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DANCING AT LUGHNASA. by Brian Friel Wisse OP THE 1992 TONY AWARD FOR BEST PLAY [UNCLE VANYA (Chetbn) DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE. ING. DANCING AT LUGHNASA sy BRIAN FRIEL * DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE INC. + [DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE, INC. ESTABLISHED BY MEMBERS OF THE Deamanists em (OFTHE AUTHORS LEAGUE OF AMERICA ~ -HANDUNG OF THE ACTING RIGHTS OF MENAERS PLAYS “THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE ANRUCAN THEATRE oa po Ne a 06 www dramatiers com DANCING AT LUGHNASA sy BRIAN FRIEL DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE DDANEING AT LUGHENASA cop © 01 193 Bo Pd Agha ee Sg tle tea es BAD Tee S Ec cocoa oer ie ee rate Re Cop od of a oes ch ye ate Spitacepmeasatareces ee ae ee as ia eee Se Se ee eye pricing cert Sees She ees = The a nage nck nd ama ae peta in he ied Si i ped an aC A LOC i wld ela oy DRAMATISTS LAY SERVICE. IC. 40 Kee Sek Keri eRe onan ptr DRAMarSie TAY SERVICE INCE and pg een Ings coming er sald te ated 9 The arc Fey Lan Pa own Wt 42 Egan La Se ne ming cei pon HONG AT LUCUNASA tga Spek iaieictas ofan Maus ot Sralles'g Speyer deen cee spices Sale fee Sense te eet ‘Slag pny = chee eng epi spec Sha Tenet eter mero nen ‘iene mse ati pe ge eh ay Se a gn pe a EL Straten va ny pd New Yk age by Nol Pen nei tl Kem andoop ar serra stiSasoTE ON Must Reel Ny Cee _M gous ig prison pie DANCING AT LUGHIASA we eet ANYTHING GOES unde by pin fe (Chere Sa wd iy Te ‘ema TEE OF CAR WG bling ne ané Wie Bro ne a SPECIAL NOTE ON SONGS AND RECORDINGS er psancs sl epi ngs ongven ots ened a ‘in rt age ANY NG GOES aed TERE OF OPH, ‘Bed hpricot Py, th emi te our be sain Ose ong. pte i reli tote ee cy inthe bc domain ma be bee. me In memory of those five brave Gentes women DANGING AT LUGHNASA wat originally produced on the [New York sage by Noe! Peaton, The Abtey Theatre prod tion was presented in asocation with Dil Kenwright and Joseph Harris and opened on Broadway athe Piymouth ‘Theatre om October 24, 1091. 1 was diceced by Patick Mason: he st and costime designs mere by Jo Van Ue lighting design vas by Trevor Dawn the sound design was ‘pT. Richard Fieger: the choreography was by Tery John he ad the posicionsopensor wot Jorn J Ha MICHAEL (Cerca MeSoey cums emery onde gain Maccti nears Meloy AGNES ana - Biid Brenna ROSE s eid NiNeschain RATE. Rowaleen Linehan CERRY’ Robert Gwyn acme Donal Denney DANCING AT LUCHNASA was fat pesformed atthe Abbey ‘Theatee, Dublin om Api 24, 1990. eae dered by Parc Mason: ihe set designer was Joe Vanek and the lighting dee tor mas Teetor Dron. The eat was 8 follows: ATE. Frances Tomely acci nin Reevet Rost = TaN Neaehtin uns. ‘Gtherine Byrne mica eared Meer eer —— Poel Heraberg Jack iy Meo This production wandered to dhe National Theatre in Octo ter 1980, with the flowing changes of ta KATE vs vnnnnnncneRonleen Linehan GERRY ‘Stephen Dilane TACK SITE Meme ‘CHARACTERS MICHAEL, young man, narrator KATE, forty, schoolteacher MAGGIE, thiryeght,howekecper AGNES, tire kiter, ROSE, thir, knits CGR, nentyss, Michael’ mother GERRY, thtytnvee, Michael father JACK fitythce, isionary priest MICHAEL, who nacrats the ony, speaks the nes of the ‘oy, Le Himself when he was sete ACT ONE, [Award in cart August 1936 Act Two ‘Taree wks later ‘The home of the Mundy family, 090 miles outside the vilage oF Balybeg, County Donegal, Wend ser Sighty ore than half the area ofthe stage i hen up by the kitchen on the ght (Left and night fom the pint ‘Ot iew