing this it is not necessary to pass
the needle at the same time through the
but it can
be done, and sometimes the filling is
more regular if the needle fixes it in
this way at each knotted point. Next,
the working thread is again tied by the
same knot to the line of thread a little
farther along. Between the first and
the second knot a loose loop of the
working thread must be left, for this
has afterwards to be joined by another
knot to a line below. This process of
alternate loops and knots is continued
till the top right-hand corner is
reached. After knotting the thread
there, the needle passes it to the back
and brings it up about an eighth of
an inch below in position for casting
the second line of thread from side FIG. 179. DIAMOND FILLING.
to side. This done, the needle is
brought to the front again on the left side just below
where it last
went through. A
second line of knots and loops is now
formed and
.^°P' '^"^^ time (see needle).
In ^f1
Plate XXXIII the central leaf '^r^if i^.^
is filled in by
means of this stitch


imp ;f;j: 1;:: i



and on Sampler XXVII all the lace stitches now to be described are to
be found.
HONEYCOMB FILLING, figure i8o.—The figure illustrates how to
execute this light filling. Large centres of flowers and other spaces
may often be decoratively worked
by this method. To execute the
filling, first the rows of horizontal
threads are laid across the leaf, then
one set of the diagonal lines are laid
on top, not threaded in and out,
of these. The only interlacement
there is comes with the third series
of lines These must be taken across

but during their passage they

must pass under the horizontal and
over the diagonal lines. In the dia-
gram the needle is working one of
these interlaced lines. This final
process binds the three series of
threads quite firmly together. The
threads must cross each other at
regular intervals, and in such a
fashion that at the point where the


three cross, the threads form a

close triangle of interlacement. A
new interest to this filling may be
added by varying the colour of the
different threads ; if these are well
chosen, a good effect either of
harmony or of contrast can be
ING, figure 181.—The filling
shown here is an Open Buttonhole
stitch, each new row of which is
worked into the heading of the row
above, and does not enter the

ground upon touch-

fabric except
ing the circumference of the circle.
The needle can, for ease of execu-
tion and for stability, pick up the
under fabric, but the effect thus gained is not quite similar. Simple
alterations in the spacing of the stitches would bring about a number
of slightly varying geometrical patterns. Some of these are illustrated
in Sampler XXVII.
the first stitch in the manner shown by the needle. Work a series of
these double stitches to the end of the line and there pass the thread
under the outline and work a line of the same stitches back again to the
starting-point. This row will be in the contrary direction, so the button-
holing must be reversed.
185. —This lace stitch a variety of
Buttonhole and is worked from left to
right. At the end of the line the thread
is twisted round the lower portion of the
stitch until it reaches the left side again.
In the lower corner of the diagram the
first row of stitching has been drawn, free
from the entanglement of the second row
in order that the worker can the more
clearly see the method. To commence,
a single thread is thrown across the apex
and the needle brought through again an
eighth of an inch lower down on the left FILLING.
margin of the leaf. The needle in the
diagram shows how to continue working the stitch. At the end of the
row, pass the thread back to the start by winding it round the base of
the worked portion. It passes
round, once only, between each
stitch. In actual work, the rows
of stitches are pulled tautly
down when fixing the lowest
line which gives the interstices
a honeycomb shape. These can
be decorated by putting a knot
in the centre of each. All these
lace fillings can be found upon
the sampler in Plate XI, be-
sides some more. Ball stitch
(figure 92) occurs upon one leaf
and Twisted Lattice (figure 99)
and Diamond (figure 48) upon
others. The rest are chiefly
upon figure 102. In-
stead of working the simple
chequering of two together and
a space some other sequence is
followed. For example the leaf
occurring at the top left corner is worked as follows. First a row of
spaced single Buttonhole, then one of spaced Buttonhole grouped two
together. The third row returns to the order of the first and the fourth
to that of the second. Other variations of a hke kind occur upon the
rest. The worker will easily devise new ones.


BROIDERY, figures 186-191.—The darning used in embroidery may
for carry-
be divided into two kinds. The one is of a bold type suitable
ing out work on a large scale, using coarse threads. This


the only method employed for the

execution of a large design, both
pattern and ground being solidly
filled in by its means. The direction
\* \* *# »
t^en by the lines of stitching is
important, for this, together with s f
colour and tone, form the chief at- V,
traction of the work. The other J!
is a finer kind of work, usually exe-
cuted in split floss or similar thread,
and it aims at a different effect FIG. 187. DARNING.

from the other. In all darning work

the stitch is alike. It is a running one which picks up at short intervals
just one thread of ground material. With the execution, however,
the likeness between the two ceases, for the type of design employed
and the general character of the work is opposed.
Figures 186 and 187 illustrate darning stitch. With
all forms of decorative darning it is usual to pick
up with the needle as small a piece of material
as possible, otherwise the requisite effect, that of
an all-over silky surface, will be in part lost. For
the same reason the successive lines of stitching
must lie close to each other so that no ground peeps
through between. The material used for the back-
ground affects the technique, so it is important to
choose a suitable one. The ground stuff, usually
linen or cotton, should be fairly fine and of a loosely
rlG. 188. A DARNED BACK-
GROUND. woven texture in order that the separate threads
may be easily seen and picked up. Sometimes the
lines of stitching are made to follow the outline of the design in the manner
shown in figures 187 and 188. A
quick way of darning a background is to
place the lines of stitching slightly apart instead of touching each other,
for this it may be necessary to use a ground stuff that looks well, besides
bexng practical. Irregular darning may decorate a ground with bands of
alternate colour. For example, the design which forms the headpiece to
Chapter I could be treated thus. The flowers would be worked only in
outline. The stitches should be as near as possible of the same
and the thread often a coarse twisted

silk, should not untwist in the work-

ing. The type of design chosen for
this bolder kmd of darning must be
simple in outline and not too small
in its detail.
1 89 , 1 90 , 1 94 .—Darning in pattern is
• » «»
contrived by picking up the threads
of the ground material in some »

regular sequence, with the result

that a simple geometrical pattern is * • I
displayed upon the surface. This
method involves a certain amount V
of counting of the ground threads,
but this is not so tedious, for after • • I
the first few rows are completed
hardly any counting is necessary.
Figure 189 illustrates some pattern
darning in progress. A
ground is being worked behind fig. 189. pattern darning.

