A Harvest of Evil
A Harvest of Evil
A Harvest of Evil
The forest is presumably inhabited by a number of
other creatures, and you should determine which Deskryn’s Minions (EL Variable
random encounters best suit your goals for this adven-
Deskryn managed to flee his former haven along with
ture and your campaign world.
five of his minions. This quintet now functions as the
vampire’s bodyguard, enforcers, and servants. They
DESKRYN’S ACTIVITIES introduce themselves to curious PCs mercenary soldiers
Hounded by agents of good and deprived of the who are staying at the tavern for a few nights as they
resources to which he has grown accustomed, journey southward in search of employment; the tavern
Deskryn is a desperate creature indeed. As such he is keeper will support this story out of fear of what might
at his most dangerous, and is prepared to do whatever happen to him or his family should he do otherwise.
is necessary to ensure his own survival. By day,
Deskryn slumbers in the root cellar of The Plow, the Elreden, Guthwine, Jethla, and Norbert, human
thorp’s only tavern; he is guarded by one of his retain- mercenaries (4): Ftr4, Medium-size humanoids, NE.
ers and a pair of young farmhands whom he has Phulbit, human mercenary: Rog8, Medium-size
enslaved with his powers of domination. He rises each humanoid, NE. Phulbit is Deskryn’s cohort and entirely
night after sunset to confer with his minions, slake loyal to him.
his thirst for blood, and plan his next moves. When he
is convinced that the paladin is not following him, he Use the statistics for NPC fighters and rogues that
will move on; but he may well drain dry each and appear in Chapter 2 of the DUNGEON MASTER’S Guide.
every inhabitant of Twin Oaks first, leaving behind a During the day, one of the servants remains in the
ghost town of rotting crops and dead victims. tavern’s root cellar as Deskryn’s bodyguard; one of the
So far he has not striven to create vampire spawn, remaining four checks on him periodically throughout
but he may change his mind if the PCs exhibit an the day, bringing food and drink and giving him a
interest in the condition of the community. Since he chance to take a short break, one of the remaining
can’t risk exposure, Deskryn will attempt to stalk and three watches over the hostages in one of the farm-
eliminate the PCs—preferably one-by-one—so that houses (See area 6.).
they cannot bring word of his location to the outside Meanwhile, the other two keep an eye on the popu-
world. lation of Deskryn, making sure that none of them do
anything foolish like attempting to escape the thorp. from the kitchen to the upper story, where Bumor and
They are prepared to kill any of the townsfolk who do his family sleep. A stout wooden door leads from the
not follow their master’s instructions. storage room down into the root cellar, and it is there
The arrival of the PCs will prove a considerable that Deskryn sleeps during the daylight hours.
worry to the vampire’s guards. But all they can reason- At least one of Deskryn’s loyal servants remains in
ably do is stick to their story, try to prevent any of the the taproom at all times during the day, to deter the
locals from giving the game away, and rely on their locals from entering the root cellar. If the PCs attempt
master to come up with a plan to deal with the inter- to search The Plow, neither Bumor nor the vampire’s
lopers. minions will interfere. Should they try to gain access to
the root cellar, however, Bumor will implore them not
to put his family in danger; he is so fearful of the vam-
KEY TO TWIN OAKS pire, however, that he won’t reveal to the PCs what is
sleeping below his feet. Deskryn’s minions will attempt
1. The Stiles to prevent the PCs from gaining access to the root
X-shaped wooden fences sport sharpened, fire- cellar by force if necessary.
hardened wooden shafts. They mark the bound-
ary between the forest and cultivated lands.
3. Farmhouse
To afford themselves some measure of protection again Each of the farmhouses in Twin Oaks is similar to
the dangerous creatures that inhabit the forest, and that all the others, built from timber supplied by the
venture near the community from time to time, the forest and constructed in two stories.
inhabitants of Twin Oaks have built a ring of stiles
around their homes. Each stile is similar to a section of The inhabitants have taken to hiding in their homes
wooden fencing, built with X-shaped crosspieces that day and night since Deskryn’s arrival, and as dusk
support a single, long fencepost. They have mounted approaches they all huddle together in their common
on each fencepost numerous fire-hardened and sharp- rooms in hope that theirs will not be the home the
ened wooden stakes, each about 2 feet long. Each stile vampire chooses to visit next. These folk are so terrified
weighs approximately 50 pounds, and is fully mobile: It of what is happening in their once-peaceful commu-
can be picked up and carried to any desired location. nity that they dare not reveal the secret, even in return
There are narrow gaps between each stile, large enough for the promise of aid. They have seen how easily the
for a single Medium-sized creature to slip through vampire can rob a person of her will, and how quickly
without harm. he can strike: they know that their only hope lies in
remaining silent and hoping that the monster departs
their community in haste.