ofthe audience) The ret of the sage — Le the re ‘maining area stage left — isthe garden adjining Whe house. “The garden is neat but not culate ‘Upaage center es garden sat ‘The (unseen) boy has been making (9 Bites in the {den and pcces of wood, paper, cord, ce, are bing on the {round clow tothe garden sexe One hile amon compte There are to door leading out of the htchem, The front door leads to the garden and the Irnt of the Reuse ‘The second in the top righthand corner leds tothe bed room apd to the ara behind the howe: ‘One hich window looks out font. A second window looks on to the garden "There i 2 amore ee ff ight One of is Branches ‘The room ha the furnishings of the wsval country itchen of the tues large ron range, lege turf box be fide able and chairs. dreuer, cll amp bucket with wee At the tack door ee, ct But becaue thie the home of ise women the austen of Ue faring releved by some gracious touches — lowers, prety corns, am atractve ‘reser arangement, Dress Rate, the teacher, isthe only wageetener. Agnes and Rose make 2 litle money kaiting gloves at home. Chia and Maggie have no income” So the lathes ofall the ster re Meet their lean ccamsanees. Rowe wears Wellingtons ven ‘hough the day i warm. Maggie wens age boot with long. tuned aces. Rose, Maggie and Agnes all wea the ra, wap ound overall apeors of the Ume Tn the opening tables Fae Jack it wearing the uni: form of Beis army ofcor chaplain — s magicent and immaculate uniform of dating white: gold epaclettes and gold buttons, opie Rat clerical collar itary cane. Tle ands siy to attention, As the text mys he is vespienden ‘magnificent: So resplendent that he locks ica come op ln Wis ubtea, 100, Grr it wearing spotless white teeorn Nat wit splendid mate plumage (Sled and shaby ‘versions of Jack's uniform and Gerry ceremonial hat are orn atthe end of de play. ie. inthe final len.) Rose is simple Aller sites are kind to het and protective of her, But Agnes has taken on the role of special protector, DANCING AT LUGHNASA ACT ONE When the fly ope MICHAEL i sanding davnatogeUft sa pol of gh The vot of he sage mda fae editly MICHAEL teins spening soul bing up the phon the ra of the sage Aran th sage ond of sence from MICHAEL. be ‘ther chara land maids ty formed ahes. MATE a th tc window (gh). HIRES iat rot dow KATE ot exten tage nigh. ROSE and CERRY tom the presse JACK sande bie ROSE. AGNES wpe Uf They hal te pestis whe MICHAEL tals to he sulin MICHAEL. When I cat my mind back to that summer of 1036 elferent tind of memories offer themes to me. We 0% our ft wiles set that tmnner — well a ort of ae nd i obsessed ws And beenuae i ared as Aug a about 1 begin, my Aunt Maggie — she was the joker of the family the suggested we give Wa name: She wanted to cll Lagh* after the old Cec God ofthe Harve Because jn the ‘ld days August tbe Frat war Ld Laghnam the fen dy ofthe pagan god, Lught and the days and weeks sf harestng that followed were called the Festal of Lighnaa, But Aunt Rate =the wat rational schosteacher and very proper woman 1 Lagh — pronounced “Lo Lagu — pronounced ‘Laban! = she sid it would be snfl to christen an inanimate objet ‘wth any Kind of mame, aot to lk of «pagan god. So we Jost “ated Marconi Beene th#t war the mame emblazoned on ‘And about three weeks before we got at wires, my mother's brother, my Uncle ack, came home (rom ica for the fr ime ever For treniyve years he had worked in 2 leper colony there, ins remote village called” Ryanga in ‘Sgandsc The ony ime he ever lef that village vas fr about fix mons doring Word War One when he wan chaplain to ‘he