the pattern, which will be exe-

cuted afterwards in outline
only. This fine kind of darning
is often used for the enrichment
of backgrounds, for, owing to
its quiet, monotonous charac-
ter, it is well suited to such a
purpose. To carry out the
diagram, commence the darn-
ing at the top, and take a
line of stitching horizontally
across, picking up alternately
one thread and passing over
about four. For the second
line, which can be run in
the opposite direction, pick
FIG. 190. DESIGNS FOR PATTERN DARNING. up the threads as before, but
start with the first stitch a
step ahead of the first one of the previous row. This goes on for five rows
and then the ground thread, for five more rows, is picked up a step behind
the same one of the row before. By varying the order and the quantity
of stuff when picking up the thread, all kinds of simple repeating patterns


can be displayed. Figures 190, 194 and the headpiece of this chapter
show some of these. Figure 194 can be copied easily, for it shows every
thread of the ground fabric.
DAMASK DARNING, figures 191, 192.—Pattern darning can be fur-
ther com-
plicated by
running the
threads in
two oppos-
ed direc-
tions. This
is most
simply ex-
FIG. 191.CENTRE POR- plained by
TION OF A DAMASK an illustra-
DARN. ^ T->-
192 shows a simple darn with
the thread taken in both
perpendicular and horizontal
directions. If two suitable
colours are used for this, a
charming effect of shot damask
silk is obtained in the centre.
There are in existence a number
of old samplers, of early nine
teenth-century date, filled with most exquisite
fine darns of this kind, worked in colours in
every imaginable patterning. These were in
all probability executed partly to practise fine
darning for mending damask table linens and
also as an exhibition of skill. Figure 191 illus-
trates the central portion only of a damask
darn. The fabric is often cut away under
this portion of the work. Figure 192 can be
used to work from, for the threads of the
ground can be counted. Sampler XXVIII
displays upon the background a number of
patterns in darning. The darning thread runs
from side to side of each panel passing under
the animal on its way across.
DOUBLE DARNING, figure 193.—There
yet another form of darning which is occa-
FIG. 193. DOUBLE DARNING. sionally required. This is Double Darning and
its special characteristic lies in its being alike
on both sides of the ground fabric, for some purposes a useful quality.
The method is found in use upon work coming from the Near East,
Persia, Asia Minor, Turkey, and the Greek islands. The stitch consists
in the first place of a running which picks up exactly as much fabric

Eq .«


^ "a
as it At the end of a line the needle commences to return to the
starting-point and on this journey picks up the fabric it left untouched
before. The needle should pass in and out at the same points as on
the first journey. In the diagram the needle has almost completed a


return journey. This kind of darning is sometimes seen carrying out

a pattern which gives an effect of horizontal bands across the surface
as in the diagram, at other times it is worked so as to pattern the
form with diagonal bands. The latter way is contrived by making
each fresh line start a step higher or lower than the previous row.
A common practice is to make each fresh line start exactly half-way up
the previous one. Of the four kinds of darning described in this chapter,
namely. Irregular, Pattern, Damask and Double Darning, Pattern is the
most useful and perhaps the most effective kind for embroidery purposes.
THE is
method of work by which the ground fabric in certain parts
away and the resulting spaces filled with foliage, geometri-
cal figures, inscriptions or other fanciful devices, is one which
has great possibilities. By its means much beautiful work has been
done in the past. The early English samplers often exhibit strips of
fine cut work. The inspiration for these probably came from Italy,
for that country has always excelled in this particular branch of needle-
work. There are in existence a number of Italian and some English
sixteenth-century pattern books filled with
designs for cut work which show how popular
it was at that period. The design, to be effective,

must be bold and simple even though the work

is of small compass and fine, as it usually is.
Some embroidery upon the surrounding soUd
parts adds a finish to the open spaces. Sampler
XXIX would have appeared bald and incom-
plete without the fragments of decoration round
about its open squares. A larger piece of a
similar kind of decoration is illustrated in Sam-
pler XXII it is a suitable type to combine

with cut work. The fabric chosen for the ground

FIG. 195. OVERCAST EDGE. must be practical for working upon, or difficulty
will be encountered with frayed or clumsy
edges. Fine hand-made Unen, if it does not fray too easily, has the best
appearance. The working thread should be similar to the threads of
the ground fabric, as much so as to give the impression that
weaving the linen the threads had changed their direction and twisted
up into pattern instead of continuing to weave plain fabric.
OVERCAST EDGE, figure 195.—To overcast a cut edge is the
neatest form of securing it. The diagram illustrates a
square with the
four sides cut away and an Overcast stitch in process
of binding the
edge. Before cutting out the square a line of thread
should be run
round it. This thus preventing any stretching of the edges
ties it in,
dunng the after work, and gives the overcast line more
emphasis by
slightly raising it. When, owing to a frayable material, it is not a safe


% 'M '"-^^M^^^- = :




plan to cut the actual edges of the open work, there are ahernative
methods of treatment; these are described next. The use of fine
needles and fine thread often saves a cut edge from fraying during the
working. Also to avoid the same danger, the four edges of a square
need not all be cut out at the start, one or two
sides may be cut first and then overcast before
the remaining two are exposed.
LOOPED EDGE, figure 196.—The diagram
illustrates another edging stitch and another
method of treating the cut edges. This stitch has
a firm heading into which it is easily possible to
work various lace stitches for filling the open
space. This edging is useful when a filling of this
kind is contemplated, for it is firmer than
Buttonhole for such a purpose. The needle
explains the method of work. Hold the material
in a position so that the edge to be worked is
nearest the worker. Insert the needle into the FIG. 196. LOOPED EDGE.
edge from the underside upwards. When the
thread is nearly pulled through, pass the needle through the loop as
shown in the diagram. Then, when pulling the last piece of thread tight,
let needle and thread point away from the worker. Care must be taken
where the start and finish meet that no sign of junction is visible. This
figure illustrates an alternative method of treating the cut edge when fine
ground fabric is in use. The square of linen is cut from corner to corner
and turned back underneath. The edging stitch is worked upon the folded
linen, and when finished the linen can be cut away on the underside, close
to the stitching. This makes a durable edge that will stand much wear and
tear. With coarse fabric it is too clumsy a
method to employ.
BUTTONHOLE EDGE, figure 197.—
usual form of securing the raw edges in cut
work is by Buttonhole. Both Ordinary and
Tailor's Buttonhole are used ; the former
makes a narrower edge. Edges are sometimes
buttonholed before being cut away. A thread
is first run round to mark the line, the Button-
hole stitch worked over it, and then, with
sharp scissors ones having well curved points
by choice, the linen is cut away quite close to
FIG. 197. BUTTONHOLE EDGE. the buttonholing. It should be cut so cleanly
that no after trimming up
is necessary, for

when this has been done, the edge is never so clean as when completed
at the first incision. The diagram illustrates a cut circle being edged with
the usual form of Buttonhole.
a general rule the fillings for cut work are executed by the three stitches
illustrated in figures 199-200. There are besides a number of Lace
1 1 o-i 1 3) ; these are a distinct kind of work more
stitch fillings (see pages
nearly allied to lace. Figure 199 illustrates Buttonhole stitch being
worked over a bar. The upper bar shows a single row of stitches worked

