Art of Government
Art of Government
Art of Government
Asad Ahmed
Political Science
Machiavelli was a realist writer who changed the dynamics of studying politics. He is
famously known for his work The Prince. He was born during the time when Italy was facing
its worst crisis. Hoe wanted to witness or at least hope to bring back the glory to its mother
state. The book was written as a guide to Italy’s struggling ruler Lorenzo de’ Medici of
Florence. Lorenz did not have any natural hereditary claim and who’s rule might be
contested by others. Machiavelli’s work put ancient philosophy at test. It was not
demanding of how virtuous leader should be but how a leader can personally achieve
his goal by staying in power. The art of government as proposed in Prince discusses
on how to claim rule, maintain it and countering the emerging offensives.
The period of European history of modern essence was brought about by two
forces. One was Renaissance and other was reformation. Former meant rediscovery. It
is related to intone to pagan thought, their ideas, beliefs and most importantly the
learning which Christianity had conquered and suppressed. Machiavelli was ingenious
in that matter. His native, Florence was never the centre of Italian Renaisssance. His
position was on the border line which was amidst middle and modern ages. Machiavelli
thought carries much of it’s significance due to the fact that he was at the parting of
way in political philosophy. In Machiavelli, the reader observer the bridge between the
old and new.
The age of bastards as it was known was period of Europe, where society was
intellectually brilliant and skillfully productive. It was also the time of worst political
corruptions and age of decay. Cruelty and murder were the norms of governing.
Italians were lacking true leadership. The remark passed by Sabine that
“Machiavelli in peculiar sense is the political theorist of Master less man”. Italy at that
point of the period was divided into five states, which named as Venice, Papal State,
Naples, Milan and Florence. There was no influencing leader who could consolidate
the whole of Italy. Machiavelli heavily criticized the power of church and positioned it
as the root cause of Italy’s downfall. Popes of the time were less interested at their
designated work of preaching and were thriving for power. This led to clash of
Machiavelli who was deep rooted patriot could not help himself to remain in silent.
He was a keen observer and was influenced by the conditions which surrounded him.
He wished for practical statesman whose sole concern should be about mechanism of
government and how it can be strengthened to flourish. He chose the empirical method
to deliver his theory. It created subtle relation between politics and history and provided
scientific consequences of governing.
Literature Review
The prince focus on the art of government. It is less of a theory and more of
expertise of governing attributes. It is hailed as advocacy of an omnipotent ruler
who’s actions are put without any ethical restrictions. It is known as bible of an
autocrat and Machiavelli as an apostle. It gives principles and doctrine on which a
ruler can successfully retain its power.
The prince advises the ruler to use force ruthlessly. The use of force should be
done intelligently and not senselessly. In chapter VIII, he discusses about the
wickedness of rulers who acquired principality through cunning manners. He advises
prince to be cautious while using power when he is not the native of land. In order to
secure his rule, he must crush those who come’s in his way. It is better to annihilate
the established family of rulers than to leave them on the mercy of fortune. There he
quotes the example of Alexander who destroyed the royal family of Persian empire of
Darius the third. Moreover, Freedom should not be allowed so openly and in flow.1
He advises the ruler to pursue citizens cautiously so that they become part of his
agenda without any threatening resistance. Winning the favor of people is essential. In
chapter XV, he alerts prince about things for which he is praised or blamed. He
advises him to give people entertainment to deceit their focus from the matters of
government and that he must never intervene their cultural and customary beliefs. He
cites the Roman policy which was nicely furthered by skillfully plain upon the
religious feelings of the people.2
He then heavily focuses on maintaining strong national army. From Chapter XII
to XIV, he discusses on types of soldiery, importance of one’s own army and how the
art of war is important to win new territories. He states that mercenaries are not to be
trusted as their loyalty is fragile and changes over time. A national army removes the
curiosity of dependency and replace it with strong beliefs. Moreover, national army’s
ambition will be to gain attention of it’s king rather than any economic gains. In
addition they will be ever ready to lay their lives in the name of their countries. When
it is acquired, the prince is required to master the art of war. Their time of peace must
not be dealt with easiness or calmness but rather they should prepare for war all the
In next chapters he discusses the attributes of prince. From Chapter XVI to XIX,
he advises to focus more on his goals then to indulge in emotions. Leader must be
ready to do evil and to be evil. Man cannot be trusted and betrayal is an ever-present
danger. The leader must have political ingenuity and it is better to fear than loved in
order to make his presence felt. Intense prudence is also required so that hate should
will be avoided. On further course prince is advised to remain aloof women subjects
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter VIII: Concerning Those Who Have Obtained A Principality
by Wickedness
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter XV: Concerning Things For Which Men, And Especially
Princes, Are Praised Or Blamed
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter XII to Chapter XIV
and property matters. He is quoted to have said “Men more rapidly forget the death of
Father than the lose of a patrimony”.4
When power is achieved, the next is very complex. It is stage of digesting what
he has chewed. His timely actions and wise decisions will decide his rule’s future.
Once powerful princes of Italy lost their power not through misfortune, but by their
own inaction and indecisiveness.6
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter XVI to XIX
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter XX to XXIII
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter XXIV
damage”. With all these measures and directions, Italy can be finally liberated from
regime of barbarians.7
Machiavelli is one the most misjudge political thinker. His ideas in prince are
expressed not from his state of mind but as a requirement of time. He was not prophet
advocate of despotic or absolute monarchial government. His work in discourse
represents a completely different picture or to say other facet of coin. The ideas of
prince generally concern on regaining the lost glory Italy which Machiavelli cherished
the most. His despised the barbarian regime of Italy at that time and desperately wished
for a ruler who could fulfill his visions for Italy.
In present world, the art of government is still relevant and is taken as guide by many
autocratic rulers who are not concern about the glory of their nation but their own
personal ambitions. Most of the time these ambitions led to downfall of country and
that was never desired by Machiavelli, a patriot himself.
Machiavelli’s prince focused less on state and more of ruler’s behavior and actions.
The rationale behind this was that State was not the Centre of concern during that period.
It’s mere preservation is acceptable until it serves the purpose of it’s ruler. Political
scientist who gave their theories prior to Machiavelli, focused on how a state should be
and its structure. It was because during those days, political scientist were still debating,
arguing and innovating the ideas on creation of state and it’s institutions. In
Machiavelli’s time state was already there and was evolving but it lacked a proper
executor who could execute state’s will.
The state of government by Machiavelli is fine piece of art of its time and is
relevant with modern age. He separated ethics from politics and introduced state
crafting as the new lens for studying political conditions. The doctrine which is behind
his art of government is that “End Justifies the Motives”. Motive is irrelevant. What
matter is the outcome. The achievement of the greatest happiness of the greatest number.
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter XXV to XXVI