Yogendra Singh - Tall Buildings
Yogendra Singh - Tall Buildings
Yogendra Singh - Tall Buildings
Salient aspects covered: For buildings that do not follow the requirements
(a)Structural systems of this standard:
(b)General requirements (a)Buildings with height exceeding the limits
(c)Wind and seismic effects specified
(d)Methods of structural analysis and section of (b)Irregular buildings (those exceeding the
member properties requirements of the standard)
(e)Structural design aspects These buildings are classified as “code-exceeding
(f) Design of foundations tall buildings”.
(g)Systems needed for structural health monitoring “Performance-based design” approach needs to be
used for “code-exceeding tall buildings”.
3 4
1.1 Applicable for heights greater than 50m and less than 1.4 The standard can be used for design of
or equal to 250m. buildings even shorter than 50m. The provisions of
1.2 Not applicable for tall buildings located in near-field this standard will add value to the design of such
sites!!! buildings.
(Sites whose shortest distance from a seismogenic fault is
less than or equal to 10km is classified as near-field site).
More rigorous approach is needed to proportion, This standard is not applicable for buildings with
analyze, design, detail and construct such buildings. height more than 250m.
More stringent requirements may be imposed by
client/owner for design of such buildings.
1.3 Applicable for buildings which house 20000 or fewer
5 6
• Frames
• Trusses
• Shear Walls
• Brick Walls
• Partitions
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9 10
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13 14
15 16
PH/2 PH/2 PH/4 PH/4 PH/4 <M <PH/2 PH/4 <M <PH/2
PH/L L PH/L PH/2L L PH/2L 0<R<PH/2L L 0<R<PH/2L Base shear
Roof displacement
P/2 P/2
Base shear
PH/4 <M <PH/2 PH/4 <M <PH/2
0<R<PH/2L L 0<R<PH/2L Ptan Ptan
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17 18
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21 22
23 24
Drop Panel
Column Head
25 26
27 28
29 30
1.5 (e) Framed tube system: A structural system 1.5 (f) Tube-in-tube system: A structural system
comprising closely spaced columns and deep which is an extension of a tube structure, where
beams in perimeter frames for efficient tube there is an internal tube, often a core element,
action. The internal elements core/columns are supplementing the external perimeter described as
utilized to resist gravity loads only. the tube structure above to enhance overall lateral
1.5 (g) Multiple-tube system: A structural system
which is an extension of a tube /tube-in-tube
structure, where multiple tubes are connected
together to enhance overall lateral stiffness of the
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5.1 Elevation
5.1.1 Height limits (in m) for structural systems (Table 1)
Structural Systems
Seismic Zone
Structural wall +
Structural wall +
Moment Frame
Structural wall
Structural Wall
Framed Tube
+ Perimeter
Located at
5.1 Elevation 1.6 This standard should be read with all the relevant
5.1.2 Slenderness ratio for structural systems (Table 2) Indian standards for design of buildings and structures. In
Structural Systems cases of conflicts, the clauses of this standard shall be
Seismic Zone
Structural wall +
Structural wall +
Moment Frame
Structural wall
Structural Wall
Framed Tube
+ Perimeter
Located at
II 5 9 10 9 10 10
43 44
Lt K3 V3
K2 V2
5.2.2 The maximum plan aspect ratio (Lt/Bt) shall not exceed 5.0 V1
Ki 0.7 Ki 1 Vi Vi 1
45 46
d2 H
h2 T1 T3
5.5.1 T3 0.9 T2
49 50
53 54
c s c s
c d c d
cy sy
y or
c d c
cc su
u or
c d c
y H Lsp 2
RC Sections u y u y L p H
RC Sections
55 56
57 58
5.8.2 Requirements of Key Elements 6.1 The loads and load combinations specified in IS 875 (Parts 1 to
5), IS 456, IS 1893 (Part 1) and IS 13920 shall be applicable for tall Key elements are members, joints or other components ,
buildings also. In addition, requirements given in subsequent
whose failure would result in a disproportionate deterioration of the
clauses shall be applicable.
building and whose presence is vital to ensure ductile behaviour of
the building. Vertical and lateral resistance of key elements shall be 6.2 Wind Effects
improved in many ways, including by the use of higher partial safety 6.2.1 For buildings
factors for loads and materials, to ensure that they do not yield (a) with height greater than 150 m
before designated ductile elements. (b) with complexities in plan and elevation geometry
(c) sited on complex topography with group/interference effect Elements adjoining key elements and capable of providing
(d) whose natural period is greater than 5 sec
an alternate load transfer path shall be suitably designed and
detailed. In these cases, wind effects shall be determined by site-specific
wind tunnel studies.
