Cost Audit Report
Cost Audit Report
Cost Audit Report
I/We, (Name of the Cost Auditor), having been appointed as Cost Auditor(s)
under section 233B of Companies Act 1956 (1 of 1956) of (Name of The Company).,
(hereinafter referred to as the Company), having its registered office at (Registered office).
have examined the books of accounts prescribed under clause (d) of Sub-section (1) of Section
209 of the said Act and other relevant records in respect of the Unit ( Name and Location of the
Unit) for the period/year ended (Financial Year ) relating to (Product under reference)
maintained by the Company and Report, Subject to our comments under the heading "Auditor's
Observations and Conclusions" contained in the Annexure to this Report, that:
1. i) I/We have/ have not obtained all the information and explanations which to the
best of my/our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of this Audit;
ii) Proper Cost Accounting Records required under clause (d) of sub- section (1)
of Section 209 of the Companies Act, 1956 have/ have not been kept by the
iii) Proper returns adequate for the purpose of my/our Cost Audit have/have not
been received from Branches not visited by me/us;
iv) The said books and Records give/do not give the information required by the
Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) in the manner so required,
(v) the cost statements in respect of product or activity under reference as specified
in the Annexures/Proformae of Schedules I, Schedule II or Schedule III of the
concerned Cost Accounting Records (name of product.) Rules duly audited by
me/us are kept in the company.
2. In my/our opinion the Company's Cost Accounting Records have/ have not been
properly kept so as to give a true and fair view of the Cost of Production, cost of sales
and margin of the product under reference, as prescribed under rules.
(1). Briefly describe the cost accounting system existing in the company, keeping in view the
requirements of the Cost Accounting Records Rules applicable to the class of companies
manufacturing the product under reference and also its adequacy or otherwise to determine
correctly the cost of production, cost of sales, sales realisation and margin of the product under
(2). Briefly specify the changes, if any, made in the costing system; basis of inventory valuation;
method of overhead allocation; apportionment to cost centers/departments and final absorption to
the product under reference etc., during the current financial year as compared to the previous
financial year.
A brief note regarding the process of manufacture along with flow chart covering production, utility
and service department of the product.
1. Installed Capacity (Multiple Shift)
1. It should be clarified whether the installed capacity is on single shift or multiple shift basis.
2. In order to have a meaningful comparisons of production and installed capacity, wherever
necessary these details should also be expressed in appropriate units, e.g. standard hours or
equipment/ plant/ vessel occupancy hours, crushing hours, spindle/ loom shifts, equivalent
production, production in terms of standard hours etc.
Note : Details should be furnished in respect of major input materials each constituting at least
2% of the total raw material cost.
Note : Details should be furnished in respect of major input materials each constituting at least
2% of the total raw material cost for each major type/ variety/ size etc. of product under reference.
1. FOB Price in foreign currency/ rupees
2. Insurance & freight
3. Customs duty
4. Clearing charges
5. Inland freight
6. Other expenses
7. Total
Note : Details should be furnished in respect of major input materials each constituting at least
2% of the total material cost.
1. Electricity (purchased) :
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Value
2. Self generated/ produced:
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Value
3. Imported
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Value
4. Total
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Value
Note : Details should be furnished in respect of major items each constituting at least 2% of the
total material cost.
Note : Details should be furnished in respect of each major type/ variety/ size etc. of product
under reference.
1. Direct Workers:
a. Average No. during the year
b. Mandays available
c. Mandays actually worked for
(i) Own Production
(ii) Job Work
d. Reason-wise analysis of idle mandays
(i) Absenteeism
(ii) Shortage of raw materials
(iii) Power Shortage/ failures
(ii) Others (specify)
2. Indirect Workers
a. Average No. during the year
1.Whether fixed assets register maintained
cost centre-wise
2. Method of providing depreciation
3.Amount of depreciation under section 205(2)
of the Companies Act, 1956 or any other
relevant Act, as the case may be
4. Amount of depreciation provided in the
financial records
5. Amount of depreciation absorbed in the cost
records *
6. Shortfall / Excess, if any (3 and 5)
1. Factory Overheads
2. Admin. Overheads
3. Selling Overheads
4. Distribution Overheads
Note :The break-up under each head should be furnished in respect of major items
constituting at-least 80% of the overhead cost under each head.
1. Process development and improvement
2. Existing product development
3. New Product Development
4. Others, if any
5. Total Amount
6. Amount Capitalized/deferred during the year
7. Net Amount (5-6)
8. Deferred amount of earlier years, if any
9. Total amount provided in the cost records
10. Amount paid to related parties
1. Royalty on production/ sales
2. Lump sum payment of royalty, if any
3. Technical know how charges
4. Others, if any
5. Total amount
6. Amount capitalized/ deferred during the year
7. Net Amount (5-6)
8. Deferred amount of earlier years, if any
1. ISO Number, if any
2. Name of certifying agency
3. Salaries and wages
4. Others direct expenses
5. Others, if any (specify)
6. Total amount
1. Effluent Treatment
2. Control of air pollution
3. Control ash pound/ ash mound
4. Penalty, if any
5. Others, if any
6. Total Amount
1. Specify
a1. Total direct material consumption
a2. Closing stock of direct material
a3. Value of non moving stock
a4. Percentage a3 to a2
b1. Total indirect material consumption
b2. Closing stock of indirect material
b3. Value of non moving stock
b4. Percentage b3 to b2
C1. Work-in-progress
C2. Closing stock of WIP
C3. Value of non moving stock
1. Direct Materials
2. Indirect Materials
3. WIP
4. Finished Goods
5. Total
1. Input Material Valuation
(i) Purchased
- Indigenous
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Amount Rs. In Lacs
- Imported
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Amount Rs. In Lacs
(ii) Self Manufactured
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Amount Rs. In Lacs
2. Chemicals, additives and
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Amount Rs. In Lacs
3. Stores and spares
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Amount Rs. In Lacs
4. Packing Materials
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Amount Rs. In Lacs
5. Tools and implements, Jigs,
dies and fixtures
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
Notes :
(1) In respect of item at Sr. No. 1 and 6 details be furnished in respect of each major input
material constituting at least 2% of the total material cost.
