ELEMENT 1: Presence of Government Center with Facilities (10 points)
a) Permanent government center a.1) Law approving the seat of a.1) At least one MOV present, indicator is
with all government offices situated government center considered complied
in the government center or
the law or ordinance creating the
local government units specifying the
seat of government from where
governmental and corporate
services shall be delivered
a.2) Deed of donation/ sale for the a.2) Must provide MOV for the indicator to
land where government center is be considered complied
situated 1
any acceptable proof of ownership
b) Complete office space with b.1) Pictures of office space/ basic b.1) Must provide MOV for the indicator to
equipment and facilities for elected facilities for all LGU departments be considered complied
and appointed officials and b.2) Pictures of office space/ facilities b.2) Must provide MOV for the indicator to
functionaries for all regional line agencies be considered complied
c) Presence of Operational/Functional/ Serviceable Physical structures of Government
Operational/Functional/ physical structures of Government Facilities (for Cities and Municipalities)
Serviceable Government Facilities Facilities
The following are the score for each
government facility:
1. City / Municipal Hall (0.5)
5 2. PNP Station (0.25)
3. Public Market (0.25)
4. Municipal Plaza/ Park (0.25)
5. Children’s Park (0.25)
6. Multi-Purpose Center/ Gymnasium/ Covered
Court (0.25)
7. Fire Station (0.25)
8. Health Care Facilities (0.5)
9. Evacuation Center (0.5)
with minimum requirements
• Kitchen
• Water supply
• CR
• Waste Disposal
• Communication Means
10. Schools (0.5)
▪ Day Care Center
▪ Primary
▪ Secondary
▪ Tertiary
11. Disaster Operation Centers (with
equipment) (0.5)
12. Waste Disposal Facility (Sanitary Landfill or
MRF/ RCA) (0.5)
13. Functional Water System (0.5)
ELEMENT 2: Presence of Working Elected and Appointed Officials and Functionaries (17 points)
a. Permanent appointment for Issued CSC approved permanent Mandatory Appointed Officials 1. Consideration shall be given to an
mandatory positions appointment for mandatory (Municipality): LGU with an appointed mandatory
positions 1)Treasurer (1pt) position with temporary status; provided
2) SB Secretary (1pt) that said temporary appointment:
Or 3)Assessor (1pt) 1. Has not exceeded one (1) year period;
4) Accountant (1pt) 2. Has the prescribed salary grade; and
List of plantilla position 5)Budget Officer (1pt) 3. Is CSC-attested.
6)MPDC (1pt)
6.1 MPDC Staff (0.25 pt.) Appointment that is yet to be attested by
7)Engineer (1 pt.) CSC may be considered, as long as it
7.1 Engineer’s office staff (0.25 pt.) bears the required SG and LGU has
8)LCR (1pt) already transmitted its copy to CSC Field
9)MHO (for database purpose only) Office.
10)MDRRMO (1pt)
11. Cooperative Development Officer 2. Consideration shall also be given to an
(0.5 pt.) LGU with a recently vacated plantilla
position because incumbent was
Mandatory Appointed Officials (City): separated from service e.g.,
10 0.5 points for each position (except CPDC & resignation/retirement; provided that:
CDRRMO) Vacancy happened within January 2021
1)Treasurer to December 2021
2)SP Secretary
5)Budget Officer
6)CPDC (1pt)
6.1 CPDC Staff
7.1 Engineer’s office staff
10)Legal Officer
13)Social Welfare Officer
14)Health Officer
15)CDRRMO (1pt)
16.) Cooperative Development Officer
Allocated points for:
Mandatory Appointed (Provincial): Tempora
LGU Coterminou
1)Treasurer (1pt) s
2)SP Secretary (1pt) Prov 1 or 0.5 0.25 0.15
3)Assessor(0.5pt) City 1 or 0.5 0.25 0.15
4)Accountant (1pt) Mun 1 or 0.25 0.25 0.15
5)Budget Officer (0.5pt)
6)PPDO (1pt)
6.1 PPDO Staff (0.25pt) Please Note:
7)Engineer (1pt) For Legal Officer and Administrator of
7.1 Engineer’s office staff (0.25pt) Cities and Provinces – Coterminous
8)Administrator (0.5pt) Appointment has same point with
9)Legal Officer (0.5pt) Permanent
10)Veterinarian (0.5pt)
11)GSO (0.5pt)
12)Agriculturist (for database purpose only)
13)Social Welfare (for database purpose
14)Health Officer (for database purpose only)
15)PDRRMO (1pt)
16.) Cooperative Development
b. Elected and Appointed Local proof of attendances: -Must provide required MOVs for the
