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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 2

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 3

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 4

Thank You for Contribution

Here is to thank you to Mr. Vladimir, Mr. Xiang (升沃机械), Mr. Marian,
Mr. Jonathan, Mr. Ji Chun, Mr. Ganesh and Mr. Huang. Because they had
contributed the good repair information in part of this repair guides.

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 5

Table of Contents

How to Use This Repair Guide ........................................................................10

Isolate the LED/LCD TV Screen Problem Made Easy ....................11

The Good Tools .......................................................................................11

The Knowledge of How to Troubleshoot and Repair TV Panel…... .13

Types of LCD/LED TV Screen Problem............................................... 13

How to Use the LCD/LED Panel Tester Correctly ............................ 16
How to Know Which LVDS Cable is Suitable to this TV Panel? ......18

You Must Know Why Repair LED TV Screen Unsuccessfully ....19

A Good Workbench and Tools will Help to Increase Successful
Repair Rate........................................................................................................20

Terminology of the T-CON Board and LCD/LED Panel PCB .....21

Procedure to Repair Samsung LCD/LED Panel without External
Gate COF......................................................................................................... 27
About Samsung Panels...........................................................................27

General Considerate Regarding Samsung Panel by Disconnecting

Gate Drivers Signals .........................................................................................31

Steps You Have To Do When Repairing a Samsung Panel................34

Samsung Panel Screen Repair Case .....................................................35

(4.1) Panel Screen: LTA260AP02

T-CON: 260AP02C2LV0.2

Level Shifter IC: IC8-AG32AE2 ......................................35

(4.2) Panel Screen: LTA320AB02 and LTF320AB01

T-CON: 320AB02CP2LV0.3

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 6

Level Shifter IC: 2x AG16BG...........................................38

(4.3) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM03 B

T-CON: S100FAPC2LV0.3...............................................39

(4.4) Panel Screen: LTF320AP11


Processor: BD8193MWV, Gamma MAX9694E .............41

(4.5) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM07

T-CON: S100FAPC2L v0.3 (BN41-01687A) ...................43

(4.6) Panel Screen: LTF400HM03

T-CON: S100FAPC2L v0.3...............................................46

(4.7) Panel Screen: LSF320HJ01

T-CON: 2013_TCON_FOX_FT1 (BN41-01939) ............47

(4.8) Panel Screen: LTY320AP04 and LTZ320AP04

TCON: 320AP04S4LV1.5 and 320AP04S4LV1.7...........50

(4.9) Panel Screen: LTA400HW03 J

TCON: SH120PMB45V0.3................................................52

(4.10) Panel Screen: LSY320AN02

TCON: 320KSB_S2LV0.2.................................................55

(4.11) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM05

T-CON: 400HR42S4LV0A, 400HR42S4LV0B ...............59

(4.12) Panel Screen: LTF320HM01, LTA320HM03

T-CON: LJ94- 03256H (F 60M B4C2LV0. 6) ................64

(4.13) Panel Screen: LTJ400HV01-J

T-CON: SH120PMB4SV0.3 ..............................................67

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 7

COF BoardView List (aka COF Bypass Modification) ...................70

LCD Panel TAB/COF Equivalent List ..................................................94
T-CON Board P-GAMMA IC & DC-DC IC Programming
Method............................................................................................................ 104
How do I know the GAMMA IC & DC-DC IC is programmable
type? .................................................................................................................105

How to Programming/Write the T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-

DC IC?..............................................................................................................106

These 5 Pins of T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC You Must


T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC Programming Tutorials.108

RT809F Software Programming Programmable IC Process ..........114

T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC Read/Write Pins List .....115

Download the T-CON Board P-GAMMA IC & DC-DC IC

Data/Firmware ................................................................................................117

Troubleshooting & Repairing Hisense RSAG7.820.5129 T-CON

Board............................................................................................................... 119
T-CON Board Circuit Structure.........................................................119

Panel Control Signals & Mini-LVDS Timing Chart Waveform .....120

Control Signals DC Voltage Range.....................................................121

Critical T-CON Board Output Voltage Values .................................121

RSAG7.820.5129 T-CON Board Module Features ...........................121

Introduce Module Features & Their Common Faults in T-CON ..123

Other Common Faults in this T-CON Board ...................................128

LCD/LED TV Display Problem Repair Tips ...................................134

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 8

BONUS-A: LG LED/LCD TV Interconnect Schematic Diagrams

32LS3500-Interconnect_2012_Interconnect ………….………..148

37LK450-Interconnect_2011_Interconnect ……………….……155

42CS560-Interconnect_2012_Interconnect ……….…….………163

42LG60-Interconnect2_2008_Interconnect …………….………170

42LG60-Interconnect_2008_Interconnect ………………….…..172

43LJ5000-Interconnect-Mainboard_2017_Interconnect ……….174

47LV4400-Interconnect_MB Built-In T-con_Interconnect…… 178

49UH6100-Interconnect_2016_Interconnect ……………………184

55UF7600-Interconnect-Mainboard_2015_Interconnect ……....185


BONUS-A: T-Con Board Schematic/Circuit Diagrams

HISENSE RSAG7.820.5129 T-CON Board Schematic………..….….195

HISENSE RSAG7-820-4159 T-CON Board with LED32K16 TV


SKYWORTH 5800-TCON6-0P10 T-CON Board Schematic………..208

(This bonus NOT listed in this Ebook, it’s on the Download Page)

* Collection of LG T-CON Board Testing Point & Voltages (Over

120 pages)
* T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC Firmware’s
* T-CON Board EEPROM Data/Firmware’s

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 9

Highly recommended other great related repair information for you:

With all these great repair information, it will help and improve your skills in
troubleshooting and repairing OLED/LED/LCD/Plasma TV quickly and easily:
(Please click on the ebook cover to get more details)

http://www.LCD-Television-Repair.com (LCD/LED TV service manuals & etc)

http://www.Plasma-Television-Repair.com (Plasma TV service manuals & etc)

Other Great Electronic Repairing Ebooks:

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 10

How to Use This Repair Guide

1) Yes, this repair guide not only can save you time and money, it also can help
to earn more profit from repairing LCD/LED panel. Because of LCD/LED
Panel is the most expensive spare part inside the TV and Monitor. If we can
repair it, so the profit is quite high to compare repairing other section like PSU
in TV.

