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Power flow analysis

Subject lecturer: Dr. XU Zhao

Department of Electrical Engineering

Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Email: [email protected]
eezhaoxu@polyu edu hk
Room: CF632
Tel: 27666160
Lecture Overview
• Load Flow Objective
• Basic Line & Bus Equations
• Newton--Raphson Method
• Decoupled & Fast Decoupled Method
• Application: Design and Operation
• Conclusions

2 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Load flow: Objectives and applications

• Busbar (Node) voltages

• Flow of real and reactive powers in the branches of

the network

• Power system augmentation studies to plan

p to the network to meet future

• Effect of temporary loss of generation and

transmission circuits on system loading

3 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Load Flow: Objectives and applications
• Optimum
O ti system
t running
i conditions
diti andd load
l d
• Generator scheduling and reactive scheduling to
minimizes losses
• Optimum rating and tap-range of transformers
• Optional placement of reactive compensation
• Improvements from change of conductor size and
system voltage
• Starting point of other studies such as fault analysis
and stability analysis

4 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

A Simple 3 Bus Power System

1 2


y12= y21
3 2
2 y13 = y31 I3 y23=y32

y13' y13' y23' y23'

2 2 2 2

Network elements given in

admittance format
5 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Nodal analysis
• Using KCL (nodal voltage method) to write out nodal
current balance equations

( 3-V2)Y
) 23+V3(Y
( 13’/2+Y
’/ 23’/2)-(V
’/ ) ( 1-V3)Y
) 13

6 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Network Performance Equation
( 12+ y13+ y12’/2+
• Y11 = (y /2 y13’/2) ---------self
lf admittance
d itt
• (- y12)= Y12 , (-y13 ) = Y13 ---mutual admittance

⎡ I 1 ⎤ ⎡Y 11 Y 12 Y 13 ⎤ ⎡V 1 ⎤
⎢ I 2 ⎥ = ⎢Y 21 Y 22 Y 23⎥ ⎢V 2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ I 3 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣Y 31 Y 32 Y 33⎥⎦ ⎢⎣V 3 ⎥⎦
7 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Solving for Bus Currents
For example,
p , ina two
y assume
system with Ybus
Bus Bus
⎡ 1.0 ⎤ 2
V=⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0
8 − j 0.2
0 2 ⎦
⎡12 − j15.9 −12 + j16 ⎤ ⎡ 1.0 ⎤ ⎡ 5.60 − j 0.70 ⎤
⎢ −12 + j16 12 − j15 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ =⎢ ⎥
⎣ 15.9
9 ⎦⎣ 0
8 − j 0
2 ⎦ ⎣ −5
58 + j 0.88
0 88 ⎦
Therefore the power injected at bus 1 is
S1 = V1I1* = 1.0 × (5.60 + j 0.70) = 5.60 + j 0.70
S2 = V2 I 2* = (0.8
(0 8 − j 0.2)
0 2) × (−5.58
5 58 − j 0.88)
0 88) = −4.64
4 64 + j 0.41
0 41
8 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Solving for Bus Voltages
For example,
example in previous case assume
⎡ 5.0 ⎤
I=⎢ ⎥
⎣ − 4
8 ⎦
⎡12 − j15.9 −12 + j16 ⎤ ⎡ 5.0 ⎤ ⎡ 0.0738 − j 0.902 ⎤
⎢ −12 + j16 12 − j15 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ =⎢ ⎥
⎣ 15.9
9 ⎦ ⎣ − 4
8 ⎦ ⎣ − 0
0738 − j1.098
1 098 ⎦
Therefore the power injected is
S1 = V1I1* = (0.0738 − j 0.902) × 5 = 0.37 − j 4.51
S 2 = V2 I 2* = ( −00.0738
0738 − j11.098)
098) × ( −44.8)
8) = 00.35
35 + j 55.27
9 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Effect of Shunt Elements
• System
S t power flow
fl can be
b controlled
t ll d by
b switching
it hi
of shunt capacitor banks, shunt reactors, and static
VAR systems.
systems If there is a shunt capacitor of Y Y’ at
bus 1, the self-admittance at bus 1 changes to Y11 =
(y12+ y13+ y12’/2+ y13’/2) + Y’ and no other elements
will be affected.
• Both tap-changing and regulating transformers are
modelled by a transformer with off nominal turns
ratio a and equivalent series admittance Yeq (as
shown in Figure next page). page) Then the
corresponding elements in the YBus (Yii, Yij and Yjj)
need to be changed.
10 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Tap-changing and Regulating Transformers
• Equivalent π Circuit