Officials reporting to office regularly b.1) Elected Officials indicator to be considered complied
▪ LCEs Attendance from 1
PACTS report Certification from the SB Secretary that the
1 Sanggunian Members have attended at
▪ SB Sessions Attendance least 48 to 52 sessions = 1pt
(Certification from the SB
Secretary that the Sanggunian Certification from the SB Secretary that the
Members have attended Sanggunian Members have attended at
sessions specifying the number least 47 to 36 sessions = 0.5pt
of sessions in the year being Certification from the SB Secretary that the
assessed. Sanggunian Members have attended 35
and below = 0 pt
c. Submission of Annual LGU Submitted Annual LGU reports in (0.5 point each annual report)
reports for 2022 accordance with the Annual Plan 1. Annual Report
and Budget 2. GAD AR
ELEMENT 3: Functional Local Special Bodies (LSB) (13 pts)
a. With duly organized LSB EO organizing the LSBs with (0.4 each LSB) b. Points for the Conduct of LSB
complied composition of members LSBs: Regular Meeting
1. LDC (0.8 for Provinces) LSBs Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Points
0.4 0.4
2. LPOC Prov
(1st Sem) (2nd Sem)
3. LHB 1 LDC
0.2 0.2
C/M 0.4
4. LScB (1st Sem) (2nd Sem)
4 2 LPOC 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4
5. LADAC 3 LHB 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4
6. LDRRMC 4 LScB 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4
7. LCPC 5 LADAC 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4
6 LDRRMC 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4
8. LCAT VAWC 7 LCPC 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4
9. PLEB (not applicable for Provinces) 8 LCAT VAWC 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4
10. ESWMB Prov
b. LSB Conducting Regular conducts regular meetings with Must provide all required MOVs for the 9 PLEB 0.2 0.2
C/M 0.4
4 (1st Sem) (2nd Sem)
Meeting minutes of the meetings, indicator to be considered complied
attendance, agenda, notice of the 10 ESWMB 0.4 0.4
meetings and photos
0.25 point for each LSB with approved
c. With approved LSB plans and
Approved action plans with budget 2.5 plans and budget
(0.5 LDC for Provinces)
0.25 point for each LSB with
Accomplishment Reports for each Accomplishment Report submitted with
d. With Accomplishment Report
LSB in accordance with Approved 2.5 80% accomplishments in accordance with
Action Plans and Budget the approved Action Plans and Budget
(0.5 LDC for Provinces)
ELEMENT 4: Functional Local Legislative Body (10 pts)
a. Updated and operational Resolution adopting the IRP and the All MOVs must be present for the indicator
Internal Rules and Procedures IRP 1 to be considered complied
b. Presence of facilities with session hall with tables and chairs All MOVs must be present for the indicator
support staff for all SB members, gavel and to be considered complied
appointment or designation of Tables – 0.3
support staff, with photos Chairs – 0.3
Gavel – 0.1
Staff Support – 0.3
c. Conducting SB Sessions Certification from the SB Secretary Certification from the SB Secretary that the Have conducted a session per week if
that the Sanggunian have Sanggunian have conducted at least 48 to with minutes of the meetings, journals
conducted sessions specifying the 52 sessions = 2pts and attendance sheet/ log book, photos
number of sessions in the year during sessions, indicator is considered
being assessed. Certification from the SB Secretary that the complied
2 Sanggunian have conducted at least 47 to
36 sessions = 1pt Quorum must be proven in the Minutes
of the meeting before meeting can be
Certification from the SB Secretary that the counted.
Sanggunian have conducted sessions 35
and below = 0 pt
d. Presence of legislative tracking legislative tracking system Legislative Tracking System- 2 pts
system 2 Any manual legislative tracking system- 1 pt
None-0 pt
record system adopted by the SB
e. Enacted mandatory codes Presence of each mandatory codes For Cities/Municipalities All mandatory codes must be dated
with picture of title page, page Mandatory Codes: 2016 to Present (5 years) except,
containing the general provisions, 1. Code of General Ordinances (0.5 Zoning Ordinance 2012 to Present (9
and page containing the signatures point) years)
of the approving bodies 2. Revenue Code (0.5 point)