2. The Plow Tavern This building houses the family of the local carpen-
The largest building in Twin Oaks is this two- ter, a female half-elf named Jezzor.
story wooden structure with a slate roof. Over its
front doorway hangs a broad wooden sign depict-
ing a plow at rest atop a furrow of freshly turned
4. Farmhouse
earth. See area 3.
5. Farmhouse
Here the tavern keeper, Bumor, and his family (wife
See area 3.
and three children, though the latter are now the cap-
tives of Deskryn), offers a limited number of home- 6. Farmhouse (Hostages)
brewed ales and beers along with steaming plates of See area 3.
wholesome local food and forest game at dinnertime. To provide himself with a greater degree of surety
The fare is simple but filling and sold very reasonable for the actions of the frightened farmers (and knowing
cost; Bumor also accepts goods and services offered in that children are less likely than adults to obey com-
barter, a necessary economic adjustment in such a mands of silence for extended periods of time),
small community. Deskryn ordered his minions to gather all the local
The Plow consists of a small taproom, kitchen, and children here and hold them hostage for their parents’
storage room on the main floor. A narrow stair leads good behavior. One of his minions is always on guard
in this house, making sure that none of the children — All five of the older graves are marked by weathered
all of whom are bound and gagged — attempt to headstones proclaiming their names and the fact that
escape. The children are given bread and water twice a each of the dead perished within the last 10 years. The
day, one at a time, to minimize escape attempts. If newest grave, however, is unmarked—there has been
Deskryn believes that the PCs are strong enough to neither time nor opportunity to craft a headstone for
defeat him, he has no compunctions about using the the unfortunate person who died at the hands of
children’s plight as a bargaining chip. Deskryn two nights ago. If the PCs exhume the body,
This had been the home of Chief Councilwoman they will have little difficulty in determining the cause
Vandra and her family. The adults are now staying in of death, thanks to the telltale puncture wounds on the
area 9. neck of the corpse and the obvious, bloodless pallor of
the skin. Two days after the PCs arrive, the body will
7. Smithy & Stables rise as a vampire spawn.
This building is larger than the nearby farm-
houses. Wooden walls shelter it on three sides. It
appears to be the town’s only smithy and stables.
12. Common Green (EL 12)
Normally this wide strip of grassy land is used for graz-
An outbuilding sheltered on three sides by wooden ing the thorp’s livestock, and that much is clear to any
walls serves as the only smithy and stables in Twin PC who succeeds in a Spot Check or Animal Handling
Oaks. There are six workhorses here, all of them nerv- check (DC 15 to identify the signs of grazing animals).
ous and apprehensive at the proximity of the living All the cattle, goats, pigs, and chickens have wandered
dead. It’s clear to the observant (Spot Check DC 12) off into the forest, however, since they were left to their
that the smithy is idle, and that the forge hasn’t been lit own devices when the local folk took to hiding in their
for several days. The smith, Hedvynn, is like his fellows homes. Any PC with Tracking may attempt to locate
hiding in his home. the larger livestock (DC 14 per animal; finding a lost
animal requires 2d6 hours).
8. Farmhouse
See area 3.
The local smith from area 7 lives in this building.
Deskryn: Male vampire refugee Ftr10; CR 12;
9. Farmhouse Medium-size undead; HD 10d12+3; hp 96; Init +8; Spd
See area 3. 20 ft.; AC 30 (touch 11, flat-footed 29); Atk +16 melee
Councilman Lobbur Thoris lives here with his (1d6+6, slam); or +17/+12 melee (1d8+7/19–20, +1
family. Chief councilwoman Vandra and the adults in longsword), or +16/+11 ranged (1d8+6/x3, +1 mighty (+4
her family have come here because their home is the Str bonus) flaming burst composite longbow with +1
hostage site. Vandra is dominated by Deskryn. arrows); SA Blood drain, domination, energy drain; SQ
Alternate form, children of the night, cold resistance
10. Cultivated Fields 20, create spawn, damage reduction 15/+1, electricity
resistance 20, fast healing 5, gaseous form, spider climb,
Sharp-eyed PCs will note that although the season is
turn resistance +4, undead traits; AL CE; SV Fort +8,
right, none of the crops in these fields have yet been
Ref +10, Will +7; Str 23, Dex 18, Con —, Int 15, Wis 16,
harvested (Spot Check DC 12). A closer inspection
Cha 17.
