DS Deepfakes Cheap FakesFinal-1 PDF

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The document discusses deepfakes and cheap fakes as two ends of a spectrum of audiovisual manipulation techniques. It analyzes how decisions around what counts as evidence have historically defended privilege and power. Technical and social solutions as well as addressing structural inequality are proposed to curb the harms of audiovisual manipulation.

Deepfakes use artificial intelligence to manipulate human faces and bodies in videos in a highly computationally intensive way. Cheap fakes rely on more accessible techniques like editing, recontextualizing, or restaging existing footage. Both can blur the line between expression and evidence and influence politics.

The document argues that decisions around what counts as valid evidence have historically been used as a tool to defend existing power structures and privilege. Certain groups have been able to influence what is considered 'true' based on their social and political power.



Britt Paris
Joan Donovan

02 Executive Summary
05 Introduction
10 Cheap Fakes/Deepfakes: A Spectrum
17 The Politics of Evidence
23 Cheap Fakes on Social Media
25 Photoshopping
27 Lookalikes
28 Recontextualizing
30 Speeding and Slowing
33 Deepfakes Present and Future
35 Virtual Performances
35 Face Swapping
38 Lip-synching and Voice Synthesis
40 Conclusion
47 Acknowledgments

Author: Britt Paris, assistant professor of Library and Information Science,

Rutgers University; PhD, 2018,Information Studies, University of California,
Los Angeles.

Author: Joan Donovan, director of the Technology and Social Change Research
Project, Harvard Kennedy School; PhD, 2015, Sociology and Science Studies,
University of California San Diego.

This report is published under Data & Society’s Media Manipulation research
initiative; for more information on the initiative, including focus areas,
researchers, and funders, please visit https://datasociety.net/research/


Do deepfakes signal an information apocalypse? Are they

the end of evidence as we know it? The answers to these
questions require us to understand what is truly new
about contemporary AV manipulation and what is
simply an old struggle for power in a new guise.

The first widely-known examples of amateur,AI-manipulated,

face swap videos appeared in November 2017. Since then,
the news media, and therefore the general public, have
begun to use the term “deepfakes” to refer to this larger
genre of videos—videos that use some form of deep or
machine learning to hybridize or generate human bodies
and faces. News coverage claims that deepfakes are poised
to assault commonly-held standards of evidence, that they
are the harbingers of a coming “information apocalypse.”
But what coverage of this deepfake phenomenon often
misses is that the “truth” of audiovisual content has
never been stable—truth is socially, politically, and
culturally determined.

Deepfakes which rely on experimental machine

learning represent one end of a spectrum of audio-
visual AV manipulation. The deepfake process is both
the most computationally-reliant and also the least publicly
accessible means of creating deceptive media. Other forms
of AV manipulation – “cheap fakes” – rely on cheap,
accessible software, or no software at all. Both deepfakes

and cheap fakes are capable of blurring the line between

expression and evidence. Both can be used to influence
the politics of evidence: how evidence changes and
is changed by its existence in cultural, social, and
political structures.

Locating deepfakes and cheap fakes in the longer

history of the politics of evidence allows us to see:

• decisions over what counts as “evidence” have

historically been a crucial tool in defending
the privilege of the already powerful;

• the violence of AV manipulation can only be

addressed by a combination of technical and
social solutions;

• public agency over these technologies cannot be

realized without addressing structural inequality;

• the violence of AV manipulation will not be

curtailed unless those groups most vulnerable
to that violence are able to influence public
media systems.

“AV manipulation includes

both the cutting edge,
AI-reliant techniques of deep-
fakes, as well as “cheap fakes”
that use conventional
techniques like speeding,
slowing, cutting, re-staging, or
re-contextualizing footage.”

In June 2019, artists Bill Posters and Daniel Howe posted a
fake video of Mark Zuckerberg to Instagram. Using a pro-

prietary video dialogue replacement model (VDR) made by

Canny, an Israeli advertising company, Posters and Howe
produced a video of Zuckerberg talking about amassing
power and control through a nefarious organization called
Spectre. The video was created using a suite of machine
learning and artificial intelligence techniques that enable
the sophisticated manipulation of visual data, specifically
the movement of bodies. While some are fascinated by the
expressive possibilities of these technologies, others see
dire consequences in the ability to put words and actions
in the mouths and bodies of others. If video can no longer
be trusted as proof that someone has done something, what
happens to evidence, to truth?

The first widely known examples of amateur,AI-manipulated,

face-swap videos appeared in November 2017, when a Reddit
user with the username “deepfakes” uploaded a series of
videos with the faces of famous female actors, including Gal
Gadot and Scarlett Johansson, grafted onto other actors’
bodies in pornography. Since then, the news media, and
therefore the general public, have begun to use the term
“deepfakes” to refer to this genre of videos that use some
form of “deep” or machine learning to hybridize or generate
human bodies and faces.

Deepfakes, however, are just one component of a larger field

of audiovisual (AV) manipulation. AV manipulation includes
any sociotechnical means for influencing the interpretation

1 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByaVigGFP2U/

of media. AV manipulation includes both the cutting edge,

AI-reliant techniques of deepfakes, as well as “cheap fakes”
that use conventional techniques like speeding, slowing,
cutting, re-staging, or re-contextualizing footage.

How will deepfakes complicate the larger field of AV manip-

ulation? Many of the journalists who cover deepfakes have
declared them the harbingers of a coming “information
apocalypse.” Journalists, politicians, and others allege deep-

fakes’ ability to destroy democracy: to tamper with elections,

compromise national security, or foment widespread
violence. News coverage claims that deepfakes are poised

to destroy video’s claim to truth by permanently blurring

the line between evidentiary and expressive video. But what
coverage of this deepfake phenomenon often misses is that
the “truth” of AV content has never been stable—truth is
socially, politically, and culturally determined. And people
are able to manipulate truth with deepfakes and cheap
fakes alike.

2 Charlie Warzel, “He Predicted the 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He’s Worried About An
Information Apocalypse.,” BuzzFeed News (blog), February 11, 2018, https://www.buzz-
feednews.com/article/charliewarzel/the-terrifying-future-of-fake-news; Franklin Foer,
“The Era of Fake Video Begins,” The Atlantic, April 8, 2018, https://www.theatlantic.
com/magazine/archive/2018/05/realitys-end/556877/; Samantha Cole, “AI-Assisted
Fake Porn Is Here and We’re All Fucked,” Motherboard (blog), December 11, 2017,
https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/gydydm/gal-gadot-fake-ai-porn; Joshua
Rothman, “In the Age of A.I., Is Seeing Still Believing?,” The New Yorker, November 5,
2018, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/11/12/in-the-age-of-ai-is-seeing-
still-believing; Jennifer Finney Boylan, “Will Deep-Fake Technology Destroy Democ-
racy?,” The New York Times, October 19, 2018, sec. Opinion, https://www.nytimes.
3 Warzel, “He Predicted the 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He’s Worried About An Informa-
tion Apocalypse”; James Vincent, “US Lawmakers Say AI Deepfakes ‘Have the Potential
to Disrupt Every Facet of Our Society,’” The Verge, September 14, 2018, https://www.
ers-letter-intelligence-community; Daniel Funke, “A Potential New Marketing Strategy
for Political Campaigns: Deepfake Videos,” Poynter, June 6, 2018, https://www.poynter.
Boylan, “Will Deep-Fake Technology Destroy Democracy?”

We contextualize the phenomenon of deepfakes with the

history of the politics of AV evidence to show that the ability
to interpret the truth of evidence has been the work of insti-
tutions—journalism, the courts, the academy, museums, and
other cultural organizations. Every time a new AV medium

has been decentralized, people have spread content at new

speeds and scales; traditional controls over evidence have
been upset until trusted knowledge institutions weighed in
with a mode of dictating truth. In many cases, panic around
a new medium has generated an opening for experts to gain
juridical, economic, or discursive power.

However, there are two related phenomena that are truly new
today. First, deepfakes are being applied to the digitization
of bodies, including one’s voice and likeness in increasingly
routine ways. These are techniques that require training data
of only a few hundred images. With thousands of images of
many of us online, in the cloud, and on our devices, anyone
with a public social media profile is fair game to be faked.
And we are already seeing that the unbounded use of tools

4 Jean Baudrillard et al., In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities, trans. Paul Foss et
al. 1979. (Los Angeles: Cambridge, Mass: Semiotext, 2007); Jean Baudrillard,
Simulacra and Simulation. 1980, trans. Sheila Faria Glaser, 14th Printing edition (Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994); John Fiske and Kevin Glynn, “Trials of
the Postmodern,” Cultural Studies 9, no. 3 (October 1, 1995): 505–21, https://doi.
org/10.1080/09502389500490541; Ian Hacking, “Prussian Numbers 1860-1882,”
in The Probabilistic Revolution, Volume 1 (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987), 377–94;
Herbert Schiller, Information Inequality, 1 edition (New York, NY: Routledge, 1995); Jean
Baudrillard, The Gulf War Did Not Take Place. 1993. (Indiana University Press, 1995); Tal
Golan, Laws of Men and Laws of Nature: The History of Scientific Expert Testimony in
England and America (Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press, 2007); Sarah
E. Igo, The Averaged American: Surveys, Citizens, and the Making of a Mass Public
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008); Randall C. Jimerson, Archives Power:
Memory, Accountability, and Social Justice (Society of American Archivists, 2009);
Saloni Mathur, “Social Thought & Commentary: Museums Globalization,” Anthropologi-
cal Quarterly 78, no. 3 (2005): 697–708.trans. Sheila Faria Glaser, 14th Printing edition
(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994

for AV manipulation is most likely to have a negative impact

on women, people of color, and those questioning powerful
systems. 5

Second, AV manipulations of any type, deepfakes or

cheap, can be transmitted at the speed and scale of today’s
online platforms. This increase in distribution provides
a real challenge to traditional counters to manipulation
and makes efforts like moderation or fact-checking
harder to accomplish. Further, in some applications,
like WhatsApp, encrypted messages are circulated along
private connections, achieving a type of hidden virality in

which these fake videos can spread to a wide network of

viewers while avoiding content moderation or mainstream
media coverage.

