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WMS Process Note 21.06.2012

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WMS Process Note

Version 1

Serial No. Section

1. WMS Introduction

2. Pre-Work Before WMS

3. WMS Live Process

4. Inward Process

5. IDTM Process

6. Invoice Process

7. MRV Process

8. ICM Process

9. Tinting

10. How to clear 921 movement

11. How to Clear 922 movement

12 How to Block/Unblock SKU’s

13. How to Block/Unblock Bins

14. How to Transfer SKU’s Among Bins

15. SKU Extension

16. Stock Taking Process

17. Reports

18. Daily Checks

19. FAQ’s

1. WMS
Warehouse without WMS: The Storage Location is lowest level of inventory

Warehouse with WMS: WMS manages the stock in warehouse at storage bin level.
The main difference between managing stock in Inventory Model and Warehouse
management System, that we can see total stock of material at Storage location
level. But with WMS we manage the stock quantities at storage bin level and know
where the particular material is located in the warehouse.WMS Optimize material
flow using advanced put away and picking techniques. Process goods receipts, goods
issues and stock transfers quickly and easily.

Terms Used in WMS:

Warehouse No: Is last three digit of plant code like 508 for 1508.

Storage Location- The physical location within a plant, where different ‘types’ of
material is stored- Like 1001/2001/2002/2003/3001/4001/5001.

Storage Types: This is physical or logical subdivision of warehouse complex that is

characterized by its warehouse technique like fixed bins, buffer area, open area,
picking area, unloading area, mrv area and rack area in the warehouse.

Storage Types in WMS Godown

301(Storage Section A) Fixed Bins with Unique Bins no.

302(Storage Section B) Fixed Bins with Unique Bins no. (Buffer Area)

304(Storage Section D) Open Area: For Slow Moving and less volume SKU’s.

902 Material comes in 902 after we do ZINWARD.

904 After punching MRV material comes in 904.

916 Despatch Bay

Transfer Requirements

Transfer requirements are the documents self generated by system and form the
basis for creation of TO’ to carry out physical movement of goods. TR’s are
created by system you do

-Blocking/Unblocking SKU’s

-Location movement within WMS defined location for ex. transferring stock from
1001 to 2003

-Creation of ICM

-Transfer stock from WMS defined location to non WMS location ex. Regular to
Damage or transferring Damage to Regular

When you do such type of movements create TO from LB10 or LU04 for Posting

Storage Bins:

The storage bin is the smallest available unit of space in a warehouse. The
storages bins describe the position in the warehouse where material can be stored.

Quant: The quant serves to manage the stock at storage bins level.

Flow chart for stock Management in WMS and IM module

Stock Management
in WMS Stock
Management in
Unit 1508

Storage Location
1001/2003 Unit-1508

Warehouse No.
Storage Type Location 1001

Storage Bin-
A00001 SKU-


Billing steps after WMS implementations

WMS Billing Process Non WMS Billing


Order Punching

Order Punching
Delivery Creation ZVL04

TO Creation LT03/VL06P Creation ZVLO4
for Collective TO

OPD Printing ZSM11N


TO Confirmation



2. Pre Work before WMS Implementation
-Analysis of last three year data sale data and find out maximum stock that can
be stored in warehouse after implementation of WMS in unit.

-SKU’s that are to be allocated bins, racks and open area.

-Keep Bins size smaller to follow FMFO it can be 2 by 2(Small pack and slow
moving), 4 by 4, 5 by 5. One bin should not contain more than 10-15% of total
volume of that SKU.

-Bins no. should be visible properly.

-Bins should accessible at least one side.

-Ensure sufficient space for buffer stock.

-Making the Floor plan for warehouse:

Measure the godown area plot it into excel considering each cell one square feet.
Make layout that optimize the space in godown and calculate maximum material
that can be stored in godown with full capacity of bins. Allocate the sufficient
space for open and buffer stock.

-SKU Mapping-Allocation of bins to SKU’s-Annexure-1

-Sending the data to system for creation for creating test server.

-Training to CFA team on test server and confirmation of testing to systems.

-Marking (Painting) of Bins on floor.

-Moving the stock to bins-Physical movement.

-Sending Final data to system for WMS extension.

-Date of Changeover in to WMS- With Consultation with UH/Systems.

