COT 3 Music 6 DLL
COT 3 Music 6 DLL
COT 3 Music 6 DLL
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Sheena Marie T. Unira Learning Area MUSIC
Teaching Dates and Time November 21, 2019, 8:10 -8:50 Quarter 3rd
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the concept of timbre through recognizing musical
instruments aurally and visually
B. Performance Standards The l earners should be able to aurally determines the sound of a single instrument in any section of
the orchestra
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives The l earners should be able to identifies visually and aurally the instrumental sections of the
Write the LC code for each Western orchestra – Stringed Instruments
II. CONTENT Introduction of Musical Instruments
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new Word hunt:
Look for the words that is connected with TIMBRE:
Words to be found are: bass, alto, soprano, baritone, tenor
B. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher will present a video of orchestral performance. Let the pupils analyze the video and ask the
lesson/Motivation/Motive Questions following questions to them:
What can you say about the video?
What instruments did you see on the video?
What do you feel while you are hearing its music?
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson The teacher will present set of instruments’ pictures.
What is showing on the pictures?
Can you describe each set of pictures?
How are those instruments played?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills The teacher will present a video about the different stringed instruments of the orchestra. Let the pupils watch the video
#1 and identify each stringed instrument of the orchestra.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills ( Integration of positive & non-violent discipline and Differentiated/Tiered Activity )
Group Activity-Directions:
1. Group yourselves into four.
2. Choose your leader.
3. The leader gets the activity sheets and the assessment card from the teacher.
4. Go to your respective area assigned to you.
5. Begin doing the activity following the group standards.
6. Be mindful of the rubrics presented.
7. Finish in ten minutes, and then present your output in less than 3 minutes.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and Let the pupil watch a performance of stringed instruments ensemble. Ask them to describe the way musicians play the
skills in daily living instruments.
How do musicians play each instruments?
Explain what will happen if there were no stringed instruments in an orchestra?
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about What are the different stringed instruments of the orchestra?
the lesson Which among the stringed instruments is the smallest?
How will you describe the pitch of this smallest instrument?
What instrument is a bit bigger and lower that violin?
What instrument is bigger than viola but smaller than double bass?
Which instrument is the biggest?
How will you describe the pitch of the biggest instrument?
What instrument can produce both very low and high sounds?
I. Evaluating learning Evaluation: Identify the different stringed instruments
In a ¼ sheet of paper, choose your answers on the choices below. Write the letter that corresponds to your
1. It is the smallest but with the highest pitch of the stringed instruments.
2. It is bigger than a viola but smaller than the double base.
3. It is smaller than a violin and tuned a fifth lower than it.
4. Listen to the sound
5. Listen to the sound
Monitoring and recording of scores
How many got 5?__, 4?__, 3?__, 2?__, 1?__
Out of 36 pupils, ___ got 80% of the test.
Out of 36 pupils __ got below 80% of the test.