Shalini - AWS DevOps Resume
Shalini - AWS DevOps Resume
Shalini - AWS DevOps Resume
Professional Summary:
Overall 8 Years of experience in DevOps Engineering that includes Software Configuration Management
(SCM), CI/CD process, Automation, Release Management and Cloud Computing.
Experienced at Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC) Waterfall Methodologies, Scrum and Agile
Programming Methodologies.
Understanding of the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) processes,
which include compiling, packaging, deploying and Application configurations.
Experience with Source Code Management (SCM) tools like Subversion (SVN), GIT/ GITHUB.
Experience in Systems Administration (Installation, Configuration, Tuning and Upgrades of Linux (RedHat,
Ubuntu), Windows, UNIX platforms.
Worked with automation tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, and Deploy to implement the End to End Automation.
Experience in working with CI/CD tools like Puppet, Chef, Docker, Maven, and Jira.
Experience with Nexus and Artifactory as a repository management tools.
Experience with Shell/Bash, Ruby scripting language and good understanding knowledge on Python.
Worked on volume of nodes on Cloud Computing Platform AWS for building, deploying and managing
applications and services.
AWS Cloud platform and its features which includes EC2, VPC, EBS, EBS, CloudWatch, Cloud Front, Route53.
Worked with Docker on multiple cloud providers, from helping developers build and containerize their
application (CI/CD) to deploying either on public or private cloud Automation of the services on Cloud stack-
Open stack, Google compute engine.
Experience with Kubernetes, Docker with Mesos and Marathon.
Worked with Docker and Kubernetes on multiple cloud providers, from helping developers build and
containerize their application (CI/CD) to deploying either on public or private cloud.
Expertise in configuring and managing services like AWS EC2 using AMI’s available. Configured multiple
servers depending on application needs using continuous integration tools like Jenkins.
Coordination experience with various teams like Dev, QA, UAT and production Operations.
Experienced in Design an Architectural Diagram for different applications before migrating into Amazon cloud
for flexible, cost-effective, reliable, scalable, high-performance and secured.
Worked with several teams to transition workflows to Continuous Integration and Delivery model and
implemented best practices for utilizing AWS.
Proficient in chef cookbooks& Recipes to manage systems configuration.
Experience in integrating the infrastructure automation using Puppet. Creating and configuring Jenkins jobs,
build and delivery pipelines.
Experience with monitoring and logging tools like App Dynamic, Splunk and Nagios for monitoring network
services and host resources.
Experience in various scripting languages like Shell, Ruby and Python focus on Devops tools, CI/CD and AWS
Cloud Architecture.
Extensive experience using MAVEN and ANT as a Build Tool for the building of deployable artifacts (Jar, war
& ear) from source code.
Good command on using bug tracking tools like JIRA and Remedy, HP and Quality Center.
Good Interpersonal Skills, team-working attitude, takes initiatives and very proactive in solving problems and
providing best solutions.
Technical Skills:
Operating Systems RHEL/CentOS 5.x/6.x/7, Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora, Sun Solaris 7/8/9/10,
Windows Server
Cloud Platform Openshift, AWS
Build/Automation Tools Puppet, Chef, Ant, Maven, Ansible, Jenkins, Hudson & Bamboo, Docker
Languages Shell, Bash, Perl, Ruby and Python scripting,
Database MySQL, MongoDB, SQL Server
Web/Application Servers Apache Tomcat, WebSphere Application Server, JBoss
Monitoring Tools Splunk, Nagios
Shalini B
AWS DevOps Engineer
Version Control Tools SVN, Git Hub, Subversion, bitbucket
Web Programming Servlets, JDBC, XML, HTML, Python, Shell scripting, C, C++, Ruby, Perl
Bug Tracking Tool JIRA, HP Quality Center, JUNIT, IBM ClearQuest.
Education Qualification:
Bachelor’s in Information Technology –JNTU, Hyderabad – Year 2012.
Professional Experience:
Key Deliverables:
Developed and implemented software release management strategies for various applications according to the
agile process
Extensive exposure to configuration management policies along with automation of scripting using Bash/Shell
Involved in documentation and code deployment automation project documents
Installed and configured Anthill Pro for Automating Deployments and providing a complete automation solution
Created continuous integration system using Maven, Jenkins, Continuous Integration, faster and error
Worked high volume crash collecting and reporting system, deploy with Python
Performed dispatcher role to distribute tasks assigned to onshore team
Work with Docker for convenient environment setup the test environments.
Created Dockerfile and automated docker image creation using Jenkins and Docker.
Worked on integrating GIT into the continuous Integration (CI) environment along with Jenkins
Communicating with developers for build plan and build failures.
Coordinate with the Development, Database Administration, QA, and IT Operations teams to ensure there are
no resource conflicts.
Build, manage, and continuously improved the build infrastructure for software development engineering teams
including implementation of build scripts, continuous integration infrastructure and deployment.
Maintained and coordinated environment configuration, controls, code integrity, and code conflict resolution.
Worked on Ansible roles to pull the latest successful image from the docker repository through JSON API.