T->T-il-l->-l->-i-i-* -•



slightly apart, and the lower one, where the needle

is atwork, shows the completion of the bar by a FIG. 200. WOVEN AND
second line of buttonholing, on the opposite side, so OVERCAST BARS.

arranged that its stitches fit in between those of

the first row The bars which
are covered by the Buttonhole
consist of some threads of the
ground material which have
been left uncut when the rest
of the ground was removed.
These bars, when possible,
should be actual threads of
the original fabric. Some-
times, for instance when they
occur diagonally, this is not
possible, and then they have
to be made by throwing the
thread to and fro several
times. These thrown threads
are then covered over with
stitching. This Buttonhole
covering stitch is used when
the bar is going to be widened
on each side, for any nimiber
of fresh rows of buttonholing
can be worked into the
heading of the row before.
FIG. 201. WOVEN PICOT. By this simple means many
varieties of forms can be built
up in the cut spaces, for example, leaves, flower petals, or geometrical
shapes. When the bar is completed by one row of stitching, no others
flaying to be added on either edge, it is usual to cover it either
I single line of close Buttonhole, or one of the two stitches
in figure 200. These are a kind of weaving to and fro,
and an over-
casting. The overcasting makes the narrowest bar.
The woven one
makes a firm flat band. Both are easily done and are explained
by the diagram. The needle
at work on the woven bar
picks up half the bundle of
threads, first on one side and
then on the other, taking care
to keep the thread even by
I)ulling it equally tightly each
time. Thecompleted bar
should be of the same width
from start to finish. Figure FIG. 202. BULLION PICOT.
198 shows a design for a small
square, various others can be seen in Sampler XXIX and figure 206.
PICOT, figure 201 Buttonhole bars are frequently decorated

by the addition of Picots. This is the largest of the present group. A

completed sample can be seen
at the base of the diagram.
Commence by making a loop
on the edge of the fabric as
shown in the upper left corner.
Next fix the loop thus formed
with a pin as shown in the next
diagram, and make a second
loop round the pin. Pass the
needle across under the loop
as in diagram 3. Now bring
the thread back to the left
side again, passing in front of the loop, and on the way, pick up with
the needle the thread which has just passed underneath (see fourth
diagram). The two stages shown in the second band are repeated as
many times as necessary to
fill in the picot.


202. Bullion stitch makes a
pretty picot. The Bullion
Knot is worked in the usual
way, but attached to the edge
of the Buttonhole stitch in-
stead of to the ground fabric.
To commence, insert the
needle in the thread of the
edging stitch, wind as many
loops round it as the size of picot requires, pull the needle through the
loops and insert it again at the same point in the edging stitch and pull
through. To make this picot more open in form, like the completed one
in the diagram, commence by picking up about three of the edging
stitches with the needle instead of one. Then at the finish, pass the
needle through these a second time.
PICOT, figure 203.— large picot is made by working IJutton-
hole stitch over a semicircular loop of thread. This is
illustrated the m
diagram. Here ordinary But-
tonhole is being worked over
the thread, but Overcast stitch
or Tailor's Buttonhole might
be substituted in place of it.
At the required point, the
thread is looped backwards
into the heading of the edging
stitch and then overcast or
FIG. 205. BUTTONHOLE PICOT. buttonholed back to the start-
iflg-point. If a stouter semi-
circle is wanted, pass the thread three times to and fro instead of once.
LOOP PICOT, figure 204. —
This is the simplest form of picot. The
method of work is shown in the diagram, which illustrates both a com-
pleted picot and one in process of being made. It consists of a loop made
firm at the base by a Buttonhole stitch worked across it. Upon reaching
the required point insert a pin in the edge of the fabric. Pass the work-
ing thread under the pin, then into the edge of the fabric, and then
work a Single Buttonhole stitch across the base of the loop thus formed.
PICOT, figure 205.— small picot, a development of
the last described one, is illustrated here. It is worked in similar fashion
to the one just described. After passing the working thread round the

eosa s'^ai^.iwi^


pin and again into the fabric, pass the needle up through the centre of
the loop round the pin a second time, and then work three or four Button-
hole stitches upon the loop. This process will bring the thread down to
the right position for continuing the edging stitch.




!&!:;«;- .


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Figure 206 is a design for cut work taken from an Italian late
sixteenth-century pattern book. A
seventeenth-century English
sampler, worked with a similar alphabet, carried out in the most minute
cut work patterns, can be seen in the Victoria and Albert Museum.
ING, figure 207. — This and the next
described stitch are often used to-
gether to work a pattern. Sampler
XXX is executed entirely by their
means. The design, copied from a
piece of Russian work, is an example
of neat planning, for both pattern
and background take equally inter- r,
esting forms. To commence working HJ
j ; —
a band like this, first withdraw two, trJr
and then leave two, fabric threads in 'qii
each direction, and then overcast the trirl,
cut edges of the square. Begin by
^^j_V j^' ZlC^Iu
overcasting the threads which lie ]iirjjfr|l"|±3!7L|±j: 3??i?mi4-
beneath the pattern. How to do this ~ '^'^ '-•^ 1— i-r i-r
is illustrated in the diagram. The
overcasting is carried out in zigzag
diagonal lines, two stitches passing
over horizontal threads, one across
the diagonal and then two across perpendicular threads, and so on. In
figure 207 two diagonal working lines have been commenced in order
to show how they work together. At the point of junction two working
threads pass across the same square
of fabric threads.
\\\ l|J|_l|Ji± figure 208. —The portion of fabric
in Sampler XXX not covered with
Russian Overcast is worked in this
stitch. Like the other part it is exe-
cuted in diagonal lines and just two
rows of it together as seen in the
sampler make a particularly satis-
factory pattern, though it can be
used for an entire filling. Figure 208
explains the working. Bring the thread
through at the perforation marked by
an arrow, carry it across two bars,
FIG. 208. RUSSIAN DRAWN FILLING. then back over itself and under and
over the fabric threads, bringing it to
the surface again in position for working the second stage of the stitch.
In the diagram a completed stitch can be seen on the left, whilst the tvs^o
stages which work it are shown separately above. These two would in
the actual work lie one across the other. The diagram shows the working
of the two stages, also how to pass to the next square to
Drawn not effective unless just the
the second stitch. Russian filling is

