Cbse Ncert Latest Paper 10
Cbse Ncert Latest Paper 10
Cbse Ncert Latest Paper 10
Ans : (c) Hypothalamus 11. Which of the following comments applies to the brains
Hypothalamus controls and regulates temperature of of most animals?
body, urge of eating, drinking. sleeping, etc. (a) Within the brain, neurons exchange information
with one another.
7. Coordination via the nervous system tends to differ
(b) Brains usually lie as near as possible to the
from that produced by the endocrine system because
important sensory structures in an animal.
the nervous system:
(a) is quick, precise and localized (c) Brains send action potentials to the hindmost
portion of the animal by means of major nerves.
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Chap 7 : Control and Coordination
(d) All of the above are functions associated with these parts.
Ans : (d) All of the above
14. The diagram shows the central nervous system, which 16. The diagram shows a reflex arc in which a bee sting
has been blocked in three different places by a drug causes the arm to be moved quickly.
used as an anaesthetic.
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Chap 7 : Control and Coordination
20. In comparison with other cells, nerve cells show a 28. In reflex action, the reflex arc is formed by:
(a) brain $ spinal cord $ muscles
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Chap 7 : Control and Coordination
1. A feedback mechanism regulates the action of the 17. Reflex are formed in spinal cord also sends information
.......... . input to .......... .
Ans : hormones Ans : brain
2. .......... hormone is applied to cuttings to induce root 18. .......... coordinates the activity of picking up pencil
initiation in horticulture. for writing.
Ans : Auxin Ans : cerebellum
3. .......... movements are growth movements of plants in 19. Positive geotropism of root is due to greater growth
response to a stimulus from a specific direction. on .......... side as compared to .......... side.
Ans : Tropic Ans : upper, lower
4. Receptors are structures which are able to detect 20. Human growth hormone regulates the many body
.......... . processes involved in ......... and ...........
Ans : stimuli Ans : growth, development
5. Neurons that carry information to an effector are 21. The hormone which controls the development of male
called .......... neurons. secondary sexual character is called .......... .
Ans : motor Ans : estosterone
6. A hormone is a chemical secreted by an ......... 22. A .......... mechanism regulates the action of hormones.
7. The initial depolarization of the nerve cell membrane. 23. An axon terminal passes the electrical stimulus to a
dendrite of next neuron through .......... reaction.
Ans : sodium
Ans : chemical
8. The .......... of the neuron secretes the neurotransmitter
substance. 24. Hormones are carried by .......... to target organs where
they perform a specific function.
Ans : axon
Ans : blood stream
9. Touch me not shows .......... movement.
25. Sneezing is a .......... .
Ans : nastic
Ans : reflex action
10. Temporal lobe of cerebrum is region for ..........
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Chap 7 : Control and Coordination
26. The nervous system uses .......... to transmit messages. 9. Thyroxine regulatres the blood-sugar.
Ans : electrical impulses Ans : False
27. .......... performs control and coordination in plants. 10. Motor neurons carry signals from receptors to spinal
Ans : Phytohormones cord.
Ans : False
28. .......... promotes senescence and is found in high
concentration in ripened fruits. 11. Brain is the structural and functional unit of nervous
Ans : thylene system.
Ans : False
29. Apical dominance - Auxin; reversal of dwarfism ..........
Ans : GA 12. Centres of hearing, smell, memory, sight, etc., are
located in fore brain.
30. If the dark period is interrupted by flashes of light Ans : True
.......... plant will not flower.
Ans : Short day 13. Feeling hunger is a reflex action.
Ans : False
31. .......... hormone increases heartbeat rate when we get
a fright. 14. Brains can work 24 hours a day with no rest.
Ans : Adrenalin Ans : False
32. Short day plants come to flower .......... a critical 15. Immediate response to stimulus is shown as Mimosa
photoperiod. pudica.
Ans : Below Ans : True
33. .......... is the irreversible increase in size, volume or 16. Sensory neurons carry signals from spinal cord to
weight of an organ or organism. muscles.
Ans : Growth Ans : False
6. The main thinking part of brain is hind brain. 22. The chemicals released from the axonal end of one
Ans : False neuron cross the synapse and generate a similar
electrical impulse in a dendrite of another neuron.
7. Functioning of various organs in uniformity is called Ans : True
Ans : True 23. Apical dominance is the function of Auxin.