a Yeq
i j

(1 a)Yeq
(1-a) (a 2-a) Yeq


11 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Line Flow Equations
• The
Th reall andd reactive
ti power flow fl from
f bus
b i to t b
bus j
is given by: Pij -jQij = Vi* [yij(Vi-Vj)+ Vi (yij’/2)]
• Similarly at bus j the power flow from j to i will be
given by:Pji -jQji = Vj* [yij(Vj-Vi)+ Vj (yij’/2)]
• The algebraic sum of above two equations gives the
line loss over line i-j

i j

y'ij/2 y'ij/2


12 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Power Balance Equations
From KCL we know at each bus i in an n bus system
the current injection, I i , must be equal to the current
that flows into the network
I i = I Gi − I Di = ∑ Iik
k =1
Since I = Ybus V wee also kno
I i = I Gi − I Di = ∑ YikVk
k =1

The network power injection is then Si = Vi I i*

13 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Power Balance Equations, cont’d
⎛ n⎞ n
Si = Vi I i* = Vi ⎜ ∑ YikVk ⎟ = Vi ∑ Yik*Vk*
⎝ k =1 ⎠ k =1
This is an equation with complex numbers.
Sometimes we would like an equivalent set of real
power equations. These can be derived by defining
Yik = Gik + jBik
jθ i
Vi  Vi e = Vi ∠θ i

θ ik = θ i − θ k
Recall e jθ = cosθ + j sin θ
14 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Real Power Balancen Equations
Si = Pi + jQi = Vi ∑ Yik*Vk* = ∑ Vi Vk e jθik (Gik − jBik )
k =1 k =1
= ∑ Vi Vk (cosθ ik + j sin θ ik )(Gik − jBik )
k =1
Resolving into the real and imaginary parts
Pi = ∑ Vi Vk (Gik cosθ ik + Bik sinθ ik ) = PGi − PDi
k =1
Qi = ∑ Vi Vk (Gik sinθ ik − Bik cosθ ik ) = QGi − QDi
k =1

15 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Power Flow Requires
q Iterative Solution

I the
In th power flow
fl we assume we know
k Si and
d the
Ybus . We would like to solve for the V's. The problem
is the below equation has no closed form solution:
⎛ n ⎞ n
Si = Vi I i* = Vi ⎜ ∑ YikVk ⎟ = Vi ∑ Yik*Vk*
⎝ k =1 ⎠ k =1
Rath er, wealgebraic
Nonlinear must pursue an iterative
equation set, notapproach.
solvable but can be solved through iterative
V—magnitude and angle !
16 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Gauss Iteration
There are a number of different iterative methods
we can use. We'll consider two: Gauss and Newton.

With the Gauss method we need to rewrite our

equation in an implicit form: x = h(x)

To iterate we first make an initial guess of x, x (0) ,

and then iteratively solve x (v +1) = h( x ( v ) ) until we
find a "fixed point", x? such that x = h(x)
point" x, (x).
17 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Gauss Iteration Example
Example: Solve x - x − 1 = 0
( v +1)
x =1+ x (v)

Let k = 0 and arbitrarily guess x (0)

= 1 and solve
k x(v ) k x(v)
0 1 5 2.61185
1 2 6 2.61612
2 2 41421
2.41421 7 2.61744
2 61744
3 2.55538 8 2.61785
4 2.59805 9 2.61798
18 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Stopping Criteria
A keyy problem
p to address is when to stop
p the
iteration. With the Guass iteration we stop when
Δx ( v ) < ε i h Δx ( v ) = x ( v +1) − x ( v )
If x is a scalar this is clear, but if x is a vector we
need to generalize the absolute value by using a norm
Δx ( v ) <ε
T common norms are the
Two th Euclidean
E lid & infinity
i fi it
Δx 2 = ∑ i
Δx 2
Δx ∞ = max i Δx i
19 Electrical Engineering, HKPU i =1 EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Gauss Power Flow
We first need to put the equation in the correct form
⎛ n ⎞ n
Si = *
Vi I i = Vi ⎜ ∑ YikkVk ⎟ = Vi ∑ YikkVk
* *

