Uveg Lengua Extrangera III Assignment - 6 - Text
Uveg Lengua Extrangera III Assignment - 6 - Text
Uveg Lengua Extrangera III Assignment - 6 - Text
Read the stem on the left side in the table then provide a creative answer with a logical
meaning on the right side of the
If you were a Marketing Manager for a National Corporation and if you were given 20,000
USD for a marketing campaign; consider that would have to use all that money to promote
the product (or service) of the company you work for, please, mention at least three ways
to spend that money. (Do not forget to use auxiliaries would/could/might)
If I were a marketing manager, I would start promoting the product on social media like
Facebook, I could spend some money also on Google ads to reach more people, and I
might invest in large developers that are masters at implementing large designs that are
If you were elected congressman / congresswoman in Mexico Republic, what would you
do to...?
a) improve economy
b) increase quality of Mexicans life
c) decrease delinquency
If you were elected congressman in Mexico Republic, to improve the economy, I would
create the best conditions to accelerate economic growth, creating new jobs, and helping
national entrepreneurs build businesses that are committed to the local economy. To
increase quality of Mexicans life, I would invest in health and education, and I would create
more and better-quality hospitals and schools with compulsory language learning. To
decrease delinquency, I would create many sporting events that would take young people
away from delinquency.
If you were the president of a TV Network for instance (Televisa / CNN / OnceTV / ESPN /
Azteca /...)
a) What would you do to increase Culture in Mexico population?
b) What programs, series, movies or TV commercials would you eliminate in order to
diminish ignorance?
If I were the president of a TV Network, I would increase the culture in the population of
Mexico, improving the quality of the programs telecast with more national and less foreign
culture content, to diminish ignorance I would eliminate programs that spread false
If I were the Human Resources Manager at a big company, I would cut advertising costs to
the minimum possible, I would cut insurance costs and all benefits, only work with the
benefits of the law, and I would only fire low-performing.