Samsung UN46D6000SFXZA - Fast - Track
Samsung UN46D6000SFXZA - Fast - Track
Samsung UN46D6000SFXZA - Fast - Track
Service Bulletins
Main PCB
LVDS Cable
If Picture & Display errors, its likely a defective 2011 LED TV Test Patterns
Main Board, LVDS, or T-CON
1. Select an active source signal (HDMI preferred).
Test Pattern may rely on signal source to appear.
Green lines or a green screen likely caused 2. Access Service Mode
by a defective main board, LVDS, or T-CON
3. Access SVC
4. Access Test Patterns
Vertical or Horizontal Lines are likely a 5. Access Genoa-P (located on Main PCB)
defective panel, but also T-CON, LVDS, or 6. Check Test Patterns
Main Board. Use Test Patterns in Factory
7. If OK, suspect input Source
Service Mode to determine error location
8. Access Napoli (located on T-CON Board)
9. Check Test Patterns
Pixelization can be caused by the
main board, but is more
10. If OK and Genoa-P was not good, suspect Main
commonly a source error Board or LVDS Cable 3
UN46D6000SFXZA Fast Track Troubleshooting Manual Rev – 12/12/11
Option Bytes