Algebra and Trigonometry Take Home

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1. A man sold a book by mistake at 120% of the marked price instead of 30. Find the 30th term of A.P. 4,7,10,...
discounting the marked price by 20%. If he sold the book for P14.40, what was a) 91 b) 90 c) 88 d) 75
the price for which he have sold the book? 31. Find the sum of the first 10 terms of the geometric progression 2, 4, 8, 16,...
a) P8.00 b) P8.50 c) P9.00 d) P9.60 a) 1023 b) 2046 c) 225 d) 1596
2. In how many ways can 9 books be arranged on a shelf so that 5 of the books 32. Find the sum of the infinite geometric progression 6, -2, 2/3,...
are always together? a) 9/2 b) 5/2 c) 11/2 d) 7/2
a) 30,200 b) 25,400 c) 15,500 d) 14,400 33. Find the ratio of an infinite geometric series if the sum is 2 and the first term
3. If one third of the air tank is removed by each stroke of an air pump, what is ½.
fractional part of the total air is removed in 6 strokes? a) 1/3 b)1/2 c) ¾ d) 1/4
a) 0.7122 b) 0.6122 c) 0.8122 d) 0.9122 34. Find the 1987th digit in the decimal equivalent to 1785/9999 starting from
4. If 3^x = 9^y and 27^y = 81^z, find x/z? the decimal point.
a) 3/5 b) 4/3 c) 3/8 d) 8/3 a) 8 b) 1 c) 7 d) 5
5. Determine x, so that x, 2x+7, 10x-7 will be geometric progression. 35. What is the lowest common factor of 10 and 32.
a) 7,-5/6 b) 7, -14/5 c) 7, -7/12 d) 7, -7/6 a) 320 b) 2 c) 180 d) 90
6. A man invested part of P20,000 at 18% and the rest at 16%. The annual 36. Ten less than four times a certain number is 14. Determine the number.
income from 16% investment was P620 less than three times the annual income a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9
from 18% investment. How much did he invest at 18%? 37. Jolo bought a second hand betamax VCR and sold it to Rudy at a profit of
a) P5,457.20 b) P6,457.20 c) P7,457.20 d) P8,457.20 40%. Rudy then sold the VCR to Noel at a profit of 20%. If Noel paid P2856
7. The sum of four positive integers is 32. Find the greatest possible product of more than it cost to Jolo, how much did Jolo paid the unit?
these four numbers. a) 4000 b) 4100 c) 4200 d) 4300
a) 5013 b) 645 c) 4096 d) 4913 38. A club of 40 executives, 33 likes to smoke Malboro, and 20 likes to smoke
8. A piece of paper is 0.05 in thick. Each time the paper is folded into half, the Philip Morris. How many like both?
thickness is doubled. If the paper was folded 12 times, how much thick in feet a) 13 b) 10 c) 11 d) 12
the folded paper be? 39. A merchant has three items on sale, namely a radio for P50, a clock for P30
a) 10.1 ft b) 12.1 ft c) 15.1 ft d) 17.1 ft and a flashlight for P1.00. At the end of the day, he has sold a total of 100 of the
9. A seating section in a certain athletic stadium has 30 seats in the first row, 32 three items and has taken exactly P1000 on the total sales. How many radios did
seats in the second row, 34 seats in the third row, and so on, until the tenth row is he sale?
reached, after which there are ten rows each containing 50 seats. Find the total a) 16 b) 20 c) 18 d) 24
number of seats in the section. 40. What is the sum of the coefficients of the expansion of (2x – 1)^20?
a) 1200 b) 980 c) 890 d) 750 a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
10. One pipe can fill a tank in 6 hours and another pipe can fill the same tank in 3 41. Find the ratio of the infinite geometric series if the sum is 2 and the first term
hours. A drain pipe can empty the tank in 24 hours. With all three pipes open, is 1/2.
how long will it take to fill in the tank? a) 1/3 b) 1/2 c) 3/4 d) 1/4
a) 5.18 hours b) 4.18 hours c) 3.18 hours d) 2.18 hours 42. A stack of bricks has 61 bricks in the bottom layer, 58 bricks in the second
11. The ten’s digit of a certain two digit number exceeds the unit’s digit by four layer, 55 bricks in the third layer and sol until there are 10 bricks in the last layer.
and is one less than twice the unit’s digit. Find the number. How many bricks are there together?
a) 65 b) 75 c) 85 d) 95 a) 638 b) 637 c) 640 d) 639
12. The sum of two numbers is 35 and their product is 15. Find the sum of their 43. Once a month a man put some money into the cookie jar. Each month he put
reciprocal. 50 centavos more into the jar than the month before. After 12 years he counted
a) 2/7 b) 7/3 c) 2/3 d) 5/2 his money; he had P5436. How much did he put in the jar in the last month?