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6.2.2 Site-specific wind tunnel studies When wind tunnels studies indicate torsional motion, When wind tunnels studies results in higher storey shears structural system should be modified suitably to mitigate the
and overturning moments than those calculated based on IS 875 torsional effects so as to bring torsional velocity below 0.003rad/s
(Part 3), the results of wind tunnel studies shall be used in design. for 10 years return period. When wind tunnels studies results in lower storey shears The damping ratio considered shall not be greater than 2%
and overturning moments than those calculated based on IS 875 of the critical damping for concrete buildings.
(Part 3),
6.2.3 Lateral Acceleration
(a) Minimum design wind base shear shall be atleast 70% of that
From serviceability considerations, under standard wind loads with
derived based on IS 875 (Part 3); and
return period of 10 years, the maximum structural peak combined
(b) The relative distribution of storey shears shall be as obtained
lateral acceleration amax in the building for along and across wind
from wind tunnel studies.
action at any floor level shall not exceed :
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7.3 Modeling 7.3.4 In moment frame buildings, when building with unreinforced
7.3.1 Modelling shall follow a simple approach which reflects the masonry infill panels contribute to storey lateral stiffness, their
distribution of mass and stiffness properties for all significant effect shall be modelled as per IS 1893 (Part 1).
inertial forces under seismic actions.
7.3.5 The analytical model for performing dynamic analysis of
7.3.2 Analytical model of a building shall reflect the true behaviour buildings with irregular configuration shall adequately represent the
of its members as well as whole structure. Both lumped/distributed irregularities in the configuration of the building.
models or a combination of these two is acceptable.
7.3.6 Cracked section properties shall be used for concrete
7.3.3 In-plane stiffness of floor slab shall be modelled, unless it is elements.
demonstrated that it is extremely stiff and sufficiently strong to
7.3.7 Lateral deflections resulting from un-factored and factored
remain elastic under seismic actions.
loads shall be computed based on their respective properties
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7.3.8 Buildings may be considered to be fixed at the base. 7.3.11 Stiffness of flat-slab frames shall be ignored in lateral load
resistance in all seismic regions.
When foundation flexibility is considered in the linear analysis, the
load-deflection curve of soil-foundation system shall be accounted 7.3.12 The model used in structural analysis of solid, coupled,
for using equivalent linear stiffness, using soil properties that are perforated or punched structural walls should represent stiffness,
consistent with soil strain levels associated with the design forces. strength and deformation capacities of structural walls, structural
wall segments and coupling beams or spandrel connections
In addition, a 50% increase or decrease in stiffness shall be
between structural walls.
incorporated in the dynamic analysis, unless smaller variation is
justified. The largest value of response shall be used in the raft 7.3.13 For buildings taller than 150m, the effect of construction
design. sequence shall be considered.
7.3.9 Second order deformation (P-) effects shall be considered. 7.3.14 Multiple towers connected by single podium shall be
modelled separately and integrally.
7.3.10 In no case, the inter-storey drift stability coefficient should
exceed 0.20.
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7.4 Building Movements 7.4.3 Details of non-structural elements with the structural
For all buildings taller than 150m and for buildings taller than 100m elements of the building shall be planned such that their relative
with mass asymmetry, analysis shall be performed for both long- movements are allowed without causing distress to both structural
term horizontal and vertical movements. and non-structural elements.
7.4.1 Measures shall be taken in concrete and composite buildings 7.4.4 Appropriate vertical and sway compensation shall be
to minimize adverse effects of shrinkage, creep, temperature accounted during construction to minimize long term building
variation and foundation settlement during the design life of the movements for concrete and composite strucutres.
7.4.5 In gravity load analysis, internal forces shall be considered,
7.4.2 Non-structural elements shall be required to withstand long- which are developed due to differential vertical movements of
term movements of the buildings and associated differential vertical structural elements due to creep, shrinkage and
effects. temperature effects, foundation settlements and construction
compensation. In any case total shrinkage strain of concrete shall
not exceed 0.04 percent.