right material and thread is chosen to work it. That

used the m
sampler Plate XXXis of a suitable kind.
ure 209. —This is an effective method of
work, and both simple and quick in exe-
cution Commence by withdrawing cer-

tain of the fabric threads. In the diagram
the sequence followed is one withdrawn
and two left in alternation. The exact
number depends upon the mesh of the
fabric and the size of the working thread.
Next lightly overcast the exposed fabric
threads, at first only those lying in a
horizontal direction. The weaving to and
fro of the pattern is then executed, and
finally the perpendicular threads of any
fabric still exposed are lightly overcast.
These are not overcast at first because
they are better left free under the woven
portion. Any pattern based on squares, such as most of the canvas work
ones, can be copied by this method, though some are more practical than
others for it. Sampler XXXI has the central and right-hand square
worked in it. The central one takes the weaving in two directions, which
gives a pretty damask-like effect to the design, for the light catches it in
different ways and gives different tones to the surface.
FILLING. In the square to the left of the centre in Sampler
XXXI the design is left in the linen ground, instead of, like the opposite
one, having it put in by after
stitching. For this the edge of
the design is first neatly over-
cast. Sometimes run lines of
thread mark it out in the first
place and the overcasting is
taken over these run lines of
thread. This raises the edge
a little. Next the necessary
threads of fabric are cut and
withdrawn in the same way as
for the other square. The
exposed threads of fabric are
now closely overcast with fine FIG. 210. LACED INSERTION STITCH.
LACED INSERTION STITCH, figures 210, 21 1 .—The diagram illus-
trates an insertion stitch, which is easily unfastened or joined up. If, how-
ever, more stability is required than is given by the simple laced thread,
it would be quite easy to combine the Knotted Insertion stitch,figure 212,
isaisa^i^ ^'i

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with this one and join the edges with the firmly knotted thread. To
carry out this stitch, the first process is to work upon both edges the
looped stitch illustrated in the diagram. This, known as Braid Edging
stitch, figure 21 1 is worked in very similar fashion to Braid stitch, figure

69, although when completed it

does not much resemble it. Com-
mence by placing the edge of the
material, which is to be "bound,
away from the worker, and work
from right to left. Pass the needle
with the loop round it under the
edge of the material, and bring it to
the surface as if working a button-
holed edge. When pulling the
thread through, in order to tighten
the knot, it should be drawn out in
the direction away from the worker.
This gathers up the knot on the
actual edge. The knot, in process
of being pulled tight, can be seen in
figure 210, at the end of one of the FIG. 211. BRAID EDGING STITCH.

lines where it has been left loose.

Braid Edging is a most satisfactory binding stitch, for it looks equally neat
whether seen from the upper or under side or from the actual edge.
The final lacing through to complete the insertion is done when, both
edgings finished, the two materials have been firmly fixed to a temporary
KNOTTED INSERTION STITCH, figure 212.—The diagram illus-
trates Antwerp Edge adapted an insertion. It is very practical for the
purpose, for the constantly recurring knot makes the edge firm and
strong. The needle carries the
thread from edge to edge alter-
nately, and after taking it
through the material, always
in the direction from above
downwards, it ties a simple
knot in the thread close to the
edge of the material. The
edges to be joined must be kept
firmly in place whilst the join-
ing stitch is in progress, or the
width of the insertion will vary
FIG. 212. KNOTTED INSERTION STITCH. and look irregular. A good
plan is to tack both edges upon
a temporary backing. Toile arte is good, for its shiny surface prevents
the needle accidentally piercing it. The insertion joining the stitch
samplers in Plate VIII is made up of a combination of figures 2 1 1 and 212.
TWISTED INSERTION STITCH, figure 213.—This is a commonly
used insertion, quickly worked and effective, but it is hardly
for adding to good embroidery, as there are many much more interesting
diagram explains the work-
forms of insertion than this The needle in the

ing. The action there seen

in progress is repeated on
each edge in turn.
STITCH, figure 214.—
A strong and decorative
insertion stitch is illus-
trated in the diagram. In
Sampler VII this is em-
ployed to join two parts
together. To work the
stitch, begin by tacking
down the sides, which
are to be joined, to some
firm backing. Bring the
thread to the surface at the edge of the right-hand side strip at the top.
Take it to the back on the other strip opposite, and proceed to work about
five Buttonhole stitches along the
thread now joining the edges of
fabric together. This done, pick
up with the needle the edge of the
fabric at point A, and then carry
the needle and thread across to the
left side and pick up the edge of
the fabric at point B. This point
is not opposite A, it is slightly
lower down. Now proceed to work
three Buttonhole stitches on the
doubled thread which first passed
from the uppermost buttonholed
bar to the right side, point A, and
then was carried across to point B.
The needle in the diagram is just
commencing to work three such
stitches lower down. This button-
holing is always worked from the
centre towards an edge. These
completed, the needle next picks
up the edge of the fabric on the FIG. 214. ITALIAN BUTTONHOLE INSERTION STITCH.
right side, a little below point A,
and then works three Buttonhole stitches upon the double bar, which
passes between point B and the completed buttonhole stitching above.
These three stitches are worked from right to left instead of in the usual
direction. Next, the edge of the fabric on the left side is picked up a
below point B, and then the Buttonhole stitches worked on the
opposite side as before. In the diagram the needle is in the act of con-
tinuing the stitch at the point just reached in the description.
215.—A decorative insertion is built up by
Interlacing stitch. This is illustrated in
the diagram and the method of working is
described in detail on pages 63, 64. To


