Pr8843 - Drawing and Equipment Tag Numbering

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Drawing, Document and

Equipment Tag Numbering
Document No: Pr8843
Revision No: 4
Last Review Date: 9/01/2020
Next Review Date: 9/01/2022

Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Documents Details
This document is only valid on the day it was printed.
Document Sponsor Infrastructure Technical Standards Committee
Document Author (Owner) Capital Delivery Manager, SIS
Subject Matter Expert Project Services Unit Leader, SIS
References n/a

Version Review
Revision Date issued Reviewed by Approved by Date approved Revision type
1 18/03/2016 S.Langdon
2 22/04/2016 S.Langdon A.Schoenmaker 26/04/2016 Issued for use
3 26/02/2018 G.Burnett G.Burnett 26/02/2018 Periodic review, no changes
4 14/01/2020 B Van Wegen B Van Wegen 09/01/2020 Periodic review, no changes

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
2. Drawing and Document Numbering Methodology...................................................... 5
2.1 Location Codes – LLLLLL ...................................................................................... 5
2.2 Discipline Codes – D .............................................................................................. 6
2.3 Drawing and Document Codes – TT ...................................................................... 8
Table 3 – Drawing Codes .................................................................................... 8
Table 4 – Document Codes ................................................................................. 9
2.4 Drawing or Document Number – NNQQ .............................................................. 11
2.5 Sheet and Revision Number - XX[R]. ................................................................... 11
Table 5 – Sheet and Revision Number .............................................................. 11
3. Plant and Equipment Numbering System – (NNQQ)................................................. 12
3.1 Determining Plant and Equipment Tag Numbers ................................................. 12
Table 6 – Plant and Equipment Numbers........................................................... 13
4. Equipment Numbering System .................................................................................. 17
Table 7 – Equipment Numbering System ........................................................... 17
Table 8 – Equipment Tag # Alpha Code prefix (EEE) ........................................ 17
5. Instrumentation Numbering System .......................................................................... 25
Table 9 Instrumentation Numbering System ...................................................... 25
6. Electrical Equipment Tag Numbering System .......................................................... 26
7. Numbering System ..................................................................................................... 28
8. Pipe Identification System .......................................................................................... 28
9. Fluid Abbreviations..................................................................................................... 29
10. Examples for the Development of Tag Numbers and Drawing Numbers ................ 29
10.1 Example 1 – Determining Secondary Clarifier 1 Tag Numbers and Drawing Numbers 30
10.2 Example 2 - Service Water pump # 1, 2 and 3 for Cooroy STP ............................ 30
10.3 Example 3 - Inlet works bypass valve # 1 and 2 ................................................... 31
10.4 Example 4 - Clarifier Tank # 4 .............................................................................. 31
10.5 Example 5 - Effluent Flow Meter to Outfall ........................................................... 31
10.6 Example 6 - Control Building ................................................................................ 31
10.7 Example 7 – Balance Tank Pumps Variable Speed Drives .................................. 31
10.8 Example 8 – Main Plant MCC .............................................................................. 31
11. Exceptions When Using Online Project Collaboration Software ............................. 31
Table 15 Exceptions When Using Online Project Collaboration Software .......... 32

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
List of Tables
Table 1 – Example Location Codes ................................................................................................ 6
Table 2 – Discipline Codes ............................................................................................................. 6
Table 3 – Drawing Codes................................................................................................................ 8
Table 4 – Document Codes ............................................................................................................ 9
Table 5 – Sheet and Revision Number.......................................................................................... 11
Table 6 – Plant and Equipment Numbers ...................................................................................... 13
Table 7 – Equipment Numbering System ...................................................................................... 17
Table 8 – Equipment Tag # Alpha Code prefix (EEE) ................................................................... 17
Table 9 - Instrumentation Numbering System ............................................................................... 25
Table 10 – Instrument Alpha Code (AAAA) ................................................................................... 25
Table 11 – Dedicated or Grouped Electrical Equipment ................................................................ 26
Table 12 – Common Electrical Equipment .................................................................................... 27
Table 13 - Cable Types ................................................................................................................. 28
Table 14 - Fluid Abbreviations....................................................................................................... 29
Table 15 - Exceptions When Using Online Project Collaboration Software ................................... 32

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
1. Introduction
1.0.1 The purpose of this document is to specify a numbering system to be applied across all of
Unitywater’s Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs). This document has been developed so that
it can be expanded with numbering systems for Sewage Pump Stations, Water Pump
Stations, Water Reservoirs and other significant infrastructure.
1.0.2 This Specification shall apply to all of Unitywater’s Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) except
where an existing numbering system is to be retained as directed by Unitywater.
1.0.3 The numbering system is used to develop:
• Drawing and document identification numbers;
• Tag numbers for treatment plant areas, process units, structures, mechanical
equipment, electrical equipment, control equipment, valves and instruments;
• Identification numbers for pipes and cables; and
• PLC and SCADA tag numbers.

