Abm Research 2

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Submitted by 11-ABM 2 OBSIDIAN group 3:
Balita, Jovelyn
Cacao, Mari Joie
Cornista, Faula Zhane
Coronacion, Ericka
Gala, Joshua
Go, Katherine
Janolino, Dherem
Pintor, Krizzia Nicole
Sunega, Frances Marie

Submitted to:
Ms. Connie Fagsao
A.Background of the study

In Philippines the regular class size is 30-40 students in a classroom but some
public school have more than the said numbers. Many students enroll in public
schools because they can easily afford the tuition fee than the private schools.
Reducing class size to increase the students’ performance is an approach that has been
tried and analyzed for several decades. Some people believe that if the class size
smaller. The students can listen better to what the teacher is teaching while some
believe that there is no connection between class size and the students’ academic

There are students that have been observed that class size affects students attitude
behaviours and outcomes of the grade. The teacher or instructor of a large class can’t
give enough attention to each of his/her students and this result to a poor knowledge
for the students. Although some schools are affected because of the class size, many
students are having a lack of financial support that’s why they prefer more to go to
public school with free tuition rather than go to private schools.

Having a large class size causes too much noise that makes the teachers have
hardships in handling the class. In class size student learning can influence the
excessive number of students in the classroom. The conventional wisdom among
parents, teachers, school, administrations, and policy makers have a better smaller
class sizes translate to improvements in student learning and outcomes. There are
some difficulties in assessing the casual influence of class size on student outcomes
such as achievements that, class size itself is often not directly observed but rather
proxied by pupil-teacher ratios at the state, district, or school level. Many data sets
used to finalize this question are cross-sectional and thus do not allow one to control
for fixed students, teacher, class, or school effects and class size itself may be
endogenous in a student outcome equation. Nonetheless, the general consensus
among researchers examining this issue is that if class size matters at all, its influence
is most pronounced at the lowest grade levels.

Class size is probably popular here in the Philippines because of public

schools that have a free educational fee. Having a large class size can cause some
problems to the students’ performance like achieving their goals and dreams. Some
students that belong to a large class size can easily cheat and do some naughty things
while taking their exam or having a lesson. Teachers can have a problem too if they
are in a large class, sometimes they can’t handle each students behaviour and the
noise that is being created by the students.
B. Statement of the problem

How does the class size affect the student’s performance?

1. How many students comprise a large class?

2. What are the differences of having a large and small class aside from
the numbers of students?
3. What are the impacts of having a small and large class on the
4. What are the effects on the students in belonging a large class?

C. Scope and Limitation

The study is concerned with Senior High School students. Students will
come from Public Schools. The study will be conducted at San Pablo City
and will focus on the effect of class size in the academic performance.

The other departments, elementary, Junior high school, and college

department are not included. Private school are not included.

D. Significance of the study

The research can be useful students about their performances. It will give
them a realization about his/her performance in school. Lastly, the students
would know how class size affects their individual performances.

For teachers, in the given data they will guide them on how to deal with
this situation. The teachers will able to understand why some students have
good and bad performance when it comes to class size.

Like teachers, the parents will understand why class size is a big factor
to the performance of their child.

Future students, in the given data will give understanding about this
individual performance. It will give them a background knowledge to avoid
poor performances.
E. Review of Literature

Class size reveals that it has a small and negative effect on everyone’s
performance. In every school the students have to give their skills and to
bring out more knowledge. A common thread is that engaging students in the
learning process is important and the differences found in a small versus
large classes may be because the engagement element is often lost in larger
class. In a class size the regular number of students is 30-40 students but in
some schools like public school the class size is larger than the regular.
Generally the class size has a small and large size. Class-size Reducing
(CSR) has been staple for a long time until now.

“Mckeachie has summarized the theory of the effects of class size on

learning focusing on how instruction and students behave differently in large
and small.”(Mckeachie, 1990).

Mckeachie said that the discussion time of class becomes fragmented among
students in large classes. The instructors may also find it hard to know each
student personally. Basically, the learning and focusing of the students
become passive when it they are in large class size. However, he also
suggests that learning is not affected much by class size largely because
instructors do not adjust their teaching methods to class size.

