FDM Best Practice - Stratasys F123 Platform
FDM Best Practice - Stratasys F123 Platform
FDM Best Practice - Stratasys F123 Platform
Feb 15, 2017
• Build Substrates
• Automatic Calibration
• Manual Calibration
• Material Handling
• Purge Part
• General Build Considerations
• PLA Tips & Tricks
Support Road
Model Road
F123 Series General Build Considerations
Build Considerations
• Reused build trays can be difficult to lock into place (use two
• When switching between materials, clean the oven chamber
• The range for acceptable road widths is reduced due to the
use of a T14 equivalent
Known Issues
• PC-ABS built solid may require curl management techniques
• The filament present switch of the material drive controller can
become stuck
• Run a piece of filament in and out to clear it
Part Design:
Discourage thin-wall parts (ones that only get a single contour of toolpath generated).
Open seams, designing parts thick enough to get a double contour to hide the start will turn out better.
Processing Guidelines:
If a part fails mid-way through a print because it popped off the substrate or support, try re-orienting the part in
Insight or GrabCAD Print to maximize the surface area of support on substrate.
Most Maker-parts are designed to be printed without support, don’t be afraid to try the “Base Only” support
Linked contours are good as they hide the start of a toolpath, which has the highest chance of being under-
Try to avoid having support generated for small features. PLA can generally bridge 1 inch fairly well and many
small overhangs tend to be successful without support.
Minimizing support is not always the best option for a successful build. Support removal is actually fairly easy
on large, flat areas and tends to help increase the surface area of part to substrate, increasing adhesion to
PLA Tips and Tricks for Packing & System Prep
Packing Guidelines:
• Pack many parts into a single build, this increases the time between the layers, likely making support
removal easier
• If a part with lots of small features is failing to build in a pack with other more blocky parts, try printing this
part by itself, or as a pack of multiples.
System Preparation:
• Use new build substrates when a successful build is critical
• Substrates can be reused, especially when there is a lot of surface area between the base and substrate
but part adhesion decreases as substrates become used
Tools Necessary:
• Pliers
• Knife or scrapper
Support Removal:
• Use the knife/scrapper to get between larger areas of part and support for cleaner and easier support
• When removing support, if you are having trouble try a different side as different areas of the same
support/part interface have higher adhesion than others (likely around seams)
Example: removing support from a square block, the base does not remove easily, rotate the block 90
degrees and try to remove it from that side – When printing a cylinder, try turning in 20 degree
increments until you hit an area where the base removes easily
• Don’t try support removal on parts that are freshly (<60 sec) printed as the model could still be warm and is
more likely to deform
• Same is true for parts that triggered Minimum Layer timer or are Solid, give them more time to cool or risk
deforming the parts when you handle them.