Lesson Plan For Science 7 - Bacteria

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Lesson Plan for Science 7

Prepared by Aster May Silim

I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Identify major bacterial characterisitics.
b. Describe how bacteria are classified.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Characteristics of Bacteria
b. Reference: Science in Today’s World 7, by Dr.Eden Vela, Evangelista ; page 109.
c. Concepts:
a. Bacterial Size
i. Unit for measurement
b. Shapes
i. Bacillus
ii. Coccus
iii. Spirillum
iv. Vibrio
v. Spirochete
d. Science Process: Lecture, Picture Presentation and Activities
e. Materials: Visual Aids- pictures, whiteboard and marker, worksheets.

III. Procedure:
For the teacher For the students

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
“Okay class please stand up for the prayer”
(Call one pupil to lead the prayer) - Dear God…. Amen

2. Greetings
“Good morning class”
- Good morning teacher Aster, good
morning classmates, good morning
3. Checking of Attendance
“Say present when your name is called.” - Present

4. Ice Breaker/Action Song

Let the children lead the song they like.. - (Sing the song with the teacher)

5. Review - Yes teacher.

Do you still remember your lesson yesterday?

Your lesson yesterday was about Eubacteria and Achaebacteria.

What is archaebacteria ?
- Is the oldest living organism on earth.
- They are the type of single- cell
organism which are so different from
other modern life forms.
What is Eubacteria?
- All just called “Bacteria”, they are
prokaryotic , meaning their cells do
not have defined, membrane –
What is a prokaryotic cell? limited nuclei.

- It is a simple, single-celled organism

that lacks a nucleus , or any other
membrane-bound organelle .
What is eukaryotic cell?
- Is a cell that has a membrane –
bound nucleus and other
compartments or sacs.

B. Motivation

(The teacher will show the students the picture of the

different types of bacteria)

Question: What can you observe in the pictures?

a. Bacillus

b. Coccus
c. Spirillum

d. Vibrio

e. Spirochete

C. Lesson Proper

I. Pre-lab

Bacteria are the most successful organisms on the

planet. They lived on this planet for two billion years
before the first eukaryotes and, during that time,
evolved into millions of different species.

Size and Shape

Bacteria are so small that they can only be seen with
a microscope. When viewed under the microscope,
they have three distinct shapes.
- Size : Unit of the measurement

Micrometre, also called micron is the unit of

measurement to measure the thickness or diameter
of microscopic objects such as microorganisms.

Microscope –instrument used to see objects that are

too small to be seen in the naked eye.

- Shape

a. Bacillus - A bacillus (plural bacilli) or bacilliform

bacterium is a rod-shaped bacterium or
archaeon. Bacilli are found in many different taxonomic
groups of bacteria.
b. Coccus- A coccus is any bacterium or archaeon that has a
spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape.
c. Spirillum - a bacterium with a rigid spiral structure, found
in stagnant water and sometimes causing disease.

d. Vibrio- is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria, possessing

a curved-rod shape, several species of which can cause
foodborne infection, usually associated with eating
undercooked seafood. Typically found in salt water.

e. Spirochete- are gram-negative, motile, spiral bacteria,

characteristically found in a liquid environment (e.g.,
mud and water, blood and lymph).

II. Laboratory

(Let the students identify the picture shown by the


a. A rod shape bacteria

- Bacillus

b. round shape bacteria

- Coccus

c. Rigid spiral bacteria

- Spirillum

d. Curved rod shape with tail bacteria

- Vibrio

e. Spiral bacteria
- Spirochete

III. Post Laboratory

Name the three basic shapes of the bacteria in the

picture to the right
a. Coccus
b. Bacillus
c. spirochete

D. Application

“Get 1 whole sheet of paper and draw the 5 shapes of

bacteria, present your work to the class- 5 minutes”

E. Conceptualization

(Oral Recitation:

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