2) With the help of LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide (V1), when you read
this ebook, it will improve your knowledge and repairing skills quickly and
easily. Because all the basic theory of how Panel working was written inside the
LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide (V1). Highly recommend to grab this
ebook too.

3) If you don’t want to start from the basic theory, but just want to solve your
TV display problem, you can direct refer to the chapter you’re interesting. So it
will directly to show you what’s wrong on this type of display symptom. Also
the LCD and LED Backlight is not writing in this ebook, because I had wrote a
lot this title in my V2, V3, V4 and V5 LED/LCD TV Repair Tips ebook series.

4) When I’m mention “LCD” word in this ebook, actually it is included the
“LED” at the same time. So I don’t write too many LED word in this ebook to
save more space and reduce some file sizes in this ebook.
5) After you have finished reading this repair guide, I believe that you will have
the confident to repair LCD/LED TV Panel now. It is because of we know how
the LCD/LED Panel is working, why this display symptom is occur and also
know how to troubleshooting it!

The LCD/LED Screen is the most expensive cost of the TV. Normally when the
Panel is beyond repair, this TV will no point to continue repair. Either replaces
a new or working Panel with reasonable price, or just selling their PCB board as
it to the used spare part market. Nowadays, repairing the LCD/LED Panel has a
high profit margin in TV or Monitor repair!

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 11

Isolate the LED/LCD TV Screen

Problem Made Easy

How to isolate the LED/LCD TV screen problem easily? I’ve received lots of
this type of question from the TV repairer. And my answer is:

1) The Good Tools

a) LCD/LED Panel Tester
- A tester to test the T-con + Panel is working or not. So this tester
can generate and send the Testing Color Bar to the Panel through T-con Board.
The tester like picture below:

b) LVDS convert to VGA Tester

- This type of tester have two design, one is their tester build in the
LCD screen and another one is need to connect to a monitor to see the video
output is normal or not. Normally, this tester can test Mainboard output video
signals LVDS to VGA and see the result on its own LCD screen or connect it to
a monitor to see the display result. This tester is looks like the picture below:

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 12

c) V-by-One converts to LVDS (also to VGA) for 4K TV Mainboard.

- This type of tester is more expensive than the above two. Because
of this tester can support to the latest 2K~4K TV Panel. It also same as the
LVDS convert to VGA Tester, the display result can see on its own LCD screen
or connect to a VGA monitor. Please see on the picture below:

The item (b) & (c) tester also use for TV mainboard repair. Because the
mainboard just supply the voltage input and their LVDS output just connects to
the Tester and you will know this Mainboard can output a good display or not.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 13

2) The Knowledge of how to Trobleshoot and Repair TV Panel

So from the TV screen symptom, you will know what the TV or panel problem
is. All these knowledge you can learn from my previous ebooks like: V3 & V4
LED/LCD TV Repair Tips and LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide. For more
details of these ebooks, please visit to http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com .

Types of LCD/LED TV Screen Problem

1) No Display (Grey Screen: you can feel that their backlight is lit)
This type of screen problem, you need to see their backlight is lit or not. If the
backlight lit but no display, then use the volt meter to check their T-con board
VCC supplies input voltage. If the Vcc has 12V or a similar voltage, that’s
mean the problem is on T-CON board or Panel. If the T-con VCC input voltage
missing, you need to trace it back to mainboard.
We can use the LCD/LED Panel Tester to checking their T-con + Panel are
working or not. So to confirm the problem is on Mainboard or Panel. Also we
can use the other two testers too.

2) Display Upside Down & Painting Display Problem

Normally this type of problem is causing by their setting in between Mainboard
and their T-con board. So the solution is to login to TV service mode
(Mainboard) to change their Panel setting. Or you can modify their T-con like
inside the LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair ebook. If cannot modify, then change
the T-con board to solve this problem.

3) White Display
Normally this type of problem is the T-con or Panel damage. If you use the
LVDS convert to VGA Tester, the TV Mainboard can output a perfect display
on its LCD screen there.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 14

4) Display Slow Motion

Normally this type of problem is the T-con or Panel damage. If you use the
LVDS convert to VGA Tester, the TV Mainboard can output a perfect display
on its LCD screen there.

5) Display Double Images/ Jittering or Jumping

Normally this type of problem is the T-con or Panel damage. If you use the
LVDS convert to VGA Tester, the TV Mainboard can output a perfect display
on its LCD screen there.

6) Whole Screen of Vertical Colors Lines (Static or Dynamic)

Most of the time, this type of screen problem is causing by their T-con. If
you’re not sure, you can call out their TV OSD Menu. It is also same problem
too. If their OSD Menu can show a perfect image on the screen, that’s mean the
problem is in the Mainboard there.

Or just use the LCD Panel Tester to testing it, you will know the result directly.

7) Screen Display Divided to Several Section or Display Content Opposites

This type of problem is causing be their T-con board EEPROM firmware

8) One or Several Horizontal/Vertical Bar or Lines on Screen

Normally this type of problem is causing by their TV Panel.

9) Abnormal Display (Not mention the above)

This type of screen symptom, you can try call out their OSD Menu to see it is
normal or not. If OSD Menu normal, that’s mean the problem is on the
Mainboard. If still same problem, then you needs to use the LCD Panel Tester
or another two testers to testing this TV.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 15

If these voltage lines abnormal on T-CON Board, what will happen on TV

a) Vin (12V), VDD (3.3V), VAA/VDA(~17V)

If these voltage missing or abnormal, the screen will no display.

If these voltage missing or abnormal, the screen will become slow motion
or abnormal display.

c) Vcom
If this voltage missing or abnormal, the screen will flashing or display not
sharp (like low level contrast screen).

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 16

How to Use the LCD/LED Panel Tester

Nowadays, the LCD/LED Panel Tester is a must have tool to repair an
LCD/LED TV. It is cheaper than the LVDS Convert to VGA & V-By-One
Panel Testers. So lots of the TV repairer purchased this type of Panel Tester.

Unfortunately, they bought the wrong package of this LCD/LED Panel Tester.
Please look at the picture below:

The above LCD Panel Tester is a standard package only. The seller put their
advertisement say this Tester can support LCD Panel from 10 inches until 55 or
higher inches too! But from the above picture to see that, it is not user friendly
for the TV repair!! When you bought the above LCD Panel Tester package, this
tester will not help much in TV Panel repair.

Because of the seller not put all type of the LVDS cables to standard package of
LCD/LED Panel Tester. When you want to testing the 32, 37, 39, 40, 42, 47, 50,
55 inches TV panel with this tool, you will feel the lack of the LVDS cables to
testing the above TV Panel.

So I will recommend you when purchase this type of LCD/LED Panel, you
must ask the seller to purchase extra LVDS cables like: 8-bits Single & Dual
Channels types, and also for the 10-bits Single & Dual Channels LVDS cables.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 17

Especially this type of connector LVDS cable:

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 18

How to Know Which LVDS Cable is Suitable to this TV Panel?

That’s easy to just refer to back to their LCD Panel specification sheet, and then
you will know what type of LVDS cable of this Panel (T-con board) use. Below
is an example Panel datasheet of AUO T315XW02 VC. Inside the “”General
Description” section there, it is shows their cable type already is 8-Bits and 1
Channel LVDS cable like picture below:

Important Note:
1) Make sure that the T-CON Vcc input voltage pins are connected correctly
to LCD/LED Panel Tester.
2) Also choose the correct LCD Panel voltage values for the TV Panel need
to test.

If just wrong doing the above either one, it can damage and burn the LCD/LED
TV Panel!!! So be careful on this part, if not, afterward you will regret.

One more thing is make sure the TV backlight is working properly. If not you
can’t see anything on TV screen.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 19

You Must Know Why Repair LED/LCD

TV Screen Unsuccessfully

Repair LCD/LED TV Panel is a challenging job. So we always need to find and

learn the good & helpful TV Panel repairing information to improve our skills.
When the skills improved, that’s mean repair the TV Panel successful rate will
increase at the same time too!

But I received several members email said they hard to successful repair the TV
Panel. Finally, I found that they have a same mistake to learn the knowledge of
repair TV Panel.

For example:
An LCD TV with display slow motion problem. Normally it is causing by their
abnormal VGH voltage. So the member emails me about this problem and I told
him to checking the VGH voltage. After next day, he replied my email and said
all voltages on the T-CON board are normal.

I asked him, did you check the VGH voltage until to the X-COF pin there? He
said no. Then I asked him to check again. But I forgot to tell him that LCD
Panel has 3 x external Gate COF and also need to check too. So next email, he
told me that the VGH voltage normal even measure until the X-COF pins there.
So he feels like this TV Panel is beyond repair and need to return back to

So I encourage him try again. Because he never finish check the VGH yet.
Luckily, when he check the Gate COF-1 (COF BoardView or my previously
call it as Bypass Modification) and found that VGH voltage missing! So he
connects a wire from T-con board VGH point to the Gate COF-1 VGH point.
Finally, his TV Panel problem solved!

From the above story, we know that different people even learn from a same
book, but get a different result! Hopefully, the entire TV repairers don’t do this
mistake again.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 20

A Good Workbench and Tools will Help to Increase Successful

Repair Rate
Yes, a good environment workbench with the entire necessary tools standby to
use will help to increase the successful TV panel repair rate. These things and
tools will helps to you:

1) A clean workbench with the proper lighting.

2) Magnifier
3) LCD/LED Panel Tester
4) LCD & LED Backlight Tester
5) Sharp & Fine tip Needle Soldering Iron
6) Universal ISP Programmer
7) Good sharp knife and etc accessories.
8) TV Panel repairing information like: Panel datasheet specification info,
Panel schematic diagram and my ebooks: V3, V4, LCD/LED Screen
Panel Repair Guide (V1.0) and this ebook also.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 21

Terminology of the T-CON Board and

No. Marking Description Remark
Code (Typically)

1. VON, Gate-On Supply. VON is the positive supply voltage for the 20V~ 35V
VGH, CKV_, CKVB_, and STVP high-voltage driver outputs. Bypass
to GND with a minimum 1uF ceramic capacitor.
VDDG This VGH (VGate High) voltage was generated by DC-DC
circuits. And their voltage is about 20V ~30V but it will
depends on the T-con board design. The feature of VGH
voltage is to supply to the Gate Driver Board as a “Switch
ON” feature. It can switch on the TFT cells in LCD Panel and
display shows.

2. VOFF, Gate-Off Supply. VOFF is the negative supply voltage for -5V~ -12V
VGL, the CKV_, CKVB_, and STVP high-voltage driver outputs. (Commonly
Bypass to GND with a minimum 1uF ceramic capacitor.
VGOFF, is -5V ~
VEEG The VGL (VGateLow) voltage was generated by the DC-DC -8V)
section too. Some T-con board will use a higher voltage as -
15V or a lower voltage as -1V. So it will depend on the T-
con design and it’s not much on the market. Typically is -
5V~ -7V. This negative voltage is supply to Gate Driver
Board. The VGL voltage is as “Switch Off” feature. When
VGL negative voltage is supply, the VGH voltage on TFT
cells will “Clear” by VGL voltage, so that the next data can
shows on that TFT cells.

3. VDD, Supply Input. VDD is the logic supply input for the scan 3.3V
Vlogic, driver. Bypass to GND through a minimum 0.1uF capacitor.
Vddd, This VDD voltage is output from the DC-DC IC or using an
Dvdd external Voltage Regulator IC to generate. It is 3.3V and
other voltages like 2.5V (VDD25) and 1.8V (VDD18) was
using the VDD 3.3V voltage to convert. After VDD voltage
generate it is supply to Timing Control section, Source
Driver Board and Gate Driver Board.

4. VDA, This VDA voltage is about 14V ~20V and it will depends on 13V~ 25V
Avdd, their T-con board design. The VDA voltage is generated by
DC-DC Converter circuits. It is use to supply to the GAMMA
Vdda, circuits and reaching to the Source Driver Board

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 22

VCOM Common Voltage. Normally their voltage is nearly half of

the VDD voltages. (if VDD is 16V, then VCOM is about 7V)
5. AGND Ground

6. BGND Amplifier Ground

7. GND Ground/ Logic Ground

8. PGND Power Ground. Source connection of the internal step-up

regulator power switch.

9. STV Vertical Sync Input. The rising edge of STV begins a frame
of data. The STV input is used to generate the high-voltage
STVP output.

