8 - Bangsa Kuda

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Bangsa-bangsa Kuda

Dasar Produksi Ternak

Pertemuan Materi
1 Pentingnya produk ternak, pengertian dan ruang lingkup dasar produksi ternak

2 Potensi genetik dan lingkungan ternak

3 Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ternak
4 Pengenalan bangsa-bangsa dan perkembangan ternak ruminansia dan pseudo ruminansia

5 Sistem pencernaan ternak ruminansia dan pseudo ruminansia

6 Sistem reproduksi dan sistem kerangka/otot ternak ruminansia dan pseudo ruminansia

7 Fisiologi laktasi ternak ruminansia dan pseudo ruminansia

8 Pengenalan bangsa-bangsa dan perkembangan ternak non ruminansia
9 Sistem pencernaan ternak non ruminansia
10 Sistem reproduksi dan sistem kerangka dan otot ternak non ruminansia

Mengapa ?

Horse Family

Zebra (Equus zebra)

Ass (Equus hemionus hemionus)

Donkey (Equus asinus)

Mule (donkey x mare)
Eohippus Mesohippus

Orohippus Equus
Przewalski‘s Horse
Tarpan Pony type 1 Modern Horse
Pony type 2
Tundra Horse type 3 3 Groups:
Forest horse Horse type 4 Pony
Light Horse
Heavy horse

Kuda (Equine, horse)
• Hewan domestikasi ‚terakhir‘

Hewan Domestikasi
Anjing 12.000 BC
Domba 9.000 BC
Kambing, babi 7.000 BC
dan unggas
Kuda 3.000 BC
• Kuda didomestikasi di Asia
• temperamen yang tinggi,
susah dikendalikan meski
sudah dijadikan hewan
buruan, rusa kutub menjadi
alat transportasi
Equus Caballus
• Kingdom: Animalia
• Phylum: Chordata
• Class: Mammalia
• Order: Perissodactyla
• Family: Equidae
• Genus: Equus
• Equus caballus--the true horse, which once had
several subspecies.
• Equus asinus--the true asses and donkeys of
northern Africa. (The African wild ass is sometimes
called Equus africanus.)
• Equus burchelli--the Plains zebra of Africa, including Grant's
zebra, Burchell's zebra, Chapman's zebra, the half-striped
Quagga, and other subspecies. The Plains zebra is what
people usually think of as the "typical" zebra, with rather wide
vertical stripes and thick horizontal stripes on the rump.
• Equus grevyi--Grevy's zebra, the most horselike zebra. This is
the big zebra with the very narrow vertical stripes and huge
• Equus hemionus--the desert-adapted onagers of Asia and the
Mideast, including the kiang.
• Equus przewalski--the oldest living species of horse,
discovered in remote Mongolia. (Equus caballus first
appeared in Central Asia, probably as Przewalski's horse.)
• Equus zebra--the Mountain zebra of South Africa. This is the
little zebra with the dewlap and the gridiron pattern on its
Pengaruh bangsa kuda barb, arabian dan spanish

• 3 bangsa tersebut berpengaruh besar pada

pengembangan bangsa kuda modern.
• Barb (Afrika Utara); Arabian (Arab) dan Spanish
• Abad ke-7

Tipe dan bangsa

• Bangsa didasarkan pada ‚studbook‘ (‚sertifikat‘)

• Empat tipe dasar kuda:
– Tipe pony 1, contoh:Exmoor
– Tipe pony 2, contoh: Highland
– Tipe kuda 3, contoh: Akhal
– Tipe kuda 4, contoh: Caspian
• Pony, poulenet (bhs. Perancis)  foal, anak kuda

Pengelompokkan lainnya (1)

1. Tipe Hotbloods
• Contoh bangsa
Arabian, Barb
• Tulang kecil,
lincah, dan


2. Tipe Coldbloods
• Contoh bangsa Percheron, Clydesdale
• Besar, badan kuat dan kalem.
• Eropa utara
3. Tipe warmbloods
• Contoh bangsa Spanish, American Quarter Horse
• Silangan dari hotbloods x coldbloods


Pengelompokkan lainnya (2)
3 modern groups:

