Ap7202-Asic and Fpga
Ap7202-Asic and Fpga
Ap7202-Asic and Fpga
Prepared By
Assistant Professor (S. G)
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
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1. Differentiate between the standard cell based ASICs and full custom ASIC.
2. Differentiate the devices PAL, PLA and FPGA.
3. List the important features of Gate Array –Based ASIC.
4. What is the advantage of λ based design rule
5. Draw block diagram of the PLA.
6. List the advantages and disadvantages of ASIC.
7. How the standard cell is classified?
8. What is the impact of Moore’s Law on the Semiconductor Industry?
9. Give the different types of ASIC Design Methodology.
10. Give some of the important CAD tools.
11. Differentiate between channeled & channel less gate array.
12. Differentiate between FPGA and CPLD
13. What are the different methods of programming of PALs?
14. What are the different levels of design abstraction at physical design?
15. What are macros?
16. What is Programmable Interconnects?
17. Compare Antifuse, SRAM, EPROM and EEPROM technologies with respect to
erasing mechanism.
18. How granularity of logic block influences the performance of an FPGA?
19. What is the difference between EEPROM and UVPROM technology?
20. What are several factors to improve propagation delay of standard cell?
1. a). Explain the ASIC design flow and development flow, Give design of standard cell
three input NAND gate and respective layout diagram.
a) Write about design methodologies and design tools used for ASIC’s design rules.
2. (a) Explain the internal structure of CPLD. How the output is considered to be the
registered output?
(b). Discuss the different types of programming technology used in FPGA design.
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3. (a). What is the function of LUT in FPGA? Implement the logic function: F = X1X2 +
X’2X3 in an FPGA.(10)
(b). Write short notes on CAD tools for ASIC construction, power dissipation in
ASIC, Xilinx IO block in programmable ASIC.
4. (a). What is an ASIC? Explain different types of ASIC’s.
(b). Discuss about multistage cell.
5. (a). Explain the ASIC design flow with a neat diagram and write the difference
between custom IC and standard IC?
b) Explain in detail about PLA and PAL devices.
6. Explain the performance & characteristics for the following design styles.
a) Standard cells.
b) Cell based ASIC.
7. a). Discuss the different types of I/O cells used in programmable ASIC’s
b). What is an Antifuse, with diagram explain metal-metal Antifuse.
8. a). Differentiate between the standard cell based ASIC’s and gate array based ASIC.
b). What is PLA. With a diagram explain a 4 × 3 PLA with six product terms with the
help of diagram; explain the working of PAL devices with characteristics.
9. a). Explain in detail the internal organization of ROM.
b). Explain in detail about EPROM and EEPROM technology.
10. a). Explain in details how an EPROM can be used to realize a sequential circuit.
b). Why SRAM based FPGAs are popular when compared to other types? Explain?
1. Analyze the sequence of logic design and physical design steps to design an ASIC
with suitable RTL netlist.
2. Implement the following function using Programmable Logic Array devices
X = AB’D+A’C’+BC+C’D’
Y = A’C’+AC+C’D’
Z = CD+A’C’+AB’D
a) Indicate the connections that will be made to program the PLA to implement
these functions.
b) Specify the truth table for a ROM which realizes these same functions
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1. What are the goals and objectives of system partitioning?
2. What is meant net cutset and edge cutset?
3. Define channel density and Elmore’s delay.
4. What are the different algorithms used for system partitioning?
5. Write some of the iterative partitioning algorithms?
6. What is meant by group migration?
7. What is meant by timing constraints and power constraints?
8. Write the goals and objectives of floor planning?
9. Write the goals and objectives of placement?
10. What is meant by rectilinear routing?
11. Define MRST and EDIF.
12. Write some of the placement algorithm?
13. Define Hooke’s law.
14. Write the abbreviations of SDF, PDEF, LEF, RSPF, PEF and DSPF.
15. What is meant by global routing and detailed routing?
16. Goals and objectives of Global routing?
17. Define the terms Circuit extraction and Back annotation.
18. What are the different design checks used in ASIC?
19. What is Timing Driven Placement and Timing Driven Routing
20. Suppose the minimum spacing between pad centers is W mil (1 mil =10-3 inch), there
are N I/O pads on a chip, and the die area (assume a square die) is A mil2. Derive a
relationship between W, N, and A that corresponds to the point at which the die
changes from being pad-limited to core-limited
1. a) Explain SDF (Standard Delay Format) back annotation/ SPEF (Standard Parasitic
Exchange Format) timing correlation flow.
b) How is scan DEF (Design Exchange Format) generated?
