Six Sigma PDF
Six Sigma PDF
Six Sigma PDF
Module 0 2
What is a Six Sigma Green Belt
! Analyzes and solves quality problems using Six Sigma
tools and processes
! Does not lead Six Sigma projects
! Supports or operates under a Black Belt
! Six Sigma activities usually part time
! Has passed the ASQ Green Belt exam
Module 0 3
ASQ Green Belt Exam
! Fee is $359 or $209 for ASQ members
! Apply on ASQ's Web site
! Based on the ASQ Green Belt Body of Knowledge
! Bring #2 pencils
Module 0 5
ASQ Green Belt Exam (cont'd)
! 100 Questions with 4 hours to complete
! Pass is 80%
! Open book
! Your own notes are allowed, however the proctor will
inspect your notes and can reject them
! No collections of questions and answers are allowed
! Hand held calculators without an alphabetic keyboard
are allowed. The memory must be cleared
Module 0 6
ASQ Green Belt Exam Content
Version instituted on Dec 6, 2014
! Overview of Six Sigma and the Organization (13
! Six Sigma Define (23 questions)
! Six Sigma Measure (23 questions)
! Six Sigma – Analyze (15 questions)
! Six Sigma – Improve (15 questions)
! Six Sigma – Control (11 questions)
Module 0 7
ASQ Green Belt Exam Content (Cont'd)
As it is an open book exam, simple memorization of
definitions and formulas will not get a you a pass. You will
need to be able to understand the material in sufficient
detail to enable you to successfully determine the answer
! Evaluating,
! Analyzing,
! Applying, and
! Creating
Module 0 8
This Course
! The course is divided into sections corresponding to the exam
! The final section will be devoted to exam tips and trap,
suggested reading as well as 'night before' cram session
! It is expected that you understand statistical and mathematical
symbol, have a knowledge of basic statistics, and preferably
are already familiar with the Greenbelt Body of Knowledge
Module 0 9
This Course
! As the exam is open book, the focus is on the concepts, not
the formulas
Module 0 10
End of Module 0 – Certification Process
In this module we covered;
! What is a Six Sigma Green Belt
! ASQ Green Belt exam
! Structure of this course
Module 0 11
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 1 - Six Sigma and the Organization
Module 1 Topics
1. Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
1. Value of Six Sigma
2. Organizational Goals and Six Sigma Projects
3. Organizational Drivers and Metrics
Module 1 13
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma
This section will describe;
1. The origins of Six Sigma,
2. Its goals and philosophy,
3. Why organizations use Six Sigma, and
Module 1 14
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma – What is Six Sigma
But first, lets remind ourselves what is Six Sigma;
! The Greek letter Sigma ( σ ) represents Standard Deviation, so Six Sigma literally
translates to six standard deviations
! Best defined as an ‘systematic data-driven approach that seeks to find and
eliminate causes of mistakes or defects in business processes by focusing on
outputs that are critical importance to customers
! It encompasses;
! Business Strategy based on a philosophy of operational excellence
! Tools and tactics for process measurement and management
Module 1 15
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma - The origins of Six Sigma
! Six Sigma was first developed in the late 1980s at Motorola in response to their
struggle to meet the demanding quality targets for complex manufactured products.
! Become widely known when Jack Welsh GE adopted it in 1994
! Initially it was a quality measurement approach based on statistical principles
! Then it transformed to a disciplined process improvement technique based on
reducing variation within the system with the help of a number of statistical tools
Roots lie in the works of Phillip B. Crosby, George D. Edwards, W. Edward Deming,
Walter Andrew Shewhart, Armand V. Feigenbaum, Joseph M. Juran, Kaoru Ishikawa ,
and Genichi Taguchi
Module 1 16
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma - The origins of Six Sigma
Phillip B. Crosby
Author of Quality is Free, one of the seminal texts of quality control
Module 1 17
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma - The origins of Six Sigma
George D. Edwards
! First president of the American Society for Quality
! Head of the inspection engineering department for Bell Telephone Laboratories
! Instrumental in advancing Bell Lab's groundbreaking quality assurance program.
Module 1 18
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma - The origins of Six Sigma
W. Edwards Deming
! One of the fathers of quality control
! Key insight was the use of statistics for quality control
! Another insight was the difference between common- and special-cause variation
! Best know for defining the “seven deadly diseases of the workplace” and “14 points
for management.”
Module 1 19
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma - The origins of Six Sigma
Deming's seven deadly diseases of the workplace;
1. Lack of consistency in planning
2. Emphasis on short-term profits
3. Poor performance evaluation systems
4. Excessive turnover among employees
5. Overreliance on the metrics that are the easiest to obtain
6. Excessive medical costs
7. Excessive liability costs
Module 1 20
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma - The origins of Six Sigma
Deming's 14 points for management;
3. Eliminate dependence on inspection 10. Reduce pressure on the workforce and eliminate
4. Cease to award business based on price alone 11. Eliminate ineffective management styles
6. Provide on-the-job training for employees 13. Institute a vigorous program of education and
Module 1 22
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma - The origins of Six Sigma
Armand V. Feigenbaum;
1. Promoter of TQM
2. Known for his 9 M's of quality; markets, management, men, money, motivation,
materials, machines, modern information sources, and mounting (constantly
improving) product requirements.
3. One of the first to insist that the customer's perspective be used to assess quality
Module 1 23
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma - The origins of Six Sigma
Joseph M. Juran;
1. Known for his three main components of quality management;
1. Use of statistical quality control
2. Quality improvement
3. Quality planning
2. Also one of the first to insist that the customer's perspective be used to assess
3. Advocated deep management involvement in the quality improvement process
Module 1 24
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma - The origins of Six Sigma
Kaoru Ishikawa ;
1. Developed the Ishikawa or fish diagram for root cause analysis
2. Major advocate of TQM and developed Quality Circles
Genichi Taguchi
1. Another advocate of TQM in Japan
2. Promoted the use of statistics in quality management
3.Wrote The Design of Experiments
Module 1 25
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma – Goals, Principals, and
The Fundamental Principals of Six Sigma are:
Y=f(X) + ε: All outcomes and results (the Y) are determined by inputs (the Xs) with
Only a critical few inputs have significant effect on the output. Concentrate on the
critical few
Every decision and conclusion has risk (ε), which must be weighed against the
Focus on processes
Reducing process output variation to stay within the limits defined by the customer
Module 1 27
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Value of Six Sigma – Goals and Philosophy
By utilizing Six Sigma to identify and optimize the vital few variables impacting quality
and throughput, an organization can realize sustainable breakthrough performance.
Module 1 28
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Organizational Drivers and Metrics
What are the key Organizational Drivers? In general they are;
! Profit
! Market Share
! Customer Satisfaction
! Efficiency
! Product Differentiation
While quality is not mentioned above, it is key to successfully delivering on the above
Take profit for example; a non-Six Sigma company typically spends 25%-40% of its
revenues fixing problems. Whereas Six Sigma companies typically spend less than 5
percent of their revenues fixing problems
Module 1 29
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Organizational Drivers and Metrics
In order to both understand where an organization is and how it is progressing, on
needs quantifiable metrics to baseline and to track progress.
The selected metrics must map back to the organizational drivers and will measure
Module 1 30
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Organizational Drivers and Metrics
Key Six Sigma Metrics;
DPU – Defects Per Unit
FY – Final Yield
Cycle Time
Takt Time
Net Present Value (NPV) = Each cash inflow/outflow is discounted back to its present
Module 1 32
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Organizational Drivers and Metrics
Balanced Scorecard;
Many Six Sigma professionals advocate the use of balanced scorecard metrics as a
method for ensuring that the project meets both customer and business needs.
The balanced scorecard approach includes;
Financial and non-financial metrics,
! financial,
! customer,
! internal processes,
! and employee learning and growth.
Module 1 33*
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Lean Principles in the Organization
Lean concepts and tools;
! Lean a comprehensive system for decreasing waste and increasing cycle times and
The tools of lean are 5S, velocity, spaghetti diagrams, level loading, and process
cycle efficiency
The modern Lean approach was pioneered by Taiichi Ohno at Toyota during the 70's
Goal is to identify processes that do not add value and eliminate them as much as
The concept of Value is from the customer's perspective
In Lean, inventory is considered a drag, rather than an asset; so a lean business will
Module 1 34
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Lean Principles - Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Activities
A process is decomposed and each activity analyzed to see if it adds value or does
Module 1 35
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Lean Principles in the Organization
Lean philosophy encompasses three areas;
1. Transparency - easy access to useful information. An organization has achieved
transparency when processes can be observed and measured
2. Velocity – Also called Flow, it is the speed a process is completed. The ultimate
measure of velocity is the interval between when a customer places an order and the
delivery of the good or service they ordered. The ultimate goal of Lean is to increase
velocity in order to improve responsiveness to the customer.
3. Value - the set of qualities or characteristics for which a customer is willing to pay. It
is always assessed from the customer's perspective
Module 1 36
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Lean Principles – Theory of Constraints
The Theory of constraints is an approach to improving processes by focusing on their
most problematic areas
! These areas are known as constraints
addressing them
! Exploiting the constraint is when an organization develops effective strategies for
Module 1 37
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Lean Principles - Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Activities
Module 1 38
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Lean Principles - Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Activities
! Goal is to create continuous flow through the organization rather than improving
Module 1 39
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Lean Principles - Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Activities
Method for calculating process cycle efficiency is to divide value-added time by process lead time
Little's law - process lead time is calculated by dividing the number of items in a process by the number
efficiency process cycle efficiency after the implementation of lean strategies; though on occasion
transactional processes can approach 50%
Module 1 40
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Design for Six Sigma
Module 1 41
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Design for Six Sigma - PDCA
PDCA defines the improvement cycle that underpins the three key Six Sigma improvement
cycles, it stands for; Plan -> Do -> Check –> Act
It is an iterative process developed by Walter Shewhart and popularized by Deming.
Create a Plan,
Act on the results by returning to the Plan phase in order to Plan whatever corrective
Module 1 42
Improving Existing Processes
DMAIC is the Six Sigma Life Cycle for improving existing processes, it stands for;
Define - The purpose of this step is to clearly define the business problem, goals,
potential resources, project scope and establish a high-level project timeline
Measure - The purpose of this step is to objectively establish current baselines as the
basis for improvement. This is the data collection step.
Analyze - The purpose of this step is to analyze the collected data in order to identify
and validate the actual root cause of the quality or cycle time issues is
Improve - The purpose of this step is to identify, implement and test the solution(s) to
the root cause problem identified in the Analyze phase.
Control – The purpose of this step is to create and execute a control plan as well as
monitor the improvements to ensure continued and sustainable success
Module 1 43
Improving Existing Processes
DMAIC is best used when;
! Only gradual improvements of existing processes and products are necessary
! As well as to bring existing processes and products into alignment with customer
requirements and quality standards
! It is the most common and the focus of the Greenbelt exam
Module 1 44
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Road maps for DFSS
In this section we will;
Distinguish between DMADV (define, measure, analyze, design, verify) and IDOV
Describe how DMADV and IDOV are used for improving the end product or process
Module 1 45
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Road maps for DFSS
DMADV is composed of the following steps;
Define – Define design goals that are consistent with customer demands and the
enterprise strategy
Measure – Measure and identify CTQs (characteristics that are Critical To Quality),
Design – Design an improved alternative, best suited per analysis in the previous
Verify – Verify the design, set up pilot runs, implement the production process and
Module 1 46
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Road maps for DFSS
IDOV is the methodology most commonly associated with design for Six Sigma, or
DFSS. IDOV stands for;
Identification- Identify the customer needs, create an effective business model, and
Optimization - Adjust the factors that impact the process quality until the optimum
Module 1 47
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Road maps for DFSS
Both IDOV and DMADV have the same objectives and are rigorous in nature; their
only real difference is the terminology.
Overall goals are to reduce delivery time and development costs, as well as to
More concerned with the creation of new, high-quality processes than with the
Also useful when the standard DMAIC lifecycle has proven ineffective at bringing an
Module 1 48
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Road maps for DFSS
To sum up which lifecycle to use
Use DFSS for 'greenfield' and for existing processes that require a substantial
It is quite possible to start with DMAIC, realize that a substantive redesign is needed,
Module 1 49
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Basic failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
FMEA stands for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMEA is used;
! to evaluate a process or product to determine what might cause it to
fail and
! As well as determine the effects that failure could have
Module 1 50
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Basic failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
! FMEA provides an excellent basis for classifying and identifying
CTQs and other critical failure and effects variables
! Objective of FMEA is to direct the available resources toward the
Module 1 51
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Basic failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
The following steps are used in performing an FMEA:
1. Define the system to be analyzed.
2. Construct process maps
3. Conduct SIPOC (supplier, input, process, output, customer) analysis for each
subprocess in the system
4. List the intended function of each step in the process or subprocess
5. For each process step, identify all potential item and interface failure modes and
define the effect on the immediate function or item, on the system, and on the mission
to be performed
6. Evaluate each failure mode in terms of the worst potential consequences which may
result and assign a severity classification category, or SEV
7. Determine the likelihood of occurrence of each failure mode and assign an
occurrence risk category, or OCC
Module 1 52
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Basic failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
8. Identify failure detection methods and assign a detectability risk category, or DET
9. Calculate the risk priority number (RPN) for the current system. RPN = SEV X OCC
10. Determine compensating provisions for each failure mode
11. Identify corrective design or other actions required to eliminate failure or control the
12. Identify effects of corrective actions on other system attributes
13. Document the analysis and summarize the problems which could not be corrected
and identify the special controls which are necessary to reduce failure risk
Module 1 53
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Basic failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
FMEA severity, likelihood, detectability rating guidelines table
Module 1 54
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Basic failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
FMEA severity, likelihood, detectability rating guidelines table (Cont'd)
7 Reduced customer loyalty. Internal Documented high failure rate Highly unlikely to detect before
operations adversely impacted reaching the customer (0.70 <p
8 Complete loss of customer goodwill. Undocumented high failure rate Poor chance of detection (0.90 <p
Internal operations <=0.95)
10 Catastrophic. Customer or employee Failures nearly always occur Nearly certain that failure won’t be
endangered without detected ( p = 1)
warning. Violation of law or regulation
Module 1 55
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Basic failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
Risk Priority Numbers;
A key to setting priorities; with larger RPNs having a higher priority
Some organizations have set guidelines on what actions are to be taken based on the
RPN value
The sum of the RPNs for all the potential failure modes is the overall RPN for the
process in question
One can anticipate and compare the effects of proposed changes by calculating
Must be customized to fit the product or process that is being analyzed as well as the
Module 1 56
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Design FMEA and Process FMEA
Design FMEA (DFMEA);
Is used to uncover design risk; including possible failure, degradation
Module 1 57
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Design FMEA and Process FMEA
Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA);
Used when a new product or process is being introduced as well as for determining
process controls
It can also play an important role in day to day improvement and problem solving
Module 1 58
End of Module 1
In this module we covered;
1. Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
1. Value of Six Sigma
2. Organizational Goals and Six Sigma Projects
3. Organizational Drivers and Metrics
Module 1 59
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 2 – Define Phase – Project Identification
Module 2 – Define Phase – Project
1. Overview of Define Phase
2. Project selection
3. Process elements
4. Benchmarking
5. Process inputs and outputs
6. Owners and stakeholders
Module 2 61
Module 2 – Define Phase – Project Identification
Overview of Define Phase
Module 2 62
Module 2 – Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Module 2 63
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
For the first two reasons, there are three ways to decide on a
specific project;
1. An 'in your face' problem or opportunity
2. Brainstorming based on individual or organization knowledge
of possible areas for improvement or opportunities to pursue
3. Structure project selection approach based on data impacting
the bottom line metrics.
Module 2 64
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Project Charter – The Project Charter is a more detailed version of the Business
Case. It further focuses the improvement effort. It has two primary sections; basic
project information and, simple project performance metrics.
Module 2 65
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Responsible Frequency
Party Resources of Update
Business Business Unit
Executive Sponsor N/A
Case Members
Business Champion & Ongoing /
Unit Financial Rep Black or Green Belt(s) D,M,A,I,C
Module 2 66
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Module 2 67
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
The selected measure or KPI should tie in directly with the organization's strategic
Narrow in on the greatest opportunity for improvement
Module 2 68
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Several key Business Measures, Metrics, or KPIs fall into the following
overall categories;
! Critical-to-cost
! Critical-to-schedule
! Critical-to-quality
Module 2 69
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Identifies areas of a process that significantly increase the expense
Critical-to-cost metrics should include not only the typical cost of a task, but
also the increased cost of errors incurred in the performance of this task
The amount of money required to align a product or service with quality
Module 2 70
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Cycle time is the most common critical-to-schedule metric. Cycle time is the
between process steps that add value and process steps that do not add
Use process efficiency and velocity numbers to assess value added relative
to cycle time
Module 2 71
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Critical-to-schedule (Cont'd);
In most Six Sigma projects, cycle time is considered secondary to metrics
It can be useful to baseline quality and cost metrics and then work to reduce
cycle time
Module 2 72
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
A common critical-to-quality metrics is yield, or the amount of completed
While useful, it does not indicate where in the process errors occurred
Yield does not distinguish those pieces of scrap that can still be salvaged
Module 2 73
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
1. An Activity is an action that has one or more processes associated to it;
such as a customer call received at a call center
2. A process is a specific, repetitive, and systematic set of steps to be followed
to produce a specific value-added outcome; such as signing up a new
customer for cable service. Processes have inputs, processing steps, and
Module 2 74
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
The Business Case communicates the need for the project in terms of
meeting business objectives
It is comprised of:
! Output unit (product or service) for external or internal customer
! Key business measure or KPI of output unit
! Baseline performance of key business measure or KPI
Gap in baseline performance of key business measure or KPI from business
Module 2 75
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
There are various approaches to selecting a project that we have already
touched on. Even if you started with an 'in your face' or brainstorming project
selection process, it is highly recommended that you validate the selection
using a structured approach.