Currently, technologists. policymakers, and journalists are

responding to deepfakes with calls for what scholars call
technical and legal closures —that is, regulations, design

features, and cultural norms that will determine the role

of this technology. Venture capitalists, technologists, and

5 Jessie Daniels, Cyber Racism: White Supremacy Online and the New Attack on Civil
Rights (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009); Safiya Umoja Noble, Algo-
rithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, 1 edition (New York: NYU
Press, 2018); Mary Anne Franks, “Unwilling Avatars: Idealism and Discrimination in Cy-
berspace,” Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 20, no. (2011) (May 9, 2019), https://
Franks, “The Desert of the Unreal: Inequality in Virtual and Augmented Reality,” U.C.D.
L. Rev., January 1, 2017, 499; Danielle Citron, “Addressing Cyber Harassment: An
Overview of Hate Crimes in Cyberspace,” Journal of Law, Technology, & the Internet 6,
no. 1 (January 1, 2015): 1.
6 Recently Facebook’s Zuckerberg made a statement that Facebook’s suite of plat-
forms, of which WhatsApp is one, should follow WhatsApp’s mode of encryption and
private messaging.
7 Trevor J. Pinch and Wiebe E. Bijker, “The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts:
Or How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology Might Benefit Each
Other,” Social Studies of Science 14, no. 3 (1984): 399–441.

entrepreneurs in particular have called for new forms of

technical redress, from the automated identification of fakes
to the mandatory registration of content creators. But such 8

strategies do not address the thornier, and more important,

issues of social, cultural, and historical context. There is a
risk that these technical and legal closures will be directed
by those who already hold economic and political power in
ways that, following the political history of evidence, further
consolidate truth for the status quo.

8 Antonio García Martínez, “The Blockchain Solution to Our Deepfake Problems,” Wired,
March 26, 2018, https://www.wired.com/story/the-blockchain-solution-to-our-deep-
fake-problems/; Siwei Lyu, “The Best Defense against Deepfake AI Might Be... Blinking,”
Fast Company, August 31, 2018, https://www.fastcompany.com/90230076/the-best-
defense-against-deepfakes-ai-might-be-blinking; Tristan Greene, “Researchers Devel-
oped an AI to Detect DeepFakes,” The Next Web, June 15, 2018, https://thenextweb.
fakes/; Facebook, “Expanding Fact-Checking to Photos and Videos,” Facebook
Newsroom, September 13, 2018, https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2018/09/expand-
ing-fact-checking/; TruePic, “Photos and Videos You Can Trust,” accessed December
10, 2018, https://truepic.com/about/; Sam Gregory and Eric French, “OSINT Digital
Forensics,” WITNESS Media Lab (blog), accessed June 20, 2019, https://lab.witness.
org/projects/osint-digital-forensics/; Matt Turek, “Media Forensics,” Defense Advanced
Research Projects MediFor, 2018, https://www.darpa.mil/program/media-forensics.

THE This spectrum charts specific examples of audiovisual (AV) manipulation that The deepfake process is both the most computationally reliant and also the least
illustrate how deepfakes and cheap fakes differ in technical sophistication, publicly accessible means of manipulating media. Other forms of AV
DEEPFAKES/ barriers to entry, and techniques. From left to right, the technical sophistication manipulation rely on different software, some of which is cheap to run, free to
CHEAP FAKES of the production of fakes decreases, and the wider public’s ability to produce download, and easy to use. Still other techniques rely on far simpler methods, like
SPECTRUM fakes increases. Deepfakes—which rely on experimental machine learning— mislabeling footage or using lookalike stand-ins.
are at one end of this spectrum.


Network (RNN); Generative Video Free Relabeling/
Effects, Free speed
Hidden Markov Adversarial Dialogue FakeApp / Sony real-time In-camera Reuse of
Adobe alteration
Models (HMM) Networks Replacement After Effects Vegas Pro filter effects extant
Premiere applications
and Long Short (GANs) (VDR) model applications video
Term Memory
Models (LTSM)

DEEPFAKES More expertise and technical resources required Less expertise and fewer technical resources required CHEAP FAKES

Virtual Virtual Voice Face Lip-synching Face Speeding Face altering/ Speeding and Lookalikes Recontextualizing
performances performances synthesis swapping (page 38) swapping: and slowing swapping slowing (page 27) (page 28)
(page 35) (page 38) (page 35) Rotoscope (page 30)

Rana Ayyub
Deepfakes: Gal Gadot (not pictured
(not pictured because because of

of image content) image content)

Suwajanajorn et al. Face2Face: Posters and Howe’s: Mark Zuckerberg Paul Joseph Watson: Acosta Video Belle Delphine: Hit or
Synthesizing Obama Miss Choreography

Mario Klingemann: AI Art Jordan Peele and BuzzFeed: Obama PSA Huw Parkinson: Uncivil War SnapChat: Amsterdam Fashion Institute Unknown: BBC NATO newscast


The upper end of the spectrum (page 10) contains
experimental methods of computationally intensive image
production, exclusive to a small set of graphics researchers
and professional media producers.The deepfake process was
initially developed by those working in the graphics processing
industry. NVIDIA, the market leader in the production of

graphics processing units (GPUs), has been at the forefront


of “deep learning”—a type of machine learning that uses

layers of algorithms called “neural networks” to sort through
visual data to make predictions. In recent years, these treat-

ments have included weather prediction, cancer detection,

9 The graphical processing unit (GPUs) are found in chips in a computer’s motherboard,
with the CPU, or as a plug-in unit. It renders images, animations and video for the
computer's screen. A GPU can perform parallel processing and pixel decoding much
faster than a CPU. The primary benefit is that it decodes pixels to render smooth 3D
animations and video.
10 Jensen Huang, “Accelerating AI with GPUs: A New Computing Model,” The Official
NVIDIA Blog, January 12, 2016, https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2016/01/12/acceler-
ating-ai-artificial-intelligence-gpus/; Moor Insights and Strategy, “A Machine Learning
Landscape: Where AMD, Intel, NVIDIA, Qualcomm And Xilinx AI Engines Live,” Forbes,
accessed June 30, 2018, https://www.forbes.com/sites/moorinsights/2017/03/03/a-
live/; “Intel, Nvidia Trade Shots Over AI, Deep Learning,” eWEEK, accessed June 30,
2018, https://www.eweek.com/servers/intel-nvidia-trade-shots-over-ai-deep-learning.
11 Machine learning is a set of complicated algorithms used to train machines to perform
a task with data, such as sorting a list of names in alphabetical order. The first few
times, the lists would be mostly correct, but with a few ordering errors. A human would
correct these errors and feed that data back into the system. As it sorts through
different hypothetical lists of names, the machine does it faster with fewer errors. Ma-
chine learning requires a human for error correction. Deep learning, on the other hand,
is a subset of machine learning that layers these algorithms, called a neural network,
to correct one another. It still uses complicated algorithms to train machines to sort
through lists of names, but instead of a human correcting errors, the neural network
does it.

and responsive navigation systems for self-driving vehicles. 12

Computer scientists are also experimenting with ever more

sophisticated strains of deep learning neural networks
such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) or generative
adversarial networks (GANs), to turn audio or audiovisual 13

clips into realistic, but completely fake, lip-synced videos.