13. The smallest natural number for which 2 natural numbers are factors. a) P73.50 b) P75.50 c) P74.50 d) P72.50
a) Least common divisor b) Least common denominator 44. The seventh term is 56 and the 12th term is -1792 of the geometric
c) Least common factor d) Least common multiple progression. Find the ratio and the first term. Assume the ratios are equal.
14. Ana is 5 years older than Beth. In 5 years, the product of their ages is 1.5 a) -2, 7/8 b) -1. 5/8 c) -1, 7/8 d) -2, 5/8
times the product of their present ages. How old is Beth now? 45. Find the value of x in the equation 24x^2 + 5x -1 = 0.
a) 30 b) 25 c) 20 d) 15 a) (1/6, 1) b) (1/6, 1/5) c) (1/2, 1/5) d) (1/8, -1/3)
15. The time required for the examinees to solve the same problem differ by two 46. The polynomial x^3 + 4x^2 -3x +8 is divided by x – 5, then the remainder is:
minutes. Together they can solve 32 problems in one hour. How long will it take a) 175 b) 140 c) 218 d) 200
for the slower problem solver to solve a problem? 47. Find the rational number equivalent to repeating decimal 2.3524242424...
a) 2 minutes b) 3 minutes c) 4 minutes d) 5 minutes a) 23273/9900 b) 23261/990 c) 23289/9900 d)
16. Find the value of m that will make 4x^2 – 4mx + 4m ) 5 a perfect square 23264/9900
trinomial. 48. The sum of Kim’s and Kevin’s ages is 18. In three years, Kim will be twice
a) 3 b) -2 c) 4 d) 5 as old as Kevin. What are their ages now?
17. How many liters of water must be added to 35 liters of 89% hydrochloric a) 4, 14 b) 5, 13 c) 7, 11 d) 6, 12
acid solution to reduce its strength to 75%? 49. Ten liters of 25% salt solution and 15%liters of 35% solution are poured into
a) 3.53 b) 4.53 c) 5.53 d) 6.53 a drum originally containing 30 liters of 10% salt solution. What is the percent
18. A purse contains $11.65 in quarters and dimes. If the total number of coins is concentration in the mixture?
70, find how many dimes are there. a) 19.55% b) 22.15% c) 27.05 d) 26.72%
a) 31 b) 35 c) 39 d) 42 50. Determine the sum of the infinite series: S = 1/3 + 1/9 + 1/27 + .... (1/3)^n.
19. Equations relating x and y that cannot readily be solved explicitly for y as a a) 4/5 b) ¾ c) 2/3 d) 1/2
function of x or for x as a function of y. Such equations may nonetheless 51. Determine the sum of the positive valued solution to the simultaneous
determine y as a function of x or vice versa, such function called _________. equations: xy = 15, yz = 35, zx = 21.
a) logarithmic function b) implicit function a) 15 b) 13 c) 17 d) 19
c) explicit function d) continuous function 52. The areas of two squares differ by 7 sq. ft. and their perimeters differ by 4 ft.
20. A piece of wire of length 50 m is cut into two parts. Each part is then bent to Determine the sum of their areas.
form a square. It is found that the total area of the square is 100 sq. m. Find the a) 25 ft^2 b) 27 ft^2 c) 28 ft^2 d) 22 ft^2
difference in length of the two squares. 53. A bookstore purchased a bestselling book at P200 per copy. At what price
a) 6.62 b) 7.62 c) 8.62 d) 9.62 should this book be sold so that, giving a 20% discount, the profit is 30%?
