180 Interview Questions HSE
180 Interview Questions HSE
180 Interview Questions HSE
It is the documents submitted by contractor to client, covering the general work procedure of
a particular job in safe manners as per required standard.
We can plan and execute the work easily and safely, it also helps to know the codes and
standards used for each activity.
Job safety analysis is the step by step analysis of a job to determine the safe working
v Excavation permit,
v Lifting permit,
v Radiography permit,
Other permits as per job requirement.
v Safety is a state where the Risk has been Eliminated or Reduced to an Acceptable Level.
Any space having a limited means of access and egress, when subject to the hazards like
deficiency of Oxygen, toxic or flammable gases or substances, dust etc.
If properly ventilated, gas test reading are satisfactory, properly barricaded and warning signs
are Posted, trained stand by man is present with log sheet, sufficient lightening and low
voltage Electricity (24V-110V), proper means of communication, locked and tagged out if
necessary, lifeline man retrieval System if necessary etc.
He is one who is aware of the confined space hazards and knows how to react if any thing
goes wrong, able to maintain confined space entry log sheet etc.
Oxygen Deficiency or Enrichment, presence of toxic or flammable gases, chemical hazards fire
Fall of materials fall hazards electrocution dust sounds heat or cold caught in between
Pipes, Vessels, Tanks, boilers, and Tube areas Silos Trenches and excavation deeper then
4feet sludge Pits Duct works etc.
Is one who is properly trained and authorized to perform a specific work in a safe manner
competent person one who is capable of identifying existing predictable hazards and who has
authority to make prompt corrective actions.
A Potential hazards, which has not yet caused an accident or an occurrence that did not
results in but have the potentials to results in undesirable consequences to personnel illness
injury and or to the assets damage loss or to the neighboring community and environment.
To find out the root cause of accident makes recommendations to prevent re-occurrence and
evaluate the effectiveness of emergency response.
Waste management means safely disposing the by-product of a process or a work to the
environment after the proper treatment if necessary so that no threat for living properties
and environment exists.
Materials safety data sheets is the documents prepared by the manufacturer giving product
name producer address emergency contact phone number information of ingredients
possible hazards first aid measures precaution to be taken for storage and handling
recommended PPE extinguisher physical and chemical properties etc.
Isotope means one or more species of atoms having same atomic number but different mass
Isotope are hazardous because it emits uncontrolled energy in the form of radioactive waves
which is hazardous to all living things as it can destroy the living tissues that causes fatality or
can convert it to cancer.
(If the wind velocity is up the 32 km or 20 miles then work should stop.)
Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nucleus emits ALPHA particles BETA
particles or GAMA rays or electromagnetic rays during this process.
The controlled area is calculated evacuated and barricaded with yellow black tapes warning
signs a minimum of 4 no. and red or yellow flash lights.
Ensure a competent person is surveying outside the barricaded areas with surveys meters.
The crews are observing and following the safety precautions. The controlled areas is
calculated evacuated and barricaded with yellow black warning signs a minimum of 4no.s and
red or yellow flash lights.
Any area where the radiations dose is more than 0.75 MREM/h (7.5 Micro sever)
Is the instruments used to measure the radiations dose (Radiation Survey Meter)
This badge is worn by the personnel who are exposed to radiation due their nature of duty
and this is processed to calculate the received radiation dose of a person during the period
normally 1 month of exposure.
Is the chart showing the change in the radioactivity of an Isotope by losing mass by decay in
certain period at regular interval of time.
He is one who got formal training in the use of sealed source and X-RAY equipment used in
industry radiography.
It should be designed and fabricated according to standards have party certificates two guide
ropes damage free lifting gears the load bearing capacity should be written on man basket
shackles with cotter pin only to be used.
v Mobile Crane
v Crawler Crane
v Tower Crane
lings,LMI(Load Movement Indicator).
Crane positions on firm and level ground with wood pads and steel plates. Outriggers are
fully extended tires are off the ground. Certified operator and rigger are available safe load
indicator is working the check list filled by competent persons.
Is the maximum distance where a certain activities for lifting or rigging jobs in progress.