14 15

With these techniques, media producers are able to create

entirely virtual performances by recognizable figures, as in
the cases of synthesizing various performances of Obama
in prototypes produced by the University of Washington, 16

Stanford, and at the State University of New York at


Albany. It is these spectacular, high-profile experiments


12 Economist Special Report, ”From Not Working to Neural Networking,” The Economist,
June 25, 2016, https://www.economist.com/special-report/2016/06/25/from-not-
working-to-neural-networking.; Jon Markman, “Deep Learning, Cloud Power Nvidia,”
Forbes, November 22, 2016, https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonmarkman/2016/11/22/
deep-learning-cloud-power-nvidia-future-growth/; Mario Casu et al., “UWB Mi-
crowave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection: Many-Core, GPU, or FPGA?,” ACM
Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst. 13, no. 3s (March 2014): 109:1–109:22, https://doi.
13 Supasorn Suwajanakorn, Steven Seitz, and Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, “Synthesizing
Obama: Learning Lip Sync from Audio,” in ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 36. 4, Ar-
ticle 95 (SIGGRAPH 2017, New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery, 2017),
14 Aayush Bansal et al., “Recycle-GAN: Unsupervised Video Retargeting,” ArXiv:
1808.05174 [Cs], August 15, 2018, http://arxiv.org/abs/1808.05174.
15 In 2011, NVIDIA began partnering with deep learning computer scientists at leading
research universities to develop image and pattern recognition technology. https://
16 Suwajanakorn, et al., “Synthesizing Obama: Learning Lip Sync from Audio.”
17 Justus Thies, Michael Zollhfer, Marc Stamminger, Christian Theobalt, and Matthias
Neissner, “Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos,” ac-
cessed June 27, 2019, https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2019/1/233531-face2face/
18 Gregory Barber, “Deepfakes Are Getting Better, But They’re Still Easy to Spot,” Wired,
May 26, 2019, https://www.wired.com/story/deepfakes-getting-better-theyre-easy-

that have driven much of the press coverage of deepfakes. 19

Computer scientists are not the only ones with access to

deepfake techniques. Consumer-grade animation software
like Adobe After Effects enables anyone with average
computing power and a little time to create similar
audiovisual fakes through machine learning. Individual pro-
grammers have also created open source projects for deepfake
creation—projects like FakeApp, FaceSwap, and Deep-
20 21

Face Lab. Most of these are hosted in public repositories


like GitHub and can produce output ranging from face-

mapped performance videos to artificial lip-synchs.

Even without deep and machine learning, some video pro-

ducers use a technique called digital rotoscoping to produce
similar effects to deepfake face projection. This technique
requires creators to manually outline target areas in every
frame of a video and is therefore both difficult and time
consuming. For instance, Australian artist Huw Parkinson
used this technique to create an Avengers-themed political
parody,manually mapping politicians’faces onto superheroes’
bodies. Many other video producers manipulate media
with simple methods of slowing, speeding, or cutting. In

19 Artists have also used deep learning methods to produce abstract images that sell for
great amounts of money and exhibit in the most renowned galleries across the world,
for example, new media artist Mario Klingeman’s work shown in the typology above
has shown at MoMA Le Centre Pompidou. Rama Allen, “AI Will Be the Art Movement
of the 21st Century,” Quartz, March 5, 2018, https://qz.com/1023493/ai-will-be-
the-art-movement-of-the-21st-century/; “Artificial Intelligence and the Art of Mario
Klingemann,” Sothebys.com, February 8, 2019, https://www.sothebys.com/en/articles/
20 “FakeApp 2.2.0 - Download for PC Free,” Malavida, accessed June 1, 2018, https://
21 deepfakes, Deepfakes/Faceswap, Python, 2019, https://github.com/deepfakes/
22 iperov, DeepFaceLab Is a Tool That Utilizes Machine Learning to Replace Faces in Vid-
eos. Includes Prebuilt Ready to Work Standalone Windows 7,8,10 Binary (Look Readme.
Md), Iperov/DeepFaceLab, Python, 2019, https://github.com/iperov/DeepFaceLab.

“By using lookalike stand-ins, or

relabeling footage of one event
as another, media creators can
easily manipulate an audience’s

2018 and 2019, respectively, videos of CNN reporter Jim

Acosta and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy
Pelosi were the subject of widespread media coverage; both
of these had been altered by speeding or slowing using
consumer editing software.

Countless free mobile apps now offer limited versions of

the above techniques: speeding and slowing, but also forms
of facial tracking and manipulation. Apps like SnapChat
and TikTok offer dramatically lowered computational and
expertise requirements that allow users to generate various
manipulations in real time. SnapChat offers elements that
mimic rotoscoping simply by clicking on filters. TikTok has
a time filter that allows people to speed and slow video both
as they capture it and afterward.

Finally, the most accessible forms of AV manipulation are

not technical but contextual. By using lookalike stand-ins,
or relabeling footage of one event as another, media creators
can easily manipulate an audience’s interpretations. One
such example is a video emailed to Indian journalist Rana
Ayyub as a form of blackmail. According to Ayyub, the
manipulators had staged a pornographic video with a body
double in an attempt to silence her critiques of the Indian

government. Similarly accessible techniques were used in


another Indian disinformation effort in 2018. Manipulators

circulated a video via WhatsApp that showed footage of a
nerve gas attack in Syria from 2013. By misidentifying the
time and events of the video, manipulators used it to support
false claims of child kidnapping and motivated violence in
rural India. These types of staging and re-contextualizing

are possible for nearly anyone to reproduce, and technical

forensic differences are even harder to detect, because there
are no pixels out of order. 25

Regardless of where a particular example rests on the

spectrum of techniques, it is critical to attend to the ways in
which these examples work as both expression and evidence.
Both technically sophisticated and exceedingly simple tech-
niques can be used in works of art or fiction. But problems
arise when these techniques are used to create works that
are interpreted as evidence. When that happens, despite the
techniques or intentions behind production, manipulated
media becomes a tool for changing or maintaining the
distribution of power.

23 Rana Ayyub, “I Was the Victim of a Deepfake Porn Plot Intended to Silence Me,”
HuffPost UK, November 21, 2018, https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/deep-
fake-porn_uk_5bf2c126e4b0f32bd58ba316; Rana Ayyub, “In India, Journalists Face
Slut-Shaming and Rape Threats,” The New York Times, May 22, 2018, https://www.
24 Timothy McLaughlin, “How WhatsApp Fuels Fake News and Violence in India,” Wired,
December 12, 2018, https://www.wired.com/story/how-whatsapp-fuels-fake-news-
25 Gregory and French, “OSINT Digital Forensics.”


In the past year, much news coverage has claimed that
AI-generated video signals an incoming “information
apocalypse.” For instance, the MIT Technology Review

declared that “AI could set us back 100 years when it comes
to how we consume news.” The Atlantic characterized the

advent of AI-video production capacity as the “collapse

of reality.” And The New Yorker questioned “In the age

of A.I., is seeing still believing?” Across these panicked


summations of AV manipulation there is an underlying

assumption: that video and photography, before our current
moment, worked as objective, accurate evidence.

However, reviewing the history of visual evidence, it becomes

clear that the relationship between media and truth has never
been stable. There has always been a politics of evidence
around audiovisual media—how evidence changes and is
changed by its existence in cultural, social, and political

The treatment of visual media as an objective documentation

of truth is a 19th century legal construct. Science studies
scholar Tal Golan has documented how photographic

26 Warzel, “He Predicted the 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He’s Worried About an Informa-
tion Apocalypse.”
27 Jackie Snow, “AI Could Send Us Back 100 Years When It Comes to How We Consume
News,” MIT Technology Review, November 7, 2017, https://www.technologyreview.
28 Foer, “The Era of Fake Video Begins.”
29 Joshua Rothman, “In the Age of A.I., Is Seeing Still Believing?,” The New Yorker, Novem-
ber 5, 2018, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/11/12/in-the-age-of-ai-is-
30 Tal Golan, Laws of Men and Laws of Nature: The History of Scientific Expert Testimony
in England and America (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007).

evidence has been made admissible in courts on a case-

by-case basis since the 1850s. In the 19th century, witness
testimony had long been the gold standard for courts, despite
the fact that personal accounts were not always reliable. 31

Similarly, written historical records were also taken as fact

in courts and by historians, because they were seen as less

mysterious than newer technologies, such as photography. 33

“There has always been a politics of evi-

dence around audiovisual media—how
evidence changes and is changed by its
existence in cultural, social, and
political structures.”

Golan describes that, as a result of the widespread distrust

in image-capture technology, careful pains had to be taken
to provide juries and judges with transparency into the pro-
cess of image capture. For example, submitting an X-ray
into evidence in court in the 1890s required the testimony
from an expert technician to explain how a machine could
see inside a body, that certain lines were evidence of a
broken bone and not an artifact of developing the image.
Op-ed columnists reacting to the introduction of X-rays

31 John Durham Peters, “Witnessing,” Media, Culture & Society 23, no. 6 (November 1,
2001): 707–23, https://doi.org/10.1177/016344301023006002.
32 Sarah E. Igo, The Averaged American: Surveys, Citizens, and the Making of a Mass
Public (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008); Matthew S. Hull, Government
of Paper: The Materiality of Bureaucracy in Urban Pakistan, First edition (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 2012); Durba Ghosh, “Optimism and Political History: A
Perspective from India,” Perspectives on History 49, no. 5 (2011): 25–27; Donald Fran-
cis McKenzie, Oral Culture, Literacy & Print in Early New Zealand: The Treaty of Waitangi
(Victoria University Press, 1985); Harold Innis, Empire and Communications (Toronto,
Canada: Dundurn Press Limited, 1948); Marshall McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy,
1962. Centennial Edition (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing
Division, 2011); Walter J. Ong, Orality and Literacy, 1980. 30th Anniversary Edition
(London ; New York: Routledge, 2012).
33 Golan, Laws of Men and Laws of Nature.

expressed fear that all doctors might have to become skilled

X-ray technicians, to carry X-ray equipment with them on
house visits.