Experinced in using AWS cloud Formation and Puppet togther to automate the entire deployment and
management process from AWS resources through the application artifacts
Worked on Docker compose to schedule multiple containers and written compose.yml files to configure and
scale multiple application services.
Troubleshoot any issues generated while building, deploying and in production support.
Work with other members of the development team to design, develop, and implement features, bug fixes, and
other improvements.
Participated in Scrum & Sprint Meetings to define the deliverables for each Scrum and sprint
Environment: GIT, Jenkins, ANSIBLE, JIRA, Maven, Mongo DB, AWS, Python, Ruby, UNIX, Shell Scripting,
Key Deliverables:
Worked on Various AWS services like EC2, IAM, Cloud watch, RDS, Lambda, Route53, S3, and SNS.
Worked on Designing and approving the AWS architecture diagrams and release models.
Managed Amazon Web Services infrastructure with automation and configuration management tools such as
Ansible and Jenkins.
Shalini B
AWS DevOps Engineer
Work closely with development teams to integrate their projects into the production AWS environment and
ensure their ongoing support.
Worked with IAM service creating new IAM users & groups, defining roles and policies and Identity providers.
Performed S3 buckets creation, policies and on the IAM role based polices and customizing the JSON template.
Implemented and maintained the monitoring and alerting of production and corporate servers using AWS Cloud
watch and New Relic.
Utilized Cloud watch to monitor resources such as EC2, CPU memory, Amazon to design high availability
applications on AWS across availability zones.
Created cloud watch Alarms by using various metrics and send notifications to Pager Duty.
Involved in Production On-Call Support to receive Pager-Duty alerts configured to various communication
channels like slack and email.
Worked in automation of Software Configuration Management (SCM) including repository setup, branching,
merging, release management processes.
Worked on CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Deployment) methodologies by creating the
master-slave architecture and integrating the Jenkins with various tools such as GIT, Sonar Qube, Junit, etc. by
using different types of plugins available in Jenkins.
Managed Maven project dependencies by creating parent-child relationships between projects.
Developed build scripts using MAVEN as the build tool for the creation of (WAR files) build artifacts.
Developed Python Scripts for the purpose of manual deployment of the code to the different environments and
E-mail the team when the build is completed.
Deploying and validating the applications automated through the Jenkins pipeline using pipeline groovy script.
Used Route53 to route the traffic between ELB's of regions East and West which is mapped to the CNAME of
the Server.
Participated in Automation Failover and Failback between Us-East and West regions as a part of Resiliency
Worked on different types of environments like development, production and testing
Used JIRA as the bug tracking tool to review and fix the bugs and as Scrum Agile tool.
Trouble shooted various networking, hardware & Linux server's services issues and performing preventive
Environment: AWS (EC2, RDS, Lambda, Cloud Watch, SNS, Route53), Git, Jenkins, Maven, Ansible, New Relic,
Python, Groovy, Pager Duty, Data dog, Linux.
Key Deliverables:
Designed, configured and managed public, private cloud infrastructures utilizing AWS including EC2, Auto-
Scaling in launching EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancer, Elastic Beanstalk, S3, Glacier, Cloud Front, RDS,
VPC, Direct Connect, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, IAM, SNS.
Used AWS CLI command line client and management console to interact with AWS resources and APIs.
Implemented and maintained Monitoring and alerting of production and configuration such as EC2 and Storage
as S3 buckets using AWS Cloud watch.
Managed Amazon Redshift clusters such as launching the cluster and specifying the node type and used AWS
Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed.
Implemented multi-tier application provisioning in OpenStack cloud, integrated it with Chef/Puppet.
Used Open-stack to download and install an OpenStack distribution within the internal network to see
Worked with Log stash to visualize key OpenStack environment log metrics on Kibana (ELK).
Designed Terraform templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT to ensure successful deployment of
Web applications and database templates and migration from traditional to cloud environment.
Created Jenkins job to build the artifacts using maven and deploy the Terraform templates to create the stack.
Worked on Docker open source b the deployment of applications inside software containers.
Worked on Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, and manage Docker containers with multiple name spaced
Shalini B
AWS DevOps Engineer
Implemented Chef best practices and introduced test kitchen to facilitate a more natural cookbook development
work flow. Configured multiple cookbooks, recipes, templates and attributes on workstations to be deployed to
various Chef Nodes.
Worked with Ansible playbooks for virtual and physical instance provisioning, configuration management,
patching and software deployment.
Used Ansible to manage web applications, configuration files, used mount points, packages and Worked on
playbooks for Ansible in YAML.
Worked with Jenkins for any automation builds which are integrated with GIT as part of infrastructure
automation under continuous integration (CI).
Extensively worked on Jenkins, CI/CD pipeline jobs for end-to-end automation to build test and deliver artifacts
and troubleshoot the build issue during the Jenkins build process.
Implemented a GIT mirror for SVN repository, which enables users to use both GIT and SVN and used Maven
as build tool on Java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
Worked with New Relic monitoring and alerting services for servers, switches, applications and services.
Used JIRA Confluence for handling documentation, running automated tests, JIRA bug tracking management.
