Thermocouple: Common Specifications
Thermocouple: Common Specifications
Thermocouple: Common Specifications
The temperature difference between the probe tip and the reference junction is detected by measuring
the change in voltage (electromotive force, EMF) at the reference junction.
The absolute temperature reading can then be obtained by combining the information of the known
reference temperature and the difference of temperature between probe tip and the reference.
The following table provides a summary of basic thermocouple properties. For more detailed
specifications of individual thermocouples, please consult the sensor manufacturer.
• Pros:
- Low cost.
- No moving parts, less likely to be broken.
- Wide temperature range.
- Reasonably short response time.
- Reasonable repeatability and accuracy.
• Cons:
- Sensitivity is low, usually 50 µV/°C (28 µV/°F) or less. Its low voltage output may be
masked by noise. This problem can be improved, but not eliminated, by better signal
filtering, shielding, and analog-to-digital (A/V) conversion.
- Accuracy, usually no better than 0.5 °C (0.9°F), may not be high enough for some
- Requires a known temperature reference, usually 0°C (32°F) ice water. Modern
thermocouples, on the other hand, rely on an electrically generated reference.
- Nonlinearity could be bothersome. Fortunately, detail calibration curves for each wire
material can usually be obtained from vendors.
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Thermoelectric Effect
The basis of thermocouples was established by Thomas Johann Seebeck in 1821 when he
discovered that a conductor generates a voltage when subjected to a temperature gradient. To
measure this voltage, one must use a second conductor material which generates a different
voltage under the same temperature gradient. Otherwise, if the same material was used for the
measurement, the voltage generated by the measuring conductor would simply cancel that of the
first conductor. The voltage difference generated by the two materials can then be measured and
related to the corresponding temperature gradient. It is thus clear that, based on Seebeck's
principle, thermocouples can only measure temperature differences and need a known
reference temperature to yield the abolute readings.
There are three major effects involved in a thermocouple circuit: the Seebeck, Peltier, and
Thomson effects.
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Temperature Calibration
From Industrial Calibrators to ITS-90 Primary Standards
The Seebeck effect describes the voltage or electromotive force (EMF) induced by the
temperature difference (gradient) along the wire. The change in material EMF with respect to a
change in temperature is called the Seebeck coefficient or thermoelectric sensitivity. This
coefficient is usually a nonlinear function of temperature.
Peltier effect describes the temperature difference generated by EMF and is the reverse of
Seebeck effect. Finally, the Thomson effect relates the reversible thermal gradient and EMF in a
homogeneous conductor.
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Thermocouple Circuit
A typical thermocouple circuit can be illustrated as follows:
Suppose that the Seebeck coefficients of two dissimilar metallic materials, metal A and metal B,
and the lead wires are SA, SB, and SLead respectively. All three Seebeck coefficients are functions
of temperature. The voltage output Vout measured at the gage (see schematic above) is,
where TRef is the temperature at the reference point, TTip is the temperature at the probe tip. Note
that mathematically the voltage induced by the temperature and/or material mismatch of the lead
wires cancels, whereas in reality the lead wires will introduce noise into the circuit.
If the Seebeck coefficient functions of the two thermocouple wire materials are pre-calibrated
and the reference temperature TRef is known (usually set by a 0°C ice bath), the temperature at the
probe tip becomes the only unknown and can be directly related to the voltage readout.
If the Seebeck coefficients are nearly constant across the targeted temperature range, the integral
in the above equation can be simplified, allowing one to solve directly for the temperature at the
probe tip,
In practice, vendors will provide calibration functions for their products. These functions are
usually high order polynomials and are calibrated with respect to a certain reference temperature,
e.g., 0 °C (32 °F). Suppose that the coefficients of the calibration polynomials are a0, a1, a2, ...,
an. The temperature at the probe tip can then be related to the voltage output as,
Note that the above formula is effective only if the reference temperature TRef in the experiment is
kept the same as the reference temperature specified on the data sheet. Furthermore, these
coefficients are unit sensitive. Make sure to use the vendor-specified temperature unit (i.e.
Celsius/centigrade, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin) when plugging in numbers.
Thermoelectric Sensitivity
The Seebeck coefficients (thermoelectric sensitivities) of some common materials at 0 °C (32 °F)
are listed in the following table.