Brin army tm Bast Alin. Them back to that rim hoe pice where he worked without break fora furher eighteen Years And now i kis eaely fies and bad heals he had ome home to Balybeg — as itrned out — to de ‘And wien | cat ny mind back t that summer of 1986 these wo memorier of our Ge wireless and of Father Jack's retutn are bays inked. So at when T recall my Tit shock at Jack's appearance, shrunken and jaundiced with Imalarn, at deme tne I remember my Bet delight, indeed fay ae, atthe sheer magic of that ratio And when T remem {er the chen throbbing wth the beat of ish dance marc ‘beamed to ural the way fem Athlone, and my mother and her ters suddenly ‘catching hands and dancing 2 spontane fou stepdance and laughing —~ screaming! —= ike excited Schoalgey atthe same time | se that forlorn Sigare of Fe ther Jack sulin Irom room to room ar if he were search Ing fr tomething but couldn't remember what And even {hough Twas only a cl of seer atthe ine I hnow U had "tone of unene, some awareness of @ widening breach be fecen what seemed to be and what ay of things changing too quickly before my eyes of becoming what they cught nat tovbe- Thi may have been eeause Uncle Jk had ted fut alike the resplendent igure im my ead. OF Maybe econ I had winesed Marcon’s wocdoo derange thos Kind, Soule women and transform them int shrieking sranger. Gr maybe war becaute during howe Lughnasa weeks of 1896 we were ited on two ovations by my father, Gerry ane and forthe ft time in mye 1 ad chance 1 ob- (The tihng change The hice and gordon rt rn a for om sian afro, MICHAEL, KATE, CERRY and FATHER JACK go off. The thr by ena th Br ashe MAGGIE: ak © ash for ewe AGRIES ht lez ROSE coisa of rf ite the Iisa ees Wnt the lage bet eet range CHRIS ‘oe athe hth ale Thay ll neh ah CHIR so ‘oing got thet minor on tell ad stn he fae) CGHRIS. "When are we going to get » decent itor to see ‘ures in MAGGIE, "You can se enough to 40 you CHRIS. 1'm going to throw thi aul cracked thing out MAGGIE. Indeed you'te not, Civsie. Tim the one tat broke ‘Wand the only way to avoid seven peat bad loch isto ep, on ning te CHRIS" You can ace nothing in AGNES. Except more and more wrinkle CHRIS. Dyou know what I think T might do? I think just might wart wearing pac ‘AGNES. Do you hear thy Maggie? MAGGIE. "‘Setady on, ge Today i's Hpstich; tomortom is the gin bose CHRIS, “Thi 1 jst might, AGNES. AS long as Kate's not around. ‘Do you want to make a pagan of yourself” (CHRIS put er fae pdt themiron end fai) (CHRIS. "Far too pale. And the sul mousey aie, Need a bit of colour ‘AGNES. What fo? CGHIRIS. What indeed. (Sh rag and gu Back her ong ‘She hos up © ple) Make a nce dees that, woulda Goat forge me (Werk cmtinuc.Nolody speaks. Then suddenly and expel FROSE bars int rout song) ROSE. "Wil you come to Atyains, will you come? Bring your own cap and snucer and sn (As she sings the met tne nthe dances a Grud, grace shaft at fe gn of be ng) “hci tbe tee hs ine nthe ‘Wiyou come t Abii wal ou come Not ta, Magee (hint png ip 6 wy sh eee) SUGcIE. "or Shoutd'te on the te Rove {POSE cowie fen ap er po it) Ose. "And noc a ofp Mage oP NAGGiE. Row Mond! Where's oor mo IMEC nw heh ogame ond te ir fe) itt not more te Ost "nd Magpie — good — god! Look, Ages, sk ‘ReNES “A ag ff pgp oo you ROSE. Torn Marcon Come Gumi, "Te wid yous on neste ters dead. ROSE Wino Wet for mes he yo (Sep tet ond orm how ae, Ind oe seo ha of he ch Cat, arse Tle ol Roe! {Shr aaron say Sits. rod you. IRONES. “Tate hve aa ier tach with he Giiis) rien bay tas wrong ROSE Atyinian Aton, Ae? ewes. Yes ROME tee a ar tere? ones. Yer