Assignment7 Group2
Assignment7 Group2
Assignment7 Group2
Foundation of Mathematics
Lecturer :
By :
By following the rules of inferences, we can prove the validity of the argument. The trick
is to take the premise to form arguments and create further conclusions. Then, this advanced
conclusion can be used as material to make further conclusions until getting the final result.
3) Simplification
In the form of a symbol of being:
p v q: "He studies very hard and he is the best boy in the class",
4) Conjunction
In the form of a symbol of being:
∴ "He studies very hard and he is the best boy in the class
9) Addition (Add)
∴p v q
p: Let P be the proposition, “He studies very hard” is true
∴p v q: "Either he studies very hard Or he is a very bad student." Here Q is the
proposition “he is a very bad student”.
2. Rule of Replacement
In equivalence talks, we already know that the two statements are mentioned equivalent if
it has the same truth value. Then if partial or the whole of a compound statement exchanged with
another statement which is logically equivalent, then the truth value of the new compound
statement it will be the same as the truth value of the original compound statement. This rule the
so-called exchange rules.
~ (p ∧ q) ≡ ~ p ∨ ~ q
~ (p ∨ q) ≡ ~ p ∧ ~ q
2. Commutative (Comm)
p∧ q ≡ q ∧ p
p∨ q ≡ q ∨ p
3. Associative (Ass)
(p∧ q) ∧r≡ p ∧ (q ∧ r)
(p∨ q) ∨r≡ p ∨ (q ∨ r)
4. Distributive (Distr)
p∧ (q ∨ r) ≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)
p∨ (q ∧ r) ≡ (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)
5. Double Negation (DN)
~ (~ p) ≡ p
6. Transposition (Trans)
p⇒ q ≡ ~ q ⇒ ~ p
p⇒ q ≡ ~ p ∨ q
p⇔ q ≡ (p ⇒ q) ∧ (q ⇒ p)
p⇔ q ≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ (~ p ∧ ~ q)
9. Export (Eksp)
(p∧ q) ⇒r≡ p ⇒ (q ⇒ r)
p≡ (p ∨ p)
p≡ (p ∧ p)
The statements above are mutually equivalent, one can replace one another to each other.
This means we can swap the left statement for the statementon the right and vice versa.
1. Arrange formal proof of the validity of the following argument
(p∨ q) ⇒ (r ∧ s)
The process of proving the validity of the arguments above is as follows:
1. (p∨ q) ⇒ (r ∧ s) Pr
2. ~ r Pr / ∴ ~ q
3. ~ r ∨ ~ s 2, Add
4. ~ (r ∧ s) 3, de M
5. ~ (p ∨ q) 1,4 MT
6. ~ p ∧ ~ q 5, de M
7. ~ q ∧ ~ p 6, Kom
8. ~ q 7, Simp