Module 2 76
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
The structured approach.uses tools and data such as;
Customer Feedback/Complaint Data
Line Graph
Run Charts
Control Charts
Process Flowcharting
Layout Diagramming
Process Watch
Module 2 77
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Establishing the Primary Metric:
! The Primary Metric is a quantified measure of the defect or primary issue
! Links to the KPI or Key Business Measure
We can have only One Primary Metric. Recall the equation Y = f (X); well
once your defect is located then Y will be your defect. Your primary metric will
measure it
! Serves as the indicator of project success
Module 2 78
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Establishing Secondary Metrics:
Secondary Metrics measure potential changes that may occur as a result of
! Can have multiple Secondary Metrics
Module 2 79
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Cost Benefit Analysis;
Benefits should be calculated on the baseline key business process performance
Goals have to be defined realistically
Principles (GAAP)
Module 2 80
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Project Selection
Generating Charts;
! Display Primary and Secondary Metrics over time
! Should be updated regularly throughout the life of the project
! One for Primary Metric and one for each of the Secondary Metrics
! Typically utilize Time Series Plots
Module 2 81*
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
Six Sigma has a process focus In order ;
To understand how and why work gets done
To analyze and measure the process from start to finish as it is currently being
Resolve defects and errors by focusing on the process, not the people
Module 2 82
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
Process Maps
! Identify the complexity of the process
! Communicate the steps in the process
! Represents what is actually happening, not what you think is happening
! Should be created by the people who are closest to the process
Module 2 83
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
Process Maps
In the Define phase, they are used to record top-level processes
In the Measure phase, they are used to record the lower process levels and reveal
Module 2 84
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
By mapping processes we can identify important characteristics;
1. Process inputs (X’s)
2. Supplier requirements
3. Process outputs (Y’s)
4. Actual customer needs
5. All value-added and non-value added process tasks and steps
Module 2 85
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
By mapping processes we can identify important characteristics;
6.Data collection points
! Cycle times
! Defects
! Inventory levels
! Cost of poor quality, etc.
7.Decision points
8.Problems that have immediate fixes
9.Process control needs
Module 2 86
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
Standard symbols for Process Mapping;
Module 2 87
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
One of the Define Phase deliverables is the high level Process Map; which as a
minimum must include;
! Start and stop points
! All process steps
! All decision points
! Directional flow
! Value categories
Module 2 88
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
Process Maps come in two forms;
Linear Flow
Customer Take Make Cook Pizza Box Deliver Customer
Hungry Order Pizza Pizza Correct Pizza Pizza Eats
This diagram shows the process steps in a sequential flow, generally ordered from
an upper left corner of the map towards the right side
Module 2 89
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
Deployment Flow or Swim Lane
Pizza Box
Make Cook
Pizza Pizza Correct Pizza
The Swim Lane map shows who or which department is responsible for the steps
in a process. A timeline can be added to show how long it takes each group to
perform their work.
Module 2 90
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
Value categories are;
Value Added:
! Physically transforms the thing going through the process
! Adds quality or value
! Important from the customer s perspective
Value Enabling:
! Satisfies the requirements of non-paying external stakeholders, such as
Non-Value Added
! Everything else
Module 2 91
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
external customer.
External customers needs and requirements are best met when all process
Module 2 92
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
There three views of a process;
1. What is documented
2. What is actually is
3. What it should be
Module 2 93
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
The No Process Problem;
Many businesses and industries are notorious for their lack of “process-thinking.”
You may discover that there is no process for performing the work.
In these cases, bypass the Analysis step and proceed directly to Improve to design
and implement a production process that meets the needs of the customers
Key question is “Why was there no process, and what other products and services
Then bring the people who work the process together to develop the best method
Module 2 94
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
Process Exists, but not Followed. Either;
1. A “good” process exists (one that can “produce” the product/service at the required
quality levels), but it is not being followed.
Two questions come to mind:
1. Does staff understand the importance of the “standards?”
2. Does management emphasize their importance?
Solution is education and communication
Module 2 95
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
2. A “bad” process exists. Of course, the process must be revised
But the questions must be asked
1. Why are processes difficult to follow?
2. Are suggestions for improvement not offered, or taken?
3. Are the ad hoc 'processes' better?
Module 2 96
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Elements
Process Boundaries and Interfaces;
! Process Boundary defines the process entry and exit points where inputs flow in and
outputs flow out
! Provides a clear picture of the process scope
! Defines the external interfaces
! Internal interfaces
! Hand-off points within the process boundaries
! Most critical where the process crosses functional or organizational
! Most process inefficiencies are related to insufficient interface communication (lack
of coordination)
! Important to identify critical interfaces early on
Module 2 97
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
! Is a process for obtaining a measure
! Comes in three types; competitive, collaborative and best practices
! Used to measure progress against
! Dimensions typically measured are quality, time and cost
Module 2 98
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Benchmarking process;
1. Determine what and why you’re benchmarking - Decide on the real reasons
you’re benchmarking. Identify what you want to benchmark and the reasons why
2. Identify the drivers – find the drivers that will be used to determine the particular
metric you are benchmarking.
3. Find a way to measure – how are you going to measure these driver?
4. State your current situation – here you need to find your base point – measure
your current performance.
5. Identify who or what you are going to benchmark against – who do you want to
compare against? Competitors? Best Practices?
Module 2 99
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Competitive Benchmarking;
Can be defined as the continuous process of comparing a firm’s practices
Module 2 100
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Collaborative Benchmarking;
Carried out collaboratively by groups of companies; either related
Module 2 101
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Best Practices Benchmarking;
Is used to identifying and analyze world-class performance. This form of
its processes
Module 2 102
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
There is a wealth of benchmarking information already gathered and
available. Some available sources are;
1. American Productivity & Quality Center (APQC)
Module 2 103
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Inputs and Outputs
The Supplier, Inputs, Process, Output, Customer (SIPOC) model;
Provides a comprehensive look at a process.
SIPOC is used during the define stage of DMAIC to identify each top-level process,
Module 2 104
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Inputs and Outputs
! The list of Customers from your SIPOC are the starting point for the Voice of the
Customer analysis
! The major process steps (macro map) from your SIPOC are the overview for later
detailed process mapping
! The Inputs, Process Steps, and Outputs on your SIPOC generates ideas for what
can and should be measured, which feeds the Data Collection Plan in the Measure
! The SIPOC contains clues about potential root causes that drive performance
Module 2 105
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Inputs and Outputs
Suppliers are those persons who contribute inputs to the process
Inputs are defined as all of the knowledge, resources, and information required to
Customers are all of those parties that receive the deliverables (outputs)
Module 2 106
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Inputs and Outputs
Module 2 107
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Process Inputs and Outputs
SIPOC Map Construction
1. Name the process
2. Clarify the start and the stop (boundaries) of the process
3. List key outputs and customers
4. List key inputs and suppliers
5. Identify, name, and order the major process steps (guideline: 5 – 7 maximum)
Module 2 108
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Owners and Stakeholders
There is a wide range of Owners and Stakeholders;
Senior Executive
Provides the impetus, direction & alignment necessary for Six Sigma ultimate
The Senior Executive should:
Module 2 109
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Owners and Stakeholders
Executive Committee Member
! They are the top management of an organization
! Executive Committee Members should:
! Deploy Six Sigma throughout the organization
! Prioritize and manage Six Sigma portfolio
! Assign champion, BB and GB to Six Sigma projects
! Remove barriers to Six Sigma management
! Provide resources for Six Sigma management
Module 2 110
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Owners and Stakeholders
Process Owner
! Is the manager of a process. The process owner should be identified and involved in
Module 2 111
Module 2 –Define Phase – Project Identification
Owners and Stakeholders
! Is the recipient of the output (good, service, product or idea) obtained from a process
! Has the final 'say' on what constitutes acceptable quality and value; especially the
external customer
! Classic Lean definition of value is anything the customer is willing to pay for
Module 2 112
End of Project Identification
In this module we covered;
Module 2 113
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 3 – Define Phase – Voice of the Customer
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
1. What is the Voice of the Customer
2. Voice of the Customer Process
3. Customer identification
4. Customer data
5. Customer requirements
Module 3 115
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
What Is the Voice of the Customer?
! The term Voice of the Customer (VOC) is used to
describe customers’ needs in a process improvement
effort and their perceptions of your product or service.
Module 3 116
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Using the Voice of the Customer
! Understand why the Voice of the Customer (VOC) is
! Know how to create a plan for gathering VOC data
! Know how to analyze data through the use of affinity
Module 3 117
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
! VOC data helps an organization and a project to:
! Decide what products and services to offer
! Identify critical features and specifications for those products,
improvement against
! Identify key drivers of customer satisfaction
Module 3 118
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Why Collect VOC Data
! Customer requirements change constantly
! Specifications tend to focus on technical data only
! Critical to Quality (CTQ s) are measures that we use to capture VOC
properly. (also referred to in some literature as CTC s – Critical to
! CTQ s can be vague and difficult to define
Module 3 119
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
VOC Process
! Outcomes
! A list of customers and customer segments
! Identification of relevant reactive and proactive sources
of data
! Verbal or numerical data that identify customer needs
! Defined Critical to Quality requirements (CTQ)
! Specifications for each CTQ
Module 3 120
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer identification
! Goal
! Identify your customers
Module 3 121
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer identification
L Inputs Process Outputs O
I AB-588.2 M
! What are the outputs of your process? Who are the customers of that
! Are there particular groups of customers whose needs are especially
important to your organization and project success?
Module 3 122
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer identification
L Inputs Process Outputs O
I AB-588.2 M
! What are the outputs of your process? Who are the customers of that
! Are there particular groups of customers whose needs are especially
important to your organization and project success?
Module 3 123
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer Identification
! Customer status: Former Customers, Current Customers, Customers of
Competitors, Substitute Customers
! Where they are in the “customer chain”
! Internal user
! Distributor
! End user
! Geography
! Industry, Division or Department
! Demographics
Module 3 124
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer Identification
! If your customers seem to have similar needs across the board, you
don’t need to divide them into segments
Module 3 125
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer Data
! What do you need to know about the needs of the customers you’ve
identified to make sure your project’s purpose stays on track?
Module 3 126
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer Data
For all customers, you should ask questions such as:
1. What is important to you about our process/product/service? (Ask them to rank
each of these needs in order of importance.)
2. What do you think of as a defect?
3. How are we performing on the areas you consider important?
4. What do you like about our product/service?
5. What can we improve about our process/product/service?
What can we do to make your job easier?
6. What specific recommendations would you make to us?
Module 3 127
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer Data
! Reactive Data Collection - Data comes in whether action is taken or not
! Reactive collection generally gather data on:
! Current and former customer issues or problems as
communicated by them
! Current and former customers’ expressed interest in particular
Module 3 128
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer Data
Typical Reactive Data
! Customer complaints
! Problem or service hot lines
! Technical support calls
! Customer service calls
! Claims, credits, contested payments
! Sales reporting
! Product return information
! Warranty claims
! Web page activity
Module 3 129
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer Data
Typical Proactive Data
! Interviews
! Focus groups
! Surveys
! Comment cards
! Data gathering during sales visits or calls
! Direct customer observation
! Market research, market monitoring
! Benchmarking
! Quality scorecards
Module 3 130
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer Data
The last steps in planning your data collection are to decide;
! Specifically how the data will obtained
! Over what time frame the data gathering should take place
! And how will the data be recorded
Module 3 131
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer
Customer Requirements
! Goal is to generate a list of key customer needs in their language
! Summarize the data in a meaningful way
Module 3 132
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Is a process for translating customer requirements into appropriate company
requirements at each stage from research and product development to
engineering and manufacturing to marketing/sales and distribution
Understanding the VOC is key to successful QFD!!!
Module 3 133
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
QFD was developed in Japan in the late 1960s by Professors Yoji Akao and
Shigeru Mizuno.
They aimed at developing a quality assurance method that would design
customer satisfaction into a product before it was manufactured. Prior quality
control methods like Ishikawa were primarily aimed at fixing a problem during or
after manufacturing.
Module 3 134
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
QFD's Key Rationale:
1 Customers are our number one concern. Satisfied customers keep us
in business. Therefore, we must have an excellent understanding of
their needs.
2 Proactive product development is better than reactive product
development. QFD can help a company move toward a more proactive
3 Quality is a responsibility of everyone in the organization. QFD is a
team methodology which encourages a broader employee involvement
and focus.
4 The QFD methodology helps an organization determine the most
effective applications for many engineering and analytical tools such as:
Design of Experiments, Failure Analysis and Statistical Process Control.
Module 3 135
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
QFD's Recognizes:
1.The Impact of Needs on the Customer
2.That Customer Needs Change With Time
3.The impact of Communication of Customer Wants Throughout the
Module 3 136
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
Module 3 137
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
QFD Flow
Customer Requirements
Converted to
Company Measures
Converted to
Converted to
Manufacturing Process
Converted to
Production Requirements
(Day to Day Operations)
Module 3 138
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
When should QFD be used?
1 Customers are complaining or aren’t
satisfied with your product or service.
2 Market share has been consistently
3 Extended development time due to
excessive redesign, problem solving, or fire
4 Lack of a true customer focus in your
product development process.
5 Poor communications between
departments or functions.
(Over-the -wall product development).
6 Lack of efficient and/or effective teamwork.
Module 3 139
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
When should QFD be used?
1. Complex Product Development Initiatives
1. Communications Flow Down Difficult
2. Expectations Get Lost
2. New Product Initiatives / Inventions
1. Lack of Structure or Logic to the
Allocation of Development Resources.
3. Large Complex or Global Teams
1. Lack of Efficient And/or Effective
2. Teamwork Issues
4. Extended Product Development Times
1. Excessive Redesign
2. Changing Team
3. Problem Solving, or Fire Fighting.
Module 3 140
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
Competitive Advantages from QFD;
! Fewer and Earlier Changes
! Warranty Reduction
! Knowledge Transfer
Customer Satisfaction
Module 3 141
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
(Of Quality/Features) EXCITEMENT
Module 3 142
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
Voice of Translating
the customer for action
Module 3 143
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
Module 3 144
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
House of Quality is a
complex matrix diagram
extensively used in QFD
How to satisfy
customer wants
What the Relationship
customer matrix
How to Satisfy
Analysis of
What the
Customer Relationship
wants Wants
Attributes and
Lightweight 3 Customer
Easy to use 4 rating
Reliable 5 (5 = highest)
Easy to hold steady 2
Color correction 1
Module 3 146
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
House of Quality;
Low electricity requirements
How to Satisfy
Customer Wants
Analysis of
What the
Customer Relationship
Aluminum components
Attributes and
Ergonomic design
Auto exposure
How to Satisfy
Paint pallet
Customer Wants
Auto focus
Module 3 147
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
House of Quality; Interrelationships
How to Satisfy
Customer Wants
High relationship
Analysis of
What the
Customer Relationship
Lightweight 3
Easy to use 4
Reliable 5
Easy to hold steady 2
Color corrections 1
Relationship matrix
Module 3 148
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
House of Quality;
How to Satisfy
Customer Wants
Analysis of
What the
Customer Relationship
Relationships between Wants
Aluminum components
Paint pallet
Auto focus
Module 3 149
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
How to Satisfy
Customer Wants
Analysis of
What the
House of Quality; Customer Relationship
Attributes and
Lightweight 3
Easy to use 4
Reliable 5
Easy to hold steady 2
Color corrections 1
Our importance ratings 22 9 27 27 32 25
Weighted rating
Module 3 150
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
How to Satisfy
House of Quality; Customer Wants
Company B
Company A
Analysis of
What the
Customer Relationship
Attributes and
House of Quality;
How to
What Wants
s of
the Matrix
Panel ranking
Wants Technical
Attributes Target values
Evaluation (Technical
2 circuits
2’ to ∞
0.5 A
Aluminum components
Ergonomic design
Auto exposure
Company B
Company A
Paint pallet
Auto focus
Completed House of Quality Lightweight 3 G P
Easy to use 4 G P
Reliable 5 F G
Easy to hold steady 2 G P
Color correction 1 P P
22 9 27 27 32 25
Our importance ratings
Module 3 154
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
House of Quality – Things to ask
• How was the voice of the customer determined?
• How were the design requirements (etc) determined? Challenge the usual in-
house standards.
• How do we compare to our competition?