2. Drawing and Document Numbering Methodology

2.0.1 Drawing and document numbering shall follow the format below.

• LLLLLL – Code identifying the site or location to which the document relates;
• D – Code identifying the discipline to which the document relates;
• TT – Code identifying the drawing or document type;
• NNQQ – Numeric series (plant area, sub area and sequential number) for numbering of
drawings or documents;
• XX – Sequential sheet number for numbering of multiple drawings or documents for the
same equipment (usually only used for drawings);
• [R] – Revision number.
2.0.2 The filename used for all documents and drawings must begin with the document or
drawing number, i.e. LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ for documents and LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX for
2.0.3 For documents the filename can include the document title after the document number, e.g.
UWDSTD-D-PX-0001 Specification for Drawing, Document and Equipment Tag

2.1 Location Codes – LLLLLL

2.1.1 Location codes are derived from a combination of the suburb code followed by the site type
code. Example location codes are provided in Table 1.

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Table 1 – Example Location Codes

Example Standard Drawing or Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

LLLLLL Location or Site

WFDSTP Woodford Sewage Treatment Plant

CRYSTP Cooroy Sewage Treatment Plant

MRDWPS Maroochydore Water Pump Station

BUDRES Buderim Water Reservoir

KAWSTP Kawana Sewage Treatment Plant

2.2 Discipline Codes – D

2.2.1 The disciplines used for the discipline code are detailed in Table 2.

Table 2 – Discipline Codes

Code Standard Drawing or Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

D Discipline Description

Administration documentation including but not limited to

A Administration procedures, forms, templates and standard project records.

Commissioning documentation including but not limited to

B Commissioning records, reports, specifications, plans and schedules.

Civil engineering and architectural documentation including

but not limited to sketches, reports, drawings,
C Civil / Architectural specifications, plans and schedules.

Project management documentation including but not

limited to reports, plans, forms, procedures, schedules and
D Project Management instructions.

Electrical, instrumentation and control engineering

Electrical, documentation including but not limited to sketches,
Instrumentation and reports, drawings, specifications, plans, schedules,
E Control manuals, datasheets and calculations.

Fire engineering documentation including but not limited to

sketches, reports, drawings, specifications, plans,
F Fire schedules, manuals, datasheets and calculations.

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Code Standard Drawing or Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

D Discipline Description

Geographic GIS documentation including but not limited to plans,

Information System images and maps.

Hydraulic engineering documentation including but not

limited to sketches, reports, drawings, specifications, plans,
H Hydraulic schedules, manuals, datasheets and calculations.

Cultural Heritage documentation including but not limited to

I Cultural Heritage briefs, letters, presentations and reports.

Quality documentation including but not limited to reports,

J Quality notices, plans, forms and procedures.

Community consultation, stakeholder consultation and

media release documentation including but not limited to
K Community relations briefs, letters, press releases, presentations and reports.

Health & safety documentation including but not limited to

L Health and Safety reports, notices, lists, plans, forms and procedures.

Mechanical engineering documentation including but not

limited to sketches, reports, drawings, specifications, plans,
M Mechanical schedules, manuals, datasheets and calculations.

General legal and contractual documentation including but

N Legal not limited to agreements, letters and reports.

Operations documentation including but not limited to

O Operations plans, programs, reports and procedures.

Process engineering documentation including but not

limited to sketches, reports, drawings, specifications, plans,
P Process and P&IDs schedules, manuals, datasheets and calculations.

Land management documentation including but not limited

Q Land Management to land acquisitions and native title.

Environmental documentation including but not limited to

sketches, reports, drawings, specifications, plans and
R Environment schedules.

Structural engineering documentation including but not

limited to sketches, reports, drawings, specifications, plans,
S Structural datasheets and calculations.

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Code Standard Drawing or Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

D Discipline Description

Geotechnical engineering documentation including but not

limited to sketches, surveys, reports, drawings,
specifications, plans, schedules, manuals, datasheets and
T Geotechnical Survey calculations.

U Spare

V Spare

W Spare

Building Services documentation including but not limited to

certifications, approvals, drawings, specifications, plans,
X Building Services schedules and manuals.

Survey documentation including but not limited to sketches,

reports, drawings, specifications, plans, schedules,
Y Survey manuals, datasheets and calculations.

For all documentation which doesn’t fall under one of the

Z General/ Other previously listed discipline categories.

2.3 Drawing and Document Codes – TT

2.3.1 The drawing and document types used for the drawing or document code are detailed in
Table 3 and Table 4 respectively.

Table 3 – Drawing Codes

Example Standard Drawing Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ

TT Drawing Type Further Information

DR Drawing Used for drawings

SK Sketch Used for concept development.

SD Shop Drawing Used for Shop Drawings

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Table 4 – Document Codes

Standard Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]


TT Document Type Further Information

AG Meeting Agenda

BR Brief

CA Calculation

CC Contract Conditions

CD Concept Design

CE Environmental Approvals

CH Cultural Heritage

CI Community Consultation

CL Land Acquisitions

CP Construction Program

CS Statutory Approvals

DC Design Change Approval Request

DN Design Note

DP Design Programme

DS Data Sheets

DT Document Transmittal

EM Email

FA Facsimile

FM Form

IP Inspection and Test Plan

JS Job Safety Analysis Worksheet

LE Letter

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Standard Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

TT Document Type Further Information

LS List

MA Manual

ME Memo

MI Minutes

MP Map

NW Newsletters

PB Project Budget

PL Plan

PN Press Release

PP Planning Programme

PR Procurement

PS Presentation/ Summary

PX Procedures

RE Report

RF Request for Information

RG Registers

SC Schedule (not a program)