The students in smaller class perform better compared to students in

larger class. Both groups of students were asses and observe continually
based on their academic process. This literature review concludes that
reducing class size can have a positive and negative effect on overall student
achievement. The impact of class in the student that have a higher education
that the class size have negative impact. The positive effects of small class
size is best suited for elementary school because according to the research
they contain less than 20 students. However the positive effects are not
consistent. According to the research conducted by Blatchford and Horring,
“the biggest difference with regards to performance affection is small class
size of elementary school while highschool students really doesn’t have that
much difference.” (Blatchford et al., 2002; Horring, 2007).
The negative effect of having a large class size is sometimes not all the
teachers have their attention in each students because of large class. It can
affect the students behavior or performance. Especially in public schools
here in San Pablo. The reason why there are many students is because of
educational budget and the increasing enrollment of the students.

According to Krueger’s, “the students in smaller class performed better, too

than the students who belong to bigger size of the class." (Krueger, 1999).

Additional experiment in North Carolina, they assigned the classes to

just have 15-25 students. Smaller classes achieved higher test scores than the
students in the larger class. In large class the students may be distructed
while in small class they can be more focused in their study. If they have a
large class size is causing in improving in academic achievement in the

“Correa possits a theoretical explanation for the importance of class size in

the education production function that focuses on the role of individual
faculty-student interaction.”(Correa, 1993).

His model describes teachers that must counterbalance efforts and works
directed to the whole class compared to a student’s attention. The bigger the
number of the class, the better the instructor effort the instructor effort
devoted to class and school works at the expense of the attention of an

In this case if researchers look at the bigger and smaller class size, small
class size is more proficient than the bigger class size. It also stated that
other country implement to reduce the class size. Researchers know that the
performances is important but if researchers look between the two smaller
class participate more than the higher class which is all about the others who
are not involve to activities but they are many in class. In this study is based
on the class size to have a regular class size of students in their classroom
generally has a mall and large class size. It will be a great idea if discover of
how decreasing a pupil to have a small size and to examined if how to extent
the section for having a regular class size. It will be better for the teachers
and students to have the regular class size than a large class. To having a
regular class size is provide a higher quality educational understanding. The
effects of class size have been examined in the education literature. In this
Review of Literature will provide a information focusing aspects of class

1. Is large class size bad for each of the students? In what way?
2. How is your performance in your class?
3. In being part of a large class, what kind of problems did you have?
4. Do you ask your teacher if you don’t understand the lesson? How?
5. How do you motivate yourself to study?
6. How do you pay attention in your class size?
7. What are the effects of class size to your overall grade?
8. In what way do you find communication with the teacher is hard?
9. Does large class size affect your study? In what way?
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a large class size to the student?


11. What is the impact to you of having too much students in class?
12. How teachers handle students’ large class?
13. Is large class size bad for each of the students? In what way?
14. How is your performance in your class?
15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of large class size to the teachers?

Student 1

Researcher: Hi! I would like to ask if i could interview you for our research subject.
Your participation would be of much help.

Student: Yes, sure.

Researcher: Is the use of English language okay or do you prefer other languages?

Student: Using English is okay.

Researcher: Okay, Let’s start?

Student: Sure!

Researcher: Is large class size bad for each of the students?

Student: I don’t think so.

Researcher: May I know why?

Student: Since it does not affect me at all, I guess it’s only based on the student’s
eagerness to learn and the amount of focus they have (in studying). For example, if the
class is too loud, it is better for the student to know how to adjust in that kind of situation.
It really just depends on how the student/s will cope.

Researcher: You have a point. So, how is your performance in your class?

Student: Starting a new S.Y is never easy especially entering SHS. My performance is
pure adjustments so I can say it was not perfect and it also was not bad. Somewhere in

Researcher: May I ask how many are you in your class?

Student: 35

Researcher: So, no problems at all? With regards to your class size?

Student: None, to be honest, it’s fun being in a large class.

Researcher: Do you ask your teacher if you don’t understand the lesson?

Student: Yes.
Researcher: How?

Student: I immediately raise questions whenever I find something confusing or after the
teacher asks whether we understood or not.

Researcher: How do you motivate yourself to study?

Student: My family who supports me throughout the years and I(myself) who wants to
do better and push herself to achieve her goals and dreams.

Researcher: Nice job! Let me ask you this, how do you pay attention in your class size?

Student: The larger the class size, the more I need to focus and motivate myself to study
and listen well to my teachers. But as I have said, it does not really matter to me.

Researcher: What are the effects of class size to your overall grade?

Student: It actually improved. We’re all really close and studying in a friendly
environment affected my grade/s positively.

Researcher: Well good for you! In what way do you find communication with the
teacher is hard?