• What opportunities can we identify to gain a competitive edge?
• What further information do we need? How can we get it?
• How can we proceed with what we have?
• What trade-off decisions are needed?
Module 3 155
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
Module 3 156
Module 3 – Define Phase –
Voice of the Customer- Customer Requirements
QFD - Traps
! QFD on everything
! Inadequate priorities
! Lack of teamwork
! Wrong participants
! Turf issues
! Lack of team skills
! Lack of support
! Too much “chart focus”
! Handling trade-offs
! Too much internal focus
! “Stuck on tradition”
! “Hurry up and get done”
! Failure to integrate QFD
Module 3 157
End of Voice of the Customer
In this module we covered;
Customer identification
Customer data
Customer requirements
Module 3 158
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 4 – Define Phase – Project Management Basics
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics
1. Project charter
2. Project scope
3. Project metrics
4. Project planning tools
5. Project documentation
6. Project risk analysis
7. Project closure
Module 4 160
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Charter
A project charter is the initiating document for the project. It is used to:
• Better define your project
• Define what is Critical to Quality (CTQ’s) to the Customer
• Write a business case (links project to business goals)
• Write a problem and goal statement
• Scope a project
– State the problem or opportunity
– Establish the project goal(s)
– Identify criteria for success
– List assumptions, risks and obstacles
– Communicate the above
– Obtain management support
Module 4 161
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Charter
The Project Charter expands on the Business Case by clarifying the project
focus and performance measures. It is composed of;
Problem Statement – What is the defect or error in the process; and what are the
! Objective Statement – What is the target process improvement
! Scope – Articulates the boundaries of the project
! Primary Metric – The actual measurement of the defect or error in the process
! Standard Project Information – Key stakeholders, start & end dates, etc.
Module 4 162
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Charter
A good Project Charter;
Will establish clear deliverables, so its success or failure can be measured
Will direct employee efforts to the right areas because it will identify the key
aspects of performance
Is a living document. Expect to revise it during the Measure phase
Module 4 163
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Charter
Problem Statement
Module 4 164
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Charter
Problem Statement
Remember the 5W’s +1H
! What are the symptoms? What happens when the problem appears?
! Where do symptoms appear? Where don’t they appear?
! When do symptoms appear? Where don’t they appear?
! Who is involved? Who isn’t?
! Why deal with it now?
! How do we think it happened? How widespread is the problem?
Module 4 165
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Charter
Problem Statements
! A poor problem statement
– Product returns are too high and will be reduced by analysing first
and second level Pareto charts
Module 4 166
For any process, variation is the main reason for poor
performance, as it is;
So the problem statement will very often point us a uncovering the reason for
Module 4 167
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Charter
Project Objectives
! Should address the problem statement
! Quantify performance improvement
! Should also identify timing
! Needs to be Measurable, Actionable and Realistic
! Quality / Quantity / Time / Cost
! A poor objective
! Reduce product returns by implementing performance measures and
! A better objective
! Reduce product returns of product line abc from 5% to 2.5% by the
Module 4 169
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
! A process map is a graphical representation of the flow of a process
! A detailed process map includes information that can be used to improve the
process, such as:
! Process Times
! Quality
! Costs
! Inputs
! Outputs
Module 4 170
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
Module 4 171
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
Process Maps are used to;
! Identify areas for focus of improvement efforts
! Identify and eliminate non-value added steps
! Combine operations
! Assist root cause analysis
! Baseline for failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)
! Identify potential controllable parameters for designed experiments
! Determine needed data collection points
! Eliminate unnecessary data collection steps
Module 4 172
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
Process Map Example
Module 4 173
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
Process Maps
! Should include
! Major activities and tasks
! Sub-processes
! Process boundaries
! Inputs
! Outputs
Module 4 174
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
Steps for Process Mapping
! Scope the process
! Identify the start and end points of the process of interest
Module 4 175
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
Classifying Inputs;
! Inputs can be classified as one of three types
! Controllable (C)
! Noise (N)
Module 4 176
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
Pareto analysis helps to identify the top 20% of causes that needs to be
addressed to resolve the 80% of the problems.
Module 4 177
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
The result of a Pareto analysis is Pareto Chart
Module 4 178
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
Performing a Pareto analysis
1. Identify and List Problems
2. Identify the Root Cause of Each Problem
3. Score Problems
4. Group Problems Together By Root Cause
5. Add up the Scores for Each Group
Module 4 179
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
Things to do when performing the analysis;
! Define the purpose of using the tool.
! Use check sheets to collect data for the likely major causes.
! Carefully scrutinize the results. Has the exercise clarified the situation?
Module 4 180
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
Things to watch out for when doing a Pareto analysis;
! Misrepresentation of the data.
Module 4 181
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Scope
The cumilative Line;
! A Pareto chart with a steep cumulative line is better because in such a chart,
indicates no problems as more important than the rest, or that it may have
been subdivided too much
In this case, regrouping into a few large categories may bring about a better
Module 4 182
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Metrics
! Should be consistent with the problem statement and objectives
! Actual performance
! Examples:
! Rolled throughput yield (RTY)
Module 4 183
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Metrics
Secondary Metrics
! Secondary Metric(s) drive the right behaviour
! Tracks potential negative consequences or potential secondary positive
! More than one may be required
Module 4 184
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Planning Tools
Project planning tools include;
! Gantt charts, also commonly know as MS Project Plans
! Critical path method (CPM), usually overlaid on the Gantt chart
! Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) charts
! Work Breakdown Structures
Module 4 185
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Planning Tools
A Gantt chart shows the relationships among the project tasks, along with
time constraints. The horizontal axis of a Gantt chart shows the units of time.
The vertical axis shows the activities to be completed. Bars show the
estimated start time and duration of the various activities. The critical path will
be highlighted
Module 4 186
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Planning Tools
PERT & CPM are used for project scheduling.
Project scheduling by PERT-CPM consists of four basic phases:
! Planning
! Scheduling
! Improvement
! Controlling
! A network (or arrow) diagram is constructed with each activity being
represented by an arrow and graphically displays precedence
Module 4 187
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Planning Tools
PERT Chart
Module 4 188
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Planning Tools
Finding the Critical Path;
There are two time-values of interest for each event: its earliest time of
project. A critical path for a project is defined as a path through the network
such that the activities on this path have zero slack
Module 4 189
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Planning Tools
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS);
A process for defining the final and intermediate products of a project and
their relationships
Goal is to reduce complex problems to a collection of discrete and
manageable tasks
The WBS is represented as a tree diagram
In the Define phase, WBSs are combined with Pareto analysis to organize
Module 4 190
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Planning Tools
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS);
Module 4 191
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Documentation
Types of project documentation include;
Status reports
Management briefings
Story Boards
Summary spreadsheets
Module 4 192
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Documentation
Story Boards
Summarizes project progress
project progresses
Module 4 193
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Risk
! Project risk management is the art and science of identifying, analyzing, and
responding to risk throughout the life of a project and in the best interests of
meeting project objectives
! It can help improve project success by helping select good projects,
Module 4 194
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Risk
60% 47% 47% 43%
40% 35%
20% 6%
impact of occurrence
! Quantitative risk analysis - Numerically estimating the effects of risks on
project objectives using FMEA. The output is an RPN for each risk.
Module 4 196
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Risk
Risk Management Process.
! Risk response planning - Taking steps to enhance opportunities and reduce
identifying new risks, carrying out risk response plans, and evaluating the
effectiveness of risk strategies throughout the life of the project
Module 4 197
Module 4 – Define Phase –
Project Management Basics – Project Closure
Project Closure.
! Get sign-offs
Module 4 198
End of Project Management Basics
In this module we covered;
! Project charter
Project scope
Project metrics
Project documentation
Project closure
Module 4 199
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 5 – Define Phase – Management & Planning Tools
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
1. Affinity diagrams,
2. Interrelationship diagrams
3. Tree diagrams
4. Prioritization Matrices
5. Matrix diagrams,
6. Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC)
7. Activity Network diagrams
Module 5 201
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
Affinity Diagram
• Created in the 1960s by Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawakita.
• Tool for assimilating and understanding large amounts of information
• Draw out common themes from a large amount of information
• Discover all the hidden linkages
Module 5 202
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
How to Create an Affinity Diagram – Silent Brainstorming
! Gather a group together
! Individual silent brainstorming
! Record each idea with a marking pen on a separate sticky note or card.
! Need a complete statements
! Each participant reads and randomly posts their ideas on the wall
! Other participants can ask for clarification when an idea is read
! Do not place the notes in any order. Do not try to determine categories or
headings in advance
! After all ideas are posted begin Silent Consensus
Module 5 203
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
How to Create an Affinity Diagram – Silent Consensus
! The entire team gathers around the posted notes
! No talking during this step
! Look for ideas that seem to be related in some way
! Move the Post-Its and place them side by side
! Repeat until all notes are grouped
! Okay to have “loners” that don’t seem to fit a group
! It’s all right to move a note someone else has already moved
! If a note seems to belong in two groups, make a second note
Module 5 204
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
How To Create an Affinity Diagram - Clarification Step
! Participants can discuss the “results” of the chart
! Look for a note in each grouping that captures the meaning of the group. If
! Want 6 – 10 headers
! Take the time to do this step – it is the foundation for the other tools
Module 5 205
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
Affinity Diagram Example
Issue Statement
Issues Affecting the High Staff Turnover
of Sunshine County Health Department
Header Cards:
Low Professional Low
Salary Development Morale
Module 5 206
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
Interrelationship diagrams
Identifies and explores causal relationships among related concepts or ideas
Use the strategic factors derived from your affinity diagram to develop the
Module 5 207
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
Interrelationship Diagraming Steps:
! Write each concern on a piece of paper in a circular pattern (allow room
between concepts)
! Number them to make comparison process easier to track
Module 5 208
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
Interrelationship Diagraming Steps (cont'd):
! Analyze the diagram
! Count the arrows (# out - # in)
! Highest out are primary drivers or key causes
! Resources here can produce pronounced change
! Lowest are key bottlenecks
! Affected by many other options
! May be inhibiting other options from proceeding as required
! Highlight primary drivers and key bottlenecks
Note: examine only cause and effect relationships. Likely will have arrows
® Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ASQ Quality Press
Module 5 210
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
Interrelationship Diagram example
® Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ASQ Quality Press
Module 5 211
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
Tree diagrams
Deconstruct a high-level entity, factor, deliverable or plan into its component
elements or tasks
! Usage examples: deploy a quality plan, a work breakdown structure, or
develop objectives, policies and implementation steps
! Use the key drivers and bottlenecks identified from your interrelationship
diagram .
! Refer to ideas associated with that factor on your affinity diagram.
! Develop a tree diagram including this information, and expand it into several
Module 5 212
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
Creating a Tree Diagram
Work from left to right
Module 5 213
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management & Planning Tools
Tree Diagram Example
Key Driver Goals Strategies
Module 5 214*
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Matrix Diagrams
Various types;
SMART Plan - Technique for structuring the task details when planning the
Module 5 215
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Prioritization Matrix (aka Criteria Matrix)
! Prioritizes issues, tasks, characteristics, based on weighted criteria using a
combination of tree and matrix diagram techniques
! Prioritization matrices are designed to reduce the number of options to
consider before implementation planning occurs
Module 5 216
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Prioritization Matrix (aka Criteria Matrix) Creation
1. Construct an L-Shaped matrix combining the options, which are the lowest-
level of detail of the tree diagram with the criteria
2. Determine the implementation criteria using any technique that will
satisfactorily weight the criteria
3. Prioritize the criteria using the weighting technique. Each team member
weights the criteria so the total weight equals 1, and the results are totaled
for the entire team.
4. Rank order the options in terms of importance by each criterion, average
the results, and round to the nearest whole number
5. Compute the option importance score under each criterion by multiplying
the rank by the criteria weight
Module 5 217
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Prioritization Matrix (aka Criteria Matrix) Example
© Changing Minds
Module 5 218
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC)
Maps out all contingencies when moving from statement of purpose to its
Typical applications
Module 5 219
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC)
! A type of Tree Diagram
! First level: purpose
Module 5 220
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC) Creation
1. The team refers to a previously completed data collection and analysis.
This data source can be a tree diagram, matrix diagram, a problem
specification, or some other tool reference.
2. The next step is to construct a PDPC chart as outlined in the example
Conversion of an Assembly Line to Work Cells .
3. First, list the project goal, followed by a lower level of primary activities
detailed further into required tasks . Ensure that all activities have been
considered from the data source.
Module 5 221
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC) Creation
4. For each task or requirement, ask what-ifs. See example What if there is an
interruption in production output? What if there is equipment downtime?
5. For every what-if, consider what countermeasures can be taken. Connect
what-ifs and countermeasures to the tasks to complete the chart. Designate
countermeasures as practical and feasible = 0, or impractical and difficult = X.
6. Review the chart, make revisions if needed, and provide date of issue
Module 5 222
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC) Symbols
Module 5 223
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC) Example
Module 5 224
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Activity Network Diagram
A diagram of project activities that shows the sequential and simultaneous
completion time, the most optimistic time, and the most pessimistic time
It is useful to pictorially depict the dependencies and opportunities for
Module 5 225
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Activity Network Diagram Creation
1. First list down all the activities involved in the project
2. Find out the chronological order of the activities
3. Find out tasks that can be executed simultaneously
4. Arrows depict an activity, whereas the nodes depict the start and end of an
5. There should be only a single Start and End Nodes for a project
7. Draw it out.
Module 5 226
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Activity Network Diagram Creation
1. First list down all the activities involved in the project
2. Find out the chronological order of the activities
3. Find out tasks that can be executed simultaneously
4. Arrows depict an activity, whereas the nodes depict the start and end of an
5. There should be only a single Start and End Nodes for a project
7. Draw it out.
Module 5 227
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Activity Network Diagram Drawing it out
1. Find all of the activities that start at node 1. Draw their finish nodes and
draw arrows between node 1 and those finish nodes. Put the activity letter
or name and duration estimate on the associated arrow.
2. Continuing drawing the network diagram, working from left to right. Look for
bursts and merges. A burst occurs when a single node is followed by two or
more activities. A merge occurs when two or more nodes precede a single
3. Continue drawing the project network diagram until all activities that have
dependencies are included in the diagram.
4. As a rule of thumb, all arrowheads should face toward the right, and no
arrows should cross in an AOA network diagram
Module 5 228
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Activity Network Diagram Example
Module 5 229
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Activity Network Diagram Calculations
1. First take note of which of the nodes will take the most amount of time, and which of
those nodes will to take the least amount of time
2. The Critical Path is a line that goes through all of the nodes that have the longest
expected completion times.
3. The expected completion time as defined by the critical path is know as the Most
Likely Time
4. To come up with the Most Optimistic Time, decide upon the shortest possible time
for each of the nodes, and then add those up
5. To come up with the Pessimistic Time decide upon the longest possible time for
each of the nodes, and then add those up
Module 5 230
Module 5 – Define Phase –
Management Management & Planning Tools
Activity Network Diagram Calculations
1. Expected Time = Optimistic + (4*Most Likely) + Pessimistic
Module 5 231
Management & Planning Tools
In this module we covered
! Affinity diagrams,
! Interrelationship diagrams
! Tree diagrams
! Prioritization Matrices
! Matrix diagrams,
! Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC)
! Activity Network diagrams
Module 5 232
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 6 – Define Phase – Business Results for Projects
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects
1. Process Performance
2. Communication
Module 6 234
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Sigma Levels and Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)
! Six Sigma uses the DPMO level of a process to generate a Sigma
WARNING: The normal distribution and DPMO will not apply if special
causes are dominant within the process
Module 6 235
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Six Sigma uses the standard normal distribution as its measurement
Module 6 236
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Sigma Levels and Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)
! Note that theoretically Six Sigma applied to a normal distribution is
process average
! This allows for the natural propensity of processes to drift
! The DPMO are calculated first and then translated into a Sigma value
Module 6 237
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Sigma Level Conversion Table
Module 6 238
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
First Pass Yield (YFP )
! A YFP is the fraction of units produced by a sub-process without a defect
First Pass Yield will be used to calculate process sigmas
! Calculate as follows:
Module 6 240
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Rolled Throughput Yield (Y RTP or RTY)
Is the probability of a “unit” going through all the processes without a defect
Module 6 241
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Non-normal Data
! The sigma and yield relationships shown on the table on slide 6 are based
on the normal distribution
! DO NOT misinterpret this to mean that only normally distributed data can be
used to calculate a sigma – there is an alternative.
! In some cases, the non-normal data can be transformed to a normal
distribution via logarithms to a normal distribution
Module 6 242
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
! As a Green Belt, one of your tasks will be to estimate COPQ for your
! Through your process exploration and project definition work you will
develop a refined estimate of the COPQ in your project
! This project COPQ represents the financial opportunity of your
team s improvement effort (VOB)
! Calculating COPQ is iterative and will change as you learn more
about the process
Module 6 243
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
! COPQ helps us understand the financial impact of problems created by
! COPQ is a symptom, not a defect
! The concepts of traditional Quality Cost are the foundation for COPQ.
! A significant portion of COPQ from any defect comes from effects that are
of waste
Module 6 244
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Internal COPQ
! Rework
! Inspection
! Etc..