Safe Working Load is the maximum load that can apply to the lifting tool, safely
Is the documents prepare for planning a critical lift by calculating and considering all factors
which is going to effect the lift and there by selecting the correct tools and cranes and ensure
the safe lifting procedure to be followed for the particular lift, which is used for lifting and
what the safe factor is, where the load is lifted, where it is fitted, size and SWL of each lifting
tool used JSA and load-chart are attached with it.
A lift in which two crane are used for Lifting is called Tandum Lifting.
45) What is excavation?
A structure that supports the sides of an excavation and protects against cave-ins.
48) What is different between a flash back arrestor and a check valve?
A check valve allows flow in one direction only. This prevents oxygen reaching acetylene
cylinder and acetylene reaching oxygen cylinder in the event of blockage in the torch or line
or pressure variations.
But a flash back arrestor prevents reverse flow; stop the flow of flame from reaching the
cylinder in the event of a flash back or the temperature exceeds a limit (220 degrees f.)
50) What is the classis of fire and what type of fire extinguishers are used for them?
Fire watch is the person design to identify and eliminate fire hazards, alert and extinguish fire
incase of any out break of fire and to protect the person and properties from a fire. He is the
man to reach first in case of fire by keeping a close watch on such hazardous areas.
This system followed to inspect and insure the serviceability of tools, equipments periodically
( normally it is monthly ) like fire extinguishers, full body harness, lifting gears, electrical
codes and power tools, etc. These things are inspected by competent person and are
indicated by putting the color of particular month (this color is decided in advance and is
being followed by all people at particular site). The items which are found defective or
unserviceable will not be color coded and has to be removed from service.
Competent person
54) What is the maximum distance between two adjacent accesses in a long excavation?
In open excavation – At least every 30m on the perimeter, if less than 1.2m deep
Certified scaffold
57) Who can inspect the components used for erecting a scaffold?
Yellow tag – Can use with 100% fall protection (is incomplete or cannot be completed)
Location, Maximum loading capacity (kN/m2 or psf), Date erected and date inspected with
foreman’s name and signature.
Extreme weather (strong wind, rain, ice), ground not stable, safe clearance (minimum 10 feet)
can’t be maintained with live wire, certified workers and supervisor are not available, permit
not available.
A barrier consisting of top rail and med rails, toe board and vertical up right erected to
prevent men and materials falling from an elevated work area.
Barrier secured along the sides and ends of a platform to guard falling of materials, tools, and
other objects.
Minimum 4 inches
38 inches to 45 inches
67) What are the requirements in placing an access ladder on a scaffold?
Provide access when scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet above or below a point of
When using ladders, bottom rung must not be more than 24 inches high. Ladder to be at the
correct angle (i.e. Feet out for every 4 feet in height) Ladders are to be tied at both sides not
by the rungs. Make sure the ladder extends a safe distance (at least 90cm) above the landing
stage. When the horizontal travel distance exceeds 15 meters provide at least two accesses. If
the platform is longer, access shall be provided at every 30 meters. The ladder should be free
from damage and should be color coded. All access ladders must be tagged.
If the person could fall more than 1.8 meter then a fall protection system should be used.
Example- Any activity at an elevation more than 1.8 meter such as erection, dismantling or
maintenance of scaffolding pipes, equipments.
All types of construction materials which are used for particular construction activity can be
kept on scaffolding platform but before keeping the materials and tools required for the work
on the platform, we must ensure load bearing capacity of that scaffolding platform. The
platform shall not be overloaded and shall be fitted with object protection system like toe
board nets etc.
Mobile scaffolding shall be plumb, level and square. It shall be moved only by manually
pushing or pulling the base. No men, equipment, or materials shall be on the working
platform or elsewhere on the scaffolding while it is in motion. Castors shall be locked at all
times except during scaffold movement. The temporary foundation or truck set on uneven
ground for scaffold movement shall be level and properly secured. The height of the working
platform shall not exceed 4 times of the minimum base dimension, if it exceeds this limit
outriggers must be installed. A complete guard rail system must be provided. The scaffolding
shall be inspected and tagged before use by a competent person.
