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Reynolds and Colburn Analogies

The boundary layer equations for momentum for a flat plate are exactly same as those for energy
equation if Prandtl number, Pr = 1, pressure gradient is zero and viscous dissipation is negligible, there are
no heat sources and for similar boundary conditions. Hence, the solution for non-dimensional velocity and
temperature are also same. It can be shown that for such a case,

where f is the friction factor and St is Stanton Number.

The above equation, which relates heat and momentum transfers is known as Reynolds analogy. To
account for the variation in Prandtl number in the range of 0.6 to 50, the Reynolds analogy is modified
resulting in Colburn analogy, which is stated as follows.

Analogy between heat, mass and momentum transfer

The role that thermal diffusivity plays in the energy equation is played by diffusivity D in the mass
transfer equation. Therefore, the analogy between momentum and mass transfer for a flat plate will yield:

To account for values of Schmidt number different from one, following correlation is introduced,

Comparing the equations relating heat and momentum transfer with heat and mass transfer, it can be shown

This analogy is followed in most of the chemical engineering literature and α/D is referred to as Lewis
number. In air-conditioning calculations, for convenience Lewis number is defined as:

The above analogies are very useful as by applying them it is possible to find heat transfer coefficient if
friction factor is known and mass transfer coefficient can be calculated from the knowledge of heat transfer

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