2. a) Explain about goals and objectives of floor planning.
b) What are the various placement algorithms in ASIC design? Explain in brief any
one of them.
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3. a) Write pseudo code for simulated annealing method used for portioning and explain
b) List the various partitioning methods in ASIC design. Explain in detail about
Kernighan-Lin algorithm.
4. a) Explain the goals and objectives of floor planning and placement with an example.
b) Write notes on any two of the Routing Mechanisms.
5. a) What are the various partitioning methods in design? Explain in brief any one of
b) Explain in detail about global routing mechanism.
6. a) Write pseudo code for force directed placement algorithm and explain with an
b) Write note on H-tree based and MMM algorithm for clock routing
7. What are the goals and objectives of system portioning? Explain any one algorithm
for partitioning.
b) Distinguish between global routing and detailed routing.
8. a) State the goals and objectives of placement. Explain any one placement algorithm.
b) Write short notes on Standard Parasitic Extended Format (SPEF)
9. Write short notes on the following terms
a. Design Rule Checks (DRC)
b. Electrical Rules Checks (ERC)
c. Layout versus Schematic (LVS)
10. a) Explain in detail how interconnect delay model is estimated
b) Explain in detail about Circuit extraction and measurement of delays
1. Draw the network graph for the following connectivity matrix
(i) Draw the partitioned network graph for C with nodes 1-5 in partition A and
nodes 6-10 in partition B. what is the cut weight?
(ii) Improve the initial partitioning using the K-L algorithm. Show the gains at
each stage. What problems did you find in the following the algorithm and
how do you resolve them.
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2. (a) For the network graph shown in below figure, draw the following trees and
calculate their Manhattan lengths.
(b) Evaluate the Elmore Constant for node V1, V2 and V4 to estimate the
interconnect delay for the circuit shown in below figure, neglecting the pull down
resistance Rpd and comment on your answers.
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8. Define IDDQ Testing
9. What is ATPG and Why?
10. State the difference between the logic synthesis and simulation.
11. What is PODEM Algorithm?
12. Explain Fault coverage and Test coverage.
13. What is Built-in Self-Test (BIST)?
14. What do you understand by the term ‘Half Gate ASIC’?
15. What are MTBF and MTTF?
16. Define the term controllability and observability
17. Define the term LFSR and BIST.
18. What is the difference between Procedural blocking and Non-blocking Assignments?
19. What is the difference between a gate instantiation and a module instantiation?
20. Difference between Procedural and Continuous assignment
1. a) What do you mean by high level synthesis? What are the general steps in high level
b) Explain in detail about design flow of the Halfgate ASIC.
2. a) Explain in detail about PODEM algorithm with neat diagram
b) Explain in detail about Delay and timing controls.
3. a) Explain in detail about the EDIF representation with neat diagram
b) Explain in detail about the different types of fault models with neat diagram
4. a) Explain the different types of fault simulation with neat diagram
b) Explain in detail about ATPG algorithm using test vectors with neat diagram
5. Write about:
(a) Verilog and logic synthesis.
(b) VHDL and logic synthesis.
(c) Scan design testing.
6. a) Give a brief description of binary decision diagram in the context of logic level
b) Explain in detail about various pre-layout and post-layout simulation Technique
7. a) Distinguish between dynamic and static timing analysis.
b) Explain how interconnect delay is estimated.
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8. Write short notes on:
(a) Low level design languages
(b) CFI design representation.
9. Write about the following:
(a) Global routing.
(b) Special routing.
(c) High level synthesis.
10. a) Define simulation and synthesis. Explain in detail about various simulation
techniques used in FPGA design.
b) Explain about Boundary scan Architecture design and its Routing.