Deployed Java/J2EE applications to Application servers in an agile CI environment and automated the whole
Migrated on premise MySQL environments to MySQL on Amazon EC2 and Amazon Aurora MySQL with
ongoing Database replication.
Environment: AWS, OpenStack, Terraform, Chef, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Maven, Git, Python,
Apache Tomcat, JIRA, Java, Database, Linux.
Client: Growel Softech Pvt. Ltd, India July 2013 – June 2014
Role: DevOps/Aws engineer
Key Deliverables:
Automated the installation, deployment and maintenance of Middleware Application Servers to RHEL
development and Test Environments.
Used openshift platform to build the PAAS applications.
Included working in VMware Orchestrator, VMware vRealize Automation 6.0 (VRA), catalog management,
creating cloud server provisioning entitlements, creating and defining business groups, creating catalog items,
creating services for the catalog items, creating Windows and Linux (Red Hat6) blueprints.
Upgraded the VMware tools, VM Hardware 9 on all the VM's as a part of Upgrade process.
Deploying and supporting vCenter Operations Manager for cloud infrastructure monitoring and Managing
Enterprise Scale vSphere based Virtual Infrastructure.
Help developers and testers to understand the CD/CI practices and process for Securing and Hardening the
Environments and Continuous Integration tools
Migrated legacy applications to a repeatable Continuous Integration platform
Used S2I (source to image) to build and deploy the applications in Openshift
Working on various Docker components like Docker Engine, Hub, Machine, Compose and Docker Registry.
Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, GitHub and AWS
Research and development on scalable Linux deployments on AWS via Docker.
Deploy and monitor scalable infrastructure on Amazon web services (AWS)& configuration management using
Implemented Migration from VMWARE to AWS using VMDK Import tools
Used Puppet for performing activities from provisioning to reporting and used Puppet to automate the slave
configuration setup and maintenance.
Managing Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure with automation and configuration management tools
such as Ansible or custom-built. Designing cloud-hosted solutions and specific AWS product suite experience.
Used AWS CLI tool to communicate with AWS platform.
Worked with Ansible Playbooks for zero-downtime installation, upgrade, downgrade, and uninstall processes
(MongoDB, Redis, and MySQL)
Developed strategies, and contracts for validation of deployments and automated rollbacks in uDeploy.
Shalini B
AWS DevOps Engineer
Deployed DevOps using Puppet, Dashboard, and Puppet DB for configuration management to existing
Installed and configured multimode Hadoop clusters and perform troubleshooting and monitoring of Hadoop
Resolved update, merge and password authentication issues in Jenkins and Jira and implementing Tool Suites
for (Jira, Jenkins).
Provided end-user training for all GIT and Subversion (SVN) users to effectively use the tool
Configured Managed and controlled the source code repository, currently housed in Subversion, Git.
Involved in development and configuration experience with software provisioning tools like Puppet and Ansible.
Exposure to Marathon & Zookeeper cluster environment for application deployments & Docker containers.
Automated MySQL container deployment in Docker using Python and monitoring of these containers using
Involved in editing the existing MAVEN files in case of errors or changes in the project requirements.
Managed Maven project dependencies by creating parent-child relationships between projects.
Performance Tuning and Management for Linux/AIX server and working with the application/database team to
resolve issues.
Environment: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Linux/AIX, VMware, Amazon web services (AWS), Git, GitHub,
Puppet, Ansible, TFS, Maven, Jenkins, Docker, Jira, Nagios.
Key Deliverables:
Administered, maintained Red Hat 4.0, 5.0, Window 2000/2003/XP Troubleshooting Hardware, Operating
System Application & Network problems and performance issues; Deployed latest patches for, Linux and
Application servers, Performed Red Hat Linux Kernel Tuning.
Experience in implementing and configuring network services such as HTTP, DHCP, and TFTP.
Install and configure DHCP, DNS (BIND, MS), web (Apache, IIS), mail (SMTP, IMAP, POP3), and file servers
on Linux servers.
Administered Linux servers for several functions including managing Apache/Tomcat server, mail server, and
MySQL databases in both development and production.
Migrated database applications from Windows 2000 Server to Linux server.
Configured storage for ESX clusters.
Provisioned Linux/Windows/ESX servers.
Patch management using VMware update manager (VUM) for ESX Server.
Installing and setting up Oracle9i on Linux for the development team.
Linux kernel, memory upgrades and swaps area. Red hat Linux Kickstart Installation.
Capacity Planning, Infrastructure design and ordering systems.
Set up mount points on Solaris servers for Oracle database and installed MySQL server.
Performed Installation of JBOSS Operations Network to monitor Jboss instances, operating system parameters
running on different Operating systems.
Created users, manage user permissions; maintain User & File System quota on Red hat Linux.
Configured LDAP using Red Hat Directory Server for user authentication.
Bash shell-scripts to automate routine activities.
Monitored trouble ticket queue to attend user and system calls.
Environment: Red Hat Linux 4.0,5.0 AS ES, Oracle 9i/10g, VMware Tomcat 3.x,4.x,5.x, Apache Server 1.x,2.x,
Bash, LDAP, Kickstart.