PODLOD-interlab Ver1a
PODLOD-interlab Ver1a
PODLOD-interlab Ver1a
Download: www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/fachbereich/vwl/iso/ehemalige/wilrich/index.html
PODLOD interlab program, version 1, dated 2019-09-18, for estimating the POD function and the LOD of
For more information see the sheets 'Info' and 'Example'. For details see: JARVIS, WILRICH & WILRICH: Estima
from an interlaboratory experiment, Journal of AOAC International, 2019, 102(5) 1617-1623. This Excel program is distr
www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/fachbereich/vwl/iso/ehemalige/wilrich/index.html. There you can also subscribe to a newsletter in
Note: To obtain reliable results, 5 inoculation levels should be used. These should comprise 3
informative levels as well as a blank and a positive control. For details, see the sheet 'Info'.
POD function and the LOD of a binary microbiological measurement method from an interlaboratory experiment
VIS, WILRICH & WILRICH: Estimation of the POD function and the LOD of a binary microbiological measurement method
23. This Excel program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. It can be downloaded at:
also subscribe to a newsletter informing about updates of the program. For assistance contact: [email protected].
laboratory experiment Calculate Due to compatibility problems, the buttons are disabled in
Print Figure
Results Excel 2000 and older. 'Print Figure' is disabled also in Excel
measurement method 2003 because no figure is generated (see also the sheet
can be downloaded at: Print Tables Print Tables 'Info'). In any case, it is possible to calculate by pressing
b/w color 'Ctrl+b' and to print normally via the File-menu.
[email protected].
p 2.
will be shown in the sheet next to this sheet.
ow 11 at any time (while the other input data can be preserved).
PODLOD interlab program, version 1, dated 2019-09-18, for estimating the POD function and the LOD of
For more information see the sheets 'Info' and 'Example'. For details see: JARVIS, WILRICH & WILRICH: Estima
from an interlaboratory experiment, Journal of AOAC International, 2019, 102(5) 1617-1623. This Excel program is distr
www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/fachbereich/vwl/iso/ehemalige/wilrich/index.html. There you can also subscribe to a newsletter in
Input data
Laboratory 1 Designation: Example design
Inoculation level in cfu/g or cfu/ml No. of inoculated tubes No. of positive tubes
d n y
d = 0 = blank control 1
d = low level 8
d = target level 8
d = high level 8
d = positive control 1
If a laboratory obtained a positive result for the blank control, this is clearly an error and the test
should be repeated after checking for possible causes, e.g. contaminated medium or faulty
If a laboratory obtained no positive result for any of the inoculation levels, this suggests that the
tubes were not inoculuted or that the medium does not support growth of the test organism or
that the primary sample did not contain the test organism. The test procedure should be carefully
checked for possible errors. The coordinating laboratory should ensure that correct results are
provided so that the mean results are not compromised.
If a laboratory obtained only positive results for all inoculation levels (except for the blank
control), this suggests that preparation of the inoculation levels was not done properly. The
procedure should be carefully checked for possible errors. The coordinating laboratory should
ensure that correct results are provided so that the mean results are not compromised.
If a laboratory obtained a negative result for the positive control, this is clearly an error and the
test should be repeated after checking for possible causes e.g. failure to inoculate the medium
or wrong level of test organisms in the inoculum.
POD function and the LOD of a binary microbiological measurement method from an interlaboratory experiment
VIS, WILRICH & WILRICH: Estimation of the POD function and the LOD of a binary microbiological measurement method
23. This Excel program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. It can be downloaded at:
also subscribe to a newsletter informing about updates of the program. For assistance contact: [email protected].
laboratory experiment
measurement method
can be downloaded at:
[email protected].
ion of Excel:
uld run on Excel 2007 and newer. It also
3, however, no figure is generated (due to
buttons in the sheet 'Program' might not
l versions. In any case, it is possible to
n with 'Ctrl+b' and to print normally via the
y of figures:
the figures, the computer must be
nter (driver). This can also be a converter to
PODLOD interlab program, version 1, dated 2019-09-18, for estimating the POD function and the LOD of
For more information see the sheets 'Info' and 'Example'. For details see: JARVIS, WILRICH & WILRICH: Estim
from an interlaboratory experiment, Journal of AOAC International, 2019, 102(5) 1617-1623. This Excel program is distr
www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/fachbereich/vwl/iso/ehemalige/wilrich/index.html. There you can also subscribe to a newsletter in
Note: The values for d refer to 1 g or 1 ml and not to the sample size as given in row 11.
Input data
Laboratory 1 Designation: Lab 1
Inoculation level in cfu/g or cfu/ml No. of inoculated tubes No. of positive tubes
d n y
0.0 1 0
0.04 8 5
0.08 8 6
0.16 8 8
0.32 1 1
0.32 1 1
d n y
0.0 1 0
0.04 8 5
0.08 8 6
0.16 8 7
0.32 1 1
POD function and the LOD of a binary microbiological measurement method from an interlaboratory experiment
VIS, WILRICH & WILRICH: Estimation of the POD function and the LOD of a binary microbiological measurement method
23. This Excel program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. It can be downloaded at:
also subscribe to a newsletter informing about updates of the program. For assistance contact: [email protected].
LOD50% = 50% level of detection in cfu/g
laboratory experiment
measurement method
t can be downloaded at:
[email protected].
= 50% level of detection in cfu/g or cfu/ml
Estimated mean POD curve, its 95 % confidence band, the 95 % expectation band and the POD curves of the labs
Reference method • Escherichia Coli in Meat • 29.11.2018
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Inoculation level d in cfu/g or cfu/ml
Mean 95% confidence limits 95% confidence limits
PODLOD interlaboratory calculation program, version 1, dated 2019-09-18
Download: www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/fachbereich/vwl/iso/ehemalige/wilrich/index.html
PODLOD interlab program, version 1, dated 2019-09-18, for estimating the POD function and the LOD of
For more information see the sheets 'Info' and 'Example'. For details see: JARVIS, WILRICH & WILRICH: Estim
from an interlaboratory experiment, Journal of AOAC International, 2019, 102(5) 1617-1623. This Excel program is distr
www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/fachbereich/vwl/iso/ehemalige/wilrich/index.html. There you can also subscribe to a newsletter in
Note: The values for d refer to 1 g or 1 ml and not to the sample size as given in row 11.
Input data
Laboratory 1 Designation: Lab 1
Inoculation level in cfu/g or cfu/ml No. of inoculated tubes No. of positive tubes
d n y
0.0 1 0
0.04 8 7
0.08 8 6
0.16 8 7
0.32 1 1
0.32 1 1
d n y
0.0 1 0
0.04 8 6
0.08 8 7
0.16 8 8
0.32 1 1
POD function and the LOD of a binary microbiological measurement method from an interlaboratory experiment
VIS, WILRICH & WILRICH: Estimation of the POD function and the LOD of a binary microbiological measurement method
23. This Excel program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. It can be downloaded at:
also subscribe to a newsletter informing about updates of the program. For assistance contact: [email protected].
LOD50% = 50% level of detection in cfu/g
laboratory experiment
measurement method
t can be downloaded at:
[email protected].
= 50% level of detection in cfu/g or cfu/ml
Estimated mean POD curve, its 95 % confidence band, the 95 % expectation band and the POD curves of the labs
Alternative method • Escherichia Coli in Meat • 29.11.2018
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Inoculation level d in cfu/g or cfu/ml
Mean 95% confidence limits 95% confidence limits