Tie tala you tat IONES. tn) ck wu in Upin Rae Tha se feet pat of Aes You kw a Rost "ap Ye = do «1k tat (ici oc ol ng a ahr sme fey he “sn NACEIE. “vty ot or De Var, il you vote? {you Sot we be te ih ah po” ce — and te ie radely (ROSE and MACGIE now sng the na tu tins Ltr) "Uncle Bil from Balinglos has a wireless op Ne — (Thay dance a hy sng the fal ine of e sng) Will you vote fr De Valera wil you ote” MAGGIE. Tel you vmething, Roe We pir of us should ‘bean the stage ROSE. The pair of ws should be on the stage, Aggie! (Tey wr ote task. AMES ut the cap foo. On fey Back 0 ermal she Lk bu ewido ad ak fo wee AGNES. ‘icv muling somthing Usk te «Ke. (Se lp oh nda alt Ma nd i he oe ny Sty Serine wrong hing dl He's ging to ave your ta Coe CHS ines tke whinbush. Wit you vas it or me ‘nig Ma NAECie Rte wea fo ig nce omer GR Aer Te put Met be What sot she? Nicci. yur man IRGNES. (AT Linda) iy thee arn sme bop boot 0 fr EGCG ow oe aiing. Coot we a AGNES. (ning unde) agp Acct, Wo bo pes we fad 8 — (Bea of Sn GiRis. vaso NACGie. “Though heard Father Jack a he tack doe pe tote somoners hn ACRES Sw veer Rae forges no . ge ching HOSE These’ sing to te pcre inthe hal nest Satur So, ase dunk mt fo nek oleae OSE. mig fe meeting somebody tere ones. | Wn te with oat as ROSE. Tm not sng URIS. "Do we know hin? IRONES, “oul enjoy at Rose, You loved the ROSE” Ande wants to ting me upto the Back ills nex Sumday "sp to Lough Annas Hs fier hata oat ere ‘Rod Porting sabe 1 tring bate of milk sath me ‘And Te enovgi money Sed to bay's packet af chest Sui GHRIS) Danny rade is 4s, Rowe ROSE ter sid vas Danny Brae! Chis. ‘Hes a mared man ith tee young chien. ROSE. And that's Jot where you'e wrong mis) — so {here! (To AGNES) She let him st months go, Age, and Wincott "noe * ROSE. (fo CRS} And who ae you to tat Christina Mandy! Don't ou date lecture el MAGGIE. Eveyody i the tw now hat Danny Bray ROSE (1s MAGGIE) And you're jelous, toot That’ wh ‘rong with the whole of you — you're jealous of me (To TEoMB) He came fe Roba He waite fore out the cape ps Chats ening ond he geo hi (Sie ots he font of har op hha ond al pad {shrug “at for ny Ronee id AORES. Ines fa Rous? ROSE. tar ene Ie onde of pre wher And it bing you good heck NEMESIS ey ROSE. Tet ll he sine — beside my miaclow med (Pea) tow him, Ae. AGNES. Thao CHS. (fi) Basar (ROSE che fo of hr a, Shs hit of wre Se rc Ne MACE if hr Kwacha ood wn dosing pains dae ay fast nd wry naga tange sos ihe ‘Sen fw arse 'singt tu her pode he wands fom “The be of Cap MAGGIE.” "Summer time wat neat oer Ble Tala skies above. 1 ai Mier im 2 rover. (Gla you spare et word of love?” (nd ahs pausing for bath she Dens sling her het 0 se sb the bak dav) Tehook-tchookichook-chooktchook:tchook:tchook- tehookeceeece (MICHAEL even end wens L ROSE tae the of he range tha ho ho te fe) (CHRIS. For God's ake, 1 have an irom in heel ROSE. How was Ito know dad CHRIS. "Don't you ate me ironing? (Faking wth tng) Now Yon've los it Get out of my road il yout [AGNES. "Rose, love, wuld you ge mes and with his. (Of et) If we dont work abi fer well ever ge beo ten Fair Sished this week. (ie consenion mast nw te etisalat he [imagine BOY MICHAEL is working a he Bie ato Ging om te grad. No loge sih te BOY MICHAEL mast adel dc to ‘Gull MICHAEL, th nara He or exp MACE hat ht Sek tothe mart, MICHAEL repos to MAGGIE nh lt ay nara’ wie AGGIE etn the ged fom he back of te eh MAGGIE. What are dese supposed to be? BOY. Kites, MAGGIE. Kite! God help your wit BOY, Walch where you're waking, Aunt Maggie — you're ica ™ MAGGIE. ‘id it quea? — haat 1 mae a deal