External COPQ
! Returns
! Warranty work
! Loss of Customers
! Etc...
Module 6 245
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
While hard savings are always more desirable because they are easier
to quantify, it is also necessary to think about soft savings
Module 6 246
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
COPQ Prevention
! Error Proofing
! Supplier Certification
! Etc..
COPQ Detection
! Supplier Audits
! Rejected parts
! Logged rework
! Etc...
Module 6 247
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Process Capability Index
! Quantifies the ability of a process to meet the expectations of
Module 6 248
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Process Capability Index
! Usually converted into a standard deviation or DPMO. In the Measure
! In the control stage, these indices are used to monitor processes to
Module 6 249
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Process Capability Index Creation
! First use a control chart to determine the stability of the process.
denoted Cp
! Cp compares the process spread to the width of the tolerances. If the
tolerances are wider than the process spread then potentially the
process can achieve what is being asked of it
! The tolerances are denoted UTL (Upper spec) and LTL (Lower spec)
Module 6 250
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Process Capability Index Creation
! Cp in itself is insufficient as it would not, for example distinguish
between processes that have the same spread and Cp also takes no
account of setting
! Cpk addresses these issues by taking account of setting and the
to either tolerance against the distance from the process centre to the
top or bottom of the process
! We take the worst case in order to establish the overall Cpk
OR Whichever is lower
Module 6 251
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Process Capability Index Interpretation
! Cpk's best achievable value is to equal Cp
! This will occur when the process is equidistant from the two limits (i.e.
Module 6 252
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Process Capability Index Interpretation (con't)
! The aim should always be for Cp = Cpk (i.e. properly centered)
! Normally distributed
Note: Due to its composite nature it is less helpful in showing what has
to change
Module 6 253
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Process Performance
Process Capability Improvement
! The approach to improving process capability is essentially about
Module 6 254
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Communication
! Effective Communication is key to a successful Six Sigma project.
! Communications is conducted both formally and informally
! Effective communication involves understand the characteristics of
both formal and informal communication
! Formal communication is the flow of communication within the chain
of command
! Informal communication is all other communication within the
Module 6 255
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Communication
Top-Down Communication
manuals, etc.
Module 6 256
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Communication
Bottom-Up Communication
! One of the three formal channels
! Heard
! Anonymous
! Example devices: suggestion boxes, group meetings, participative
Module 6 257
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Communication
Horizontal Communication
! One of the three formal channels
Module 6 258
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Communication
Horizontal Communication
! One of the three formal channels
Module 6 259
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Communication
Informal Communication
! Communications within organizations do not necessarily follow the
formal pathways
! Most organizations have extensive networks of informal
! Since they are ingrained into organizational life, you should use them
! Grapevine—75% accurate
Module 6 260
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Communication
Barriers to Communication
! Interpersonal barriers which include problems with emotions and
! Semantics
Module 6 261
Module 6 – Define Phase –
Business Results for Projects - Communication
Barriers to Communication
! Organizational barriers
! Formal channels may not be available for upward, downward,
Module 6 262
Business Results for Projects
In this module we covered
Process Performance
Module 6 263
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 7 – Define Phase – Team Dynamics and Performance
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Dynamics and Performance
1. Team stages and dynamics
2. Team roles and responsibilities
3. Team tools
4. Team Communication
Module 7 265
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Stages and Dynamics
Team Stages and Dynamics
Module 7 266
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Stages and Dynamics
Team Stage 1; Forming
! Definition: Stage 1 teams are generally new teams that are learning how to
work together
! Characteristics of stage 1 teams: Members tend to be tentative and
polite and to have little conflict
! Critical skills and activities: Stage 1 teams need to identify their purpose,
develop group norms, identify group processes, define roles, build
relationships and trust
! Role of facilitator/leader: Stage 1 teams usually need a strong leader who
can help the team go through its forming activities
Module 7 267
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Stages and Dynamics
Team Stage 2: Storming
! Definition: Stage 2 teams have moved past the early forming stages and
are now encountering some disagreements and/or conflict. This is natural, but
teams need to find effective ways to handle conflict before they can move on
to stage 3.
! Group characteristics: Members of stage 2 teams tend to exhibit
conflict; clarify their roles, power, and structure; and build consensus through
re-visiting purpose.
! Role of leader(s): Stage 2 teams need leaders and other team members
Module 7 268
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Stages and Dynamics
Team Stage 3: Norming
! Definition: Stage 3 teams have successfully moved out of the
storming stage and are ready to move to a higher level of
communication and problem-solving.
! Group characteristics: Members of stage 3 teams demonstrate an
improved ability to complete tasks, solve problems, resolve conflict.
! Critical skills and activities: Stage 3 teams need to learn to
engage in more sophisticated problem-solving and decision-making,
continue the use of effective strategies for conflict resolution and
take greater levels of responsibility for their roles
! Role of leader(s): In stage 3, leaders become less directive, team
members feel empowered, and multiple leaders emerge
Module 7 269
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Stages and Dynamics
! Team Stage 4: Performing
! Definition: Stage 4 teams are at the highest level of performance and can
process their strengths and weaknesses while accomplishing their goals.
! Group characteristics: In stage 4, the team takes a flexible approach to
roles and structures depending on the task at hand. The team is able to
evaluate its effectiveness and views conflict is viewed as an opportunity.
Stage 4 teams tend to be energetic, creative, and fun!
! Critical skills and activities: Stage 4 teams need to hold high
expectations for their performance. They often use sub-groups as well as
the large group for decision-making and task completion. Teams also
recognize the need to ensure that all members are in agreement with the
role and purpose of sub-groups.
! Role of Leader: In a stage 4 team, it’s often difficult to identify the leader,
because everyone is sharing in leadership
Module 7 270
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Stages and Dynamics
During the Storming stage team members:
! Realize that the task is more difficult than they imagined
Module 7 271
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Stages and Dynamics
During the Storming stage:
! Separate problem issues from people issues
! Look for underlying needs, goals of each party rather than specific solutions
Module 7 272
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Stages and Dynamics
Storming stage – Five Responses to Conflict
Avoidance - the least cooperative and assertive way to resolve a conflict,
though ok if the issue is insignificant
Accommodation - can be a valuable tool in conflict resolution, as long as it
does not engender resentment
Competition - Can be a great way to settle disputes and generate excellent
work as long as it doesn't get out of hand
Compromise - useful response to conflict when maintaining team harmony is
more important than coming up with the best possible solution
Collaboration - an effective style of conflict resolution when both parties
have good points. Also is appropriate when members of a team have different
areas of expertise, and so it is a good idea to combine their perspectives
Module 7 273
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Roles and Responsibilities
Takes a very active sponsorship and leadership role in conducting and implementing
Champions should:
Module 7 274
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Roles and Responsibilities
Master Black Belt
Takes a leadership role as keeper of the Six Sigma process and advisor to executives
Module 7 275
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Roles and Responsibilities
Black Belt
! Is a full time change agent and improvement leader.
! Black Belts should:
! Communicate with the champion and process owner about progress of
the project
! Help team members design and analyze experiments
! Provide training in tools and team functions to project team members
! Coach Green belts leading projects limited in scope
Module 7 276
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Roles and Responsibilities
Green Belt
! Is an individual who works on projects part time, either as a team member for
Module 7 277
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Dynamics and Performance
Team tools - Brainstorming
Module 7 278
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Dynamics and Performance
Team tools – Brainstorming
Brainstorming can:
Break through traditional thinking about a problem.
Module 7 279
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Dynamics and Performance
Team tools - Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
Module 7 280
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Dynamics and Performance
Team tools - Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
Module 7 281
Module 7 – Define Phase –
Team Dynamics and Performance
Team Communication
The Six Sigma team uses the usual forms of communications; both within the
team and out to other teams and stakeholders. These include:
! Status reports and status meetings
! E-Mail, Phone, and face-to-face meetings
! Project Wiki and Sharepoint
! Other project documentation and information radiators
! Meetings and interviews on specific topics
Module 7 282
Team Dynamics and Performance
In this module we covered
! Team stages and dynamics
! Team roles and responsibilities
! Team tools
! Team Communication
Module 7 283
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Define Phase – Summary & Review Questions
Define Phase – Summary
! Identify a process to improve
! Identify the customer (internal or external)
! Outline the customer’s critical to quality (CTQ) parameter(s)
! Set our improvement goals
! Identify other stakeholders
! Develop a business case
! Define a high-level as-is state of the business process
! Gain consensus on the business case and mobilize the required resources
! Develop a high-level process map
! Plan our Six Sigma project
Define Summary & Review
Define Phase – Summary
Questions to Ask at Phase End
! Will our customers relate to our CTQ list?
! Are we working on the critical X's?
! What sources of information and data are we using?
! What is our As Is SIPOC?
! Do we have consensus and buy in from our key stakeholders?
a. Ending
b. Beginning
c. Decision
d. Repair station
a. Pareto Chart
c. Np Chart
d. X-Y Diagram
Module 8 292
Module 8 – Measure Phase –
Process Analysis and Documentation
Measure Phase
! The team will focus on gathering the information necessary to complete the
! First, the team will attempt to define each relevant process in great detail
! It will be necessary to develop a group of metrics appropriate to the
! No metric is complete until accompanied by a measurement analysis
system that identifies and quantifies any common errors in the metric
! The final general objective of the measure phase is to estimate process
Module 8 293
Module 8 – Measure Phase –
Process Analysis and Documentation
Process Maps
! Process maps and the mechanics of creating them were described in
Module 2
! In the Measure phase, they are used to record the lower process levels and
reveal differences in the perceptions of shareholders
! Process maps are good at finding process complexities, shareholders, and
inefficient locations
! The goal of process maps is to spot redundant, unnecessary decisions and
tasks and to discover ways to simplify processes
Module 8 294
Module 8 – Measure Phase –
Process Analysis and Documentation
Flow Charts
! A standard diagramming technique that most people are familiar with
! In the Measure phase, flowcharts can be used to map a process as it is
currently being performed or to identify how different shareholders perceive
a particular process or problem
! Look for a preponderance of decision points, as this may lead to
unnecessary delays or adverse variations
Module 8 295
Module 8 – Measure Phase –
Process Analysis and Documentation
Analyze Work Documents
! Deconstructing the process from manuals, and other instruction or training
! Use to produce the various process and work flow diagrams
! Danger is that actual process may deviate from the documented process so
best to observe and record the actual process
Module 8 296
Process Analysis and Documentation
In this module we covered;
! Measure Phase Overview
! Process Analysis and Documentation
Module 8 297
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 9 – Measure Phase – Probability and Statistics
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics
1. Basic Probability Concepts
2. Central Limit Theorem
Module 9 299
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics - Basic Concepts
Statistical Notation – Cheat Sheet
Summation An individual value, an observation
The Standard Deviation of population data For each, all, individual values
Module 9 301
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics - Basic Concepts
Module 9 302
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics - Basic Concepts
Module 9 303
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics - Basic Concepts
! Population: All the items that have the property of interest under study
! Frame: An identifiable subset of the population
! Mode: the most common value
Median :The value which comes half way when the data are ranked in order
smallest and largest observations from the data set and then calculating the
average of the remaining observations
Module 9 304
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics – Basic Concepts
Standard Deviation - Sample
Module 9 305
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics – Basic Concepts
Mean – Sample
Mean - Population
Module 9 306
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics – Basic Concepts
Variance – Sample
Variance - Population
Module 9 307
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics – Basic Concepts
Standard Error
Module 9 308
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics – Central Limit Theorem
Module 9 309
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics – Central Limit Theorem
Module 9 311
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics – Central Limit Theorem
3. Find the margin of error. Often, however, you will need to compute the
margin of error, based on one of the following equations.
! Margin of error = Critical value * Standard deviation of statistic
Module 9 312
Module 9 – Measure Phase –
Probability and Statistics – Central Limit Theorem
Hypothesis Testing
Module 9 313
Probability and Statistics
In this module we covered
! Basic Probability Concepts
! Central Limit Theorem
Module 9 314
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 10 – Measure Phase – Statistical Distributions
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
1. Statistical Distributions
Module 10 316
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Normal Distributions
! A continuation of the discussion on normal distribution from module 9
! What makes a distribution normal?
! Only random error is present
! Process free of assignable cause
! Process free of drifts and shifts
Module 10 317
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
The Normal Curve is a smooth, symmetrical, bell-shaped curve,
generated by the density function
Module 10 318
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Each combination of Mean and Standard Deviation generates a unique
Normal Curve:
Has a µ = 0, and σ = 1
Module 10 319
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Empirical Rule
! 68.27% of the values lie within one standard deviation of the mean
! 95.45% of the values lie within two standard deviations of the mean
! 99.73% of the values lie within three standard deviations of the mean
Module 10 320
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Binomial Distributions
! Binomial distributions are useful when the units in a population exist in only
two states.
! A binomial distribution only applies when trials are independent and the
number of samples in the population is fixed.
! In a binomial distribution, the distributional parameter is the average
! This value is assumed or calculated by dividing the number of sample items
that meet the condition by the total number of items in the sample
Module 10 321
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Binomial Distribution vs. Normal Distribution
Module 10 322
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
! Poisson distribution can guess the number of times a particular condition
will occur for a given process or population; such as non-conforming units
! The distinguishing feature of the Poisson distribution is its appropriateness
for situations in which the targeted condition may occur more than once in
each unit
! The Poisson distribution accurately estimates the number of events in each
sample unit
! The trials be should be independent, and the data should be composed of
positive whole numbers.
! The distributional parameter is the average number of instances per unit
Module 10 323
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Poisson Distribution Plot
© Wikipedia
The horizontal axis is the index k, the number of occurrences. The CDF is discontinuous at the integers of k
and flat everywhere else because a variable that is Poisson distributed can only take on integer values
Module 10 324
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Poisson Distribution Formula
A discrete random variable X is said to have a Poisson distribution with
parameter λ > 0, if, for k = 0, 1, 2, …, the probability mass function of X is
given by:
e is Euler's number (e = 2.71828...)
k! is the factorial of k
The positive real number λ is equal to the expected value of X and also to its
Module 10 325
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Chi Square
A goodness-of-fit tests used measure the validity of a statistical assessment
! Chi-square analysis is primarily used to deal with categorical (frequency)
! We measure the “goodness of fit” between our observed outcome and the
Module 10 326
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Chi Square
! Usually, the higher the chi-square statistic, the greater likelihood the finding
is significant, but you must look at the corresponding p-value to determine
! Many datasets encountered in Six Sigma have normal or approximately
! of sample variances has the form (except for a constant) of a chi-square
! distribution
! Chi square requires that there be 5 or more in each cell of a 2x2 table and
5 or more in 80% of cells in larger tables. No cells can have a zero count
Module 10 327
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Chi Square Formula
Module 10 328
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Chi Square – Degree of Freedom (df)
Module 10 329
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Chi Square Table
! Used to determine P value
! The first row of numbers indicates probability.
! For your degrees of freedom (df) read across that row until you find the
Module 10 330
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Student’s t
It is used to express confidence intervals for a set of data and to statistically
Larger spread about zero due to increased variability due to using a sample
Module 10 331
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Student’s t
Population is normal although this assumption can be relaxed if sample size
is “large”
Random sample was drawn from the population of interest
Module 10 332
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
t distribution
Module 10 333
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Student’s t Distribution Critical Value
The critical value t with probability p lying to its right is found by looking up
on a t Distribution Critical Values Table
Module 10 334
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
Student’s t Distribution Critical Values Table (1-tailed)
Use the row corresponding to df and the column corresponding to p
Better yet use Excel's TINV() though double the probability as it generates 2-
tailed results
Module 10 335
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
F Distribution
! This test can be used to either,
! Test the equality of population variances
! Test the equality of population means in ANOVA
! Tests for regression models (slopes relating one continuous
variable to another
! There is a different F distribution for every possible pair of degrees of
! There are two sample variances involved and two sets of degrees of
! The expected value of any F distribution is 1 if the null hypothesis is true
Module 10 336
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
F Distribution Formula
! Let be the variance of the first sample and be the variance of the
second sample. The two samples need not have the same sample size.
! F is the F distribution.
Module 10 337
Module 10 – Measure Phase –
Statistical Distributions
F Distribution Curve
Module 10 338
Statistical Distributions
In this module we covered
Statistical Distributions
Module 10 339
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 11 – Measure Phase – Collecting and Summarizing Data
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
1. Types of data and measurement scales
2. Sampling and data collection methods
3. Descriptive statistics
4. Graphical methods
Module 11 341
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Types of data
Attribute Data (Qualitative)
! Is always binary, there are only two possible values (0, 1)
Variable Data (Quantitative)
! Discrete (Count) Data
! Can be categorized in a classification and is based on counts.
