Strategies of Amazon

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Strategies of Amazon

Business strategies applied for internet activity In early stage of the‟s journey, the business strategy of was very
simple and forward. Their one and only strategy was to sell books to
the customer through online. They invested to the customer and offer them
a huge collection of books through online. “From the beginning our
focus has been on offering our customers compelling value. We
realized that the web was and still is the World Wide Web. Therefore
we set out to offer customer something they simply could not get any
other way and began serving them with the book.” attracted
customers by offering 1-click shopping, low price and increasing
customer‟s value. Creating easy to use and easy to learn customer
interfaces was a key aspect of Amazon‟s strategy.
1. Smart Innovation Strategy: The main reason of the successful journey
of so far is the innovation strategy of the company. started the business by offering DVDs and CDs alongside
books. In the following year they brought auction theme to the customer.
Their strategy was to provide customer better experience of auction by
protection from the fraud to the bidder though this strategy did not bring
success to the company. Amazon followed B2C (Business to Customer)
model. But it again changed its strategy and transformed from direct
sales business model to sales and service model. Through this model
amazon‟s target group was customers and other business group. offered small business group to use amazon web service and
platform to offer their product to the customers. Amazon took commission
on each sell of other retailer‟s product. Through this service amazon
created ecosystem in the market. Through „Amazon Associates
Program‟ amazon created and developed partnership with customers
and businessman. The primary goal of the program was to acquire new
customers to boost the sales on Amazon instead gave them
its affiliates a revenue share. This allowed amazon to extend it market
place into a broad section from a single product. There was a change in
model in Amazon business strategy. It was a cyber- book store and with
the affiliates and association of the other retailer and being a platform to
the others it became a cyber-market.

2. Customer Relation Management Strategy: When a customer first

enter into he/she is provided „ Featured Product‟ by the
website, But when the customer visit for the second time the recommender
system automatically provide products by studying customer interests and
personality. Customer acquisition and retention has been the most
priority to‟s strategy. Through web site Amazon maintain
sophisticated communication that automates the process of creating value
for the customer.

Jeff Bezos 3 big idea –

1. Limitless inventory

2. Customer Care

3. High margin, lowest price.

3. Limitless Inventory: When amazon started offered books to the

customers. But over the period it increased its products from books to
music, movie, cloud storage, gaming and many more. Porter mentioned
three district sources-

1.Serving few needs of many customer 2.Serving broad needs of few


3. Serving broad needs of many customers.

(Porter, 1996) Initially amazon was followed first source of serving with
few products. But it changed its strategy over time and now it fits into
third sources.

4. Customer Care: “If you do build a great experience, customer tells

each other about that. Word to mouth is very powerful” - Jeffry p. Bezos
One of the success factors of is word of mouth. Because
of excellent customer service customers trusted Amazon. They used to talk
about to other. This spread rapidly by creating increasing
traffic on the web site.
5. High Margin, Lowest Price: provides products
significantly cheaper than its competitors. One of the main visions of is based on the long term plan. (1997 Stockholder report)
This makes easier for amazon to take risk of low profit in order to succeed
in future. An estimate shows how it is possible for amazon to become
profitable with lowest price. A product on average gets sold in 33 days
through On the other side it competitors like best buy took 70
day to sell the product. Amazon keeps the best-selling product to its own
stock and longer tail items to third party sellers stock. This gives an
advantage to the company.

6. Marketing and Promotion Strategy: Amazon‟s marketing strategy

remains as strategy brand name, increasing customer traffic, customer
loyalty. To gain so undergone various promotional
method. Public relation activities, online and traditional advertising
including radio, television and print media are the prominent.

7. Associate Program: To boost the customer traffic and rate of sale started a associate program with customers and small
businessman. Approximately 200,000 websites have enrolled in the
associate program. (Annual report 1998

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