Milkfat and Related Ingredients Serving Today's Marketplace
Milkfat and Related Ingredients Serving Today's Marketplace
Milkfat and Related Ingredients Serving Today's Marketplace
Moises Torres-Gonzalez
PhD, Director of Nutrition Research,
National Dairy Council®
K.J. Burrington
Dairy Ingredients Applications Coordinator,
Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research
Milkfat has been harvested for human use for thousands of years. Historically, milkfat and milkfat-based products have
found a special place in food habits of all cultures as people all over the world have consumed them. The food landscape
today continues to feature milkfat ingredients as an integral component to modern diets. Applications using various forms
of milkfat—chilled/shelf-stable desserts, chilled snacks, coffee whiteners, condensed/evaporated milk, cream, fromage
frais and quark—had a global market size of $49 billion in 2015 and is expected to grow to $53 billion by 2020.1
Cow’s milk contains approximately 3-5% fat (varies by breed) embedded in fat globules that range in size from less
than 1 micron to 10 microns.2 The milkfat globule is surrounded by a complex membrane consisting of several bioactive
compounds, including phospholipids.3 The milkfat is in a liquid or a semicrystalline form, depending on its temperature.
While containing primarily triglycerides, milkfat also consists of small amounts of diglycerides, monoglycerides, free fatty
acids, phospholipids and cholesterol (sterols) (Table 1).
Triacylglycerols 98.3
Phospholipids 0.8
Diacylglycerols 0.3
Sterols 0.3
Free fatty acids 0.1
Monoacylglycerols 0.03
Carotenoids trace
Fat-soluble vitamins trace
Flavor compounds trace
Technical Report: Milkfat and Related Ingredients Serving Today’s Marketplace
Fat, or triacylglycerol, is made up of fatty acids. While more than 400 individual fatty acids have been identified
in milkfat, only 10 to 20 different fatty acids account for 90% of that total. Milkfat contains 70% saturated fats
and 30% unsaturated fats. 5 The possible number of triglycerides that might exist in milkfat is at least 64 million,
making it one of the most complex fats in nature. 2 The fat amount and composition in milk varies due to several
factors, including the cow’s breed, feed source, stage of lactation and season. The major fatty acids in milkfat
are straight-chain fatty acids that are saturated and have 4 to 18 carbons (4:0, 6:0, 8:0, 10:0, 12:0, 14:0, 16:0,
18:0), monounsaturated fatty acids (16:1, 18:1) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:2, 18:3). 2 The melting points
of individual triglycerides show a broad range due to the heterogeneity of the fatty acid composition. While
short-chain triglycerides such as tributyrin melt at very low temperatures, as low as -75°C (-103°F),6 saturated
long-chain triglycerides such as tristearin have a melting point of 72°C (161.6°F).7 The final melting point of
milkfat is 37°C (98.6°F) because higher melting triglycerides dissolve in the liquid fat. This temperature is
significant because 37°C (98.6°F) is the body temperature of the cow, and the milk needs to be fluid at this
temperature. The heterogeneity of milkfat triglycerides results in a very favorable melting behavior useful in
various food product applications.
Milkfat provides long-lasting flavor, mouthfeel, texture and body in a wide variety of food products, including
bakery, confectionery, soups, refrigerated and frozen dinners, and desserts. Applications of milkfat and milkfat-
based ingredients are found starting on Page 10. Milkfat-based ingredients in food include butter, heavy cream,
light cream, half-and-half, evaporated milk, condensed milk and whole milk. Milkfat is favorable to human palates
and less processed than refined vegetable fats and oils. Because of this, milkfat contributes to a consumer-friendly
label, as evidenced by the current resurgence of butter.
patterns, so that future dietary recommendations can best promote health and reduce chronic disease. Overall,
the research on dairy foods’ impact on heart health, obesity and Type 2 diabetes is unfolding and represents a
significant shift in thinking. However, it is important to conduct more research to understand the link and actual
mechanisms of action.