! Takes on only a finite number of points that can be represented by the
non-negative integers
! Continuous Data
! Can be measured on a continuum,
! It has subdivisions that are meaningful, such as; Time, Pressure,
Conveyor Speed, Material feed rate and Money
! Always more desirable
! In some cases Attribute Data can be converted to Continuous
Module 11 342
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Module 11 343
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Sampling and data collection methods
! One of your first decisions in the sampling arena is the type of study or
question(s) you have
! Take into account the rate of change of the process, the faster the process,
the more frequent should be the sampling
! Another factor is the number/value of items produced between samples as
there is a risk of missing a problem
! A sampling pattern that is too regular runs the risk of adversely affecting the
randomness of our sample and inadvertently syncing with some unknown
! Always ensure that sampling plans and data collection plans are properly
Module 11 344
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Sampling must be:
Module 11 345
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
The 5 basic sampling methods
1. Simple Random Sampling - When every unit in the population has the
same chance of being selected
2. Stratified Sampling - When the population is divided into groups and a
sample is taken from each of the groups
3. Systematic Sampling - Some criteria or method exists regarding the
selection of samples. For instance, every 10th. unit might be selected
4. Cluster Sampling - A representative group is selected out of the
population, and then a random sample is drawn from that group
5. Judgment Sampling - Relies on expert opinions in their selection of a
sample group. This mode of sampling is appropriate when the samples
must have particular characteristics not common to every member of the
Module 11 346
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Data Collection Plan
! Provides a documented strategy for gathering the data
! Answers questions like;
Module 11 347
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Check Sheets
! A check sheet is a custom-designed tally sheet to collect data on frequency
of occurrence
! A simple and effective way to display data
! Use when the data can be observed and collected repeatedly by either the
events, problems, defects, and defect location, and for identifying defect
! Come in three forms; tally sheets, location check sheets and graphical or
Module 11 348
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Check Sheets
! Tally Sheets are commonly used to collect data on quality problems and to
determine the frequency of events
! Location Check Sheets are a diagram of the part or item where the
defects are marked; a familiar example is the rental car diagram where you
mark any damage. A variation is marking any error on a document on the
document itself
Module 11 349
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Check Sheets
Graphical or Distribution Check Sheets using a graphical form, the
person collecting the data is able to visualize the distribution of the data.
© Changing Minds
Module 11 350
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Data Coding
! A systematic way in which to condense extensive data sets into smaller
analyzable units through the creation of categories and concepts derived
from the data
When to code;
! When testing a hypothesis (deductive), categories and codes can be
developed before data is collected.
! When generating a theory (inductive), categories and codes are generated
after examining the collected data
Module 11 351
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Data Coding
! A systematic way in which to condense extensive data sets into smaller
analyzable units through the creation of categories and concepts derived
from the data
When to code;
! When testing a hypothesis (deductive), categories and codes can be
developed before data is collected.
! When generating a theory (inductive), categories and codes are generated
after examining the collected data
Module 11 352
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Why Code?
! It lets you make sense of and analyze your data.
! For qualitative studies, it can help you generate a general theory.
! The type of statistical analysis you can use depends on the type of data you
collect, how you collect it, and how it’s coded.
! Coding facilitates the organization, retrieval, and interpretation of data and
leads to conclusions on the basis of that interpretation
Module 11 353
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
! For interviews, focus groups, observations, etc. , codes are developed
Module 11 354
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Data Screening
! Used to identify miscoded, missing, or messy data
! Find possible outliers, non-normal distributions, other anomalies in the data
! Can improve performance of statistical methods
! Screening should be done with particular analysis methods in mind
Code Book
! Allows study to be repeated and validated.
! Allows comparison with other studies.
Module 11 355
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Module 11 356
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics describe the properties of empirical distributions, that is,
distributions of data from samples. There are three areas of interest: the
distribution’s location or central tendency, its dispersion, and its shape
Measures of Location (central tendency)
! Mean
! Median
! Mode
! Interquartile Range - the difference between the 25th and 75th percentiles
! Standard deviation
! Variance
Module 11 357
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Descriptive statistics
Measures of Shape
! Skewness - A measure of asymmetry. Zero indicates perfect symmetry; aka
Module 11 358
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Skewness formula For univariate data Y1, Y2, ..., YN
Module 11 359
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Measures of Shape
Kurtosis - Is a measure of flatness of the distribution. Heavier tailed
distributions have larger kurtosis measures. The normal distribution has a
kurtosis of 3
Module 11 360
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Kurtosis formula For univariate data Y1, Y2, ..., YN
Some sources use excess kurtosis which uses a formula that gives a normal
distribution a value of 0. The formula subtracts 3 from the formula above.
Module 11 361
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Descriptive statistics
Frequency Distributions
! An empirical presentation of a set of observations
! If it is is ungrouped, it simply shows the observations and the frequency of
each number
! If it is grouped, then the data are assembled into cells, each cell
representing a subset of the total range of the data
! The frequency in each cell completes the grouped frequency
! Frequency distributions are often graphically displayed in histograms or
stem-and-leaf plots
Module 11 362
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Descriptive statistics
! Cumulative Frequency Distributions
! The total frequency distributions up to and including a particular value
! In the case of grouped data, the cumulative frequency is computed as the
total number of observations up to and including a cell boundary
! Often displayed as an ogive
Module 11 363
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
! A scatter diagram is a plot of one variable versus another.
! One variable is called the independent variable and it is usually shown on
Module 11 364
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Scatter diagrams display different patterns that must be interpreted
Module 11 365
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Scatter diagrams display different patterns that must be interpreted
Module 11 366
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Scatter diagrams Key Points
! Be sure that the independent variable, X, is varied over a su⁄ciently large
range. When X is changed only a small amount, you miss a correlation,
even though it really does exist
! If you make a prediction for Y, for an X value that lies outside of the range
you tested, be advised that the extrapolation is highly questionable
! Keep an eye out for the effect of variables you didn’t evaluate. It may
either wipe out the effect of your X variable or make you mistake the X
variable you are controlling as the true cause
! Beware of ‘‘happenstance’’ data
! If there is more than one possible source for the dependent variable, use
different plotting symbols for each source
Module 11 367
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Normal Probability plots
! A graphing technique for assessing whether or not a data set is
approximately normally distributed
! Data is plotted against a theoretical normal distribution in such a way that
the points should form an approximate straight line.
! Departures from this straight line indicate departures from normality
! Used to confirm if a normal distribution is a good model for the data
Module 11 368
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Normal Probability plots
Module 11 369
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Creating Normal Probability Plots
Observations are plotted as a function of the corresponding normal order
statistic medians which are defined as:
Ni = G(Ui)
Where Ui are the uniform order statistic medians (defined below) and G is the percent
point function (inverse of the cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution
In addition, a straight line can be fit to the points and added as a reference line
Module 11 370
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
! A pictorial representation of a set of dat.
! Displays the numbers in a way that makes it easy to see the dispersion and
Module 11 371
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Creating Histograms
1. Compute range of your data
2. Number of cells determined by sample size
! 100 or less = 7 to 10 cells
! 101-200 = 11 to 15 cells
! 201 or more = 13 to 20 cells
3. Compute width (W) of each cell W = range/# of cells
4. Compute ‘cell boundaries.
5. They have one more decimal place than the raw data values in the data set
6. Low boundary of the first cell is less than the smallest value in the data set
7. Other cell boundaries are found by adding W to the previous boundary
8. Determine into which cell each value falls and tabulate
9. Graph your histogram
Module 11 372
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Example Histogram
Module 11 373
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Histogram Tips
! Can be used to compare a process to requirements if you draw the
of any kind. Look for multiple peaks; though small samples often have
multiple peaks that merely represent sampling variation
! Compare histograms from different periods of time
! Stratify the data by plotting separate histograms for different sources of data.
This can sometimes reveal things that even control charts don’t detect
Module 11 374
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Stem-and-Leaf Plots
! Stem-and-leaf plots are a variation of histograms and are especially useful
data in cells, is that the raw data values are preserved as it displays every
piece of data by showing the digits of each number
! The greatest common place value of the data is used to form stems
! So the stem Is the digit or digits that remain when the leaf is dropped
! The numbers in the next greatest place-value position are then used to form
the leaves
! So the leaf is the last digit on the right side of the number
Module 11 375
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Stem-and-Leaf Plot Example
Module 11 376
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Stem-and-Leaf Plot Tips
! Always put in a key
! Always put your data in order
! To work out the median, you must find the middle value
! If there are two middle values, you need the average
Module 11 377
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Box-and-Whisker Plots
! Graphically depict groups of numerical data, via the box, through their
! Also have lines extending vertically from the boxes (whiskers) indicating
Module 11 378
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Box-and-Whisker Plots
! Use of the box as follows; the bottom and top of the box are always the first
and third quartiles, and the band inside the box is always the second
quartile (the median)
! The ends of the whiskers can represent several possible alternative values,
the more common being:
! The minimum and maximum of all of the data
! One standard deviation above and below the mean of the data
Module 11 379
Module 11 – Measure Phase –
Collecting and Summarizing Data
Graphical methods
Box-and-Whisker Plot Example
Module 11 380
Collecting and Summarizing Data
In this module we covered
! Types of data and measurement scales
! Sampling and data collection methods
! Descriptive statistics
! Graphical methods
Module 11 381
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 12 – Measure Phase – Measurement system analysis
Module 12 382
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
Module 12 383
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
Module 12 384
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
MSA can be used to:
! Compare internal inspection standards with the standards of your customer.
Module 12 385
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
! Compare measurements between operators.
! Evaluate a suspect gage.
Module 12 386
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Error can be partitioned into specific sources:
– Precision
• Repeatability - within an operator or piece of equipment
• Reproducibility - operator to operator or attribute gage to attribute
– Accuracy
• Stability - accuracy over time
• Linearity- accuracy throughout the measurement range
• Resolution
• Bias – Off-set from true value
– Constant Bias
– Variable Bias – typically seen with electronic equipment,
amount of Bias changes with setting levels
Module 12 387
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Module 12 388
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
! The item to be measured can be a physical part, document or a scenario for
customer service.
! Operator can refer to a person or can be different instruments measuring
Module 12 389
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Observed Variation
Precision Accuracy
Module 12 391
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Gage R+R
! A precise metric is one that returns the same value of a given attribute
every time
! Precise data are independent of who estimates them or when the
! Repeatability
! Reproducibility
Module 12 392
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Gage R+R
! Bias is defined as the deviation of the measured value from the actual
! Stability of a gauge is defined as error (measured in terms of Standard
Module 12 393
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
! Pass/Fail
! Document Preparation
! Surface imperfections
! Customer Service Response
! Continuous scale
! Discrete scale
! Critical dimensions
! Pull strength
Module 12 394
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Module 12 395
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Module 12 396
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Module 12 397
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Gage R+R Study Design Types
• A Nested Design is used for destructive testing and situations where it is
not possible to have all operators or machines measure all the parts
multiple times
– Assumes that all the parts within a single batch are identical enough to
claim they are the same
– Nested designs are used to test measurement systems where it is not
possible to send operators with parts to different locations
– Do not include all possible combinations of factors
– Uses a slightly different mathematical model than the Crossed Design
Module 12 398
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
! Estimates for a Gage R&R study are obtained by calculating the variance
components for each term and for error
! Repeatability, Operator and Operator*Part components are summed to
obtain a total Variability due to the measuring system
! We use variance components to assess the Variation contributed by each
source of measurement error relative to the total Variation
Module 12 399
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Gage R+R Study Results
Module 12 400
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Conducting a Gage R+R Study
Step 1: Call a team meeting and introduce the concepts of the Gage R&R
Step 2: Select parts for the study across the range of interest
– If the intent is to evaluate the measurement system throughout the
process range, select parts throughout the range
– If only a small improvement is being made to the process, the range of
interest is now the improvement range
Step 3: Identify the inspectors or equipment you plan to use for the analysis
– In the case of inspectors, explain the purpose of the analysis and that
the inspection system is being evaluated not the people
Step 4: Calibrate the gage or gages for the study
– Remember Linearity, Stability and Bias
Module 12 401
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Conducting a Gage R+R Study
Step 5: Have the first inspector measure all the samples once in random
Step 6: Have the second inspector measure all the samples in random order
– Continue this process until all the operators have measured all the
parts one time
– This completes the first replicate
Step 7: Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the required number of replicates
– Ensure there is always a delay between the first and second inspection
Step 8: Enter the data into Minitab® or other stats package and analyze your
Step 9: Analyze results and make necessary changes
Module 12 402
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Example Gage R+R Study Control Sheet
Module 12 403
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Gage R+R Study Capability and Acceptability
Module 12 404
Module 12 – Measure Phase –
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Gage R+R Study Capability and Acceptability
Module 12 405
Measurement system analysis (MSA)
In this module we covered
! Measurement system analysis (MSA)
Module 12 406
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 13 – Measure Phase – Process and Performance
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
1. Process capability studies
2. Process capability (Cp, Cpk) and process performance (Pp, Ppk) indices
3. Short-term vs. long-term capability and sigma shift
4. Summary and review of the Measure Phase
Module 13 408
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Process capability studies
• Intended to be regular estimations of a process s ability to meet its
requirements or specifications
• In other words we are measuring process performance vs.process
• Can be conducted on both Discrete and Continuous Data.
• Most meaningful when conducted on stable, predictable processes
• Commonly reported as Sigma Level which is optimal (short term)
Module 13 409
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Process capability studies
• Intended to be regular estimations of a process s ability to meet its
• Can be conducted on both Discrete and Continuous Data.
• Most meaningful when conducted on stable, predictable processes
• Commonly reported as Sigma Level which is optimal (short term)
• Require a thorough understanding of the following:
– Customer s or business s specification limits
– Nature of long-term vs. short-term data
– Mean and Standard Deviation of the process
– Assessment of the Normality of the data (Continuous Data only)
– Procedure for determining Sigma level
Module 13 410
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Questions to consider:
! What is the source of the specifications?
! Operational definitions
! Deployed to the work force
Module 13 411
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Process capability (Cp, Cpk) Index
! Cp is the possible, Cpk is the reality
! During Improve Stage, can confirm process improvements and that the
Module 13 412
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Process capability (Cp, Cpk) Index Interpretation
! Influenced heavily by the distribution assumptions.
the process variation, which means that the normal amount of variation
could be too much
! When Cpk is used, it is possible to obtain information about the process
Module 13 413
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Process capability (Cp) Index formulas
Where LSL and USL are lower and upper specification limits, respectively.
The percentage of the speciation band used up by the process can be
calculated in the following way:
Module 13 414
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Process capability (Cpk) Index formulas
Cpl = (Mean - LSL) /3s
Cpu = (USL - mean) /3s
One can replace process standard deviation and mean with sample SD and
mean if process SD and mean unknown
Module 13 415
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Process Performance (Pp, Ppk) Index
! Pp is the possible, Ppk is the reality
capability index
! Used to create process baseline estimates for uncontrolled processes
! Use when statistical process controls are not possible; because the process
Module 13 416
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Process Performance (Pp, Ppk) Index Formula
Module 13 417
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Process Performance (Pp, Ppk) Index Interpretation
Module 13 418
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Short-term vs. Long-Term Capability and Sigma Shift
Module 13 419
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Short-term vs. Long-Term Capability and Sigma Shift assesses the ability of a process to repeat (or otherwise replicate) any
given performance condition, at any arbitrary moment in time
Module 13 420
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Short-term vs. Long-Term Capability and Sigma Shift
•, is intended to show how well the process can replicate a given
performance condition over many cycles of the process
• In its purest form, is intended to capture and “pool” all of the observed
instantaneous effects as well as the longitudinal influences
Module 13 421
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Short-term vs. Long-Term Capability and Sigma Shift
In this context, SS.t captures two sources of variation – errors that occur
within subgroups (SS.w) as well as those that are created between
subgroups (SS.b). Given the absence of covariance, we are able to compute
the quantity SS.t = SS.b + SS.w
Module 13 422
Module 13 – Measure Phase –
Process and Performance Capability
Short-term vs. Long-Term Capability and Sigma Shift
Sigma Shift
! Processes usually do not perform as well in the long term as they do in the
short term.
! Thus the number of sigmas that will fit between the process mean and the
nearest specification limit will likely drop over time.
! To account for this real-life increase in process variation over time, an
empirically-based 1.5 sigma shift is introduced into the calculations
! So a process that fits 6 sigma between the process mean and the nearest
specification limit in a short-term study will in the long term fit only 4.5 sigma
! Therefor the 3.4 DPMO of a six sigma process in fact corresponds to 4.5
sigma, namely 6 sigma minus the 1.5-sigma shift introduced to account for
long-term variation
Module 13 423
Process and Performance Capability
In this Module we have covered
! Process capability studies
! Process capability (Cp, Cpk) and process performance (Pp, Ppk) indices
! Short-term vs. long-term capability and sigma shift
Module 13 424
Measure Phase – Summary
! Tie back all activities to the CTQ list
! Validate that you CTQ operational definition is the same as the customer's
! Detail out the process map
! Define your defect, target performance and limits
! Identify the data to be collected
! Create a data collection plan
! Make sure your have a reliable measurement systems in place
a. Subscripts
b. Superscripts
c. Swim Lanes
d. Fence Posts
Module 14 432
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Analyze Phase Overview
! The team will focus on analyzing the sources of variation in the target
! Based on the high-level problem, the tools to drill down with will be selected
! This analysis may require the use of sophisticated statistical tools
! The team will analyze the value stream. The value stream is the set of
activities that create value for the customer
! The team will also identify the process drivers, which are the activities that
exert a significant influence on the results of processes
Module 14 433
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Analyze Phase Overview
Pick the tools
! Cycle Time Reduction
Module 14 434
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing
! Integrates the Voice of the Process (VOP) with the Voice of the Business
(VOB) to make data-based decisions to resolve problems
! The VOP describes what the process is telling us. What it is capable of
achieving, whether it is under control and what significance to attach to
individual measurements
! The VOB describes the stated and unstated requirements of the business
Module 15 435
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing
! Can help avoid high costs of experimental efforts by using existing data
! Can help establish a statistical difference between factors from different
distributions; such as from different shifts or suppliers
! Two types of significant differences occur and must be well understood,
practical and statistical
! Failure to tie these two differences together is one of the most common
errors in statistics
Module 15 436
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing
Module 15 437
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing
! The practical difference to be achieved must match the statistical
! Which can be either a change in the Mean or in the variance.
