Exam 2nd Quarter Cookery
Exam 2nd Quarter Cookery
Exam 2nd Quarter Cookery
Name:__________________________________________________ Score:________________
Grade & Section:__________________________________________ Date:_________________
Multiple Choice Instruction: Read the questions carefully and choose the best answer. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number
8. Which of the following cannot be used as
garnishing in dessert?
1. It is the most important principle for sandwich
safety after preparation to avoid spoilage. A. Fruit B. Chocolate C. Nut D. Flower
20. Are flat heated surface or wheel where food is 30. This term refers to packaging in large standardized
directly cooked. _________ containers for efficient shipping and handling
A. Cold B. Light C. Hot Fudge D. Rich 47-50 (Package prepared food stuff- Done though
individual practical demonstration)
23. The following are thickening agents used in the
preparation of sauce, EXCEPT
A. Appetizing aroma
B. Simple and attractive
C. Slightly chilled temperature
D. Moderately sweet
26. Which of the following guidelines should not be
practiced in plating dessert?