Student: They’re very approachable and easy to talk with but sometimes when they’re
upset with no apparent reason, it affects the mood of the class.

Researcher: Does large class size affect your study?

Student: No.

Researcher: I see... What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of a large
class size to students?

Student: A few advantages are improvements on communication skills, interpersonal

skills, mainly on how they deal with fellow students. However, it could also be a
distraction to students who prefer to study.

Researcher: That’s the end of this interview. Thank you for lending your time to answer
our questions. Have a good day!
Student 2

Researcher: Hi! I would like to ask if i could interview you for our research subject.
Your participation would be of much help.

Student: Yes, sure.

Researcher: Is the use of English language okay or do you prefer other languages?

Student: Using English is okay.

Researcher: Okay, Let’s start?

Student: Sure!

Researcher: Is large class size bad for each of the students? In what way?

Student: I think so, because some of the students don't listen and just talking to his/her
seatmates without the teacher noticing it. And also, it is hard for the teacher to handle a
large class size because there are different types of learner that should be considered.

Researcher: How is your performance in your clas ?

Student: Well, I'm not that active inside the classroom, but of course I listen tentatively
and understand what was my teacher discussing about.

Researcher: In being part of a large class, what kind of problems did you have?

Student: There's a lot of distractions everywhere. The noise of my classmates chattering,

the place where you'll be seated because it is hard to look and listen if you're at the back
of the classroom. The teacher sometimes tend to teach the persons who are in front
because he/she thinks that the students at the back will not cooperate.

Researcher: Do you ask your teacher if you don’t understand the lesson? How?

Student: Of course, by raising my hands and asking questions or telling him/her that it is
not clear or after class before going out of the class.

Researcher: How do you motivate yourself to study?

Student: I motivate myself through relaxing like playing games, sports and listening

Researcher: How do you pay attention in your class size?

Student: By making my classmates quiet and listening tentatively, or I'm going to a

vacant sit (if there is) to avoid the distractions around me.

Researcher: In what way do you find communication with the teacher is hard?

Student: Well, I might say that it doesn't affect my overall grade that much, because I can
always self-study if I want to pass any quizzes, recitations or exams that is/will be
computed at the end of the semester or grading.

Researcher: Does large class size affect your study? In what way?

Student: When the class is being noisy, I think or when there's a lot suggestions or
answer being entertained by the teacher.

Researcher: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a large class size to the

Student: I think that the advantages of having a large class size is; you can always ask
help from your classmates, whenever you didn't understand the discussion and also if you
were absent;It is easier to do some task because the teachers tend to give activity in
groups. I think the disadvantages of having a large class size are; the noise being made by
your other classmates; the place you were seated.

Researcher: Thank you so much for answering these questions! Have a nice day.
Student 3

Researcher: So let’s start?

Student: Okay, game.

Researcher: Is large class size bad for each of the student?

Student: No.

Researcher: Why?

Student: Because if you can manage your time and effort you can also learn in different
ways like helping each other and you can have a unity and also learning in different ways
like helping each other and you can have a unity and also if you have a small or large
class it doesn't matter if you are willing to learn on something you can nit bothered if you
have a large class.

Researcher: okay next, how is your performance in your class?

Student: Basically my performance in school is up and down sometimes because

sometimes I'm lazy and sometimes I'm listening to my teacher but I also know my
priority as a student.

Researcher: Next, in being part of a large class, what kind of problems did you have?

Students: My problem that I encountered is poor in hearing the lessons.

Researcher: Why?

Student: Because sometimes my classmates are noisy and my professor also have a low
voice so that I don't understand easily the lesson.

Researcher: Do you ask your teacher if you don’t understand the lesson?

Student: Yes

Researcher: How?

Student: Because if you ask your teacher if you don't know the lesson you can
understand easily and you can do it without the help of your classmate because you know
the lesson.

Researcher: How do you motivate yourself to study?

Student: I motivate myself in food, family and friends.

Researcher: How do you pay attention in your class?

Student: I pay attention in our class by reciting also and to be a good listener to my
teacher as well to be attentive.

Researcher: What are the effects of a class size to your overall grade?

Student: As I said the class size doesn’t matter to me because if you are willing to learn
on something you can adjust.

Researcher: In what way do you find communication with the teacher is hard?

Student: Poor communication because of your classmates that are being noisy so the
teacher has a lower voice.

Researcher: Does large class size affect your study?

Student: They affect me in the way that I also talking to my seatmate during the
discussion so I don't easily understand the lesson.