SI Site Instruction

ST Study

SW Scope of Work

TR Test Results

TD Tender Documents

TP Tender Programme

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Standard Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

TT Document Type Further Information

TS Technical Specification

WM Work Method Statement

2.4 Drawing or Document Number – NNQQ

2.5.1 Drawing and Document numbers are generated using the Plant Area / Plant Sub-Area and
Sequential numbering system identified in Section 3. Drawing and Document numbers are
to align with tag numbers for plant areas, plant sub areas, structures, mechanical
equipment, electrical equipment, control equipment, valves and instruments wherever
2.5.2 Drawings to be provided include site plans, layout and sectional plans for all items of
equipment, road and civil works, structures, pipework and buildings. Site plans to be
provided include separate plans for the entire site, all plant areas and sub areas, all
process pipework and all plant wide systems and services as defined in Section 3.
2.5.3 The Numeric series NNQQ is explained in Section 3.

2.5 Sheet and Revision Number - XX[R].

2.5.1 The convention for determining sheet and revision numbers is described in Table 5.

Table 5 – Sheet and Revision Number

Example Standard Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

XX Sheet This is used for sequential numbering of multiple drawings

Number related to the same item. The sequence is 01, 02, 03, 04 etc.
Where there is only one drawing the 01 sheet number is used.
For documents there is usually no need for sequential
numbering so this is omitted unless required.

[R] Revision - The following descriptions are to be used as a guide only to assist
in the creation of new revisions of documents. New revisions of all
documents & drawings will require a detailed description in its revision title

A For example: Concept Design Basis

B For example: Preliminary Issue

Detailed Design & Construction Phases

0, 1, 2, …… Issue for Construction and subsequent revisions including As

Constructed revision

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
2.5.2 The front page title for a document will not include the [R] field as this will appear in the
Version Review box (Refer front of this document for an example).
2.5.3 It is important to select the correct revision descriptor [R] as this indicates the stage of
review and approval and whether the document is at a stage that it can be used for its
intended purpose.

3. Plant and Equipment Numbering System – (NNQQ)

3.0.1 This section describes the numbering system used for plant areas and sub-areas, which
are then reflected in both drawing numbers and equipment tag numbers.
3.0.2 The advantage of this system is that the drawing numbers and equipment tag numbers
align enabling Unitywater staff to easily identify the drawing or document number that
relates to any specific piece of equipment in the field.
3.1 Determining Plant and Equipment Tag Numbers
3.1.1 Refer to the plant area/ sub-area standard in Table 6:
• The first 2 numbers of the numerical series, NN, reflect the Major Area and Sub Area
• The second 2 numbers of the numerical series, QQ, are variable. The QQ number
series of 10, 20, 30, etc. is allocated to individual process units or major equipment.
3.1.2 Single ancillary equipment i.e. a motor, an instrument, etc. that is directly connected and
dedicated to the process unit or major equipment’s primary function will be allocated the
same QQ number i.e. 10, 20, 30, etc.
3.1.3 Multiple ancillary equipment that is directly connected and dedicated to the process unit or
major equipment’s primary function or ancillary equipment that is related to the process unit
or major equipment’s additional functions will be allocated sequential numbers continuing
from the major equipment’s QQ number i.e. 11, 12, 13, etc. for “Process Unit” or “Major
Equipment” 1 (NN10).
3.1.4 Numbers to allow for future expansion of the treatment plants capacity should be included
wherever possible.
3.1.5 Minor equipment that does not directly belong to any current or future (where identified)
process unit or major equipment function can be allocated QQ numbers that have not been
allocated elsewhere i.e. Q1 to Q9 where Q has not been allocated previously.
Note – The relationship between Tag numbers and Drawings makes it very easy to search
all types of drawings for specific equipment. This document has been established
specifically for STPs. An expanded table could be established for Sewage Pump Stations,
Water Pump Stations and Reservoirs in the future.

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering

Table 6 – Plant and Equipment Numbers

Component/ Example Standard Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

NN: Plant Area/ Plant Sub-Area

NNQQ QQ: Sequential Number

Major Area Sub Area Sequence



0 0 01 to 99 General
0 1 01 to 99 Service Water
0 2 01 to 99 Potable Water
0 3 01 to 99 Fire Systems
0 4 01 to 99 GP Pump Stations
0 5 01 to 99 Storm water
0 6 01 to 99 Compressed Air
0 7 01 to 99 Odour Control
0 8 01 to 99 Roadworks
0 9 01 to 99 Buildings


Treatment Plant Raw Sewage Pump
1 0 01 to 99 Stations, Rising Mains and Raw Sewage
Receival Chambers
1 1 01 to 99 Screening
1 2 01 to 99 Grit Removal
1 3 01 to 99 Bypass
1 4 01 to 99 Balance Tank
1 5 01 to 99 SPARE
1 6 01 to 99 SPARE
1 7 01 to 99 SPARE
1 8 01 to 99 SPARE
1 9 01 to 99 SPARE