21. A tank is filled with an intake pipe that fills it in 2 hours and an outlet pipe a) P450 b) P500 c) P375 d) P400
that empty in 6 hours. If both pipes are left open, how long will it take to fill in 54. In a certain community of 1,200 people, 60% are literate. Of the males, 50%
the empty tank? are literate and of the females 70% are literate. What is the female population?
a) 1.5 hrs b) 2.0 hrs c) 2.8 hrs d) 3 hrs a) 850 b) 500 c) 550 d) 600
22. Maria sold a drafting pen for P612 at a loss of 25% on her buying price. Find 55. Gravity causes a body to fall 16.1 ft. in the 1st second, 48.3 ft. in the 2nd
the corresponding loss or gain in percent if she had sold it for P635? second, 80.5 ft. in the 3rd second, and so on. How far did the body fall during the
a) 20.18% b) 11.18% c) 22.18% d) 28.18% 10th second?
23. Divide 1/8 by 8. a) 248.7 ft b) 308.1 ft c) 241.5 ft d) 305.9 ft
a) 1/64 b) 18 c) 1 d) 64 56. In a commercial survey involving 1,000 persons on brand reference, 120
9 4 were found to prefer brand x only, 200 prefer brand y only, 150 prefer brand z
24. Given 2 x 2 matrix [ ], find its determinant.
7 8 only. 370 prefer either x or y but not z, 450 prefer brand y or z but not x, and 420
a) 31 b) 44 c) -20 d) 20 prefer either brand z or x but not y. How many persons have no brand preference,
25. If the sum is 220 and the first term is 10, find the common difference if the satisfied with any of the 3 brands?
last term is 30. a) 280 b) 230 c) 180 d) 130
a) 2 b) 5 c) 3 d) 2/3 57. The electric power which a transmission line can transmit is proportional to
26. Find the sum of the sequence 25, 30, 35, ..... the total product of its design voltage and current capacity, and inversely to the
a) (2/5)(n^2 + 9n) b) (5/2)(n^2 + 9n) transmission distance. A 115 kilovolt line rated at 1000 amperes can transmit 150
c) (9/2)(n^2 + 9n) d) (9/2)(n^2 – 9n) Megawatts over 150 km. How much power, in Megawatts, can a 230 kilovolt
27. Solve for x: √20 − 𝑥 = 𝑥. line rated 1500 amperes transmit over 100km?
a) 4, -5 b) -4, -5 c) -4, 5 d) no solution a) 785 b) 485 c) 675 d) 595
28. Solve for x: 10x^2 + 10x + 1 =0. 58. Find the geometric mean of 64 and 4.
a) -0.113, -0.887 b) -0.331, -0.788 a) 16 b) 34 c) 32 d) 28
c) -0.113, -0.788 d) -0.311, -0.887 59) Factor the expression x^2 + 6x + 8 as completely as possible.
29. The number x, 2x + 7, 10x – 7 form a Geometric Progression. Find the value a) (x + 8)(x – 2) b) (x + 4)(x – 2) c) (x + 4)(x + 2) d) (x – 4)(x – 2)
of x.
60. A batch of concrete consisted of 200 lbs. Fine aggregate, 350 lbs coarse a) 2 tan B b) tan B + tan B c) tan B cos B d) 2 sin B cos B
aggregate, 94 lbs cement, and 5 gallons water. The specific gravity of the sand 92. If cot 2A cot 68° = 1, then tan A is equal to ________.
and gravel may be taken as 2.65 and that of the cement as 3.10. What was the a) 0.194 b) 0.419 c) 0.491 d) 0.914
weight of concrete in place per cubic foot? 93. A ladder 5 m long leans against the wall of an apartment house forming an
a) 172 lb b) 236 lb c) 162 lb d) 153 lb angle of 50 degrees, 32 minutes with ground. How high up the wall does it
61. Dalisay’s Corporation gross margin is 45% sales. Operating expenses such as reach?
sales and administration are 15% of sales. Dalisay is in 40% tax bracket. What a) 12.7 m b) 10.5 m c) 3.86 m d) 1.55 m
percent of sales is their profit after taxes? 94. The measure of 2.25 revolutions counterclockwise is:
a) 18% b) 5% c) 24% d) 50% a) -810 deg b) -805 deg c) 810 deg d) 805 deg
62. A and B working together can finish painting a home in 6 days. A working 95. If sin A = 2.5 x and cos A = 5.5x, find the value of A in degrees.
alone, can finish it in five days less than B. How long will it take each of them to a) 14.5 deg b) 24.5 deg c) 34.5 deg d) 44.5 deg
finish the work alone? 96. Solve angle A of an oblique triangle wit vertices ABC, if a = 25, b = 16 and
a) 10, 15 b) 15, 20 c) 20, 25 d) 5, 10 C = 94 degrees and 6 minutes.