Moreover, the apparent oversimplification of saturated fat as a single compound has contributed to the negative
perception of milkfat. Saturated fat is not a single compound, but is rather a very diverse class of fatty acids, each
potentially impacting disease risk factors differently. Specifically, saturated fat in milkfat contains short-, medium-
and long-chain saturated fatty acids. 8 Milkfat is one of few foods rich in short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids
(SCFAs and MCFAs, respectively), comprising around 13-15%8,9 of the total saturated fat content. Metabolism
of SCFAs and MCFAs differs considerably when compared with the metabolism of long-chain fatty acids. When
digested, MCFAs and SCFAs are readily absorbed, pass directly into the bloodstream and are transported to the
liver via the portal vein. 25 In the liver, they are immediately used for energy production and, therefore, do not
accumulate in the body. Because of their immediate absorption, MCFAs have therapeutic use for people with fat
malabsorption problems. 35-37 Moreover, some reports suggest that medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) might be
useful for weight management when included in the diet as a replacement for long-chain triglycerides38,39 and for
improvement of physical endurance in animal models.40 Additionally, an in vitro study has shown that SCFAs and
MCFAs have antimicrobial properties toward oral bacteria.41
Milkfat also contains trans fatty acids (TFA)—vaccenic acid being the most abundant. 8-10 Although high intakes
of industrial trans fatty acids produced via partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils are associated with increased
risk of CVD, naturally occurring TFA (such as those present in milkfat) have not been associated with CVD when
consumed in typical amounts.42-44 Another type of trans fat present in milkfat is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). 8,9
The main CLA isomer in milk is rumenic acid (cis-9, trans-11 18:2), a fatty acid that has been associated with
antiatherogenic and anticarcinogenic effects in in vitro and in vivo studies.45,46 In humans, the beneficial effects of
CLA on body fat and on plasma lipids have been inconsistent.47,48
Another class of fatty acids found in milk, and possibly the most overlooked type of fatty acids in terms of health
promotion, is branched-chain fatty acids (BCFAs). 8-10 Branched-chain fatty acids are primarily saturated fatty acids
with one or more methyl groups. The milkfat content of BCFAs is about 2% of the total fatty acids in cow’s milk
in the United States.49 Researchers speculate that BCFAs play an important role in the development of the human
microbiome. BCFAs are major components of the vernix, the white fatty film that covers the fetus in utero. 50 The
fetus swallows the vernix by the third trimester of pregnancy, exposing the fetal gut to BCFAs from an early age.
It has been reported that newborn lumen contains BCFAs, leading to speculation that the BCFAs provided by the
vernix support colonization of specific organisms of the gut microbiome. 50,51 Researchers hypothesize that the
absence of vernix, as is observed in premature newborns, is related to the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis
(NEC) and a dramatic change in the composition of the premature newborn’s microbiota. 51 In fact, BCFA
supplementation reduced the incidence of NEC in a neonatal rat model. 51 The studies around BCFAs suggest that
these types of fatty acids may be a promising component in perinatal nutrition.
Another important lipid fraction of milkfat is phospholipids. These compounds are found primarily as part of the
milkfat globule membrane (MFGM), the membrane that surrounds the lipid globules in milk. 52 Phospholipids
constitute approximately 40% of the total lipids in the MFGM. 53 The phospholipids in milkfat include
phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine. Another type of
membrane lipid, glycosphingolipids, includes sphingomyelin as the dominant species and gangliosides to a lesser
extent. 54 The potential benefits of phospholipids have attracted attention within the scientific community. In animal
studies, phospholipids have been associated with the inhibition of colorectal cancer55,56 and reduction of blood
cholesterol levels. 57,58 Additionally, researchers hypothesize that phospholipids may reduce intestinal infections. 59
Additional research is necessary to confirm this hypothesis.
A pilot human study showed that phospholipids protected the gastric mucosa.60 Moreover, sphingomyelin (SM),
one of the most abundant phospholipids in the MFGM, plays an important role in the structure of the brain
Technical Report: Milkfat and Related Ingredients Serving Today’s Marketplace
cell membrane.61 Results of a recent pilot study conducted in Japan showed that an infant formula fortified with a
higher level of SM and a different overall phospholipid profile improved some determinants associated with positive
neurodevelopment in preterm infants at 12 and 18 months of age.62 Similarly, other studies have reported that MFGM
may attenuate the effects of saturated fat on LDL-cholesterol levels,63 may help reduce ear infections in formula-
fed infants,64 and may improve in vivo resistance to diarrheagenic E.coli infection in adults.65 The observed effects
mentioned above have been attributed to the phospholipid fraction of the MFGM.63-65 The emerging scientific evidence
around milk phospholipids suggests a potential role for these compounds in human health. More research, however, is
needed to confirm these preliminary findings and determine the potential for use in food products to support health.