3. WMS Live Check List

 Forward final data to system one week before live date.

 Informing the Supply Chain about schedule of WMS Live.

 Check Stacking as per WMS Plan and record quantity of stock in each bin in


 Download MB52 Location Level.

 Download ZSM14 in excel Location Level.

 Check the Stock of MKRT also if it is there generate the PID for same

otherwise move it to another location other than WMS Location.

 Generating PID as per stock taking circular for locations which are to be

defined in WMS-like 1001 & 2003.

 Enter Stock ZERO through MI04 and posting MI07.

 Sending PID No. to System with Locations.

 Download ZVAR after posting stock ZERO in SAP.

 Match MB52 or ZSM14 that all SKU’s has been sent to system in final data

for updation if any SKU is later added update it with APL MDM before go

live (Put VLookup of Final Data and Downloaded MB52).

 Update ZDPS_Binalloc.

 System will update the PID No. and confirm after uploading in background.

Steps to be followed for WMS Configuration

Bin Allocation

Make the bin allocation file in excel format. We can update 20 line items one time.

Warehouse Storage Storage Total Weight Storage

Plant Material
Number Type Bin capacity unit Section

1504 504 301 A00001 00140908320 100 PAI A

1504 504 301 A00002 00140908320 100 PAI A
1504 504 301 A00003 00140908320 100 PAI A
1504 504 301 A00004 00140908320 100 PAI A
1504 504 301 B00001 00140908320 100 PAI A
1504 504 301 B00002 00140908320 100 PAI A
1504 504 301 B00003 00140908320 100 PAI A

Transaction Code: ZDPS_BINALLOC

Give Warehouse number and Do F8/Execute.

Click on Add Bin

Next Screen

Copy 20 Line Items from Bin Allocation format and paste, press entre and Click on
update. This will update the bin allocation; you can check the bin updated bins
through transaction ZDPS_STOCK.

Creation of WM PID

 Create PID & Temp bins through LI01N –Give warehouse no. and storage type
302 and planned count date would be PID date.

Press Enter
Enter TEMP1 for PID no.1

Click on Candle Button. It will activate the PID.

Make excel file from MB52 in attached format for the locations for which PID
generated, GR Date would be PID creation date.

Storage Storage Count Stor.Unit

Material Plant Location Unit GR Date Batch
Type Bin Qty Type
00010413310 1536 1001 302 TEMP1 42 DRM 20120121 P1
00010W90210 1536 1001 302 TEMP1 600 TIN 20120121 P1
* delete the header row before uploading.
Save 50 Sku‟s for TEMP1 with TEMP1 as name of text file.
 Go to SE38 command and Give program name ZXRFC and Execute.
 P_FNAME link you text file.
 P_LGNUM give warehouse no. like 504 for 1504.
 P_LGPLA Bin No.
 Execute after checking all details.

Next Screen:

Press enter until text file updated. Zeroing stock message will reflect each time when
enter is pressed. For verification of data entered Go to LI13N. (General error faced
while updating is „SKU not updated‟ it means while sending final data to system that
SKU was missed.)

Then create second PID through LI01N and give bin no. as TEMP2. Select next 50
SKU‟s from format created earlier and save it TEMP2 as text file do the same process
again. Do it for all Sku‟s.(If 1001 location has 500 Sku‟s then 10 PID‟s and Bin TEMP1 to
TEMP10 need to be created, 2003 has 100 Sku‟s then PID 11 & 12 and Bin TEMP11 &
TEMP12 will be created).

Once all PID’s are counted

Go to Transaction LI20 for WM Posting: Give Inventory No. and click on display list

Select TEMP Bin and do Write Off.

After That Go to LI21 for MM posting give warehouse no. and Storage type 999 and
inventory count date click F8.

Select the all SKU‟s and do write off the stock again note down the document no.

When all steps done Stock will reflect in LX02 in 302 storage type.

Checks after updating stock in WMS

Download following reports

Download ZSM14

Download LX02 Storage Type 302 match it with Pre-downloaded MB52

Download ZWM_VAR and match it with pre downloaded ZVAR (after posting zero

Save following reports

Pre & Post ZSM14, MB52 (Location Level), ZVAR & ZWM_VAR

Transferring Stock into Bins in system

Make excel file with following format. Upload only 50 Bins one time.