Researcher: Okay, last question, what is the advantages and advantages of a large class
size in a student?

Student: The advantages are you and your classmates have unity and the disadvantage is
the noise of your classmate.

Researcher: Thank you!

Student 4

Researcher: so let’s start?

Student: okay

Researcher: Is large class size bad for each of the students?

Student: yes

Researcher: In what way?

Student: It is hard to focus if the classroom have too much students.

Researcher: okay next, how is your performance in your class?

Student: It's okay, actually I am an honor student.

Researcher: Wow nice, next In being part of a large class, what kind of problems did you

Student: It's noisy

Researcher: What are the effects of class size to your overall grade?

Student: Nothing, all of us do our best in school.

Researcher: Does large class size affect your study?

Student: No.

Researcher: okay last, what is the advantages and disadvantages of a large class size to
the student?

Student: The advantage is I have many friends and the disadvantage is sometimes we
don' t understand each other.

Researcher: That's all. Thank you so much for your time.

Student 5

Researcher: Hi! I would like to ask if i could interview you for our research subject.
Your participation would be of much help.

Student: Yes, sure.

Researcher: Is the use of English language okay or do you prefer other languages?

Student: Using English is okay.

Researcher: Okay, Let’s start?

Student: Sure!

Researcher: Is large class size bad for each of the students?

Student: Yes.

Researcher: In what way?

Student: it causes noise in the class and because of the noise the students can’t focus.

Researcher: How is your performance in your class?

Student: It’s good even though it is noisy I still manage to focus in the class and I can
answer each of my teacher’s question.

Researcher: In being part of a large class, what kind of problems did you have?

Student: Sometimes, because of this my study is being destructed because of my noisy

classmates and I can’t think a proper answer to my teacher.

Researcher: Do you ask your teacher if you don’t understand the lesson? How?

Student: Yes, especially when there are times that our lesson that is being taught by our
teacher is hard.

Researcher: How do you motivate yourself to study?

Student: I motivate myself to study by thinking positive things and my dreams after I
finish my studies.

Researcher: How do you pay attention in your class size?

Student:I listen to every lesson that our teachers teach and by answering the questions
that the teacher’s ask.

Researcher: What are the effects of class size to your overall grade?

Student: Sometimes, it causes me to get a low grade especially if I can’t even focus to
the lesson.

Researcher: In what way do you find communication with the teacher hard?

Student: In the way that the lesson is being taught, sometimes I can’t understand what
my teacher is teaching plus the mere fact that lesson is hard.

Researcher: Does large class size affect your study? In what way?

Student: It affects my study because I have many classmates that result to loud noise in
the class and because of this I can’t understand the lesson.

Researcher: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a large class size to the

Student: The advantages are, like it gives happiness to each of us because they getting to
know each other and we get to help each other in group activities. The disadvantages is
that it result noise in the class and because of this we can’t focus in the class.
Student 6

Researcher: Hi! I would like to ask if i could interview you for our research subject.
Your participation would be of much help.

Student: Yes, sure go ahead.

Researcher: Is the use of English language okay or do you prefer other languages?

Student: Using English is very much okay.

Researcher: Okay, Let’s start?

Student: Sure!

Researcher: Is large class size bad for each of the students? In what way?

Student: Yes, because too much students leads to insufficient knowledge of them.

Researcher: How is your performance in your class?

Student: Well I’m active and too noisy.

Researcher: In being part of a large class, what kind of problems did you have?

Student: Well misunderstandings and too much noise.

Researcher: Do you ask your teacher if you don’t understand the lesson? How?

Student: Yes, well I ask in a respectful tone and right way of asking.

Researcher: How do you motivate yourself to study?

Student: I just think my father’s sacrifices.

Researcher: How do you pay attention in your class size?

Student: Well I just focus on the teacher and to whatever she was teaching.

Researcher: Does large class size affect your study? In what way?

Student: Nope

Researcher: What are the advantages and disadvantages of large class size to the
Student: The advantage is you became more friendly and know how to socialize with
other. The disadvantage is it causes too much noise.

Researcher: Thank you for your cooperation in answering those questions.

Student 7

Researcher: Hi! I would like to ask if i could interview you for our research subject.
Your participation would be of much help.

Student: Yes, it’ okay.

Researcher: Is the use of English language okay or do you prefer other languages?

Student: I prefer to use English.

Researcher: Okay, Let’s start?

Student: okay!

Researcher: Is large class size bad for each of the students? In what way?