10. STVP High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. STVP is connected to

VOFF when STV is low and is connected to VON when STV
is high and CPV1 is low. When both STV and CPV1 are high,
STVP is high impedance.

11. CPV1 CPV (Clock Pulse Vertical) -Vertical Clock Pulse Input. CPV1
controls the timing of the CKV1 and CKVB1 outputs, which
change state (by first sharing charge) on its falling edge.

12. CPV2 Vertical Clock Pulse Input. CPV2 controls the timing of the
CKV2 and CKVB2 outputs, which change state (by first
sharing charge) on its falling edge.

13. CPV3 Vertical Clock Pulse Input. CPV3 controls the timing of the
CKV3 and CKVB3 outputs, which change state (by first
sharing charge) on its falling edge.

14. CKV1 CKV( Clock Signal)- High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. When

enabled, CKV1 toggles between its high state (connected
to VON) and its low state (connected to VOFF) on each
falling edge of the CPV1 input. Further, CKV1 is high
impedance whenever CPV1 and STV are both low.

15. CKV2 High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. When enabled, CKV2

toggles between its high state (connected to VON) and its
low state (connected to VOFF) on each falling edge of the
CPV2 input. Further, CKV2 is high impedance whenever
CPV2 and STV are both low.

16. CKV3 High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. When enabled, CKV3

toggles between its high state (connected to VON) and its
low state (connected to VOFF) on each falling edge of the
CPV3 input. Further, CKV3 is high impedance whenever
CPV3 and STV are both low.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 23

17. CKVB1 CKVB (Inverted Clock Signal)- High-Voltage Scan-Drive

Output. CKVB1 is the inverse of CKV1 during active states
and is high impedance whenever CKV1 is high impedance.

18. CKVB2 High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. CKVB2 is the inverse of

CKV2 during active states and is high impedance whenever
CKV2 is high impedance.

19. CKVB3 High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. CKVB3 is the inverse of

CKV3 during active states and is high impedance whenever
CKV3 is high impedance.

20. CKVCS1 CKV1 Charge Sharing Connection. CKVCS1 connects to

CKVBCS1 whenever CPV1 and STV are both low (to make
CKV1 and CKVB1 high impedance) to allow CKVB1 to
connect to CKV1, sharing charge between the capacitive
loads on these two outputs.

21. CKVCS2 CKV2 Charge-Sharing Connection. CKVCS2 connects to

CKVBCS2 whenever CPV2 and STV are both low (to make
CKV2 and CKVB2 high impedance) to allow CKVB2 to
connect to CKV2, sharing charge between the capacitive
loads on these two outputs.

22. CKVCS3 CKV3 Charge-Sharing Connection. CKVCS3 connects to

CKVBCS3 whenever CPV3 and STV are both low (to make
CKV3 and CKVB3 high impedance) to allow CKVB3 to
connect to CKV3, sharing charge between the capacitive
loads on these two outputs.

23. CKVBCS1 CKVB1 Charge-Sharing Connection. CKVBCS1 connects to

CKVCS1 whenever CPV1 and STV are both low (to make
CKV1 and CKVB1 high impedance) to allow CKV1 to
connect to CKVB1, sharing charge between the capacitive
loads on these two outputs.

24. CKVBCS2 CKVB2 Charge-Sharing Connection. CKVBCS2 connects to

CKVCS2 whenever CPV2 and STV are both low (to make
CKV2 and CKVB2 high impedance) to allow CKV2 to
connect to CKVB2, sharing charge between the capacitive
loads on these two outputs.

25. CKVBCS3 CKVB3 Charge-Sharing Connection. CKVBCS3 connects to

CKVCS3 whenever CPV3 and STV are both low (to make
CKV3 and CKVB3 high impedance) to allow CKV3 to
connect to CKVB3, sharing charge between the capacitive
loads on these two outputs.

26. BOOST Operational Amplifier Supply Input. Connect to VMAIN

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 24

(Figure 2) and bypass to BGND with a 1μF or greater

ceramic capacitor.
27. COMP Compensation Input for Error Amplifier. Connect a series
RC from COMP to AGND. Typical values are 180k and

28. DISH VOFF Discharge Connection. Pulling DISH below ground

activates an internal connection between VOFF and GND,
rapidly discharging the VOFF supply. Typically, DISH is
capacitively connected to VDD, so that when VDD falls,
VOFF is discharged.

29. DLY Startup Delay Setting. Connect a capacitor to adjust the


30. EN Enables the Scan IC. Drive EN high to start up the Scan IC
after a delay time, which is set by a capacitor at DLY.

31. FB Feedback Input. Reference voltage is 1.24V nominal.

Connect external resistor-divider midpoint here and
minimize trace area. Set VOUT according to: VOUT = 1.24V
(1 + R1/R2).

32. GOFF Gate-Off Supply. GOFF is the negative supply voltage for
the CKV_, CKVB_, and STVP_ high-voltage driver outputs.
Bypass to AGND with a minimum of 1µF ceramic capacitor.

33. GON Gate-On Supply. GON is the positive supply voltage for the
CKV_, CKVB_, and STVP_ high-voltage driver outputs.
Bypass to AGND with a minimum of 1µF ceramic capacitor.

34. IN Step-Up Regulator Supply Input. Bypass IN to AGND (pin

34) with a 1μF or greater ceramic capacitor.

35. LX Switching Node. Connect inductor/catch diode here and

minimize trace area for lowest EMI.

36. NEG Operational Amplifier Inverting Input

37. OE Active-High Gate-Pulse Output Enable. CKV_ and CKVB_

leave the floating charge-sharing state on the rising edge of

38. OECON Active-Low Output-Enable Timing Input. OECON is driven

by an RC-filtered version of the OE input signal. If OE
remains high long enough for the resistor to charge the
capacitor up to the OECON threshold, the OE signal is
masked until OE goes low and the capacitor is discharged
below the threshold through the resistor.

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 25

39. OUT Adjustable Sink-Current Output. OUT connects to the

resistive voltage-divider at the op amp input POS (between
BOOST and GND) that determines the VCOM output
voltage. IOUT lowers the divider voltage by a
programmable amount.

40. POS Operational Amplifier Non-inverting Input

41. SET Full-Scale, Sink-Current Adjustment Input. Connect a

resistor, RSET, from SET to GND to set the full scale
adjustable sink current that is VBOOST / (20 x RSET). IOUT
is equal to the current through RSET.

42. VCOM Operational Amplifier Output

43. VL 3.3V On-Chip Regulator Output. This regulator powers

internal analog circuitry for the step-up regulator, op amp,
and VCOM calibrator. External loads up to 10mA can be
powered. Bypass VL to GND with a 0.22μF or greater
ceramic capacitor.

44. WPN Active-Low, Write-Protect Input. When WPN is low, I2C

commands are ignored and the VCOM calibrator settings
cannot be modified.
45. WPP Write-Protect Output. WPP is the inverse of WPN. It can be
used to control active-high, write-protect inputs on other

46. XAO In order to solve the problem of image-retention effect

of TFT-LCD, the technique of XAO function (power off
control) is mostly used at present. XAO function means
that XAO is set to low level when the display is turned off.
For example, the logic low level is set to 0˜3.3 v, and thus
all outputs of the gate driver will be shifted to high level at
the same time and all TFT will be turned on. The charge
stored on the CS can thus be discharged and the image-
retention effect can be eliminated. However, the common
method of using XAO function is to send XAO signal into
logic control circuit and to convert low level to high level
output through level shifter. After the display is turned off,
much charge on the capacitor will be discharged since the
voltage of power supply is maintained only by the
capacitor and all TFT at low level will function at the same
time. Therefore, when the pulse of XAO reaches, the gate
voltage of all TFT are all shifted to VGH, and thus a large
current is produced at the moment in which the gate of
TFT on gate driver circuit is activated. This large current
may cause the trace on gate driver circuit to burn.
Furthermore, VDD voltage will also decrease rapidly and

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 26

thus causes the conversion of the level shifter to fail and

the XAO function to lose efficacy.
47. GSC Gate Shift Clock- Two clock signals GSC of a gate driver IC
occur in a horizontal synchronous interval, and a GSC gate
pulse is generated with each clock signal GSC of the gate
driver IC. The gate start pulse has to occur so as to operate
the gates

48. GOE Gate Operation Enable- A timing controller supplying a

gate operation enable (GOE) signal to the gate driver. a
reset circuit supplying a reset signal to the timing
controller, the reset signal enabling the GOE signal; and a
filtering circuit connected to the reset circuit, the filtering
circuit permitting a GOE mask time of the GOE signal to be
longer than about 16 msec and reducing an impulse of the
clock signal.

49. GSP Gate Start Pulse

50. POL Polarity Reverse

51. SSC Source Sampling Clock

52. SOE Source Output Enable

53. SSP Source Start Pulse

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 27

Procedure to Repair Samsung

LCD/LED Panel without External Gate
This chapter will help you repair a Samsung 2008-2013 type panel screens that
use gate circuits embodied in glass screen cell (chip on glass COG). But the
knowledge you learn from this chapter, also can apply to other brands of panel
repair. The procedure has a rate of success of 0-90%, but it will depend on your
screen panel type, the tools you use and the knowledge you’ve learn from my
previous ebook (Also included this chapter too). You have to accept that
sometimes, even the screen panel will work but a thin line may appear randomly
on screen. Also, sometimes, the screen will not respond to any procedure
described here. In this file, I will refer only on repairing gate problems of fault
in Samsung screen panels.

1. About Samsung Panels

A display device includes multiple pairs of field generating electrodes and an
electro-optical active layer interposed there between. Generally, one of the pair
of field generating electrodes is connected to a switching element to receive an
electric signal and the electro-optical active layer converts electric signal into an
optical signal to display images.

The display device typically includes a gate driver and a data driver. The gate
driver applies to a gate line a gate signal that turns a pixel on and off, and the
data driver converts image data into data voltages and then applies the
converted data voltage to a data line.

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 28

“We are interested only in gate signal circuit, this is the one that faults and
need to be fixed”

The gate signals are processed by the scan driver circuits and amplified by the
level shifter to analog signals, which are outputted as the gate pulses for
scanning the display panel.

Gate driving circuits can be mounted - (TCP) tape carrier package or printed on
glass - (COG) chip on glass. On Samsung panels, gate driving circuits were
replaced since 2008-2009 with gate drivers on glass mounted transistors, using
ASG technology (Amorphous Silicon Gate).

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 29

Each gate line has a block circuit glass mounted transistors called SR, made
using ASG technology. The gate driver receives clock signals CKV and CKVB
and the start signal STVP, and sequentially apply on voltages to gate lines G1-

The display area 300 is represented by the resistor Rp and the capacitor

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 30

Cp. As show below, the gate lines G1-Gn, and the liquid crystal capacitor CIc
and storage capacitor Cst , respectively have the resistance and capacitance, and
the sum thereof is represented by one resistor Rp and one capacitor Cp. The
gate voltage output from each line block SR1-SRn is analog transmitted through
the gate line corresponding.

The SR blocks are connected between, with glass printed connections, and
when a component of one SR block faults, owing to the fact that is on glass, the
repair is impossible.

However, with some trickery made on command signals of gate driver’s

blocks, you can partially or totally repair the faults.

CKV and phase opposition CKVB signal, and start STVP signal, are
synchronizing the gate outputs to screen lines. For a small screen, we will have
only one set of signals: CKV, CKVB and STVP. For a bigger screen, we will
have 2 gate drivers blocks and 2 sets of signals, CKV1, CKVB1, STVP1 and
CKV2, CKVB2, STVP2, each of this signals sets will command a gate driver on
down or upper side of the screen.

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 31

The fault can be visible on whole screen, half of screen, so we need to cut in
either signals sets, or one by one, depending on each situation. On large screen
panels, starting with 32 inch, there are gate drivers on both sides of the screen,
and we can have 2, 3 or 4 sets of signals. In this case, the command of 4 blocks
gate drivers (CKV1.....CKV4, etc) are made in various ways, one way it is as

- First gate signal will command upper side of screen odd lines, second gate
signal - lower side of screen odd lines, third gate signal will command
upper side of screen even lines, fourth gate signal lower side of screen
even lines.

A fault screen will display in many ways:

- Doubled image on all screen, on vertical, or image stop.

- Half of screen, upper or lower, doubled or static image, the other half will
be correct displayed.
- On whole screen are horizontal lines where image is reversed or static.
- A part of the screen is darker and with lines.
- Vertical flickering image on all screen or upper or lower half of the
- In an area of the screen, the image has lines on it.
- On area where image is not right, can also to have a certain color or fail
of color.