1. Code of General Ordinances 3. Local Investment and Incentive For Provinces, Zoning Ordinance and
2. Revenue Code Code (0.25 point) Market Code are Not Applicable.
3. Local Investment and 4. Market Code (0.5 point)
Incentive Code 5. Health and Sanitation Code (0.25
4. Market Code point)
5. Health and Sanitation Code 6. Code for Children (0.25 point)
7. Gad Code (0.25 point)
6. Code for Children
8. Environmental Code (0.5 point)
7. GAD Code 9. Zoning Ordinance (1 point)
8. Environmental Code
9. Zoning Ordinance - Must provide all required MOVs for the
4 indicator to be considered complied
For Provinces
Mandatory Codes:
1. Code of General Ordinances
(1 point)
2. Revenue Code (0.5 point)
3. Local Investment and Incentive
Code (0.5 point)
4. Health and Sanitation Code (0.5
5. Code for Children (0.5 point)
6. Gad Code (0.5 point)
7. Environmental Code (0.5 point)
Appropriations Ordinance for the Approved
a. Current Approved Annual
2023 Annual Budget 1 - before Dec. 31 = 1 pt
Budget (2023)
- after Dec. 31 = 0.5 pt
Approved PDPFP (for Provinces): -Approved means with BPDA certification
BPDA certification approving the approving the PDPFP = 1.5 pt
PDPFP and picture of the plan or
or for the consideration, certification from the
for the consideration: certification BPDA that the PDPFP is still under review
from the BPDA that the PDPFP is = 0.5 pt
still under review SP resolution adopting the CLUP = 1.5 pts
Approved CLUP (for
City/Municipality): -Certification from the Sanggunian
SP resolution adopting the CLUP Panlalawigan Secretary certifying that the
and picture of the plan CLUP is still under
for the consideration: Certification review = 0.5 pt
from the Sanggunian Panlalawigan
Secretary certifying that the CLUP is
still under
b. Approved Mandated Plans Approved CDP-ELA (at least Approved means:
covering the assessment period) - Approved plan by the respective LSBs
with picture of the plan, pictures or and SP/SB Resolution adopting the plan,
pdf file of the resolution approving whichever is applicable
the plan by the LSB, pictures or pdf
file of the resolution adopting the
plan by the local sanggunian
with picture of the plan, pictures or
pdf file of the resolution approving
the plan by the LSB, pictures or pdf
file of the resolution adopting the
plan by the local sanggunian
Approved LDRRMP (2022-Present) 0.5
with picture of the plan, pictures or
pdf file of the resolution approving
the plan by the LSB, pictures or pdf
file of the resolution adopting the
plan by the local sanggunian
with picture of the plan, pictures or
pdf file of the resolution approving
the plan by the LSB, pictures or pdf
file of the resolution adopting the
plan by the local sanggunian
Approved Solid Waste Management 1 Approved ESWMP – 1 point
Plan (10 Year Plan) On-Review – 0.5
-Issuance from the NSWMC On-going – 0.25
approving the LGU’s ESWMP and
Photo of the ESWMP
In case the plan is still under review
of the NSWMC: copy of the letter
duly received by the NSWMC
requesting the agency to review the
ESWMP of the LGU and Photo of
In case of on-going drafting of
ESWMP certification from the
MPDC certifying that the LGU is on
process crafting their ESWMP
ELEMENT 6: Available, Visible and Accessible Basic Services (25 pts from PASS)
Score from this element shall LoGFA Score = PASS Score% x Element 6 Total
depend on the score from the PASS LoGFA Points for LoGFA
b) Meetings with minutes of the Required members of the LFC must be
meeting indicated in the EO
Partial Compliance- 1 pt
c.1 Most recent COA Audit Opinion If the most recent COA Audit Opinion is Not Adverse and disclaimer COA
that is unqualified or qualified 1 unqualified or qualified, indicator is opinion
c. Proper Fund Disbursement and considered complied
Utilization c.2 Auditor’s certification for at Least
30% Audit Recommendations Acted
upon 1
All MOVs must be provided for the BAC shall have at least 5 members, but
indicator to be considered complied. not more than 7 members. It shall be
d.1) E.O. or similar issuance chaired by at least a third ranking
organizing BAC Required members of the BAC must be permanent official. In no case shall the
indicated in the Executive Order approving authority be a member of the
d.2) Meetings with minutes of the At least two meetings with minutes of the The Agenda for BAC Meeting should be
d. Organized and functional BAC meeting 1 meeting provided shall be considered as reflected in the 20% Development Fund
the indicator complied with or Annual Investment Plan (AIP)
d.3) At least one project completed MOVs must be provided for the indicator to
with the following documents: be considered complied.
• Invitation to Bid (ITB) from
• Notice to award
• Notice to proceed
e. 1) Presence of Citizen’s Charter 0.5 point for each complied MOV
- Ordinance adopting the Citizen’s
- Actual posted Citizen’s Charter 1
e. Ease of Doing Business (EODB) e.2) Available and accessible
frontline services
- Actual priority lanes for the
frontline services 0.5 point for each complied MOV
- Presence of Help Desk 1