At left, taking an X-ray image, late 1800s, published in the medical journal “Nouvelle Iconographie
de la Salpetrière.” Center, a hand deformity; at right, the same hand seen using X-ray technology.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The use of expertise to determine what media is evidence of

still happens today. Even simple, unsophisticated manipu-
lations can have dire impact on how media is interpreted
as evidence. The mutability of video in constructing legal
evidence was clearly demonstrated in 1991, during the trial
of four Los Angeles police officers for the beating of Rodney
King. The trial hinged on a central piece of video evidence
– captured by onlooker George Holliday – that shows King
being brutally beaten by the group of officers. During the 34

defense, the officers’ lawyers played the Holliday video,

slowed to a fraction of its normal speed. As they did, they
asked the officers, “Was he complying here with your order
to stay down?...” Slowed to a crawl, the video made King’s

involuntary physical reactions to blows appear as if he were

attempting to get up.

34 Charles Goodwin, “Professional Vision,” American Anthropologist, 1994.

35 John Fiske and Kevin Glynn, “Trials of the Postmodern,” Cultural Studies 9, no. 3 (Octo-
ber 1, 1995): 505–21, https://doi.org/10.1080/09502389500490541.

The jurors decided the police officers were not guilty of

using excessive force on King and said that the slow video in
the courtroom “made all the difference.” The slowed video 36

captured the events of March 3, 1991, but its manipulation

allowed new interpretations, a new evidentiary function—
one that maintained police sovereignty to brutalize members
of the public. 37

Visual evidence is not only interpreted in formal courtroom

settings. Within journalism, visual evidence plays a key role
in the construction of public opinion and the arrangement
of political power. Journalists also serve as experts in the
politics of evidence, deciding how to frame media as
representative of truth to the public.

Media theorist Jean Baudrillard used the term “simulacra”

to describe how broadcast journalism coverage of the First
Gulf War defined how the West perceived the conflict –
turning the daily news into around-the-clock reality TV. 38

Audiences tuned in to the spectacle of night-vision missile

launches, in retaliation to less powerful but equally visually
stunning Scud missiles launched by Iraqis, which provided
evidence that a war was raging. News media turned the

Gulf War into fight between evenly matched opponents,

36 Brian Stonehill, “Real Justice Exists Only in Real Time: Video: Slow-Motion Images
Should Be Barred from Trials.,” Los Angeles Times, May 18, 1992, http://articles.
37 Meredith D. Clark, Dorothy Bland, Jo Ann Livingston, “Lessons from #McKinney: Social
Media and the Interactive Construction of Police Brutality,” (McKinney, 2017), https://
digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc991008/; Kimberlé Crenshaw, “Mapping the
Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color,”
Stanford Law Review 43, no. 6 (July 1991): 1241–99. Both these pieces are founda-
tional to the thinking of the first author in her work on how evidence is wielded by law
enforcement and by groups pushing for police accountability and frame how evidence
from official statistics to images online are used to reify structural inequality.
38 Jean Baudrillard, The Gulf War Did Not Take Place. 1993. (Indiana University Press,
39 Baudrillard, 42–45.

but did not mention or show the uneven damage and

death toll: 20,000 dead Iraqi soldiers and an estimated
75,000 civilian casualties, compared with 286 deaths of
American soldiers. According to Baudrillard, US media

mythologized the conflict through the stylized misrepresen-

tation of events, justifying a colonization effort by a country
with a strong and well-resourced military. These images 41

were real images. What was manipulative was how they were
contextualized, interpreted, and broadcast around the clock
on cable television.

Gulf War coverage on CNN in January 1991 featured infrared night time reporting of missile fire,
heightening the urgency of US operations in the Persian Gulf. (Wikimedia Commons)

Simulacra describes how those who are already privileged

in the shaping of social structures make media into
evidence. From these examples, we see that evidentiary
media’s effect on society is not only produced by the tech-
nical specifics of its ability to capture the world. Instead, the

40 Baudrillard, 71-73; Robert Fisk, The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the
Middle East, Reprint edition (New York: Vintage, 2007).“DCAS Reports - Persian Gulf
War Casualties - Desert Storm,” accessed April 9, 2019, https://dcas.dmdc.osd.mil/
41 Baudrillard, 78–83.

expert interpreter’s expression – their creation of a frame

– shapes the evidence and its effect on society. When that 42

expert interpreter works in service of the powerful, power

is consolidated, regardless of what “reality” is captured
in media.

This history shows that evidence does not speak for itself.
That is, it is not simply the representational fidelity of
media that causes it to function as evidence. Instead, media
requires social work for it to be considered as evidence. It
requires people to be designated as expert interpreters. It
requires explicit negotiations around who has the status to
interpret media as evidence. And because evidence serves
such a large role in society – it justifies incarcerations, wars,
and laws – economically, politically, and socially powerful
actors are invested in controlling those expert interpre-
tations. Put another way, new media technologies do not
inherently change how evidence works in society. What
they do is provide new opportunities for the negotiation of
expertise, and therefore power.

It is critical to understand the current panic around deep-

fakes and the drive toward technical solutions as part of this
historical trajectory. While many understand the evidence
they commonly use to inform their daily decisions as neutral,
it has never been so. Supposed evidentiary neutrality has
often worked to uphold and justify the privilege of those
who benefit from social inequality. Moving forward, it is
important for us to question whether those who claim or
construct expertise around deepfakes will do so in a way
that reinforces economic, political, and social privilege.

42 Pinch and Bijker, “The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts.”


“When that expert interpreter

works in service of the powerful,
power is consolidated, regardless
of what “reality” is captured
in media.”

Today, social media is experiencing a sped-up version of
the cycles of hype, panic, and closure that still and moving
images went through in the last 200 years. The camera
function became a competitive feature of mobile phones in
the mid-2000s. At the same time, social media platforms,

like Facebook, began amassing popularity. The combination

of mobile cameras and social media radically expanded the
possibilities of who could distribute photographic media, to
whom, and at what speeds.

Cultural scholar Henry Jenkins has responded to one aspect

of the activity around social media by identifying what he
calls “Photoshop for democracy.” He analyzes a number of
online communities that used image manipulation software
and social media to make “participatory culture [become]
participatory government.” Jenkins illustrates this with a

set of images that criticize political figures. He refers to an

image with faces of Howard Dean, John Kerry, and John

43 Nathan Jurgenson, The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media (New York:
Verso, 2019).
44 Henry Jenkins, “Photoshop for Democracy,” MIT Technology Review, June 4, 2004,

Edwards grafted onto the Three Stooges. Another depicts

the Stooges as George W. Bush, Colin Powell, and Donald
Rumsfeld. Jenkins argues these uses of Photoshop are a
meaningful measure taken by the public to hold elected
officials accountable. Indeed, Jenkins put into language an
important component of the history of evidence we have
constructed thus far: While the already-dominant shapers
of discourse centralize power through expert interpretation,
members of the public can redistribute that power when
they have the ability to spread expressive messages at larger
scales, with less expert oversight than ever before.

But while Jenkins helps us understand what happens to

the horizon of political expression with increased scale
and speed, evidentiary media carries a different valence.
Clearly, while manipulated, the “Stooges” images make no
evidentiary claim. They are, like political cartoons or protest
signs, an expression of political beliefs. Therefore, to Jenkins’
excitement for participatory democracy, we must add that
Photoshop and other image manipulation tools can have
real consequences for individuals when expression is not
clearly distinguishable from evidence.

The remainder of this section discusses techniques of

contemporary cheap fakes: photoshopping, lookalikes,
recontextualization, and speeding and slowing moving
images. Each technical tool set described was previously
only available to experts, but in the context of technological
advancement and widespread social media use, these
technical tool sets are more accessible to amateurs and their
outputs reach larger scales at higher speeds. These examples
show how the structural power of manipulators and subjects
determine how media can be read as evidence that justifies
physical, sexual, and political violence.


Photoshop and similar image manipulation software can

be used to manipulate photographic media in countless
ways, but the stakes of such manipulations are most clear
in cases of faked pornography. People have manipulated
pornographic photos and films since the very inventions of
those technologies. The distribution of faked pornographic

images has become more widespread since mid-2000s 46

as Photoshop and related digital editing tools became

more accessible, and aggregated websites dedicated to
pornography became more common. Today, pornographic
cheap fakes are often played off as expression even as they
work as evidence in image-based violence against women
and other vulnerable groups. Feminist legal scholars Claire

McGlynn, Erica Rackley, and Ruth Hoffman refer to the act

of superimposing images of an individual’s head or body part
into pornographic content, without their consent, to make
it appear as if an individual is engaged in sexual activity,
as “sexualized photoshopping.” McGlynn et al. call this

type of gendered, sexualized abuse of images “image-based

sexual abuse.” The authors suggest that if a photo is
originally shared publicly, it becomes a private image when
it has been edited to depict the person in the image in a sex-
ualized way. When the image is manipulated, the individual

45 Richard Abel, Encyclopedia of Early Cinema (Taylor & Francis, 2004); John Pultz, The
Body and the Lens: Photography 1839 to the Present, First edition (New York: Harry N
Abrams Inc., 1995).
46 Clare McGlynn, Erika Rackley, and Ruth Houghton, “Beyond ‘Revenge Porn’: The Contin-
uum of Image-Based Sexual Abuse,” Feminist Legal Studies 25, no. 1 (April 1, 2017):
25–46, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10691-017-9343-2.
47 McGlynn, Rackley, and Houghton, “Beyond ‘Revenge Porn’”; Danielle Keats Citron and
Mary Anne Franks, “Criminalizing Revenge Porn,” SSRN Scholarly Paper (Rochester,
NY: Social Science Research Network, May 19, 2014), https://papers.ssrn.com/
48 McGlynn, Rackley, and Houghton, “Beyond ‘Revenge Porn,’” 33.