! Since small sample sizes are used to estimate population parameters, there
representative sample
Module 15 438
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Basics of Hypothesis Testing
regression analysis
! In the improve stage, its primary function is comparing the averages of
Module 15 439
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Steps in Hypothesis Testing
1. The first step in hypothesis testing is stating the null hypothesis, H0. In most
cases, the null hypothesis represents the value that the test aspires to prove
2. The next step in hypothesis testing is defining the alternative hypothesis
(H1). The alternative hypothesis should cover all of the area excluded from
the null hypothesis
3. The third step is either setting a value for p or selecting a significance level
Module 15 440
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Steps in Hypothesis Testing
Module 15 441
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing Interpretation
If the calculated statistic is larger than the critical value of the test statistic for
the given level of significance, then the null hypothesis must be rejected
If the critical value of the test statistic is larger, then the null hypothesis is
Software programs such as Excel or Minitab can use the calculated p value to
indicate whether the obtained results are appropriate, assuming that the null
hypothesis is true
Module 15 442
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing Interpretation
! If the p value is small, then the chances of obtaining results similar to those
gathered during the experiment are so small that the null hypothesis should
be rejected
! If the null hypothesis is not rejected in that case, then the experiment is said
to have reached a weak conclusion, because the means may or may not be
! When the null hypothesis is confirmed, however, the experiment is said to
Module 15 443
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Type I errors.
! A type I error, also known as an error of the first kind, occurs when the null
! In the case of a simple null hypothesis α is the probability of a type I error.
Module 15 444
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Type II errors.
! A type II error, also known as an error of the second kind, occurs when the
Module 15 445
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Nonparametric Tests
! Are occasionally used in place of traditional hypothesis tests for the equality
of two means
! These tests are more effective when the assumptions associated with
be valid
! One disadvantage of this form of testing is its requirement of a larger sample
Module 15 446
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Creating Nonparametric Tests
After samples have been collected, the probability of Type II error can be
Module 15 447
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Interpreting Nonparametric Tests
! The null hypothesis is rejected if the calculated statistic is greater than the
critical value of the test statistic.
! If the calculated statistic does not exceed the critical value of the test
Module 15 448
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Multi-Vari plots
! Are effective tools for assessing the variation within samples or within
particular parts.
! Multi-Vari plots can be used to analyze variation over time or between
different batches
! Primarily used to isolate the causes of variation and to obtain more
Module 14 449
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Multi-Vari plots
! The first step in constructing a Multi-Vari plot is determining the system for
gathering data.
! This data should then be placed on a plot, with each sample unit represented
by a different symbol.
! The length of each symbol will indicate the variation within the sample
! However, it will not indicate whether the process is unstable from a statistical
Module 14 450
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Multi-Vari plot example
© Minitab
Module 14 451
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Sources of Variation
Within Unit or Positional
– Within piece variation related to the geometry of the part.
– Variation across a single unit containing many individual parts such
as a wafer containing many computer processors.
– Location in a batch process such as plating.
Module 14 452
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Conducting a Multi-Vari study
1. Ascertain the historical level of problem variation in the process
2. Define the study unit
3. Collect data from the process
4. Create the Multi-Vari plot by plotting the data in the positional, cyclical, and
temporal groups
5. Interpret the Multi-Vari plot by reviewing the magnitudes of each of the
categories of variation — positional, cyclical, and temporal
© Minitab
Module 14 453
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Correlation and Linear Regression
which is restricted
! Correlation and regression analyses are designed to assist in studying cause
and effect
! We have already touched on the basics when we looked at scatterplots
Module 14 454
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Correlation and Linear Regression
Module 14 455
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Correlation and Linear Regression
! Also important to studying cause and effect is that of the data space of the
! The data space of a study refers to the region bounded by the range of the
Module 14 456
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Things to watch out for
Module 14 457
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Things to watch out for
And finally...
Module 14 458
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Correlation and Linear Regression
Module 14 459
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Correlation and Linear Regression
Autocorrelation charts
! In the Measure Phase, these charts may be used to gather information about
processes, including their effects on baseline data
! In the Analyze stage, autocorrelation charts are used to investigate the
Module 14 460
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Creating Autocorrelation charts
autocorrelation will consider the relations between the first and fourth
observations, second and fifth observations, and so on
Module 14 461
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Creating Autocorrelation charts
is of interest
! When used to identify an appropriate time series model, the autocorrelations
Module 14 462
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Autocorrelation Function Formula
Given measurements, Y1, Y2, ..., YN at time X1, X2, ..., XN, the lag k
autocorrelation function is defined as
Although the time variable, X, is not used in the formula for autocorrelation,
the assumption is that the observations are equi-spaced
Module 14 463
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Autocorrelation Interpretation
where the lag is very low. To diminish this autocorrelation, one should
increase the time between data point collection
! Another source of false correlation emerges with sampling from several
Module 14 464
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Linear Regression
Module 14 465
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Linear Regression
! A simple linear regression tries to orient data points around a single straight
! In Six Sigma the formula expressed as this:
Module 14 466
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
First-order model of multiple regression
! If more than one factor influences a dependent variable multiple
regression must be used
! Multiple regression takes into account the interactions between these
multiple factors
! In a first-order model, the value of the dependent variable is based on the
influence of each factor by itself, as well as each possible combination of
two factors
! Whatever error exists in the model is assumed to be the same for all
factors and combinations of factors
Module 14 467
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
First-order model of multiple regression
! A first-order multiple regression usually will produce an essentially straight
line over small regions, so it can be useful when only targeted data is
! Examined from a more distant perspective, the model will appear as a
linear regression for which the plane has been curved or twisted.
! This flexing of the plane is caused by the influence of interacting factors
Module 14 468
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Example multiple regression plot
Module 14 469
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Higher-order models of multiple regression
! When more complex analysis is required for a process in which more than
one factor influences a dependent variable, a higher-order model of
multiple regression must be performed
! A higher-order multiple regression can include squares and cubes of the
values, which will produce a response surface with definable peaks and
! Is valuable only if exhaustive experiments already have been performed
on the main effects
Module 14 470
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Higher-order models of multiple regression
! Useful for mapping smaller regions, in particular peaks, valleys, and
minimaxes (intersections between the minimum for one factor and the
maximum for another).
! Also are good at defining the area that surrounds a stationary point
! In Six Sigma, these models often are used to evaluate how current
operating parameters influence the response
Module 14 471
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Residuals analysis
! Residuals are the differences between a response’s observed value and a
regression model’s predicted value for that response
! A residuals analysis of a regression model will reveal any unusual
patterns that could suggest error in the model.
! Statistical software programs will calculate a standardized residual such
that the variance is set to 1. This makes outliers more obvious
Module 14 472
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Exploratory Data Analysis
Residuals analysis
! The most common technique of residuals analysis is the normality test, in
which the randomness of error is tested by creating a distribution of the
! If the error truly is random, then the residuals should follow a normal
distribution with a mean of zero
! Residuals also can be used on a scatter diagram to assess the
independence of a variable
Module 14 473
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Module 15 474
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
regression models
! ANOVA is often used in this manner to pinpoint possible process drivers.
Module 15 475
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
! In ANOVA variation within each subgroup is compared to the variation found
between different subgroups.
! The variation within each subgroup is found by sampling from the subgroup
! The variation between different subgroups is found by analyzing the
Module 15 476
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
! If the p value for the F test is less than 0.05, then the null hypothesis can be
rejected. This suggests that one or more of the subset averages is different
Module 15 477
Module 14 – Analyze Phase –
Hypothesis Testing
Example Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Module 15 478
Exploratory Data Analysis
In this module we covered
! Analyze Phase Overview
! Multi-Vari studies
! Correlation and Linear Regression
! Basics of Hypotheses Testing
Module 14 479
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 15 – Analyze Phase – Process Drivers
Module 15 480
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
1. Value Stream
2. Batching
3. Lean Metric Velocity
4. Setup Time
5. Reducing Movement and Physical Space
6. Analyze phase summary and review
Module 15 481
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Value Stream Mapping;
! A communication tool that depicts the flow of materials and
! Will document both the current state and the future state
The current state value map is examined for steps that do not add
Module 15 482
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Value Stream Mapping;
! The future state map depicts the process after planned
Module 15 483
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Value Stream Mapping;
! Value-adding steps should be separated from the the non-value-
Module 15 484
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Value Stream Mapping;
! Document customer demand
Module 15 485
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Key Value Stream Mapping terms;
! Lead Time - The average time it takes for one unit to go through the
Module 15 486
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Key Value Stream Mapping terms;
! Process Time - The time that the item is being worked on by an
! Value Add Time - Time for those process steps that actually value
Module 15 487
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Key Value Stream Mapping terms;
! Cycle Time (CT) - The average time between completed units
Module 15 488
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Key Value Stream Mapping terms;
! Target Cycle Time = Operational Takt Time adjusted for other
! Pitch = takt time * pitch batch size (the batch size released to the
pacesetter process)
! Change Over Batch Size - how many items get processed before a
Module 15 489
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Key Value Stream Mapping terms;
! Kanban – signaling device to authorize the release of work
Module 15 490
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Value Stream Mapping;
Process data boxes should contain;
! Cycle time (CT): Observed & Effective
! Number of operators
! Batch size
Module 15 491
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Creating a Value Stream Map
1. Draw customer icon
2. Draw the outbound shipping icon and note the delivery frequency
3. Draw supplier icon
4. Draw the inbound shipping icon and note the delivery frequency
5. Add process boxes in left to right sequence. Add data boxes below
the process box
6. Add communication arrows. Note methods and frequencies
7. Gather process attributes and add to data boxes
8. Add operator symbols
Module 15 492
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Creating a Value Stream Map
9. Add inventory locations and levels in days of demand
10. Graph at bottom
11. Add push, pull, and FIFO icons
12. Add working hours
13. Add cycle and lead times
14. Calculate total cycle and lead times
15. Add other relevant information
Module 15 493
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Creating a Value Stream Map
! Cycle Time and Takt Time should be measured in seconds per unit
! Best to deduct foreseeable Out of Cycle Work from the Work Time
Module 15 494
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Creating a Value Stream Map
! If the map contains an overwhelming number of flow interruptions,
Module 15 495
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Capturing Information
Time it;
! Cycle Time (CT) - Time for one part. Time before repeating
! Change over time (CO) - Time to switch product type
Module 15 496
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Capturing Information
Measure or count;
! Travel (TR) - How far does the Operator travel to do their job?
! Inventory (I) - Count the amount of inventory before and after the
Module 15 497
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Capturing Information
! Yield (Y) - % How many pass inspection
! Up Time (UP) - % machine is up and running
! Scheduled Changes (SC) -Number of scheduled changes per
! Waiting time (WT) - Find how often Operators are waiting for
something to do. How often are they waiting for another operation
to be done
Module 15 498
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Capturing Information
! Correct Information (CI) - % of times the job instructions are correct
! Inventory Flow down (IFD) - Where does inventory go to, all places
Module 15 499
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Value Stream Mapping;
! Focus on a product family within single plant
Module 15 500
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Value Stream Mapping;
! Communicate to all areas before your visit
Module 15 501
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Value Stream Map Symbols – Note there is a lot of variation in these symbols;
© Wikipedia
Module 15 503
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Value Stream Mapping;
Module 15 504
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
! A traditional method of reducing waste
clearly is shorter
! However, batching creates delays at the beginning and end of the activity
! The team must wait for a number of tasks to arrive in the input queue before
Module 15 505
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
! However, there are times when batching makes sense
! For example, if the set up time for the equipment is significant then
Module 15 506
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Lean Metric Velocity
! Velocity, in Lean, is a metric that indicates the rate at which value is added
calculate velocity
Module 15 507
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Calculating Process Velocity
! Categorize each task as value-added, non-value-added but necessary
Throughput Time = Process time + Inspection time + Move time + Queue time
Then add the times for each value-added task
Module 15 508
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Using Process Velocity
! Velocity indicates the degree to which a process responds to customer
! If there is less work in progress, lead times are shorter and velocity is greater
! When velocity is slow, the business cannot respond quickly to new orders
from customers
! Looking at the various factors will point you in the best direction for making
Module 15 509
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Setup Time
! Setup time is the interval between the completion of the last item and the
Module 15 510
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Setup Time
! Preparation time is considered a non-value-added activity
Module 15 511
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Setup Time
! Replacing and relocating equipment and resources prior to a process is
anon-value-added activity
! Reduce replacement and relocating time by:
! Standardizing setups
! Simplifying the setup protocol
Module 15 512
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Setup Time
! Adjustments prior to a process is a non-value-added activity
Module 15 513
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
For many people, changing a single tire can easily take 15 minutes.
For a NASCAR pit crew, changing four tires takes less than 15 second
Module 15 514
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
Module 15 515
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
! Goal is rapid changeover from producing item or batch A, to item or batch B
! Activities divided into two categories;
Module 15 516
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
! Start by collecting two weeks of data in order to determine where productive
time is being lost. It may be that there are more critical areas to address
than setup time (SMED)
! If changeover setup time constitutes 20% or more of the lost time, then
! Optimize scheduling
Module 15 517
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
! Start by collecting two weeks of data in order to determine where productive
time is being lost. It may be that there are more critical areas to address
than setup time (SMED)
! If changeover setup time constitutes 20% or more of the lost time, then
Module 15 518
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
A good pilot is when;
! Changeover has significant room for improvement, but not overwhelming in
! Has a large variation in changeover times
Module 15 519
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
1. Record a baseline on the pilot machine
2. Identify each element of the changeover, and whether its internal (machine
needs to be off) or external (can be done if the machine is on)
3. Only observe
4. Separate external elements This can often cut set up times in half
5. Convert internal elements into external elements if at all possible – do think
outside the box. eg.
! Prepare parts in advance, such as preheating
! Modularize equipment
while running
Module 15 520
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
! Eliminate adjustments
! Eliminate motion
! Eliminate waiting
! Standardize hardware
Module 15 521
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Reducing Movement and Physical Space
! The Analysis phase often reveals that much time is lost simply moving from
Module 15 522
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Spaghetti Diagram;
! Used to track motion of a person, item, or activity related to a process via
process flow
! Also highlights major intersection points; these point are causes of delay
! Like Value Stream maps, one can create current state and future state
Module 15 523
Module 15 – Analyze Phase –
Process Drivers
Spaghetti Diagram example – As Is and To Be
Module 15 524
Process Drivers
In this module we covered
! Value Stream
! Batching
! Lean Metric Velocity
! Setup Time
! Reducing Movement and Physical Space
Module 15 525
Analyze Phase – Summary
! Develop graphical representations of data to detect pattern
! Define and calculate a z score or DPMO
! Identify a list of potential Xs
! Do statistical testing on population differences
! Analyze the value stream
! Produce a short list of critical factors that need to be improved
a. Multi-Vari Chart
b. Pareto Chart
d. Shewhart Analysis
a. 0.67
b. 1.33
c. 2.67
d. 4.33
Analyze Phase Summary &
Review Questions
Analyze Phase – Review Questions
Analyze Phase Review Question #3 Answer
3. B 1.33
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Improve Phase Overview
! The first major objective of the Improve phase is to set the new process
operating conditions. These conditions are based on the experimentation
and analysis of the measure and analyze phases.
! The next objective of the improve stage is to identify and address the failure
modes for the new processes
! Assessing and predicting the benefits of the proposed solution also is
appropriate. Before making massive changes, the team should be able to
guess how positive the results of these solutions will be
! The final objective of the improve stage is to implement and confirm
process improvements
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
The Goals of Design of Experiments
! Problem solving
! Eliminate defective products or services.
! Reduce cycle time of handling transactional processes
! Optimizing
! Mathematical model is desired to move the process response
! Robust design
! Provide consistent process or product performance.
! Desensitize the output response(s) to input variable changes
including NOISE variables.