2 0 01 to 99 Primary Sedimentation

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering

Component/ Example Standard Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

NN: Plant Area/ Plant Sub-Area

NNQQ QQ: Sequential Number

Major Area Sub Area Sequence


2 1 01 to 99 Fermenter
2 2 01 to 99 SPARE
2 3 01 to 99 SPARE
2 4 01 to 99 SPARE
2 5 01 to 99 SPARE
2 6 01 to 99 SPARE
2 7 01 to 99 SPARE
2 8 01 to 99 SPARE
2 9 01 to 99 SPARE


3 0 01 to 99 Bioreactors
3 1 01 to 99 SPARE
3 2 01 to 99 SPARE
3 3 01 to 99 SPARE
3 4 01 to 99 SPARE
3 5 01 to 99 Blowers and Aerators
3 6 01 to 99 Secondary Clarifiers
3 7 01 to 99 SPARE
3 8 01 to 99 Return Activated Sludge (RAS)
3 9 01 to 99 Waste Activated Sludge (WAS)


4 0 01 to 99 Primary Sludge Thickening (PST)
4 1 01 to 99 Secondary Sludge Thickening (SST)
4 2 01 to 99 Digester
4 3 01 to 99 Dewatering
4 4 01 to 99 SPARE
4 5 01 to 99 Sludge Storage
4 6 01 to 99 SPARE

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering

Component/ Example Standard Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

NN: Plant Area/ Plant Sub-Area

NNQQ QQ: Sequential Number

Major Area Sub Area Sequence


4 7 01 to 99 Solar Dryers
4 8 01 to 99 SPARE
4 9 01 to 99 SPARE


5 0 01 to 99 Chlorine Gas
5 1 01 to 99 Hypochlorite
5 2 01 to 99 Alum
5 3 01 to 99 Polymer
5 4 01 to 99 Methanol
5 5 01 to 99 Lime
5 6 01 to 99 SPARE
5 7 01 to 99 SPARE
5 8 01 to 99 SPARE
5 9 01 to 99 SPARE


6 0 01 to 99 Filters
6 1 01 to 99 Ozone / BAC
6 2 01 to 99 Chemical Disinfection
6 3 01 to 99 UV Disinfection
6 4 01 to 99 Effluent Pump Station
6 5 01 to 99 Effluent Outfall
6 6 01 to 99 Recycled Water
6 7 01 to 99 SPARE
6 8 01 to 99 SPARE
6 9 01 to 99 Wetlands

Water Pump Stations, Pipes and Reservoirs NAMES

7 0 01 to 99 SPARE
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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

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Component/ Example Standard Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

NN: Plant Area/ Plant Sub-Area

NNQQ QQ: Sequential Number

Major Area Sub Area Sequence


7 1 01 to 99 Interconnecting Pipe work

7 2 01 to 99 SPARE
7 3 01 to 99 SPARE
7 4 01 to 99 SPARE
7 5 01 to 99 SPARE
7 6 01 to 99 SPARE
7 7 01 to 99 SPARE
7 8 01 to 99 SPARE
7 9 01 to 99 SPARE

Sewage Pump Stations, Pipes and Storages NAMES

8 0 01 to 99 SPARE
8 1 01 to 99 Interconnecting Pipe work
8 2 01 to 99 SPARE
8 3 01 to 99 SPARE
8 4 01 to 99 SPARE
8 5 01 to 99 SPARE
8 6 01 to 99 SPARE
8 7 01 to 99 SPARE
8 8 01 to 99 SPARE
8 9 01 to 99 SPARE

Common Electrical and Control Equip


9 0 01 to 99 Common Equip - Plant wide systems.

9 1 01 to 99 Common Equip - Inlet works Area
9 2 01 to 99 Common Equip - Pretreatment Area
9 3 01 to 99 Common Equip - Biological Area
9 4 01 to 99 Common Equip - Biosolids Area
9 5 01 to 99 Common Equip - Chemical Area
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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering

Component/ Example Standard Document Format:- LLLLLL-D-TT-NNQQ-XX[R]

NN: Plant Area/ Plant Sub-Area

NNQQ QQ: Sequential Number

Major Area Sub Area Sequence


9 6 01 to 99 Common Equip - Tertiary Treatment Area

9 7 01 to 99 Common Equip - Effluent Disposal Area
9 8 01 to 99 Spare
9 9 01 to 99 Spare

4. Equipment Numbering System

4.0.1 Equipment shall be numbered according to the following system. The NNQQ part of the Tag
shall be developed from Table 6 and the EEE component shall be chosen from Table 8.
4.0.2 If additional equipment alpha codes are required they must be submitted to Unitywater for
approval and incorporation into this standard before use.

Table 7 – Equipment Numbering System

Number Format. Description

The Equipment Alpha Code shall follow requirements of

Tag # Format: EEE-NNQQ Table 7 and be detailed on the P&IDs.

