Logic Design - Unit 1 - v1.6 - 20210915

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Fall 2021
Number Systems and Conversions

¨ Contents
¤ Digital systems
¤ Number systems and conversion
¤ Binary arithmetic
¤ Representation of negative numbers
n Addition of two’s complement numbers
n Addition of one’s complement numbers
¤ Binary codes
¤ Binary storage and register
¤ Binary register

Number Systems and Conversions

Digital Systems

p Digital system examples: Digital telephones, digital TV,

DVD, digital cameras (DC), digital videos (DV), and
digital computers.
p Digital systems: Manipulate discrete data
p Binary: Numbers are presented by two discrete values
(0 and 1), Binary digit = Bit
p Group of bits: Binary code
p Digital systems: A system manipulates discrete elements
of information that is represented internally binary form.
p HDL (Hardware description language): A programming
language and suitable for describing digital circuits in
textual form.

Number Systems and Conversions

Number Systems (1/2)
¨ Positional notation: Each digit is multiplied by an appropriate
power of base depending on its position in the number
¤ The point separates the positive and negative powers of base
¤ e.g., decimal (base 10) numbers
n 953.7810 = 9x102+5x101+3x100+7x10-1+8x10-2

(210.-1-2): powers of base

¤ A positive number N with base (radix) R (positive integer, R>1):

N = (a4a3 a2a1a0.a-1a-2a-3)R
= a4xR4+a3xR3+a2xR2+a1xR1+a0xR0+a-1xR-1+a-2xR-2+a-3xR-3
n Base is also called radix
n Base is indicated as subscript

¤ Q: Why do people use the decimal number system?

Number Systems and Conversions

Number Systems (2/2)
¨ Examples:
¤ Decimal (base 10) numbers
n 953.7810=9x102+5x101+3x100+7x10-1+8x10-2
¤ Binary (base 2) numbers
n 1011.112=1x23+0x22+1x21+1x20+1x2-1+1x2-2=11.7510
¤ Octal (base 8) numbers
n 147.38=1x82+4x81+7x80+3x8-1=103.37510
¤ Hexadecimal (base 16) numbers
n A2F16=10x162+2x161+15x160=260710

Number Systems and Conversions

Common Number Systems

Name Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

Radix 10 2 8 16
0,1,2,3,4, 0,1,2,3, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,
Digits 0,1
5,6,7,8,9 4,5,6,7 8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 10 2 2
3 11 3 3
4 100 4 4
5 101 5 5
6 110 6 6
First 17 7 111 7 7
positive 8 1000 10 8
integers 9 1001 11 9
10 1010 12 A
11 1011 13 B
12 1100 14 C
13 1101 15 D
14 1110 16 E
15 1111 17 F
16 10000 20 10

Number Systems and Conversions

Conversion of a Decimal Integer
¨ Convert a decimal integer to base R using division:
¤ N = (anan-1...a2a1a0)R = anRn + an-1Rn-1 + ... + a2R2 + a1R1 + a0
¤ N/R = anRn-1 + an-1Rn-2 + ... + a2R1 + a1 = Q1 ........... remainder a0

¤ Q1/R = anRn-2 + an-1Rn-3 + ... + a3R1 + a2 = Q2 ......... remainder a1

¤ Q2/R = anRn-3 + an-1Rn-4 + ... + a3 = Q3 ..................... remainder a2

¤ …

¤ Continued until we finally obtain …………………….remainder an

¤ e.g., convert 5310 to binary

2 53
2 26 …… remainder = 1 = a0 (LSB)
2 13 …… remainder = 0 = a1
2 6 …… remainder = 1 = a2 5310 = 1101012
2 3 …… remainder = 0 = a3
2 1 …… remainder = 1 = a4
0 …… remainder = 1 = a5 (MSB)

Number Systems and Conversions

Conversion of a Decimal Fraction (1/2)
¨ Convert a decimal fraction to base R using multiplication:
¤ F = (.a-1a-2a-3...a-m)R = a-1R-1 + a-2R-2 + a-3R-3 + ... + a-mR-m
¤ FR = a-1 + a-2R-1 + a-3R-2 + ... + a-mR-m+1 = a-1 + F1