work this as an insertion,

tack the two edges of
material upon a firm back-
ing about a quarter of an
inch apart. Then work the
foundation stitching upon
the edges of the material
to be joined. After this is
done complete the inter-
FIG. 216. BUTTONHOLE INSERTION STITCH. lacement as described on
page 64. It is as easy to
arrange for three or four rows of this insertion as for one, for it only
requires a wider foundation of threads latticed across and several bands


of the surface interlacing instead of one. Several rows of Interlacing

insertion make a good filling for the open spaces in cut work.
BUTTONHOLE INSERTION STITCH, figure 216.— Both forms of
Buttonhole, either Tailor's or ordinary make an effective insertion stitch.
The diagram illustrates Tailor's, as that is the more complicated and
stronger one of the two. The way to work this is described on page 25,
and figure 216 explains how to adapt it as an insertion.
PLAITED INSERTION, figure 217.—This is a pretty stitch for joining
strips of embroidery together, for the plaited chevron line it builds up is
an ornament in itself. To execute it, copy the diagram commencing at
the top left-hand corner. After having executed the six successive stages
illustrated there, continue by commencing at the first again. It will
probably be helpful after working the sixth stage to study the completed
portion of the insertion which is drawn out in the lower portion of the
diagram. In it the point reached at stage six is marked by an arrow,
and it is as easy to follow the afterworking in this finished portion as
to return to following out the various stages from the starting-point
onwards. To gain the best effept work with a coarse firm thread.


WORK, figures 218-221. ^When commencing a piece of
laid work, one of the first questions to be settled what means is,

1 be employed to tie down the long strands of thread lying

across the surface, which by reason of their length are not, with-
out some such fastening, sufficiently firmly attached to the ground fabric.
It is a beautiful treatment of silk, this of laying it flatly down in rather
loose,untwisted strands over the
surface of the pattern. For owing
to the silk not being cut up into
minute lengths by stitches, its
smooth glossy texture is shown to
full advantage. Laid and couched
work, the two are nearly related,
are methods often chosen for use
together when working with both
silk and gold threads. Gold thread
makes a good finish to laid work
when used as an outline to it, or
when employed to assist in the
tying down. Laid work, always
done with the aid of a frame, is
quick in execution. The threads
should be laid down loosely, for a
strained effect is unpleasant ; this
is especially the case when it is

composed of floss silk. Perhaps to FIG. 218. LAID WORK.

obtain the most artistic result, the

less the tying down thread shows, the better, though at times a special
feature is made of this fixing process. Sometimes this thread is of distinct
colour, or it is made to follow out some decorative pattern such as those
displayed in figures 219 and 220. The laid strands of silk may be of flat
colour or exquisitely shaded, also distinct contrasts of colour can be
introduced. In the accompanying illustrations, some of the chief methods
of executing laid work are shown. In figure 218, upon the berry on the
left side, the needle is laying the preliminary threads. It first passes
across the surface laying alternate lines of thread, then, as it returns back
129 ^
to the starting-point, fills up the intervening spaces. By laying the
threads in this fashion they lie more evenly together because a larger
piece of ground fabric can be picked up, for laid threads are never
treated like Satin stitch where
there is as much thread upon
the under as upon the upper
side. When the surface to be
filled in is covered with even,
close parallel lines of thread, the
next process is to make it more
secure by throwing other lines
of thread across at intervals in
a contrary direction, and tying
each of these as it is laid, with
one or two cross stitches (see
right-hand berry). Another
method of fastening down the
underlay is displayed in the
lowest berry where a regular
trellis is formed by the fixing
threads. This method makes
such pretty decoration that it is
frequently used for the cup of
an acorn, the sheath of a thistle,


and other such subjects. Infigure22i

the laid threads are set longitudinally
down the leaf and the tying-down
thread carries outthe veining. Figure
220 illustrates a form of tying down
known as scale couching. This is a
decorative treatment and it suggests
certain forms of natural growthparti-
cularly well In figure 219 the tying-

down thread runs up the figure in

scroll form, and covers the vase with
a simple pattern. There is another
method by which laid threads are
sometimes secured, which is not
illustrated here. This is by working
Split stitch across in contrary direc- FIG. 220. SCALE COUCHING UPON LAID
tion to the underlay. This stitch has THREADS.
been explained on page 50, and the
only further direction necessary to be given when it is used upon laid
work is that the stitches must be quite long, for the less the underlay is
spHt by the passage to and fro of surface threads, the better the effect.
COUCHING, figures 222-224.—The tying down of one or more threads
upon the material by means of another one is called couching. Some
threads are too coarse, too brittle or too delicate to pass constantly to and
fro through the ground stuff,
and so this method has been
evolved to overcome the
difficulty.The problem with
couching is to make the tying-
down stitch strong enough
for it to answer its purpose
and yet not spoil the appear-
ance of the surface with too
many or too coarse stitches,
and especially is this neces-
sary when either gold or sil-
ver threads are in use. The
mediaeval workers solved the
problem by inventing a most
ingenious method which was
both practical and beautiful,
and in the middle ages it was
used universally for all kinds
of couching in both silk and
gold thread. A detailed ex-
planation of this almost obso- FIG. 221. LEAF WORKED IN LAID THREADS.
lete method is given later.
There are some other methods of
couching besides the straight-
forward one of fixing threads in
place by means of a single trans-
verse stitch as in figure 222. For
instance, many ordinary embroi-
dery stitches may be used for the
purpose. The fixing-down stitch
may require to be invisible. This
is the case sometimes when
couching down cord, and then the
needle must be inserted in be-
tween the twists. The diagram
illustrates the most direct and
simple method of fastening either
single or clusters of threads to the
material. It is done by passing
FIG. 222. COUCHING. another thread, which comes to
and fro through the material,
across the laid threads as shown in the diagram. The tying-down thread
maybe of contrasting colour or material, and it may occur at regular or
irregular intervals or in pattern. Sometimes two couching threads are
on. When clusters
placed near together and then a longer interval and so
often laid loosely on the
of threads are couched down together they are
material and the fixing-down thread pulled fairly tight. This results m
a pretty bunching ot the laid
threads between the fixed points
(see diagram). Ordinary couch-
ing is useful for solid fillings, for
outline work, for edging applied
or laid work and so forth. But
one of its chief uses is to fix gold
and silver threads in place, for
these cannot in the ordinary way
be pulled to and fro through the
material. Most forms of couching
demand the help of a frame. A
number of fancy methods of
couching down threads are shown
in figures 223 and 224.
figure 225.— Many stitches can
be used for tying down surface
threads. Some particularly suit-
able ones are. Open Chain, Lad-
der, varieties of Feather, Open
Double Back, But-
tonhole, Chevron,
in fact, most broad
open stitches which
only enter the ma-
terial at their edges
are suitable. But-
tonhole is more used
than any other. A
buttonhole couch-
ed filling (see figure
225) is a very pretty
treatment for a leaf
or flower petal. To
work the leaf in the diagram several strands
of silk are threaded together in the needle
and brought through on the right-hand
margin of the leaf near the apex. The threads OF BUTTONHOLE.
are then passed across to the opposite margin
where they enter the material and come up again immediately below. A
row of open buttonholing is next worked across the laid thread from left
to right, and when the other margin is reached the laid threads are again
passed right across the leaf as before. The needle need not pierce the