Ans : True
8. The path through which signals are transmitted from
a receptor to a muscle or a gland is called reflex arc.
Ans : True
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Chap 7 : Control and Coordination
27. Growth inhibitors are Ethylene and ABA. (A) Parthenocarpy (p) Photoperiodism
Ans : True (B) Apical dominance (q) Development of
seed less fruit
28. Blue light effective in phototropism. (C) Extreme cold (r) Vernalization
Ans : True treatment
(D) Response to length (s) Auxin
29. Mimosa plant showing seismonfastic movement. of the day
Ans : True
Ans : A-q, B-s, C-r, D-p
30. Bending of Tentacles in Drosera is Thigmonasty.
Ans : True
Column I Column II
31. Only the vertebrates have a nervous system.
(A) Auxin (p) GA 3
Ans : False
(B) Gibberellin (q) IAA
32. The propagation of a nerve impulse is due to changes
(C) Cytokinin (r) ABA
in the permeability of the nerve cell membrane that
allows for a voltage difference across the membrane. (D) Dormin (s) Zeatin
Ans : True Ans : A-q, B-p, C-s, D-r
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Chap 7 : Control and Coordination
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Chap 7 : Control and Coordination
in a sense organ that perceive a particular type of 28. Assertion : Nerve impulse is a one way conduction.
stimulus. Reason : Nerve impulse is transmitted from dendrite
Reason : Different sense organs have different receptors to axon terminals.
for detecting stimuli. Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are Nerve impulse are always transmitted across a synapse
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of from the axon terminals of one neuron to the dendrite/
assertion (A). cell body of the next neuron but never in the reverse
direction. Since, the neurotransmitter is present only
22. Assertion : Abscisic acid is a stress hormone. in the axon terminals and not in the dendrite or cell
Reason : Stimulation of ABA occurs in adverse body, it cannot be released from the dendrite or cell
conditions. body even if the impulse reaches there.
Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion 29. Assertion : Our body maintains blood sugar level.
(A). Reason : Pancreas secretes insulin which helps to
regualte blood sugar levels in the body.
Absicsic is a stress hormone as its production is
stimulated by drought, water logging and other Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
adverse (stressful) conditions. and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
23. Assertion : Units which make up the nervous system Pancreas secretes insulin which helps to regulate blood
are called neurons. sugar levels in the body. If the sugar level in blood
Reason : Nerve impulses are carried by dendrites rises, they are detected by the cells of the pancreas
towards the cell body. which respond by producing more insulin. As the
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are blood sugar level falls, insulin secretion is reduced.
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A). 30. Assertion : Failure of secretion of growth hormone
from an early age causes dwafrism in the patient.
Both the statements are true. Nervous system is
Reason : Growth hormone stimulates the body growth
the system of conducting tissues that receives the
and elongation of long bones.
stimulus and transmits it to other parts of the body
forming a network of nerves. It is involved in receiving Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
information (sensation) and generating responses to and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
that information (motor response). The units which (A).
make up the nervous system are called nerve cells or Growth hormone is secreted by the anterior lobe
neurons. Nerve impulses are always transmitted across of pituitary gland. It stimulates body growth. The
a synapse from the axon terminals of one neuron to failure of secretion of growth hormone from an early
the dendrite/cell body of the next neuron. age causes dwafrism while excessive secretion of this
hormone from childhood leads to gigantism.
24. Assertion : Cyton region of nerve fibre collects
information for the brain.
Reason : Nerve fibres can either have or lack myelin
25. Assertion : Animals can react to stimuli in different NO NEED TO PURCHASE ANY BOOKS
ways. For session 2019-2020 free pdf will be available at
Reason : All animals have a nervous system and an for
endocrine system involving hormones. 1. Previous 15 Years Exams Chapter-wise Question
Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true Bank
and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion 2. Previous Ten Years Exam Paper (Paper-wise).
(A). 3. 20 Model Paper (All Solved).
4. NCERT Solutions
26. Assertion : The effect of auxin hormone on the growth All material will be solved and free pdf. It will be
of root is exactly opposite to that on a stem. provided by 30 September and will be updated regularly.
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Reason : Auxin hormone increases the rate of growth New Delhi in any manner. is a private organization which provide free
study material pdfs to students. At CBSE stands for Canny Books
in root and decreases the rate of growth in stem. For School Education
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
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