¤ F1R = a-2 + a-3R-1 + ... + a-mR-m+2 = a-2 + F2

integer fraction
¤ F2R = a-3 + ... + a-mR-m+3 = a-3 + F3
¤ …

¤ Continued until we finally obtain a sufficient number of digits

¤ e.g., convert .62510 to binary

x 2
(1).250 (a-1=1, MSB)
x 2
(0).500 (a-2=0) .62510 = .1012
x 2
(1).000 (a-3=1, LSB)

Number Systems and Conversions

Conversion of a Decimal Fraction (2/2)
¨ Sometimes, the result is a repeating fraction
¤ e.g., convert 0.710 to binary
x 2
x 2
x 2
x 2
x 2 Start repeating!
(0).4 .4 was previously obtained
x 2 0.710 = .1 0110 0110 0110 …2

Number Systems and Conversions

Conversion between Two Bases (1/2)
¨ Convert between two bases R1 and R2 other than decimal
¤ Base R1 Þ base 10 Þ base R2
¤ e.g., convert 231.34 to base 7

231.34 = 2x42+3x41+1x40+3x4-1 = 45.7510

integer fraction
x 7
7 45 (5).25 Repeat!
7 6 …… rem. 3 x 7 Þ .517
0 …… rem. 6 (1).75
Þ 637 x 7
x 7

integer fraction
231.34 = 45.7510 = 63.517
Number Systems and Conversions
Conversion between Two Bases (2/2)
¨ Convert between binary and octal/hexadecimal by inspection
1. Start at the binary point
2. Divide bits into groups of three/four, adding 0’s if necessary
3. Replace each group by an octal/hexadecimal digit
4. And vice versa
¤ Binary Û octal
1001101.0101112 = 001 001 101 . 010 1112 =115.278
1 1 5 2 7
adding 0’s
¤ Binary Û hexadecimal
1001101.0101112 = 0100 1101 . 0101 11002 =4D.5C16
4 D 5 C

Number Systems and Conversions

12 Binary Arithmetic

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Arithmetic -- Addition
¨ Addition table:
¤ 0+0=0
¤ 0+1=1

¤ 1+0=1

¤ 1 + 1 = 0 (and carry 1 to the next column)

¤ e.g., add 1310 and 1110 in binary

1111 carries
1310 = 1101
1110 = 1011
11000 = 2410

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Arithmetic -- Subtraction
¨ Subtraction table:
¤ 0–0=0
¤ 1–0=1

¤ 1–1=0

¤ 0 – 1 = 1 (and borrow 1 from the next column)

n Borrow 1 from the next column
º have -1 at the next column
= obtain R at the current column
¤ e.g., subtract 1910 from 2910 in binary

1 borrow
2910 = 11101
1910 = 10011
1010 = 1010

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Arithmetic -- Multiplication
¨ Multiplication table:
¤ 0x0=0
¤ 0x1=0

¤ 1x0=0

¤ 1x1=1
¤ e.g., multiply 1310 by 1110 in binary

1101 = 1310 multiplicand

x 1011 = 1110 multiplier
1101 copy of multiplicand if “1”
10001111 = 14310

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Arithmetic -- Division
¨ Is similar to (easier than) decimal division
¤ e.g., divide 14510 by 1110 in binary
1101 = quotient
divisor 1110 = 1011 10010001 = 14510 dividend
10 = remainder

Number Systems and Conversions

17 Representation of Negative Numbers

Addition of two’s complement numbers

Addition of one’s complement numbers

Number Systems and Conversions

Negative Numbers
¨ Sign and Magnitude: 1-bit sign + (n-1)-bit magnitude

S Magnitude word length: n

sign bit: 0 for positive, 1 for negative

¤ e.g., 0011sm = +310, 1011sm = -310
¤ Is common for people but awkward for computers

¨ 1’s complement: N_ = (2n –1) – N

¤ Complement +N bit-by-bit
¤ e.g., +3 = 0011, 3_ = 1100

¨ 2’s complement: N* = 2n – N = N_ + 1
¤ Complement +N bit-by-bit and then add 1
¤ Or complement all bits to the left of the rightmost 1

