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ENV 4513/5519 Spring 2020

Civil & Environmental Engineering S. Laha

Homework 4
January 30, 2020 (due February 11, 2020)

1. Using the thermodynamic data listed in Stumm and Morgan (posted on Canvas), compute the
values for the acid dissociation constants for the following weak acids:
(a) cyanic acid (HCN)
(b) ammonium ion (NH4+)
Compare the value you obtain with the equilibrium values given in Table 4-1 of the Snoeyink
and Jenkins text, i.e., pKa = 9.3 for both acids.
(c) Why would it be more natural to think of ammonia and the cyanide ion as bases
rather than HCN or ammonium as acids?

2. Using a spreadsheet, plot the ionization fractions (i) as a function of pH for:

(a) Generic acid HA with pKa = 5.5
(b) Acetic acid (CH3COOH) with pKa = 4.7
(c) Carbonic acid (H2CO3) with pK1 = 6.3 and pK2 = 10.3
Note: I want you to print out only the figures! And save paper by printing multiple plots on
single page!

3. Work out the equilibrium pH for the following aqueous solutions using the analytical
solution with simplifying assumptions as we did in class:
(a) 0.0001 M HCN
(b) 0.0001 M NaCN

4. Work out the equilibrium pH for the following aqueous solutions using the graphical method
as we did in class:
(a) 0.0001 M HCN
(b) 0.0001 M NaCN

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