Peel Regional Police Pamphlet On Domestic Violence
Peel Regional Police Pamphlet On Domestic Violence
Peel Regional Police Pamphlet On Domestic Violence
Violence Intimate relationships include those between the opposite-sex and same-sex
partners. These vary in duration and legal formality and include current or
former dating, common-law and married couples.
This is an order of the court that may require the person named therein
not to molest, annoy or harass you and/or your children. Other conditions
may also be imposed. To obtain a restraining order, you should attend the
• Know who you can call in a crisis.
• During an argument, try to avoid areas where the abuser can easily get
weapons like the kitchen, garage, etc.
It is the policy of the Peel Regional Police to protect human life by vigorously A. Grenville and William Davis Courthouse, 7755 Hurontario Street,
Family and Intimate Partner Abuse • During an argument, try to move to a room where you can quickly and
investigating incidents of family and intimate partner violence and supporting Brampton. You may require the assistance of a lawyer in making your
Family and intimate partner violence is any use of physical or sexual force, easily get to an exit.
victims through a co-ordinated community response designed to improve the application. If a restraining order is issued, ensure you carry a copy of it
actual or threatened, including emotional/psychological abuse or harassing with you at all times. If the order is breached, report the breach to the • If you need to leave your home or workplace, know the best escape
quality of life.
behaviour towards a family member by another family member. It can also police immediately. routes and practice your emergency exit plans.
include threats to harm children, other family members, pets and property. • If possible, leave the home or call the police before any violence starts.
Peace Bond • Try to make a temporary ‘safe area’ in your home that you and your
This is a court order that requires the person named therein to keep the children can go to when you feel threatened and cannot leave.
Police Officer Information What Happens If the Police Become Involved
peace and obey specific conditions. If you fear that another person will • Create a code word or a signal with your children and neighbours to
• Police will respond to the call for service. cause personal injury to you or your children or damage your property call the police if you need help.
• Police officers will conduct a thorough investigation. or will publish an intimate image without your consent, you can apply
• Tell trusted neighbours about the abuse and ask them to call the police
for a peace bond.
• If you require to go to a place of safety, a police officer will assist you. if they hear a disturbance.
Name / Badge On a scheduled court date, you will be able to tell the Judge what happened.
• If you have suffered an injury, photographs of the injury will be taken • Think about where you can go if you need to leave. These places should
The other named party will be served with a summons to attend court and
with your consent. be safe locations where you and your children can go in a crisis.
a hearing will take place in the presence of the person against whom you
• You will be asked to provide a statement about the incident. wish the peace bond issued. • Keep spare home and car keys with you or in a safe place at all times.
Name / Badge • If possible, try to save and keep cash available for emergency housing
• If the officer had reasonable grounds to believe a criminal offence has If the Justice or Judge believes that you have reasonable grounds for your
occurred in an intimate relationship, the accused will be arrested. fear, the other person may be ordered to keep the peace and be of good and other needs. This is very important if you lose or do not have access
behaviour for up to one (1) year. Other conditions can also be imposed for to credit or bank cards.
• Following the arrest, the accused may be released unconditionally
Occurrence # the duration of the peace bond. • If possible, keep copies of, and take with you, your important papers
or charged.
such as birth certificates, driver’s licences, insurance information, bank
• Following a charge, the accused will be released with conditions or held
Child Custody accounts, school and health records, passports, immigration documents,
in custody pending a bail hearing.
Date mortgage or lease papers, divorce or other court documents etc., and
• Once a charge has been laid, the Crown Attorney decides how it will • Keep a current copy of your custody order for police to review.
keep them in a safe place.
proceed. Neither the police nor the victim can withdraw the charges. • Unless stated in the order, police do not have the authority to enforce
• Keep detailed notes of domestic abuse related incidents. This is especially
visitation orders unless it’s deemed a child is in need of protection.
• When a charge has been laid, the case will be prosecuted by a lawyer important in cases of criminal harassment. Keep such notes hidden.