In summary, the fat in whole milk dairy products is distinctively complex in terms of composition and associations with
health outcomes. Beyond the saturated fat content, milkfat contains a number of biologically active and potentially
beneficial components. Emerging research supports reassessing the role of this unique fat in a healthy dietary pattern
in order to promote health and reduce the risk of chronic disease. More research is needed to further understand the
health impact of milkfat consumption, either by the different individual fractions or by the whole complex.
Milkfat flavor
Milkfat is an important constituent contributing to the flavor of milk. It contains butyric acid (C:4) and low
molecular weight fatty acids (C:4 to C:10) at higher levels than any other fat, adding to the unique flavor of milkfat.
Milkfat is also broken down by microbes and lipases, inherently found in milk, producing flavor compounds
associated with products like cheese and cultured milk products. More than 120 compounds have been identified
in milkfat that contribute to the flavor, 66 including free fatty acids, methyl ketones, lactones and aldehydes. 67
Diacetyl and sulfur compounds are also involved in the flavor of milkfat-based products. 68 Important lactone
compounds that contribute to flavor include d-octalactone, d-decalactone and g-dodecalactone. 69 Short-chain
fatty acids, especially C:4 and C:6, also contribute. While fresh milkfat contains no methyl ketones, they are
produced when keto acids of milkfat are decarboxylated during aging or processing. These compounds are
popularly considered as the main contributor to the rich flavor associated with baked goods that contain butter.
Aldehydes, especially hept-4-enal, are claimed to contribute to creamy flavor.70
Processing plays an important role in influencing milkfat flavor,71 and fat is an excellent carrier for flavor
compounds. Conversion of flavor precursors to active flavor compounds in milkfat during heating yields flavors
that are unique to milkfat. 67 Flavor compounds soluble in fat release slowly in the mouth, resulting in a long-
lasting flavor experience. In butter, the amount and balance of flavor compounds determine the uniqueness of
the flavor. All of the butter compounds react together in the matrix in a specific way that yields the unique flavor
of butter. The individual compounds may taste distinct at varying amounts in different matrixes. Thus, creating a
butter flavor is not as simple as mixing all these individual compounds together. Butter flavor is a dynamic system,
changing constantly from the time of production to the end of shelf life. Moreover, butter flavor is also affected
by the diet of the animal, the stage of lactation and the season of the year in which it is produced.72 Milkfat
evaluation, especially butter flavor, may be carried out by a highly trained panel of tasters who evaluate butter
aroma and flavor for quality purposes.
Milkfat functionality
Milkfat, due to its heterogeneity of fatty acids and triglyceride content, shows a very complex and unique melt
behavior. This distinguishes milkfat from other fats. Milkfat melts well at body temperature, while retaining a
solid temperature during refrigeration. Butter has a higher solid fat content at refrigerated temperatures. The
ability to remain solid when cold aids in butterfat applications when a solid structure is desirable, such as with
puff pastries and sauces. Conversely, the ability to quickly melt at body temperature helps butterfat melt quickly
during consumption, which contributes to flavor and salt release for a superior tasting experience without leaving
any greasy mouthfeel. Solid fat content or solid fat index of milkfat refers to the percentage of solid fat at a given
temperature. The solid fat content is measured over a range of temperatures to obtain the melting profile of
a fat. Solid fat content of butter versus margarines is shown in Figure 1. Pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance,
differential scanning calorimetry or dilatometric techniques are used for measuring the solid fat content of
milkfat.73 Milkfat provides lubrication and a creamy mouthfeel, while acting as a reservoir for other flavors,
especially those arising from lipolysis of fatty acids in products such as in aged cheese. Milkfat can also be
fractionated into three major fractions: a high-melt fraction that melts at temperatures above 20°C (68°F),
middle-melting fractions that melt between 10-20°C (50-68°F), and a low-melt fraction that melts below
10°C (50°F). Anhydrous milkfat is heated to above 40°C (104°F) to completely melt, and is then cooled
slowly to crystallize and separate the high-melt fraction (stearin) and the low-melt soft fraction (olein). This
slow crystallization and separation process is repeated with the soft fraction to produce a series of milkfat
fractions with a wide range of melting properties and functionality. As butter is difficult to spread at refrigeration
temperatures, the low-melt fractions can be useful in producing cold spreadable butter. Hard fractions can be
used in confectionery as coating fats and in cheese, chocolates and dough products. It is also possible to tailor the
milkfat for targeted application by blending various fractions.67 The fractionation process can be an effective way
to capitalize on milkfat functionality and opens up countless opportunities for milkfat applications.