Life line is component that consists of a flexible line that connects to an anchorage at one end
to hang vertically or that connects to anchorages at both ends to stretch horizontally and
which serves
When life is used they shall be fastened to fixed safe points of anchorage capable of
supporting 2300 kilos shall be independent, and shall be protected from sharp edges and
abrasion. Safe anchorage points may include structural members (minimum 4 inches
structural member or 4inces pipes) but do not include guard rails, vents, other small dia
piping system, electrical conduit, outrigger beams or counter weights. It shall be made from
10mm dia wire ropes. Horizontal lifelines shall be installed at the highest feasible point,
preferable above shoulder height. This life lines shall be maintained with unloaded sag at the
centre no longer than 30cm (12inches) for every 10meters of life line length between
attachment points.
For servicing or maintenance of live equipments or pipe lines where the unexpected
energizing or release of energy could cause of injury, lock and tag are place on the isolating
device to avoid uncontrolled operation and give details of the lock-out schedule.
The workers can be educated about safe work rules and procedures, and their awareness can
be improved on some task.
It is the procedure to provide concise guidelines for evacuation in case of some emergencies
and to identify the emergencies in advance. This also helps us to plan and to define roles and
responsibilities of all building custodian, fire wardens and occupants.
It is the test carried out for leak test for pipes, equipments etc, by filling water in these
equipments and pipes with some pressure and its joints and connections are checked for ant
leak or breakage.
It is the insulation leakage test done for high electrical cables, with high voltage merger.
84) What are the safety requirements for doing a hot work?
Remove all combustible materials from the area (with in 10m), if possible.
Use fire blanket to protect immovable combustible materials and also for welding slugs.
Cover the area with fire blanket for containment of sparks generated while doing hot work.
To rectify the cause of those near misses before it turns into accidents.
To identify the deficiencies of site safety performances and find remedial actions.
Risk assessment is a method of estimating the rate of risk of an activity, by classifying actual
and potential consequence and finding out mitigation actions to limit that risk.
88) What is the emergency evacuation procedure to follow in the event of a gas release?
Observe the direction of wind flow, proceed out in the cross wind direction to the plant
boundary fence and then proceed up wind.
The area determined and marked, for assemble of people working the area in case of any
On hearing emergency alarm, all people have to assemble in “Assembly Muster Point”.
There area supervisor will call his workers with attendance sheet and confirm that nobody is
trapped in the site. This procedure is called head counting. Its purpose is to ensure all
workers are present in the assembly area, they are safely evacuated and identify the person if
anybody is trapped and take necessary actions to rescue these trapped workers.
91) What is heat stroke? What are the different stage through which a person undergoes
before he gets heat stroke?
During hot days, due to dehydration, body temperature increases beyond safe limit, because
of break down of body’s heat regulating mechanism. Due to this the person collapses and if
not taken care off he can even die. This is called heat stroke.
Generally pulse raises 20 beats per minute for each 1 degree C rise in temperature, heat
cramps: Exercising in hot weather can lead to muscle cramps, because of brief imbalances in
body salt.
Heat exhaustion: further losing of fluid and salt can lead to dizziness and weakness body
temperature may rise up to 102 degree F.
Heat stroke: In some cases, extreme heat can upset body’s thermostat, causing body
temperature to rise to 105 degree F. or higher. Symptoms are lethargy, confusion and
unconsciousness, heat stroke can kill.
92) How is the soil classified? What is the slope to be given for each type of soil while
The following is a short explanation of soil classifications. You should check the standard for
detailed information regarding classifying soils
.Type A soils
v Cohesive soils that have an unconfined compressive strength of 1.5 tsf or greater.
v Fissures
v Or if it has been subjected to other factors that would change it’s classification
Type B soils
v Cohesive soils that have an unconfined compressive strength greater than 0.5 tsf but less
than 1.5tsf
v E.g., angular gravel, silt, silt loam, sandy loam and previously disrobed soils except those
which would be classified as Type C soil
v Also includes soils that meet some of the requirements of Type A soils but is fissured or
subject to vibration; or dry rock that is not stable.
Type C soils
v Also submerged soil or soil from which water is freely seeping or submerged rock that is not
Stable rock
v A natural solid mineral material that can be excavated with vertical sides and will remain
intact while exposed.
v Type A: ¾ :1 (53degrees)
v Type C : 1 ½ : 1 (34degrees)
v ½ : 1 (63 degrees ) slope is allowed for only short term excavations that are 12feet deep or
93) What are the precautions to be taken while handling and storing compressed cylinders?
