ClinicalStagesofHIVBiolixir Published2011
ClinicalStagesofHIVBiolixir Published2011
ClinicalStagesofHIVBiolixir Published2011
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A.T. Still University of Health Sciences, 800 W Jefferson Street, Kirksville, MO 63501, USA
uman Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) infection evolution of various myths. Some of these myths turned
is preceded by the development of Acquired out to increase the spread of HIV infections. Initially, it
Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is was noticed that these infections are associated with a
the last outcome of HIV infections. AIDS is a fatal and specific community following a unique lifestyle, which
terminal condition for HIV infected patients. AIDS is a was not approved by various religious faiths. Therefore,
stage when HIV-seropositive patients are presented with HIV/AIDS received unexpected attention from all the
various AIDS-related complications like opportunistic quarters, and lots of money was invested to identify the
infections and cancer. causative organism as well as a treatment for the same.
The first case of HIV infections was reported in 1981 Later on, in 1983, Luc Montagnier from Pasteur Institute,
among 5 gay men from Los Angeles, USA. Although Paris discovered the causative organism for the disease
at that time, neither HIV nor AIDS was a part of and named it as Lymph Adenopathy Virus (LAV). His
medical vocabulary, but these cases were reported findings were confirmed by Robert Gallo in 1984; Luc
with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP). This is a Montagnier was awarded Nobel Prize for his contribution
disease not commonly noticed among general population, and discovery of HIV in 2008. In literature various
but has been reported with higher incidences among names for HIV were found until 1998, when the final
immune-deficient individuals. Initially, these patients name of this causative organism was adopted as HIV by
were diagnosed with this rare disease PCP, which could international committee for taxonomy of viruses.
be due to their immune-deficient conditions. There was In general, we know that HIV is one virus, but in reality,
sudden increase in demand for the drug to treat PCP HIV is of two types, HIV-1 and HIV-2. Out of these
which was observed for the first time by drug-technician two, HIV-1 is more prevalent and progresses rapidly
Ms. Sandra Ford from Center for Disease Control and with fatal consequences while HIV-2 is slow progressing
Prevention, Atlanta, USA (CDC). Her observations raised and mostly confined to African continent. HIV is mostly
the alarm to look into this sudden increase of immuno- transmitted via body fluid like blood, semen, vaginal
deficiency disorders. Soon after the initial cases of PCP, fluid, breast milk, vaginal fluid, etc. The major means
world community noticed an increase in incidences of of HIV transmission is due to unprotected sex (vaginal,
AIDS as disease in all communities, among all age group oral or anal sex), blood transfusion, contaminated
and almost from all the corners of world. This kind of hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby
increase in numbers of HIV infections gave a sense of during pregnancy, child birth and breast feeding. As per
feeling that this infection is spreading like a wild fire. UNAIDS (2009) report, more than 34 million people are
The first case was reported by Michael Gottlieb in 1981 living with HIV infections out of which more than 2
in New England Journal of Medicine. million are children below the age of 16 years. Every
The most unfortunate part of this saga is that there was year almost 2 million people get new infections.
no medicine to treat these infections, which led to the HIV infects cells via CD4 receptors, that is the reason
it targets CD4 positive T-cells. For HIV infection, other
*Address for correspondence: co-receptors are also found to be important which are
Dr. Ashish S. Verma known as chemokine receptors. Apart from T-cells, HIV
Professor of Biotechnology is also known to infect other cells like monocytes. HIV
Amity Institute of Biotechnology is a retrovirus, therefore, its genetic information is carried
Amity University-Uttar Pradesh
by RNA rather than DNA. To convert RNA into DNA,
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finally integrates with the host cell’s genome. Integration This task was undertaken by Center for Disease Control
of the viral DNA (proviral DNA) to the host cell genome and Prevention, Atlanta, USA (CDC). They have given
initiates viral replication leading to production of new the first ever classification of various clinical conditions of
virion particles, which in turn infect new cells. In certain HIV seropositives in 1986, which has helped tremendously
cells, HIV remains latently infected for a long time, and for the clinical management of HIV patients and with
may become an active source of viral replication due to time, CDC keeps on revising this classification based on
some kind of activation, for which the exact mechanism better understanding of the clinical conditions as well
is not well known. as diagnostic data. Later on, World Health Organization
(WHO) also developed a new classification for HIV
Azidothymidine is the first medicine approved by Federal infection, which works as a global reference standard.