Figure 1 74
Milkfat-based products, including butter, have been consumed by people for a very long time. Specifically, butter
is viewed by consumers as a tasty and natural product.72 However, a higher level of saturated fat and cholesterol
content are the main drawbacks for milkfat usage, as dietary recommendations to reduce consumption of
saturated fats and cholesterol in order to decrease the risk for heart disease have persisted for many years.
In contrast, recent research studies in nutritional sciences (as indicated earlier) are gradually reversing the
nutritional perspectives on fat. This new understanding, along with the removal of the Generally Recognized as
Safe (GRAS) status of partially hydrogenated fats by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has helped
move consumer preference toward dairy fats. Butter is finding its way into consumers’ kitchens and enjoying a
favorable standing with chefs. This has gradually increased the demand and consumption of butter in the
United States, as well as globally.
Technical Report: Milkfat and Related Ingredients Serving Today’s Marketplace
Figure 2
Butter is a versatile ingredient and is frequently chosen by chefs and cooking enthusiasts as their cooking fat for
its great taste. Its U.S. per capita consumption has risen to 5.6 pounds in 2015, a 25% increase in the last decade
and a 40-year high (Figure 2). World butter consumption in 2018 is projected to be 11,076,000 metric tons.75
By U.S. regulations, sweet cream butter and cultured butter contain a minimum of 80% fat, while European
butters often contain more than 80% fat. Most of the butter produced and consumed in the United States is
sweet cream butter that has a predominantly sweet cream flavor.76 Cultured butter (common in Europe) made
through fermentation has a “cultured” flavor and is slowly finding favor with U.S. consumers for its distinctive sour
flavor attributes.
Butter is consumed as table butter as well as an ingredient in various foods. Stipulated by an act of U.S. Congress
in 1923, butter shall contain a minimum of 80% fat, made from either milk or cream, with or without salt, and with
or without coloring matter. Butter standards represent one of the oldest federal food standards that are still in
force today.77
Butter is traditionally produced through a churning process in which cream with 40% fat is either churned
continuously or in a batch process. Figure 3 illustrates the churning operation that ruptures the cream fat globule
and causes the cream emulsion to break down. The rupture of the milk fat globule membrane releases the fat,
which then starts to bind and coalesce with other broken fat globules. As a result, the particles of butter grow
from tiny specs to rice-sized granules. These granules will continue to grow in size and separate from the liquid
phase. At this point, the once homogeneous cream appears broken and the fat granules float in the liquid phase.
The liquid phase is drained as buttermilk, while butter granules come together, texturize and are packaged.78 Salt
is added as either brine or granules to a final salt concentration of about 2%, and the fat content is adjusted to
80%. Unsalted butter is produced by replacing salt with lactic acid and flavors to maintain a pH lower than 4.60,
which is required for butter keeping quality. Cream treatment prior to churning includes holding the cream at a
specified temperature set point and time. This step, along with optimized churn operations, is critically important
for producing butter of superior quality and yield. Cream treatment, temperature, cream flow rate and churn
speed are all important.
Figure 3
Courtesy: Ivarson, Inc.
Butter is predominately packaged as ¼-lb sticks. However, butter is also packaged into 1-lb blocks or 50-lb bulk
packaging. It has a long refrigerated shelf life and keeps well for more than four to six months.