Upload will be in text tab delimited format only.

Unit Location SKU Stock Bins Qty Unit of Mes
1504 504 1001 00010403210 301 A00025 263 TIN
1504 504 1001 00010403240 301 A00016 324 TIN
1504 504 1001 00010403240 301 A00046 351 TIN
*delete the header row before uploading.

Go to SE38 and give program name Z$XRFC and upload the file. Stock will move in
respective bins in system. You can check the same in LX02.

This format will move the SKU’s to bins for which bins has been allocated and
remaining SKUS’ for which bins has not been allocated is to be moved in open
location through LT10. Make a check that SKU’s for which bins allocated had
moved to those particular bins. Download the LX02 and put VLOOKUP of bin
allocation file and do a check.

After that GO to LT10 give warehouse no. & storage type (Source storage type)

Select the SKU’s and Click on Foreground Tab

Give the Destination Storage Type in this it is given 304, Tick on Confirmed
Immediately and Click on Copy

This transaction should be used very carefully.


1. Truck arrives at DEPOTS and security checks carries out at the gate
2. After consulting with Unloading Supervisor Security will direct the unloading
bay to Driver
3. Driver will hand over the documents to Unloading Supervisor
4. Unloading Supervisor will get the material unloaded
5. After unloading of material unloading supervisor will do the counting of material
6. All damage material will be kept separately for moving the stock to Damage
7. Then UNs will acknowledge the receipt of material with all discrepancy and keep
one copy with him and second copy he will hand over to driver. UNs will also
mention the truck arrival date and time & Truck Return Date and Time on the
backside of LR Copy.
8. Then Unloading Supervisor will handover the documents to Computer Operator
for making GR of delivery. Computer Operator will do the GR in SAP (through
9. In ZINWARD window Computer Operator will provide Delivery No and Bill of
Lading of the vehicle recd at DEPOTS. After provide details Press Enter
Button, System will show all details of material recd under delivery.
10. After that CO will provide Truck Arrival and Return Date and Time. Then CO will
click on button for providing Manufacture Date of SKUs
(Manufacture Date will be GR Date).
11. After clicking Ok Button, System will active button. Click on Submit
button and confirm the GR of delivery by clicking on button shown in
dialogue box.
12. After doing GR in SAP stock will show under Storage Type 902 which we can
check from T Code LX02. In LX02 provide Warehouse Number as “599”,
Storage Type as “902” and GR Date as shown below;

13. After provide details then click on button for processing the report. System
will show the details of SKUs with bin allocations pending for inward lying in
unloading bay.

14. After checking the Stocks in 902, open T-Code ZDPS_PUTLIST. Provide the
Warehouse number, Storage Type and Source Storage bin(Multiple inputs can be
given), Please ensure first execution will be done with Simulation Run as shown

15. Press F8 and Execute it. This will give you the destination bin details and
quantity to be placed in the bins. Remaining Qty button is given to show the
quantity for which the bins are not available in the system.

With Simulation Run ticked– It is a test run where you can see all destination bins
with the quantity allocated and the remaining qty. This will not get updated in the

Without Simulation Run un-ticked – will update all the details in the system. You
cannot run it again for the same inputs once all the quantities are allocated to bins.

16. Now you can take the printout using Excel Download of details.
17. CO will hand over the print out (which will provide Zone/Section Wise SKU
Putaway details) of bin allocation of SKUs to Checking Supervisor for making
movement of the stock in warehouse
18. After stock will be moved to particular bins, checking supervisor will hand over
the document to Computer Operator.
19. CO will run the T Code “ZDPS_PUTAWAY” for creation and confirmation of
Transfer Orders.

F8 to Execute.

Press “Create TO & Confirm” button.

The output Displays the TO details which got created and confirmed to the bins

If TO details are not found then please press ERROR LOG button to get error details
for that line item/ bin.

5. IDTM Process

1. Create STO with ME21N T Code

2. Go to ZVL04 and create delivery as following in normal process
3. Use VL06P T code for checking the deliveries pending for picking
4. Open the delivery directly double clicking on delivery no or from T Code VL02N
5. Click on Go To =>> Header =>> Shipment and provide Bill of Lading No as shown

6. Then Save the delivery

7. Take Printout of OPD from ZSM11 (Normal Process)
8. Use T Code LT03 for making Transfer Orders for picking. Provide Warehouse
Number, Plant Code & Delivery Number as shown below;

9. Then press Enter. In Next Screen click on Stock Removal Background Button or
press F6 button. System will take Bins for picking of material as shown below;
Save it.

10. Take printout of the Stock Picking details from ZSM11N report. Provide
Depot/Plant Code, Document Number/Group Delivery Number, Delivery Date,
select OPD for WMS Depots and press F8 or Click on execute button

11. System will provide details of bins from where we have to pick the material. CO
will handover the document to Checking Supervisor for picking of material from

12. Once picking of material finished, Checking Supervisor will check the material
with picking documents i.e. (ZSM11N) to ensure that nothing is missed under
13. Then CS will hand over the picking document to CO and CO will confirm the TO
created against picking of material as shown in ZSM11N report (TO Number)
14. For Confirming TO, CO will use T Code ZDPS_TOCONFIRM, In
ZDPS_TOCONFIRM transaction CO will provide Warehouse Number and
Delivery Number/s and then click on execute as shown below;

15. In Next Screen, you will get the details of material picked with Bin and Delivery
Details. Click on Confirm TO Button as shown below;

16. Once all TO‟s confirmed go back to VL02N T Code.
17. In VL02N, click on Picking Tab and check the picking status if its Fully Picked
then do the PGI else check for the discrepancy as shown below;

18. After that use T Code ZVF01 for making STM as usual.

6. Invoice Process

1. Order will be punched at AWAAZ, then create delivery from ZVL04

2. After creating delivery, go to VL02N and Bill of Lading Number not reqd in case
of invoice and then save the delivery.
3. Use LT03 T Code for picking of material, same process will be followed as we
have used in case of STM
4. Take printout of OPD from ZSM11N
5. Confirmation of TO will be done with T Code ZDPS_TOCONFIRM after picking
of material
6. Check the picking status in VL02N if its fully picked then do the PGI
7. Raise Invoice with ZVF01 T Code

7. MRV Process

1. Create Order for MRV from VA01 T Code and then create delivery
2. After release of delivery, do the Post Goods Receipt against delivery
3. Raise CN in account.
4. Post that, check the 904 storage type in LX02, Provide Warehouse Number,
Storage Type as “904” and press F8. Following screen will be displayed

5. Note down the Storage Bin Number details.

6. Then Use ZDPS_PUTLIST T Code with simulation run and provide Warehouse
Number, Storage Type “904” and Storage Bin Number and Press F8. Following
details will be displayed;

7. It will provide details of Bins for movement of stock inside of warehouse. If any
stock not allocated to Bin then that we can check by clicking on Remaining Qty

8. CO will run the ZDPS_PUTLIST without simulation run and Download the table
in Excel File and take printout of the same. CO will handover the document to
CS for moving the stock from MRV Bay to Warehouse.
9. Once the Stock physically moved to the bins, CO will create and confirm the TO
with use of ZDPS_PUTAWAY T Code.
10. Once TO‟s will be created and confirmed stock will be moved to bins from 904.
11. Ensure that nothing will be pending in 904.

8. ICM Process

1. Create ICM in MIGO T Code with movement type 201 as we were doing in normal
2. After creation of ICM, note Material Document Number with you. 20001907
3. Use T Code LB10, provide Warehouse Number and Press Enter as shown below;

4. In Next Screen, select Destination 911 TR and click on TO in foreground as

shown below;

5. In next screen, click on stock removal foreground button. It will take you to
next screen where you have to provide Stor Unit Type “P1”, Storage bin number
from where you want to take the stock and press enter as shown below;

6. System will show the previous screen with source bin details. Click on Save
button. System will create the TO as shown below;

7. In next screen, system will show the TO number created. Note down the TO
number and go to LT12 for confirmation of the TO.
8. After confirming the TO, you can check the stock in bin from ZDPS_Stock or
LX02 T Code.
Important Note: - For making transfer postings like Regular to Damage & Damage
to Regular same process of ICM will be followed only Movement Types need to be
changed (343 & 344 instead of 201)