2. General Considerate Regarding Samsung Panel

by Disconnecting Gate Drivers Signals
This method also called as “Cut-Off Modification” in my previous ebook
“LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide”.

(2.1) The generating circuit for gate drivers, called LEVEL SHIFTER or SCAN
DRIVER, can be mounted on T-CON drivers, on PCB (printed wire board)
connected to screen, or in glass screen.

(2.2) When level shifter is in glass cell, you cannot disconnect it, but you can try
to disconnect the input signal – CPV, STV and OE. This signals will go on both
sides of the screen, thru left and right PCB, you can disconnect one side first,

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 32

check if any improvement, and if not, disconnect other side and re-connect first

(2.3) First of all you have to check is: where is the LEVER SHIFTER IC, by
finding check points CKV CKVB and STVP. Usually the LEVER SHIFTER is
on TCON board or on T-CON PCB attached to the screen glass cell.

(2.4) When you cut CKV, CKVB and STVP signals on printed wire circuit, you
have to be sure that the disconnection will be made to screen direction, there are
several situations when connection with level shifter is between check points
and screen, so cutting the printed wire circuit near this check points to be with
no result.

(2.5) The T-CON processor generates only low voltage gate signals, like CPV,
STV and OE, the level shifter circuit is not integrated in t-con processor, is a
separate IC.

(2.6) Sometimes there are 2 or 3 LEVEL SHIFTER IC, like in picture below:

But latest t-con boards have the same IC for LEVEL SHIFTER and DC-DC
source, especially on small size screens (15-32”).

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 33

(2.7) Generally, if screen configuration permits, you have to check the printed
wire circuit from T-con to both left/right PCBs, in connection to panel for all
signals CKV, CKVB and STVP. The best way to repair is to cut the signals near
screen, on left/right PCB, or left/right connection to screen on PCB (if only one
board attached to screen cell).

(2.8) Sometimes, cutting some signals only from left or right will solve the
image problems but cutting same signals from both right / left connection to
screen to generate more errors.

(2.9) If you have a T-con apart from screen cell, first step is to find which part of
the screen is fault. Disconnect left FFC between T-con and left PCB and power
the tv. If you have now on right part of the screen a normal image, means that
you have a fault in left side of the cell. If still a fault image, re-connect the left
FFC and disconnect right FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. If
you have now on left part of the screen a normal image, means that you have a
fault in right side of the cell.

(2.10) On some screens, Level Shifter IC have on outputs, some zero ohms
resistors, so, you can first remove this resistors and check if any improvements.
You should remove on signal groups, for example, when you remove output of
CKV2, you have to remove also CKVB2 signal.

(2.11) Sometimes, you have on left/right PCB, some zero ohms resistors that
connect Level Shifter to right/left screen cell. In this case, just remove those
resistors for groups that fault. In example below, RM1 connects to screen the
STVP signal, RM2 connects to screen CKV1 signal, RM3-CKV2, RM4-CKV3,
RM5-CKVB1, RM6-CKVB2, and RM7-CKVB3 .

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 34

(2.12) As I explained in previous presentation, the CKV, CKVB and STVP

signals scan between positive voltage VONE and negative voltage VOFFE.
Sometimes, a small raise of VOFFE negative voltage will remove faults of the

3. Steps You Have To Do When Repairing A

Samsung Panel
(3.1) identify the Level Shifter generator, by finding the inputs CPV, OE and
STV check points, or finding the outputs CKV1...CKVn, CKVB1...CKVBn,
and STVP1...STVPn check points.

(3.2) Check the VONE and VOFF voltages and note the values.

(3.3) First, disconnect the CKV1, CKVB1 and STVP signals, after that CKV2,
CKVB2, and so on.

(3.4) Disconnections will be made so the wires from screen panel to be “on

(3.5) when disconnect the printed wire board near screen entrance, by cutting
the printed circuit, you have to be sure that you will be able to solder this wires,
so the cut has to be made with some distance from data driver flexible circuit.

(3.6) First disconnect, CKV1 and CKVB1- if image still have thin lines, just
strap the wires coming from screen panel CKV1 and CKVB1 with a thin

(3.7) After connecting CKV1 and CKVB1 with a thin wire, try also to ground
this 2 points, or try to connect to VOFF.

(3.8) If no improvements, try to disconnect CKV2 and CKVB2 (with STVP

disconnected) and make same steps as for CKV1 and CKVB1 (3,6 and 3.7).

(3.9) If we have also CKV3, CKVB3 and CKV4 and CKVB4, make the same
procedure as CKV1 and CKVB1, described on 3.6-3.7.

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 35

(3.10) If, for example, by disconnecting CKV3 and CKVB3 we have a normal
screen display, re-connect the former signals to panel screen, one by one in
pairs (CKV1 and CKVB1, and so on).

(3.11) It is possible that, sometimes only by disconnecting pair 1 and 4 to have a

normal screen, but by disconnecting all 4 pairs to have a fault image.

(3.12) Sometimes, even the image is correct displayed, you'll have a thin line in
the area where gain glass circuit is failure - this cannot be repairable. You have
to advice the client about this, and ask him to put in balance the final result of
this procedure against the cost of a new panel screen.

4. Samsung Panel Screen Repair Case

(4.1) Panel Screen: LTA260AP02
T-CON: 260AP02C2LV0.2
Level Shifter IC: IC8-AG32AE2

Level shifter receives from processor this low voltage signals: OE, STV and
CPV1, CPV2, and from DC-DC source, VON and VOFF voltages Output
signals that controls 2 gate drivers are CKV1, CKVB1 and STVP1, respectively,
CKV2, CKVB2 and STVP2.