63. Determine the sum of the progression if there are 7 arithmetic mean between a) 50 deg and 40 min b) 45 deg and 35 min
3 and 35. c) 55 deg and 32 min d) 54 deg and 30 min
a) 171 b) 182 c) 232 d) 216 97. Given: x = (cos B tan B – sin B)/cos B. Solve for x if B = 30 degrees.
64. Find the sum of 1, -1/5, 1/25,... a) 0.577 b) 0 c) 0.500 d) 0.866
a) 5/6 b) 2/3 c) 0.84 d) 0.72 98. (cos A)^4 – (sin A)^4 is equal to _________.
65. Find the remainder if we divide 4y^3 + 18y^2 + 8y -4 by (2y + 3). a) cos 2A b) sin 2A c) 2tan A d) sec A
a) 10 b) 11 c) 15 d) 13 99. 174 degrees is equivalent to _________ mils.
66. What time after 3 o’clock will the hands of the clock be together for the first a) 3094 b) 2084 c) 3421 d) 2800
time? 100. What is the resultant of a displacement 6 miles North and 9 miles East?
a) 3:16.36 b) 3:14.32 c) 3:12.30 d) 3:13.37 a) 11 miles, N 56° E b) 11 miles, N 54° E
67. The difference of the squares of the digits of a two digit positive number is c) 10 miles, N 56° E d) 10 miles, N 54° E
27. If the digits are reversed in order and the resulting number subtracted from 101. Which is identically equal to (sec A + tan A)?
the original number, the difference is also 27. What is the original number? a) 1/(sec A + tan A) b) csc A – 1
a) 63 b) 54 c) 48 d) 73 c) 2/(1 – tan A) d) csc A + 1
68. The boat travels downstream in 2/3 of the time as it does going upstream. If 102. Determine the simplified form of (cos 2A – cos A)/(sin A).
the velocity of the river current is 8 kph, determine the velocity of the boat in still a) cos 2A b) –sin A c) cos A d) sin 2A
water. 103. Ifsec 2A = 1/sin 13A, determine the angle A in degrees.
a) 40 kph b) 50 kph c) 30 kph d) 60 kph a) 5 deg b) 6 deg c) 3 deg d) 7 deg
69. Given that w varies directly as the product of x and y and inversely as the 104. Solve for x in the equation: arctan (x + 1) + arctan (x – 1) = arctan (12).
square of z, and that w = 4, when x = 2, y = 6, and z = 3. Find the value of “w” a) 1.50 b) 1.34 c) 1.20 d) 1.25
when x = 1, y = 4, and z = 2. 105. Solve for x if tan 3x = 5tan x.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 a) 20.705 deg b) 30.705 deg c) 15.705 deg d) 35.705 deg
70. The third term of a harmonic progression is 15 and 9th term is 6. Find the 106. If sin A = 2.511x, cos A = 3.06x and sin 2A = 3.939x, find the value of x.
eleventh term? a) 0.265 b) 0.256 c) 0.562 d) 0.625
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 107. The angle of inclination of ascend of a road having 8.25% grade is ______.
71. Solve for x for the given equation, 7.4 x 10^-4 = e^-9.7x. a) 4.72 b) 4.27 c) 5.12 d) 1.86
a) 0.7621 b) 0.7432 c) 0.7243 d) 0.7331 108. A man finds the angle of elevation of the top of a tower to be 30 degrees.
72. Find the 10th term of the geometric progression: 3, 6, 12, 24,.... He walks 85 m nearer the tower and finds its angle of elevation to be 60 degrees.
a) 1536 b) 1653 c) 1635 d) 3156 What is the height of the tower?