Where :
The Alpha Code shall precede the Equipment Tag
EEE – Alpha Code
NNQQ – Plant Area, Sub Area and e.g. PMD5211 – Alum Chemical Dosing Pump # 1
Sequential Number

Table 8 – Equipment Tag # Alpha Code prefix (EEE)

Alpha Code
Equipment Description

ACR Air Cooler

ACU Air Conditioning Unit

ADR Air Dryer

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Alpha Code
Equipment Description

AEX Anion Exchanger

AER Aerator or Paddle

ALT Alternator

BAT Battery

BCH Battery Charger

BDG Bridge (Fixed)

BFP Belt Filter Press

BGL Bag Loader

BIN Bin (silo or hopper)

BLD Building

BLW Blower High Volume, Low Pressure

BWL Bowl Drive Part of Centrifuge

BRI Mechanical Bridge

CAP Capacitor Bank

CAR Carousel (bagging)

CBH High Voltage Circuit Breaker

CBL Low Voltage Circuit Breaker

CBM Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker

CEX Cation Exchanger

CFG Centrifuge

CHB Chamber

CHN Channel

CLR Clarifier
CMP Communications Panel

CNL Canal

CNP Control Panel

CON Conveyor - Belt, Slotted Belt or Bucket

CPR Compressor
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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Alpha Code
Equipment Description

CPT Catch Pot

CPU Cathodic Protection Unit

CRN Crane - Crane/Davit/Gantry/Hoist/Pulley/Chainblock/Winch

CRU Crusher

CTV Closed-Circuit Television

CTW Cooling Tower

CVL Calibration Vessel, Tube, cylinder etc.

CYC Cyclone

CYL Cylinder

DCS Distributed Process Control System

DEC Decanter

DHR Dehumidifier
DIF Diffuser – Air, Water, etc.

DIG Digester

DMP Pulsation Dampener

DOR Door – All forms of motorised door, shutter or entrance gate

DRM Drum
DWL Dry Well

EFS Effluent Filling Station

EJR Ejector, Injector or Eductor

ELP Electrical Panel

ENG Engine – Diesel/Petrol/Gas

EPS Effluent Pump Station

ESP Effluent Standpipe

ERT Energy Recovery Turbine

EVP Evaporator

FAN Fan - includes all fans such as cooling tower fans

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Alpha Code
Equipment Description

FAR Flame Arrester

FDR Feeder – Screw, rotary or other feeders

FEN Fence

FIL Filter

FIP Fire Indicator Panel

FHY Fire Hydrant

FLM Flame Trap

FTP Field Termination Panel

GAL Gallery
GAT Gate Fixed Wheel, Drum (also see Door)

GBX Gearbox
GDP Gas Detection Panel

GEN Generator
HMI Human Machine Interface Applies to monitors, keyboards, computer

HTR Heater

HXR Heat Exchanger, Ambient Heat Vaporiser

HYD Hydraulic Power Pack

HYV Hydrant (valve)

IGV Inlet Guide Vane

ISL Isolating Switch Local - Use for field isolators only

JBC Junction Box Communications

JBE Junction Box Electrical

JBI Junction Box Instrumentation

LCP Local Control Panel

LCS Local Control Station

LFT Lift (Passenger or Service Hoist)

LIT Lighting / Lights

LPD Lighting, Power Distribution Board etc.

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Alpha Code
Equipment Description

LSK Lime Slaker

LVD Low Voltage Distribution Board with 415V Busbars

MCT Macerator

MCC Motor Control Centre

MCR Muncher

MHL Manhole

MXR Mixer, Flocculator

MFM Microfiltration (MF)/ Ultra Filtration (UF) Membrane

MPL Marshalling Panel

MTR Motor

OCU Odour Control Unit

OGD Off Gas Destructor

OZG Ozone Generator

PBX Telecommunications System/ Private Automated Branch Exchange (PABX)

PEN Penstock

PFC Power Factor Correction

PLC Programmable Logic Controller


PMD Pump (Dosing, Metering special function etc.)

PMP Pump (centrifugal, positive displacement, piston, diaphragm, etc.)

PRN Printer

PRS Plate Press (Dewatering)

PST Primary Sedimentation Tank

PVL Pasteurising Vessel

RDR Card Swipe/Reader

RES Reservoir

RIO Remote Input/Output Rack

RMU Ring Main Unit

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Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Alpha Code
Equipment Description

ROM RO Membrane

RTU Remote Telemetry Unit

SAM Sample Point

SBD Stopboard

SCA Switchgear & Control gear Assembly

SCB Scrubber

SCN Screen – Mechanically Raked, Hand Raked, Step & Trash Racks

SCP Scraper

SCV Scour valve

SCW Screw

SFT Shaft
SGH Switchgear High Voltage

SGM Switchgear Medium Voltage

SGP Sewer Gravity Pipe

SHC Sewer House Connection

SIL Silencer
SIP Security Indicator Panel

SKM Skimmer – Use for all surface scum removal applications

SLO Silo, e.g. Lime

SMP Sump

SMR Sampler

SPC Sewer Property Connection

SPP Sewer Pressure Pipe

SPS Sewer Pump Station

SSR Safety Shower

SSS Sewer Septic System

SST Soft Starter

STN Strainer
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Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Alpha Code
Equipment Description

STP Sewage Treatment Plant

STR Structure

SUB Substation

SWR Switchroom

SYS Control System – For all software internal points for common equipment

TBG Travelling Bridge

TEP Telemetry Panel

TFI Trickling Filter

THB Thermoblender
THK Thickener

TNK Tank or Vessel (Non-pressurised)

