Documentation About Graphs Applied To A Pacman Game

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Daniel Alejandro Fernández Robles

Camilo Enriquez Delgado

Step 1. Identification of the problem.

The specific needs of the problematic situation, symptoms and conditions for resolution are
listed below.
Identification of needs and symptoms:
Pac-Man needs to eat Pac-Dots, fruits, energizers and blue ghosts to achieve the
greatest possible score.
The map should be modeled using a graph.
A shortest path algorithm must define the behavior of the ghosts.
The game must not be delayed so anyone who plays can focus in the gameplay.
Definition of the problem:
Design and program a Pac-Man game that emulates a wide variety of the functions
and behavior of the original game by Namco.
Functional requirements:

Name FR.#1. Find the shortest path between two points on the map

Summarize The program will allow to find the shortest path between two tiles of the map
using Floy-Warshall algorithm

Input ● The source Vertex of the path.

● The target Vertex of the path.

Output A list of the vertices that conform the shortest path from source Vertex to target

Name FR.#2. Move pacman through the maze

Summarize Move Pacman according to the direction preselected by the user if there is no
wall interposing.

Input None
Output Pacman has moved a pixel forward if no wall was in his way.

Name FR.#3. Move a ghost through the maze

Summarize Ghosts move according to the tile that has been determined as their target
through the shortest path. It is also taken into account if they are in chase,
scatter or frightened mode, on which the speeds of all the characters depend.

Input ● An object of type Ghost representing the ghost to be moved.

Output The ghost has moved a pixel forward its target.

Name FR.#4. Register the player score when a high score is achieved

Summarize When Pacman has lost all his lives along the game and the actual score is
higher than one of the first ten positions, a little window will handle of register
the name of this player, which cannot exceed the four characters.

Input ● The name of the player (cannot exceed the four characters).

Output The corresponding place of the actual player in the leaderboard.

Name FR.#5. Show the leaderboard

Summarize When the player presses the “Higher Scores” button a TableView with all the
previous higher scores will be displayed as long as there is a file with these
previous matches inside it. By default the TableView is displayed empty.

Input ● A file with all the previous matches if these exist.

Output A TableView with all the current scores.

Name FR.#6. Change direction of travel

Summarize Allows to request a change in the direction of travel of pacman. It is only set as
the direction of pacman if it is possible, that is, if there is not a wall in the
direction the user wants to go.
Input ● An object of type Direction representing the requested direction of

Output The direction has been set as requested and will be updated when pacman
reaches a tile.

Name FR.#7. Earn a life

Summarize Increase in one the total lives of Pacman if he reaches a score divisible by
5000. It is only allowed when pacman has less than 5 lives left, as this is the
maximum amount of lives.

Input None

Output Pacman earned a life.

Name FR.#8. Show information and instructions about the game

Summarize Allows to show relevant information about the game and instructions about the
controls or the mechanics of the game.

Input None

Output Information displayed.

Name FR.#9. Level up when Pacman eats all the dots in the maze.

Summarize The stage must lead to next when pacman has eaten all the dots in it.

Input None

Output The staged has been updated.

Non-Functional requirements:

Name NFR.#1. Design the GUI using JavaFX

Summarize The graphical user interface will be made in JavaFX and styled using CSS.
Name NFR.#2. Make the game works either using an adjacency matrix or an
adjacency list representation of the graph that models the maze.

Summarize The graph that represents the maze can be switch between two types of
representations, an Adjacency matrix and list.

Step 2. Gathering needed information.

Node or Vertex:
These are the most important components in any graph. Nodes are entities whose
relationships are expressed using edges.

Edges(also called an “arcs”) are the components that are used to represent the
relationships between various pairs of nodes in a graph. An edge between two nodes
expresses a one-way or two-way relationship between the nodes. They’re ordered
pairs of the form (u, v). The pair is ordered because (u, v) is not the same as (v, u) in
the case of a directed graph(di-graph). The pair of the form (u, v) indicates that there is
an edge from vertex u to vertex v. The edges may contain weight/value/cost.