9. Branch Tinting Process

1. Passed tinting document with use of MF42, In MF42 provide Material Code, Pver
as “001”, Qty, Plant Code, storage location and then click on Post with correction
button as shown in below screen shot;

2. In next screen, provide storage location and then click on Save


3. After that check the 901 & 914 stock in LX02, system will create negative stock
in 914 for base and positive stock in 901 for colour as shown below;

4. Use LB10 transaction, provide warehouse no and press enter as shown below;

5. In next screen, select first line item with destination type 914. Then click on TO
in background button as shown in below screen;

6. System will show the TO created for the movement of stock. Note down the TO
7. Go to LT23 Transaction, In LT23 provide warehouse number, TO number and
click on execute button as shown below;

8. In next screen, click on button and
select . System will show the following picking
format for the base required for tinting;

9. Take printout of the same and handover to CS for picking of base for tinting
10. Once picking of all bases done, CS will handover the picking document to CO
11. CO will confirm the TO with use of LT12 T Code, In LT12 provide TO Number,
Warehouse Number and press enter

12. In next screen, click on save button to confirm the TO.

13. Once TO confirmed, go to LX02 transaction. 914 negative stock will be moved
14. Rest billing process of Shade prepared from tinting will remain same as we are
following in normal invoice process.

10. Transferring stock from WMS Location to Non WMS Location (921 Storage

IF stock in 1001 location i.e.in WMS and you want to move it into 2001 location which is
not defined in WMS.

Suppose we have to transfer SM Grey 12*1 Ltrs from 1001 to 2001. First we have to
identify the bins from which it has to be shifted.

Go to LX02 find the bins in which SM Grey is allocated in below screen it is in A0009.

Do MIGO with 12 Qty of SM Grey 1 Ltrs.

After doing MIGO go to LX 02 you find the negative qty of that SKU.

Go to Transaction LB10 and select the transfer requisition no. and click on TO

Click on Stock Removal in Background.

It will select the bin from which it is to be picked if only one bin is there for that SKU
in case of more than one bin you have to select the bins.

Click on Save to create the order it will display TO no. It is 180 in this case.

Go to LT12 and confirm the TO once material is removed from the bins. You can take
the print of the TO through LT23.

When you move some stock from Non WMS to WMS location like shifting stock 3001
to 1001. After doing MIGO (343) a positive entry will be created in 921 clear it also
through LB10. (Damage to Regular).

When you move stock from 1001 to 3001 location after doing MIGO(344) a negative
entry will be created in 921 clear it also through LB10.(Regular to Damage).

11. Transferring the Stock within WMS defined Locations(922).

There are two location defined in WMS 1001 & 2003 if you want to move the stock
from 1001 to 2003.

We have to transfer SM Grey 2 Tins from 1001 to 2003.

Do MIGO with movement type 311 SM Grey Quantity 2 Tins

Go to LX02 you will find the one positive entry and another negative entry with same
quantity in 922 storage type.

GO to LU04 Select the Transfer requisition no. and click on Create Trans. Order.

Select the storage type from which material is to be transferred and click on posting.

Entre the quantity against the Bin and click on process in foreground/background.

Give Destination storage type and press enter.

Click on for creation of TO.

Transfer Order will generate. In this it is 0000000226.

Go to LT12 and confirm the transfer order no.

12. Blocking/Unblocking the SKU
If you want to Block the SM Grey 2*1ltrs Tins from Bin No A00015. Before
movement LX02 has following stock

Do MIGO with 344 Movement Type. After that two entries will be created in
LX02 in 922 movement type one with positive qty and another negative qty.

Go to LU04 since it is posting change within in WMS defined locations for creation
of TO’s.

Give warehouse No. and press enter.

Select the TR and click on create transfer order

Select the storage type from which you want to block the quantity in our case
material is in two storage type 301 and 304(Both in fixed bins and open area) and
click on posting change.

If material is in two bins system will ask from which it has to be blocked if only
one bin it will automatically select that bin. Entre the quantity against the bins
and click on Process in foreground/Background.

Give destination storage type 304 and press enter.