⎝ k =1 ⎠ k =1
n n
S*i = Vi* I i = Vi* ∑ YikVk = Vi* ∑ YikVk
k =1 k =1

S*i n n

= ∑ YikVk = YiiVi + ∑ YikVk
k =1 k =1,
1 k ≠i

1 ⎛ S*i n ⎞
Vi = ⎜ * − ∑ YikkVk ⎟
Yii ⎜⎝ V k =1,k ≠i

Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Gauss Two Bus Power Flow Example

A 100 MW, 50 Mvar load is connected to a generator
•through a line with z = 0.02 + j0.06 p.u. and line charging of 5 Mvar on
each end (100 MVA base). Also, there is a 25 Mvar capacitor at bus 2. If the
generator voltage is 1.0 p.u., what is V2?

SLoad = 1.0 + j0.5 p.u.

21 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Gauss Two Bus Example, cont’d
The unknown is the complex load voltage
voltage, V2 .
To determine V2 we need to know the Ybus .
= 5 − j15
0.02 + j 0.06
⎡5 − j14.95 −5 + j15 ⎤
Hence Ybus = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ − 5 + j15 5 − j14
70 ⎦
( Note B22 = - j15 + j 0.05 + j 0.25)

22 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Gauss Two Bus Example, cont’d
1 ⎛ S*2 n ⎞
V2 = ⎜ * − ∑ YikVk ⎟
Y22 ⎝ V2 k =1,k ≠i ⎠
1 ⎛ -1 + j 0.5 ⎞
V2 = ⎜ − (−5 + j15)(1.0∠0) ⎟
5 − j14.70 ⎝ V2 *

Guess V2(0) = 1.0∠0 (this is known as a flat start)
v V2( v ) v V2( v )
0 1 000 + j 00.000
1.000 000 3 9622 − j 0.0556
00.9622 0 0556
1 0.9671 − j 0.0568 4 0.9622 − j 0.0556
2 0.9624 − j 0.0553
23 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Gauss Two Bus Example, cont’d
V2 = 0.9622
0 9622 − j 00.0556
0556 = 00.9638
9638∠ − 33.3

Once the voltages are known all other values can
be determined, such as the generator powers and the
line flows
S1* = V1* (Y11V1 + Y12V2 ) = 1.023 − j 0.239
In actual units P1 = 102.3 MW, Q1 = 23.9 Mvar
The capacitor is supplying V2 25 = 23
2 Mvar

24 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Slack Bus
zIn previous example we specified S2 and V1 and then
solved for S1 and V2.
zWe can not arbitrarily
y specify
p y S at all buses because total
generation must equal total load + total losses
zWe also need an angle reference bus.
zTo solve these problems we define one bus as the "slack"
bus. This bus has a fixed voltage magnitude and angle,
and a varying real/reactive power injection.

25 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Gauss with Many Bus Systems
With multiple
p bus systems
y we could calculate
new Vi ' s as follows:

1 ⎛ S*i n ⎞
Vi(v +1) = ⎜ ( v )* − ∑ YikVk( v ) ⎟
Yii ⎜ V = ≠ ⎟
⎝ i k 1
1, k i ⎠
= (v) (v) (v )
hi (V1 ,V2 ,...,Vn )
But after we've determined Vi(v +1) we have a better
i off its
i voltage
l , so it
i makes
k sense to use this
new value. This approach is known as the
Gauss-Seidel iteration.
Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Gauss-Seidel Iteration
Immediatelyy use the new voltage
g estimates:
V2( v +1) = h2 (V1 ,V2( v ) ,V3( v ) ,…,Vn( v ) )
( v +1)) ( v +1))
V3 = h2 (V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,…,Vn )(v) (v )

V4( v +1)) = h2 (V1 ,V2( v +1)) ,V3( v +1)) ,V4( v ) …,Vn(v ) )