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 36

Clock signals are starting from T-con Board, and you don't have to open the
screen panel. First, cut and disconnect on printed side, where indicated in
picture, CKV1 and CKVB1, strap on the check point on component side only
CKV1 and CKVB1

If still image fault, proceed identical with CKV2 and CKVB2. If there is no
image, just rebuild the CKV1 and CKVB1 connections on printed side.
Sometimes, you need to disconnect also STVP1 (2) signal. Be patience, and
check all combinations possible to have a normal picture. If fault solved but
after a while appears some vertical white lines in an area with a static image,
like a channel logo, you have to connect strapped pair to VOFF, instead of GND,
and raise a little the VOFF with minus 3-5v. You can do that by lowering the
resistor connected between REF and FBN of bias power supply IC7. Have
TPS65160 schematic below:

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 37

Another fault, over all image there are vertical thin colored lines. All voltages
are correct. SDRAM – IC4 EM638325TS-7G is fault. Change T-con or replace

Another fault: Black screen, after a while will appear vertical colored lines.
Check all voltages – AVDD, VCC, VON, VOFF. Usually there is a problem
with Von voltage, bias power supply TPS65160 fault. Change T-con or replace

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 38

(4.2) Panel Screen: LTA320AB02 and LTF320AB01

T-CON: 320AB02CP2LV0.3
Level Shifter IC: 2x AG16BG

On this panel, we have 2 versions of repairing it.

a) On T-con board: There are 2 gate drivers and clock signals are
outputted by 2 level shifter IC's, ICS1 and ICS2, located on T-con board.

First, cut the circuits between ICS1 - CKV1 and CKVB1, right near resistors, as
shown in image below. If image still fault, try to strap CKV1 and CKVB1,
connect to the ground, or connect with an wire to Voff. ATTENTION! Make
sure the connection between check point and ICS1 is opened with diode
instrument, before strapping CKV1 and CKVB1. If there is still connection to
the level shifter IC, you can burn it by connecting to the ground or Voff.

If image still faults, make a similar procedure with ICS2, by disconnecting

CKV2 and CKVB2. Reconnect CKVB1 and CKVB2 to ICS1, and follow the
same procedure.

If image is correct, but on still images there are some white vertical artifacts’,
you have to connect strapped pair to VOFF, instead of GND.

b) On PCB connected to glass screen panel

Cut the connections CKV1, CKVB1, CKV2, CKVB2 and STVP1 (2) on side
with gate block fault (left or right) . You can see where the fault is by checking
left/right margin of the screen with a magnifier lens, or a microscope. You will
see a burned glass circuit, in the area where screen faults.

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 39

(4.3) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM03 B


Screen is flickering and has a part/all the screen with doubled image.

First step is to find which part of the screen is fault. Disconnect left FFC
between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. If you have now on right part of
the screen a normal image, means that you have a fault in left side of the cell. If
still a fault image, re-connect the left FFC and disconnect right FFC between T-
con and left PCB and power the TV. If you have now on left part of the screen a
normal image, means that you have a fault in right side of the cell. On the right
side (with problems) just remove the CKV1 and CKVB1 resistors RM2 and
RM5 and see any improvements.

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 40

If not, remove CKV2 and CKVB2 resistors RM2 and RM6, check if any
improvements, and if not, remove CKV3 and CKVB3 resistors RM3 and RM7.
If still no improvements, remove STVP resistor, RM1 see picture.

You will have a normal picture now, but sometimes, you will have, on side with
problems, a little ODD/EVEN lines distance. Strap with a wire, on check points,
CKV1 with CKVB1, see if lines are now correct displayed. If not, strap with a
wire, on check points, CKV2 with CKVB2, check, and repeat procedure with
CKV3 with CKVB3. Now you will have a clean image. Sometimes, it will be
better to put back the resistors for the blocks pair that have no problem. For
example if only by disconnecting CKV3 and CKVB3 will solve image problem,
that means pair 1 and 2 have no problems. Sometimes, if you have a bigger
problem on cell circuit, the image will be correct but a/some thin line/s will be
displayed sometimes on screen, noticeable on lighter/darker images. Try to
connect the strapped pair that not works on GND or Voff. You can also raise
Voff voltage with 3~5 volts to minus and the line will disappear. You can do
that by changing the input resistors from FBN input of BiasPS/Level Shifter
ICD1 – SM4109.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 41

(4.4) Panel Screen: LTF320AP11

Processor: BD8193MWV, Gamma MAX9694E
Panel screen used in Samsung LE32D450G1W TV

VONE = 28v, VOFFE= -11,5v

Gain signals CKV1, CKVB1, CKV2, CKVB2 and STVP are outputted to screen
cell thru 4 resistors, 0 ohms, as in image below:

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 42

When all image is colorless or with hue of green/red pale, the fault is from
NVM EEPROM IC, 24C64WP. Replace it, with another one, need to use the
Universal Programmer to write the good firmware into it before solder back to

A very often fault found with this type of panel: Image is ok only on lower part
of the screen, and upper side is discolored and full of visible horizontal lines, as
in picture below:

The reason for this fault is a fried connection of a SR gate block, from left or
right side of the screen (check after you remove the metal rim that covers the

The repair procedure: The fault starts after a few minutes, when faulty SR gate
run too hot, so you can add a thermal sponge pressed by metal rim, or you can
cut the signals CKV1, CKVB1, CKV2, CKVB2 and STVP only on fault side.

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 43

(4.5) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM07

T-CON: S100FAPC2L v0.3 (BN41-01687A)

The thin horizontal stripes were at the top of the screen. Cause of the defect:
burned SR block in the higher right/left corner of the panel.

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 44

Repair procedure:
Disconnect left FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. If you have
now on right part of the screen a normal image, means that you have a fault in
left side of the cell. If still a fault image, re-connect the left FFC and disconnect
right FFC between T-con and left PCB and power on the tv. If you have now on
left part of the screen a normal image, means that you have a fault in right side
of the cell. The right side (with problems) resistors are RM2, RM3, RM4, RM5
RM6 and RM7.

You will have a normal picture now, but sometimes, you will have, on side with
problems, a little ODD/EVEN lines distance. Strap with a wire, on check points,
CKV1 with CKVB1, see if lines are now correct displayed. If not, strap with a
wire, on check points CKV2 with CKVB2, check, and repeat procedure with
CKV3 with CKVB3. Now you will have a clean image. Sometimes, if you have
a bigger problem on SR circuit, the image will be correct but a / some thin line
(s) will be displayed sometimes on screen, noticeable on lighter/darker images.
Check if any improvements if connect all pairs of check points on fault side on
GND or Voff.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 45

(4.6) Panel Screen: LTF400HM03

T-CON: S100FAPC2L v0.3

15 - 30 minutes of good image, begins to trembling, double vertically. If you
check on strips of glass with your fingers, you will find that hot broken drivers
are on one of the left/right bar.