Other than churning, butter may also be produced using processes in which the milkfat is concentrated via
centrifugal separation and cooled via scraped surface heat exchangers to produce 80% or higher fat content.78
Codex Standard for Milkfat Products published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and standards
of identity for dairy food products established by the FDA are two sources followed by the industry and trade for
regulatory and legal purposes. Readers are encouraged to refer to these sources for more information on milkfat
products’ standards and identity.79,80
Anhydrous milkfat (AMF) and butter oil are products that consist of almost all milkfat. Defined by the Codex
Alimentarius Commission’s standard CODEX STAN 280-1973, anhydrous milkfat, milkfat, anhydrous butter oil
and butter oil are products derived from milk and/or products by means of processes that result in almost total
removal of water and nonfat solids.
According to Codex and the Code of Federal Regulations, (CFR) at 7 C.F.R §58.347, AMF contains at least 99.8%
milkfat, but can be made from milk and/or products obtained from milk, such as cream or butter of different
ages. Use of alkali to neutralize free fatty acids is permitted in the production of butter oil, but not AMF. If the
neutralization option is used, the resulting product then falls outside the definition of AMF and into one of the
butter oil categories. 81 Butter oil must contain at least 99.6% milkfat. Raw material and processing specifications
are the same as for anhydrous butter oil.
AMF is the preferred material for milkfat fractionation that furthers the use of milkfat into various applications.
Typically, AMF is produced from pasteurized cream (40% fat) that is concentrated to high-fat cream (70-80%
fat), followed by phase inversion (going from an oil-in-water emulsion to a water-in-oil emulsion) and further
concentration to 99.6% fat. 81 It is then vacuum-dried to remove residual moisture.
Cultures all over the world have used AMF and butter oil for centuries in traditional cooking and food preparation.
In the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East, ghee, which has a similar composition to butter oil, is produced
by boiling off the water and removing the nonfat solids, allowing it to produce a unique, pronounced caramelized
flavor. Ghee is a chosen condiment for many traditional foods in India and the Middle East, and is also used as a
frying medium and an ingredient in sweetmeats and savory foods.
Technical Report: Milkfat and Related Ingredients Serving Today’s Marketplace
Cream is another important milkfat-based product. Cream is produced by centrifuging pasteurized milk to achieve
varying levels of milkfat depending on the desired characteristics of the final product. Varying in fat content and
applications, cream is an oil-in-water emulsion, thus, it is a perishable product with a refrigerated shelf life of a
few days. Homogenizing helps improve the physical stability of cream emulsion by reducing the fat globule size.
This, along with the addition of other optional ingredients such as emulsifiers and stabilizers, helps prolong the
shelf life of cream. Commercial cream production methods have evolved over the years to deliver high-quality
cream products enjoyed by consumers. 82
Standards of identity established by the FDA83 regulate cream products, specifying the percent fat ranges and the
optional ingredients that can be added to the cream. Half-and-half, which is used primarily as a coffee-whitening
agent, is produced from milk and cream at a milkfat content not less than 10.5% and not more than 18%. Light
cream has a minimum milkfat content of 18% and a maximum of 30%, and is useful in culinary applications,
such as sauces and soups, and as a topping for dessert. Light whipping cream used in whipped cream for dessert
toppings must contain a minimum of 30% milkfat and not more than 36%. For applications that need a solid
texture and stiff whipping, heavy cream may be used and must contain a minimum of 36% milkfat. Optional
ingredients that may be used in these cream products include emulsifiers such as mono- and diglycerides of fatty
acids; stabilizers such as carrageenan; nutritive sweeteners; and flavoring ingredients such as fruits and fruit juices
and natural and artificial flavorings. 84 Heavy cream at about 40% fat is also used in the production of butter and is
a preferred raw material for AMF production.