Edges in an Edges in a
undirected directed
graph graph(di-graph)

Types of nodes:
Root node:​ The root node is the ancestor of all
other nodes in a graph. It does not have any
ancestors. Each graph consists of exactly one
root node. Generally, you must start traversing a graph from the root node.

Leaf nodes:​ In a graph, leaf nodes represent the

nodes that do not have any successors. These
nodes only have ancestor nodes. They can have
any number of incoming edges but they will not
have any outgoing edges.
They are discrete structures that consist of vertices and edges that connect these
vertices together. With those definitions in hand we can formally define a graph. A
graph can be represented by G where G=(V,E). For the graph G, V is a set of vertices
and E is a set of edges. Each edge is a tuple (v,w) where w,v∈V. We can add a third
component to the edge tuple to represent a weight.

About the game:

Pac-Man is a maze arcade game developed and released by
Namco in 1980. The player controls Pac-Man, who must eat
all the dots inside an enclosed maze while avoiding four
colored ghosts. Eating large flashing dots called power pellets
causes the ghosts to turn blue, allowing Pac-Man to eat them
for bonus points.

The player navigates Pac-Man through a maze with no dead

ends. The maze is filled with Pac-Dots, and includes four
roving multi-colored ghosts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde.
There is a passageway from the left side of the screen to the
right side, one energizer in each of the four quadrants, and
bonus fruits that appear in each level.

The objective of the game is to accumulate as many points as possible by eating dots,
fruits, and blue ghosts. When all of the dots in a stage are eaten, that stage is
completed, and the player will advance to the next. The four ghosts roam the maze
and chase Pac-Man. If any of the ghosts touches Pac-Man, a life is lost. When all lives
have been lost, the game is over. The player begins with three lives, but that amount
can be changed to one, two, or five. The player will receive one extra life bonus after
obtaining 10,000 points. The number of points needed for a bonus life can be changed
to 15,000 or 20,000 or disabled altogether.

Near the corners of the maze are four flashing energizers that allow Pac-Man to eat
the ghosts and earn bonus points. The enemies turn deep blue, reverse direction and
move away from Pac-Man, and usually move more slowly. When an enemy is eaten,
its eyes return to the center ghost box where the ghost is regenerated in its normal
color. The bonus score earned for eating a blue ghost increases exponentially for each
consecutive ghost eaten while a single energizer is active: a score of 200 points is
scored for eating one ghost, 400 for eating a second ghost, 800 for a third, and 1600
for the fourth. This cycle restarts from 200 points when Pac-Man eats the next
energizer. Blue enemies flash white to signal that they are about to return to their
normal color and become dangerous again; the length of time the enemies remain
vulnerable varies from one stage to the next, generally becoming shorter as the game
progresses. In later stages, the enemies begin flashing immediately after an energizer
is consumed, without a solid-blue phase; starting at stage nineteen, the ghosts do not
become edible at all, but still reverse direction. There are fruits that appear twice per
level, directly below the center ghost box; eating one gives 100 to 5,000 points.

Enemy behavior:

Ghosts have three mutually-exclusive modes of behavior they can be in during play:
chase, scatter, and frightened. Each mode has a different objective/goal to be carried

Chase:​ A ghost's objective in chase mode is to find and capture Pac-Man by hunting
him down through the maze. Each ghost exhibits unique behavior when chasing
Pac-Man, giving them their different personalities: Blinky (red) is very aggressive and
hard to shake once he gets behind you, Pinky (pink) tends to get in front of you and cut
you off, Inky (light blue) is the least predictable of the bunch, and Clyde (orange)
seems to do his own thing and stay out of the way.

Scatter:​ In scatter mode, the ghosts give up the chase for a few seconds and head for
their respective home corners. It is a welcome but brief rest-soon enough, they will
revert to chase mode and be after Pac-Man again.