(Spot Check DC 15) reveals that some of the crops are
Skills and Feats: Bluff +11, Climb +13, Hide +7, Jump
actually beginning to die on the vine, and that an
+10, Listen +13, Move Silently +11, Ride (horse) +16,
immediate harvest is essential to prevent further
Search +10, Sense Motive +11, Spot +13, Swim +11;
Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes,
Dodge, Great Cleave , Improved Bull Rush, Improved
11. Graveyard (EL Varies [0-4]) Initiative, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility,
Set away from the town, five older graves, and Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Spring Attack,
one very fresh one, mark the location of the Twin Sunder, Toughness.
Oaks graveyard. Blood Drain (Ex): Deskryn can suck blood from a
living victim with his fangs by making a successful Fast Healing (Ex): Deskryn regains hit points at 5
grapple check. If he pins his foe, he drains blood, points of damage each round so long as he has at least 1
inflicting 1d4 points of permanent Constitution drain hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points or lower, he auto-
each round the pin is maintained. matically assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape.
Domination (Su): Deskryn can crush an opponent’s He must reach his coffin home within 2 hours or be
will just by looking into his or her eyes. This is similar utterly destroyed. (He can travel up to nine miles in 2
to a gaze attack, except that Deskryn must take a stan- hours.) Once at rest in his coffin, he rises to 1 hit point
dard action, and those merely looking at him are not after 1 hour, then resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit
affected. Anyone he targets must succeed at a Will save points per round.
or fall instantly under his influence as though by a dom- Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, Deskryn can
inate person spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. The abil- assume gaseous form at will, as the spell cast by a 5th-level
ity has a range of 30 feet. sorcerer, but can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by Deskryn’s fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.
slam attack suffer 2 negative levels. Spider Climb (Ex): Deskryn can climb sheer surfaces
Alternate Form (Su): Deskryn can assume the shape as though with a spider climb spell.
of a bat, dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. Undead Traits: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis,
This ability is similar to a polymorph self spell cast by a stunning, disease, death, effects, necromantic effects,
12th level sorcerer, except that Deskryn can assume mind-influencing effects, and any effect requiring a
only one of the forms listed here. He can remain in that Fortitude save unless it also works on objects; not sub-
form until he assumes another or until the next sun- ject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage,
rise. ability drain, or energy drain; negative energy heals;
Children of the Night (Su): Deskryn can command the not at risk of death from massive damage, but destroyed
lesser creatures of the world and once per day can call at 0 hit points or less; darkvision 60 ft.; cannot be raised;
forth a pack of 4d8 dire rats, a swarm of 10d10 bats, or a resurrection works only if creature is willing.
pack of 3d6 wolves as a standard action. These creatures Possessions: +2 full plate armor, +1 large metal shield, +1
arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the vampire for up to 1 longsword, +1 mighty (+4 Str bonus) flaming burst compos-
hour. ite longbow, twenty-five +1 arrows, potion of endurance,
Create Spawn (Su): A humanoid or monstrous cloak of resistance +1.
humanoid slain by Deskryn’s energy drain attack rises
as a vampire spawn (see the Monster Manual Vampire
Spawn entry) 1d4 days after burial. If Deskryn instead
drains the victim’s Constitution to 0 or less, the victim Jason Carl has been alternately a freelance and profes-
returns as a spawn if it had 4 or fewer HD and as a vam- sional writer in the RPG industry for six years, and an avid
pire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the new vam- gamer for much longer than that. He’s written for a
pire or spawn is under Deskryn’s command and number of game lines, most notably DUNGEONS &
remains enslaved until its master’s death. DRAGONS and White Wolf’s Mind’s Eye Theatre. Currently,
he is the Tournament Director for WizKids Games.