pictured loses agency over their own likeness and the “por-
trayal of their sexual self.” 49

For instance, in 2016 a 17-year-old Australian woman,

Noelle Martin, found her face photoshopped onto por-
nographic images circulating on the internet, which caused
her anguish over diminished job prospects. Martin is hardly 50

alone. Countless examples of image-based violence online

link pornographic expression to existing power relations
in society. The internet at once facilitates access to por-

nographic materials made with and without consent, and

provides multiple unchecked and unregulated environs that
“normalize misogyny, hurtful sexuality, racism, and even
seeking revenge on female ex-partners.” The debate and 52

legislation over this phenomenon continues today and sets

the background for most legal discussion around deepfake


Image-based sexual violence can be used to inflict other types

of harm, such as the suppression of the press, civil society,

49 McGlynn, Rackley, and Houghton, “Beyond ‘Revenge Porn,’” 33.

50 “Noelle Martin Fights to Have Harmless Selfie Removed from ‘parasite’ Porn Sites - ABC
News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation),” accessed February 18, 2019, https://
51 McGlynn, Rackley, and Houghton, “Beyond ‘Revenge Porn’”; Citron and Franks, “Crimi-
nalizing Revenge Porn”; Feona Attwood, “No Money Shot? Commerce, Pornography and
New Sex Taste Cultures,” Sexualities 10, no. 4 (October 1, 2007): 441–56, https://doi.
52 Walter S. DeKeseredy and Martin D. Schwartz, “Thinking Sociologically About Im-
age-Based Sexual Abuse: The Contribution of Male Peer Support Theory,” Sexualiza-
tion, Media, & Society 2, no. 4 (October 20, 2016): 237462381668469, https://doi.
org/10.1177/2374623816684692.p 6.

or political opposition. Many of the most public examples of

this have been directed toward female politicians or activists,
often simply using similar-looking actors to depict them in
sexualized or pornographic footage. This strategy is a type of
in-camera editing that requires no technical skill, simply the
desire and ability to find a lookalike for the target.

In the Philippines in 2016, the legal counsel of President

Rodrigo Duterte used a faked sex video of Senator Leila
De Lima to justify her imprisonment, in seeming retribution
for her critique of his authoritarian rule. Similar tactics 53

have been used with female journalists who call out abuses
of power as in the case of Rana Ayyub, mentioned earlier,
who critiqued the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
that ran the Indian government in Gujarat responsible for
extrajudicial murders following the Gujarat riots in 2002. 54

Since her book was originally published in 2010, and as

her reporting continues to follow abuses of power, she has
experienced ongoing harassment. In 2018, she discovered
that a pornographic video of “herself” circulated through
WhatsApp had been posted onto a BJP fan page and
circulated widely in order to ruin her credibility and force
her into silence. In reality, the pornographic fake simply

featured an actor who resembled her.

53 “De Lima on Sex Video: It Is Not Me,” philstar.com, accessed March 29, 2019, https://
54 Rana Ayyub, Gujarat Files: Anatomy of a Cover Up (India: CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, 2016).
55 Ayyub, “I Was The Victim of a Deepfake Porn Plot Intended To Silence Me.”


Perhaps the easiest mode of producing a cheap fake is

simply cutting together existing footage and spreading
it under false pretenses. For example, in April 2018, a
falsified BBC report began circulating on WhatsApp,
presenting a false story of nuclear escalation between
NATO and Russia. The shared clip was four minutes

long, and featured nuclear mushroom clouds, the Queen’s

evacuation from Buckingham Palace, a Russian ship firing
missiles, and NATO aircraft being launched in retaliation.
As the clip spread, alarmed viewers began sending messages
to the BBC, which issued a statement explaining that the 57

clip was cut together from YouTube footage uploaded in

2016 by the Benchmarking Assessment Group, an Irish
marketing company. The original footage was a 30-minute
video designed as a psychometric test for reactions during a
disaster scenario. Outside of the focus group, the video was
never intended to be taken seriously. But, a still-unknown
manipulator was able to re-contextualize and disseminate it
through WhatsApp as an imminent threat.

WhatsApp’s secure encryption model gives the service an

air of authenticity—if one is only receiving information from
verified contacts, then everything should be trustworthy.
This feeling of authenticity is precisely what gets exploited
by manipulators. Once a video like BBC NATO does make

56 Martin Coulter, “BBC Issues Warning after Fake News Clips Claiming NATO and Russia
at War Spread through Africa and Asia,” London Evening Standard, accessed April 25,
2018, https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/bbc-issues-warning-after-fake-news-
“BBC Forced to Deny Outbreak of Nuclear War after Fake News Clip Goes Viral,” The
Independent, April 20, 2018, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/bbc-forced-
57 Chris Bell, “No, the BBC Is Not Reporting the End of the World,” April 19, 2018, https://

“Platforms are not equipped to

handle fake videos even when
these videos are cheap fakes—not
generated with sophisticated
artificial intelligence.”

it onto a node of one of these hidden social networks, new

recipients can feel a political, emotional, or social duty to
share information received from their family or friend
groups, regardless what judgment they may have about the
factual content of the information. 58

This and other more prominent recent examples where

WhatsApp has been implicated in spreading disinformation
illustrate that in the contemporary climate, platforms
struggle to moderate problematic content traveling at large
scales. Platforms are not equipped to handle fake videos

even when these videos are cheap fakes—not generated with

sophisticated artificial intelligence. One method platforms
have used to attempt to address this is to create encrypted
social media networks like WhatsApp that allow sharing

58 Daniel Kreiss, “The Fragmenting of the Civil Sphere: How Partisan Identity Shapes the
Moral Evaluation of Candidates and Epistemology,” American Journal of Cultural Sociol-
ogy 5, no. 3 (October 2017): 443–59, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41290-017-0039-5;
Santanu Chakrabarti, Lucile Stengel, and Sapna Solanki, “Fake News and the Ordinary
Citizen in India,” Beyond Fake News (London: British Broadcasting Corp., November 12,
2018), http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/duty-identity-credibility.pdf.
59 Jason Koebler, Derek Mead, and Joseph Cox, “Here’s How Facebook Is Trying to Moder-
ate Its Two Billion Users,” Motherboard (blog), August 23, 2018, https://motherboard.
vice.com/en_us/article/xwk9zd/how-facebook-content-moderation-works; Sarah T.
Roberts, Behind the Screen, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT: Yale University
Press, 2019), https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300235883/behind-screen.

between small groups. They claim this will promote


authentic communication between trusted parties, and

thus this technical solution would discourage the spread of
disinformation.However, this has also enabled disinformation
to enjoy the cover of hidden virality in which trusted parties
in private networks link quickly to wider networks of users
while remaining impenetrable to outside oversight.

Speeding and Slowing

Recalling how the video of Rodney King’s beating was

slowed in court to attempt to sow doubt in jurors’ minds,
we can see that the speed of a video has a large effect on
its interpretation. We were recently reminded of this in
May 2019, when a faked video appeared to depict House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi drunkenly talking about Donald
Trump caused waves of public outrage. It was amplified by

Trump and other prominent pundits. Placing the “drunk 62

Pelosi” clip side by side with the original C-SPAN footage 63

make the manipulation clear: a roughly 75% decrease in

speed, which could have easily been accomplished with any
consumer video editing program, from Adobe Premiere
to iMovie.

60 Mark Zuckerberg, “A Privacy-Focused Vision for Social Networking,” Facebook (blog),

March 6, 2019, https://www.facebook.com/notes/mark-zuckerberg/a-privacy-fo-
61 The Guardian, “Real v Fake: Debunking the ‘drunk’ Nancy Pelosi Footage,” The Guardian,
May 24, 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2019/may/24/real-v-
62 Contemptor, Team Trump Goes All In on Pushing Doctored “Drunk” Pelosi Videos,
accessed June 7, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=43&v=FGB-
63 The New York Times, “Edited Pelosi Video vs. the Original: A Side-by-Side Compari-
son,” The New York Times, May 24, 2019, https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/poli-

Not so long ago, on November 7, 2018, another widely

publicized struggle over evidentiary media came from the
social media account of the White House press secretary.
Following a heated exchange between Donald Trump and
CNN reporter Jim Acosta, the White House announced
that it would be revoking Acosta’s press credentials after
he struck an intern while reaching for a microphone. Along
with the announcement, White House press secretary Sarah
Sanders posted an altered version of the original C-SPAN
footage that showed the interaction between Acosta and
the intern. 64

Within hours social media users identified the edited

version of the Acosta video as one created by Paul Joseph

Watson, editor and writer for conspiracy site Infowars.