73. Find the sum of odd integers from 1 to 31. a) 76. 31 m b) 73.31 m c) 73.16 m d) 73.61 m
a) 256 b) 526 c) 265 d) 625 109. If the sides of a parallelogram and an included angle are 6, 10, and 100
74. Box A has 4 white balls, 3 blue balls, and 3 orange balls. Box B has 2 white degrees respectively, find the length of the shorter diagonal.
balls, 4 blue balls, and 4 orange balls. If one ball is drawn from each box, what is a) 10.63 b) 10.37 c) 10.73 d) 10.23
the probability that one of the two balls will be orange? 110. What is the value of log2 5 + log3 5?
a) 27/50 b) 9/50 c) 23/50 d) 7/25 a) 7.39 b) 3.79 c) 3.97 d) 9.37
75. Solve: x^2 + y^2 = 5z and x^2 – y^2 = 3z. How many and what numerical 111. Points A and B 1000 m apart are plotted on a straight highway running east
values for x, y, and z will satisfy these simultaneous equations? and west. From A, the bearing of a tower C is 32 degrees W of N and from B the
a) if z = 3^2, then x = 6 and y = 3 bearing of C is 26 degrees N of E. Approximate the shortest distance of tower C
b) if z = 2^2, then x =4 and y =2 to the highway.
c) if z = 1^2, then x =2 and y = 1 a) 364 m b) 374 m c) 394 m d) 384 m
d) There are an infinite no. of values that will satisfy 112. If log of 2 to base 2 plus log of x to the base of 2 is equal to 2, then the
76. Two people driving towards each other between two towns 160 km apart. value of x is:
The first man drives at the rate of 45 kph and the other drives at 35 kph. From a) 4 b) -2 c) 2 d) -1
their starting point, how long would it take that they would meet? 113. Arctan [2cos (arcsin √3/2)] is equal to:
a) 3 hr b) 4 hr c) 2 hr d) 1 hr a) π/3 b) π/4 c) π/6 d) π/2
77. Solve x for the equation 6x – 4 = 2x + 6. 114. Solve A for the given equations cos^2 A = 1 – cos^2 A.
a) 10 b) 5/2 c) 5 d) 2.5 a) 45, 125, 225, 335 degrees b) 45, 125, 225, 315 degrees
78. The man has a total of 33 goats and chickens. If the total of their feet is 900, c) 45, 135, 115, 315 degrees d) 45, 150, 220, 315 degrees
find the number of goats and chickens. 115. If sin A = 2/5, what is the value of 1 – cos A?
a) 12 goats and 21 chickens b) 9 goats and 27 chickens a) 0.083 b) 0.916 c) 0.400 d) 0.614
c) 6 cats and 5 dogs d) 13 goats and 20 chickens 116. Sin A cos B – cos A sin B is equivalent to:
79. Express 5y – [3x – (5y + 4)] into polynomial. a) cos (A – B) b) sin (A – B) c) tan (A – B) d) cos (A –B)
a) 10y – 3x +4 b) 5y + 5x – 4 117. How many degrees is 4800 mils?
c) 5y + 5x + 4 d) 5y – 5x +4 a) 270 deg b) 90 deg c) 180 deg d) 215 deg
80. What is the exponential form of the complex number 3 + 4i? 118. ln 7.18^xy equals
a) e^i53.1° b) 5e^i53.1° a) 1.97xy b) 0.86xy c) xy d) 7.18xy
c) 5e^i126.9° d) 7e^i53.1° 119. The log10 (8)(6) equal to:
81. Simplify the complex numbers: (3 + 4i) – (7 – 2i) a) log10 8 + log10 6 b) log10 8 - log10 6 c) log10 8 log10 6 d) log10 8 / log10 6
a) -4 + 6i b) 10 + 2i 120. 38.5 to the x power = 6.5 to the x – 2 power, solve for x using logarithms.
c) 4 – 2i d) 5 – 4i a) 2.70 b) -2.10 c) 2.10 d) -2.02
82. Solve for x: x^2 + x -12 = 0 121. Given the triangle ABC in which A = 30°30’, b = 100 m and c = 200 m.
a) x = 6, x = -2 b) x = 1, x = 12 c) x = 3, x = -4 d) x = 4, x = -3 Find the length of the side a.