with you, tub: Il give you penny if those tings ever leave the ‘ound. phe " (She nw oat da bide him) MAGGIE. "Tve new riddles for you. BOY. Give up. MAGGIE. ‘What gocs round the house and sound the house nd sein the corner? (Pause) A brooel Why is a ve ike BOW. You'e pahevie NAGI "Ren ne gon fe withos windn! (ose) BOY. Give up. MAGGIE “Think! BOY. Gre up MAGGIE. Have you even one brain in your head? BOY. Give op. MAGGIE, "A ck — (Se denne. No rane) Diyou tnow what your Wouble i, cub? Yowarebuckstupdt ROW. Look ont — there's tra (Ske seams od haps he fet tro) MAGGIE. Where? — where? — where? — Jesus, Mary and Joseph, where 30 Ov. Caught you again, Avot Maggie. MAGGIE, "You eit wee bet — Cod forgive you! I'l get you for that Michal Don't you worry — Imo forget tt! (She Pike up her bua ond mo ff tds Be bck of th ase seck! You know — ft your foot and ‘And [had a barley sgar sweet for you. BOY. ‘Are there bis of carte igbacco stuck to 3? MAGGIE. Jesus Chri! Sone day youre going to il some roman’ ile fall of happiness. (Moving off) Tehook chook Tehooktchook (Ain she op and thu Kn st) ‘There. I hope i choker you. (Ente) Tehooktchookichook tchookichookessee MICHAEL.” When {sow Uncle Jack for the fire tine the rx. ton Twas 40 shocked by his appenrance war hat T expected "well | Suppose, the hero from 3 schonboy’s book: Once had seen a photograph of him radiant and splendid in bis ofce’s uniform. It had fallen ou of Aunt Rates prayer took nd she snatched it fom me before {could wtudy tm deta ms a plctare taken in 1817 when he wa 2 chaplain te he [rsh forces in Eat Afica and he looked — magenta ‘Aunt te had been inotved loa in the War of Indepen- dence; ao Father Jus brief creer in the Bitch army wos fever referred to in that howe All the te the wonderful Father Jk of that photo was the image of hi thet lodged But if he was hero 19 me, he wis & ero and a sint to my mother and to my aunts They pored over his exc Sonal lees They prayed eery night fr hr and for his ep fs and forthe suc of his mason. They seaped and tne for him — sspence here, shiling thre — series they ‘made wilingy,foyouy that they would have» ie money to send to hit at Chimie and for hit ida. And every $0 aften when a tory would appear in the Donpel Enquire hoot "our onn leper priest as they called him = Beene Balybeg was proud of hi, the whole of Donegal was proud of him it as only natural that oor fami would enjoy Small sate of that fame ~ it ave us that Ie tof ate inthe eyes of the parsh. And it must have helped my aunts to bear the shame Mother brovght on the howteheld by has Ing me — as twas called then — out of wedlock, (HATE nts laden sth sopping bas, When she we he BOY ‘king tise fer fe gp ath parte. Se thes i fora fou neon. Then the gut him) KATE. Wel, that’ what T cll a busy man. Come here and age your Aunt Kate» ig Kan (Ste tthe is hand amen her hands ond iss the oom of his haa) ‘And wha’ al hie BOY Tes to Bites KATE, _apcing tm) 1 certainly is two biter. And hese the most wonderfl Kier 've ever teen. And shat are thee eign (Sir the hie fac which the aie cont) BOY. They're faces. painted ther KATE, (Putended honor) Ob, good Lord, they put the heart acon me! You did howe? Oh God bles us tho ae scaring! What are thy? Devs? Ghose? I wouldn't ke to se thowe lads up in the sly Tooking down at mel Hold on ‘ow = (She ch on er age end ruc ¢ ama wand ‘ingiep and stip) Do you know what ts OF eourve You do's spiningtop. God boy. And this — this tthe whip. You know how to use 2 Indeed you do. What do you =)? KATE, ‘Thank you, Aun Kae. And do you know what | have in