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7.4.6 Strain prediction models of concrete for the effect of creep 8.1 General Requirements
and shrinkage shall be based on established principles of mechanics 8.1.1 Method of Design
elaborated in the specialist literature. Limit state design method shall be used in design of RC elements.
8.1.2 Staircase
Staircases built integrally with the structural system of the building
and not confined by structural walls, shall be included in the three-
dimensional model and its elements designed as per forces induced
in them under various load combinations.
8.1.3 Multiple Tall Buildings Connected with a Common Podium:
a) Tall buildings with single tower and podium
b) Tall buildings with multiple towers and common podium
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Load Path – Isolated Tower and Podium Load Path – Backstay Effect
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87 88 Modelling Sensitivity Analyses
a) As part of collapse prevention evaluation, two sets of backstay
sensitivity analyses shall be carried out using upper-bound and
lower-bound cracked section properties of floor diaphragms and
perimeter walls of podium and below the level of the backstay
are as follows:
b) Besides that of floor diaphragm, flexibility of the following Backstay effects may not be considered in the following cases:
structural elements in the structural analysis shall be considered a) Buildings without below grade levels or buildings without
with appropriate modifications to their stiffness: significantly increased lateral load resisting systems at the base;
i) Perimeter walls and their foundation supports; and
ii) Foundation supports under the tower lateral load b) Buildings that extend below grade but have structural
resisting system. separations between the superstructure and the podium
portions of the building and that accommodate lateral load Buildings with multiple towers deformations without transfer of lateral forces from
a) In estimating backstay effects two lateral paths shall be superstructure portion to podium portion; and
i) Direct load path: where overturning resistance is provided c) Buildings with perimeter basement walls, where the walls are
by tower core elements and foundation directly beneath located directly below the lateral load resisting elements of the
the tower superstructure above. Here, there may be a marked change in
ii) Backstay load path: where overturning resistance provided lateral strength and stiffness at this level, but lateral forces will
by in-plane forces in the backstay elements. not be transferred through the floor diaphragms.
91 92
d) Backstay floor diaphragms shall be modelled considering their in- g) In tall buildings with backstay diaphragms, collector elements
plane and out-of-plane floor flexibility. Any large discontinuity shall be provided, which are capable of transferring forces from the
present in slab shall be modelled. lateral load-resisting system of the tower to the additional elements
providing the resistance and in turn to those forces of the podium.
e) In direct load path case, vertical stiffness shall be considered of
Such collector elements shall be provided for transferring lateral
the piles, foundation and supporting soil.
forces originating in the outer potion of the structure.
f) In backstay load path case, relative stiffness shall be considered of
floor diaphragms and perimeter walls, along with vertical in-plane
rocking stiffness of soil below the walls. Also, horizontal pressure
imposed by soil on retaining walls shall be considered. Axial stiffness
of elements along load path shall be reduced to account for
cracking, bond slip, interface slip and other effects.
93 94
a) The backstay diaphragm shall be designed in accordance with When the lateral force resisting system of a tall building has
the following: diaphragm discontinuity at the backstay diaphragm level, collector
i) maximum of the forces derived from the sensitivity elements and their connections to vertical elements shall be
analyses designed to resist seismic forces amplified by a factor of 2.50.
ii) When the lateral force resisting system of a tall building
Backstay diaphragm floor shall be atleast 150mm thick and shall
has torsional irregularity, re-entrant corners, out of plane offsets
have two curtains of vertical and horizontal reinforcement of
and vertical irregularity seismic forces shall be amplified by a factor
amount not less that 0.25% of cross-sectional area in each direction.
of 1.5 in the design of
i) connections of the diaphragms to vertical elements and to Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent shear sliding failure at
collectors; and connections of diaphragm to structural walls; here the inclination of
II) collectors and their connections, including connections to the strut shall be taken as 45 degrees. Additional reinforcement
the vertical elements, of the seismic force resisting system. shall be provided to resist shear force at the interface between
diaphragm and structural walls.