Repair procedure:
Disconnect left/right FFC cable between T-con and left/right PCB one by one,
and check which part is fault. Remove on pairs (CKV1 and CKVB1 and so on),
the 7 resistors from fault side RM1-RM7. If needed, strap pairs coming from
screen, on check points (CKV1 with CKVB1, CKV2 and CKVB2, and so on).
You can also try to strap pairs to GND or Voff and see if better picture.

Left PCB:

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V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 46

Right PCB:

On example below, was enough to cut CKV1-CKVB1 pair on fault side, by

removing corresponding resistors, and the image came back to normal.

Some thin lines can appear sometimes. Just Strap CKV1-CKVB1 pair, and
connect it to GND or VSS, and the lines will disappear.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 47

(4.7) Panel Screen: LSF320HJ01

T-CON: 2013_TCON_FOX_FT1 (BN41-01939)

Horizontal lines are partial or whole of the screen.

Repair procedure:
Disconnect one by one the left/right FFC cable between T-con and left/right
PCB and start the tv, this way you can easy check which part is fault. Level
shifter IC is connected to left/right gate blocks, thru some zero ohms resistors
fitted on T-con, thru left/right FFC cable, thru left/right PCB and extreme
left/right flexible data driver circuit.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 48

The clock signal pairs CKV1-CKVB1, CKV2-CKVB2, CKV3-CKVB3 and

start signal STVP have check points on each side, but they are covered with
paint and are very close to PCB's through-holes, so cutting the circuits is an
hard operation.

Right PCB:

Left PCB:

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 49

The easiest way to repair the panel is to cut all 7 signal connectors from FFC
cable, only on the side with fault, on T-con side.

If any horizontal thin lines remains over normal displayed image, clean the
paint from check points on PCB side with fault, and strap with a wire the pair
check points CKV1- CKVB1, see if lines disappeared. If not, connect the
strapped to GND or Voff. Repeat procedure with pairs CKV2-CKVB2, and
CKV3-CKVB3 for best results.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 50

(4.8) Panel Screen: LTY320AP04 and LTZ320AP04

TCON: 320AP04S4LV1.5 and 320AP04S4LV1.7

Image trembling, double vertically, horizontal lines are partial or whole of the

T-CON board is not detachable, and signals to left/right gate blocks, is

transmitted thru left/right flexible data driver circuits. So, it's almost impossible
to check which gate is fault. Usually, the right part faults more often, so you can
start to disconnect signals from there. You must cut the connections between
PCB's through-holes and check points, so the check points to remain connected
to panel, as in picture.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 51

Disconnect first the pair CKV1-CKVB1 and STVP and power the tv and check
if any improvement. If not, try to strap CKV1-CKVB1. Check again. Try to
connect CKV1- CKVB1 to GND. Disconnect the pair CKV2-CKVB2 and
power the tv and check if clear display. If not, try to strap CKV2-CKVB2. Try
to connect CKV2-CKVB2 to GND.

If CKV2-CKVB2 faults, try to rebuild connection for pair CKV1-CKVB1. Your

goal is to have best image you can achieve. Sometimes a thin horizontal line
will be displayed even you have a perfect image. You can not eliminate this
failing. The line is not noticeable from normal view distance, but its position
depends on the position of faulty SR gate block. On image below, the line is
very close to lower part of the screen.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 52

(4.9) Panel Screen: LTA400HW03 J

TCON: SH120PMB45V0.3

Image trembling, double vertically, horizontal lines are partial or whole of the

Repair procedure:
Disconnect left FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. If you have
now on right part of the screen a normal image, means that you have a fault in
left side of the cell. If still a fault image, re-connect the left FFC and disconnect
right FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. If you have now on
left part of the screen a normal image, means that you have a fault in right side
of the cell. On upper image, there is a problem in the right side gate screen

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 53

On the side with problems remove from PCB the resistors RM1-RM7, in this
order: first remove the CKV1 and CKVB1 resistors RM2 and RM5 and see any
improvements. If not, remove CKV2 and CKVB2 resistors RM2 and RM6,
check if any improvements, and if not, remove CKV3 and CKVB3 resistors
RM3 and RM7. If still no improvements, remove STVP resistor, RM1 see

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 54

You will have a normal picture now, but sometimes, you will have, on side with
problems, a little ODD/EVEN lines distance. Strap with a wire, on check points,
CKV1 with CKVB1, see if lines are now correct displayed. If not, strap with a
wire, on check points, CKV2 with CKVB2, check, and repeat procedure with
CKV3 with CKVB3. In example bellow, the pair CKV3- CKVB3 was strapped
Connect check points by pair, but only if corresponding resistors were removed,
or else you can burn the LEVEL SHIFTER IC from T-CON.

Sometimes, it will be better to put back the resistors for the blocks pair that have
no problem. For example if only by disconnecting CKV3 and CKVB3 will
solve image problem, that means pair 1 and 2 have no problems. Sometimes, if
you have a bigger problem on cell circuit, the image will be correct but a / some
thin line (s) will be displayed sometimes on screen, noticeable on lighter/darker

Try to connect the pair that not works on GND or Voff. You can also raise Voff
voltage with 3~5 volts to minus and the line will disappear. You have to do this
on T-con Board, by raising the value of the resistor connected between FBN
input of BiasPS/Level Shifter ICD1 - RT9979 and VOFFE.

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 55

(4.10) Panel Screen: LSY320AN02

TCON: 320KSB_S2LV0.2

Screen is flickering, have a part/whole of the screen with doubled image, white
ghosting on part / whole screen.

T-CON board is not detachable, and signals to left/right gate blocks, is

transmitted thru extreme left/right flexible data driver circuit. It's only one data
driver flexible circuit, so, it's almost impossible to check which gate is fault

Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a

V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 56

But sometimes, if you detach and reverse the cell glass, you will see burned
circuits on glass, so you can now know which side is fault. There are several
connections that you have to cut on fault side: CKV1-CKVB1, CKV2-CKVB2,
Vss, Vcom and Vcst.

The LEVEL SHIFTER is integrated in DC-DC source drive IC2 - RT69068, or

SM4151. The IC's have same configuration, the only difference is the Vreff
voltage (pin18) 3,3V or 5v.


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