ground material excepting at the edges, for the filling lies flatter
treated. The lines of stitching do
not always go straight across the form
they may go either up or down, slanting, or following round the outline!
Their direction is as a rule
governed by the arrangement
of the shading, for the simplest
way to shade is to change the
colour when commencing a
fresh row. Besides fillings, lines
of buttonhole couching are use-
ful either as borders or to couch
down applied work.
ING, figure 226.—^Another
form of couching is illustrated
here which is used for covering
up broad surfaces. The needle
brings the thread through on
the left margin, carries it across
and to the back upon the right.
Then, on its way back to lay a
second long thread, it secures
the first with one or more cross
stitches (see the needle). These
stitches must not be at all tight, FIG. 226. ROUMANIAN COUCHING.
and should
be taken in a slanting direction, for they are laid thus
in order not to be noticeable. In the form of couching
illustrated in figure 227 a similar method of execution
is described, but in this case its special character lies
in the crossing stitch being tightly worked, with the
result that it does not in the least resemble the method
here illustrated.
BOKHARA COUCHING, figure 227.—The dia-
gram shows a method of couching down silk for solid
fillings. It is commonly seen worked in this manner
upon Persian embroideries where it covers large
expanses with a fiat monotonous surface, very pleasing
in eff^ect. It looks best worked in coarse untwisted
silk. The silk is laid, a line at a time, from side to side
of the space to be covered, and then is couched down
by slanting stitches taken in regular order across the
FIG 227. BOKHARA These couching stitches must be placed
laid line.
near together and in such a position that they
build up slanting lines across the surface (see diagram). The tying
down stitch should be tight and the laid silk between a little slack, for
this gives the right effect to the finished work.
THE COUCHING OF GOLD THREAD, figures 228-232.— Some of
the best forms of Couching with metal threads are illustrated in the follow-
ing five diagrams.A particularly good method is shown in figure 228 The

gold, usually very fine, is couched two threads at a time up and down the
surface. At certain arranged intervals the couching stitches are spaced
much farther apart, and by this simple means such a pattern as that seen in


the drawing can be displayed. Instead of the flower seen there, any other,
saya geometrical pattern, can be pictured. Leaving the gold thread for
an interval, not fastened down, makes it spring up and catch the light,
and this throws the pattern into reUef. A
commonly used method of
couching gold is shown in figure 229. The gold, laid in horizontal lines,
is tied down two threads together and the tying-down silk is made to
follow a lattice pattern.A variation upon this is seen in figure 230. Here


the gold is laid in waving lines and spaced alittle more openly. This
method causes a pretty play of light upon the metal thread. String is
sometimes under the couched gold to raise it up. In figure 231 it is
laid in regular lines across the surface and the gold taken up and down
across it so as to build up a basket-like pattern. In figure 232 the string
underlay takes a lozenge or diamond shape. For this there must always


be a couching stitch upon each side of the raised parts to make the line
sharp and clear. The oval at the top of Plate XXXIII is worked some-
what in the manner of figure 228. The difference between them is
that the pattern, instead of being left to show in raised gold, is closely
oversewn with coloured silks. This method is known as or nue.
ANCIENT METHOD OF COUCHING, figures 233-238.— In the
thirteenth century the method of couching now to be described was practi-
cally the only one used. Though nowadays hardly known, it has many



advantages over the more modern method. The work is more durable,
the surface more flexible, and the effect much finer. These charac-
teristics were invaluable when the entire gold ground of a cope —
vestment which hangs in graceful folds from the shoulder was to be —
couched with gold thread in this manner. And this treatment of the
ground of an embroidered cope was a common practice in the Middle
Ages. Figure 239 is a fragment from one such vestment. The chevroned


pattern upon the ground is couched in gold. The subject is S. Lawrence
and S. Stephen, each respectively holding and pointing towards the

instruments of their martyrdom a grill and some stones. enable To
the worker to understand more clearly this rather unusual method of

FIG. 233. MEDI.KVAL METHOD OF COUCHING. fig. 234. medieval method of couching
(reverse side).

couching, a diagram of both sides of the work has been made, for an im-
portant part of the working lies at the back. (See also Plate XXXIII.)
It must be worked in a frame, and a fine, closely- woven Unen should be
chosen for the ground. Some-
times, to increase its strength, a
twofold ground is used. To carry
out the work two needles must be
prepared, the one threaded with
strong linen thread and the other
with strands of silk or gold. The
two threads should be of about
the same thickness. After making
each thread secure at the back
bring the silk one through to the
surface at the top left-hand corner
of the form to be filled. Next
bring the linen thread through to
FIG. 235. COUCHED RAISED BAND. the surface about one-eighth of an
inch below (see arrow in diagram)
Let it encircle the silk thread and then return to the back by the exact hole
through which it entered. It should pull through the silk thread with it
as it passes to the back. The silk during the process must be held rather
tautly by the left hand. For this stage of the working the right hand is

„.|4.<JU^JikA.^,iiL-,.,..ilw,-. Hi!

SAMPLER XXXIII. Miscellaneous examples.