Soured or cultured cream is another milkfat-based ingredient that is increasingly popular in food products
and culinary applications as American consumers are exposed to new global foods and flavors. According
to the standard of identity established by the FDA, sour cream is produced by fermenting the pasteurized
cream using lactic acid-producing bacteria. Sour cream contains not less than 18% milkfat, except when the
food is characterized by the addition of nutritive sweeteners or bulky flavoring ingredients. The weight of the
milkfat is not less than 18% of the remainder, obtained by subtracting the weight of such optional ingredients
from the weight of the food, but in no case does the food contain less than 14.4% milkfat. Sour cream has
a titratable acidity of not less than 0.5%, calculated as lactic acid. Sodium citrate in an amount not more
than 0.1% may be added prior to culturing as a flavor precursor. Certain optional ingredients such as rennet,
salt, nutritive sweeteners, colors and flavors can be included as needed to prevent syneresis and improve
shelf life. In place of lactic acid-producing bacteria, acidifying agents can be used, creating a product called
acidified sour cream. 85
Concentrated or condensed milk is produced by partial removal of water from milk. The milkfat and total
milk solids contents of condensed milk are not less than 7.5% and 25.5%, respectively. It is pasteurized, but
homogenization is optional. Vitamin D, approved colors and flavors, and fruit juices are other optional ingredients
that can be added to condensed milk. 86
Condensed milk is also found in the form of sweetened condensed milk (SCM), with sugar added. The terms
"condensed milk" and "sweetened condensed milk" are often used synonymously today by the consumer.
However, the FDA has established separate standards of identity for these products, and naming should be
distinct for food-labeling purposes. Sweetened condensed milk is a very thick, sweet product that, when canned,
lasts for years without refrigeration if unopened. Condensed milk is used in numerous dessert dishes, including
bakery, beverages, desserts and toppings. Sweetened condensed milk can contain not less than 8% by weight
of milkfat and not less than 28% by weight of total milk solids. The quantity of nutritive carbohydrate sweetener
used is sufficient to prevent spoilage. The food is pasteurized and may be homogenized. 87
Evaporated milk is the liquid food obtained by partial removal of water only from milk. It contains not less than
6.5% by weight of milkfat, not less than 16.5% by weight of milk solids that are not fat, and not less than 23%
by weight of total milk solids. Evaporated milk contains added vitamin D. It is homogenized, sealed in a container
and processed by heat either before or after sealing to prevent spoilage. Vitamin A, carriers for vitamins A and D,
emulsifiers, stabilizers, approved colors and flavors may be added. 88
Eggnog is a food containing optional dairy ingredients such as cream, milk, partially skimmed milk or skim
milk—used alone or in combination—in addition to egg yolk-containing ingredients and nutritive sweeteners.
Eggnog contains not less than 6% milkfat and not less than 8.25% milk solids that are not fat. The food shall be
pasteurized or ultrapasteurized and may be homogenized. Flavoring ingredients and color additives may be added
after the food is pasteurized or ultrapasteurized. 89
Milkfat globule membrane (MFGM), one of the most complex biological membranes, consists of phospholipids,
glycolipids, glycoproteins, glycerides, fatty acids and enzymes.92 Milk phospholipids, together with proteins,
play an important functional role of maintaining milk fat globule integrity. As discussed earlier, emerging
research has linked milk phospholipids to several health endpoints, including regulation of cholesterol and
reduced risk of CVD. Additional research studies in human populations are needed to confirm these preliminary
findings. Milk phospholipids have also been studied for their emulsifying and emulsion stabilizing properties
and as whipping agents in food applications.
Buttermilk, a by-product of cream churning, and butter serum, a by-product of anhydrous milkfat production,
are two major sources of milk phospholipids. 3 Because milk phospholipids are predominantly found in
MFGM, the method of disruption of MFGM and further separation and purification methods influence the
milk phospholipid types and composition. Studies have shown variations in the yield and concentration of
milk phospholipids depending on the method of isolation. Butter serum is by far the richest source of milk
phospholipids, and studies show preparation of ingredients from butter serum that contain more than
30% phospholipids.93
Technical Report: Milkfat and Related Ingredients Serving Today’s Marketplace
Whey protein phospholipid concentrate (WPPC), previously known as whey cream, is another phospholipid-rich
ingredient available for food applications. WPPC is a by-product of whey protein isolate (WPI) manufacture and is
produced during the microfiltration step of WPI manufacture.94 Milk and its components have a positive consumer
connotation as being natural and wholesome, which is an added incentive for exploiting milk phospholipids as a
commercial food ingredient for its functional and nutraceutical attributes.