(2) In respect of items at Sr. No. 2 to 5, total amount be given without any quantitative details.
(3) Give in brief the method of inventory valuation system indicating the elements of cost
included therein and the extent thereof.
(4) Capital work-in-progress to be shown separately.
1. Purchased Goods
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Amount
2. Loan License basis
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Amount
3. Own Manufactured
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Amount
4. Total Sales
(i) Quantity
(ii) Rate per Unit
(iii) Amount
Notes :
(1) Above details shall be furnished for major product groups/ varieties.
(2) Separate details shall be furnished for indigenous sales and export sales.
Notes :
(1) Above details shall be furnished for major product groups/ varieties.
(2) Separate details shall be furnished for margin on indigenous sales and export sales. Where
the product (such as sugar, bulk drugs, formulations, etc.) is sold at different prices in accordance
with government policy, sales realisation and margin on such product at different prices shall be
shown separately alongwith quantity and value.
Notes :
(1) * Indicate the source of information.
(2) ** Country-wise details should be furnished in respect of major countries covering at-least
80% of the total and balance should be shown under the head “Others”.
1. Gross Sales (Excluding Returns)
2. Less: Excise duty, etc.,
3. Net Sales
4. Adjustments in stocks
5. Less: cost of bought out materials and
6. Value added
7. Add: Income from any other sources
8. Earnings for distribution
1. Employees as salaries and wages,
Product Factory Compan Produc Factory Compa Produc Factor Compa
Under as a y as a t Under as a ny as a t Under y as a ny as a
Ref whole whole Ref whole whole Ref whole whole
1. Capital employed
2. Net Worth
3. Profit
4. Net Sales
5.Operating expenses as a
percentage of Net Sales:
(a) Material cost
(b) Factory overheads
(c)Royalty on Production, if
(d) Salaries & wages
e) Research and
development expenses
(f) Quality control
(g) Administrative overheads
(h) Selling & distribution
(i) Interest
6.Profit as %age of capital
7. Profit as %age of net
8. Profit as %age of net
9. Profit as %age of value
10. Value addition as a
%age of Net Sales
11. Current assets to current
12. Net working capital in
terms of number of months
of cost of sales excl.
13. Debt-equity ratio
14. Raw materials stock in
terms of number of months
of consumption
15. Stores & spares stock in
terms of number of months
of consumption
Notes :
(1) Figures given for the company as a whole against serial number 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be, duly
reconciled with the financial accounts of the company
(2) The figures given for the product against serial number 1, 2, 4 and 5 shall be, duly reconciled
with the cost accounts of the company.
(3) Figures given for the factory as a whole against serial number 1, 3, and 4 shall be, duly
reconciled with the financial accounts of the company.
1. Raw Materials
(a) Purchased
- Indigenous
- Imported
2. Direct wages and salaries
3. Consumable Stores
4. Repairs and Maintenance
5. Depreciation
6. Factory Overheads
7. Administration Overheads
8. Other Expenses (specify)
9. Total
10. Capitalisation ( Excisable Value)
11. Capitalisation (Non Excisable Value)
1. Excise Duty Payable as per ‘B’
2.Total Excise Duty paid through
a). Cenvat Account -( Inputs )
b). Cenvat Account -( Capital Goods )
c). P.L.A.
Total ( a+b+c )
3. Difference between (1-2)
4. (State amount and reasons for difference)
5.Excise Duty as per RT – 12
6. Difference between (2-5)
7. (State amount and reasons for difference)
1. Excise Duty paid as per P & L A/c
2. Excise Duty Recovered as per P & L A/c
1. Profit or Loss as per cost accounting records
2. Add: Incomes not considered in cost
(a) (specify)
3. Less: Expenses not considered in cost
(a) (specify)
4. Add: Overvaluation of closing stock in
financial accounts
5.Add: Under-valuation of opening stock in
financial accounts
6. Less: Under-valuation of closing stock in
financial accounts
7. Less: overvaluation of opening stock in
financial accounts
8. Adjustment for others, if any (specify)
9. Profit or Loss as per financial accounts
Net Fixed Assets
Less: Intangible assets
Less: Revaluation Reserves
Less: Capital Work-in-progress
Add:Current Assets,Loans & Advances
Less: Current Liabilites and provisions
Share Capital
Add:Reserves & Surplus
Less: Revaluation Reserves
Less: Intangible assets
Less: Profit & Loss A/c(Debit Balance)
Less:Miscellaneous Expend.
Equal to Payroll + Interest+depreciation