1. Heavy horse

• Tenaga kuat, badan lebar, lamban

• Kuda penarik
• Berat
• Punggung lebar
• Otot quarter tebal

2. Light horse

• Mudah dan nyaman utk ditunggangi

• Punggung mudah dan sesuai utk dipasang saddle
• 8 tulang punggung pertama lurus, dan pundak
terlihat jelas
• Proporsi badan sempurna, tegap, lincah
• Kaki panjang, kuat, kuda olah raga

3. Pony horse

• Tinggi kurang dari 1,5 m

• Dada ‚dalam‘ dibandingkan dengan tingginya.
• Punggung pendek
• Perbedaan poni dan kuda adalah bentuk tubuhnya;
pada kuda tinggi badan dg tanah lebih besar dari
panjang badannya (kaki panjang), Poni sebaliknya.
• Wajah pendek, telinga kecil dan banyak bergerak


• Secara genetik terdapat 39 variasi warna asli

• Kombinasinya menghasilkan banyak warna
• Terdapat beberapa bangsa yang dianggap ‚bangsa
• Seperti: Appalosa (bintik), Albinos dll

Contoh wilayah pengembangan bangsa kuda
• Iceland: kuda Iceland
• Finlandia: kuda finnish
• Denmark: kuda danish warmblood, kuda jutland
• Jerman: kuda Oldenburg, Holsteiner, Hanoverian
• Perancis: Ariegeois, Percheron
• Belanda: Friesian
• Inggris: Thoroughbred, Exmoor
• India: Indianbred
• Timteng: Caspian, Arabian
• Spanyol: Andalusian
• Indonesia: kuda Sumba, Timor, Batak, Jawa, Padang

Contoh bangsa-bangsa

• Kelompok Pony
• Kelompok Light horse
• Kelompk Heavy horse

Heavy horse

1. Jutland
• Asal: Denmark, Jutland
• Tipe ternak kerja, namun
sekarang jarang
• Breeding: keturunan
utamanya dari Oldrup
• Warna chestnut, kaki
ditumbuhi rambut lebat´.
• Tinggi 1,57 – 1,63 m

2. Boulonnais
• Asal: Perancis: Boulogne
• Asli di daerah Perancis
sebelah barat
• Dahulu digunakan sebagai
kuda perang
• Tinggi: 1,68 m

Light Horse

1. Arabian
• Asal: Arabian Peninsula (timur tengah)
• Merupakan asal muasal kuda modern yang tersebar
di seluruh dunia
• Tahan thd panas
• Penampilan cantik, lubang hidung besar, dengan
mulut relatif kecil
• Tulang rusuk berbeda dg kuda lainnya (18 rib, 6
lumbar, 18 ekor): 17-5-16.
• Tinggi: 1,50 m

2. Saddlebred
• Asal: USA; Kentucky
• Bangsa paling popoler dan banyak dipelihara di
• Digunakan pada pertandingan ‚show ring‘, karena
dikenal pintar
• Tinggi: 1,63 m

3. Thoroughbred
• Asal: Inggris
• Menyebar luas diseluruh dunia sebagai kuda pacu
• Mempunyain fisik dan mental yang bagus sebagai
kuda pacu
• Berani namun kadang temperamental


1. Kuda Iceland
• Kecil dengan tinggi 1,30 m
• Dipelihara semi extensive,
• Selain utk ternak kerja, umum dimanfaatkan
• Di beberapa event tradisional digunakan utk

2. Kuda Sumba/Sumbawa
• Kecil, tinggi 1,27 m
• Dibawa oleh bangsa India, China dan Portugis
• Kepala besar, leher pendek
• Warna dominan dun (‚krem‘)
• Digunakan as ‚pack animal‘, pertunjukkan dan

2. Kuda Batak
• Asal : Sumatera
• Digunakan sbg alat
• Kecil, tinggi 1,32 m
3. Kuda Jawa
• Asal: Jawa
• Kecil, tinggi 1,27 m
• Digunakan sbg kuda
transportasi (delman etc)


• http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/horses/

Terima = Kasih

Pertanyaan inti

• Bagaimana kuda mengalami evolusi?