1) Where cylinders are to be kept for an appreciable length of time should be provided to
ensure that they cause no hazard to workers or public in the area.
2) Cylinders should be stored in a well ventilated area-preferable in open air but protected
from the weather.
3) The store should be away from fire risks and source of heat and ignition. Nothing else
should be stored in the area.
4) The cylinders should be stored upright on a firm level, well drained surface free from
hollows and cavities. All long grass, weeds etc. should be removed.
5) Cylinders should be secured so as they are prevented from falling over, when in storage or
6) Cylinders should be segregated within the store according to type and weather full or
11) Suitable fire fighting apparatus should be situated adjacent to the store. Typically dry
powder fire extinguishers. These should be inspected and maintained at intervals not
exceeding 1 year.
12) Where cylinders area required to be stored in a compound this should be located not less
than 3 meters from any building, site or public access road. The compound fence should be a
minimum of 2 meters high, and it should have two means of escape, with the gates opening
13) Where it is necessary to take precautions vandalism or theft, suitable protection cages
should be used.
14) Each cylinder should be adequate marked to include the manufacturer’s mark and serial
number, together with an indication of the specification to which the cylinder is constructed
and its years of manufacture. A date of test and pressure test, together with weight of
cylinder and the name of the product, should be displayed.
15)When gas cylinders are to be transported they should be protected from physical damage
and the consequences of any leaks that may occur minimized
16)Move cylinders by hand in proper cylinder trolleys where the cylinder is secured in the
17)Take great care when lifting cylinders as they can be very heavy and awkward to handle.
18)Before moving any cylinders remove all attached equipment including regulators and
safety cap
must be provided.
19)The cylinders should be properly supported and secures within the vehicle so they cannot
during the journey. They should be totally within the vehicle and protected from impact.
20)The cylinders should be checked to ensure that the valves are closed and there are no
21)The vehicle should be equipped with a suitable fire extinguisher. Typically dry powder,
minimum capacity 2kg.
23)The driver of the vehicle should be conversant with the load and have written information
on the hazards and the action to be taken should any problems occur. The driver should also
have training in the operation of the fire extinguisher and any other safety equipment
94) What are the type of fire extinguishers commonly used and briefly, explain each one?
Multipurpose dry chemical, carbon dioxide, halon, wet chemical or foam, pressurized water
are the commonly used fire extinguishers.
Multipurpose dry chemical / class “A”, “B”, or “C” fires.2.5-20lb. dry chemical (ammonium
phosphate) pressurized to 10.5-18 bar by CO2 gas (8-25 seconds discharge time). Has pressure
gauge to allow visual capacity check.5-20ft maximum effective range. Extinguisher by
smothering burning materials
Smothering – Cut off oxygen / close the ventilation using fire extinguisher
Has NO pressure gauge-capacity verified by weight 3-8 ft. maximum effective range.
Halon – Class “A”,”B”, or “C” fires (smaller sizes ineffective against class “A”). 9-17 lb. Halon
1211 (pressurized liquid) releases as vapor (8-18 seconds discharge time). Has pressure gauge
to allow visual capacity check 9-16 ft. maximum effective range. Works best in confined area
– ideal for electronics fire due to lack of residue. Extinguishers by smothering burning
materials, Fumes toxic if inhaled, Halon is ozone depleting chemical – production halted in
Jan ’94.
Wet Chemical or Foam – Class “A”, “B” fires 1.5gal of stored pressure PRX wet chemical
extinguishing agent (40 sec. discharge time) 10-12 ft. maximum effective range. On Class “K”
fires, don’t use until after fixed extinguishing system has activated, Extinguishes by cooling
and forming foam blanket to prevent reigniting.
What is S
95) What is the formula for incident rate? Number of Record able injuries X 200,000
200,000 is the equivalent of 100 full time employees working for 40 hours per week or 50
weeks per year (OSHA guidelines)
Medical aid provide to a victim of an accident scene. This first aid is administered by trained
nurse. CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) a first aid given to a person having heart blocked
or chocked due to sudden shock.