Frightened:​ Ghosts enter frightened mode whenever Pac-Man eats one of the four
energizers located in the far corners of the maze. During the early levels, the ghosts
will all turn dark blue (meaning they are vulnerable) and aimlessly wander the maze for
a few seconds. They will flash moments before returning to their previous mode of

-- When time runs out, they return to the mode they were in before being frightened
and the scatter/chase timer resumes. This information is summarized in the following
table (all values are in seconds):

Mode Level 1 Levels 2-4 Levels 5+

Scatter 7 7 5

Chase 20 20 20

Scatter 7 7 5

Chase 20 20 20

Scatter 5 5 5

Chase 20 1033 1037

Scatter 5 1/60 1/60

Chase indefinite indefinite indefinite

Parameters of each level:

Click ​here​ for a more detailed description about the behavior of ghosts and how they
look for their targets.

Scatter targets:
Each ghost has a fixed target tile it is trying to reach in scatter mode.
Step 3. Searching for creative solutions.
First option: Use an adjacency matrix to model the map

This option requires to associate a two-dimensional matrix where each row and column
represents a vertex in the graph and the value of a cell(i,j) is the cost of going from
vertex i to vertex j, just like the showed previously.

A value of 0 (Although it can also be ​infinity)​ indicates that there is no edge from vertex
i to vertex j, for instance, from (0,1) to (1,0) and integer values greater than 0 indicating
the cost of arriving from vertex i to vertex j, for example, from (1,0) to (2,0). The idea
here is doing that Pacman ghosts be capable to move through the corridors which the
Pac-dots, fruits and energizes are going to be allocated as well.

When any of the characters attempt to travel through one of the boxes marked with “0”
(or ​infinity​), these should not be able to do it because the value of this box represents a
wall or no edge between two referenced vertices. In our case we will use a graph
where all the edges will have unit weight, except in the tunnel where the ghosts slow
down and therefore there should be a higher cost. Other edges with a high cost would
be the ones just up the ghosts’ house as ghosts are not allowed to travel them from
bottom to top (although they can do it from top to bottom).
Food and the bonus objects are going to be allocated in their respective vertex.

Second option: Use an adjacency list to model the map

For this option is necessary the use of an array of lists for each vertex where the
outcoming list of each vertex contains all the edges to their neighbors. For doing this
efficiently we need a list of type dictionary where the keys are the vertices and their
values are their adjacent vertices.

If one of the vertices of the list is not associated with another one means that there is
no edge between those two vertices (although there can be a path going through more
vertices) or there is a “wall” between them. Each edge in the list is associated with a
weight that represents the cost of moving in a determinate part of the maze, where the
cost will be the highest for the ghosts when they try to pass through the tunnel or from
bottom to top when they are in the exit of their house.

Food and the bonus objects are going to be displayed in their location as the original
game being assigned in each respective vertex along all the maze.

Third option: Use a matrix whose components are the map coordinates

The idea is to have a matrix whose boxes have identifiers of the element that is in that
part of the map, for example, in the previous matrix, elements of the map are
represented by a number: (0) Corridor without food, (1) Corridor with food, (2)
Power-pellets, (3) Wall, (4) House of ghosts.

Characters can move through the boxes marked 0 or 1. When Pacman goes through a
box marked 1, the box will change to 0. Characters can be represented by ASCII
characters not present on the map, one character for each ghost and another for

Step 4. Stepping from ideation to preliminary designs.

Adjacency matrix:
--​ Get vertices adjacent to a vertex cost O(V) time since it implies scanning a whole
row of the matrix.
-- ​It uses O(V​2​) memory.
--​ Tell whether a vertex is connected to another one costs O(1) time since the
just implies to look at the value of a particular cell of the matrix.
-- ​It allows natively the implementation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
--​ Kruskal's algorithm is hard to imagine due to the nature of the edges; they only
contain numbers and no more information
Adjacency list:
--​ Get vertices adjacent to a vertex cost O(1) time in the generic implementation but
if the elements of the vertices are desired to be returned instead of the vertices
containing them, then the time complexity increases to O(V), just as in the adjacency
--​ It uses O(V+E) memory.
-- ​Tell whether a vertex is connected to another one costs O(V) time with a proper
implementation such as using hash tables for storing edges with the keys being the
vertices and the values being a list of edges with the vertex key as the tail.
--​ It does not allow natively the implementation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
--​ It is easy to think about Kruskal's algorithm since the edges are placed in the same
list to be able to sort them, then the list has just the necessary information to
implement the algorithm.
Regular matrix:
--​ It is very difficult to design algorithms in this type of structure so one would end up
choosing to represent it through one of the other two options
--​ It is easy to understand graphically.