! Design processes knowing which input variables are difficult to
! Screening
! Narrowing of the critical factors
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Definitions
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Definitions
! Experimental error: The variation in data left over after all significant
sources of variability have been accounted for. It is is also a synonym for
residuals, the differences between observed values and values expected
based on the regression equation obtained from the analysis of the
! Interaction: A condition where the effect of one factor depends on the level
of another factor
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Definitions
! Replication: The collection of more than one observation for the same set of
experimental conditions. Allows the experimenter to estimate experimental
error, since variation exists when all experimental conditions are held
constant, the cause must be something other than the variables being
! Randomization: In order to eliminate bias from the experiment, variables not
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments The Approach
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments The Approach
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments The Approach
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factors
! Factors are the main categories to explore when determining the cause
! A level is basically one of the subdivisions that make up a factor
! A group is set of conditions that will make up that particular experiment
! Null outcome is when the outcome of your experiment is the same
regardless of how the levels within your experiment were combined
! Main effect is when there exists a consistent trend among the different
levels of a factor
! Interaction effect is when there is an interaction between the factors
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factor Notation
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials
! Consists of a carefully chosen subset (fraction) of the experimental runs of a
full factorial design
! The subset is chosen so to expose information about the most important
features of the problem studied, while using a fraction of the effort of a full
factorial design
! Notation is lk − p, where l is the number of levels of each factor investigated,
Rather than the 32 runs that would be required for the full 25 factorial
experiment, this experiment requires only eight runs
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials
! The levels of a factor are commonly coded as +1 for the higher level, and −1
for the lower level. For a three-level factor, the intermediate value is coded
as 0
! The points in a two-level factorial experiment are often abbreviated with
level of each factor: conventionally, for the first (or low) level, and for the
second (or high) level
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials
! They can also be abbreviated by (1), a, b, and ab
! Where the presence of a letter indicates that the specified factor is
at its high (or second) level
! And the absence of a letter indicates that the specified factor is at
its low (or first) level
! For example, "a" indicates that factor A is on its high setting, while
all other factors are at their low (or first) setting
! (1) is used to indicate that all factors are at their lowest (or first)
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials
! Teams typically rely on statistical reference books to supply the "standard"
fractional factorial designs, consisting of the principal fraction.
! The principal fraction is the set of treatment combinations for which the
generators evaluate to + under the treatment combination algebra
! The design restricts focus to the interactions between pairs of factors
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials
! Use aliasing to overcome disadvantage of only using two factors
! In aliasing, interactions of more than two factors are represented as a single
new actor
! For instance, a factorial design with three factors will not consider the
interaction between factors 1, 2, and 3, but instead will create a new factor
(4) representative of this interaction
! The Problem with this approach is that the effects of factor 4 cannot be
estimated independent of the interactions of factors 1, 2, and 3. This is
referred to as confounded data
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials
! A fractional factorial experiment is generated from a full factorial experiment
! For example, the five factor 25 − 2 can be generated by using a full three
factor factorial experiment involving three factors (say A, B, and C) and then
choosing to confound the two remaining factors D and E with interactions
generated by D = A*B and E = A*C.
! These two expressions are called the generators of the design.
! So for example, when the experiment is run and the experimenter estimates
the effects for factor D, what is really being estimated is a combination of the
main effect of D and the two-factor interaction involving A and B.
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials Resolutions
! I: Not useful: an experiment of exactly one run only tests one level of a factor
and hence can't even distinguish between the high and low levels of that
factor. e.g. 21 − 1 with defining relation I = A
! II: Not useful: main effects are confounded with other main effects e.g. 22 − 1
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials Resolutions
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials Resolutions
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Fractional Factorials Resolutions
! In the analyze stage, fractional factorial designs are used to identify process
drivers and sources of variation
! In the improve stage, fractional factorial designs are used along with center
points to estimate the effects of curvature
! Fractional Factorial design is common
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
to estimate and apply, even when little is known about the process
! RSM has an effective track-record of helping teams improve products and
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
center, or the spot where (x1, x2) = (0, 0). This design center is the first test
! The steepest ascent is determined by moving β1 coded units in the x1
direction for every β2 coded units in the x2 direction, where β1 and β2 are the
coefficients of the x1 and x2 terms, respectively
! If the changes are sufficiently small, then obtaining a good picture of the
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
the slope of the second-order response surface model is zero for each of the
! Stationary points may be a maximum value, a minimum value, or a “mini-
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Response Surface Methods Process Interpretation
! Generates charts that can be subjected to analysis of variance.
! The F statistic can be used to compare the sum of squares variation caused
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Response Surface Methods Process Interpretation
! If the stationary point is determined to be a mini-max, then constrained
purpose of verification
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Factorials
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Experimental designs
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Experimental designs
! Mixed model: An experimental model with both fixed and random effects
! Completely randomized design: An experimental plan where the order in
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Design of Experiments Experimental designs
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
Interaction plots
! Illustrate the interrelationships of three parameters. In most cases, these
parameters are two factors and one response
! Useful for evaluating the results of designed experiments and multiple
! Typically, plot variables are placed on the x-axis, and the responses are
placed on the y-axis
! The distinct lines on the plot are defined by the levels of the interaction
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
Interaction plots
! The distinct lines on the plot are defined by the levels of the interaction
! If the plot variables exhibit no interaction, then the lines basically will be
parallel. That is, both plot variables will produce similar trends when
combined with the response variable.
! If the lines are not parallel, however, an interaction likely exists
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
Both main effects and no interaction
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
Group main effect, an interaction, and no Condition effect
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
Group main effect , no Condition effect, and no interaction
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
A crossover interaction and no main effects
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
No main effects, no interaction
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
Contour plots
! Are composed of groups of curves
! The path of each of these curves relates to values that have been
Module 16
Module 16 – Improve Phase –
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE graphs and plots
Contour plots
! If there are only first-order main effects, the contour plot will have
Module 16
Design of Experiments (DOE)
In this module we covered
! Improve Phase Overview
! Basic DOE terms & Designs
! DOE Graphs and Plots
Module 16
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 17 – Improve Phase – Root Cause Analysis
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
1. Root Cause Analysis
2. Titanic case study
Module 17 586
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
! Use cause and effect diagrams, relational matrices, and other problem-
solving tools to identify the true cause of a problem
! Derivative of FMEA
Module 17 587
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
! Identifying a problem
! Containing and analyzing the problem
! Defining the root cause
! Defining and implementing the actions required to eliminate the root
! Validating that the corrective action prevented recurrence of problem
! Features interdisciplinary involvement of those closest to and/or most
knowledgeable about the situation
Module 17 588
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Not finding the root cause can lead to costly band aids and rabbit holes
Module 17 589
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
! Increase competitiveness
Module 17 590
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
The usual approach a low Sigma organizations take.
1. A problem hits
2. Fire fighting
3. Blame someone / CYA all-around
4. The problem hits again or some 'new' problem caused by the fire fighting
5. Return to step 2... rinse and repeat
Module 17 591
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
The RCA approach.
1. Problem manifests
2. Problem identified
3. Containment of problem and process
4. Follow defined RCA process
5. Solution validated
6. Solution fully implemented
Module 17 592
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Ditch the blame game
! Most human errors are due to a process error e.g. Titanic sinking
Module 17 593
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Corrective Action
! Immediate
Module 17 594
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
When do you do RCA
Module 17 595
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
General Approach to RCA
Module 17 596
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
General Approach to RCA
! Develop possible solutions
! Define and implement an action plan
! Monitor and assess results of the action plan for appropriateness and
! Repeat analysis if problem persists- if it persists, did we get to the root
cause... Obviously not
Module 17 597
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Four Rules for RCA
1. Causal Statements must clearly show the "cause and effect" relationship
2. Negative descriptors are not used in causal statement
3. Each human error must have a preceding cause
4. Each procedural deviation must have a preceding cause
Module 17 598
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Common Errors
! Looking for a single cause- often 2 or 3 which contribute and may be
! Ending analysis at a symptomatic cause
! Assigning as the cause of the problem the “why” event that preceded the real
Module 17 599
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause AnalysisTools
! The “5 Whys”
! Pareto Analysis (Vital Few, Trivial Many)
! Brainstorming
Module 17 600
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause AnalysisTools
The “5 Whys” (aka Questioning the Void)
Ask “Why?” five times
Module 17 601
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause AnalysisTools
Cause and Effect Diagram
! AKA Fishbone Diagram or Ishikawa Diagram
! Identifies many possible causes for an effect or problem
! Excellent structured brainstorming tool
! Sorts ideas into useful categories.
Module 17 602
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause AnalysisTools
Cause and Effect Diagram Example
Module 17 603
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause AnalysisTools
Cause and Effect Diagram Creation
1. Agree on a problem statement (effect). Write it at the center right of the
flipchart or whiteboard. Draw a box around it and draw a horizontal arrow
running to it.
2. Brainstorm the major categories of causes of the problem. If this is difficult
use generic headings such as:
! Methods
! Machines
! People
! Materials
! Measurement
! Environment
Module 17 604
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause AnalysisTools
Cause and Effect Diagram Creation
3. Write the categories of causes as branches from the main arrow.
4. Brainstorm all the possible causes of the problem. Ask: “Why does this
5. As each idea is given, the facilitator writes it as a branch from the
appropriate category.
6. Causes can be written in several places if they relate to several categories
7. Again ask “why does this happen?” about each cause. Write sub–causes
branching off the causes.
8. Continue to ask “Why?” and generate deeper levels of causes. Layers of
branches indicate causal relationships
9. When the group runs out of ideas, focus attention to places on the chart
where ideas are few
Module 17 605
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause AnalysisTools
Cause and Effect Diagram Creation
10. After completing the Cause-Effect Diagram, take the following actions:
! Rank the ideas from the most likely to the least likely cause cause
of the problem or issue
! Develop action plans for identifying the essential data, resources
and tools
Module 17 606
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause AnalysisTools
Corrective Action Plan
! Must verify the solution will eliminate the problem
! Verification before implementation whenever possible
! Define exactly
! What actions will be taken to eliminate the problem?
! Who is responsible?
! When will it be completed?
! Make certain customer is happy with actions
! Define how the effectiveness of the corrective action will be measured.
Module 17 607
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause AnalysisTools
! To be Credible a Root Cause Analysis must:
! Include participation by the leadership of the organization & those
most closely involved in the processes & systems
! Be internally consistent.
Module 17 608
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Titanic Case Study
! At 11:40 P.M. on Sunday, April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic struck an iceberg
at a speed of 22.5 knots
! The officer of he watch ordered engines reversed which made it impossible
to turn in time
! The "watertight" compartments of the Titanic's hull were not actually
! 1,503 people total died, including passengers and crew – mostly from
So lets do a RCA...
Module 17 609
Module 17 – Improve Phase –
Root Cause Analysis
Titanic RCA
Module 17 610
Root Cause Analysis
In this module we covered
Root Cause Analysis
Module 17 611
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 18 – Improve Phase – Lean Tools
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
1. Kaizen and Kaizen Blitz
2. Waste elimination
3. Cycle-time reduction
Module 18 613
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
! Kaizen is a philosophy of continuous improvement
! Based on the premise that the people who do the work know it best
Module 18 614
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Kaizen Goals;
! Enhance capacity
! Reduce waste
! Increase productivity
! Reduce inventory
Module 18 615
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Eight Rules of Kaizen
1. Discard conventional thinking concerning processes
2. Think of how we can do, not why we can't
3. Do not accept excuses
4. Question everything
5. Immediately correct mistakes
6. Seek root causes
7. Depend on the wisdom of 10 people, not the knowledge of 1
8. Do something now rather than seeking perfection later
Module 18 616
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Kaizen Blitz (aka Kaizen Event)
! Whereas Kaizen focuses on making small, evolutionary changes, a Kaizen
Module 18 617
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Kaizen Blitz Team Composition
! Quality champion - sets the strategic direction, provides focus, assigns
Module 18 618
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Kaizen Blitz Phases
1. Kick off – Project definition and any Kaizen blitz training needed
2. Problem identification – Create process map and initial data collection
3. Analyze Data
4. Develop solution(s) – Start implementing them
5. Present results and solutions
Module 18 619
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Kaizen Blitz Traps
! Lack of management support
Lean principles
! Lack of buy-in to proposed changes from those not involved in the event
Module 18 620
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Kaizen Blitz Traps
! Has severe limitations when looking at extensive, complex, cross-functional
! When the process/problem can’t be easily defined, or is associated with
Module 18 621
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
! Kanban is faster, more efficient, and saves significant money over most other
production models
! Reduces inventory, on average, by 25 to 75%
! The visually organized environment ensures all parts are easily found and
continually stocked
! The speed of moving from one task to another is significantly reduced by the
creation of clearly marked flow lanes, kanban cards, and clearly marked
Module 18 622
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
! Translates as card signal
! Pull system with the goal of reducing inventory by producing only what is
! At its core, it requires one to visualize the workflow and reduce WIP
Module 18 623
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Rules of Kanban
! The Parts Are Always Withdrawn From The Prior Process
! Kanban Is Used To Fine Tune (Not Provide For Major Changes)
Module 18 624
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Rules of Kanban
! Need Efficient Methods Of Transportation, Shortest Routes Possible
! Disciplined Organization
Module 18 625
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Types of Kanban
The two basic types of Kanban are:
! Production (P) Kanban A P-kanban, when received, authorizes the
Module 18 626
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Waste Elimination
! Waste is any activity that doesn’t add value, as defined by the customer, to
compliance activities
Module 18 627
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
The 7 Wastes (Muda)
1. Overproduction
2. Waiting
3. Transporting
4. Overprocessing
5. Excess Inventory
6. Excess Motion
7. Defects
Module 18 628
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Waste #1: Overproduction
! Making too much or too early
! Usually because of working with oversize batches, long lead times, and
poor supplier relations or supplier quality
! Overproduction leads to high levels of inventory
! The aim should be to make only what is required when it is required by the
Module 18 629
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Waste #2: Waiting
! Time wasted waiting for whatever is needed to proceed
! Includes WIP waiting in your process queues
! This disrupts flow and adversely impacts cycle time
Module 18 630
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Waste #3: Transportation
! Movement of materials from one location to another adds zero value to the
! Can be a very high cost as one need people to operate it and equipment
such as trucks or fork trucks to undertake this expensive movement of
! Also results in the waiting waste as one waits for the shipment to arrive
! Internally, use spaghetti diagrams to map out the transportation of goods
within your facility
! Try and source from suppliers as close as possible to your facilities
Module 18 631
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Waste #4: Overprocessing
! Inappropriate techniques, oversize equipment, working to tolerances that
are too tight, performing processes that are not required by the customer
and so forth
! Impacts cycle times, contributes to waiting, excess motion, excess
inventory, and increases the risk of defects
Module 18 632
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Waste #5: Excess Inventory
! Every item in inventory ties up money, resources and space and until it is
Module 18 633
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Waste #6: Excess Motion
! Unnecessary motions are those movements of man or machine which are
Module 18 634
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Waste #7: Defects
! Quality errors that cause defects invariably cost far more than you expect.
! it creates paperwork,
Module 18 635
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Two other key concepts related to waste;
Muri (Unreasonableness)
! All the unreasonable work imposed on workers and machines because of
Mura (Inconsistency)
! Variation and inconsistency in quality and volume in both products and
working conditions
Module 18 636
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
! An essential step required for Waste Elimination
! Foundational to Kaizen
! It is a valuable strategy for reducing cycle time that does not add value and
that is lost to movement, finding lost materials, and inefficiently using the
physical space
! May also be used to accelerate inventory processes and to diminish
accidents in the workplace
! Represents 5 disciplines for maintaining a visual workplace and a
standardized workplace
Module 18 637
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
5S Stands for;
Sort – Red tag and remove unnecessary items and either store or dispose of
them properly
Straighten or Streamline - Arrange all necessary items in order so they can
be easily picked for use
Shine or Sweep - Clean and inspect the workplace completely
Standardize - Maintain high standards of workplace organization at all times.
Maintain everything according to its standard
Sustain - Keep in working order and perform regular audits
Module 18 638
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
5S Things to do overall;
! Develop a map identifying the access ways and the “action” areas
! Mark off the Walkways, Aisles & entrances from the action areas
Module 18 639
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Sort Things to do;
! Start with a red tag campaign
! Be ruthless
Module 18 640
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Straighten & Streamline Things to do;
! Create a place for everything
! Deal with the open red tags from the Sort step:
Module 18 641
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Shine Things to do;
! Make the work area absolutely clean
! Leaks?
! Loose or missing items
! Unsafe conditions
! Causes of messes or problems…
! Quality issues caused by dirt and clutter
Module 18 642
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Standardize Things to do;
! SOP to keep the area clean, safe and orderly?