TNL Tunnel

TRF Transformer
TRP Trap

TRY Transformer Yard

TWR Tower
UPS Uninterrupted power supply

UVB Ultra Violet Bank

VNR Non-Return or Reflux valve

VBF Butterfly Valve (manual)

VGT Gate Valve (manual)

VBA Ball Valve (manual)

VDH Diaphragm Valve (manual)

Flow Control Valve – (For automated valves that are position modulating for
flow control)

Flow Switching Valve – (For automated valves that are either open or closed
for flow control)

VPC Pressure Control Valve – (For automated valves that are position modulating
for pressure control)

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Alpha Code
Equipment Description

VPG Plug Valve (manual)

VPS Pressure Switching Valve – (For automated valves that are open or closed for
pressure control)

VPR Pressure Relief Valve (manual)

VRC Rotary Control Valve

VVR Vacuum Relief Valve (manual)

VLD Loading Valve (manual)

VAP Vacuum Pump

VIB Vibrator, Hammer or Shaker

VPN Ventilation Panel or System

Variable Speed Drive - Includes Variable Voltage Variable Frequency drives

(VVVFs) and controllers

VSH Vent Shaft

VSL Pressure Vessel - Any pressurised tank or vessel

WBR Weighbridge
WCN Wetting Cone

WCP Washer Compactor

WEL Well

WER Weir

WGB Waste Gas Burner

WGP Water Gravity Pipe

WPP Water Pressure Pipe

WPR Washpactor

WPS Water Pump Station

WSC Water Service Connection

WSL Weigh Scale

WSP Water Stand Pipe

WTP Water Treatment Plant

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
5. Instrumentation Numbering System
5.0.1 This section specifies how the characters that precede the numerical descriptors of the tag
number are developed for instruments. This system uses the International ISA 5.1 Standard
to develop the Instrument Alpha Code.
Table 9 - Instrumentation Numbering System

Number Format. Description

The Instrument Alpha Code shall follow the international ISA 5.1
Tag Format: AAAA- standard and be detailed on the P&IDs. Modifiers and User Choice
NNQQ requirements are detailed in Table 10
Alpha Code shall be at the beginning of the Instrument Tag Number
Where: using 2 to 4 characters.
e.g. PSL5211 – Low pressure switch for Alum dosing pump
AAAA – Instrument Code The Instrument Number shall be the same as the Equipment number
developed from Table 10 to which it is directly associated.
If required, the Number may use an additional 2 digits separated by
a dash (easier to read than a decimal point) i.e. NNQQ-QQ to
NNQQ – Area Number separate two instruments with the same Alpha Codes and number
e.g. PSL5211-01 & PSL5211-02.

Table 10 – Instrument Alpha Code (AAAA)

First Letter Second & Succeeding Example Exception

Letters Letters
A Analysis Alarm
B Burner Flame State or Status Display
C Conductivity Control ZSC – Closed
D Density, S.G., % Solids Differential
E Electrical Variable Primary Element or Sensor
F Flow Ratio or Fraction
G Gauging (Dimensional) Observation Glass
H Hand Manually Initiated High
I Current Indication
J Power Scan
K Time or Time Program Barrier
L Level Low
M Moisture or Humidity Unallocated
N Motor Unallocated
O Unallocated Orifice ZSO – Open
P Pressure or Vacuum Point (Test Connection)
Q Quantity or Event Integrator or Totaliser
R Radiation (Nuclear) Recorder or Digital trending
S Speed or Frequency Switch

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T Temperature Transmitter
U Multi-Variable Multi-Function
V Vibration Valve, damper or louver
W Weight or force Well
X Torque Cathode Ray tube
Y Viscosity Relay, Converter or computer
Z Position Emergency or Safety Acting

6. Electrical Equipment Tag Numbering System

6.0.1 The electrical numbering system needs to allow for the fact that some electrical equipment
types (i.e. VSDs, Soft starters etc.) are dedicated to individual items of equipment whereas
other equipment (i.e. Transformers, MCC etc.) are common to many items of equipment.
Accordingly the electrical numbering system is divided into 2 categories:
• Numbering for Dedicated or Grouped Equipment;
• Numbering for Common Equipment.

Table 11 – Dedicated or Grouped Electrical Equipment

Dedicated or Grouped Electrical Equipment Tag #s

This section is used to generate a Tag number for a single item of equipment or a group of
equipment items (i.e. a package plant) with one specific task. The following are examples to clarify
the numbering:
Single Item of Equipment
• Air compressor - comprises the compressor, an on-board electrical local control panel and
possibly a Variable Speed Drive. The mechanical equipment will be assigned the tag
CPR0601. The electrical panel forming the compressor control would be labelled LCP0601,
the motor labelled MTR0601and the VSD labelled VSD0601.
Group of Equipment Items (Package plant)
• Polymer Storage and Dosing Plant – this system typically comprises a number of drives,
valves, tanks, instrumentation etc. with the sole aim being to produce polymer for a process to
a specific quantity and quality. This type of plant will usually be controlled by a dedicated
electrical panel. The polymer plant equipment may have tags ranging from 5301 to 5399 with
preceding Alpha codes as described previously. The Electrical control panel for the Polymer
Storage and Dosing System would be labelled LCP5301 being the first tag number used in the
polymer plant.
Field Junction Boxes and Marshalling Panels
• Junction Boxes / Marshalling panels – These may be used for a single device or multiple
devices depending on the requirements. They shall take on the following number format:
JB – Junction Box
MP – Marshalling Panel