Non-Emergency 905-453-3311 from the Crown Attorney’s office at no cost to the victim. • Police will assist in keeping the peace in custody disputes and may • Visit
Emergency 9-1-1 • If the case proceeds to trial, you will be required to attend court and recommend parties return to family court or seek guidance from a
asked to give evidence. family law lawyer.
PRP769 Aug/19
Victim Assisting Chantel’s Place Victim Services of Peel Personal Safety Plan
Agencies Trillium Health Partners – Mississauga Hospital Site
905-848-7580 Ext. 2548
A detailed safety plan is important and available from community agencies
If you or someone you know may be the victim of family or intimate partner Victim Services of Peel offers crisis intervention, counselling, information, such as Victim Services of Peel, which has safety plans in many languages.
violence, call 9-1-1 if the threat is present/immediate, otherwise contact our Trillium Health Partners operates the regional program for the medical resources and referrals that support people victimized by crime or tragedy.
treatment of adults 16 years of age or older who have incurred physical Services are based upon the principles of empowerment and prevention
non-emergency line or one of the agencies listed in this brochure.
injuries as a result of domestic violence. A person may access service through education and advocacy.
Victim Witness Assistance Program
through the Emergency Department 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Ministry of the Attorney General
Crisis Intervention/Short-Term Counselling Program 905-456-4797
Chantel’s Place is home to the regional program for survivors of domestic • Available 24 / 7 / 365 to meet the needs of residents and organizations
violence and/or sexual assault. It provides the necessary medical, in Brampton and Mississauga.
forensic and/or emotional care and support of persons who recently The Victim Witness Assistance Program provides information, support and
• Outreach initiated after receipt of police reports or through self/ assistance to victims and witnesses of crime to increase their understanding
have been sexually assaulted and/or incurred physical injuries as a result
community service referrals. of, and participation in, the criminal court process.
of domestic violence.
• Crisis counselling by telephone or at the scene.
Accessing 24 hour/7 days a week service is through the Emergency Services are provided on a priority basis to the most vulnerable victims
Department at the Mississauga Hospital site. Reach and witnesses of violent crime, such as domestic violence, sexual assault,
• Resources on community services and self-help literature that addresses homicide and hate crime. Families of traffic fatality victims are also eligible.
A process of assessment, treatment, documentation (photographing
Cycle of injuries may be included), safety planning and referral is undertaken by a the needs of people victimized by crimes and tragedies. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court
case is completed. Services include:
Abuse specially trained nurse in the safety and security of a private unit separate • Resource packages that include community agencies’ brochures, self-help
from the Emergency Department called Chantel’s Place. guides, tip sheets, etc. are sent via mail or office pick-up. • Information regarding the criminal justice system.
• Crisis intervention.
S.A.F.E. Program (South Asian Family Enrichment)
The Safe Centre of Peel • Specially-trained South Asian mentors work intensively to restore safety
• Emotional support.
905-450-4650 and ensure the well being of women, children and men. • Case specific information (court dates, bail conditions).
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Court preparation and orientation information. Transitional and Housing Support Program
• Needs assessment & referrals to community agencies.
• Provides transitional and housing support and services for women victims
Established in 2011, The Safe Centre of Peel (SCoP) is a partnership of • Information about victim impact statements and criminal injuries
and their children. The program helps women maintain safety, transition
many agencies providing single location services that are coordinated, compensation.
You are not alone. into violence-free lives, find housing and community support.
responsive, and accessible to those who have experienced abuse and
With help you can break the cycle of abuse. • Advocacy.
violence. All services at the centre are free and childminding is available Victim Assistance/Bail Court Support & Advocacy
while accessing services. • Serving people who are involved within a judicial process after being
Onsite partner agencies include Victim Services of Peel, Indus Community victimized by a crime. Peel Regional Police • 905-453-3311
Non-Emergency 905-453-3311 Services, Catholic Family Services Peel Dufferin, Catholic Crosscultural • Outreach provides information about the criminal and family court 7150 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario L5N 8M5
Emergency 9-1-1 Services, North Peel & Dufferin Community Legal Services, Legal Aid Ontario, systems. Relaying of information to the Office of the Crown Attorney,
and Peel Children’s Aid Society. advocacy, informing victims of the outcome of bail hearings.