(When we block/unblock the SKU destination storage type could be the same but
the storage bin could not be the same if we do that it will give the Mixed storage
not is allowed error.) For Ex if you want to block 10 Tins of A0001 bin and
storage type is 301 then destination storage type could 301 but bin no. should not
be the same either you have to block the qty in another empty bin or move it in
304 storage type. Similarly while unblocking SKU you can move it in 301 storage
type and bin A0001 or in 304 itself.

Then Click on for creation of TO.

TO no. is 000000223.

Take print out of TO through LT23 or LT31 and move the stock to the

Confirm the TO in LT12.

When we block the stock a positive entry is created in block and negative in
unrestricted location.

Reverse happen when we unblock the stock a negative entry in block and positive in
unrestricted location created.

In both movements 922 entries created in LX02 are to be cleared through LU04.

Ensure after doing MIGO LU04 is to be done immediately.

13. Blocking/Unblocking the Bins

Go to LS06 Transaction

Warehouse No. 504

Storage type 301

Bin No. A0001.

Do F8/Execute

Select the bin and click on Lock for blocking and for unblocking click the bin.

14. Process note for transferring SKU’s among Bins

A00001 Bins has 100 Pail of TSD White & C00007 has 2 Pail of TSD White. If
you want to transfer 2 Pail to A00001 from C00007

Go to Transaction – LT01

Give Warehouse No. 508 (Wazirpur)

Movement Type: 950(In House Movement of Stock)

Material Code: 00140908320

Quantity: 2 (in Tins, Pail, Drms)

Plant: 1508, Storage Location 1001.

Foreground/Background: Select System -Guided

Press Enter

Then See the requested quantity and unit of measure (Tins, Pail, Drms)

Give Storage Unit Type: P1

From: Storage Type 301/302 & Storage Bin C00007 (Giving reference of Bins
from which stock to be moved)

Destination: Storage Type 301/302 & Storage Bin A00001 (Giving reference of Bin
in which stock to be moved)
Press Enter you will get message check your entries

After checking Details press ENTER it gives you TO no.

Taking Printout of TO No.

Go to LT23

Enter TO no
Select Open TO

Give Date Range

Press F8

Go To Choose Select Depot Layout.

Take printout of TO and ask the staff to shift material. Once material shifted go to
transaction code

Confirming TO

Go to Transaction LT12 Enter TO No.

Press Enter

15. Extension of SKU in WMS

Login to APL MDM


1. Click on Warehouse Data Update

Next Screen

Enter Material Number: SKU that need to be added.

Stock Placement: Where material to be placed in warehouse. It would be either

Fix bins or open area. If Fix Bins then 301 and open then 304.

Storage Section: If Bin is allocated for that SKU section would be A,508 for 301
and if it is placed in open space then it would be D, 508 for 304.

Storage Unit type: It would be Warehouse No. & P1

Loading Equipment: The quantity that can be stored on pallet. In case depot put it
is 1200.

Click on Save to add it.

16. Stock Taking Process in WMS
1. LX15 – is the transaction code for creating PID.

Please enter the input as follows,

Press F8 to execute.

The following is the output.

Then Goto SM35 transaction code and select the session which is created.

Press Process button and select Background in the pop-up.

Press Process button there.

Then press Log button on the screen.

We will get this log.

Select the line and press display.

That gives the PID number (In this case it is 6).

Now go to transaction LX22 to activate and take print out.

Execute it.

Select the line and press Activate button to activate the PID.

PID activated. Go back and press print. Fill the details which is asked in the pop-up

Press Continue.

The print out is shown below.

Take the printout and fill it.

Then Go to LI11N transaction code.

Give the input details and press enter.

Then fill the counted quantity there for each bins.

Then save it.

Then go to LI20 transaction code.

Fill the details and press enter.

Do write off by pressing the Write off button.

If there are differences in the calculation then go to LI21 transaction code, enter the
following details and do write off.

17. Reports & T-Code

LX01 List of Empty Bins

LX02 Inventory List (Like MB52 IN IM)

LS24 like MMBE in IM

LX03 Bin Status Report

LX04 Capacity Used

LB10 List of TR’s

LT01 Creation of Transfer Order

LT12 Confirming Created TO’s

LT15 Deleting TO’s

ZSM11N Printing OPD

LU04 Selection of Posting Change

LI01N Creation Document

LI11N Enter The Count

LI13Display of Inventory Count

LI20 Clearing the Difference in WM

LS06 Bin Blocking

LS06 Unblocking Bins

LT22 Open & Confirmed To’s Storage Type & Bins Level.

