Soup PDF
Soup PDF
Soup PDF
Different types of soup powder available in the market. All the soup powders were
made from combination of different vegetables. Therefore, research was conducted to prepare
the highly nutritious soup powder from combination of three green leaves such as moringa
oleifera, solanum trilobatum, centella asiatica. All the three leaves were dried by shadow
drying. Hot water blanching was done to remove the bitterness of leaves. The final product
soup powder was evaluated for cooking quality, appearance, nutritional characteristics and
sensory quality. The proximate analysis shows the chemical composition such as moisture,
protein, ash, crude fiber. Corn flour was added as a thickening agent. And also coriander
powder and pepper powder was added to give the spicy texture. The results for sensory
evaluation were highly accepted.
Soup is a generally warm food that vegetables thickened with cream; cream
is made by combining ingredients such as soups may be thickened with béchamel
vegetables green leaves with juice, water, sauce; and veloutés are thickened with
or an-other liquid. Hot soups are addition- eggs, butter, and cream. Other ingredients
nally characterized by boiling solid ing- commonly used to thicken soups and
redients in liquids in a pot until the flavors broths include rice, lentils, flour, and
are extracted, forming a broth. Traditiona- grains; many popular soups also include
lly, soups are classified into two main gro- carrots and potatoes. Vegetable, chicken
ups: clear soups and thick soups. The est- base, potato, pasta and cheese soups are
ablish-hed French classifications of clear also available in dry mix form, ready to be
soups are bouillon and consomme. Thick served by adding hot water and sometimes
soups are classified depending upon the fresh ingredients such as meat or veget-
type of thickening agent used: purées are ables.Our objective of the Work is to make
vege-table soups thickened with starch; instant mix soup powder from Moringa-
bisques are made from puréed shellfish or oleifera(drumsticleaves),solanum
©All right reserved. Society for Integrated Rural Empowerment
International Journal of Future Biotechnology (2012), 1(1), 1-16 ISSN 2319 – 1031(Online)
Energy (kcal) 40
Phosphorous (mg) 52
Iron (mg) 5
The herb can be stored in powdered form, like blood pressure, rheumatism, fever and
by drying the leaves under shade and mak- mental disorders. Patients with varicose
ing a power out of it Roots used for consu- veins have benefitted from increase in
mption in the form of electuary, decoction vascular tone. This has been used
or powder. Berries and flowers used to externally for burns, psoriasis and for
relive cough. Whole plant Consumption, prevention of scar formation from surgery
bronchitis and other respiratory disorders, and treatment of fistulas. This has been
carcinoma, aphrodisiac (flowers). Dyspn- also used to help patients with insomnia
oea, anorexia, constipation, worm infes- due to it's a sedative effect. Vallarai is rich
tation, blood disorders, hemiplegia, tra- in iron, calcium Vitamin A, C.
chyphonia, skin diseases, oedema, urinary
It comprises rich amount of vitamin B1
calculi, amenorrhoea, coryza, epilepsy,
dysuria. (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin) vitamin
B3 (niacin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).
1.3. VALLARAI LEAVES This will help you to convert carbohydr-
ates into glucose as well as to improve the
Centella asiatica or vallarai- This is slender functioning of your nervous system. It has
perennial creeper found throughout trop- also good amount of vitamin K. It has an
ical regions of the world. In shallow waters excellent source of minerals i.e. calcium,
the plant puts floating roots and the leaves magnesium, sodium, manganese and zinc.
rest on the top. In dry locations it puts out Maintains youthful vigour and strength. It
numerous roots and the leaves are thin and improves memory, voice, physical stam-
small. This plant prefers marshy damp and ina, complexion and digestive capacity of
wet places like paddy fields, grass areas the body. The herb is also good for diab-
and river banks. This is harvested from etics and people suffering from anemia. It
wild but can be grown and cultivated. Am- finds its use also in cosmetics as an ingr-
ong other places, it grows well in Sri edient in face creams and anti-wrinkle
Lanka and mostly exported to the West creams. Coriander seed powder is the
from there. Vallarai has been used for foremost ingredient of various cuisines all
centuries for helping a variety of illness
©All right reserved. Society for Integrated Rural Empowerment
International Journal of Future Biotechnology (2012), 1(1), 1-16 ISSN 2319 – 1031(Online)
over the world. The Coriander Powder is spp. must be held to a high standard.
used as flavoring agent and every Indian Those who promote the cultivation and use
house-hold use huge quantities of ground of Moringa spp. in regions where hope is
Coriander in Curry Powders, Garam in short supply must be provided with the
masala, other spice mixes and Chattiness. best available evidence, so as not to raise
Coriander seeds have a health-supporting false hopes and to encourage the most
reputation that is high on the list of the fruitful use of scarce research capital. It is
healing spices. Coriander seeds have been the purpose of this series of brief reviews
associated with offering a feeling of to: (a) critically evaluate the published
coolness and also reducing fever. scientific evidence on M. oleifera, (b)
Consumption of coriander seeds has been highlight claims from the traditional and
known to lessen excessive menstrual flow tribal medicinal lore and from non-peer
reviewed sources that would benefit from
2. LITERATURE REVIEW further, rigorous scientific evaluation, and
2.1 MORINGA OLEIFERA (c) suggest directions for future clinical
research that could be carried out by local
2.1.1Moringa oleifera: A Review of the investigators in developing regions.
Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional,
Therapeutic, and Prophylactic Properties. 2.1.2. Phytochemical, nutritional and
Part 1. Jed W. Fahey, Sc.D. antibacterial properties of dried leaf
powder of Moringa oleifera (Lam) from
Moringa oleifera, or the horseradish tree, Edo Central Province, Nigeria (Doss et al.,
is a pan-tropical species that is known by 2009)
such regional names as benzolive, drum-
stick tree, kelor, marango, mlonge, mul- Phytochemical, nutritional and antibacter-
angay, nébéday, saijhan, and sajna. Over ial properties of the dried leaf powder of
the past two decades, many reports have Moringa oleifera used as food supplement,
appeared in mainstream scientific journals or source of vegetable in soup preparation
describing its nutritional and medicinal were investigatedin this study. The phyto-
properties. Its utility as a non-food product chemicals identified in the leaf powder
has also been extensively described, but included tannis, saponins,alkaloids, phe-
will not be discussed herein, (e.g. lumber, nols flavonoids and glycosides. The nutr-
charcoal, fencing, water clarification, itional investigations revealed the presence
lubricating oil). As with many reports of of carbohydrates (29.08%), ascorbic acid
the nutritional or medicinal value of a (140mg/100g); fibre (2.1%), protein
natural product, there are an alarming (6.88%)as well as iron (70mg/100g),
number of purveyors of “healthful” food calcium (1530 mg/100g)), vitamin C (17.8
who are now promoting M. oleifera as a mg/100g)) potassium(255 mg/100g)),
panacea. While much of this recent enth- magnesium (250 mg/100g)) and vitamin A
usiasm indeed appears to be justified, it is (19.9 mg/100g)). These have far reaching
critical to separate rigorous scientific evi- nutritional importance in the health care
dence from anecdote. Those who charge a system in these localities whose childhood
premium for products containing Moringa malnutrition of 6-9year olds is 18
©All right reserved. Society for Integrated Rural Empowerment
International Journal of Future Biotechnology (2012), 1(1), 1-16 ISSN 2319 – 1031(Online)
compared to the South -South average of therapeutic use osteoporosis. It is also used
12.8. The zones of inhibition were very to make an efficient fuel, fertilizer and
low or non-existence when tested against livestock feed. Moringa is an edible extre-
Staphylococcus aureus (07cm), Pseudomo- mely safe plant. Its tree could easily and
nas sp. (0), Klebsiella (0),and Escherichia cheaply be cultivated and grown in Paki-
coli (0). The dry leaf powder is a good stan. We need to explore therapeutic, nutri-
source of phytochemicals/secondary meta- tional and benefit of this gift of nature rep-
bolites and nutrients but not antimicrob- orted to be one of the world's most useful
ials. The use of Moringa leaves as nutrient trees.
should therefore be encouraged in this
locality ( Mensah et al.,2012 ). 2.1.4 Effect of dehydration on the nutritive
value of drumstick leaves Pallavi Joshi*
2.1.3 Moringa oleifera: a natural gift-A and Dipika Mehta
Food based strategy’ is used as a tool for
Moringa oleifera, Lam {Syn M.pterygo- combating micronutrient deficiencies. It is
sperma Gaertn} usually mentioned in also referred as dietary modification,
literature as Moringa, is a natural as well which encompasses a wide variety of
as cultivated variety of the genus Moringa intervention that aim at increasing the
belonging to family Moringaceae .It is one production, availability and consumption
of the richest plant sources of Vitamins A of food products, which are rich in
,B {1,2,3,6,7}, C,D,E and K. The vital micronutrients. One such food products are
minerals present in Moringa include Calc- green leafy vegetables. There are many
ium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, varieties of green leafy vegetables which
Manganese and Zinc. It has more than 40 are though rich in micronutrients, but are
natural anti-oxidants. Moringa has been usually discarded or are not used for
used since 150B.C. by ancient kings and human consumption. One such leaf, a rich
queens in their diet for mental alertness source of micronutrients but still under
and healthy skin. The leaves, pods, seeds, exploited is drumstick leaf (Moringa
gums , bark and flowers of Moringa are oleifira).The present study was done with
used in more than 80 countries {including the objective to assess the effect of
Pakistan} to relieve mineral and vitamin different methods of drying (sun,shade and
deficiencies, support a healthy cardiovas- oven drying) on the nutritive value of the
cular system, promote normal blood- selected leaf with its fresh counterparts.
glucose levels, neutralize free radicals The results showed significant increase (p
{thereby reducing malignancy}, provide < 0.01) in all the nutrients in the dried
excellent support of the body's anitflamm- samples of the leaves making them a
atory mechanisms, enrich anemic blood concentrated source of nutrients. Shade
and support immune system. It also impro- dried samples had highest nutrient
ves eyesight, mental alertness and bone retention followed by sun drying and oven
strength. It has potential benefit in maln- dried samples but the difference was not
utrition, general weakness, lactating statistically significant (p >0.05).
mothers, menopause, depression and
©All right reserved. Society for Integrated Rural Empowerment
International Journal of Future Biotechnology (2012), 1(1), 1-16 ISSN 2319 – 1031(Online)
Table 1.3 Proximate composition of dehydrated Moringa leaf (per 100 g leaf powder).