§ 2

§ §

S Si

c -55

II mil 1 1 t*m»mmmti**mimm*>'mimiimmimmm
underneath the frame, pulling the linen thread through, and the left one
above it holding firmly the silk thread, for unless there is some tension,
too much of the silk will be taken through only just as much should pass

through as will cling closely round the linen thread at the back (see arrow
in figure 234). This process repeated at correct intervals works the
couching. Study of the two diagrams shows that on the surface the
silk thread travels alternately up and down the form, and at regular
intervals dips through to the back, and on the reverse side the linen
thread passes in the same way down and up, following always the
lead of the surface thread, and at regular intervals this surface thread
is seen to encircle it. It is a curious coincidence that the method IS


FIG. 236.

identical with that of the lockstitch sewing machine.^ With this form
of couching, geometrical patterns are easily displayed upon the sur-
face, for the linen thread always pulls the surface thread through to
the back in some prearranged sequence, and this breaks up the surface
into pattern. In the diagram a simple chevron pattern is in j)rocess
of formation. It will at once be seen, that by varying the points at
which the linen thread pulls the surface one to the back, other patterns
could easily be displayed. (See figure 236.) In the ancient work, mar-
vellously intricateand beautiful patterns were developed by this means
of couching, such as repeating geometrical forms with heraldic figures
occurring in the spaces between the interlacements. To execute patterns
of this more compUcated nature the couching has to be taken both hori-
zontally and vertically, in one direction for the pattern and in the other
for its background. The result gained is that of a rich damask, the play
of light upon gold thread treated in this fashion is very effective.
1 This was pointed out to the writer by M. Louis de Farcy, who writes at length upon
this method of couching in La Broderie du onziime siicle jusqu'd. nos jours.
Worked in silk thread this couching is easy to master, but in metal thread
it is troublesome There is often difficulty in obtaimng really
at first.
suitable gold thread. Japanese, in the usual form, is not practical, so it
must be real gold thread of fine quality, otherwise it will not be sufficiently
pUable. Working this couching in metal threads had better, perhaps, be


left to the professional worker, but in silk an amateur may attempt it

with hope of almost immediate success. Some find a light tracing of the
pattern over the ground a help, others prefer to work by the thread of the
fabric, or by the guidance of the line before. Unnecessary difficulties
may be encountered by not using correct materials. Needles and threads
must be of suitable size in order not to make too large or too small a hole
in the ground fabric, and for the same reason the linen must be closely
woven and firmly stretched in the frame. The stitches must be straight,
flat, and lie closely beside each other and carry out the pattern with
mathematical accuracy, for no geometrical pattern looks well otherwise.
The angle of the chevron, or whatever pattern it is, must be acute or the
result will not be satisfactory. The same method of couching is em-
ployed to work the raised band illustrated in figure 235. This is a neater
and stronger method of covering a padded line with thread than the
modern one of couching the threads down upon the surface. The differ-
ence between the two methods is very slight, for instead of a tie down on
the surface of the material the thread is pulled just through to the back.
The lower part of the diagram gives the appearance at the back, and the
upper shows the raised band. At the back of the linen the couching
thread runs to and fro in zigzag fashion, puUing the couched thread only
just through, and it is done in the same manner as for the filling in figure

233 ^that is, by the linen thread entering and returning through the
same hole and pulling the surface thread with it. The advantages of this
method of couching a raised band will be seen at once. Instead of a
clumsy turning round of the laid thread on the surface at the point
where it is secured by the couching thread, the turn is neatly hidden at
the back. And it is a more durable method than the other for the tying
down thread, because unseen, can be much thicker, also it is exposed to
no friction. Although embroidery is by no means only a matter of stitches
and methods of work, the importance of technique must always be in-
sisted upon. It is shown in the present instance. Without the aid of
this form of couching English needlework in the thirteenth century could
not have reached the perfection that it did. There is no doubt that this
ingeniously devised method of couching the gold thread, though it was
not confined to use in England, had its share in making the fame of our
world-renowned mediaeval embroidery known as Opus Anglicanum.

Note. The Roman numerals refer to the Samplers and the ordinary numerals to pages.
The references to Samplers VII and VIII are given on the tissues inserted with these plates.

Alphabet, Cut work, 122 Materials, 2, 9, 93, 94, 118

Mediaeval vestment, drawing of, 137, 138
Buttonhole Bar, 120, XXIX
,, stitch, uses of, 12, 25, III,
Notebook, an Embroidery, 4

Cross stitch, designs for,

Overcast Bar, 120, XXIX
Design, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 63, 81, 118 Patterns from English Samplers, 11,
„ for Cut work, 120, 122 XXIX III