Drug Administration (FDA), USA to treat HIV infections. Although various other classification systems do exist
Later on various drugs have been developed for HIV in the literature, but the most acceptable and followed
treatment which blocks different stages of HIV replication. ones are classification of clinical conditions developed
There is no doubt that there is an unprecedented progress either by CDC or WHO. The classification systems
in anti-retroviral treatments for HIV, which has helped developed by CDC and WHO have the same purpose
tremendously to improve the morbidity and mortality and their core and soul is the same, but they cater the
among HIV seropositives. Due to the availability of need in different situations.
improved anti-retroviral drugs, a HIV seropositive can CDC has developed a classification system initially to
live more than 20 years post HIV-infections. Out of cater the need for a better understanding and developing
all these treatment strategies, a new treatment regimen strategies to control HIV infection in USA, USA being one
i.e., Highly Active Anti-retroviral Treatment (HAART) of the most resourceful countries of the world. Therefore,
is found to be very effective to reduce viral replication criteria for classification was based more on diagnostic
significantly. Still the fact is that HIV infection can be data i.e., CD4 counts and viral loads, as we know these
controlled only and cannot be cured. two are closely linked to each other. As matter of fact,
Since, HIV infection is usually fatal and HIV infected these two clinical parameters are inversely related to each
patients are found all across the globe, therefore, it was other. Undoubtedly, CDC system has certain important
very difficult to manage and understand the treatment end points which are very useful to understand, design
strategies for HIV infection, therefore, a need for and develop treatment regimen for HIV seropositives.
classification of HIV infection was realized. It is unfortunate that all the people who get HIV
infection do not live in resourceful settings like USA.
Need for Classification: AIDs has emerged as a new These patients neither have all the facility to monitor
disease with increasing number of victims day-by-day. the progression of disease with the help of expensive
With time, various diagnostic tests have been developed diagnostic tests nor even do they have access to all the
along with various drugs to treat HIV infections. expensive and effective drugs either to treat or control
Combination of drugs and diagnostic tests has helped HIV infections. As a matter of fact, a due consideration
to generate data both for clinical situations as well as was given by WHO to rescue these patients, who live
in laboratory conditions. Every clinician or groups of in less fortunate conditions, therefore WHO developed a
clinicians as well as laboratory scientists were interpreting classification system in 1990, which is based simply on
data to their best abilities to treat patients. This kind of the clinical signs and symptoms, although at some point
prevailing situation was realized as a major impediment of time, these cases have to undergo diagnostic tests too
for desired improvement to treat HIV patients. Non- for further confirmation. Some of these situations have
availability of coherent guidelines became a problem to been improved with the development of a new institution
monitor HIV surveillance, epidemiology, health status of known as UNAIDS, which works under the umbrella of
patients, designing new diagnostic tools, recommendation United Nations (UN).
of different diagnostic tests, recommendation of Staging and Classification System by WHO: The WHO
appropriate treatment strategies, maintenance of clinical clinical staging system for HIV/AIDS was developed in
data, consultation and advice from other clinician for 1990 and it has emphasized on clinical parameters as a
the same patients and for comparison of prevalence guide-line for clinical decision-making. The WHO system
from one geographical location to another. It was felt is very useful and has been widely used in resource
limited settings, where patients have access to limited
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is important to know that the data on CD4 levels is not tests are recommended to the patients who turn out to
a prerequisite to start antiretroviral therapy. It should be negative but have known history to be classified as
only be used with the consideration of clinical stages. In high-risk behavior.