The resurgence of milkfat-based products has revitalized consumer interest in new and novel milkfat-containing
products and ingredients. Dairy processors constantly strive to create new, versatile and label-friendly milkfat
based-products using approved processing methods while maintaining the natural benefits of dairy.
Cream is the milkfat ingredient of choice for dairy products such as cheese, fluid milk, ice cream, yogurt, sour
cream and other fresh dairy products. In countries where there is an abundance of fluid milk and cream, consumers
benefit from the flavors and mouthfeel contributed by fresh cream in all of these products. In ice cream and other
dairy products, milkfat contributes to the flavor of the product through its own rich, creamy flavor. These flavors are
developed by hydrolysis, oxidation and processing, and by modifying the flavor perception of the product.97 The best
source of milkfat for ice cream is fresh cream. However, frozen cream, plastic cream (cream that has been separated
twice), unsalted butter and anhydrous milkfat (butter oil) can be good alternate sources if stored and handled to
preserve flavor quality. During the freezing process, ice crystals form, and air is incorporated into the mix, destabilizing
the milkfat globules, which leads to partial coalescence and formation of clumps of fat globules. These fat clumps help
to promote air incorporation and stabilization of the small air bubbles incorporated during whipping of the mix.98
Butter, butter oil or AMF can be used in processed cheese to increase the fat content or to adjust for a reduction of fat
in dry matter of the material after the addition of emulsifying salts or other fat-free ingredients. Adding milkfat reduces
the viscosity of the processed cheese and gives it a softer texture.95 Though low-fat versions of fluid milks, ice cream,
cheese and yogurt have been prevalent in recent history, higher-fat products are now being introduced as nutritional
news about milkfat improves. In countries where there is not enough fresh fluid milk or cream to make these dairy
products, it becomes necessary to make recombined dairy products. In this situation, it is common for countries to use
milk powders, such as skim milk powder with added AMF (or butter oil) or whole milk powder, to make recombined
milk. Fluid cream, cultured milk products, ice cream, cheese and even butter can be made by recombination with AMF
and milk powders.99
WPPC is a dairy ingredient that contains both whey protein and fat. Unlike other milkfat ingredients, it provides
functionality from both protein and fat.100 Characterization of the functional properties of four commercial WPPC
ingredients has been recently published.101 Minimal application work has been published on the use of WPPC in
refrigerated dairy products or other foods, but there has been some work published on its use in ice cream.In a study
by Bund,102 WPPC blends with delactose permeate (a by-product of lactose manufacture) were used to replace a
portion of nonfat dry milk in ice cream. WPPC has also been used as a replacement for the emulsifiers mono- and
diglycerides and polysorbate 80 in a study by Levin.103 When replacing nonfat dry milk in ice cream, WPPC blends
worked better to match flavor and melt characteristics when used as a
partial emulsifier replacement than as a total replacement.
Products such as soups, sauces, pudding mixes, coffee whiteners, beverage mixes, pancake mixes and other
bakery mixes can obtain the flavor and mouthfeel of butter by using butter powder due to its good dispersability.99
For countries with a tropical climate, butter powder is much easier to handle and store than butter, so it could be
used in dry-mix, ready-to-eat products such as soups, sauces and meals.