Student: I think it affects the student’s individual in studying because of too much people
in the classroom. There’s a chance that the teacher can’t focus on each of the students
about their lesson.

Researcher: So, how is your performance in your class?

Student: We are 52 in class so sometimes I am shy to participate in the activities but I

know my performance in school is okay.

Researcher: In being part of a large class what kind of problems did you have?

Student: As i was said, we are 52 in class so sometimes if we have group activities I feel
the awkwardness and we don’t have the chance to close everyone.

Researcher: Do you ask your teacher if you don’t understand the lesson? How?

Student: If I don’t understand the lesson after the class I asked questions to my teacher
about the topic she teach.

Researcher: How do you motivate yourself to study?

Student: I always think that it is for my future.

Researcher: How do you pay attention in your class size?

Student: As soon as possible I always approach them and talk to them.

Researcher: What are the effects of class size to your overall grade?
Student: I think I can have less opportunity to show my best because I’m shy to show
everyone my potentials.

Researcher: In what way do you find communication with teacher is hard?

Student: When my teachers are strict in teaching I’m scared because sometimes they
think we’re not listening.

Researcher: Does class size affect your study? In what way?

Student: It has negative and positive effect in each student. The positive side is you met
new people and the positive side is you will have a hard time to show your best.

Researcher: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a large class size to student?

Student: The advantage is you socialize with others during the activities and some
events. The disadvantage is sometimes it became a mess because you conflict with each

Researcher: That’s the end of this interview. Thank you so much for your participation.
Teacher 1

Researcher: Is class size bad for each of the students? In what way?

Teacher: The class size directly and indirectly affects the students’ behaviour and
performance inside the classroom. It is both the role of the teacher and student in
achieving quality education since the Department of Education implemented the K to 12

Researcher: How is your performance in your class?

Teacher: I have great performance in my class. In fact I’m teaching Science Curriculum
students and three hetero-classes, and also one of the candidate for outstanding teacher in
our district.

Researcher: What is the impact to you of having too much students in class?

Teacher: In my 16 years in the teaching profession, it is still a yearly challenge. It’s a

matter of commitment, dedication and inspiration.

Researcher: How teachers handle students large size?

Teacher: Everything is a matter of “Discipline” and “Consistency”.

Researcher: What are the advantages and disadvantages of large class size to the

Teacher: The advantage is the intimacy, it helps the teachers build stronger relationships
with students which in turn, creates a happier class environment. The disadvantage is the
disengagement, discussion within a large class can sometimes prove to be difficult.
Students may feel disheartened if their voices aren’t heard n class or if they feel they
don’t get chance to speak out in group discussions. Disengagement can also lead to
disruptive behaviour, boredom and apathy towards the course.

Researcher: Thank you so much Sir/Ma’am for answering the questions. It’s nice to have
a conversation with you about the class size. Have a nice day!

Based on the students we interviewed, many students affected by the large class
size but the others said that they are not being affected of class size. We interviewed
students from public school. They experienced hard time to participate in a class if
their classmates are noisy but they are doing their best to communicate to their
teachers to understand the lesson. Even they are many in class their grade is good and
they take their study serious. But somehow, they are happy in being part of a large
class because they found friends who can support them and to have memories to
build. Being part of a large class is not easy but happy based on the senior high school
E. Definition of Terms

Reducing:- To make something smaller in size, amount, number, etc.

Excessive- Going beyond what is usual, normal, or proper.

Decades- Period of ten years.

Hardship- Something that causes pain.

Conventional- Used and accepted by most people; usual or traditional; common and

Lack- To not have enough of something.

Administrative- Relating to the management of the company, school, or other


Assessing- To make a judgment about something.

Proxied- A person who is given the power or authority to do something .

Ratios- Relationship that exists between the size, number, or amount of two things and
that is often presented by two numbers.

Cross-sectional- A small group that includes examples of the different types of people or
thins in a larger group.

Endogenous- Produced by growth.

Consensus- General agreement about something; an idea or opinion that is shared by all
the people in a group.

Naughty- Behaving badly.

Behaviour- The way a person acts, moves, or reacts.

Merriam webster, (1828). Retrieved from: https://www.merriam-webster.com

Monks, J. & Schmidt, R. (2010, September). The impact of class size and number of
students on outcomes in higher education. Retrieved from:

Cornell University ILR School (2010, September). The impact of class size and number
of students on outcomes in higher education. Retrieved from:

Arias & Walker (2004). Class size research literature review. Retrieved from:

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