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Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
Represents the Alpha Tag of the related instrument where a single device is connected
(Not used where Multiple devices are connected)
Represents the Actual Number Tag of the instrument where a single instrument is
connected or a suitable number relating to the Area / Sub-Area where multiple devices are
 A Junction box for a high level probe would be JB-LSHH-NNQQ
 A Marshalling Panel for a hypochlorite dosing system would be MP-5101

Table 12 – Common Electrical Equipment

Common Electrical Equipment Tag #s

This section is used to generate a Tag number for MCCs, Transformers and other items of
electrical equipment not related to a specific item or group of equipment. This type of electrical
equipment invariably caters for one or more Major Plant Areas, and therefore has been allocated
the Major Plant area code “9”.
The Tag Number of this type of Electrical Equipment shall take the following form:
EEE - 9 “X” “YY”

9 Indicates the item is a common piece of electrical equipment e.g. MCC

“X” Specifies the Major Plant Area Number identified in Section 3

‘0’ – Plant Wide Systems
‘1’ – Inlet Works
‘2’ – Pre-treatment
‘3’ – Biological Treatment
‘4’ – Biosolids Handling
‘5’ – Chemical Storage and Dosing
‘6’ – Tertiary Treatment
‘7’ – Water Pump Stations
‘8’ – Sewage Pump Stations
‘9’ – Spare

TRF90YY – A Plant wide Transformer
MCC96YY – An MCC located in the Effluent Pump Station
PLP95YY – A PLC Panel for the Chemical Dosing Area.
“YY” A unique sequential No. - 0 to 09

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
7. Numbering System
7.0.1 All electrical and control cables shall use the following general structure for cable


7.0.2 The cable numbers shall use the following format.

• EEE – Equipment Alpha code as defined in Section 4;
• NNQQ – Numeric Tag #as defined in Section 3;
• C – Cable Type as defined below in Table 13;
• ZZ – Sequential Cable number for equipment.

Table 13 - Cable Types

Cable Type Description

P Power
C Control
J Instrumentation
F Fibre Optic

8. Pipe Identification System

8.0.1 For pipeline identification the following format shall be applied.

• NN – Major Area and Sub Area Numbers as defined in Section 3;
• FFF – Fluid Abbreviation as defined in Section 9;
• SSSS- Pipe size – typically Nominal Bore in millimeters;
• MMMM – Material Abbreviation, e.g. DICL;
• XXX – Sequential pipe number;
• A pipeline number should typically be assigned to the whole pipeline from beginning to
end unless:
o The pipe material or size changes;
o The product pressure or temperature changes; or
o The pipe meets a junction with another pipe.

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Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing,

Document and Equipment Tag Numbering
9. Fluid Abbreviations
9.0.1 The fluid abbreviations shown in Table 14 shall be used. If additional fluid codes are
required they must be submitted to Unitywater for approval and incorporation into this
standard before use.
Table 14 - Fluid Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
ALM Alum Solution
DEF Disinfected Water
DGS De-gritted Sewage
PEF Primary Effluent
GRT Grit
GRS Grit Slurry
MLQ Mixed Liquor
OVF Overflow
POL Polymer Solution
POT Potable Water
PRS Process Sewage
RAS Return Activated Sludge
RAW Raw Sewage
SCM Scum
SCN Screenings
SEF Secondary Effluent
HYP Sodium Hypochlorite
SLG Sludge
SUP Supernatant
SCS Screened Sewage
STM Stormwater
TEF Tertiary Effluent
WAS Waste Activated Sludge
SER Service Water

10. Examples for the Development of Tag Numbers and

Drawing Numbers
10.0.1 Unitywater recommends the following process for the development of equipment tag,
drawing and document numbers:

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Step 1 Develop concept P&IDs. Drawing numbers are generated using the plant area
/ plant sub area code i.e. LLLSTP-P-DR-NNQQ-XX where QQ and XX are
sequential numbers starting at 1;
Step 2 Use Section 3 to assign the Plant Equipment Tag Number for individual items
on the P&IDs;
Step 3 Use Sections 4, 5 and 6 to determine the alpha prefix to complete the Tag
Step 4 Develop Site Plans, Layout and Sectional Plans and General Arrangement
drawings. These drawing numbers are generated using the Plant and
Equipment numbering system identified in section 3.
Step 5 Develop remaining drawings using the Plant and Equipment numbering
system identified in section 3. See examples in this section.
Note - Pipes, conduits, hoses, cables and trays are not considered equipment and are not
allocated a Tag number. These items shall be recorded on individual schedules. Walkways
ladders, stairs and the like form part of the parent equipment (e.g. tanks) and similarly are
not allocated Tag numbers.

