ADL Assessment 1 PDF
ADL Assessment 1 PDF
ADL Assessment 1 PDF
Scoring criteria: 2 – The individual performs the task independently, without assistance.
1 – The individual actively performs the task with some assistance.
0 – The individual perform the task; requires complete assistance.
Directions: Rate steps of each task using the above criteria. Following each task, recommend
possible step for training. Under comments, note any information regarding the
individual’s responsiveness to the task, factors interfering with training and other
1. Eating
____ Swallows ground food.
____ Chews food before swallowing.
____ Bites.
____ Finger feeds snack items. CCo
____ Picks up spoon.
____ Scoops food to mouth.
____ Removes food from spoon with lips.
____ Places spoon on table.
____ Feeds self with spoon with minimal spillage.
____ Drinks from glass when glass is held.
____ Holds onto glass when drinking.
____ Drinks without gulping.
____ Drinks with minimal spillage.
____ Takes appropriate size bites.
____ Feeds self with minimal spillage.
____ Eats at appropriate pace.
____ Eats without choking.
____ Eats with fork.
____ Wipes mouth with napkin.
____ Cuts meat with knife.
2. Undressing
3. Dressing
4. Toileting
5. Hand Washing
6. Bathing
____ Undresses.
____ Turns on water.
____ Adjusts water temperature.
____ Wets washcloth.
____ Soaps washcloth.
____ Washes self.
____ Rinses self.
____ Wets hair.
____ Obtains shampoo from container.
____ Puts shampoo on hair.
____ Rubs shampoo into hair.
____ Rinses hair.
____ Turns water off.
____ Obtains towel.
____ Dries self.
____ Takes dirty clothes and towels to laundry
7. Toothbrushing
8. Shaving
9. Hair combing/brushing
10. Make-up
13. Serving
15. Laundry
16. Vacuuming
17. Dusting
19 Money Skills
20. Shopping
21. Community/Leisure
24. Safety/Medical
25. Communication
26. Time/Reading/Writing
29. Work/School
___ Can sign up for classes at school.
___ Completes assigned school or work tasks..
___ Listens and takes directions well.
___ Handles criticism.
___ Gets along with co-workers/students.
___ Avoids making rude comments.
___ Dresses appropriately for work/school.