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3/23/2018 Structural Walls b) The estimation of the natural period shall be based on individual
a) Structural walls can sustain plastic hinges at the level of the building model.
backstay diaphragm also. Such walls shall also be designed and c) In the integral tower modelling
detailed for plastic hinge development at that level. i) directional effects for all worst possibilities should be
b) All peripheral columns of the tower shall be provided with considered in the design load combinations; and
confinement throughout the storeys adjoining the backstay ii) equivalent static seismic forces can be used, provided they
diaphragm level as per IS 13920. are scaled to match base overturning moments obtained from
response spectrum analysis. Towers connected by common podium
d) When significant changes occur to mass or stiffness between the
When buildings have two or more towers, they shall be designed
floors, the floor diaphragm of upper and lower levels shall be
considering the following:
modelled to capture,
a) Such buildings shall be modelled as separate towers. The podium
i) Diaphragm forces. Equivalent beam, finite element or strut
shall be designed based on the worst of the two results.
and tie approach may be adopted to model diaphragms.
ii) Potential cracking in the diaphragm by considering an
upper bound and a lower bound axial stiffness.
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8.4 Moment Frame – Structural Wall System 8.5 Structural Wall Systems
8.4.1 Frame structural walls shall be designed as dual systems as per 8.5.1 The thickness of structural wall shall not be less than 160mm
IS 1893 Part 1. or hi/20, whichever is larger.
8.4.2 In a moment frame – structural wall system, the moment 8.5.2 Opening in structural walls and the associated coupling beams
frame shall comply with the requirements of frame buildings and shall meet the following requirements:
structural walls with requirements of structural wall system. In a) For walls, when the opening size is less than 800mm or one-
addition, the moment frame and structural wall shall comply with third length of wall, whichever is lesser, in height or length, the
requirements of IS 13920. influence of the opening may not be taken into account in the
overall stiffness of the building.
8.4.3 For tall buildings in Zone IV and V, the special moment frame
b) For beams, the opening size shall be less than one-third of the
and shear walls shall not be discontinued in lower storeys and
height or length of the beam and location of the opening shall
supported on less stiff and brittle material.
be such that the top and bottom one-third height of the
coupling beam is not disturbed.
101 102
8.5.3 Gravity columns in structural wall buildings shall be designed a) Not greater than the spacing of the concentrated loads; and
as per requirements of deformation compatibility on non-seismic b) Not extending beyond the edges of the wall panel.
8.5.7 Design of coupling beam shall comply with requirements of IS
8.5.4 Beams carrying predominant vertical load shall not be 13920, unless it can be shown that loss of stiffness and strength of
supported on coupling beam. Also, columns or structural walls the coupling beams will not impair the vertical load carrying ability
carrying predominantly vertical load shall not be supported on of the structure, the egress from the structure, or the integrity pf
coupling beams. non-structural components and their connection to the structure.
8.5.5 In a structural wall system, the structural wall shall comply 8.5.8 The nominal design shear stress shall be limited to max value
with requirements of IS 13920. in structural walls that do not sustain tensile axial stress under any
load combination, while it may be reduced to 50% in structural walls
8.5.6 Concentrated gravity loads applied on the wall above the
under tension in any load combination and coupling beams in
design flexural section shall be assumed to be distributed over a
structural walls under factored design loads.
width equal to the bearing width, plus a width on each side that
increase at a slope of 2 vertical to 1 horizontal down to the design
section but, 103 104
8.5.9 The amount and distribution of the minimum reinforcement in 8.5.12 Requirements for Each Storey Resisting More than 35% of
structural walls shall be as per IS 13920. the design base shear
8.5.10 At locations where yielding of longitudinal reinforcements is Structural wall with a height-to-length ratio greater than 1.0 may be
likely to occur as a result of lateral displacement, development removed in any storey only if it accounts for less than one-third of
length of longitudinal reinforcement shall be 1.25 times the values the storey shear strength. Further, the resulting structural system
calculated for the bar yielded in tension that is at a stress level of fy. must not have any torsional irregularity as per IS 1893 (Part1).