2005, WHO revised its classification system for different Stage II: Asymptomatic Stage: Seroconversion stage is
clinical stages of HIV infections. WHO classification has followed by asymptomatic stage which lasts about ten
developed a 4 stage system and those are 1) Stage I, 2)
years. During this stage viral replication slows down but
Stage II, 3) Stage III, and 4) Stage IV. Description of
does not stop. In the peripheral blood HIV level drops
different stages has been given below (Table 1).
to very low levels, although, antibodies against HIV can
Table 1: Clinical Stages of HIV Infections: Common Signs and be detected in blood on regular basis. The CD4 T-cell
Symptoms counts are usually above 500 cells/mm3. Some patients
Stage Signs and symptoms also show CD4 T-cell count below 500 cells/mm3.
Stage I This phase can be further extended in HIV seropositives
Primary HIV infection Asymptomatic
(Seroconversion) Acute retroviral syndrome with the right choices of anti-retroviral treatments. In
CD4 >500 cells/mm3 the present time this stage can be prolonged even up to
Stage II
Asymptomatic Phase Moderate weight loss 20 years post HIV infection with the administration of
Recurrent respiratory tract infections improved anti-retroviral drugs. The main objective of
Herpes zoster
Angular cheilitis
any treatment strategy at this stage is to keep the viral
Recurrent oral ulcerations replication to minimal levels, so that immune-status
Papular pruritic eruptions deterioration can be minimized.
Seborrhoeic dermatitis
Fungal nail infections of fingers Stage III: Persistent Generalized Lymphoadenopathy:
CD4 >350-499 cells/mm3
Stage III There are usually no signs or symptoms present in this
Generalized Severe weight loss phase, however, there may be a persistent generalized
Lymphadenopathy Unexplained chronic diarrhoea lymphoadenopathy which lasts for 3 months or more
Unexplained persistent fever
Oral candidiasis at atime. It causes swollen nodes, which are usually
Oral hairy leukoplakia >1cm in diameter. The patient looks otherwise healthy,
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB)
Acute stomatitis, gingivitis or periodontitis non-specific adenopathy may persist, but lymph node
CD4 >200-349 cells/mm3 biopsy is not recommended as routine.
Stage IV
Symptomatic Phase HIV wasting syndrome Stage IV: Symptomatic Stage: Symptomatic HIV
Pneumocystis pneumonia infection is mainly presented with higher incidences of
Chronic herpes simplex infection
Oesophageal candidiasis various opportunistic infections and AIDS associated
Extrapulmonary TB cancers. This stage of HIV infection is often characterized
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Central nervous system toxoplasmosis with multi-system disease and infections which affects
HIV encephalopathy, etc. all body systems. A rapid decline in immune-status is
CD4 <200 cells/mm3 observed due to enhanced HIV replication leading to
(Adopted from WHO Guideline, 2005, rapid progression of various diseases. Some constitutional
symptoms like fever, malaise, etc. appear at this stage,
Stage I: Primary HIV Infection or Seroconversion: but they can be easily treated. At this stage it is difficult
Primary HIV infection also known as Acute HIV to control HIV replication. The choices for therapeutic
infection which occurs within 2-4 weeks after initial interventions for the improvement of health status of
exposure to HIV. During this phase large amounts of patients are either limited or not very useful. These
virus particles are being produced in the body and they symptoms are signs of terminal illness and require
are present in peripheral blood of the patients. At this counseling of the patient about the final outcome of
time our immune system responds to protect the host the disease rather than keeping patients in dark about
by producing antibodies against HIV as well as increase the outcome.
in cytotoxic T lymphocytes. This process is also known WHO and CDC have to keep updating their classification
as Seroconversion. At this stage the common symptoms for clinical stages of HIV infections, as time passes we
are mild influenza like symptoms e.g. fever, diarrhea, are noticing new clinical symptoms are emerging in long-
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sore throat, headaches, etc. >65% cases of HIV infection term HIV seropositives to name a few is neuroAIDS and
are presented with these symptoms. Diagnosis of this difference in spectrum of opportunistic infections from
stage is usually based on detection of HIV antigens or one geographical location to other due to prevalence of
anti-HIV antibodies in blood samples. Confirmatory entirely different microbes.
Biolixir, 2011, Volume 1: 29-31