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Study case, GPRS

Chapter 6

This chapter is designed to provide the student with an

understanding of how to make GPRS traffic planning with
TEMS CellPlanner.

Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able to:

• Define GPRS coding schemes

• Create GPRS best server arrays
• Define GPRS terminal types
• Make traffic analysis for both voice and data traffic.
GSM Cell Planning Workshop

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EN/LZT 123 1302 R3A

Study case GPRS

Study case, GPRS

Table of Contents

Topic Page

GENERAL .................................................................................................................... 49
TRAFFIC DATA ........................................................................................................... 50
TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION ........................................................................................... 50
CODING SCHEMES.................................................................................................... 51
OCCUPANCY FUNCTION .......................................................................................... 51
TERMINAL TYPES ...................................................................................................... 52
WWW DIMENSIONING GRAPHS............................................................................... 52
PRESENTATION OF GPRS STUDY CASE................................................................ 54

EN/LZT 123 1302 R3A –i–

GSM Cell Planning Workshop

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Study Case GPRS


The task is to create a new project called “GPRS” and

implement GPRS in the sites. You will first analyze the offered
throughput (kbps) with the existing TRX configuration, and then
you are to dimension the network for a throughput of 20 kbps.

You are to export 12 sites from the P2 area in your original

project and import these sites to the new project “GPRS”.
Before you import the sites in your “GPRS” project the following
have to be defined/imported: Propagation model, antennas.

You have to spread speech traffic in the area, perform

frequency planning and allocate frequencies before starting the
GPRS planning.

Main steps in the GPRS definition:

• You are to allocate GPRS service to all imported sites in the

phase 2 area (do not include the urban sites from the study
case phase 3). At this stage the operator is planning to
implement only “On-demands Packet Data Channels”. This
means that a certain (basic) GPRS capacity will be
available in the existing network, without adding any extra

• You have to define the relevant coding schemes to be used

in this phase. Use default values.

• You should also define the TS occupancy vs. number of

available timeslots table. Use default values.

• The next step is to define a terminal type for the GPRS

device that is to be used in the network. If you have multiple
devices with different capacity, you have to define one
Terminal type for each device.

• When all definitions are made, you can spread the speech
and GPRS traffic with the Raster Wizard and finally analyze
the traffic. You have to use the graph “Median throughput
versus offered WWWload” to determine the amount of
TRXs in the cells. The results are only valid for cases
where the average number of TS for GPRS is around 4
or larger.

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GSM Cell Planning Workshop

• The cells in your project then have to be updated with the

necessary number of TRXs to handle the GPRS traffic in
the area. Update the required number of TRXs in your site
database, perform new frequency planning and then apply
the plan. Create interference array and necessary GPRS

The same subscriber data and subscriber behavior as previous
phase can be assumed. It is assumed that GPRS busy hour
overlaps speech busy hour.

The speech traffic in the P2 area is stipulated to 300 Erlang.

The operator is planning for a number of 400 active GPRS

terminals in the phase 2 area. It is further expected that each
user will utilize GPRS three times during busy hour and
download 4000 Kb per session.

The operator is planning to offer a median throughput of 20

kbps in the phase 2 area.

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Study Case GPRS

At this stage only Coding Scheme 1 and 2 will be available for
the phase 2 sites.

Throughput per channel



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

C/I [dB]

Fig. 1

In TCP define the “average data throughput per TS versus

average C/I” for CS-1 and CS-2 using data in the figure.

In TCP define the “default set of timeslot occupancy vs number
of available timeslots” for timeslots 1 to 48.

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GSM Cell Planning Workshop

Create a new Terminal Type called Terminaltype_1 for speech
with the following clutter weight data:

Urban: 10
Village: 7
Suburban: 5
Half open: 3
Pine Forest:1

It is expected to be only GPRS 4-slot mobiles in the phase 2 area.

Create a new Terminal Types called GPRS_4 for packet switched data
with the following clutter weight data:
Urban 10
Village 7
Suburban 6
Half open 3


This section includes simulation results to be used in the
dimensioning. The graph shows http object throughput versus
offered WWW load (kbps/pdch).

The results are only valid for cases where the average number
of PDCHs is around 4 or larger

Figure 2 shows the downlink http object throughput for 4-slot

mobiles using CS2.

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Study Case GPRS

The throughput is measured as the median throughput, which

means that 50% of the http objects have a throughput larger
than this value (or that 50% of http objects have a throughput
smaller than this value). Figure 2 can be used for both on-
demand and dedicated PDCHs since the use of on-demand or
dedicated PDCHs does not affect the median throughput.

Fig. 2

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GSM Cell Planning Workshop


The presentation should contain the following:

• A verbal description of the proposal.

• GPRS Indoor Coverage (%)
• % of cells offering a median throughput of 20 kbps (before
adding any TRXs)
• C/I worst interference array >12dB (%) before GPRS
• C/I worst interference array >12dB (%) after adding TRXs
for GPRS
• Additional no. of TRXs after implementing GPRS

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