¤ e.g., +3 = 0011, 3* = 1101

Number Systems and Conversions

Signed Binary Integers
Word length: n = 4
Positive Negative integers
integers Sign and 2’s complement 1’s complement
+N (all systems) -N magnitude N* N_
+0 0000 -0 1000 ---- 1111
+1 0001 -1 1001 1111 1110
+2 0010 -2 1010 1110 1101
+3 0011 -3 1011 1101 1100
+4 0100 -4 1100 1100 1011
+5 0101 -5 1101 1011 1010
+6 0110 -6 1110 1010 1001
+7 0111 -7 1111 1001 1000
-8 ---- 1000 ----

¨ For word length n, there are 2n different permutations

¤ SM and N_: [+7, …, +0, -0, …, -7] (redundant -0)
¤ N*: [+7, …, +0, …, -8] (-2n-1 ~ +2n-1-1)
¨ View the first bit as the sign bit: positive/negative Û 0/1

Number Systems and Conversions

Warning: Unsigned or Signed Numbers
¨ For word length n, there are 2n different permutations
¤ Unsigned:
n [0, 2n-1]
¤ Signed

n SM (sign and magnitude) and N_ (1’s complement ) :

[-2n-1+1, +2n-1-1] (redundant -0)
n N* (2’s complement) : [-2n-1, +2n-1-1]
¨ e.g., what is 1110?

Number Systems and Conversions

Addition of Two’s Complement Numbers
1. Add just as if all numbers were positive
2. Discard the carry from the sign bit
¤ Why to discard the carry? (i.e., subtract 2n)

1. Add(-A, +B), B > A

n A* + B = (2n – A) + B = 2n + (B – A)
n Þ –2n Þ (B – A)
2. Add(-A, -B), A+B £ 2n-1
n A* + B* = (2n – A) + (2n – B) = 2n + 2n – (A + B) = 2n + (A + B)*
n Þ –2n Þ (A + B)*
¨ e.g.,
Add(+A, +B) Add(+A, -B) Add(-A, +B) Add(-A, -B)
A+B < 2n-1 B>A B>A A+B £ 2n-1
+3 0011 +5 0101 -5 1011 -3 1101
+4 0100 -6 1010 +6 0110 -4 1100
+7 0111 -1 1111 +1 (1)0001 -7 (1)1001
Number Systems and Conversions
Exception: Overflow in Two’s Complement
¨ An overflow means out of range of representation
¤ When the word length is n bits, the correct representation of a
number (including sign) requires more than n bits
¨ How to detect overflow?
¤ Check sign!

n (+) + (+) Þ (-) or (-) + (-) Þ (+)

¨ e.g.,
Add(+A, +B) Add(-A, -B)
A+B ³ 2n-1 A+B > 2n-1
+5 0101 -5 1011
+6 0110 -6 1010
1011 (1)0101
Wrong answer! Wrong answer!
Overflow: +11 Overflow: -11
requires 5 bits requires 5 bits
including sign including sign

Number Systems and Conversions

Addition of One’s Complement Numbers
¨ End-around carry: Add the carry out back to the rightmost bit
¤ Why to take end-around carry? (i.e., subtract 2n & add 1)
1. Add(-A, +B), B > A
n A_ + B = (2n – 1 – A) + B = 2n + (B – A) – 1
n Þ –2n & +1 Þ (B – A)
2. Add(-A, -B), A+B £ 2n-1
n A_ + B_ = (2n – 1 – A) + (2n – 1 – B) = 2n + 2n – 1 – (A + B) – 1
= 2n + (A + B)_ – 1
n Þ –2n & +1 Þ (A + B)_
¨ e.g.,
Add(+A, +B) Add(+A, -B) Add(-A, +B) Add(-A, -B)
A+B < 2n-1 B>A B>A A+B £ 2n-1
+3 0011 +5 0101 -5 1010 -3 1100
+4 0100 -6 1001 +6 0110 -4 1011
+7 0111 -1 1110 +1 (1)0000 -7 (1)0111
1 1
Number Systems and Conversions 0001 1000
Exception: Overflow in One’s Complement
¨ How to detect overflow?
¤ Check sign!
n (+) + (+) Þ (-) or (-) + (-) Þ (+)
¨ e.g.,
Add(+A, +B) Add(-A, -B)
A+B ³ 2n-1 A+B ³ 2n-1
+5 0101 -5 1010
+6 0110 -6 1001
1011 (1)0011
Wrong answer! 1
Overflow: +11 0100
requires 5 bits Wrong answer!
including sign Overflow: -11
requires 5 bits
including sign

Number Systems and Conversions

25 Binary Codes

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Codes

¨ n-bit binary code can distinct 2n discrete values !!