here? A new Wry book! With soloed pcre! Well be in reading i at bedtime (Again she hse the op fis ead She gs 1 her fe) Ca me the moment you're fendy io Bp them. I wouldnt mie (She jos into he bichen) DDyou know what he at ov there? Did you see, Cheitina? Making two kites! CHRIS. "Some kites Nel made KATE. All by hime No help Grom anybody AGNES. “You stays sid he was talented, Rae KATE. No question about that. And very mature for his CCIRIS. Very cheeky for his years ROSE, I thik he's beau’ Chris {with he was mine HIRIS. ‘te hats spinningsop be has? KATE. 1¢s nothing (MICHAEL ents tt) CCHIIS. Oh, Kate, you have im spoiled. Where did you get KATE. Morgan's Arid, (CHRIS. “And''m sure he didnt even dhaok you ROSE. 1 know why you went into Morgan's! i KATE. He did indeed. He's very manner. ROSE. You wanted to sce Austin Morgan! KATE. Every field along the rond Uhre hay and the com ROSE. Because you have 4 notin of that aul Austin Mor a KATE. Going tobe good harvest by the look of ROSE, know you ave! She's blushing! Look! Isnt she Bashing? (CHRIS halts up 9 ai shi ine) (CHRIS. You'd need to put snitch in that hem, Rose ROSE. (To KATE) But what you don't now i that he's go Ing witha wee young thing from Carikind KATE. "Rose, what Austin Morpan docs or doesn't do ROSE. Why ar you blushing then? She's Musing in she? “Wrst Rae? KATE. "(Gudden anger) For Gods sake, Ros, shut up, would you! ROSE. Anyhow we all know you alvays had & — AGNES. "Rosie, pss me the sel needs — would you, lene? (ove) CCHIRIS. (7o KATE) Ave you tre? (ATE foe inn st) KATE.” That road from the town ges longer every day, You fan laugh i you want but Iam going to get that old bike faxed up and fam going to lear fo de the winter. AGNES! “Many about Balog? KATE. —Balybeg’s off is head. I'm teling you. Exeywhere you go — everyone you mect — its the one topes Ave ou ein oe hare dance Who ae you lng wi? Win re you wearing? This year's going tobe the bigger ever and =n ing ite AGNES. "All the same I remember some great harvest CHRIS. Don't we all KATE, (Unpeding) Another of tone sineing Annie MP. Ssitheon novels fr you, Age. AGNES. Ah, Thanke ATE, The Mariage of Nune Handing — ob, deat! For you, Chisina, One teaspoonful every moring belore beast CHRIS Whars os) KATE. Godse ol You'e fr to pale CHRIS. “Thank you, Kate KATE. Because you ake no exerci. Anghow I'm in the ‘hemit’s shop aed this young gi — a wee sip of hing, (Gert sven remember her name — her masher the Eniting Stent tint buys your gloves, Agnes — ‘AGNES. Vera McLaughlin KATE. Her daughter whatever you cll her ROSE. Sophia. KATE. Ms Sophia, who must be allo fiteen she comer year" And honest to Codi you'd seen the delight ‘pen you thik wae heaven ae an aking about Tm ip yo olf ts head — like a fever in the pce. That's he ‘quinine. The doctor saye it won't cure the malaria but it hight Rep to contain i Ta he in hi room? CHRIS. He's wandering about ut the back somewhere KATE. 110i the doctor you thought him very uiet. Agnes (AGNES hed sped iting end is lokng sie int the (mide ditene) Kents te KATE, Well, did't you? And the docior say we must re menber how tange ceryhing here mist be 10 him alter 50 Tong. And on top of tat Sahil har been hi Inguage for twentpine years so thats not that hie mind is confaed — Xs jt that he hae aie Finding the Englah words for wha be mane to ay {CHRIS. "No matter what dhe doctor sy, Rate, hi mind is 2 bit confined: Sometimes he docu know the dillerence be: tween un Te beard hen caling you Rove ad he beep call ing me some strange name Ike ~~ KATE. “Otawa CHRIS. Thats tt Aggie, you've