LT23 Open & Confirmed TO’s

LT23 Printing TO’s

LT31 Printing TO’s

ZDPS_TOCONFIRM for Confirming TO




1. No Transfer Orders (TO) should be open for the warehouse. Please

confirm/cancel it after checking it in LT23 transaction. (Use /DEFAULT
layout in the report to see source and destination details)

2. No stock should lie in storage type’s which starts with char 9.

eg. 902,922,921,904,901,916. Check the stocks through LX02 transaction.

3. No open Posting Changes should be there in the warehouse. Please check it

in LU04 transaction. (This transaction clears the entries from 922 storage

4. No open Transfer Requests (TR) should be there in the warehouse. Please

check the same in LB10 transaction. (This transaction clears the entries
from 921 and 904 storage types)

5. Please extend the materials/SKU’s through Egloo to the warehouse in case

you get any of the following errors,
a. Material XXXX not defined in the system
b. Material XXXX does not exist in the warehouse YYY

6. Please check the quantity in the total capacity column in ZDPS_BINALLOC

transaction. Make sure that it is maintained properly with the WM unit.
Don’t maintain any SKU’s for 304 storage type in the table.

7. While stock taking please complete doing LI20 and LI21 transactions. If
LI21 is not executed, then the stocks will not be visible in MM level.

8. Pleases check ZWM_VAR transaction for variance report and PID status.

1. What is TO?

Transfer Order: Document used for executing goods movements in warehouse. It

contains the following information: Physical movement of goods within warehouse,
out of warehouse, from one storage location to other storage location, from one
bin to another (What should be moved, quantity to be moved and from where
storage bin to whereto destination bin.)

Source document for TO’s are following:

-Delivery Document

-Transfer Requirements.

-Material Documents.

-Posting Change.

2. On Confirmation of TO’s (LT12).

When you confirm the TO’s you are informing the system that goods have been
arrived at intended destination.

3. What are open transfer orders?

These are the TO’s which has not been confirmed and open for execution. LT23
shows the open TO’s.

4. Why LX02 shows zero qty?

Some TO’s had created but not confirmed. Confirmed it through LT12.

5. What is TR?

Transfer requirements are the documents self generated by system and form the
basis for creation of TO’ to carry out physical movement of goods. TR’s are
created by system you do

-Blocking/Unblocking SKU’s (LU04)

-Location movement within WMS defined location for ex. transferring stock from
1001 to 2003 (LU04)

-Creation of ICM (LB10)

-Transfer stock from WMS defined location to non WMS location ex. Regular to
Damage or transferring Damage to Regular (LB10)

When you do such type of movements create TO in LB10 or LU04 for Posting

6. What is Putaway in the Background?

System automatically finds the storage bins.

7. What is Putaway in the Foreground?

You have to give the storage bins for movement of goods.

8. How to reallocate the Bins?

Suppose Bin A00016 is already allocated to SKU 00140908320 and you want to
re-allocate it to Classic White. Check the stock in A00016 bin in ZDPS_STOCK if
it is zero then go to ZDPS_BINALLOC. Give plant code and bin no. F8/execute.
Click on Display/Edit, then enter the SKU and total capacity, Weight Unit (Pail,
Drums, Cartons and Bag) Storage Section would be A for 301, B for 302 and C
for 303. Use LT01 for transferring quantity.

If there is any quantity in that bin first move the quantity to other bin which has
same SKU or open location then allocate it to other SKU. Otherwise conflict will
arise between LX02,ZDPS_Binalloc & ZDPS_Stock.

9. What is Stock Placement and Stock removal for Storage Type?

When we define a SKU under 301 Storage Type for stock placement, stock
removal would also be 301 and when defined a SKU under 304 stock placement
stock removal would also be 304.

10. How to Create Collective TO’s for Group Delivery No.

Go to VL06P give shipping point, Group Delivery No and click on Create TO in


System will create for all deliveries and take print out from ZMS11N.

11. How to Print the TO?

Go to LT23 give TO No and F8/execute.

Click on Choose and select depot layout.

Take Print out.

12. Dimension of Tints, cartons, pails and drums.


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