¨ BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)

Decimal Symbol BCD Digit

0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
Number Systems and Conversions

n Feature of BCD

k-digit decimal requires 4k-bits in BCD !!

n Example of BCD

(185)10=(0001 1000 0101)BCD=(10111001)2

Number Systems and Conversions

BCD Arithmetic

n BCD Addition
k-digit decimal requires 4k-bits in BCD !!

n Example of BCD Addition

4 0100 4 0100 8 1000

+5 +0101 +8 +1000 +9 +1001
9 1001 12 1100>9 17 10001>9
Þ Carry out Þ Carry out
1100 10001
+0110 +0110
1 0010 1 0111
Number Systems and Conversions
BCD Arithmetic

n Why add 0110 into result if result >9 ?

Decimal Binary BCD
0 0000 0000
1 0001 0001
2 0010 0010
3 0011 0011
4 0100 0100
5 0101 0101
6 0110 0110
7 0111 0111
8 1000 1000
9 1001 1001
10 1010 +6 1 0000
11 1011 +6 1 0001
12 1100 +6 1 0010
13 1101 +6 1 0011
14 1110 +6 1 0100
15 1111 +6 1 0101
Number Systems and Conversions
BCD Arithmetic

n Example of BCD Addition: 184+576 in BCD

BCD carry 1 1
0001 1000 0100 184
+0101 0111 0110 +576
Binary Sum 0111 10000 1010
Add 6 0110 0110
BCD Sum 0111 0110 0000 760

Number Systems and Conversions

Other Decimal Codes

Decimal BCD 2421 Excess-3 8 4-2-1

digit 8421 Self-complementing Code

0 0000 0000 0011 0 00 0

1 0001 0001 0100 0 11 1
2 0010 0010 0101 0 11 0
3 0011 0011 0110 0 10 1
4 0100 0100 0111 0 10 0
5 0101 1011 1000 1 01 1
6 0110 1100 1001 1 01 0
7 0111 1101 1010 1 00 1
8 1000 1110 1011 1 00 0
9 1001 1111 1100 1 11 1

1010 0101 0000 0 00 1

1011 0110 0001 0 01 0
Unused Bits 1100 0111 0010 0 01 1
1101 1000 1101 1 10 0
1110 1001 1110 1 10 1
1111 1010 1111 1 11 0
Number Systems and Conversions
Self Complementing Codes

n Example of Self-complementing Code:

9’s complement of (395)10 in Exceed-3 code

= 0110 1100 1000 (in Exceed-3)
= 1001 0011 0111 (9'sc 604)

Number Systems and Conversions

Gray Code
Decimal Binary Gray

0 0000 0000
1 0001 0001
2 0010 0011
3 0011 0010
4 0100 0110 Binary: 0 bn b3 b2 b1 b0
5 0101 0111
6 0110 0101
7 0111 0100
8 1000 1100 Gray Code: gn g3 g2 g1 g0
9 1001 1101
10 1010 1111
11 1011 1110
12 1100 1010
13 1101 1011
14 1110 1001
15 1111 1000
Number Systems and Conversions
Feature of Gray Code

Only one bit in the code group changes from one number
to the next !
Only one bit
change !!
For Example 7 Þ 8