heard him, haven't you? KATE. Okawa was hi house boy. He wat very atahed to im. (Taking off er she) I think Fm getting oem tie oot [hope to God I don't end up ciple Ike por nother nay she retin peace GHIRIS Went shere? AGNES. ‘To ihe hares dance. (CHRIS. Aggie AGNES. ‘Jt lke we weed to. All deed up. I think Pd go ROSE. Fa go, too, Aggie! Ta go with you! KATE. For heaven's sake you¥e not serous, Agnes — are KATE, Hatt There's more dhan Balle off shea AGNES, "I think we should sll go, RATE. Have you any ea what fl be like? — Grating with ‘heck young brats Hat T wught years ag. AGNES” Tim game, CHRIS. We couldn, Aggie — could we? KATE. And sil the tifa of the couninsie AGNES. “Tin game CHRIS. Om Cod, you know how I loved dancing, Aggie AGNES. (To KATE) What do you 237 ATE. (To CHRIS) You hive + sevenyearcld child — have you forgoten shat? ‘AGNES. (Te CHRIS) You could wear that bis dress of mine you have the figure fort and brings out the colour of your ees EEIRIS" Can 1 hae 1? God, Aggie, 1 could dance nonstop All night — all week — all mont KATE. And who'd look ser Father Jack? AGNES. "(To KATE) And you look great in tat cotton dress ou got for confirmation lat yar. Youre beaut in Kate ATE, What sor of iy lk ie — AGNES. "(7s KATE) And yo can wear ay ow ses with the eromover spe KATE: This aly lk We cant, Agnes How can we? ROSE, Wil Maggie go with ws? GHIRIS. Will Maggie wha! Try wo atop her! KATE. Oh God, Agnes, what do you think? AGNES, “Were going KATE. Ave we? ROSE, Were off We're aay! KATE, Maybe we're ma are we mad? (CHRIS. "Tt cous four and sc 10 get in AGNES. Ive fve pounds sed. I take you. I'l ake al RATE. Hold on ow — AGNES. "How many years has it been since we were at the Ihanest dance? — at any dance? And T dont cate how young they ae, how drunk and diy and sweaty they ae. want to ance, Kate 1's the Festal of Lughnasa Um only wietylive vant to dance KATE, (Wc) 1 kom, 1 kno, same —oh my God —T don't Eno i IGNES "Ter setied, We're going — the Mundy gis — all five of us together. GERIS.” Like we med to ROSE.” I lowe you, Agi! I love you more than chocolate (ROSE Nes AGNES impetuoay, fings hr arms ce hr Bad, be. [prs ging “Alpina” and dct the fo eps of ¢ bua and Slondond dance AV tis ATE pans) KATE, No, no not We'e going nowhere! CHRIS. Ive all want vo go KATE. Look at yours will ou! Jus ook at youre! Dancing at our tine of day? That's for Young people wilh no dates snd no responsibiies and nothing in thelr heads but plewore ‘AGNES. Kate, 1 think we — KATE. Do you want the whole countyride to be lghing ‘tut? — women of our yeas? — mature women, dancing? ‘Wants come vee you al And ths Father Jocks home = emanate Nowy wee ng no nes, Uk, Al the ROSE. Bot you jst sid — KATE, And there'l be no more ditcusion about i. The raters over. don't want ie mentioned again. (Since MACCIE rus toe pede fom th bch of he Muse ‘Sh hat th am Buca omer arm ander Rens ae eu if ‘he une holding somthing frag teen tee She go othe ile merits) MAGGIE. The fox i bck MAGGIE. He har a hole chewed in the Reahouse door BOY. Did you gets lok at him, Aunt Maggie? MAGGIE.” Watt lig to him. He mas shing for you. BOY. Ha-ha. Whats that you have In your hand? MAGGIE. Something f found. BOY. Whe MAGOIE. "Sting er sll at the foot ofthe holly tee BOY. Show me MAGGIE.” Say pleae thee times, BOY. Plane — plese ~ plone, MAGGIE. Tn Sea BOY. Are you going t show i to me or ae you not MAGGIE, (Covling dao hed hi) Now, cub, ul Your car (ver bate. Lien: Sth, Dyou hear W? BOW Tink so yeu MAGGIE.” What do you hear? BOY. Something MAGGIE." Are you sure? BOY. Yes, I'm mare. Show me, Avot Maggie. MAGGIE. ‘A right Read? Cot Dac a it it further, Rig? BOY. es (Sudden she ers her hands and her fll th rid and Sagan Pgh of smehng up othe by and oat of ght Sh coe intr ring fer Pause) Wa wat i MAGGIE. ‘Did you se BOY. I thnk so yee MAGGIE. Wasn't it wonder BOY. War it bind? MAGGIE. ‘The clown ate 50 eal (Sgt he fat) “roe ie ju one gdh pee that you ec ge ‘And if you ts Out (Ste mot off srt the Back drof the thon) MAGGIE.”