Table 1.4 Mineral composition of dehydrated Moringa leaf (per 100 g leaf powder).
promoting apoptosis and altering cell powdered in mixer and it can be stored for
membranes. We hypothesize that these further use.
mechanisms may have resulted in injuries
associated with Centella asiatica. The 3.1.4 ADDITIVES
presence of autoantibodies and granulomas CORN FLOUR
also favors an immune-mediated Commercially available corn flour
mechanism. Ursodeoxycholic acid has obtained from local market and it can be
anti-apoptotic properties, but we cannot stored in dry place for further use.
rule out that Centella asiatica CORIANDER POWDER
discontinuation alone may have resulted in The coriander powder obtained
patient improvement. from market for making soup.
Pepper powder is obtained and then
3.1 MATERIALS stored in dry place.
3.1.1 DRUMSTICK LEAVES Salt is used in correct quantity and
The fresh drumstick leaves are obtained it is a natural preservative.
from local market and the leaves are 3.2 METHODS
spread on the cotton sheet for shadow 3.2.1. RAW MATERIAL
drying .The room selected for shadow CHARACTERIZATION
drying is well ventilated. Natural current
of air is used for shadow drying the leaves. DETERMINATION OF
It took about six days for the leaves to dry MOISTURE
completely and powdered in mixer and it
can be stored for further use. Moisture content is important factor in
drying leaves. Generally moisture can be
3.1.2 THOODUVALAI LEAVES analysed in hot air oven drying method.
The moisture content of drumstick,
The leaves are obtained from market and thooduvalai and vallarai leaves powder can
the leaves are dried in natural air. After be determined by AACC-44-15a method
drying it can be powdered and stored for (AACC, 2005) based on the loss in weight
further use. after drying the sample for 3 h at 105°C,
3.1.3 VALLARAI LEAVES expressed in percentage moisture content.
Initially the weight of sample is taken and
The fresh leaves are obtained from local then dried in oven. After drying the weight
market and the leaves are spread on the of the sample is taken and the difference in
cotton sheet for shadow drying .The room weight is calculated using formula.
selected for shadow drying is well Usually the moisture content is denoted in
ventilated. Natural current of air is used for percentage.
shadow drying the leaves. It took about six
days for the leaves to dry completely and PROCEDURE
After shadow drying of leaves , the layer being metallic. There is also an air
leaves can be powdered using mixer. The filled space in between to aid insulation.
particle size of the powder is 0.2 micron. An air circulating fan helps in uniform
The powdered leaves are stored in air tight distribution of the heat. These are fitted
container for further processing of making with the adjustable wire mesh plated trays
soup powder. or aluminium trays and may have an on/off
rocker switch, as well as indicators and HOT WATER BLANCHING controls for temperature and holding time.
Normally the leaves are bitter in The capacities of these ovens vary. They
taste. So hot water blanching is done to do not require water and there is not much
remove bitterness of powdered leaves. pressure build up within the oven, unlike
Blanching is boiling the leaves in water for an autoclave, making them safer to work
an extended period of time to remove the with. This also makes them more suitable
bitterness. Drumstick , thooduvalai and to be used in a laboratory environment.
vallarai leaves powder blanched separately They are much smaller than autoclaves but
for 10-12 minutes. can still be as effective. After hot water
blanching , all the three powdered leaves HOT AIR OVEN DRYING are separately spread on the aluminium
plate and it is kept in oven for one hour at
Hot air ovens are electrical devices used in
sterilization. The oven uses dry heat to
sterilize articles. Generally, they can be METHODOLOGY FOR MAK
operated from 50 to 300 °C (122 to
572°F). There is a thermostat controlling ING SOUP POWDER
the temperature. These are digitally Drumstick leaves powder, thooduvalai
controlled to maintain the temperature.
leaves powder, vallarai leaves powder,corn
Their double walled insulation keeps the flour, coriander powder, pepper powder ,
heat in and conserves energy, the inner salt are mixed in correct quantity to make
layer being a poor conductor and outer instant mix soup powder.
Drumstick leaves powder - 5g
Thooduvalai leaves powder - 5g
Vallarai leaves powder - 5g
Corn flour - 15g
Coriander powder - 3g
Pepper powder - 3g
Salt - 10g
% % % %
4.2 ANALYSIS OF SOUP POWDER powder were determined. The values are
presented in table. The nutritional value of
4.2.1 Proximate Composition Of Soup soup powder is increased after mixing
Powder essential ingredients
Thechemical composition such as
moisture, protein, ash, crude fiber for soup
% % % %
(10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10)
Appearance 8 9 8 8 9 8 9 8 8 8
Mouth feel 9 9 8 9 9 8 8 9 9 9
Flavor 9 8 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 9
Overall 8 8 9 9 9 8 8 8 9 9
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