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Chapter 4 Art Revier

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CHAPTER 4 (ELEMENTS & PRINCIPLES OF ART) It suggests impulse, will power,

aspiration, passion and emotion.

(The descent from the cross by Peter Paul
Medium and Element- are the two major factors in Rubens and The Creation of Adam by
creating and artwork. Michelangelo)
Element- is independent of medium;  Curved Lines- it is considered as “line of
Medium- made up of watercolor. grace’ and line of beauty”.
Elements- painting is made up of warm and cool colors. Examples: arches, scallops and spire.
Medium song- accompanied by guitar or piano. “KOI” oil pastel painting by Ms. Jovita
Element song- song has its pattern of melody Punzalan)
Elements of art are the primary source to be visually  Jagged Lines- are associated with pointed
detectable. and sharp objects that signify difficulty and
Elements of art are one of the basic in understanding discomfort. (The Raft of Medusa by
principles of art criticism or art analysis. Theodore Gericault)
2. Shape- is an enclosed area or surface.
The principal element of identification.
Shape can be two dimensional and three
dimensional. Two dimensional exist with
1. Line- is the strongest and most important and height and width , while three dimensional
influtential. exist height, width, and volume.
 Lines are powerful tools that can be used smartly to (“Balancement” by Wassily Kandinsky)
lead the viewer eyes towards the point of interest in a  TWO CATEGORIES OR CLASSIFICATION OF
photograph. SHAPE
 Line is important in making any work of arts like a) Geometric Shape- its origin came from
painting, sculpture, and architecture. mathematical perspective.
 Thick lines and Thin lines- are used to make It includes circles, squares, rectangles,
representation of shapes and forms. and triangles.
 FUNCTIONS OF LINE Geometric shape can be Rectilinear or
 Outline and form Curvilinear.
 Movement and Emphasis b) Organic or Biomorphic Shape- we see
 Pattern and Texture them in nature and with characteristics
 Shading and Modeling that are free flowing, informal and
 KINDS OF LINE irregular.
 Vertical Line- depicts power and strength, stability, These shapes are derived from any
simplicity, poise or stature and dynamism. living organism. Trees, flowers etc.
EXAMPLE: A Tall tree, a tall building and statues of
3. Form- is the overall design of an
saints (Warren Espejo by Jose Rizal)
 Horizontal Lines- is basically associated with rest and
repose. It describes the structure of shape and
Is visible also in a dead man reclining, resting animals, a object form the different perspective.
serene sea and cemetery(Solitude and Mother and child
by Jovita F. Punzalan) Examples: (sphere, cube cylinder, cone,
 Diagonal Lines- are lines of action and movement. pyramid)
4. Space- is the surface or the area within the artwork.  Warm and Cool colors- color can be
It constitutes the area or distance, between, around, associated with warm and coolness in
above or within things. which the artist considers in any
 TWO KINDS OF SPACE composition.
 Positive Space- space where most likely to be filled Grouped colors into two – Cool and
with shadow or color warm colors
 Negative Space- is the empty are in the artwork. Warm colors- express warmth; red,
yellow and orange (suggest cheerfulness
5. Color- considered as the most expressive of all the joy and excitement)
elements of art. Cool colors- feel being cold and cool;
Colors can be easily recognized in any visual blue, violet and green. (Impression of
experience. calm and create a soothing impression)
Primary source of color is light. Receding or retreating colors- cool
ROY G BIV- an array of colors that called rainbow. colors
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Advancing Colors- warm
 HUE- the name of color and the property which  Color Harmony- is the arrangement or
distinguishes ONE color from another. combination of colors.
Major hues – red, blue, and yellow Creates a pleasing arrangement which his
 Value- is the lightness or darkness of a hue (color). essential in any visual experience.
Value of a hue can be changed by adding black or  Color Scheme- a color scheme is the
white. choice of colors.
 Intensity- is the brightness or dullness of a Used to create style and appeal.