Step 5. Evaluation and selection of preferred solution.

Criterion A: Memory usage.
[2] Linear.
[1] Quadratic.
Criterion B: All graph algorithms supported natively.
[4] All of them.
[3] The majority of them.
[2] Some of them.
[1] None of them.

Criterion C:Information available.

[2] Wide variety of resources available to learn how to use the alternative.
[1] No information or unreliable information.
Criterion D: Easiness to codificate.
[3] Friendly and simplistic way to code in any programming language.
[2] Although not that easy to code is still manageable.
[1] The syntaxis and the code structure are difficult to understand and model.
Criterion E: Average algorithms speed.
[3] Fast.
[2] Fast but not so much.
[1] Unknown.
Criterion A Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Criterion E Tota

Adjace 1 4 2 2 3 12

Adjace 2 3 2 3 2 12
ncy list

Regula 2 1 1 2 1 7

The alternative that we will be using is the ​adjacency matrix​, since, although it got the
same score as the adjacency list, we would end up using more space with the list. This
is because we need to use Floyd-Warshall algorithm and we could not figure out how
to implement it natively in the list, so we translated the list into a matrix and performed
Floyd-Warshall in there.

Step 6. Preparation of reports, plans, and specifications.

Statement of Abstract Data Types

ADT Stack

Definition The ADT Stack is a linear sequence of an arbitrary number of items,

along with access procedures. Note that sequence does not imply order.
The access procedures permit insertion, deletion and retrieval of elements
only at one end of the sequence (the “top”). It’s because of this that is
called a last-in-first-out (or LIFO) list.
A stack is either empty, or it consists of a sequence of items.

Invariant (s.isEmpty() == true ∧ top == NIL) ⊕ (s = {a​n​→a​n-1​→​...​→a​1​} ∧ top == a​n​)

Procedures ● Constructor operations

○ createStack()
//Creates an empty stack
//​post:​ A stack with no elements inside has been created
● Analyzer operations
○ top()
//Returns the element at the top of the stack but does not
//modify it.
//​post:​ Returns the top element of the stack. If the stack is
//empty then its top is NIL and this is the retrieval.
○ isEmpty()
//Determines whether a stack is empty.
//​post: ​Returns TRUE if the top of the stack is NIL and FALSE
○ size()
//Returns the size of the stack.
//​post: ​Returns the total number of elements in the stack​.
● Modifier operations
○ push(newItem)
//Adds newItem to the stack.
//​post: ​newItem is at the top of the stack and the previous top
//is under it in the same order as before.
○ pop()
//Removes and returns the top element of the stack.
//​pre:​ The stack is not empty.
//​post: ​The top is taken off the stack and the new top is the
//element that was under the previously returned element. If
//the stack is empty, it results in an error.

Axioms of the ADT Stack

1. (aStack.createStack()).size() = 0
2. (aStack.push(item)).size() = aStack().size() +1
3. (aStack.pop()).size() = aStack.size() - 1
4. (aStack.createStack()).isEmpty() = TRUE
5. (aStack.push(item)).isEmpty() = FALSE
6. (aStack.createStack()).pop() = ERROR
7. (aStack.push(item)).top() = item
8. (aStack.push(item)).pop() = item
9. (((aStack.push(item1)).push(item2)).pop()).top() = item1

ADT Queue

Definition The ADT Queue is a linear sequence of an arbitrary number of items,

along with access procedures. Note that sequence does not imply order.
The access procedures permit insertion of elements only at the back of
the sequence. Deletion and retrieval of elements are only performed at
the front of the sequence. It’s because of this that is called a
first-in-first-out (or FIFO) list.
A queue is either empty, or it consists of a sequence of items.