Vn( v +1) = h2 (V1 ,V2( v +1) ,V3( v +1) ,V4( v +1) …,Vn( v ) )
The Gauss-Seidel
Gauss Seidel works better than the Gauss
Gauss, and
is actually easier to implement. It is used instead
of Gauss.
27 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Three Types of Power Flow Buses
z There are three main types of power flow buses
– Load (PQ) at which P/Q are fixed; iteration solves for voltage
magnitude and angle.
– Slack at which the voltage magnitude and angle are fixed; iteration
solves for P/Q injections
– Generator (PV) at which P and |V| are fixed; iteration solves for
g angle
g and Q injection

zspecial coding is needed to include PV

buses in the Gauss-Seidel iteration

28 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu


Bus Type No of Bus Quantities No. of available No of state

Specified Equations variables
δi and Vi
Slack i=1 1 δ1 V1 0 0

Voltage Ng Pi |V i | Ng (only P Ng
Controlled Equations)
Load Bus NN- Ng -1
1 Pi Q I 2(N- Ng -1)
2(N 1) 2(N- Ng -1)
2(N 1)

Total N 2N 2N- Ng -2 2N- Ng -2

29 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Inclusion of PV Buses in G-S
To solve for Vi at a PV bus we must first make a
guess of Qi :
Si* = Vi* ∑ YikVk = Pi + jQi
k =1

⎡ ( v )* n (v ) ⎤
Hence (v )
Qi = − Im ⎢Vi ∑ YikV ⎥
⎣ k =1

In the iteration we use (v)
Si = Pi + (v )

30 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Inclusion of PV Buses, cont'd
T t ti l solve
Tentatively f Vi( v +1)
l for

1 ⎛ Si( v )* n ⎞

Vi ( v +1)
= ⎜ (v )* − ∑ YikVk ⎟ (v)
Yii ⎜ V = ≠ ⎟
⎝ i k 1, k i ⎠
But since Vi is specified, replace Vi( v +1) by Vi

Magnitude is known

31 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Two Bus PV Example
C id ththe same two
t bus
b system
t from
f the
th previous
example, except the load is replaced by a generator
z = 0.02 + j 0.06

Bus 1 Bus 2
V1 = 1.0
10 V2 = 1.05
1 05
(slack bus)
P2 = 0 MW

32 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Two Bus PV Example, cont'd
1 ⎛ S2* ⎞
V2 = ⎜ * − Y21V1 ⎟
Y22 ⎝ V2 ⎠
Q2 = − Im[Y21V1V2* + Y22V2V2* ]
Guess V2 = 11.05
v S2( v ) V2( v +1) V2( v +1)
0 0 + j 0.457 1.045∠ − 0.83° 1.050∠ − 0.83°
1 0 + j 0.535 049∠ − 00.93
0 535 11.049 93° 11.050
050∠ − 00.93
2 0 + j 0.545 1.050∠ − 0.96° 1.050∠ − 0.96°

33 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Generator Reactive Power Limits
zThe reactive power output of generators varies to maintain the
terminal voltage; on a real generator this is done by the exciter
zTo maintain higher voltages requires more reactive power
zGenerators have reactive power limits,
limits which are dependent upon
the generator's MW output
zThese limits must be considered during the power flow solution.

34 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Generator Reactive Limits, cont'd
z During power flow once a solution is obtained check to make generator
reactive power output is within its limits
z If the reactive power is outside of the limits, fix Q at the max or min
value, and resolve treating the generator as a PQ bus
– this is know as "type-switching"
– also need to check if a PQ generator can again regulate
z Rule of thumb: to raise system voltage we need to supply more vars

35 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Accelerated G-S Convergence

Previously in the Gauss

Seidel method we were
calculating each value x as
x ( v +1) = h( x ( v ) )
To accelerate convergence we can rewrite this as
( v +1)
x = x (v)
+ h( x (v )
)−x (v)