8.5.11 The maximum longitudinal reinforcement ratio in coupling 8.5.13 Special requirements for seismic zone IV and V:
beam shall be: a) Structural walls shall be continuous to the base without being
transferred in plane or out of plane at any level;
S. No. Span-Depth Ratio Maximum Reinforcement
b) The thickness of structural wall shall not be less than 200mm.
i) Less than equal to 1.0 0.60%
c) The minimum longitudinal and transverse reinforcements shall
ii) Between 1.0 and 2.0 1.20%
not be less than 0.4% of the gross cross-sectional area.
iii) Greater than 2.0 1.50%
d) The reinforcement shall be distributed in two curtains in each
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e) Structural walls shall be fully embedded and anchored at their 8.7 Framed Tube, Tube-in-Tube and Multiple Tube Systems
base in adequate basements or foundations, so that the wall does 8.7.1 The plan shape of a tube-in-tube system shall be regular with
not rock. In this respect, walls supported by slabs, or beams are not a length to width ratio not more than 2 and inner tube shall be
permitted; and centered with outer tube.
f) All opening in structural walls shall preferably be aligned
8.7.2 Reentrant corners and sharp changes to tubular form should
vertically. Random openings, arranged irregularly shall not be
be avoided.
permitted in the coupled walls, unless their influence is
insignificant. 8.7.3 Column spacing of framed tube shall preferably be not more
than 5m.
8.6 Flat-Slab - Structural Wall Systems
8.6.1 Structural walls shall carry all lateral loads on the building, and 8.7.4 In a framed-tube system
column strips of the flat slab system shall not be included in the a) Area of corner column shall be 1-2 times that of the internal
lateral load resisting system. column; and
b) Height to width ratio of the opening shall be similar to ratio of
the storey height to column spacing.
107 108
8.7.5 Due consideration shall be given to shear lag effects in the 9.1 Load paths and mechanisms shall be ensured explicitly for
design of tube structures. transferring vertical and lateral loads between structure and soil
8.7.6 In seismic zones III, IV and V system underneath.
a) Single span frame shall not be adopted; and 9.2 A factor of safety of 1.5 shall be provided under sliding and
b) Axial compression ratio of columns shall be as per IS 13920. overturning under
8.7.7 Beams carrying predominantly gravity load shall be directly (a) Unfactored design wind and gravity loads; and
supported on columns or on walls and not on frame beams. (b) 2.5 times design earthquake load and unfactored gravity loads
8.7.8 The minimum requirements of bar diameters as follows: 9.3 All geotechnical investigations needed to establish the safety of
building shall be conducted including for liquefaction potential
Seismic Zone
S. No. Reinforcement Type analysis and investigation of soil spring constants and modulus of
II III, IV and V
subgrade reaction.
i) Stirrup diameter 8 10
ii) Stirrup spacing 150 100
iii) Main (Longitudinal) 16 16
109 110
9.3.1 For geotechnical investigations, bore holes shall: 9.5 Podium/basement roof slab should be capable of transferring
(a) be spaced at 30m in the plan area of the building in-plane shear from the tower to the foundation.
(b) be a minimum of 3 boreholes per tower
9.6 Expansion joints should preferably be avoided in basements of
(c) have a depth of atleast 1.5 times of estimated width of
the tall buildings.
foundation in soil and 30m in rock
9.7 Modelling of Soil
9.4 Depth of Foundation
9.7.1 While modelling raft foundations through spring constant or
Depth of embedment:
modulus of sub-grade reaction, zoned spring constants or zoned
(a) H/15 (for raft foundation)
modulus of subgrade reaction shall be utilized for design at least for
(b) H/20 (for pile and piled-raft foundation; excluding the pile
the case of dead + live load condition. For design of rafts for
buildings taller than 150m, a soil-structure interaction study shall be
This criteria may be relaxed: conducted using actual column loads and column locations to
(a) when foundation is on rock obtain the zoned spring constants.
(b) when there is no uplift in any service load combination
111 112
9.7.2 For piled-raft foundations designed with settlement reducing 9.8 Settlements of Foundations
piles, soil-structure interaction study shall be conducted with actual Maximum vertical settlement of raft or piled raft foundations under
column loads and column locations. The analysis shall be conducted gravity loads shall comply with requirements of IS 1904 and 12070.
at a minimum for combination of following loads: The maximum vertical settlement may be relaxed to 125mm in raft
a) Dead or raft-pile foundation subjected to maximum angular distortion of
b) Live raft not exceeding 1/500, and 50mm in rock.
