Plate3 4 2020
Plate3 4 2020
Plate3 4 2020
Engineering Surveys
1. The angle of intersection of a circular curve is 36°30'. Prepare the lay-out data for the curve using
deflection angles if the external distance is 12.02 m. and the P.I. is at station 75 + 040.00. The curve
should start and end with sub-arcs and the distance between stations is 20.00 m.
2. A circular curve has an angle of intersection equal to 30o and radius equal to 30meters. Stationing of PC
is at 0+000. Lay out the curve using deflection angles at every 5-meter stationing. Use arc basis.
3. Another circular curve is connected to the curve above. It has an angle of intersection equal to 60o50’ and
radius equal to 50meters. Stationing of PC is at 0+015.71. Lay out the curve using deflection angles at
every 5-meter stationing. Use arc basis.
4. A 4° circular curve joins tangents making an angle of 38°. It is necessary to bring the middle point on
the 3 m. nearer the vertex. What changes are required in the radius in the point on the curve?
Engineering Surveys
5. The lengths of chords from PC to PCC and that of the PCC to PT of a compound curve are equal to
78.6 m and 48.2 m respectively. The common tangent of the compound curve makes an angle of 14°
and 20°, respectively with the tangents of the compound curve. Compute the length of the long chord
connecting PC to PT if it is parallel to the common tangent and the stationing of the PI of the compound
curve is at 100+100.
6. The engineer locating a railroad curve runs a 6º curve to the P.C.C., 300 m long from the P.C. of the
compound curve, then from the P.C.C., a 1º40’ curve was run to the P.T. 600m long. Use arc basis.
a) It is required to determine the length of the long chord connecting the P.C. and P.T.
b) Find the angle that the long chord makes with the first tangent.
c) Find the angle that the long chord makes with the 2ndtangent.
7. The common tangent AB of compound curve is 76.42 m with an azimuth of 268°31’ the vertex V being
inaccessible. The azimuth of the tangents AV and VB was measured to 247°50’ and 282°50’,
respectively. Degree of the curve was 4° based on the 20 m chord.
a) Determine the stationing of P.C.
b) Determine the stationing of P.C.C.
c) Determine the stationing of P.T.
8. A compound curve is laid out 480 m from the P.C. to P.C.C. having a radius of 763.94m then from the
P.C.C. another curve was laid out to the P.T. 250 m long with a radius of 208.85m. If the stationing of the
point of intersection of the tangent is 10+432.25.
a) Determine the stationing of the P.C.
b) Determine the length of the long chord from the P.C. to the P.T.
c) Determine the angle that the long chord makes with the tangent at P.T.