The video Watson produced was taken from the original

C-SPAN footage, but zoomed in on the moment of contact,
apparently spliced in with a low-frame rate GIF. To many 67

viewers and experts, the resulting interaction between Acosta

64 Sarah Sanders, "We Stand by Our Decision to Revoke This Individual’s Hard Pass.
We Will Not Tolerate the Inappropriate Behavior Clearly Documented in This
Video," Twitter, accessed November 8, 2019, https://twitter.com/PressSec/sta-
65 Mike Stuchbery, "Oh Lord, in His Fevered Attempts to Claim He Didn’t Edit the Acosta
Video, @PrisonPlanet Posted a Picture of His Vegas Timeline — That Shows He Added
Frames...," Twitter, accessed November 8, 2019, https://twitter.com/MikeStuchbery_/
status/1060535993525264384; Rafael Shimunov, "1) Took @PressSec Sarah Sand-
ers’’ Video of Briefing 2) Tinted Red and Made Transparent over CSPAN Video 3) Red
Motion Is When They Doctored Video Speed 4) Sped up to Make Jim Acosta’s Motion
Look like a Chop 5) I’ve Edited Video for 15+ Years 6) The White House Doctored
It," Twitter, accessed November 8, 2019, https://twitter.com/rafaelshimunov/sta-
66 Paul Joseph Watson, "Sarah Sanders Claims Jim Acosta ’Placed His Hands on
a Woman.’ Jim Acosta Says This Is a ‘Lie’. Here’s the Video. You Be the Judge,"
Twitter, accessed November 8, 2019, https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/sta-
67 Paris Martineau, “How an InfoWars Video Became a White House Tweet,” Wired,
November 8, 2018, https://www.wired.com/story/infowars-video-white-house-cnn-jim-

and the intern appeared more forceful in the Watson/Sand-

ers version.

All of the examples above – whether photoshopping, stand-ins,

or conventional editing – show that politically dangerous
AV manipulation in the form of cheap fakes already exists.
Society is already struggling to mitigate the harm of
“traditional” techniques: changes in speed, cutting apart or
together, circulating in new, vulnerable contexts. It is into
this landscape that so-called deepfakes emerge.

Deepfakes Present and Future

Much of the current coverage of deepfakes strikes the same

tone as Franklin Foer’s assessment of the phenomenon in
early 2018: “We’ll shortly live in a world where our eyes
routinely deceive us … we’re not so far from the collapse
of reality.” While video has always been susceptible to

manipulation, deepfakes have produced a refreshed panic.

But it is important to not let this general panic shape the
discourse around AV manipulation. Instead, we should pay
close attention to the full range of such manipulations, to
understand how these technologies are actually being inter-
preted and acted upon.

The range of these newly widespread, technically advanced

modes of AV manipulation include virtual performances,
face swapping, and lip-synching or voice synthesis. Some
instances may include all of these techniques, and others
may only use one. While at present amateurs may certainly
participate in the production of video content, the technical

68 Foer, “The Era of Fake Video Begins.”


barriers to entry are still high, as is the expertise needed to

produce the faked videos.

During our survey of audiovisual manipulation online, 69

and background interviews with producers of these videos, 70

we found evidence of a range of communities of practice 71

represented among those producing and discussing these

deepfake videos. There are professional effects artists who
use sophisticated and expensive equipment to generate
material for Hollywood movies and other big budget media
spectacles. Then there is a loose collection of hobbyist and
tech enthusiasts who organize online to reproduce these
expensive AI techniques with free and consumer-grade
technology. Finally, a subset of this non-professional group
produces and consumes problematic content—the most
prominent of which is manipulated pornography.

The lines between these communities, however, are fuzzy

at best. And online, a wide variety of media labeled as
AI-generated is not actually made with AI but is presented
alongside other videos that are in YouTube playlists or
Reddit threads. In our interviews with producers across the
range of communities of practice, we identified a driving,

69 From January 2018 to June 2019, we collected and analyzed over 70 examples of
deepfake videos and images from YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, PornHub, Arxiv,
and Mr. Deepfakes.
70 We completed eleven semi-structured interviews between September and December
71 This term is drawn from sociological and anthropological literature on knowledge pro-
duction refer to groups of individuals organize both on and off-line to experiment, learn,
and professionalize around practice-based activities. Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger,
Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation (Cambridge University Press,
1991); Line Dubé, Anne Bourhis, and Réal Jacob, “The Impact of Structuring Character-
istics on the Launching of Virtual Communities of Practice,” Journal of Organizational
Change Management, April 1, 2005, https://doi.org/10.1108/09534810510589570.

optimistic belief that technological advancement is neces-

sarily good, which minimizes the potential harm brought

by new technologies. What remains important to articulate

is where to draw a line between experimental, expressive
play and new forms of image-based abuse, whether sexual,
political, or otherwise.

Virtual Performances

Initially, the public reception of AI-generated manipulations

was shaped by a small number of prominent examples in
major Hollywood films. Before deepfakes, Hollywood effects
artists were using computer-generated imagery that faked
performances. For instance, Tom Hanks’ titular character
Forrest Gump interacting with long-dead individuals by
inserting Gump into already existing footage using digital

Recent Hollywood movies are able to create even more

ambitious virtual performances, not just combining two
sources of footage, but generating entirely new representa-
tions of face, voice, and body. Most notable among these are
recent films in the Star Wars franchise. The effects artists
at Industrial Light and Magic created a younger version
of actor Carrie Fischer for 2017’s Rogue One and a post-
humous version of her for 2018’s The Last Jedi. Indeed,
even in amateur circles, Star Wars content is particularly
popular. A popular Reddit user with the name “derpfakes,”
also created their own version of Fischer’s scenes in Rogue

72 This observation from our interviews is backed up in interviews from news coverage,
for example, in Megan Farokhmanesh, “Is It Legal to Swap Someone’s Face into
Porn without Consent?” The Verge, January 30, 2018, https://www.theverge.

One – highlighting just how close free and open source tools
can get to the “expensive and labor intensive” ones used by
Hollywood. 73

Face Swapping

Much of the activity of deepfake-focused communities has

involved specific technologies for face swapping. Original
software like FakeApp, FaceSwap, and DeepFace Lab
allow users to map one actor’s face onto another actor’s
performance. Several software users have used this tech-
nique to reproduce or comment on various Hollywood
versions, such as an October 2018 video that mapped a
young Harrison Ford’s face onto Alden Ehrenreich’s body
in Solo: A Star Wars Story.

The most publicly visible examples of open source face

swapping, however, have been a series of videos made by
projecting female actors’ faces onto the bodies of perform-
ers in pornography, using software like FakeApp and Adobe
After Effects. In November of 2017, for instance, one user
uploaded such a video using Gal Gadot’s face to Reddit.
In April 2018, pornographic deepfakes were banned from
Reddit, but the videos remain available on sites like Mr.
Deepfakes and Pornhub. In an interview with Mother-
board, the anonymous creator of the Gal Gadot video said,
“Every technology can be used with bad motivations, and it’s
impossible to stop that…. The main difference is how easy

73 Insight gleaned from exchange with derpfakes on November 14, 2018, and derpfake
video comments on YouTube and Reddit.

[it is] to do that by everyone. I don’t think it’s a bad thing

for more average people [to] engage in machine learning
research.” Another Redditor posted, “[T]he work that we

create here in this community is not with malicious intent.

Quite the opposite. We are painting with revolutionary, ex-
perimental technology, one that could quite possibly shape
the future of media and creative design.” In this example, 75

this new “revolutionary technology” is firmly situated in a

misogynist environment in which its practitioners mobilize
the bodily identity of women, without their consent, as an
unproblematic creative practice. 76

Indeed, it is not a bad thing for people to engage in machine

learning research. It is not inherently wrong to make,
circulate, and consume pornography. However, problems
arise when experimenting with machine learning is used in
the service of non-consensual objectification and harassment.
Regardless of the intention of those who create videos, the
effects wrought by technological play matters. AI-generated
pornographic videos highlight a set of interconnected

74 Samantha Cole, “AI-Assisted Fake Porn Is Here and We’re All Fucked,” Motherboard,
December 11, 2017, https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/gydydm/gal-gadot-
75 Quote from Reddit user Quiet Horse, now deleted from Reddit, in Megan Farokhmanesh,
“Is It Legal to Swap Someone’s Face into Porn without Consent?,” The Verge, January
30, 2018, https://www.theverge.com/2018/1/30/16945494/deepfakes-porn-face-
76 McGlynn, Rackley, and Houghton, “Beyond ‘Revenge Porn’”; Franks, “Unwilling Avatars”;
Citron, “Addressing Cyber Harassment”; Citron and Franks, “Criminalizing Revenge
Porn.” While this is generally true in online porn communities, pornographic practice
is by no means monolithic. The production of pornography by and for women, LGBTIQ
individuals, and people of color highlights that these groups have agency in producing
and enjoying their own counter-hegemonic pornographic content. The higher degree
of visibility and access to sexual culture for these groups might be described as
liberatory, or more radically democratic. In this vein, Feona Attwood suggests that
altporn in the form of SuicideGirls and Nerve.com represent “participatory cultures
which serve corporate and community needs” which can be understood as radically
democratic. (Feona Attwood, “No Money Shot? Commerce, Pornography and New
Sex Taste Cultures,” Sexualities 10, no. 4 (October 1, 2007): 441–56, https://doi.

“Regardless of the intention

of those who create videos,
the effects wrought by
technological play matters.”

problems regarding the “democratization” of a technical

skill set. That the new technology’s first notable amateur
output depicts one woman engaged in a sex act without her
consent, while also erasing the original female actor in the
original video highlights how the expressive use of technol-
ogy can be wielded as harassment or harm individuals who
do not command public attention, and cannot command
the resources necessary to refute falsehoods.