A) Fuel any material which can burn like Paper, Rubber, Wood, Oil, Lubricants, Gases, Metals
like Phosphorous, Magnesium.
B) Heat or temperature at which the any fuel can ignite this depends on its flash point.
Remove anyone of the above three elements of Fire. Fire will extinguished,
B) Cut off the Oxygen by blanketing with foam or Fire blanket or any other materials which
can not burn the oxygen will be cut off and fire extinguished.
C) Remove or lessen the heat with water or use Carbon Dioxide fire cylinder. Never use Water
for Electric Fire as water is good conductor of electricity and you will get electric shock if
water is used for electric fire.
99) What common type of the fire extinguisher is used for fire?
ABC or Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher used for Solid, Liquid Gases and Electric Fire.
A vessel, column, tank, pit, trench which has limited entry and access and one can not stay
inside for long time due to following factors.
Lack of fresh air or Oxygen, Heat, Fumes, Toxicity of storage Contents, Noise any other
annoyance, causing disturbance in normal work.
103)What is ASPHYXIANTS?
Chemical gases which can cause suffocation by restricting the uptake of oxygen or by
respiratory paralysis or by diluting / displacing oxygen below the levels needed by human
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, use in confined spaces or where oxygen deficiency exists
or where concentration of toxics gases is harmful to humans.
Liquids that give off enough vapors to form an ignitable mixture with air and produce a flame
when a source of ignition is present.
Identifying hazards and risk involve in a specific job and control measures required to
eliminate them or bring them to minimum acceptable limit for the job to be done in safe
Before erecting scaffolds assess the work area for existing and for potential future hazards
which may impact on the work.
a) Base Plate
b) Sill Boards
c) Screw Jack
d) Couplers
i) Toe Boards
j) Platforms
k) Ladder
b) Synthetic/Nylon Webbings
c) Chain Slings
4) Kink crushing, bird caging, or other damage or distortion of wire rope structure
112) What safety measure are required for SAFE CRANE OPERATION
9) Do not lift the load beyond the rated capacity of the crane
115) What is the sign of a potable electric tool having double insulated?
(Double square)
A tool having subjected to harsh use at site needs to be tested for insulation break down to
avoid possible electric shock.
To make the employees familiar with the hazards associated with their work safety
orientation and some other trainings is required, also special craft training is required before
start of work, safety assessment risk assessment for potential hazards is essential which
covers the general hazards and specific hazards associated to the work being undertaken and
the control measures applied to eliminate or minimize the potential of harm to the
employees, therefore emphasis of accidental loss of resources (Men and Materials) to reduce
the direct and indirect costs and loss time delays due to interruptions providing safe and
friendly environment for timely completion of projects therefore imparting plays an
important role in loss control and it is an idea sound business to have safety culture
prevailing on the construction sites.
Lock out tag out, to lock out specific breakers are used for the maintenance of all equipments
Space heaving a limited entrance or egress but that is large enough to bodily entrance and
performed the work, i.e.
1) Pits sumps
2) Vessels
3) Boilers
4) Tanks Sewers
5) D-Excavations
A) High Temperature
B) High Noise
D) Sleeping
E) Oxygen deficiency
125) What are the scaffoldings and its kinds and it’s Consists?
It is temporary platform
A) System Scaffolding
C) Mobile Scaffolding
D) Bract Scaffolding
E) Tower Scaffolding
Scaffolding Consists
A) Sole Boards
B) Base Plates
C) Posts
D) Ledgers
E) Couplers
4. Adjustable Couplers
5. Girder Couplers
F) Top rail
G) Mid rail
H) Toe Board
I) Bracings
1. Zigzag bracings
2. Transverse bracings
To Safe Workers from falling objects we can use KENAPI nets and catch plate forms.
v Stop the work and switch off equipment and proceed to nearest assembly ground
v If you driving a vehicle, stop on road side switch off engine and proceed to assembly area
and let the key should inside the ignition point.
Fatality case
v An incident, which could cause property damage or personal injury and if we will not stop
near miss incidents then can happen an accident.
A development of safety bricfings and deal with special issues at the workplace.
