Appraisal Report

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State and certified general real estate appraisal

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II. Letter of Transmittal

Letter of Transmittal

Black Clover Real Estate Corp.

Barangay 123 , Quezon City, Philippines, 1111 Phone: 0909-999-999
Fax: 123-123-123456
Email: [email protected]

Sender’s Name
Title/Position of Sender

Recipient’s Name
Recipient’s Title/ Position
Recipient’s Organization Name
Recipient’s Street Address
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr. _______________,

Introductory paragraph will contain title and purpose of writing the letter and the accompanying
report or other document. It will be mentioned who is it written for? This paragraph will also
include who authorized the project and when.

Body paragraph will contain information about methods used for making the report if important.
You can write short paragraph on methods. Give an overview of results, highlight main results
and point out surprising results. Give brief of conclusions and write few lines about

Third paragraph will be conclusion paragraph. Here in this paragraph you will assistance you
received, offer your assistance in interpreting your report, make a call to action and add personal

If you have any questions on these matters, please contact (principal contact) at (phone number).


Enclosure: Accompanied Document Name

Signature of Designated Official Date
III. Summary of important fact and conclusion

Subject Property: Ž 12.25 Acres, 9-Hole, Golf


Address Ž Mif Albright Golf

Course, Clubhouse Memorial
Road & Island Drive

Assessors Parcel Number 074-1040-003-19, 12.25 Acre


Property Rights Appraised: Ž Fee Simple Interest

Date of Value: October 4, 2020

Building Size: N/A

Land Size: 533,610 Square Feet (12.25

Zoning: R-2/PD, 130 Units Approved,
2,450 SF lots
Conclusion of Value Php6,650,000
IV. Purpose of report
Eto nakitako meaning or mga dapat ilalagay

The purpose of the appraisal is to estimate the market value of the defined rights in
the subject property as of a given date. Provide a definition of market value and
give its source in a footnote.

Ex: The purpose of this report is to determine the value for Loan Collateral
purposes for ABC BANK, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

V. Identification of property
eto kung agriculture, tabing kalsada or subdivision

ex: General Legal Description and Location

Owner: City of Alameda Parcel No.: 074-1040-003-19, 12.25 Acres portion

Property Address: Clubhouse Memorial Road & Island Drive, Alameda, CA

The subject site is located at the 9-Hole Mif Albright Golf Course which a part of
the Chuck Corica Golf Course at 1 Clubhouse Memorial Road, Alameda, Alameda
County, California.

VI. Location and neighborhood data

-Yung location

-eto nakita ko kung ano ilalagay ata Neighborhood Analysis (PAV, pp. 54–67)
The neighborhood is the immediate environment of the subject property in which
the physical, economic, governmental, and social forces are hardest at work in
molding its value. The neighborhood analysis must begin with a definition of a
neighborhood, including the source of that definition. The analysis should then
identify, analyze, and discuss the various market forces influencing the subject
neighborhood and, in turn, the subject property. The neighborhood boundaries,
which may be manmade, political, or natural, should be clearly delineated and
described in detail, and the reasons why they form the boundaries should be
explained. Maps of the neighborhood should be included in the appendix.
Neighborhood characteristics to be analyzed and presented in the report must
include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Typical age and type of improvements in the neighborhood

2. Range of property values within the neighborhood

3. Range of rental amounts within the neighborhood

4. Owner-tenant ratios and turnover in ownership rates

5. Typical financing and interest rates

6. Population and demographic data, including the life stage of the neighborhood,
income levels, typical educational background of the occupants, and similar data

7. Employment and economic factors

8. All positive and negative influences within the neighborhood In this section,
compare each of the above neighborhood characteristics with those for the city and
area/region as a whole, being sure that the presence or absence of any forces that
may cause economic obsolescence in the subject property are detailed and that all
information correlates logically to information in other sections of the report, such
as site description and improvement description sections. Finally, summarize all
conclusions regarding the forces affecting the neighborhood. Data presented and
analyzed must be relevant to the subject property.

VII. Zoning, Utilize, Taxes

-Yung zonal value para malaman visit daw yung site nong govtt na

example nong sa tax

VII. Site Description

-Eto nakita ko meaning mga dapat ilalagay Site Description This section should contain a
graphic and detailed description of the subject site from which the reader can form a clear mental
picture of the site. This description must include all supporting data used in the site value
conclusion, such as the location; area; size; zoning; improvements, including the structure being
appraised; topography; and soil conditions. Further, the candidate should present and analyze
the availability of utilities to the site, covenants and restrictions of record, and all locational
factors relating to economic or locational obsolescence (if present) that affect the subject site.
Also, present and analyze all supporting data used in the site valuation conclusion, as well as any
relating to the site’s highest and best use. Include a site sketch or plot plan in the appendix and
reference the sketch or plan in this section. In addition, if applicable, include a copy of the
zoning ordinance in the appendix and reference the page number in this section.

-Maglalagay aa dito ng map kung saan nakalocate

VIII. Description of Building and improvement
-Eto nakit ko meaning or mga dapat ilalagay

Description of Improvements This section should contain a graphic and detailed description of
all improvements to the site from which the reader can form a clear mental picture. Although it
is not necessary to do a complete “bricks and mortar” analysis of each item, this section should

1. Sufficient detail for the calculation of reproduction or replacement cost new in the cost
approach and of allocations for reserves for replacement in the income approach for
nonresidential reports

2. Sufficient detail to support depreciation analysis

3. Sufficient detail for market comparisons used in the sales comparison and income approaches

4. Data to support the highest and best use analysis

All supporting data used in the valuation conclusions must be discussed in this section. Items
discussed should include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. A physical description of all major components and building size

2. A discussion of architectural style and design and how these elements fit the character of the
neighborhood, including a reference to the principle of conformity (PAV, p. 22)

3. A description of the types, condition, and adequacy of all equipment

4. An analysis with supporting data, market observations, and definition of terms of the
property’s a. Actual age b. Effective age c. Remaining economic life d. Total economic life (See
appendix 4F.)

5. A discussion of the functional utility of the building, especially as it relates to possible

functional obsolescence as measured in the cost approach.

A floor plan of the building should be included in the appendix and referenced in this section.
IX. Analysis and interpretation

-Wala akong mahanap haha

X. Approaches to value
Example: Fair Market Value

Under the United States Treasury regulation 1.170-1c Fair Market value is defined as:

The price at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing
seller, neither being under compulsion to buy or compulsion to sell and both having reasonable
XI. Reconciliation and final value estimate

The subject at this point, has been considered and analayzed with data and factors
which are believed to have an influence on its value. In valuing the property, one
of approach is used.

Indicated Value

Sales Comparison Approach Php0000000000

Cost Approach Omitted

Income Approach Omitted

Value as of (Date)
Zero zero zero
Date of Valuation
The current Value is as of (date). It should be noted that the real estate values are
influenced. By a large number of external factors which can change rapidly.
Therefore we do not represent them as a result that will actually be achieved in the
XII. Limiting Conditions and Qualifications of appraisers
Wala akong mahanap

XIII. Addenda

(mga dapat ilagay maps, pictures, technical description, zonal


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