front = a​1​ ∧ back = a​n

Invariant (q.isEmpty() == true ∧ front == back == NIL) ⊕ (q = {a​1​→a​2​→​...​→a​n​} ∧

front == a​1​ ∧ back == a​n​)

Procedures ● Constructor operations

○ createQueue()
//Creates an empty queue.
//​post: ​A queue with no elements inside has been created.
● Analyzer operations
○ front()
//Returns the element at the front of the queue but does not
modify it.
//​post:​ Returns the front element of the queue. If the queue is
//empty then its front is NIL and this is the retrieval.
○ isEmpty()
//Determines whether a queue is empty.
//​post: ​Returns TRUE if the front of the queue is NIL and
//FALSE otherwise.
○ size()
//Returns the size of the queue.
//​post: ​Returns the total number of elements in the queue.
● Modifier operations
○ enqueue(newItem)
//Adds newItem to the queue.
//​post: ​newItem is at the back of the queue.
○ dequeue()
//Removes and returns the front element of the queue.
//​pre: ​The queue is not empty.
//​post: ​The front is taken off the queue and the new front is the
//element that was behind the previously returned element. If
//the queue is empty, it results in an error.

Axioms of the ADT Queue

1. (aQueue.createQueue()).size() = 0
2. (aQueue.enqueue(item)).size() = aQueue().size() +1
3. (aQueue.dequeue()).size() = aQueue.size() - 1
4. (aQueue.createQueue()).isEmpty() = TRUE
5. (aQueue.enqueue(item)).isEmpty() = FALSE
6. (aQueue.createQueue()).dequeue() = ERROR

ADT Graph

Definition A Graph is a collection of finite sets of vertices or nodes (V) and edges
(E). Edges are represented as ordered pairs (u, v) where (u, v) indicates
that there is an edge from vertex u to vertex v. Edges may contain cost,
weight or length. The degree or valency of a vertex is the number of
edges that connect to it.

Object G(V, E) ∧ V = {v​1​, v​2​ ... v​n-1​, v​n​} ∧ E ⊆ {{x, y} / (x, y) ∈ V​2​ ∧ x ≠ y}

Invariant n = |V| → (∀x ∈ V / |x| <= n-1) ∧ |E| <= n(n − 1)

Procedures ● Constructor operations

○ createGraph()
//Creates an empty graph
//​post:​ A graph with no vertices has been created
● Analyzer operations
○ isEmpty()
//Determines whether a graph is empty.
//​post: ​Returns TRUE if the graph is empty and FALSE
○ searchVertex(key)
//Traverses the graph looking for an element with the specified
//​post: ​Returns the element with specified key if found and
//NIL otherwise.
○ order()
//Returns the order of the graph, that is, the number of nodes
//in it.
//​post: ​Returns the total number of vertices in the graph​.
● Modifier operations
○ delete(key)
//Deletes the verter that matches the key
//​post: ​Returns TRUE if the vertex was found and deleted or
//FALSE otherwise
○ insert(key)
//Inserts a new isolated vertex into the graph with the specified
//​pre:​ key does not match any existing node key.
//​post: ​The isolated node has been added to the graph.
○ link(u, v)
//Adds an edge from node ​u a ​ nd ​v
//​pre: ​Both ​u​ and ​v a
​ re nodes currently in the graph
//​post: ​An edge has been created to link node ​u​ to node ​v
○ BFS(key)
​//Traverses the vertices starting from “key” vertex, going from
//depth level k=0 (source), then the depth level k=1 (vertices
//adjacent to source vertex), k=2 (the adjacent to those
//vertices) and so on. At the end there is a tree with the least
//stops path from the source vertex to any other vertex
//reachable from there.
○ DFS()
//Traverses the vertices starting from an arbitrary vertex and
//going as deep as possible from adjacent vertex to adjacent
//vertex before visiting all the neighbors of a vertex. When a
//connected component has been completely visited, the
//algorithm chooses another arbitrary vertex and does the
//same procedure. The result is a DFS forest.
○ Kruskal-MinimumSpanningTree()
//Finds a subset of edges that minimize the cost while
//maintaining all strongly connected components connected.
○ Prim-MinimumSpanningTree()
//Finds a subset of edges that minimize the cost while
//maintaining all vertices reachable from the source vertex
○ Dijkstra()
//Finds the shortest paths from a source vertex to every other
//vertex reachable from there.
○ FloydWarshall()
//Finds the shortest path between every pair of vertices in the