Embroidered jacket, 24 Realism, i

Embroidery, Algerian, 91
Canvas, 81, XVIII, XIX Samplers, 3, 9, 11, 57, 59, 81, 84, 118
Ceylon, 43 Shading, Brick stitch, 12
Chinese, 9, 51, 53, 67 Buttonhole stitch, 28, V
Dutch East Indian, 8, 38 „ Line, 8
Eastern, 63 „ Satin stitch, 10
Elizabethan, 23, 57 ,, stitches, 13
English Mediaeval, 2, Stitch, Algerian Eye, 91
5, 23,
38. 50, 81 Antwerp Edge, 62
Figure, 50 Armenian Edge, 62
German fourteenth cen- Arrow-Head, 19
tury, 44, 63 Back, 21, II, in, XXXIV
Indian, 42
Backstitched Chain, 42
Italian, 85 Ball, 61, XXXIII
pattern books, 81 Barred Buttonhole Wheel, 106,
seventeenth century, 81 X
teaching of, 3 Basket, 16, IV
uses of, 4, 5, 6 Braid, 47, XXXIII
Brick, 12
Fillings for Cut Spaces, 119, 120, XXIX Broad Chain, 43, XI
Formalism, i, 81 Bullion Picot, 121
Group, Canvas, 81 Knot, 52, XII
Chained, 38 Buttonhole, 23, V, XII, XIII
Composite, 63 XIV
Couching and Laid work, 129 Edge, 119
Cut and Drawn Thread work, 118 ,, Insertion, 127
Drawn Fabric, 94 „ Picot, 122
Flat, 7 Wheel, 25, III,
Knotted, 51 XXIX
Looped, 23 Cable, 47, X, XXXIII
Ceylon, 33, XVII
Jacobean hanging, 54 Chain, 40, XI, XXVIII
Stitch, Chained Border, 94, XXX Stitch. Eyelet. 107
Feather, 32 Fancy Buttonhole Filling. 112.
„ Chequer, 92, XXXIII II, XI, XVII, XXVII
Filling, 99, I, XX Feather, 31, XIV
,, Chequered Chain, 41, X Fern, 20
Band, 74, II, Fishbone, 14, II, XII
VI, XII, XIII Flat, 13. II, XI
„ Chevron, 18, IX, XII Florentine, 89, XXXIII
Stem, 76, II, VI, Four-legged Knot, 52
XXXIII Four-sided, 96, XX, XXXI
„ Closed Feather, 31 French Knot, 51, XIII
Cloud Filling, 69 Gobelin, 88
„ Coral, 53, XXXIV Greek Cross Filling, 103, XX,
,, Couching, 131, IX, XVII, XXIII
XXXIV Guilloche, 78, XXVIII
„ „ by means of Embroi- Heavy Chain, 44
dery stitches, 132 Hem, 104, VII, VIII, XIX,
Scale, 130 XXIII, XXIV
Scroll, 130 Holbein, 87, III, XXV, XXVI,
VVaved Gold, 135 XXX
,, Crested Chain, 46, X HoUie, 59, XXVII
Cretan, 30 Honeycomb Filling, m, XI.
Filling, 70, XXVII
„ Cross, 82, 1, XVIII, XIX, XXIII Hungarian, 90, XXXIII
,, Damask Darning, 116 Indian Drawn Ground, 95, XXI
„ Detached Buttonhole, 27, VI, Interlaced Band, 80, VI
XI, XVII Interlacing, 63, 64. 65. 66, II,
Chain, 40 XV, XVI, XXVI
„ Overcast, 71, VI, XI, „ Insertion, 127
XII, XVII, XXII, Irregular Darning, 114
XXVI, XXIX Itahan Buttonhole Insertion,
„ Diagonal, 92, XXXIII 126,VII
„ „ Chevron, 100, XX, Knotted Buttonhole, 26, X,
„ „ Drawn Filling, 102, Filling, 112,
„ Raised Band, 99,
,, XX Cable Chain, 56, IX,
„ ,, Woven Band, 76 X
„ Diamond, 33. X, XI, XXVII, Chain, 56, IX, X
XXXIV Insertion, 125, VIII
Filling, no, XXVII, Lace Filling, 113, XXVII
XXXIV Laced Herringbone, 79
,, Dot, 21 „ Insertion, 124
„ Double Back, 17, IV, XIII Ladder, 29
„ Chain, 44, IV. XXVII Laid work, 129
„ Cross, 86, XXXIII Leaf, 16, XXXIII
„ ,, Darning, 116 Linen Filling, 124, XXXI
Faggot, 97, II Long and Short, 10
Feather, 31 ,, „ variation, 12
Filling, loi, I ,, -armed Cross, 85, I
Hem, 105 Loop, 32, IV
., Knot, 55, II, XXVI „ Picot, 122, XXIX
„ Drawn Square, 106, XXII, Looped Edge, 119
XXIX Maltese Cross Filling, 69
„ Encroaching Gobelin, 89, Marking Cross, 84
XXXIII Montenegrin Cross, 84
„ Ermine Filling, no Open Buttonhole Filling, in,
„ Eye, 90, II. Ill, XXXIII XXVII

Stitch, Open Chain, 42, IV Stitch, Step, 77
„ Fishbone, 15, IV Striped Woven Band, 75, VI,
„ Trellis Filling, 99, XX, XII, XVII
XXIV Sword-edging, 34
Overcast, 20, II Tailor's Buttonhole, 26
Edge, 118, XXIX „ Tent, 87
Pattern Darning, 115, XXIV, „ Threaded Back, 68, X, XV
XXVIII Three-sided, 96
Pearl, 36, XXXIII ,, Thorn, 19
Pekinese, 67, II, IV, XVI, ,, Tied Herringbone, 79
XXVIII, XXXIII „ Trellis, 57. 58, 59. n, XI, XII.
Plaid Filling, 109 Turk's Head Knot, 60, XXXIII
Plait, 90 ,, Twisted Chain, 42
Plaited Braid, 48, 49, XI, ,, ,, Insertion, 125
XXXIII Lattice, 66, XXVII,
„ Edge, 30 XXXIII
„ Gobelin, 89, XXXII „ Two-sided Italian Cross, 85,
„ Insertion, 128 XX, XXXIII
Portuguese Border, 78, II, VI, ,, Upright Gobelin, 89
XVII Vandyke, 32, IV
Raised Chain Band, 77, VI, Wave, 28
XIII „ Filling, 102, I
Chevron, 68 Weaving Filling, 124, XXXI
Fishbone, 14 Wheat-Ear, 48
Honeycomb Filling, 70 „ Whipped Chain, 21, VI, XI, XX,
Lattice Band, 80 XXVII
Stem stitch band, 73, II, Run, 67, XXVI
XVII Satin, 21
Regular Stem, 8, XII, XIII Stem, 9
Ring Picot, 122 „ Window Pattern Filling, loi
Rococo, 92 „ Woven Hem, 105, XXIX
Rope, 35, X ,, „ Picot, 121
Rosette Chain, 45, 46, IX, Zigzag Cable Chain, 48, XXI,
Filling, 102, XX ,, „ Chain, 40, IX, XX
Roumanian, IV
17, „ Coral, 55, XXXIII
Russian Drawn Filling, 123, Stitches, Classification of, 7
XXX Black Work Filling, 108, 109,
„ Overcast Filling, 123, XXIV, XXV
XXX „ Couching, ancient method, 135,
Satin, 9, II 136, 137, 138, 139,
„ regular, 9, lo. III XXXIII
Scroll, 36, XXXIII Bokhara, 133
Sheaf, 72, XI Fancy, 132, XXXII
„ 108
Filling, ,, Gold Basket, 135
,, simplerform, 73, II, XIV ,, Gold Lattice, 135
Singalese Chain, 43 Gold over string, 135
Single Faggot, 97, I, II, XVI, „ Italian, 134
XX ,, of Gold Thread, 133
Spaced Buttonhole Filling, 112, or nue, 135, XXXIII
XVII, XXVII Roumanian, 133

Split, 50 Importance of, i

Square Filling, 109
Squared Ground, 98 Woolwork Hangings, seventeenth cen-
Star Filling, 108 tury, 54
Stem, 7, 8, XIV Woven Bar, 120, XXIX

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