Now introduce acceleration parameter α

x ( v +1) = x ( v ) + α (h( x ( v ) ) − x ( v ) )
With α = 1 this is identical to standard gauss-seidel.
Larger values
l off α may result
l in
i faster
f convergence.
36 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Accelerated Convergence, cont’d
Consider the pprevious example:
p x - x −1 = 0
x ( v +1) = x ( v ) + α (1 + x ( v ) − x ( v ) )
Comparison of results with different values of α
k α =1 α = 1.2 α = 1.5 α = 2
0 1 1 1 1
1 2 2 20
2.20 22.5
5 3
2 2.4142 2.5399 2.6217 2.464
3 2.5554 2.6045 2.6179 2.675
4 2 5981
2.5981 22.6157
6157 2.6180
2 6180 2.596
2 596
37 5 2.6118
Electrical Engineering, HKPU 2.6176 2.6180 2.626
EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Gauss-Seidel Advantages
zEach iteration is relatively fast (computational order is
proportional to number of branches + number of buses in the
zR l ti l easy tto program

Gauss-Seidel Disadvantages
zTends to converge relatively slowly, although this can be
improved with acceleration
zHas tendency to miss solutions,
solutions particularly on large systems
zTends to diverge on cases with negative branch reactance
(common with compensated lines)
N d tto program using
zNeed i complex
l numbers

38 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Page 337 Example 9.2
9 2 Power system

39 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

40 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
41 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Newton-Raphson Algorithm
z The second major power flow solution method is the Newton
z Key idea behind Newton-Raphson is to use sequential linearization

General form of problem: Find an x such that

f ( xˆ ) = 0

42 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Newton-Raphson Method
1 For each guess of xˆ, x(v) , define
Δx(v) = xˆ - x(v)
2. Represent f ( xˆ ) by a Taylor series about f ( x)
df ( x ) (v)
f ( xˆ ) = f ( x ) +
Δx +
1 d 2 f ( x(v) ) (v) 2
2 dx 2 ( Δx ) + higher order terms

43 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Newton-Raphson Method

44 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Newton-Raphson Method, cont’d
3. Approximate
pp f ( xˆ ) byy neglecting
g g all terms
except the first two
df ( x ) ( v )
f ( xˆ ) = 0 ≈ f ( x (v)
)+ Δx
4. Use this linear approximation to solve for Δx ( v )
⎡ df ( x ) ⎤ (v )
Δx = −⎢(v )
⎥ f ( x (v)
⎣ dx ⎦
5. Solve for a new estimate of x̂
x ( v +1) = x ( v ) + Δx ( v )
45 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Newton-Raphson Method, cont’d

46 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR method general formulation
Use Newton Raphson to solve f ( x) = x 2 - 2 = 0
The equation we must iteratively solve is
⎡ df ( x ) ⎤ (v )
Δx (v )
= −⎢ ⎥ f ( x (v )
⎣ dx d ⎦
Δx (v ) ⎡ 1 ⎤ (v ) 2
= − ⎢ ( v ) ⎥ (( x ) - 2)
⎣2x ⎦
x (v +1)) = x ( v ) + Δx ( v )

x ( v +1)
= x (v) ⎡ 1 ⎤ (v) 2
− ⎢ ( v ) ⎥ (( x ) - 2)
⎣2x ⎦
47 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Jacobian matrix

x (v+1) ⎡ 1 ⎤ (v) 2
= x − ⎢ (v) ⎥ ((x ) -2)
⎣2x ⎦
Guess x(0) =1. Iteratively solving we get
v x(v) f (x(v) ) Δx(v)
0 1 −1 0.5
1 1.5 0.25 −0.08333
2 1.41667
141667 6953×10−3
6.953 2454×10−3
3 1.41422 6.024×10−6

48 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Jacobian matrix

x (v+1) ⎡ 1 ⎤ (v) 2
= x − ⎢ (v) ⎥ ((x ) -2)
⎣2x ⎦
Guess x(0) =1. Iteratively solving we get
v x(v) f (x(v) ) Δx(v)
0 1 −1 0.5
1 1.5 0.25 −0.08333
−3 −3
2 1.41667
141667 6953×10
6.953 −2.454
3 1.41422 6.024×10−6
49 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu
Bus type and Jacobian formulation

50 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

Iteration process

51 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR steps

52 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR steps

53 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

54 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

55 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

56 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

57 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

58 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

59 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

60 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

61 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

62 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

63 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

NR example

64 Electrical Engineering, HKPU EE3741 Ass. Prof Zhao Xu

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