Axioms of the ADT Graph

1. (aGraph.createGraph()).order() = 0
2. (aGraph.insert(k)).order() = aGraph().order() +1
3. (aGraph.createGraph()).delete(k) = FALSE
4. (aGraph.createGraph().insert(k)).delete(k) = TRUE
5. (aGraph.insert(k)).isEmpty() = FALSE
6. (aGraph.createGraph()).isEmpty() = TRUE
7. (aGraph.insert(k)).getVertex(k) = V(k)
8. (aGraph.createGraph()).getVertex(k) = NIL
9. (, v)) → E(u, v) != NIL

Name Class under test Stage

setupStage1 Queue


setupStage2 Queue

setupStage1 Stack

setupStage2 Stack

setupStageD AdjacencyMatrixGrap
irected h

setupStageU AdjacencyMatrixGrap
ndirected h

setupStageG AdjacencyMatrixGrap
raphWithIsol h

setupStageD AdjacencyListGraph

setupStageU AdjacencyListGraph
setupStageG AdjacencyListGraph

Test Objective: ​Verificate that whenever you create a queue this must be empty and its front null.

Class Method Stage Input Output

The queue’s front is null when

Queue Queue<>() N/A N/A you try to get the front because
the queue is empty.

Test Objective: ​Verificate that the method enqueue adds elements inside the queue and the
queue size is increasing by one per each element is added.

Class Method Stage Input Output

50 random elements The queue size has increased by

Queue enqueue setupStage one per each calling as we
2 expected.

Test Objective: ​Verificate that the method dequeue eliminates elements inside the queue and
the queue size is decreasing by one per each element is eliminated.

Class Method Stage Input Output

N/A The queue size has decreased

Queue dequeue setupStage by one per each calling as we
1 expected.

Test Objective: ​Verificate that whenever you create a stack this must be empty and its top null.
Class Method Stage Input Output

The stack’s top is null when you

Stack Stack<>() N/A N/A try to get the top because the
stack is empty.

Test Objective: ​Verificate that the method top shows and does not delete the right element
previously added inside the stack. Moreover, the method must throw null when the stack is

Class Method Stage Input Output

The element showed

Stack top setupStage1 80 random elements corresponds with the previously
added. The stack’s top is null
when the stack is empty.

Test Objective: ​Verificate that the method pop shows and deletes the right element previously
added inside the stack. Moreover, the method must decrease the stack size by one whenever top
is called.

Class Method Stage Input Output

N/A The stack size is decreasing by

Stack pop setupStage one each time pop is called.

Test Objective: ​Verificate that the method push adds an element inside the stack and besides
this increases the stack size by one.

Class Method Stage Input Output

50 random elements The stack size has increased by

Stack push setupStage one every when push was
2 called.

Test Objective: ​Verificate that whenever we create an

AdjacencyListGraph/AdjacencyMatrixGraph regardless the constructor input values this must be
empty. Whenever a vertex is added to the graph it should be found when searchVertex is called.
Additionally, the order of the graph must increase in one every time a vertex is successfully
added to it.

Class Method Stage Input Output

A graph with 50 random Every stage call yield

Adjacenc insertAn setupStage inserted vertices. successive empty-filled
yListGrap dSearch Directed states in the graph just it
h VertexTe was expected. The order
st of the graph behaved as
Adjacenc expected with respect to
yMatrixGr the insertion. Each added
aph vertex was found by the
searchVertex method.

Test Objective: ​Verificate that the method link links a source vertex with another one and
assigns correctly the weight of their relationship when the graph is directed.