Module 18 643
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Sustain Things to do;
! Develop audit checklists
! Assign the audit role to someone outside the area
! Track the audit results
! Make 5S a daily habit... Being OCD is good
! Set the example
Module 18 644
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Are we finished yet? Have we:
! Removed unnecessary items
Module 18 645
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Are we finished yet? Have we:
! Cleaned all machines, tools, and equipment
! That all tools, jigs, and fixtures are labeled, shadowed, identified, and easy
to reach
! That all shelves, benches, desks are kept free of unused objects, including
Module 18 646
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Visual Management uses;
! Floor and surface marking
! Shadow boxes
! Samples
! Visual indicators
! Scoreboards
Module 18 647
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Module 18 648
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Standard Work
! Standard work is one of the most powerful but least used lean tool
! By documenting the current best practice, standard work forms the baseline
for Kaizen
! As the standard is improved, the new standard becomes the baseline for
further improvements
! Each step in the process should be defined and must be performed
quality issues
Module 18 649
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Standard Work consists of three elements;
! Takt time, which is the rate at which products must be made in a process to
! The standard inventory, called the Standard WIP (SWIP), including units in
Module 18 650
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Standard Work supports the lean system of continuously improving capacities
and efficiencies by defining 5 critical elements for each process:
Module 18 651
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Steps for Creating Standard Work;
1. Define the extent of the process for which you are creating standard work
2. Determine the appropriate standard work requirements
3. Gather the required information
4. Create the standard work documents
5. Train the supervisor on the standard work
6. Train the employees to do the standard work
7. Run the process and observe the results
8. Make adjustments and modifications to the standard work
Module 18 652
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Dos and Don't for Creating Standard Work;
! Keep standard work simple
! Make it accessible
! Create one standard work document for each part of the process
! Put standard work in a desk drawer
Module 18 653
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Poka-Yoke - Error-Proofing ;
! Poka-yoke states that preventing errors is better than detecting them as
Module 18 654
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Cycle-time Reduction
Two process types:
1. Discrete
2. Continuous
Module 18 655
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Cycle-time Reduction
Key Concept is process throughput
! IN(t) = Arrival/Inflow rate of jobs at time t
Module 18 656
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Cycle Time
The difference between a job’s departure time and its arrival time = cycle
time. Also referred to as throughput time
Includes both value adding and non-value adding activity times
Processing time
Inspection time
Transportation time
Storage time
Waiting time
Cycle time is a powerful tool for identifying process improvement potential
Module 18 657
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Cycle Time
Little's Law
! CycleTime = WIP/Throughput
! Multiple paths
! Parallel activities
Module 18 658
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Reducing cycle times through process redesign;
! Eliminate activities
! Reduce waiting and processing time
! Eliminate rework
! Perform activities in parallel
! Move processing time to activities not on the critical path
! Reduce setup times and enable batch size reduction
Module 18 659
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
! Increases throughput
! By pulling material in small lots, inventory cushions are removed, exposing
! Ideal situation is to have lot sizes of one pulled from one process to the next
Module 18 660
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
JIT Scheduling
! Process frequent small batches rather than a few large batches
! Because lead times are shorter, quality problems are exposed sooner
! Better quality means fewer buffers and allows simpler JIT systems to be
Module 18 661
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Continuous Flow
! Takt time represents customer demand rate
Module 18 662
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Continuous Flow
! The creation, ordering, and provision of any good or any service can be
made to flow
! Think about ways to;
Module 18 663
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
Level Loading
Module 18 664
Module 18 – Improve Phase –
Lean Tools
! The takt time is the demand divided by the amount of time available
! Takt time should be posted at the work station, and resources should be
aligned with it
! When variations in demand exist, needs for increased resources also will
Module 18 665
Lean Tools
In this module we covered
! Kaizen and Kaizen Blitz
! Waste elimination
! Cycle-time reduction
Module 18 666
Improve Phase – Summary
! Define the short-list of critical X's
! Ensure that they are actually X's and that they are controllable
! Select you improvement approach
! Ensure you have necessary buy-in to implement the improvements
a. The steepest
b. Negatively correlated
c. Positively correlated
d. The shallowest
a. Correlation Coefficient
b. Linear Regression
c. Multiple Regression
d. X-Y Diagram
Module 19 676
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Control Phase Overview
! The primary objective of the Control phase is to ensure that the gains
obtained during Improve phase are maintained long after the project has
! To that end, it is necessary to standardize and document procedures, make
sure all employees are trained and communicate the project’s results
! In addition, the project team needs to create a plan for ongoing monitoring
of the process and for reacting to any problems that arise
! And finally close out the project
Module 19 677
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
SPC Basics
! Statistically-based quality control method
! Can be applied to any process where the conforming product output can be
! Emphasis on early detection
Module 19 678
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
SPC Basics
! Variability is inherent in every process
Module 19 679
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
SPC Basics
Implemented in 2 phases:
! The first phase is the initial establishment of the process
Module 19 680
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
SPC Basics - Variation
! Common-cause variation - Natural and random variations
! On a control chart, special variation will be indicated by points that lie far
Module 19 681
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
SPC Basics - Variation
! Assignable Variation
Module 19 682
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
! The characteristics that need to be monitored and controlled will be listed
along the left side of the control chart
! For each characteristic, there will be a:
! Specification
! measurement technique
! Sample size
! Sample frequency
! Analytical tool
! Reaction protocol
Module 19 683
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Recalculating Control Limits
! At the end of the Improve phase you may need to calculate new process
control limits and use these new limits as triggers for corrective action
! If the answer to the following questions is yes, then proceed with calculating
new control limits. Any noes indicates the process does not have sufficient
statistical control to do so
! The questions are;
! Is there a statistical difference between the baseline and the new
! Is the rationale for the implemented change(s) understood?
! Are the new measurements expected to represent the future performance?
Module 19 684
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
! A control plan is a summary of the detection and/or prevention strategies
used to control processes or materials
! Includes information such as the specification related to each relevant
! Used to record the strategy that will be used to control the key process
! Usually compiled from the results of designed experiments and FMEA
! The FMEA is important as it indicates the most important sources of failure
! Short and sweet. One page is the usual length
Module 19 685
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
! In order for the control plan and SPC to be successfully implemented,
proper training and documentation needs to be provide
! The new processes have to be properly documented and SOPs put into
place and enforced
! Response plans need to be put in place should the processes fall out of
statistical control
Module 19 686
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Control Charts
! On a control chart, the specification is the objective range within which the
characteristic tolerably can fall
! The control chart should indicate how the warblers will be measured and
how many measurements will be included in each sample
! It should also indicate the frequency of sampling and the analytical tool to
be used to evaluate the sample
! Finally it will will include the reaction rules for when a variable value falls
out of bounds
Module 19 687
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
SPC Charts
! A time-ordered plot of the process data
! Use when;
Module 19 688
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
A process is in statistical control when;
! No sample points outside limits
Module 19 689
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
SPC Charts
! There are two categories of SPC charts: Variable and Attribute;
Module 19 690
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Control charts for Variables
! X-bar ( ) charts control the central tendency of the process, can be
combined with the R chart to form the X-bar – R chart or with s chart to form
X-bar – s chart
– Use with 1 to 10 rational subgroupings with R chart
– Use with over 10 rational subgrouping with s chart
! R-charts control the range of the subgroups changes over time
! s-charts control the standard deviation of the process
! XmR charts are the same as X-bar except that it uses the median instead of
Module 19 691
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Control charts for Attributes
Module 19 692
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
X-bar ( ) chart formula
Module 19 693
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
X-bar ( ) chart example
Module 19 694
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
R-chart formula
Module 19 695
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
R-chart example
Module 19 696
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
s-chart formula
Module 19 697
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
s-chart example
Module 19 698
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
X-bar ( ) chart Implementation
! X-bar charts are useful when subgroups of more than two observations can
be measured
! The x-axis of the X-bar chart is time, so the chart serves as a chronological
Module 19 699
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
X-bar ( ) chart Interpretation
! Before interpreting the X-bar chart, one must first examine the range chart
! When the range chart is out of control, the control limits on the X-bar chart
Module 19 700
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
P-chart Formula
Module 19 701
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
P-chart example
Module 19 702
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
P-chart Interpretation
! All of the data points should lie between the upper and lower control limits. In
Module 19 703
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
C-chart Formula
Module 19 704
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
C-chart example
Module 19 705
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
C-chart Interpretation
! The measured event may occur more than once in each unit of the sample
with the knowledge that several errors might occur in a single iteration of the
! All of the data points should lie between the upper and lower control limits. In
Module 19 706
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
U-chart formula
Module 19 707
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
U-chart example
Module 19 708
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
U-chart Interpretation
! The upper and lower control limits indicate the boundaries of expected
process behavior
! The variation of points that lie within the control limits is attributed to common
causes, while any points outside the statistical control must be attributed to
special causes
! If no special-cause variation exists, then the process is stable enough to be
Module 19 709
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Np-chart formula
Module 19 710
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Np-chart example
Module 19 711
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Np-chart Interpretation
! Depicts a stable process when all of the data points lie between the upper
that results in data points outside the control limits must be attributed to
special causes
! Data points that lie outside the control limits must be explained
particular causes
Module 19 712
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
I-mR chart formula
Module 19 713
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
I-mR chart example
Module 19 714
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
I-mR chart Interpretation
! After it is completed, it should be searched for special-cause variation
! Once a process has been observed for a sufficient time and is found to be in
statistical control
Module 19 715
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Rational Subgrouping
! Is the process of organizing data into groups of items that were produced
the usefulness, of the control chart by bearing on the sampling plan for the
! Without a rational subgrouping strategy, the control charts will not answer
Module 19 716
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Developing Rational Subgroupings
! Consider the data source(s) and select the constant. e.g. the constant may
appropriate subgroup
! To do so, consider the following questions:
Module 19 717
Module 19 – Control Phase –
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Developing Rational Subgroupings
! Establish the subgroups and calculate the range of variability for each group
! Note: If you are uncertain with the choice and fear you may have selected
the wrong sub-grouping strategy, calculate ranges for both strategies and
! Use the understanding of how to group the data sources to move forward
and determine a sample frame for producing the desired control charts
Module 19 718
Statistical process control (SPC)
! SPC Basics
! Control Plan
! Control Charts
! Rational Subgrouping
Module 19 719
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Module 20 – Control Phase – Lean Tools for Process Control
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
1. Visual Factory
2. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
3. Summary and Review of Control Phase
Module 20 721
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Visual Factory
! Describes visual methods a manufacturing plant can use to communicate
simple as possible
! Visual Factory is implemented in two stages;
Module 20 722
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Visual Factory
! It prevents errors arising from miscommunication
Module 20 723
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Visual Factory Implementation
! The current state must be compared to the future state goals in order to
! How the information is conveyed depends on the desired end result.
Module 20 724
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Visual Factory
Typically this data includes;
! Process metrics
! Work instructions
Module 20 725
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Visual Factory – Process Metrics
! The machine or operating unit will deliver real time metrics
a process
! A metric that communicates information through light is called an andon
immediately call for assistance Indicates where the alert was generated, and
may also provide a description of the trouble
! One can have audio andons
Module 20 726
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Visual Factory – An example of an Andon
Module 20 727
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Visual Factory – Work instructions
! Graphics and photographs are preferred as they give clear instructions and
! Words and numbers can be interpreted in many ways because they are
Module 20 728
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Module 20 729
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
! Visual information raises awareness, alerts about changes, posts warnings
Module 20 730
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
! The workplace becomes clean and better organized.
! Operation on the shop floor and office become easier and safer
Module 20 731
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Module 20 732
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Module 20 733
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Reactive maintenance inherently wasteful and ineffective with following
! No warning of failure
Module 20 734
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
! Both a philosophy and a set of tools
Module 20 735
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) dramatically
! Reduces equipment breakdowns
! Increases productivity
! Lowers inventory
! Reduces accidents
Module 20 736
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) goals
! To maximize overall equipment effectiveness through total employee
! To improve equipment reliability and maintainability which, in turn, will
Module 20 737
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
6 Big Losses TPM addresses;
1. Breakdown losses due to failures and repairs
2. Setup and adjustment losses
3. Idling and minor stoppage losses
4. Speed losses
5. Scrap and rework losses
6. Start-up losses
Module 20 738
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
7 Steps of TPM
1. Initial Clean-up (5S & Visual Factory)
2. Identify and eliminate inherent faults
3. Set Initial Standards
4. General Inspection
5. Autonomous Inspection
6. Standardization
7. Autonomous Maintenance
Module 20 739
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Downtime Database
! Categorize at a minimum by Equipment, Tooling, and Change-Over
! Segmented bar graph for E-T-O lost time
! Subcategories for Equipment
! Subcategories for Tooling
! Subcategories for Other
Module 20 740
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Predict and Prevent Downtime
! Via preventative maintenance and monitoring
! Downtime Database
! Maintenance history
Module 20 741
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Predict and Prevent Downtime
Physical prediction of impending failure
! Sound (bearing)
Module 20 742
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Preventive Maintenance System
! History of downtime by major machine & tool
Module 20 743
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
Role of Operator as first point of prevention and early warning
! Provide operator awareness training
Module 20 744
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
OMP (Operator - Maintenance Partnership)
! Operator training in TPM
Module 20 745
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
TPM Tags
! Problem communication tool to and from maintenance, tool room, and
! Identify abnormal machine conditions
! Status tracking system
! Visual management tool (hang tags)
! TPM Tag used for recording problems & fix
Module 20 746
Module 20 – Control Phase –
Lean Tools for Process Control
The metric used to track effectiveness of TPM is called OEE or Overall
Equipment Effectiveness
! OOE is measured as a percentage
! Performance = % number of parts produced out of best known production
! Quality = % of good sellable parts out of total parts produced
Module 20 747
Lean Tools for Process Control
In this module we covered
! Visual Factory
Module 20 748
Control Phase – Summary
! Implement SPC and a Control
! Verify that the process improvements have attained the goals.
! Develop and implement the Visual Factory or TPM if relevant
! Hand off the process to the process owners
! Close off the project
! What risks have been identified that could jeopardize your control strategy?
a. Shining
b. Sorting
c. Straightening
d. Sustaining
C Straightening
a. Poisson Derivatives
b. Inferential Statistics
c. Kanban Analysis
d. Statistical Process Control
B Response Plan
! Buy a Six Sigma Green Belt Textbook – either the Quality Council of Indiana
CCSGB Primer or The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook by Roderick
A., Ph.D. Munro would be great
! Create or join a study group with your peers or online
! Your study schedule should review at least one chapter per week and leave
! Carefully follow all the exam registration procedures .
! Understand how to use and apply each tool or concept within each chapter
! Create hypothetical situations of where and when you could apply each
tool, or draw from previous experiences
! Read case studies
! After each chapter, summarize key takeaways and important topics.
Combine this list for all chapters into a master summary/cheat sheet
! Do the practice questions. They were mostly drawn from previous exams
are are very reflective of the types of questions you will encounter
! Use your wrong answers to focus your further studies
! Create cheat sheets with formulas, key terms, tools, concepts, as well as
page number references
! Add tabs for each chapter, or each phase of DMAIC
! Know how your materials are organized and how to use them efficiently
! Practice solving the problems using the calculator you plan to use on the
exam day
! A good strategy is to go through and answer all the questions you are
absolutely certain of
! Then work through the rest
! Y=f(X) + ε: All outcomes and results (theY) are determined by inputs (theXs)
! Valid and relevant measurements and data are required foundations for
consistent improvement
! Only a critical few inputs have significant effect on the output
! Every decision and conclusion has risk (ε) which must me weighted against
the reward
! SIPOC: Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer
First, the team will attempt to define each relevant process in great detail
No metric is complete until accompanied by a measurement analysis system
! Based on the high-level problem, the tools to drill down with will be selected
! The team will analyze the value stream. The value stream is the set of
process improvements
obtained during Improve phase are maintained long after the project has
! To that end, it is necessary to standardize and document procedures, make
sure all employees are trained and communicate the project’s results
! In addition, the project team needs to create a plan for ongoing monitoring
WARNING: The normal distribution and DPMO will not apply if special
causes are dominant within the process
WARNING: The normal distribution and DPMO will not apply if special
causes are dominant within the process
particular parts.
! Multi-Vari plots can be used to analyze variation over time or between
different batches
! Primarily used to isolate the causes of variation and to obtain more
! Based on the premise that the people who do the work know it best
production models
! Reduces inventory, on average, by 25 to 75%
! The visually organized environment ensures all parts are easily found and
continually stocked
! The speed of moving from one task to another is significantly reduced by the
creation of clearly marked flow lanes, kanban cards, and clearly marked
process flow
! Also highlights major intersection points; these point are causes of delay
! Like Value Stream maps, one can create current state and future state
! General Inspection
! Autonomous Inspection
! Standardization
! Autonomous Maintenance
! Shadow boxes
! Samples
! Visual indicators
! Scoreboards
simple as possible
! Visual Factory is implemented in two stages;
! By documenting the current best practice, standard work forms the baseline
for Kaizen
! As the standard is improved, the new standard becomes the baseline for
further improvements
! Each step in the process should be defined and must be performed
quality issues
! By pulling material in small lots, inventory cushions are removed, exposing
! Ideal situation is to have lot sizes of one pulled from one process to the next
made to flow
! Think about ways to;
! Method to transform user demands (VOC) into design quality, to deploy the
functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design
quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific
elements of the manufacturing process
! QFD Steps:
Control plan: the plan used to control the process. Itis used in the Control
phase & after project closure to ensure project improvements are sustained
! What needs to be captured is what is being measured; how it is used, what
sampling method is used, who owns the control chart, where it is located, and
what conditions constitute loss of control or improvement that require
corrective action
! Usually Cp, Cpk, Pp, and Ppk are measured as part of the control plan, and
in the process
Short-Term Capability indices (Cp Cpk): Uses short term process variation
to determine process capability. Use when no long-term data available