Gray Code: 0100 Þ 1100

Binary Code: 0111 Þ 1000

4 bit change

Number Systems and Conversions

Decimal Digits to Binary Codes
¨ Input/output interface generally uses decimal numbers
¨ How to represent decimal numbers using binary codes?
¤ Choose 10 elements from 16 binary numbers of 4 bits Many
¤ e.g., 937.25 Þ BCD: 1001 0011 0111 . 0010 0101 options!
Decimal 8-4-2-1 6-3-1-1 Excess-3 2-out-of-5 Gray
digit code code code code code
0 0000 0000 0011 00011 0000
1 0001 0001 0100 00101 0001
2 0010 0011 0101 00110 0011
3 0011 0100 0110 01001 0010
4 0100 0101 0111 01010 0110
5 0101 0111 1000 01100 0111
6 0110 1000 1001 10001 0101
7 0111 1001 1010 10010 0100
8 1000 1011 1011 10100 1100
9 1001 1100 1100 11000 1101
Only 1 bit changes as
Weighted Weighted Only 2 bits are one
Property = BCD+3 counting up/down
a.k.a. BCD Þ For error checking
Number Systems and Conversions Þ For analog quantities
2 out of 5 Code

Number Systems and Conversions

Warning: Conversion or Coding?
¨ Do NOT mix up conversion of a decimal number to a binary
number with coding a decimal number with a binary code
¤ e.g.,
1310 Û 11012 (This is conversion)
13 Û 0001 0011 (This is coding)

Number Systems and Conversions

Text to Binary Codes
¤ American Standard Code for Information Interchange
¤ English alphanumeric symbols

¤ 7 bits

¨ Big-5 code
¤ Traditional Chinese characters

¤ Double-byte coding (16 bits)

94 printable
characters are
numbered 3210 to
12610 in ASCII code

Number Systems and Conversions

¨ ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

Number Systems and Conversions

Extended ASCII Codes

Number Systems and Conversions

Error Detecting Codes

n Error-Detecting Code:
Communication and computation will cause error

Even Parity Odd Parity

ASCII A=1000001 01000001 11000001
ASCII T=1010100 11010100 01010100

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Storage and Registers

n Register

1. A register is a group of binary cells.

2. A register with n cells can store n-bit information.
3. A register with 16 cells can be in one of 216 possible
states, i.e. number 0~ 216-1 .
4. A 16-bit example: 1100 0011 1100 1001

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Storage and Registers

n Register Transfer

1. A register transfer operation is a basic operation in

digital systems.
2. It transfer binary information from one set of
registers to another set of registers.

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Storage and Registers

n Transfer of Information with Register

Processor Unit
Input Unit Processor Register

8-bit 8-bit 8-bit 8-bit 8-bit

Register Register Register Register Register

O Keyboard
H Controller
N 01001010 01001111 01001000 01001110

Memory Register
Memory Unit

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Storage and Registers
Memory Unit


Operand 1 0011100001

Operand 2

n Transfer of
Information with 0001000010 R1
Digital logic
circuits for 0100100011 R3
binary addition

0011100001 R2

Processor Unit
Number Systems and Conversions
Binary Logic

n Binary Logic

1. 1/0
2. True/False
3. Yes/No

Number Systems and Conversions

Definition of Binary Logic

Binary Logic: 1. Arithmetic operation

2. Logical operation

Basic Logical Operation: AND / OR/ NOT

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Logic

x y=z
AND or x AND y is equal to z

OR x y=z x OR y is equal to z

NOT or NOT x is equal to z

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Logic

n Truth Table for AND/OR/NOT


x y x y x y x+y x x’
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1

Number Systems and Conversions

Example of Binary Logic Value


Range for Logic 1

Transition occurs
between these limits

Range for Logic 0
Number Systems and Conversions
Binary Logic

n Symbol for Digital Logic Circuit

x Two Input
z=x y
y AND Gate

x Two Input
y OR Gate

NOT Gate or
x x' Inverter

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Logic

n Input-Output Signal for Logic Gates

Number Systems and Conversions

Binary Logic

n Gates with Multiple Inputs

3 Input
C AND Gate

A 3 Input
B G=A+B+C OR Gate

Number Systems and Conversions


54 (To be continued)

Thank you very much

for your attention !
Homework of Unit 1
¨ Problem set: 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 1.17, 1.19, 1.28, 1.39, 1.44
¨ Deadline: 1 week

Number Systems and Conversions

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