Lip-synching and Voice Synthesis

Another strand of deepfake production focuses not on

dynamic virtual performances of face swapping but on the
presentation of new speech content for recognizable figures.
In November 2017, Stanford researchers published a paper
and model for Face 2 Face, a RNN-based video produc-

tion model that allows third parties the ability to “put words
in the mouths” of public figures like Barack Obama – in
real time. The software captures the third party’s facial ex-
pressions as they talk into a webcam and then melds those
movements with the person’s face in the original video.

77 Thies et al, “Face2Face.”


In February 2018, Jordan Peele teamed with BuzzFeed to

produce a “deepfake” video in which Obama appears to
provide a public service announcement about the dangers
of the new technology. Like the derpfakes example men-

tioned above, the video was produced using Adobe After

Effects, FakeApp, and a team of creative professionals to
swap in Peele’s voice as he spoke in a voice that many know
as his Obama impression. It took hours for the FakeApp

application, trained by a human, to render a video in which

Obama’s mouth moves along with the Peele’s voice.

Versions of these techniques are part of the proprietary soft-

ware that was used to create the Zuckerberg fake from our
introduction. Their bespoke video-faking tool used audio

and video files from Zuckerberg’s Senate testimony from

April 2018 to create a new virtual performance. This pro-
prietary model was in some senses more sophisticated than
the GAN or RNN-generated video production generated by
computer science labs, as it incorporated more audio and
video training data. The artists who built it maintain that
the VDR model but was built on the work featured at 2017
SIGGRAPH conference coming from a computer science

lab at the University of Washington on a project led by Su-

pasorn Suwajanakorn and the Face2Face tool. 82

78 Craig Silverman, “How To Spot a DeepFake Like The Barack Obama-Jordan Peele Video,”
accessed April 18, 2018, https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/obama-jordan-
79 James Vincent, “Watch Jordan Peele Use AI to Make Barack Obama Deliver a
PSA about Fake News,” The Verge, April 17, 2018, https://www.theverge.com/
80 Cade Metz, “A Fake Zuckerberg Video Challenges Facebook’s Rules,” The New York
Times, June 11, 2019, sec. Technology, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/11/tech-
81 The Association for Computing Machinery is a professional organization that supports
SIGGRAPH, a special interest group on computer graphics and interactivity.
82 “Canny AI: Imagine World Leaders Singing" Fxguide, accessed June 24, 2019, https://

“But as these techniques become more

accessible, the risk of harm to private
figures will increase, especially
those who are politically, socially, or
economically vulnerable.”

The problems wrought by audiovisual manipulation are
many and difficult to remedy, but we can work to reduce risk
and mitigate harm. This report has shown that individual
women, journalists, and others who are antagonistic to those
who hold economic and political power are going to be the
first to confront the politics of evidence in a “post-truth”
world. In these scenarios, questions of evidence are key:
Who should we trust, and on what basis?

The high-profile deepfakes cases discussed above are just

a fraction of the examples that exist. And more are being
created every day. So far, news coverage and public discussion
has paid the most attention to those cases that involve the
imitation – whether virtual performance, face swap, or voice
synthesis – of celebrities, politicians, and public figures. But
as these techniques become more accessible, the risk of
harm to private figures will increase, especially those who
are politically, socially, or economically vulnerable.

At present, anyone with a social media profile is fair game to

be faked. Social media relies on forms of soft consent, buried
in the terms of service that users habitually click through.
That soft consent is now being used to justify the collec-
tion of data far beyond web surfing or ad clicking habits.

It involves data that captures our faces and bodies —a 83

condition that demands greater transparency and true

consent. Social media functions as vast troves of images of

faces and bodies, and amateur programmers have already

built bespoke scrapers to extract these images as training
data. 85

There already have been numerous cases of AV manipulation

techniques used against private individuals: to settle personal
vendettas, exact blackmail, and trick people into participat-
86 87

ing in personalized financial scams. People are already faking


their classmates and co-workers in amateur AI-generated

83 Hamza Shaban, “A Google App That Matches Your Face to Artwork Is Wildly Popular.
It’s Also Raising Privacy Concerns.,” Washington Post. January 17, 2018, https://
Cole and Maiberg, “People Are Using AI to Create Fake Porn of Their Friends and
Classmates”; Natasha Singer, “Facebook’s Push for Facial Recognition Prompts Privacy
Alarms,” The New York Times, July 11, 2018, sec. Technology, https://www.nytimes.
84 Pavel Korshunov and Sebastien Marcel, “DeepFakes: A New Threat to Face Recog-
nition? Assessment and Detection,” ArXiv:1812.08685 [Cs], December 20, 2018,
http://arxiv.org/abs/1812.08685; Owen Hughes, “Is FaceApp Safe? Don’t Be so Quick
to Share Your Face Online, Warn Security Experts,” International Business Times UK,
April 27, 2017, https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/faceapp-safe-dont-be-so-quick-share-
your-face-online-warn-security-experts-1618975; Robert Chesney and Danielle
Keats Citron, “Deep Fakes: A Looming Challenge for Privacy, Democracy, and National
Security,” SSRN Scholarly Paper (Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network, July
14, 2018), https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=3213954; M. C. Elish and danah boyd,
“Situating Methods in the Magic of Big Data and AI,” Communication Monographs 85,
no. 1 (January 2, 2018): 57–80, https://doi.org/10.1080/03637751.2017.1375130.
85 Instagram Scraper and the Chrome extension DownAlbum are among many open source
tools that allow anyone to easily download images from publicly available Facebook or
Instagram accounts to do many things, including to generate training data for fakes.
86 Cole and Maiberg, “People Are Using AI to Create Fake Porn of Their Friends and Class-
87 “Bella Thorne Steals Hacker’s Thunder, Publishes Nude Photos Herself,” Naked Security
(blog), June 18, 2019, https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2019/06/18/bella-thorne-
steals-hackers-thunder-publishes-nude-photos-herself/; “Beware the Fake Facebook
Sirens That Flirt You into Sextortion,” Naked Security (blog), March 23, 2018, https://
88 BBC News, ”Fake Voices ‘Help Cyber-Crooks Steal Cash,’” BBC, July 8, 2019, https://
www.bbc.com/news/technology-48908736; Stacey Colino, “Don’t Fall Victim to the
Grandparents Scam,” AARP, April 18, 2018, http://www.aarp.org/money/scams-fraud/

pornography in online porn sites. Faked videos featuring


private individuals carry great consequence for the ways we

conceive of the evidentiary relationship between bodies and
audiovisual content, expertise, and structural inequalities.

The question of how to effectively understand and address

these images is non-trivial. Existing legal and platform policy
cannot effectively address the harm that has and will arise
from AV manipulation techniques. Even in the US there are
many legal paths one could take to stop fake pornographic
or otherwise harmful videos from being disseminated, but 90

there is no law to undo the unique damage these images

unleash. Moreover, the misuse of one’s likeness is expensive

to address through the legal system. In the US, laws like

Section 230 of Title 47 of the 1996 Communications
Decency Act are intended to remedy instances where courts
fall short by allowing platforms to respond to users’ requests
to remove harmful content. But even Section 230 has
proven incapable of fully addressing the range of problems
that have been thrown up by massive platform use. 92

The stakes are high for accurately understanding AV

manipulation. The fear of a hyperreality spawned by deep-
fakes can be used to foreclose other possible interventions.

89 Drew Hartwell, “Fake-Porn Videos Are Being Weaponized to Harass and Humiliate
Women: ‘Everybody Is a Potential Target,’” Washington Post, accessed April 5, 2019,
ing-weaponized-harass-humiliate-women-everybody-is-potential-target/; Samantha
Cole and Emanuel Maiberg, “People Are Using AI to Create Fake Porn of Their Friends
and Classmates,” Motherboard (blog), January 26, 2018, https://motherboard.vice.
90 “47 U.S. Code § 230 - Protection for Private Blocking and Screening of Offensive Mate-
rial,” Legal Information Institute, accessed March 1, 2019, https://www.law.cornell.edu/
91 Franks, “The Desert of the Unreal”; Citron and Franks, “Criminalizing Revenge Porn.”
92 47 U.S. Code § 230 - Protection for Private Blocking and Screening of Offensive
Material,”; “Section 230 Protections,” Electronic Frontier Foundation, August 25, 2011,
https://www.eff.org/issues/bloggers/legal/liability/230.; Danielle Citron and Benjamin
Wittes, “The Internet Will Not Break: Denying Bad Samaritans § 230 Immunity,” Ford-
ham Law Review 86, no. 2 (November 1, 2017): 401; Citron and Franks, “Criminalizing
Revenge Porn.”

Sociologist and science studies scholar Donald Mackenzie

has written extensively about the consequences of creating
technology without critically assessing its potential for harm.
His research led him to ask a peculiar question: “Can we
uninvent the bomb?” No matter how much we may want

to uninvent the bomb, we cannot. Once new technology is

generated, it must be reckoned with as a social and cultural

Nonetheless, many are focused on uninventing the “bomb”

they see in AI-generated video production. In the wake
of alarmist news coverage, multiple popular press articles
have proposed programs of improved literacy, arguing that 94

people must take steps to equip themselves to detect fakes.