10.1 Example 1 – Determining Secondary Clarifier 1 Tag Numbers and Drawing

10.1.1 Secondary Clarifier 1 is defined as a process unit and is allocated the tag number CLR-
10.1.2 Secondary Clarifier 1 rotating bridge is defined as a single mechanical bridge dedicated to
the process unit’s primary function and is allocated the tag number BRI-3610.
10.1.3 Secondary Clarifier 1 rotating bridge motor is defined as a single motor dedicated to the
major equipment’s primary function and is allocated the tag number MTR-3610.
10.1.4 Secondary Clarifier 1 rotating bridge motor is driven by a VSD and is allocated the same
tag number as the motor with a different equipment code i.e. VSD-3610.
10.1.5 Secondary Clarifier 1 has a launder spray pump which is defined as ancillary equipment for
the rotating bridge’s secondary function and is allocated the tag number PMP-3611.
10.1.6 The tag number for Secondary Clarifier 1 Launder Spray Pump motor is MTR-3611.
10.1.7 If the Launder Spray Pump motor had a Variable Speed Drive its tag number be VSD-3611.
10.1.8 If the Variable Speed Drive was contained in a Local Control Panel (LCP) on the clarifier
bridge the control panel would have the tag number LCP-3611.
10.1.9 Secondary Clarifier 1 and all related equipment would be found on P&ID LLLSTP-P-DR-
36QQ-XX[R] (where QQ represents a logical number in the series 1-99).
10.1.10 The Civil drawings for Secondary Clarifier 1 would be found on CRYSTP-C-DR-36QQ-
XX[R] where QQ would be associated QQ number for Secondary Clarifier 1 i.e. 10).
10.1.11 The Electrical drawings would be found on CRYSTP-E-DR-36QQ-XX[R].

10.2 Example 2 - Service Water pump # 1, 2 and 3 for Cooroy STP

10.2.1 Develop P&IDs and number in a logical sequence starting at the inlet to the plant.
10.2.2 Assign Tag #s - PMP-0101, PMP-0102, PMP-0103

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10.2.3 Assign Drawing #s - For a general arrangement CRYSTP-C-DR-01QQ-01[R], for a
detailed mechanical drawing CRYSTP-M-DR-01QQ-01-A
Note – These pumps could be shown on the same drawing CRYSTP-M-DR-0101-01[R] or if
they are large complex pumps they could be shown on separate drawings
CRYSTP-M-DR-0101-01[R], CRYSTP-C-DR-0102-01[R], CRYSTP-C-DR-0103-
01[R]. The QQ designates the flexibility available to the draftsman.

10.3 Example 3 - Inlet works bypass valve # 1 and 2

10.3.1 Assign Tag #s - PEN-1301, PEN-1302
10.3.2 Assign Drawing #s - For a GA CRYSTP-C-DR-13QQ-01[R]. For detailed mechanical
fabrication, CRYSTP-M-DR-13QQ-01[R]

10.4 Example 4 - Clarifier Tank # 4

10.4.1 Assign Tag # - CLR-3640
10.4.2 Assign Drawing #s - For GA CRYSTP-C-DR-3640-01[R]. For reinforcement detail

10.5 Example 5 - Effluent Flow Meter to Outfall

10.5.1 Assign Tag # - FIT-6501
10.5.2 Assign Drawing #s - For GA CRYSTP-C-DR-65QQ-01[R].

10.6 Example 6 - Control Building

10.6.1 Assign Tag #s - BLD-0901
10.6.2 Assign Drawing #s – For Civil CRYSTP-C-DR-09QQ-01[R]

10.7 Example 7 – Balance Tank Pumps Variable Speed Drives

10.7.1 Assign Tag #s – VSD-1411, VSD-1412, VSD-1413.
10.7.2 Assign Drawing #s – For Electrical Line Diagram CRYSTP-E-DR-14QQ-XX[R]

10.8 Example 8 – Main Plant MCC

10.8.1 Assign Tag #s - MCC9001
10.8.2 Assign Drawing #s – For Electrical Arrangement Drawing CRYSTP-E-DR-90QQ-01[R].

11. Exceptions When Using Online Project

Collaboration Software
11.0.1 The online project collaboration software restricts the use of this numbering system for
certain mail types.
11.0.2 The following mail types are an example of automatically generated document numbers
that are different depending on which program is used on the project and as such may not
necessarily need to comply with the document numbering system. Please check with the
nominated Project Manager for information on project specific software.

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Table 15 - Exceptions When Using Online Project Collaboration Software

Type Code Description of use

Client Advice CA Client to provide advice and/or respond to queries.

Client Instruction CI Client to provide direction or instruction as appropriate.

Consultant Advice CN Consultants to provide advice and/or respond to queries.

Design Change
DC To submit a design change request as appropriate.
Extension of Time ET To request an extension of time from the Client.
Formal communications that are NOT a request, instruction,
Letter LET
advice or notice.
Memorandum MEM Informal communication between project participants.
Principal Contractor Principal Contractor to provide advice and/or respond to
Advice queries.
Request For
RFI To raise formal queries with other participants.
Scope Change Notice SC To request a change of scope to the Client.

Site Instruction SI To issue instructions to a Subcontractor.

Subcontractor Advice SA Subcontractor to provide advice and/or respond to queries.

Variation Request VA To raise a variation with the Client.

Variation Approval VP To approve a variation from the Principal Contractor.

Variation Order VO To issue a variation order to undertake additional works.

Variation Rejection VR To reject a variation from the Principal Contractor.

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