1. Draw the circuits for Pi and Gi needed for a 4-bit Carry Look-Ahead Adder and write
a Verilog HDL code for 4-Bit CLA using data flow model. Analyze this model using
a test bench.
2. Analyze the problem of reconvergent fanout for the following figure and allows
multipath sensitization with the help of PODEM Algorithm. List Advanced ATPG
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6. Define the terms connectivity matrix, and PIP’s.
7. Write some points about Actel Act interconnect architecture?
8. Define segmented channel routing?
9. Distinguish between Altera 5000 and 7000.
10. Give the XILINX Configurable Logic Block
11. What is meant by BIDA?
12. Write some points about Xilinx EPLD architecture?
13. Differentiate between Altera MAX 9000 and Altera FLEX interconnects architecture?
14. Define OEM?
15. Write File types used by the Actel Design Software?
16. Compare between Xilinx LCA, Actel Act and Altera MAX architecture?
17. Compare Schematic entry and Logic synthesis
18. Differentiate fine-grain and coarse grain.
19. Write the components present in the schematic library?
20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of FPGA compared to ASIC?
1. a) Explain in brief about FPGA based system design? And explain one time
programmable (OTP) based FPGA?
b) Explain the basic logic programming elements of the FPGA with a suitable
2. a) Why SRAM based FPGAs are popular when compared to other types? Explain.
b) Design 3-bit shift register, and implement using Xilinx XC4000 FPGA.
3. a) Explain the ACTEL ACT1 logic module and explain how to implement the
following functions: (i) a 3 input NOR (ii) a half adder
b) Describe the salient features of Xilinx LCA interconnect architecture.
4. a) Draw the Spartan-II I/O structure and explain its operation.
b) Explain the 2-input SRAM based LUT operation with the help of a suitable
5. a) Write short note on Apex and Cyclone FPGA’s.
b) How FPGA placement and routing is different from ASIC placement and routing
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6. a) Explain configurable logic block and Programmable routing matrix of Xilinx XC
4000 FPGA.
b) How sequential circuit is implemented in Altera Flex 8000 FPGA.
7. a) Give the general structure of FPGA. And list the different commercial FPGA
b) Explain the configurable logic block of Xilinx XC4000 FPGA.
8. Write short notes on the following:
a) Multiple clock domains c) Xilinx vertex II architecture
b) Routing architecture d) Test benches
9. a) Discuss in detail ASIC design approach using Xilinx based FPGA design tool.
b) Explain about the FLEX and FLEX10000 logic array block architecture with neat
10. a) With the help of neat sketches describe ALTERA’s MAX logic series.
c) Compare and list out the advantages of ALTERA’s logic 8000 with Xilinx XC
1. Evaluate the Programmable interconnect in a FPGA and analyze how programming
information is stored in Xilinx FPGA’s and Actel ACT FPGA’s.
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10. Identify the necessary skills needed to make a successful transition into embedded
software Development.
11. Defines a core test interface between an embedded core and the system chip
12. What are the advantages, disadvantages of SOC, and IP cores?
13. Name the division of SOC design flow by the structural RTL level.
14. Models and Methodology of Embedded System codesign
15. Hardware/Software codesign for application specific processor
16. Define Hardware/Software Codesign
17. List the hardware unit that must be present in the embedded systems.
18. What is CCD and list the advantages & disadvantages of CCD function
19. What is USB, USB 3.0 Bus Architecture and List the applications of USB.
20. What is Latency or Access time?
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b) Explain in detail about the SDRAM Read and write operation with Timing
9. a) Explain in detail about typical steps in codesign process.
b) Write a complete system for capturing, improving and storing digital images.
10. a) Explain in detail about modulator and demodulator principles.
b) Explain in detail about the Dual-bus architecture Super Speed USB
Communication Flow
1. Construct the conceptual architecture of Embedded Core-Based SOC, and analyze the
challenges of SOC Testing and Verification.
2. Analyze the Scan Protocol Behavior of Wrapper Register cell connections, and Compare
Waterfall vs. Spiral Design Flow
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