Technical Report: Milkfat and Related Ingredients Serving Today’s Marketplace
Table 2
Butter Flavor/mouthfeel All foods
Structure formation Baked products
Emulsification Sauces, soups, dressings, confections
Aeration Baked products, frosting
Plasticity Chocolate, baked goods
Texture Chocolate sauces, baked products, coating
Butter powder Similar to butter’s functionality Ideal for dry mix products
with extended shelf life and greater (i.e., beverage, sauce and gravy mixes;
ease of handling and storage, can be used in other applications
free-flow properties that use butter)
Anhydrous milkfat Flavor/mouthfeel Chocolate, caramel, toffee, praline
Anti-bloom Chocolate, confections
Flavor carrier Crackers, chips, hard candy
Prevents stickiness High sugar solutions
Texture Reconstituted whole milk, croissants,
chocolate confections, baked products,
mashed potatoes, ice cream
Cream and concentrated milk Flavor/mouthfeel Soups, sauces, confections, beverages,
baked products, chocolate
Texture Soups, sauces, confections,
beverages, chocolate
Concentrated or plastic cream Flavor/mouthfeel Soups, sauces, confections, ice cream,
chocolate, beverages, dips, dressings
Whey protein phospholipid concentrate (WPPC) Water binding, heat stability, Baked products, confections, ice cream,
emulsification; replaces functionality of processed cheese, nutrition bars and beverages;
whole egg and partial replacement of provides dairy source of phospholipids
chemical emulsifiers for nutritional applications
Buttermilk and buttermilk powder Browning, emulsification, Baked products, confections,
water binding, heat stability, dairy products, soups and sauces;
good solubility, aeration, provides dairy source of phospholipids
flavor enhancement for nutritional applications
Current consumer trends related to clean label are driving food
companies to proactively move away from ingredients such as
hydrogenated oils to “cleaner” ingredients such as butter and cream in
for their food products. Moreover, emerging research is changing
nutritional perspectives related to milkfat. This represents a significant
opportunity for milkfat, milkfat-based ingredients and high-fat dairy products to be the choice for food manufacturers
to effectively meet consumer needs. U.S. dairy suppliers offer a variety of traditional butter and milkfat applications
and continue to innovate to meet the evolving needs of global customers. Whether for foodservice applications or food
manufacturing processes, discover why milkfat ingredients from the United States are an attractive, quality-driven
option in the dairy fat supply chain at
Dr. Ravin Gnanasambandam is a Principal Scientist at Land O Lakes, Inc. in Arden Hills, Minnesota,
where he has been working for 15 years. His expertise includes Dairy Foods, Fats and Oil Chemistry and
Functionality, Role of fats in food product quality and acceptability, product and process development, and
commercialization. Dr. Gnanasambandam was instrumental in the development and commercialization
of several successful dairy foods and beverage products over the past 20 years, and has over 25 years of
experience in Food Science and Technology. Dr. Gnanasambandam has a Ph.D in Food Science from Kansas State University
and degrees in Veterinary and Animal Sciences from AP Agricultural University, India.
Dr. Moises Torres-Gonzalez is Director of Nutrition Research at the National Dairy Council (NDC),
where he serves as the subject-matter expert in dairy fat and dairy proteins. Dr. Torres-Gonzalez earned
a bachelor’s in Biochemical Engineering with a major in biotechnology and food technology at Instituto
Tecnologico de Colima and a master’s in Biochemical Engineering at the Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz,
plus a master’s and doctorate in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Connecticut. He has a strong
background in cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism and their implications on human cardiometabolic health, plus has
authored or co-authored more than 15 peer-reviewed scientific articles and written extensively on dairy and human health.
Kimberlee “K.J.” Burrington is Dairy Ingredients Applications Coordinator for the Wisconsin Center for
Dairy Research in Madison, Wisconsin (USA). Her current research projects focus on dairy ingredient
functionality and applications, with an emphasis on yogurt, nutrition bars and protein-enhanced
beverages. She has over 25 years of experience in product development, having worked at Ridgeview
Industries, the Keebler Company and as a baking industry consultant. She is a Certified Food Scientist
and member of the Center of Excellence Committee of the American Dairy Products Institute. Burrington has a
bachelor’s and a master’s in Food Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
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Introduction 1
Changing nutritional perspectives on milkfat 2
Milkfat flavor 4
Milkfat functionality 4
Consumer Benefits 5
Products containing milkfat 6
Butter 6
Anhydrous milkfat (AMF) 7
Cream 8
Sour cream 8
Concentrated milk 8
Eggnog 9
Dairy powders 9
Milkfat ingredients rich in phospholipids 9
Applications of milkfat and milkfat-based ingredients 10
Dairy products 10
Bakery products 11
Confections 11
Dry mixes 11
Snacks 12
Soups, sauces and prepared foods 13
Conclusion 13
Biographies 13
References 14
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