c) Wind in X
d) Wind in Y
e) Seismic in X and
f) Seismic in Y
113 114
10.1 Design Strategy Design lateral force (Fp) on NSE is given by:
Non-structural components shall be classified into three types
x ap
depending on their earthquake behaviour Fp Z 1 I pW p
a) Acceleration sensitive NSE’s H Rp
b) Deformation sensitive NSE’s Importance factor
c) Acceleration-and-deformation sensitive NSE’s S. No. NSE Ip
i) Components containing hazardous contents 2.50
10.2 Design Guidelines: Acceleration sensitive NSE’s
ii) Life safety components required to function after an earthquake 2.50
a) Linear variation of PFA along the height of the building
iii) Storage racks in structures open to the public 2.50
b) Force computation is based on zone factor (Z), importance factor
(Ip), response modification factor (Rp) and component iv) All other components 2.00
115 116
10.3 Design Guidelines: Displacement sensitive NSE’s d) Flexibility or clearance of at least the design relative displacement
a) Displacement-sensitive NSEs connected to buildings at multiple shall be provided
levels of the same building or of adjacent buildings and their i) within the NSE, if both supports on the structural elements
supports on the structural elements shall be designed to allow offer restaints against relative translation between the structural
the relative displacements imposed at the ends by the load elements and the NSE or
effects imposed on the NSE. ii) at the unrestrained support, one of the supports on the
b) The imposed relative displacements can arise out of the strong structural element offers no restraint against relative translation
shaking, thermal conditions in the structural/non-structural between the structural elements and the NSE, and the other does.
elements, creep of materials or live loads. In such cases, the e) For NSE supported between two levels of the same building, or
relative displacement imposed by each of these effects shall be between two different buildings or between a building and the
cumulated to arrive at the design relative displacement. ground or between building and another system, the design relative
c) NSE shall be designed to accommodate design relative displacement shall be estimated as below:
displacement, determined by linear static or equivalent linear
static analysis of the building subjected to load effects.
117 118
121 122
Number of Stories
Minimum Number of Channels • For buildings that are relatively regular over their height, the
instrumented levels should be evenly distributed over the
6-10 12
building’s height. For buildings with changes in the structural
11-20 15
system or mass over height, the even distribution might be
21-30 21
adjusted to enable measurements near the elevation(s) where
31-50 24
these changes occur.
>50 30
It is important is to measure the horizontal and torsional motion on each of a • To measure potential rocking or uplift at the base, at least two
series of floors, from the base to the roof. This requires (at least) three uniaxial vertical accelerometers are needed, placed near walls on the
horizontal accelerometers at each chosen level. These should be located near the opposing sides of the building. To measure rocking in both
perimeter of the building along walls on opposing sides of the building (as distant
as practical from the core) to get the best torsional signal. The sensors placed directions, a third accelerometer is needed near one of the other
along the walls should be at the same relative position (e.g., at mid length). They walls. In general, the upper floors do not need vertical
should be oriented with their sensing directions parallel to the walls. A third accelerometers.
accelerometer should be placed near the center of the floor, oriented
perpendicular to the other two, to measure horizontal motion in that direction.
123 124
• For easy interpretation and analysis of the recorded data, sensors • The central recorder should be in a utility or electrical room with
on different floors should be stacked vertically, that is, placed at AC available, on one of the lower floors of the building, for
the same relative position on each floor, such that the same convenience. Generally, a communication line (phone line or
location in the response is measured. Internet) should be provided at the recorder location.
• Consider placing additional sensors to measure response of • Cabling from the accelerometers to the recorder should be
special features near the roof, such as mechanical equipment in continuous runs (i.e., no splices). A pathway will need to be
the penthouse or architectural features with mass. established for the vertical run from the sensors on the upper
floors to the recorder location. Depending on local ordinances
• It may be effective to install sensors in the interstitial space above
and fire codes, plenum-rated cable may be required.
a false ceiling if present. This keeps the sensors out of the way of
the occupants and normal building activities, reducing likelihood
of damage to the sensor. Thus, sensors planned to measure the
motion of a floor would be located on the underside of the floor,
above the ceiling of the story below.
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Effective Flexural Stiffness (ATC 2010): Tall buildings can be designed in a two stage design process:
For ln/h>2.0, yield deformations are dominated by flexure, in this (i) Preliminary code-level design; and
case: EIeff = 0.15ECIg and Gc= 0.4Ec are appropriate.
Strength of yielding elements
For ln/h<1.4, yield deformations are dominated by shear, in this Design of elements using code level ‘R’ factor
case: EIeff = 0.15ECIg and Gc= 0.1Ec are appropriate.
For 1.4<ln/h<2.0, linear interpolation is permitted. (i) Performance verification using MCE level nonlinear time history
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