Technologists are rushing to undo the coming “end of the
world” through a range of new technical solutions. Two of 95

the leading technological approaches are: automated fake

detection and distributed verification technologies to verify
all online and even offline interaction. Facebook has been
one of the loudest voices advocating automated systems to
detect AI-generated manipulations. The start-up TruePic
96 97

uses blockchain technology to verify press-captured images

and videos. The US Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) funded MediFor to run diagnostics of

93 Donald Mackenzie, “Uninventing the Bomb?” Medicine and War 12, no. 3 (October 22,
2007): 202–11, https://doi.org/10.1080/13623699608409285.
94 Natasha Bernal, “Journalists at Wall Street Journal to Be Taught to Identify
‘Deepfakes,’” The Telegraph, November 15, 2018, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/
Suzanne Sunne, “What to Watch for in the Coming Wave of “Deep Fake" Videos,” Global
Investigative Journalism Network, May 28, 2018, https://gijn.org/2018/05/28/what-
to-watch-for-in-the-coming-wave-of-deep-fake-videos/; Siwei Lyu, “The Best Defense
against Deepfake AI Might Be ... Blinking,” Fast Company, August 31, 2018, https://
95 Martínez, “The Blockchain Solution to Our Deepfake Problems”; Lyu, “The Best Defense
against Deepfake AI Might Be... Blinking”; Greene, “Researchers Developed an AI to
Detect DeepFakes”; “Exposing Fake Videos.”
96 Facebook, “Expanding Fact-Checking to Photos and Videos | Facebook Newsroom,”
Facebook, September 13, 2018, https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2018/09/expand-
97 TruePic, “Photos and Videos You Can Trust.”

videos to determine differences in pixels within videos that

signal fakery. Other such verification proposals involve

doing away with net neutrality in the interest of marking

the provenance of all packets carrying video data so they are
easily surveilled to determine real-life identities of creators. 99

At present, there are four legislative bills in nascent stages

of consideration to force individuals to label content that
they have manipulated, and to allow the federal govern-
ment to impose massive fines against individuals who have
manipulated content deemed harmful. 100

Those forwarding these totalizing technical security steps

hold up the alleged uniqueness of deepfakes as justification.
Locating deepfakes in the longer history of the politics of
evidence, however, allows us to see that: a) decisions over
what counts as “evidence” have historically been a crucial

98 Matt Turek, “Media Forensics,” Defense Advanced Research Projects MediFor, 2018,
99 H. R. Hasan and K. Salah, “Combating Deepfake Videos Using Blockchain and Smart
Contracts,” IEEE Access 7 (2019): 41596–606, https://doi.org/10.1109/AC-
100 Yvette Clarke, “H.R.3230 Defending Each and Every Person from False Appearances by
Keeping Exploitation Subject to Accountability Act of 2019,” webpage, June 24, 2019,
https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/3230; Ben Sasse, “S.3805
Malicious Deep Fake Prohibition Act of 2018,” webpage, December 21, 2018, https://
www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/3805/text; Tim Grayson “AB-1280
Crimes: Deceptive Recordings.,” webpage, April 22, 2019, https://leginfo.legislature.
ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB1280. Bryan Hughes “SB 751,”
webpage, February 11. 2019. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.
xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB1280; In addition, Virginia has expanded existing revenge
porn law to cover fake nude images. Marcus Simon, “HB 2678 Amendment” webpage,
February 11, 2019. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?-

tool in defending the privilege of the already powerful; b) 101

the violence of AV manipulation can only be addressed by

a combination of technical and social solutions; c) public
agency over these technologies cannot be realized without
addressing structural inequality; and d) the violence of
AV manipulation will not be curtailed unless groups most
vulnerable to that violence are able to influence public
media systems.

Scholars, journalists, and activists are already considering

how we might reconfigure technical systems, their
ownership, and regulatory bodies to consider the politics of
evidence. Beyond the “social” policy solutions mentioned
above that penalize individuals for harmful behavior, more
encompassing solutions might be to enact federal measures
on corporations to encourage them to more meaningfully
address the fallout from their massive gains in the past 15
years. Information scholar Sarah T. Roberts has suggested
that contrary to the practice as it exists at present, the work
of content moderators should be valued and supported by
platform companies as one of many necessary steps to build
community that fosters pro-social values that go beyond

101 Literature in both science and technology studies (STS) and media studies discuss
how evidence in the form of formalized and informal data and discourses around these
types of evidence are shaped by social, political and cultural structures that reflect
and reify the status quo. At the same time, evidence can be mobilized by less powerful
entities to make justice-based arguments about the distribution of harms and power in
society. But even then, community-based counter-data is always judged according to
rules set by dominant discourses around truth that exist to protect the status quo of
privilege. The authors have published collaborative work on the politics of evidence as
they relate to community-based counter-data practices. Britt S. Paris et al., “Pursuing
a Toxic Agenda,” September 2017, https://100days.envirodatagov.org/pursuing-tox-
ic-agenda/; Morgan Currie, Joan Donovan, and Britt S. Paris, “Preserving for a More
Just Future: Tactics of Activist Data Archiving,” in Data Science Landscape: Towards
Research Standards and Protocols, ed. Usha Mujoo Munshi and Neeta Verma, Studies
in Big Data 38 (Singapore: Springer, 2018), 67–78; Britt S. Paris and Jennifer Pierre,
“Naming Experience: Registering Resistance and Mobilizing Change with Qualitative
Tools,” InterActions: Journal of Education and Information Studies 13, no. 1 (2017),
https://escholarship.org/uc/item/02d9w4qd; Britt S. Paris and Jennifer Pierre, “Bad
Data — Cultural Anthropology,” Cultural Anthropology Field Insights, April 28, 2017,
https://culanth.org/fieldsights/1107-bad-data.\\uc0\\u8221{} in {\\i{}Data Science
Landscape: Towards Research Standards and Protocols}, ed. Usha Mujoo Munshi and
Neeta Verma, Studies in Big Data 38 (Singapore: Springer, 2018

profit motives. Feminist legal scholar Danielle Citron has


suggested tech companies could foster digital citizenship

by building in thoughtful mechanisms to discourage
user-generated content that is false or misleading, that
harasses, or negatively targets specific groups by developing
more rigorously pro-social terms of service (TOS) for
taking down and labeling nefarious content, and following
these TOS in a way that is transparent and open to public
oversight. Finally, Citron and legal scholar Mary Ann

Franks have suggested the necessity of reconsidering how

to hold platform intermediaries legally accountable for
spreading tortious content in ways that would promote
more effective cross-platform injunctions of harmful
content. These solutions taken together begin to show

a long and difficult way forward, but one that is,

nonetheless, possible.

Regardless of the difficulty, it is crucial to consider these larger

problems that contribute to complications of AI-generated
media as they enter an already troubled media landscape.
While we cannot start again, Mackenzie’s statement of the
atomic bomb is apt when thinking about what to do about
audiovisual manipulation: “We do not know, and should not
pretend to know, at this point in time, the solution to all

102 Sarah T. Roberts, Behind the Screen (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2019),
103 Danielle Keats Citron, Hate Crimes in Cyberspace, Reprint edition (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 2016); Danielle Keats Citron and Helen Norton, “Intermedi-
aries and Hate Speech: Fostering Digital Citizenship for Our Information Age,” Boston
University Law Review 91 (2011): 1435.Reprint edition (Place of publication not
identified: Harvard University Press, 2016
104 Danielle Citron and Benjamin Wittes, “The Internet Will Not Break: Denying Bad Samar-
itans § 230 Immunity,” Fordham Law Review 86, no. 2 (November 1, 2017): 401; Mary
Anne Franks and Danielle Citron, “Criminalizing Revenge Porn,” Wake Forest Law Review
49 (2014): 345–92; Mary Anne Franks, “Drafting an Effective ‘Revenge Porn’ Law: A
Guide for Legislators” (Cyber Civil Rights Initiative, 2016), https://www.cybercivilrights.
org/guide-to-legislation/; Christopher Zara, “The Most Important Law in Tech Has a
Problem | Backchannel,” Wired, January 3, 2017, https://www.wired.com/2017/01/the-

the problems it may throw up.” What we do know is that


limiting the harm of AV manipulation will require an under-

standing of the history of evidence, and the social processes
that produce truth, in order to avoid new consolidations of
power for those who can claim an exclusive expertise.

105 Donald Mackenzie, “Uninventing the Bomb?” Medicine and War 12, no. 3 (October 22,
2007): 202–11, https://doi.org/10.1080/13623699608409285, 120

We are grateful to everyone at Data & Society Research Institute for their generous support,
guidance, and helpful feedback through the duration of this project. In particular, we’d like to
thank Patrick Davison for his thoughtful editing and revisions. We are forever thankful for the
collaboration and ongoing discussions with members of Data & Society’s Media Manipulation
Initiative, past and present. Thanks to interviewees for graciously taking time to provide
background information on this work. Special thanks to external reviewers Fenwick McKelvey,
Tiziana Terranova, Aayush Bansal, and Samuel Gursky for their generous feedback on the draft.
A big thank you to our friends, family, and partners for supporting us in so many ways through this
project and during everything else.


Data & Society is an independent nonprofit research institute that advances new frames for
understanding the implications of data-centric and automated technology. We conduct research
and build the field of actors to ensure that knowledge guides debate, decision-making, and
technical choices.

Illustration by Jim Cooke

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