‘Don' you Rnow what i was? 1 a alli your Inn. Now weve KATE. (Unpoding) Tes «soap odin mea jy MAGGIE. Ti st of tht wht rconer of you, Rowe’ Some bet tal Look atthe himp he took ot of fy arm ROSE. You don't speak to him ight. MAGGIE," Anow the speaking he'll get from me — the ‘Ghai, 'm going wo mabe fone sods bred (AGGIE wher her hand and bags tatng) ROSE. (Pinay) Watch out Shes in one of her cranky Pood KATE. Your ten Wild Woodbine, Maggie MAGGIE. Great. The tongu's ov mle ROSE. (rsa) You mid al, Maggie MAGGIE." What it mae he time? ROSE.» We mere all going to go to he hare dance — ke {he old days And then Kate — KATE. Your shot, Rose The shoemaker sa, whats Kind ‘fee you have, only the imide ofthe tet wet down. ROSE. "ie that bad hinge KATE. That nether fod thing nor Tes Jun — dine, as might be expec (ie poms hhnd RATE bh) {Cornour- lt ~ tapioca — its gone wp a penny for some fea w Sat for de biberey jam — ifwe ever Bet the Be ees (AGNES and ROSE exchenge bats) MAGGIE." Prauty to ROSE) Look at the packet of Wild Woodbine she got me ROSE." Whats wrong with 2 MAGGIE. "Only nine psc in They'e so will one of ‘hem must have eeped on er ood thing, Roe (hy tough sorely) CHRIS. Docsn' Jack sometimes call you Otawa, too, Moaxi? MAGGIE, Yes. What docs it mean? CHRIS. Ohava wa hn house boy, Kate ay. MAGGIE. Dammit 1 ought it was Stahl for gorgeous AGNES. lagi! MAGGIE. "That's the very thing we could do with here — 1 toute boy. KATE. And the taltery. The man inthe shop sys we go through there things quicker than sayone in Balybeg, CHRIS. "Good for us (CHES tater te ty and ur hie Maren) KATE. T'met the pach priest don't know what has hap- pened to that man. But ever ance Father Juck ame home he fan hardly look me inthe ee MAGGIE.” That's beeate you Beep winking 2 him, Kate CHRIS. He was aay moody, tat man ‘The word's not good on that young Sweeney boy Wom the ack hills He was anointed let ight MAGGIE. 1 aids know he was dying? KATE. Not an inch of is body that int burned, AGNES. "Doct anybody bnom what happened? KATE. Some sly prank up in the hil: He knows he's dy Ing, the poor boy. Js Hes there, moaning. (Cass: "What wrt of pranks KATE, How would {Eoor! CCHIRIS. What aze they sing i the town? KATE. I now no more Un Ive tld yo, Christina, (Powe) ROSE. (Qui, woo) IC was lst Sunday week, the Best ight of the Festival of Lughnasa; and they weve doing what they do every year phere ithe Back hile KATE.” Fen of Lnghosa! Wht sort of — ROSE, Fist they ight a bone beside a spring well. Then they dance round h. Then dey drive her cattle through the Tames to banish the del out of them. % KATE Banish the — hat — ROSE. And this year there wis an exza big cromd of boys and gids. And they were off their heads with drinks nd Young Swceney’s Wowsers caught fie and Ne ment up he Torch That's what happened KATE, Who fled your head with uhat nonsense? ROSE. ‘They do i every Lughnass Von telling you. That's hat happened, KATE. (Vay ang, alm shting) And thee sages! 1 ‘now those people from the back ill! Tve taught them! Spe) at they ae And wat pp pie hey

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