Pure hues- are highly intensity colors APPEAL:
Dull hues- are low-intensity colors. 1. Complementary Color Scheme- colors that
 CLASSSIFICATION OF COLOR are opposite each other on the color
 Primary Colors- are hues can be mixed to create wheel are considered to be
all other colors. complementary colors. Ex. Red and green
Are the basic and cannot be mixed from other 2. Analogous Color Scheme- use coors that
elements. are next to each other on the color wheel.
(RED, YELLOW, BLUE) Often found in nature and harmonious
 Secondary Colors- are the hues between the and pleasing to the eye.
primary hues on the color wheel. 3. Triadic Color Scheme- uses colors that are
Are combinations of equal amount of two evenly spaced around the color wheel.
primaries Quite vibrant, even if you use pale or
(Orange, violet and green) unsaturated version of your hues.
R+Y =Orange 4. Split- Complementary Color Scheme- is a
R+B= VIOLET variation of the complementary color
B+Y= GREEN scheme.
 Intermediate colors- colors are created by mixing a 5. Rectangle or Tetradic color scheme- use
secondary color with a primary color. four colors arranged into two
Example: Red orange, red violet, blue violet, blue complementary pairs.
green, yellow green, yellow orange. 6. Square Color Scheme- is similar to the
 Tertiary Colors- created by mixing two rectangle, but with all four factors spaced
complementary colors or mixing two colors are evenly around the color circle.
opposite to each other on the color wheel.
PSYCHOLOGY OF COLORS- are known to have varied a) Symmetrical Balance- the most stable
psychological and emotional connotation. among the kinds of balance is
(The meaning of color and its symbolism changes from symmetrical balance or formal balance.
one culture to other) b) Asymmetrical Balance or Informal
Balance- it is achieved when one side of
Black- death, despair, gloom, sorrow the composition does not reflect the
Blue- Infinity, freedom, calmness design of the other but visually balance.
Brown- humility, earth, spiritual death c) Radial Balance- elements and objects
Green- nature, freshness, prosperity have a central point.
Orange- sweetness, cheerfulness, energy, food 3. HARMONY- is essential to beauty.
Pink, feminist and love 4. VARIETY- this principle creates an interest
Red- Bravery and courage, energy, passion and appeal in a body of work.
Violet- royalty, dull, penance 5. MOVEMENT- it adds excitement to your
White- purity, clarity, simplicity work by showing action and directing the
Yellow- joyful, life, vibrant viewer’s eye throughout the picture plane.
6. RHYTM- a regular repetition of elements can
6. Value- right next to color, value can suggest emotional produce implied movement.
and dramatic impression by using lightness and darkness 7. Proportion or Scale- comparative
in a composition. relationship of one part to another with
VALUE- referred to CHAIROSCURO- meaning lightness regards to size.
and darkest (from the Italian word CHIARO “CLEAR” and
OSCORO “DARK”. 8. UNITY- it can be accomplished by using all
Light and shadow- mean the same thing. elements and some principles to create a
It is a quality that depends on the amount of light and pleasing image.
dark in color. 9. CONTRAST- can provide interest and
excitement is an artwork or to any visual
TINT, SHADES, AND TONES –if a color is made lighter by experience.
adding white, the results is called a tint. Adding darker
version is called shade. Adding Gray result diff. tone. ARTIST CRITICISM- is an evaluation of a
work of art. It is considered as formal
7.Texture- is found in all visual arts. analysis or work of art.
It is the element that deals primarily with the sense of
touch or the tactile sensation or stimuli.
Texture maybe described as smooth, hard, soft, wet, dry,
rough, slippery, etc.
1. Actual Texture- texture is capable of moving your
deep emotions than any other elements.
It refers to the real texture of an object.
2. Implied or Simulated Texture- is the imitation of real
texture or real objects.
Visual texture- is an illusion of texture created by the

1. EMPHASIS- emphasis or subordination is the focal
point or the center of interest in an artwork.
2. BALANCE- it has something to do with visual weight.

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