83. 2√50 − 5√8 = a) 124.64 m b) 142.24 m c) 130.5 m d) 103.00 m
a) 0 b) √8 c) √50 d) 10 122. An observer wishes to determine the height of the tower. He takes sight at
84. What us the value of x in the expression: x – 1/x = 0? the top of the tower from A and B, which are 50 ft apart at the same elevation on
a) x = -1 b) x = 1, ½ c) x = 1 d) x = 1, -1 a direct line with the tower. The vertical angle at point A is 30 deg and at point B
85. What is the value of A: A^-6/8 = 0.001? is 40 deg. What is the height of the tower?
a) 10 b) 100 c) 0 d) 10000 a) 85.60 ft b) 110.29 c) 143.97 d) 92.54 ft
86. Find the value of x: ax – b = cx + d 123. What is the value of log to the base of 1000^3.3?
a) x = (a – b)/(c + d) b) x = (b + d)/(a – c) a) 9.9 b) 99.9 c) 10.9 d) 9.5
c) x = (a – d)/(c – b) d) x = (c + d)/(a – c) 124. In a triangle, find the side c if angle C = 100 deg, side b = 20, and side a =
87. Divide: 15x^4 +6x^3 + 15x + 6 by 3x^3 + 3. 15.
a) 5x + 2 b) 5x^2 + 2 c) 5x^2 d) 5x – 4 a) 28 b) 29 c) 27 d) 26
88. Simplify: 4√16 + 2√54
3 125. Given a triangle with an angle C = 28.7 deg, side a = 132 units and side b =
3 2 3 3 224 units. Solve for the side c.
a) 14√2 b) 12√3 c) 10√2 d) 8√2
a) 95 units b) 110 units c) 125.4 units d) 90 units
89. Find the value of x in the equation: csc x + cot x = 3
126. A PLDT tower and a monument stand on a level plane. The angles of
a) π/5 b) π/4 c) π/3 d) π/2
depression of the top and bottom of the monument viewed from the top of the
90. If A is in the III quadrant and cos A = -15/17, find the value of cos (1/2)A.
PLDT tower are 13 deg and 35 deg respectively. The height of the tower is 50 m.
a) –(8/17)^1/2 b) –(5/17)^1/2 c) –(3/17)^1/2 d) –(1/17)^1/2
Find the height of the monument.
91. Simplify the expression: (sin B + cos B tan B)/cos B
a) 33.51 m b) 47.3 m c) 7.48 m d) 30.57 m
127. Find the value of x if log12 x = 2.
a) 144 b) 414 c) 524 d) 425
128. If tan x = 1/2, tan y = 1/3. What is the value of tan (x + y)?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
129. The logarithm of the quotient M/N and the logarithm of the product MN is
equal to 1.55630251 and 0.352182518 respectively. Find the value of M.
a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9
130. The angle of elevation of the top tower B from the top of the tower A is 28
deg and the angle of elevation of the top tower A from the base of the tower B is
46 deg. The two towers lie in the same horizontal plane. If the height of the
tower B is 120 m, find the height of tower A.
a) 87.2 m b) 90.7 m c) 79.3 m d) 66.3 m
131. Evaluate the log6 845 = x.
a) 3.76 b) 5.84 c) 4.48 d) 2.98
132. Find the value of log8 48.
a) 1.86 b) 6.81 c) 8.61 d) 1.68
133. Find the value of sin 920 deg.
a) 0.243 b) -0.243 c) 0.342 d) -0.342
134. Log (x)^n =
a) log x b) n log x c) 1/n log x d) n
135. Sin 2θ is equal to:
a) 2 sin θ cos θ b) 1/2 sin θ c) sin θ cos θ d) 1 – sin^2 θ
136. What is the interior angle (in radian) of an octagon?
a) 2.26 rad b) 2.36 rad c) 2.8 rad d) 2.75 rad
137. The trigonometric function (1 + tan^2 θ) is also equal to:
a) sec^2 θ b) cos^2 θ c) csc^2 θ d) sin θ
138. A ball, 5 ft in diameter, rolls up an incline of 18°20’. What is the height of
the center of the ball above the base of the incline when the ball has rolled up 5 ft
up the incline?
a)3 ft b)5 ft c)4 ft d)6 ft
139. If coversed Sin Ө = 0.134, find the value of versed Sin Ө.
a)0.8 b)0.3 c)0.5 d)0.2
140. A vertical pole consists of two parts, each one half of the whole pole. At a
point in the horizontal plane which passes through the foot of the pole and 36 m
from it, the upper half of the pole subtend an angle whose tangent is 1/3. How
high is the pole?
a)72 b)25 c)46 d)66

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