Corrosion Guard Chemicals

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ANGUS Application Bulletin

Key Performance
Advantages The Key Building Block for Low Cobalt-Leaching
••Minimizes cobalt leaching Metalworking Fluids
••Enhances the performance of triazine
biocides Cemented tungsten-carbide tooling is widely used for the machining of hard
••Efficient neutralizer metals. The “cement” which holds the tool together is a cobalt binder. If the
metalworking fluid (MWF) used by the carbide tool manufacturer dissolves
cobalt, the following problems may occur:

••Dermatitis in workers handling fluids containing dissolved cobalt

••Inhalation of coolant mist containing dissolved cobalt
••Waste disposal problems due to cobalt content in used fluids

One way of controlling cobalt leaching is to include inhibitors, such as

triazoles, in the metalworking fluid formula. While this approach is effective
initially, the inhibitor can be depleted as the fluid is used, necessitating
possible tank-side inhibitor treatment. This is inconvenient and can increase
operating costs.

The best solution is to build a fluid formulation that does not leach cobalt.
One of the major culprits contributing to cobalt leaching in metalworking
fluids can be amino alcohols. However, these products vary widely in their
tendency to leach cobalt. Studies in the research laboratories of ANGUS
Chemical Company have shown that there is minimal leaching of cobalt
Metalworking Fluids demonstrated with CORRGUARD®-95 Amino Alcohol, and it is an excellent
commercial amine for use in metalworking fluids.

We make the best perform better. W

Cobalt-leaching results for 1% aqueous solutions of commonly The amino alcohol of choice for building low cobalt-leaching
used amino alcohols are shown in Figure 1. The solutions metalworking fluids is CORRGAURD-95. In addition to low cobalt
were circulated for five days with carbide swarf obtained from leaching, CORRGUARD-95 provides the following performance
a tool manufacturer; this test has given good correlation with benefits for all types of water-dilutable metalworking fluids:
field results. The final solutions were filtered and analyzed for
••Efficient pH development and neutralization of acidic ingredients
dissolved cobalt by atomic absorption. The CORRGUARD-95
solution leached only slightly more cobalt than deionized water ••Enhanced performance of triazine biocides
with no amine. The solutions of monoethanolamine (MEA), ••Stable soluble-oil emulsions at higher pH levels
mixed isopropanolamines (Mixed IPAs), and triethanolamine ••Low foam in soluble oils
(TEA-99) leached significantly more cobalt than the
••Minimal ammonia release
CORRGUARD-95 solution.
••Control of formaldehyde release (e.g. from other fluids
Figure 1 containing triazine biocide)
Cobalt Leaching by
Aqueous Amino Alcohols


Dissolved Cobalt, ppm


Product Stewardship
100 116

50 ANGUS encourages its customers to review their applications

of ANGUS products from the standpoint of human health and
environmental quality. To help ensure that ANGUS products
No Amine CORRGUARD™-95M MEA Mixed IPAs TEA-99

are not used in ways for which they are not intended, ANGUS
personnel will assist customers in dealing with environmental
Building a metalworking fluid formulation with CORRGUARD-95 and product safety considerations. For assistance, product
Amino Alcohol as the sole amino alcohol results in a fluid which Safety Data Sheets, or other information, please contact your
inherently leaches minimal cobalt. A commercial synthetic ANGUS representative at the numbers provided in this document.
fluid was tested to compare the cobalt-leaching properties When considering the use of any ANGUS product in a particular
of the standard fluid with an identical fluid containing only application, review the latest Safety Data Sheet to ensure that
CORRGUARD-95. The results are shown in Figure 2. The the intended use is within the scope of approved uses and can be
“standard” fluid contained Mixed IPAs and diethanolamine accomplished safely. Before handling any of the products, obtain
(DEA). When the IPAs were replaced with CORRGUARD-95, available product safety information including the Safety Data
cobalt leaching was reduced by 100 ppm. When both IPAs and Sheet(s) and take the necessary steps to ensure safety of use.
DEA were replaced with CORRGUARD-95, cobalt leaching
was further reduced.

Figure 2
Cobalt Leaching by
Commercial Synthetic Fluid

Dissolved Cobalt, ppm



100 115


Standard Fluid Modified Fluid Modified Fluid
(mixed IPAs + DEA) (CORRGUARD™-95+ DEA) (CORRGUARD™-95 Only)

Contact Information North America Western Europe Middle East and Africa Greater China Southeast Asia and
+1 (847) 808-3887 +33 670654658 +33 670654658 +65 8686 5712 New Zealand
+65 8686 5712
Latin America Central and Eastern Europe Indian Subcontinent Japan and Korea +55 (11) 94245-5307 +33 670654658 +33 670654658 +65 8686 5712

®™Trademark of ANGUS Chemical Company

Notice: No freedom from infringement of any patent owned by ANGUS or others is to be inferred. Because use conditions and applicable laws may differ from one location to another
and may change with time, Customer is responsible for determining whether products and the information in this document are appropriate for Customer’s use and for ensuring that
Customer’s workplace and disposal practices are in compliance with applicable laws and other government enactments. The product shown in this literature may not be available for
sale and/or available in all geographies where ANGUS is represented. The claims made may not have been approved for use in all countries. ANGUS assumes no obligation or liability
for the information in the document. References to “ANGUS” or the “Company” mean the ANGUS Chemical Company legal entity selling the products to Customer unless expressly

Published May 2015 Form No. COR-1744-0415-TCG

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