Class Method Stage Input Output

The directed graph

Adjacenc linkVertices setupStage contains all of the edges
yListGrap InDirected Directed that were inserted as we
h GraphTest expected.


Test Objective: ​Verificate that the method link links a source vertex with another one and
assigns correctly the weight of their relationship when the graph is undirected.

Class Method Stage Input Output

The undirected graph
Adjacency linkVertice setupStag contains all of the edges
ListGraph sInUndirect eUndirecte that were inserted as we
edGraphTe d expected.
Adjacency st

Test Objective: ​Verificate that the method unlink unlinks a source vertex with another one which
already exist inside the graph when the graph is directed.

Class Method Stage Input Output

The selected edges were

Adjacency unlinkVe setupStage removed successfully.
ListGraph rticesInD Directed
Adjacency raphTest

Test Objective: ​Verificate that the method unlink unlinks a source vertex with another one which
already exist inside the graph when the graph is undirected.

Class Method Stage Input Output

The selected edges were

Adjacency unlinkVe setupStage removed successfully.
ListGraph rticesTes Undirected
Adjacency ctedGra
MatrixGra ph

Test Objective: ​Verificate whenever BFS is applied in an undirected graph as from a source
vertex visits all the vertices and besides delivers the correct least stop paths.
Class Method Stage Input Output

BFS discovered and

Adjacency BFSInUn setupStage finished all the vertices
ListGraph directed Undirected reachable from the
Graph specified source vertex
Adjacency and gave us the
MatrixGra expected least stop
ph paths when the graph
was undirected.

Test Objective: ​Verificate whenever BFS is applied in a directed graph as from a source vertex
visits all the vertices and besides delivers the correct least stop paths.

Class Method Stage Input Output

BFS discovered and

Adjacency BFSInDir setupStage finished all the vertices
ListGraph ectedGr Directed reachable from the
aph specified source vertex
Adjacency and gave us the
MatrixGra expected least stop
ph paths when the graph
was directed.

Test Objective: ​Verificate whenever DFS is applied in an undirected this visits all the vertices
regardless of the starting point.

Class Method Stage Input Output

All the vertices have

Adjacency DFS N/A their state in black,
ListGraph therefore, they were
visited. The
Adjacency parenthesis structure
MatrixGra represented by the
ph time-stamps is valid.

Test Objective: ​Verificate whenever DFS is applied in a directed this visits all the vertices
specifying a source vertex.
Class Method Stage Input Output

All the vertices were as

Adjacency DFSWith N/A from the specified
ListGraph GivenSo source were visited.

Test Objective: ​Verificate that the method deleteVertex deletes a specified vertex that exist
inside the graph with its edge when is necessary.

Class Method Stage Input Output

All the selected vertices

Adjacency deleteVe N/A were deleted
ListGraph rtex successfully.


Test Objective: ​Verificate whenever Dijkstra is applied in a source vertex this gives the correct
shortest path of others selected vertices that already exist inside the graph.

Class Method Stage Input Output

Dijkstra gave all the

Adjacency Dijkstra setupStage correct shortest paths
ListGraph Directed as from a specified
source vertex.

Test Objective: ​Verificate whenever FloydWarshall is applied in the actual graph this gives the
correct shortest path between two specified vertices.

Class Method Stage Input Output

FloydWarshall has
Adjacency FloydWa setupStage given the correct
ListGraph rshall Directed shortest path for
specified pairs of
Adjacency vertices.

Test Objective: ​Verificate whenever Prim is applied in the actual graph this gives the correct
minimum spanning tree with any source vertex when the graph is connected and weighted.

Class Method Stage Input Output

Prim has given the

Adjacency Prim setupStage correct minimum
ListGraph Directed spanning tree for
specified source vertex.

Test Objective: ​Verificate whenever Kruskal is applied in the actual graph this gives the correct
minimum spanning tree no matter if it is connected or not. Besides the graph has to be weighted
as well.

Class Method Stage Input Output

Kruskal has given the

Adjacency Kruskal setupStage correct minimum
ListGraph Directed spanning tree for the
specified graph.

Step 7. Implementation of the design.

Class diagram

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