• Bagaimana pengaruh bangsa kuda arab, barb dan
spanish dalam perkembangan bangsa kuda
• Apa yang dimaksud dengan coldblood, hotblood
dan warmblood?
• Apa perbedaan antara kuda tipe pony, light dan
• Sebutkan dua contoh bangsa kuda pada masing-
masing jenis tersebut.

• 1) Poll; The poll is the bony prominence lying between the ears. Except for the ears, it is the highest point on the horses body when it is standing with its
head up.
• 2) Crest; Moderately lean in mares but inclined to be more full in stallions. Curved topline of the neck.
• 3) Forehead; The forehead should be broad, full and flat.
• 4) Nostrils ; The nostrils should be capable of wide dilation to permit the maximum inhalation of air, yet be rather fine.
• 5) Muzzle; The head should taper to a small muzzle, the lips should be firm and the lower lip should not have the tendency to sag.
• 6) Point of Shoulder ; The point of shoulder is a hard, bony prominence surrounded by heavy muscle masses.
• 7) Breast; The Breast is a muscle mass between the forelegs, covering the front of the chest. Back to Top
• 8) Chest; An ideal chest is deep and contains the space necessary for vital organs. A narrow chest can lead to interference with the front legs. Chest
muscles should be well developed and form an inverted "V". The prominence of chest muscling depends on the breed.
• 9) Forearm; The forearm should be well muscled, it extends from the elbow to the knee.
• 10) Knee; The knee is the joint between the forearm and the cannon bone.
• 11) Coronet; The coronet is the band around the top of the hoof from which the hoof wall grows.
• 12) Hoof; The hoof refers to the horny wall and the sole of the foot. The foot includes the horny structure and the pedal bones and navacular bones, as
well as other connective tissue.
• 13) Pastern; The pastern extends from the fetlock to the top of the hoof.
• 14) Sesamoid;
• 15) Flexor Tendons; The flexor tendons run from the knee to the fetlock and can be seen prominently lying behind the cannon bone, when it runs
parallel to the cannon bone it constitutes the desired "flat bone". Back to Top
• 16) Fetlock; The fetlock is the joint between the cannon bone and the pastern. The fetlock joint should be large and clean.
• 17) Cannon; The cannon bone lies between the knee and fetlock joint, and is visible from the front of the leg. It should be straight.
• 18) Underline;
• 19) Hock; The hock is the joint between the gaskin and the cannon bone, in the rear leg. The bony protuberance at the back of the hock is called the
point of hock.
• 20) Gaskin; The gaskin is the region between the stifle and the hock.
• 21) Stifle; The stifle is the joint at the end of the thigh corresponding to the human knee.
• 22) Flank; The flank is the area below the loin, between the last rib and the massive muscles of the thigh.
• 23) Loin; The loin or coupling is the short area joining the back to the powerful muscular croup ( rump).
• 24) Croup; The croup (rump) lies between the loin and the tail. When one is looking from the side or back, it is the highest point of the hindquarters.
• 25) Back; The back extends from the base of the withers to where the last rib is attached. Back to Top
• 26) Withers; The withers is the prominent ridge where the neck and the back join. At the withers, powerful muscles of the neck and shoulders attach to
the elongated spines of the second to sixth thoracic vertebrae. The height of a horse is measured vertically from the withers to the ground, because the
withers is the horse's highest constant point.
• 27) Throat Latch; The neck should be fine at the throat latch to allow the horse ease of flexation.
• 28) Neck; Lightweight horses should have reasonably long necks for good appearance and proper balance. It should blend smoothly into the withers
and the shoulders and not appear to emerge between the front legs.
• 29) Shoulder; Shoulders should be overlain with lean, flat muscle and blend well into the withers.
• 30) Barrel; The barrel should be narrower at the shoulders and widen at the point of coupling (loins).
• 31) Girth; This is the point that a horses should be measured to determine the heart girth which can be used to determine the horses weight.
• 32) Elbow; The elbow is a bony prominence lying against the chest at the beginning of the forearm.
• 33) Hindquarters; The hindquarters give power to the horse. They should be well muscled when viewed from the side and rear.

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