Lesson Plan For Science 7 - Bacteria
Lesson Plan For Science 7 - Bacteria
Lesson Plan For Science 7 - Bacteria
I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Identify major bacterial characterisitics.
b. Describe how bacteria are classified.
III. Procedure:
For the teacher For the students
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
“Okay class please stand up for the prayer”
(Call one pupil to lead the prayer) - Dear God…. Amen
2. Greetings
“Good morning class”
- Good morning teacher Aster, good
morning classmates, good morning
3. Checking of Attendance
“Say present when your name is called.” - Present
What is archaebacteria ?
- Is the oldest living organism on earth.
- They are the type of single- cell
organism which are so different from
other modern life forms.
What is Eubacteria?
- All just called “Bacteria”, they are
prokaryotic , meaning their cells do
not have defined, membrane –
What is a prokaryotic cell? limited nuclei.
B. Motivation
a. Bacillus
b. Coccus
c. Spirillum
d. Vibrio
e. Spirochete
C. Lesson Proper
I. Pre-lab
- Shape
II. Laboratory
- Coccus
- Spirillum
- Vibrio
e. Spiral bacteria
- Spirochete
D. Application
E. Conceptualization
(Oral Recitation: