Carnival Setting

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Importance Of Carnival In Aphra Behn's The Rover

996 words - 4 pages

"Masquerading! A lewd custom to debauch our youth. There's
something more in this than I imagine." - Don Pedro
Aphra Behn, the first female playwright to earn a living through
her writing, was also one of the wittiest and entertaining as
evidenced through her most well known play, The Rover. Set in
17th century Italy while under the colonial reign of Spain, a
large cast of characters becomes embroiled in scenes of
infidelity, seduction, misrepresentation, and elaborate
swordplay, which create tension and confusion in addition to
many comedic episodes. The setting is Carnival time in Venice,
which is important to the plot for several reasons: the wearing of
masks (as was customary) allows a freedom from normal
constraints, there is often in the play a mistake made in
identities, circumstances can (and do) occur which could never
otherwise happen, it allows for a fast pace to be maintained
which keeps the spectators involved, and ultimately, "confusion
captures the spirit of the carnival" (1).
During carnival times class barriers came down with the rich
mingling with the poor. The tradition of wearing masks at
carnival time became necessary in order to protect the identities
of the rich (2). This also gave opportunities to act out in a
manner far removed from their habitual one. By having her
female characters hidden behind masks, Behn is able to remove
them from their traditional roles as women and give them
empowerment. In effect, they can assume new personalities and
remove their inhibitions or the otherwise usual yokes that have
been cast on them by a male-dominated society.
Hellena is the perfect example of one throwing off inhibitions
and revealing her inner self behind the guise of a mask. Slated
for the convent in an effort by her father to consolidate the
family finances, she decides that this carnival will be the time
she finds a man - and she sets her sights on one as daring and
quick-witted as herself. She is able to track him in different
disguises and at one point sets out to "vex" him for his keeping
with Angellica. She shows herself to be a strong, independent-
thinking woman in an age when women had few personal rights.
The carnival setting is the vehicle that gives her the freedom to
behave in the manner she does.
The carnival setting is also the cause of mistaken identities.
Because of this confusion Behn is able to further the comedic
and suspense elements. For example, Don Pedro is denied his
opportunity with the lovely Angellica when his friend (and his
intended brother-in-law) Don Antonio pays his offering to be
with her. Don Pedro is further incensed by the fact that this is a
slight against his sister, Florinda, which ultimately leads to the
setting of a time and place for a duel. Of course, Don Antonio...

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