Problem Set 2

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1. The radius of a simple curve is twice its tangent distance, if the degree of curve is 4°, what is the length of the curve?
2. The length of curve of a simple curve having a degree of 4° is equal to 210m. Compute the middle ordinate, and the
external distance.
3. The deflection angles of two intermediate points R and S on the curve measured from the tangent passing through
P.C. are 6°15’ and 12°15’. The chord distance between R and S is 20 m while the long chord is 100 m. Compute the
tangent distance.
4. A straight railroad intersects the curve highway route 180 m from the vertex along the back tangent which makes a
20° angle from the tangent. Compute the stationing of the point of intersection of the railroad and the curve if the
radius of the curve is 600 m and I = 104°. P.C. is at station 50+000.
5. The bearing of the back tangent of a simple curve is N 70° E while the forward tangent has a bearing of S 82°30’ E.
The degree of curve is 4.5°. Stationing of P.C. is at 10+345.43. It is proposed to decrease the central angle by changing
the direction of the forward tangent by an angle of 7°, in such a way that the position of the P.T. of the forward tangent
and the direction of the back tangent shall remain unchanged. Determine the new radius of the curve and stationing of
new P.C.
6. Two simple curves having angles of intersection of the tangents equal to 36° and 68°45’ respectively are joined to
formed a compound curve where the P.T. of the first curve now becomes the P.C.C. of the compound curve. If the length
of chord of the first curve is 472.14 m, and the length of chord of the second curve is 235.21 m, find the length of the
long chord from P.C. to the new compound curve.
7. The tangents of a compound curve intersect at an angle of 104°. The first curve has a radius of 420 m, and a central
angle of 38°. If the common tangent is 200 m long, what is the radius of the second curve?
8. The long chord of a compound curve is parallel with the 200m common tangent. The tangent distance from P.C. to
the P.I. is 376 m and the tangent distance from P.C. to the intersection of the common tangent and the tangent thru P.C.
is 120 m long. Compute the long chord from P.C. to P.T.
9. A village in Cagayan de Oro City is to be protected by a floodwall to save millions of pesos devastated by yearly
typhoons. A survey team found out that the wall should start at station 10 + 304 forming two consecutive simple curves
ending at station 10 + 544. At point A on the opposite bank of the river, the azimuth of lines tangent to the P.C. and P.T.
were taken to be 60° and 295° respectively. The degree of the first curve is 4° and that of the second curve is 5°.
Compute the stationing of the P.C.C.
10. A reverse curve connects three tangent lines with azimuths AB = 252°16’ BC = 314°10’ and CD 216°48’ the degree
of the first curve is 6° and the stationing of the P.C. is 2+410.8. What is the stationing of the P.T. if line BC is 164.71m
11. The common tangent BC of a reversed curve is 600 m long and has a bearing of S 45° E. AB is tangent of the first
curve whose bearing is N 70° E while C is a tangent of the second curve whose bearing is N 30° E. A is the point of
curvature while D is the point of tangency. If the degree of the curvature at D is 4°, find the stationing of P.C. if P.R.C. is
at sta. 16 + 420.00.
12. The intermediate tangent of a reverse curve is 600 m long. The tangent of the reverse curve has a distance of 300 m
which are parallel to each other. Determine the central angle of the reverse curve if it has a common radius of 1000m.
13. The distance between parallel tangents of a reversed curve is 12m. and the central angle is 10°. If the radius of the
common curve is 150 m, compute the length of the long chord from the P.C. to P.T. of the reverse curve.

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