The frequency of noise at which we should use ear plug or muffs is 85DBA.
v Yellow - Use full body harness is required with double Lyn yard
v Red tag - Means scaffolding is unsafe or not able to use (only scaffolder can work)
Note: Welder must use complete PPE’s (Welding Helmet, Gloves and Long sleeves shirt)
136) Safety
Safety is a state where risk has been eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level
137) Fire
Fire is a chemical reaction involving rapid oxidation or burning of a fuel. It needs three
elements to occur
138) Fuel
Fuel can be any combustible material – solid, liquid, or gas. Most solids and liquids become a
139) Oxygen
Oxygen the air we breathe is about 21 percent oxygen. Fire only needs an atmosphere with at
least 16 percent oxygen.
Heat is the energy necessary to increase the temperature of the fuel to a point where
sufficient vapors are given off for ignition to occur.
142)Flash Point
Flash Point is the lowest temperature at which a fuel produces enough vapors to ignite in the
presence of a heat source.
143) Dust
Dust consists of solid particles and is created by such operations as grinding or sieving of solid
materials, controlled detonations and various drying processes.
144) Fumes
Fumes are finely particulate solids which are created by condensation from a vapor, very
often after a metal has been converted to the molten state. Fumes are usually highly toxic.
145) Gases
Gas is the formless chemical which occupies the area in which it is enclosed. There are many
toxic gases used in industry, such as chlorine.
146) Mist
Mist consists of finely suspended droplets formed by condensation from a gas or the
atomizing of a liquid or from aerosols.
147) Vapors
Vapors are the gaseous form of a solid or a liquid, rise in temperature causes the
vaporization. Examples are organic solvent vapors’.
148) Liquid
Substances and preparations which in very low quantities cause death or acute or chronic
damage to health when inhaled swallowed or absorbed via the skin.
150) Toxic
Toxic substances and preparation that in low quantities cause death or acute or chronic
damage to health when inhaled swallowed or absorbed via the skin.
151) Corrosive
Corrosive is substances and preparations that may on contact destroy living tissues.
152) Density
The density of a material is defined as the mass of one cubic meter of material
We can therefore say that any liquid that will not dissolve (not miscible) in water, with a
specific gravity higher than 1, will sink, whilst those with a specific gravity lower than 1 will
float on top. For example:
154) Heat
Heat is a form of energy. Heat can be produced by chemical means, e.g., by burning aviation
fuel or by mechanical means, by fiction. Passing electric current through a resistor also
produces heat as in an electric fire.
155) Element
Substances that consist of only one type of atom are known as elements. EX. CARBON
156) Molecules
If an element consists of more than one of the same type of atom, chemically bound
together, it is known as a molecule. EX. OXYGEN, The term molecule can also be used to
describe a substance that is made up of more than one type of atom, water is example.
157) Compound
A mixture is a term used to describe a substance that is made up of more than one type of
molecule. EX. WATER
158) Combustion
Combustion is a chemical process. For it to occur, oxygen, usually from the air, must combine
with a fuel. A fuel is any substance that will burn and may be in any one of the three states,
solid, liquid or gas. EX. SMOLDING OR FLAMING
Flammability Limits:
Flammability Limit
(% Fuel/Air by volume)
Carbon Monoxide
159) Organization Culture
Shop floor representatives, supervisors and managers who meet to discuss general health
and safety matters affecting the company
160) Attitude
A peer group is a group of individuals of a similar age or background with whom a person
mixes in a social context.
The workplace group is such a group and we behave in accordance with the collective,
accepted behavior of the group.
164) Communication
Used to draw attention to hazards and risks or safe practices and measures, need to be ‘eye
catching’ and relevant.
A development of safety briefings and deal with specific issues at the workplace
170) Investigation
The purpose of an investigation is primarily to find the cause, with the intention of preventing
a recurrence, rather than to blame
Pro-active monitoring, which involves checking that standards, practices, procedures and
system are being complied with. Before
Inspections involve examining, testing and making repairs/adjustments to such items, often
specified by the manufacturer or supplier.
A formal inspection by a team of inspectors who go round an area or section of work to check
on standards; e.g. floor condition, HK, warning signs, fire equipment
A safe system of work is: a formal procedure which results from systematic examination of a
task in order to identify all the hazards