Research MOR Sight Reduction
Research MOR Sight Reduction
Research MOR Sight Reduction
Maryland : USA
3. Selecting an assumed position and finding that position’s local hour angle. Page 307
(a) The author’s new Sight Reduction Tables K21 which, based on the entering arguments
Latitude, Meridian Angle and Declination, give tabulated altitude and azimuth to an
accuracy of 0.2' and 0.2“ respectively, for all celestial bodies and all Latitudes
(b) .Two new small navigational computers, the Galaxy 1 and the Intercepter, which are
specially programmed for the solution of intercept and azimuth. Procedures for using
both the Rapid Inspection Tables and the computers are given in detail, to assist the
navigator to make his choice. Comparisons are also made with the best known existing
tables published by the U.S.A., Britain and the Hydrographic Office of the Yugoslav
Burch D. (2013). Celestial Navigation. USA
I. Celestial Navigation
The same techniques apply in Celestial Navigation; in this case, the Lines Of Position, or LOPs,
are circles of usually very large diameter centered on the Geographic Position of the sun
(Sometimes, we can take concurrent sights on several stars and/or planets and obtain our position
at the intersection of two or three LOPs determined by the angle at which we see the celestial
bodies above the horizon At other times, we are restricted to the use of a single body, for
instance the sun or the moon, in which case we need to take several sights at different times of
the day If the boat has moved between sights of a single celestial body, we must advance the first
LOP by the direction and distance traveled by the boat between the sights in order to obtain a
running fix
Bernal J. (2006). Clueless Celestial Navigation. US
I. Use of Sextant
The Great Geeks of History have done all that work for you over the centuries, and offer it to you
condensed into what we call the Nautical Almanac. This book can tell you at any given time
where any celestial object will be in relation to the earth’s center. Your viewpoint, through the
sextant, will give an angle of observation, which, when compared to an angle from a real-world
location, tells you how far you are from that location. 2 or more of these angle comparisons can
be crossed to give you a 'fix' on your position. There are many different ways to find out where
you are, from easy to hard, and we’ll go over them in that order. You don’t have to know HOW
it works, only that it DOES. Simply following directions on the worksheets included will get you
through Noon Sights and advanced Polaris Sights. If you want to learn past that, it’s in here too,
but I won’t fault you if you don’t want to. The first, most basic way to use a sextant is to
determine your Latitude by sighting Polaris, the north star (which you don’t necessarily need to
have the Almanac for unless you’re a stickler for details). The second is finding Longitude
through a Noon Sight of the Sun. This requires a series of sextant sights and watch set to
Greenwich Mean Time. Then we’ll do Latitude by Noon Sight of the Sun, which requires the
Almanac and data from the same Noon Sight taken for Longitude. The above stuff is plenty to
get you going, and very adequate to get you fixed on just where the heck you ended up at least
once every 12 hours. Beyond that, if you really feel like learning, is where it gets more difficult
but useful, allowing you to figure your position any time 2 or more celestial objects are visible.
Sextant sights are full of little Sight Corrections depending on time of year, atmospheric
refraction; the list goes on and on. The higher your eye is above sea level, the larger your angle
will be when sighting your celestial target. This needs a correction in your calculations, and this
is called your Dip Correction. The first thing you need to know is how high your eye is from the
ground (sea). It should be pretty easy to figure out, and it doesn’t have to be super-accurate, just
a rough guess. For example, if you’re on the deck of a boat that is 4 feet above sea level, and
your eye is 5 feet above that, your eye height will be 9 feet. There is a table in your Nautical
Almanac which tells you your Dip Correction based on that height. It should be a yellow page,
near the front of the book, and it is usually on a heavier grade paper than the rest of the pages. If
you do not have the yellow page, this table will be on page A2 in the front of your almanac.